I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 169998510978.png - (1.09MB, 846x1197, 846px-Kosuzu_Whos_Who.png)
Given that the last thread on this is now officially too old to be bumped, and the site's been seeing a lot of activity so far this month, I think it's worth trying to restart the idea of story reviews.

Same rules as the previous thread. Post here if you want your story critiqued, and brace for potentially harsh criticism. I'd be happy to offer up either of my stories on that altar, or I'd be willing to review (non-AT) stories myself... though perhaps without my nametag attached.

Urban Student in Limbo: https://www.thp.moe/th/res/202201.html (Ongoing)

A kappa is dissatisfied with her life: https://www.thp.moe/youkai/res/31763.html (Short story, completed)

Again, I do want to emphasize that honest criticism is the goal here. Don't just say someone's story is trash, but if you think you can lay out a compelling case for why said story is trash, that's perfectly within bounds.
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Good luck to this thread. I regret starting the last one for various reasons, but maybe this one will have a better time of it.
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File 170001512152.png - (2.88MB, 1347x2140, __tokiko_touhou_drawn_by_gunsou1350__0f0c74e26dd52.png)
I'll probably reread the Kappa one so I can give a proper opinion on it. That said, iff you're going to say the rules are the same, shouldn't you either put them in this thread anyway or link the previous thread?
Seems a little silly to assume that people will just know the rules and using find in page is woooork.
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Previous thread OP again. Tbqh, the 'rules' (there really weren't any) weren't all that serious, and the current thread premise is pretty self-evident compared to previously, I'd think: offer up stories for opinions or offer opinions. Not much else to be done, unless you want to get into nitpicking at people's tone or whatever, but we have site rules about being a dickhead, so...
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What >>17112 said, basically. The previous thread was pretty much just "Roast me, THP." I suppose you can take a look at https://www.thp.moe/gensokyo/res/14857.html#14857 if you want to see how it went, but I figured the concept was straightforwards enough.
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Kill Reisen (https://www.thp.moe/eientei/res/29049.html#29154) - Exactly what it says on the tin. It is funny to read about the misadventures of Bunny Terminator as he/she tries to find Reisen to kill while slowly being discouraged from violence through interaction with trusting Gensokyo locals. Comfy read.
Green Eyes Online (https://www.thp.moe/underground/res/17230.html#17381) - Luv Parsee, don't know anything about Project Moon. The story of Parsee slowly relearning her humanity is interesting to follow. Good shit.
An Excuse for An Excuse for Aya (https://www.thp.moe/others/res/58487.html) - I have been following this story for years. If it ends with a gangbanger shooting Momiji I will shoot the writefag.
Rolling 2d20 => 10 (4, 6)
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I've been given a shove, so over the cliff I go, I guess.

A (Lion-)Dog Among Gods, or Lion-Dog for short.

I'll be blunt: I'm not looking to get stroked off here. I want some idea — even if I'm likely to not agree with its premises — where I've fucked up, because I know I've fucked up bad; if I hadn't, I wouldn't be stuck. If I can't figure something out, well, that's going to be that. It's the bare-arsed truth, grim as it is. No pressure, though.

I have basically no expectations.
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I was a fairly big contributor to the previous thread, and thought it went pretty well. It wasen't the best thread ever, but at least a solid 8/10. I'm curious to know what you found distasteful about it.


Yooooo hol up. Green Eyes Online is a Project Moon crossover? Definitely going to have to catch up on that.
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I don't think it's a very productive topic to get into, particularly when it's not 'my' thread anymore. Let's just say "I believe the OP was in poor taste and set a bad tone for the thread as a whole" and let it lie where it rests.

I'm not sure what the current OP's position is, but the intent of the original thread — which this one is presumed to copy — was solicited feedback. That is, responses to authors who have specifically requested feedback rather than spontaneous offerings of opinions.

If that's changed, then I suppose there's nothing to address, but it is something to note.
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