I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 151919218075.jpg - (55.27KB, 711x711, photo_2016-09-06_19-47-49.jpg)
I just leave it here: http://doujinmusic.ru

This is a lossless (FLAC) doujin music library that you can listen on the fly with a browser or mobile device (Android, iOS).

The library is constantly updated, and you can add your own collections.
And of course the hunt for priority.

You can get into the library by receiving an invite in the telegram-channel @touhouchan
It's free.

We are glad to everyone who is interested.

Demo account:

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Sounds fun, I'm on!
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I really wish you didn't leave the subject field blank.

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File 12892650677.jpg - (197.31KB, 1024x1024, 126673104215.jpg)
Since there seems to have been an influx of newcomers lately, and their actions and behaviour has started to grate on the regular visitors of this site, once again Anon has risen in /blue/.

So, in order to help inform the newcomers of present and future, this thread will be a place for general board etiquette and other miscellaneous information to help the population as a whole. I apologize if there's any seemingly 'important' information I leave out at first, since I'm typing this off the top of my head.

Important Information

1) Emoticons are discouraged. Be they :(, or >.>, or ^_^, or even the dreaded xD, they are not required, and you will only be scorned and mocked for using them. You are able to post without them (I should hope), so if you absolutely must convey your emotional state, do so with words.

2) This is an imageboard for voting on, discussing and chatting about Touhou and Touhou fanfiction. *Actions* are not required, and are looked down upon. The only implied actions occurring in imageboard posts should be limited solely to story narrative and other creative writing ventures. Like emoticons, you will be mocked.

3) Posts made in the story boards, and in story threads, should try to stay on topic. Discussion related to events of the story are fine, and chatter about various other facets of related material to the story is acceptable as per author's judgment. Prolonged shitstorms over things not related to the story at all are naturally not acceptable, and will result in post deletions at best, and temp bans at worst. No one wants to see posts between two or more anons bitching at each other over nothing.

3a) Sometimes, arguments over various actions within the story context can spark up due to conflicts in personal interests and how votes made to cater to a particular taste might oppose others. While they can be unavoidable, it's preferred to keep them at a minimum. Everyone has their own tastes, and surely they can clash at times when opposing groups have two differing views on what should happen, and these prolonged arguments can derail threads, and even cause the writers to los
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The story list hasn't been updated since July... is that normal?

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File 151477091235.jpg - (247.99KB, 1000x1240, I feel like I'm under the table.jpg)
I feel like I'm under the table
Sick, so not in the mood for lengthy explanations. Sorry.

Anyways, as the previous year is over, I suppose I need to start the next with a "dammit not another contest".

Declare your resolution and keep to it as best you can. That's the name of the game. Sorry about being so late on starting it, but I woke up at the server's midnight, making me late by default.
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I resolve to post more stories on THP, beginning with continuing my (scrapped) short story posted here already of DCUP.

I want to at least get a good chunk into that before digging into something else.
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Super late, but my New Year's Resolution is to finally start writing here. I have a couple of ideas since a while but I've always postponed starting them.
I'll do it this time. For sure.
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Now that I'm starting to feel less contagious, I suppose it's time I make my own resolutions.

1: I want to finish No Such Thing as Ghosts.
2: I want to make good on the prizes for my recent contests. I've been far too lazy, and it's unacceptable, no matter what state my head was in overall.
3: I want to continue Eastern Tale and Dark Tidings after I finish NSTaG.
4: I want to start making contests again. I will put this on hold till I have doled out prizes for the last two, however.


I look forward to seeing what you write! I hope to see you succeed in your desire! It's a lot of work, but never a dull moment!

Well, unless you refresh every 5 minutes waiting for votes. But that is to be expected if you do that.

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File 148322890786.jpg - (201.38KB, 850x1202, Border of now and then.jpg)
Border of now and then
Yes, I know what you must be thinking, "Sona, why is the contest starting when the previous one only just started the voting phase?" Well, stop talking to yourself and listen up!

This isn't gonna be your typical contest! It'll be running year-long, and shall have no losers! While the general idea is New Year's resolutions, one can enter at any time. There are no rules, save that this one could technically be considered a writing contest. CYOAs, normal stories, you name it.

Basically, declare your resolutions here and try to keep them. I don't expect year-long participation, but so long as you never truly give up, no matter how you falter, you're the true winner!
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Thank you for that, by the way. I never would have dreamed in a million years someone would make fanart of anything I write.

More is always welcome.
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Overall, I felt I did well on my vague resolution to do contests. Time to start the 2018 thread, even if it's late. Just feel horrible, so ended up sleeping a lot. Sorry about that.


Good job on 1.5/4 of your resolutions!


I'm sure that those pictures made the author's days, so while not a success, you succeeded in something unrelated. Success is nice in any form.
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File 151480862026.png - (196.42KB, 647x878, yamame_grin.png)
>I'm sure that those pictures made the author's days
If >>15310 is who I presume they are, then I can confirm first-hand you are absolutely right. Caused me quite a bit of embarrassment by making me grin foolishly at my phone on a crowded train in one instance, but still made my day.

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File 15087801202.png - (797.65KB, 1054x1286, Hair gonna fall out.png)
Hair gonna fall out
The contest will run from November 1st at 00:01 to December 1st at 00:01. There will also be no extensions, so don't try.

The rules for participation are simple: Link to your story here, and link back to this thread from your story. I will admit that linking to it in your story is more to spread the word, but still. There is no restriction on names, as that would exempt pre-existing stories. I felt that this encourages more to write, as forced anonymity would effectively force one to interrupt their usual writing, defeating my entire hope for this contest.

It's that time again, folks! Now, I'm sure a couple of you have no idea what the subject of the contest is, but it's fairly simple: you write, and you write a lot. You write until you can't write anymore, and then you keep writing at that pace every day for a month. This month is the National Novel Writing Month, where you typically attempt to write a novel from scratch within a month's time.

The difficulty of translating the celebration to the site is why I decided to do this in a very particular way, as stated above.

Platinum: The story is freshly made, and 50k words or more by the end of the month; the standard combination.

Gold: The story is either 30 updates long or 30k words total.

Silver: The story is either 20 updates long or 20k words total.

Bronze: The story is either 10 updates long or 10k words total.
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File 151383083977.jpg - (177.87KB, 850x1146, the spider's spider hands.jpg)
the spider's spider hands
Start: >>/underground/15649
End: >>/underground/15746

4 1555
5 1986
8 1149
10 2637
12 1590
12+1 1009 (That this is your smallest post says a lot about general length.)
14 2663
15 1305
17 1941
18 2169
24 2510
25 1234 (Wow, talk about an oddly odd number!)
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File 151396974840.png - (161.40KB, 685x501, yamame_hug.png)
… Huh.
>While not the gold I was hoping I'd see from you, you still did quite well.
That’s the trick, isn’t it? To make it seem like you’re doing more than you are. Well, I probably could have hit that 30k if I hadn’t run into a spat of bad weather that absolutely incapacitated my brain for almost a full week. So yeah.
>Now, anyone I missed?
I don’t think there is, old boy. See you in a few months with the prizes. I don’t really feel my own entry was entirely fair, so I’ll happily cede my almost-silver-and-a-half-but-not-quite-there to the next best result.
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File 151399394776.jpg - (325.23KB, 600x800, ella ella ehh ehh.jpg)
ella ella ehh ehh

Well, actually, I was planning to give prizes out a bit more generously than just the two top winners. I just need time to consider how to go about it, and first need to make good on some things long overdue. ...Well, longer anyways.

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File 140399453260.jpg - (147.88KB, 850x726, Kyouko asking why you arent voting.jpg)
Kyouko asking why you arent voting
With all the very established threads and authors here on THP, sometimes it's hard for new blood to get their foot in the door. There's a lot of different boards, too, and it's easy for new stories to go unnoticed because of their location.

That said, this here is the thread for newbies to tell everyone about their story and why it's the best story ever and you should go read it!
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Elementals? Since when do they get a spotlight? Well as it so happens this MC is an Elementalist. Witness the experiences of an Elementalist try and not only control her powers, but watch others unravel her dark past. Other characters include the four elemental spirits of Aringoth accompanying MC and how and why they joined her in the first place.
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Looks like people forgot this was a thing. And no porn, too. Might as well pop this cherry, then.


You (yes, YOU) are a red(?)-blooded man of some description. You could be human, or maybe you're youkai. You might be a newbie, or you might be a pro. Either way, you're out for a bit of fun. The pull of the bright lights of the tengu soap street is too much to resist. A quick chat with the doorman at the Kiwi-no-Machiawasebasho is enough to get you past the entryway. Little do you know that that there's a surprise waiting for you. What will it take for you to enjoy yourself to the fullest? It's up to you to decide!
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Been a while since I was last here.


After today, China Grove will never be the same...

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File 151173077121.jpg - (10.04KB, 267x189, images.jpg)
I was scrolling around in the wiki, when I came across the archive of those threads from pooshlmer


One file was missing from there

Touhou Love Stories: Yuuka Good(?) End (zipped thread) (2011-03-26)

Would anyone happen to have it?

I was redirected here from /th/. I'm kinda new here, so if this breaches the rules somehow, please let me know..
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Says it was taken down for a ToS violation. I'd hazard a guess that it was the content? I personally don't, having entered the THP board system earlier this June. Perhaps you could get in touch with the author, if they are still contactable.

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File 15028275438.jpg - (230.37KB, 850x850, OHHGODNO.jpg)
Deadline for entries: September 16th at 00:01

Deadline for votes: October 1st, also at 00:01

If you need more time, request it in advance by at least an hour. Unless you get the entry in before I list the entries, it won't count.

Categories: SFW, NSFW and Newbie. However, be warned: if Newbie gets only one or two entries, it's getting lumped in with SFW for the sake of actually having something to compete against.

Now, I know I said I wasn't gonna start it, but that was out of respect for the contest itself. However, as nobody else is doing it, I suppose I have to. Sad, I know.

This contest is special, so I will not be dumping any of my glitter on it. There will be no theme, and there will be no special categories. Write what you want, but follow the rules from last year's contest on those I don't cover.

The only real deviation from the norm is that I intend to still give out prizes of free crappy art. Crapmissions, if you will. They will be bad, but I will put in more effort than you are likely to ask for. As such, please keep your requests reasonable, though if you really want something, don't be shy. I will try.
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Woot! I'm glad!!
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I am the recipient of that specific purpose and all I will say is Summerfield willl be tormenting me over the next year with this.
So yeah, you pulled it off perfectly, go fuck yourself, etc.
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I have stood sharp, silent vigil over that specific purpose for countless millennia, and all I will say is that your actions have doomed us all, mortal. To think, all the careful machinations of your planet's would-be savior undone by a single picture.

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File 14927030638.png - (390.63KB, 512x384, e0088742_21470551.png)

Reimu, Marisa, Aya, and Cirno as playable characters?

In other news, Cirno also got a tan. Summer needs an ice fairy as well.
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Anyone else refreshing sadpanda at the speed of light? The third day is usually when the first doujin comes out.
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The usual suspect has dumped a bunch of crap scans from that Chinese paysite, if that's your thing. Otherwise, few quality scans to be had as of yet.

One can only hope the actual good scanners get to replacing the chaff soon.
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Update: Barely any scans of anything decent still. Truly an abstract form of hell.

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File 149627530894.jpg - (404.36KB, 850x3400, Walk into the light.jpg)
Walk into the light
Yeah, I know. Odd name, right? Well, this contest is focused on picking any two games or written works' cast and slapping them together in some way. The only limit is that it has to be the first game they were in. So no picking SA or PoFV and getting a ton of characters. If you want Reimu, you need to be more highly responsive to prayers, if you get my drift.

The deadline will be July 1st at 00:01 site time. If you need more time, say so before the deadline.

As with the previous contest, there will be prizes. First place on a given category will earn you what amounts to crappy commission art. However, I do intend to give it my all, so long as the request is within reason. Ties will both earn a prize. In the event you don't request one, I'll draw something based on the story itself.

On that note, one prize remains unclaimed in the previous contest.

Categories are: SFW and NSFW. The flavor of the day is Best Pairing.
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File 150219218987.png - (1.12MB, 3000x3000, Will he ever wake.png)
Will he ever wake

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This is a digital image. All drawfagship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with rage, wanton destruction and character derailment, studded with crossovers, adorned with hanging rings of donut steel and encircled by bands of impatient voters. This object menaces with spikes of snark and fat jokes.

On the item is an image of Doyou Evenliftimus the Angry Marine and palm trees in glorious RGB. Doyou Evenliftimus is reclining in a hammock. Doyou Evenliftimus is flipping off in his sleep. The palm trees are bending under Doyou's immense weight. This artwork relates to the hiatus of FUCK GENSOKYO in the early spring of 2017.
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