I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 16272477803.jpg - (84.99KB, 724x1023, come on through.jpg)
come on through
Since the old thread that was stickied at one point is seemingly just gone, here's a shiny new one to be largely disused in favour of shitposting on the Discord for talking over neato ideas involving 2hus that could be put into prose.

I look forward to the odd newcomer excitedly posting their 2hu x [insert flavour-of-the-month game here] crossover idea. Or I guess folks could seriously discuss ideas, too. Whatever y'all want. Anyway, doors are wide open, so come on through.
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Odd newcomer here, swinging in hard with something that isn't 2hu x [insert flavor-of-the-month game here], this has been bouncing around in my head since I started playing touhou

Anon wakes up in the middle of a forest with amnesia. They realize they have with them a big binder chock-full of pages written in by their past self, who claims that Anon entirely intended to end up smack dab in the middle of this secret magic land, but is unable to disclose any real details for reasons they refuse to elaborate on. Looking through the pages reveals large swathes of blank space in what's written, as if chunks of text simply decided they never existed in the first place.
Anon, of course, wants to go home (wherever that may be), but the binder insists that there's something really important they have to do before they can.
Thus, Anon is forced to fend for themselves in Gensokyo with vague guidance from their past self as they try to, in no particular order:
A) Escape
B) Regain their memories
C) Do whatever the fuck it was they wanted to do before they got brain-wiped

But it'd sure be nice to figure out why Past Anon was so insistent on nobody finding out about the binder...
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Alright so check it...Gensokyo gets destroyed by some cataclysm at a specific point in time after MC awakens right? Only he doesn't die and instead gets sent back to that point in the past for whatever reason. Certain parts of the notebook are 'blank' because there are 'allies' close to him that either contribute to or cause the collapse and they have ways to see the notebook. His future selves found a way to hide these entries untill certain conditions are met. The story progresses through several iterations of MC ignorance, investigation, and strategic combat with the enemy until the inevitable doomsday(or death), at which point the voters can choose a new vague hint they can send back in time(let's make friends with Sanae, watch the stars on XX day, 9PM curfew DO NOT answer the door, ect...ect..). For added mystery, be sure to make MC a bit of an unreliable narrator, with some of the pre-loaded hints/ journal entries being true/false depending on other factors in the current run.
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Oh boy, just what we need, a few more uninspired babby's first fanfiction Anon drops into Gensokyo isekai stories that could be fitted into any franchise with the serial numbers filed off because the story itself isn't a product of the setting and the author doesn't even care that much about or understand the series they're writing for since they just want to wank over their newly minted OC that doesn't even fit into the setting, mmmmmm just love them, gimme more

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File 166024408829.jpg - (2.06MB, 1680x3320, cool as a.jpg)
cool as a
Man, it's a hot one
like seven inches from the mid-day sun

That's the sort of feeling everyone's having in Gensokyo right now. Is it the seasons acting up again? Are things on fire? Has Hell come to establish itself on the surface? Whatever's causing it, pretty much everywhere is hot and humid. That's why the theme for 2022's annual contest shall be a Red-Hot Day in Gensokyo.

Some of you may already be wondering what I'm on about, considering the customary yearly contests generally don't have themes. That's absolutely true in most cases, but in a (sort of) democratic process of discussion and exchange of ideas, it was decided that a narrowing of topics would help bring a bit of focus to potential entrants. Sure, there's the risk that some won't like the theme and not participate, but the flip-side is potentially having nobody participate because the range of potential subjects is too wide. After all, can you easily think up something contest-worthy off the top of your head? (Rhetorical question, do not answer.) Better to buck tradition and have slightly higher hopes of participation than be stubborn and probably get nothing, I think, anyway.

With that in mind, I think newbies and old-bies alike are on the same footing here. Thus, I'll go ahead and explicate everything:

* The theme of the contest is 'a hot day in Gensokyo'. As such, that should be the main topical focus of any entry. What that means is ultimately down to the entrant; it could be as much about a nuclear meltdown as 2hus cooling off by the river. Just keep it in mind when writing your piece.

* There is also a secondary (read: optional) theme of the colour red. Again, there is no set meaning as far as the sort of content that encompasses. There's also no pressure as far as its inclusion, so feel free to ignore the secondary theme if it doesn't fit your plans. That said, I will give extra kudos to
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>I deliberately chose to execute it in a way that would not give away that the fact that it I wrote it.
You got me there. I mainly suspected it was yours but there was room enough to second-guess myself.
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Dammit. I like to consider myself a big fan, but I was totally fooled.

>lack of character
Just to quibble, what I meant was in terms of distinctness. I'll be honest in that I didn't give any entry a particularly deep look-over, so I wasn't primed to appreciate any subtleties of your work. Basically, I took the most shallow route for judging things for lots of things I could — but will refrain from — whinge about. That's rather unfair to you and others, but it is what it is.
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>It was really gratifying to see someone comment on the metaphorical aspect of it.
You’re welcome. Well done.

Hello. To no one’s surprise, I authored the fishtits piece. The aim, aside from you being happy to see me, was to effect a more “generic” pornographic scene such as may be found in other fanfiction repositories, complete with, yes, repetition, crudeness, etc. – but, between a somewhat confounding theme (how would a Slav know what summer is…?), work and and being busy with the bun over in /shrine/, I couldn’t commit 100%. Well, at least it filled out the category. Was better than leaving it (at the time) empty. Too bad about the middling, stopgap quality.

On which note, combined with Mibya’s comment up above, damn, we really screwed the pooch this year on that, didn’t we? Guess those votes of no confidence were deserved after all. I’m going to have to think about breaking some promises (er, again) and maybe making up for it in some way…

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Whoops! Looks like the previous one is finally on autosage. Here's to another five years, I guess.

Let's not actually take five years, though it's most probable at this point.

Might as well take this opportunity to repeat my recommendation for From the Scarlet Moon Flows the Spring and add that Clever, Audacious, and Wise -- and most of Teruyo's stuff from the past couple of years, really -- is worth a read.
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Procurement Specialist?
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oh shit thats it thanks anon, gonna read it again
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Hey, i'm fairly new to touhou (and so, the board) and i just wanted to drop in a rec for the story that got me interested: [i]Scarlet Devil Project: Antinomy of a Devilish Vampire[/]

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File 165326200919.png - (36.56KB, 359x454, dbklz2s-6845aafb-2b46-4e91-8f01-38a6bc07d0ba.png)
It seems like many people on here are very much interested in bees and beekeeping (very much so). Why is this a thing?
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They pollinate plants, build neat structures, and make honey. What's not to like?
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Nice. I give it a 🅱️/🅱️.

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File 164572362883.jpg - (111.48KB, 850x478, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_torinari_dtvisu__sam.jpg)
(I'll start, here's an oneshot.)

Impossible Spellcard: The Musical.

Does anybody ever wonder if I have my reasons?
I’m not as weird as they say.
It’s funny how the world can change so much throughout the seasons.
And here I pretty much..staaaay the same!
Some might say that life is an Impossible Spellcard.
Trouble knocking at your door.
I can’t take it anymore!

It is my tragic duty….
To flip around society!
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What is blue?
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File 164572928265.jpg - (160.41KB, 750x368, FA0A5763-5E30-4E56-AE93-CD3B11B2F4D7.jpg)
gee I wonder
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I am a blind fish then, sorry for posting at the wrong spot.

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>>/blue/23156 brought up a pretty good idea, so let's give it a go and see how it works out.

This is the thread for all writers who want critique (despite the title, yes, real critique) hurled their way based off of their posted work. Put your name on, link your story, and wait for anon to roast. Easy peasy.

And since it'd be kind of silly to start off a thread without, y'know, contributing to its premise, I'll go ahead and offer my own work up for roasting. Sure, it's dead, but go ahead and roast away anyway: >>/youkai/28957
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Alright I looked at that forest story. The main criticism I can give is that the story is very meandering. When I was reading it, I got the feeling that things just sort of happen to Rumia instead of there being a central driving plot guiding Rumia. There used to be a central driving plot at the beginning, where a mysterious disembodied voice gave Rumia a mission to kill all the Anons and promised to guide Rumia on her adventure, but the voice just sort of vanished without explanation after Rumia killed the weird Alice goo monster and fell unconcious.

That's the other main criticism I have with this story. Characters and plot points have a nasty tendency to just sort of disappear from the story without warning. Take Wriggle for example. Wriggle ended up being killed by the Alice goo monster entirely offscreen, with no way for us to influence Wriggles fate. According to the Alice goo monster, it was entirely our fault that Wriggle died, even though the last thing we voted for prior to Wriggle's death was "lets try really hard to beat Wriggle to Marisa's house." Having the result of "lets race Wriggle" be "Wriggle is dead and its all your fault" seems like a rather extreme and unfairly unforeseeable consequence of our actions.

And Wriggle was one of the lucky ones, she actually got an explanation for her disappearance. Some characters don't even get that much. Like the Black Knight Anon that attacked us in Rinnosuke's shop. Rumia gets into a big fight with the knight, covers the area in darkness, and then the knight just sort of disappears. What happened to him, where did he go, what is he doing now? Who knows. He basically just fell out of the story with no explanation. A similar thing happened with the fairies Rumia met in the forest. Rumia attracts a horde of hundreds of fairies and runs to Reimu's shrine to escape them. Rumia spends maybe 10 minutes in the shrine and leaves with Shion through a window, and suddenly the fairies are gone, despite there being hundreds of fairies outside surrounding the shr
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I've read your criticism and firstly want to thank you for giving them. I'm sure it took some time to write all that and all of those are really good points that you're making.

Now I'm going to explain stuff as much as I can without making any sort of excuses for myself.

>Wriggle death.

That was going to happen anyway, you are absolutely not responsible for that outcome. It's simply something the thing said to make you feel even worse at what it thought was going to be your last moments for that extra juicy tears. The thing was blatantly a sadist and deserved to die. (And would be a nice thing to suddenly remember if you ever you yourself making someone suffer for the same reasons only to end up disgusted by how similar to it you're acting since I don't have the guts to make Rumia into a total monster regardless of how much she hypes herself up to be one).

Wriggle's revival is meant to be a main motivator to keep moving even if you decided to simply not listen to some voice in your head that told you to eat some yummy outsiders. There were multiple ways to achieve it and you're already found one of them so I have to praise you for that.

Heck, once that's achieved.

>Black Knight
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File 164360042020.jpg - (151.25KB, 850x1220, sample-783803668a7745b725c5b3a08b3eddc7.jpg)
You know what, I'll throw my story into the ring here. In particular, I'd like to know if there's anything in particular that works/doesn't work about my writing style, or any high/lowlights of note in the updates. A lot of what I've been doing has been making things up as I'm going along, so any feedback would be useful.

Urban Student in Limbo: https://www.thp.moe/th/res/202201.html

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File 16341607001.jpg - (2.29MB, 1740x2235, clumsyzu.jpg)
A thread to trip, scatter, and fumble all over Touhou-related source myths and scholarly materials. Feel free to contribute anything of interest, even if the connection might not be obvious at first!
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File 163416093192.jpg - (125.08KB, 1000x750, 1ae65e281b73f031b87e7771b5adb765.jpg)

First up, we have a paper on those mysterious mountain-dwelling folk, "The Tengu". It's got more than you ever wanted to know about our nosey pom-pom-wearing neighbours—what kinds of tengu there are, their origins, their eating and possibly even mating habits, and selected myths from every era—courtesy of one Dr. M. W. de Visser from the Asiatic Society of Japan.

Goes from pp. 222–298 in the link.
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A quick look at that tells me that the tengu are very much a catch-all sort of supernatural creature in Japanese tradition. There's barbarity and oni-like behavior, possessions (and trying to seduce priests while in the bodies of women), transformations, behavior like angry spirits/are ghosts of the dead, tree demons, and a lot of links to Buddhism. They could just as soon be bros and teach humans swordmanship or something else or try to destroy them. There seem to be several mentions of pearls/stones in relation to (greater) tengu. All in all interesting stuff. Even if the source takes that sometime patronizing tone common in Victorian/Edwardian analysis of other cultures.
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File 163486509281.jpg - (2.24MB, 2111x1508, 3a26bbd5804e3b35b7ee97e1bca03205.jpg)
Of course no such thread could be complete without the oldest record of Japan's myths and legends and indeed the oldest extant written work from Japan, the Kojiki or "Records of Ancient Matters". Being written as they have been in a combination of Old Japanese and contemporaneous Classical Chinese, it is rather awkward in translation—B. H. Chamberlain our English translator going as far as to call them "queer and bald in Japanese ... and it is therefore right, even from a stylistic point of view, that they should sound bald and queer in English"—but still the stories contained within are quite vivid and a careful reader will encounter many familiar names and figures, not least of which include Hieda no Are its original composer and Motoori Norinaga its most prominent latter-day decipherer. One will learn of the cleverer and not-so-clever machinations of Yagokoro Omoikane and Ame no Sagume, the true species of the sisters Toyotamahime and Tamayorihime, and even the rather inauspicious birth of Haniyasubime. Most of all will one learn of the life and times of Ōkuninushi, youngest among eighty brothers and good friend of the White Hare of Inaba, whose story is so often forgotten in popular dissemination in favour of those of Izanagi and Izanami and of Amaterasu and Susanoo—and whose dealings with the heavenly gods of Takamagahara still cast a Moon-shaped shadow over certain parts of Gensokyo to this day.

Only, it is advised that one do indeed consult the footnotes (of which there are regrettably many, coming out to probably thicker than the text itself), and note down what Japanese name corresponds with what English rendering, unless one enjoy reading about the exploits of His-Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness in the palace of the Heaven-Shining-Great-August-Deity.

Also, all of the naughty bits are rendered in Latin, because this translation was done nearly a century and a half ago. But, trust me, you're really not missing out on much.

Without further ado:

(Alternative source, in the interest of maximal longevity:
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File 163365430693.jpg - (188.55KB, 792x1080, __hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_izayoi_sakuya_konp.jpg)
Serious discussion time:
Who out of all the main series protagonists is the most lethal? If Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Youmu, and Sanae were to stop playing danmaku and just try to kill eachother, who would be consistently doing better or worse?

This isnt just a "who is best" argument either, as the above sentence should imply, even if an objective winner is found that just means its time to argue second and third place.
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Cirno unironically (and ironically, due to her being the weaker boss in the same game) has the best matchup against Sakuya due to her perfect freeze, which creates an area of (almost?) 0k temperature, which also stops any low energy and any physical projectile in their track immediately.

Assuming Sakuya accelerates her time (rather than stopping everyone else's) it would mean her entering the area of effect of perfect freeze at any point would freeze her solid to the core in what amounts to an instant, which qualifies as an incapacitation, granting Cirno victory.
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Except Cirno is just the kind of dumbass who would forget that she can even do that. Plus she really has no skin in the game when fairies don't permadeath. She might win by "default" because of it, but that means basically nothing when she probably wouldn't remember what was happening after getting murked yet again. But hollow victories do feel pretty Touhou so I dunno.
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> Intelligence
Cirno is dumb when it comes to booksmarts but she has shown competency in battle. While Marisa started out playing around with her she has admitted at the end of their battle in Great Fairy Wars that she had to put in real effort towards the end. Mind you what I am saying here is from memory and may differ from what I said in actuality.
Whether she's gonna be strategic enough to pull what I said through is up for debate - maybe there are manga panels showing her being creative with her ice powers, which could set a reasonable precedent for it.

>Win condition
There's reason to assume most folks have ways to incapacitate Cirno; sealing, capturing her tying her up. Reimu wins here by default again. Reisen's insanity works as well.

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File 163044478068.jpg - (1.38MB, 1689x2400, BigNyongNyong-1364694760800219137-img1.jpg)
Making me post up another thing, god damn...

A few people wanted to do 30 updates a month. More people just wanted "any kind of story fitting the theme, short or otherwise". I don't care how you go about it, but for September of this year how about writing a "horror" themed story?

Wuzzat mean? Well after having talked about it a lot I and others have concluded that actual horror might not be in most THP writers' wheelhouses, so fast and loose is the idea. Ghost characters (Tojiko, Minamitsu, Mima, Yuyuko, (sorta) Youmu), spookier characters (fortune teller, Rumia, Kisume, Yuuka)---that's fair game with whatever scenario. Bonus for trying to make things creepy with any character, OC or not, that you choose? There's no prizes here, and no winners. Well, we all win with some participation.

If you do a comedy, that's fine. Slice of life, that's fine. "Scary" story, also fine. Porn? Fine.

I want you to write. A short, a full story, whatever you like.

Let's fill the site with life a little by dabbling in some themes of death, and have a chilling or chill September.

Post here or the other thread idgaf I'll be linking my story here when I'm ready to post it because the other thread is pushing a rule I don't agree with.
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I'm chipping in for this, too
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There we go.
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File 163310126418.jpg - (172.60KB, 1024x768, __konpaku_youmu_and_konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_.jpg)
I'm glad we had a decent amount of activity! Sorry that I... still haven't updated my story. It WILL happen, I was insanely busy with something else. As in I spent about 30 hours or so on writing related things unrelated to Touhou, out of obligations, and I seriously had no time for much of anything else. Yay!


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File 163042587150.png - (197.57KB, 492x414, Spoooktember.png)
You hear your phone ring, an unknown number is on it

Out of curiosity you pick it up, what could possibly go wrong?


Did that scare you Anon? If not then you poor soul have yet to realize something very important~

You've been hit by the curse of WRITE OR DIE dun~ dun~ DUN!

The only way to survive this terrible force is to participate in the most unholy ritual known as Spooktember, perhaps you've never heard of it since it's only now that we shall partake in it in the Outside World.

Spooktember is an event that we youkai or people without souls participate in every 300 years or so, by spreading scary stories, stories about ghost girls, or overall stories that fit the theme of the supernatural we make the world a tad more aware of it. It's an modest and honest way to combat the evil and oh so sceptic Science people that give you your funny sound boxes and metal cars.

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then who was phone!?
Good luck if you're participating
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The effort in this post is appreciated, but you can look at the discussion thread yourself to see that the 30 updates thing was not agreed upon and was rather one poster's assumption that a few others agreed to >>16310 . Others disagreed, as honestly shorts were expected instead. We actually do have a 30 updates in a month thing, but it's in November since that's National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

I'm not going to prompt anyone to try to do 30 updates in a month. If they try that's their prerogative, but it's definitely not what everyone agreed on while we were coming up with this
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Ah, that's my bad then!

Do ignore this one from now on, and I'll gladly participate in the correct Spooktember!

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