I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 150235416839.png - (514.65KB, 700x800, Forbidden Shitpostery.png)
Forbidden Shitpostery
Disclaimer: This is my personal guide on how to write and any tactics that I employ may not work for you and if you think I’m some authority on writing magical girl literature, you’re a fucking loonie. Also, any advice I give is worth jack shit because I don’t follow my own advice over half the time.
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An Addendum to Motivation

This isn't a lot of content, but I feel like I should add to this segment where I stated: "Now, this might sound a little weird to say in the motivation section of all places, but with proper routine and regimen, you don’t even need motivation to keep writing."

Oh past me, you are right, but you are also so very wrong. To get words onto paper, I believe that you need both motivation and discipline. Discipline is the greatest supplement to motivation, or something like that. Without motivation, all you'll get are forced, empty words. And without discipline... well, you'll get me. So if you have the motivation, don't be lazy and especially don't be me. Be disciplined.
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stop necroing threads fag
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>tfw you have neither but still want to write

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File 155497781635.gif - (5.76KB, 125x122, 9_IS_THE_STRONGEST.gif)
NSFW image
I was pretty annoyed by the fact that Cthulhu's THP downloader wasn't available anymore, so I made another one. Thought some of you would like it.

This one won't go down until Github gives up the ghost, since it's not hosted on my own site.

Instructions: download the .exe to some convenient location, the run it.

Get it from here: https://github.com/Anonark/THP2Epub/releases

Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/904fdc963c97bc606328640b9a61a48ed935bb1f848f9bf185fe11acfe884535/detection

Thanks to the kind people over at IRC.

(The image isn't NSFW, it's just a random file.)
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Don't think that double click thing works. No thread number pops up after.
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Nevermind, you can still use the thing but you have to copy paste the thread number. Just glad it works.
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File 157000593924.jpg - (142.01KB, 695x827, 140718401946.jpg)

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File 155538019947.png - (122.17KB, 437x345, whoisthismysteriousgirl.png)
Hello THP, it has been a while, hasn't it? I'm not dead, by the way. Though I haven't exactly been writing things for THP in many, many years. But at the same time, RiG still floats into my mind from time to time, mostly as a reminder of perhaps my greatest failure. Failure in the sense that it is probably my single most successful thing I've ever written, and I never finished it.

And that greatly bothers me. Yet at the same time, I am unsure if I could ever really give RiG a very satisfying conclusion, given it was my first real CYOA and the plot was basically built up as I did it. While I still have the general outline of what I wanted to do in mind, it does beg the question if it'll be a very enjoyable ending by this point, and further, what really makes a good ending to a CYOA?

A part of me has also toyed with the idea of starting RiG from scratch with a far more concrete idea in mind, and less of my constant readjusting/adding/removing 'content' and 'features' at a whim. Yet at the same time, I am fully aware this may not really accomplish much by starting Reina's journey over from scratch. Particularly because I am sure the faithful readers, still want to see more of the relationships that were already cultivated, and it isn't like starting it over is going to help them there.

This is a kind of rambling post to say I'm not dead, I think of RiG all the time, and I strongly feel I need to find a way to continue it, or finish it. It really puts a hamper on my other ideas and projects, because RiG always sticks in my head as the story I really, really want to write and finish. Which is part of why the Teahouse CYOA fizzled out and died, because I did not like writing something on the same 'scale' as RiG, without having actually finished it!

Well, that and it turns out I never did figure out what Isuke's power would be, and since she's a Gensokyo native, I really need that before I can write her again.

Anyway, what are your thoughts, those of THP who still remember the days of Restorer in Gensokyo? Would you be happy with my attempting to salvage what I remember of my vague plotlines of
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RiG seems to be both your first victory and first defeat, and it's arguable those are things that are best left in memory. Like chasing the glories of one's youth, it can show you how you've grown or just repeat past failures.

I enjoyed RiG. It was fun, comfy, low-stakes, and a little bit indulgent. Amusingly, being what is essentially slife-of-life isekai actually made it a bit of novelty, so that's also a plus. Would I want to see it continue though? The answer is a big maybe.

Since RiG was so easy-going I don't feel a dying need to see out Reina's journey. There was no grand plot that I could speculate the resolution of and then be deprived of it like some other stories, and so looking back it's hard to hype myself up. Of course that's just the nature of laid-back stories, nothing wrong with that.

You have to ask yourself, what makes this time different? In the end everyone's probably going to be interested no matter what you do, but if you don't have a clear path in mind it can only end in failure. Do you truly know the end to Reina's journey? Does she even have one?

[ ] Let it die: The road to catharsis, bittersweet but freeing.
[ ] Finish what you started: The road to closure, fraught with nostalgia.
[ ] Retread the same path: The road to triumph, a gamble of your pride.
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Some good points here. And truth be told, the best I can think of that restarting it would do "differently", is trying to focus better on balancing out Reina's life and work. Changing RiG from its comfy slice-of-life isekai wouldn't be on the table, since Reina just being a (mostly) normal Outsider brought into Gensokyo is sort of the point.

Just in hindsight, a lot of her actual work was never really done all that well. I flip-flopped on having money be a thing, then never really got a good way to handle Reina actually doing her work beyond, "Do you want to actually work, Y/N", which is kind of a pointless, dead choice.

And then there was never anything to actually use the money on, so what was the point? I would probably want to try and get RiG to better focus on Reina's personal and professional life.

Which is really, mostly because I kind of like balancing the slice-of-life with management-style sim things. As for what I'd consider an 'end' to Reina's story? That is truly the tricky one, since it IS a slice-of-life, and there was really only one thing Reina had to really solve herself.

Thinking of some other SoL CYOAs, the most logical ending to RiG, would probably be when the one major issue in her life is resolved, and then her getting married or something.

I think your opening statement is pretty true though. I'm mostly wary to just let Reina go, because I feel like she deserves getting some kind of closure. I only have one other OC who is really developed (and has any art) that is suitable to use, and that'd be Ichidou Isuke from the Teahouse CYOA. Who would certainly be very different from the shy, uncertain Outsider brought to Gensokyo, as Isuke is an assertive, womanizing Oni who is quite at home in Gensokyo... sort of.
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So I think I have a rough idea of how I'd want to handle the teahouse business side of things, I'm just a bit unsure on the overall end goal. This is still a bit like RiG, in being a pretty slice of life thing, so I suppose that isn't too unusual to not have a clearly defined end goal...

I'm also a bit unsure where I want to place it. I recall last time I did on the road to the Youkai Mountain, which may still be the best choice. Though, I may end up just posting it in /th/, since I don't want to just focus on the Youkai Mountain group.

Just giving you all a little bit of an update.

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File 154817827024.jpg - (2.63MB, 2031x2952, painting.jpg)
I\'m looking to change THP\'s favicon because it\'s too low res. As I\'m terrible at this sort of thing, I\'m outsourcing to the community. The image needs to fulfill the following criteria:
  • Either original content by you or an existing touhou-related image
  • Must be a square image of at least 400x400 (I\'ll handle all the final downscaling and formats)
  • PNG or SVG format preferred but not necessary
  • If the image needs a transparent background, please do that before uploading
  • Must look at decent at 16x16 and good at 32x32,48x48 and higher

Please upload images in this thread. I\'d prefer a nice original image but since I know we don\'t really have many artists, a cropped image by someone else is fine too.
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in case it wasn't obvious by now, I picked the last image. I'm sure there's better alternatives out in the wild, but it'll do for now.
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Good choice.
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I like it!

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File 144592689440.jpg - (298.90KB, 1109x1000, there must be wifi in the basement .jpg)
there must be wifi in the basement
As some of you might have noticed, the site has a new front page and the default style has been changed from photon to chernobyl on boards. This is to make the site more accessible to newcomers but you'll be able to change the style to something else, as always, from the drop down menu at the top of every page.

There's a few changes that I plan on making to the site, including adding better support for small screens such as those on tablets and phones. The front page already scales nicely but rehauling the dusty old board code is an undertaking that will probably take me a while. I'm prioritizing something else at the moment, which I think everyone will be happy about. Nothing as visually dramatic, before you complain, and I promise it'll be good.

I plan on tweaking the front page some more in the coming days, fixing a few spacing issues and padding. But if there's anything else that you want to suggest that needs improvement or tweaking, I guess this is the thread for you. I'll promise to listen and tell you why or why not I can or cannot do something.

I'm also using the trip I use for writing as opposed to the admin identity because honestly it's less of a hassle not having to log in every time to post.
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File 154342292862.jpg - (70.14KB, 506x614, list.jpg)
I added like 30 or so threads to test. they updated just fine and I didn't notice any issues navigating between pages. Need more info.
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I'm also using 4 tabs for THP, Chrome and Windows 7.
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Tested with chromium here as well, no problem. Doubt it's an OS issue. As I'll be doing other adjustments to the thread watcher sometime soonish, I'll try to think of something.

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File 150295673314.webm - (3.83MB, 1920x1080, THP-Script-WIP (4MB).webm)
THP-Script-WIP (4MB)
Hey y'all, Moral here with yet another waste of time thread in /gensokyo/. I've been working on a (rather hastily done) script to add a couple basic features to THP. Right now, it's only a proof of concept and I will not be releasing it at this time because... frankly, it's embarrassing to release such a piece of shit. However, I do plan on working on it at my own leisure, and it will be completed before I die of old age. I promise.

Some features already implemented:
1) Cute waifu watching you read your shitty fanfics.
2) (Poorly designed) Navigation bar that follows you around like a stalker. Can be minimized.
3) Quick reply box (currently unable to drag and move)
4) Reply boxes are all the same width so it looks more uniform. Also stops your fat waifu from blocking text.

Features to be added:
1) Real menus that can change waifus and their transparency instead of junk
2) Adding in a quick reply link to every post (might take some time to figure this out in the future)
3) Customize your CSS only using this script.
3a) UI to facilitate CSS customization

Current known bugs:
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Put it up on a Github repo so we can test and contribute ha ha disregard that I suck cocks Molar
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File 153994477811.webm - (3.82MB, 1920x1080, revamped script.webm)
revamped script
Whoa, surprise, this thing ain't dead.

I've been meaning to get around to this sooner, but you know me: slow as fuck.

1) Navigation bar overhaul. It inherits properties from its current CSS style instead of being monochromatic and ugly. It can also be optionally fixed, meaning you don't have to scroll back to the top of the page to access all that.
2) Updated quick reply to include the update checkbox. I'm in the process of testing it out as we speak, so forgive me if I post this as an update on the frontpage. Preview currently is useless, sadly.
3) Toggles. You can toggle hiding/showing your waifu. Same with the quick reply. Basically, it's just a QoL change.

Other stuff to be added soon.
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Some additional comments:
Update does indeed work, and god damn it just as I posted about all the previous bugs being worked out, the .webm bug decided to show up again.
>(Unable to reproduce) Once, a .webm file displayed its garbage information after it was uploaded.
But yeah, aside from that, the script's nearing release.

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File 153416196515.jpg - (115.32KB, 900x900, the most forced smile of all.jpg)
the most forced smile of all
Yyyyep. Seems I'll be your host again this year. If anyone has wondered where other contests and the prizes of the contests past are, well... it's been a bit of a rough year on my health.

Potentially concerning matters aside, it's that time again! It's time to dance and write and laugh and maybe read, too!

The entry period shall be 2 weeks in length, running from 8/13/18 to 8/27/18. Voting shall likewise run for two weeks, running from 8/27/18 to 9/10/18.

As per usual, the subject matter is up to you. The categories will be as followed: General, Newbie and Lewd.

I exclude lewd newbies on the grounds of lewds being strapped for participants as it stands. Winning a contest of one isn't exactly winning at all.

I'll offer crappy art prizes IOUs for the three winners, but I have other prizes I still need to dole out first and foremost, not to mention that I need to get back in the drawing mood. I just got over another illness or something and now my eyes have been strained for going on a week, which kinda really sucks in general. I think I've had almost 3 months of feeling like crap thus far this year. And it was only in 3 chunks. Kiiiinda sucks.
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> literary masterpiece of our generation

I'm sorry officer Kotohime, but I think you may have the wrong author. I'm afraid Keymaster hasn't been seen around these parts in years.

> Kosuzu

I... can't be overly specific without spoilers, but one should not wish to read this story for Kosuzu. Just as, say, one should not wish to read Tenshi is in This Story for Tenshi.

It is about her, though, and there is a great deal of Marisa, if you happen to be that way inclined. Though strictly speaking not all of Marisa makes an appearance. Make of that what you will.

I'm reliably informed that objectively awful cookie-cutter umbrella stories are in greater demand, though, so I may attempt to bake some more of those first, if my muse gives me any choice in the matter. Which, of late, it has not.

> Shadowrun

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I feel like the Unbrella Advocates are just a very vocal minority. What the educated masses really want is a waifu wars story.

We should do a strawpoll on what type of story people around here would be interested in reading/voting in.
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> poll

I already did that, and what my readers wanted was MOAR UMBRELLA YOU LAZY FAGET, with Shanghaijinx if that wasn't available.

There were two waifu wars options. I even put "waifu wars" in the titles.

Then again, anyone who reads my writing has shit taste by definition. And lots of patience OH GODS WHY AM I SO SLOW AAAAAAAAAAAAA-

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File 152282987734.jpg - (34.69KB, 450x276, th.jpg)
anyone play IOS touhou games
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Those exist? I assume they're fangames.
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>supporting Chinese knock-offs

pls go and stay go
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Gotta use a real man's mobile operating system, Android.

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File 151919218075.jpg - (55.27KB, 711x711, photo_2016-09-06_19-47-49.jpg)
I just leave it here: http://doujinmusic.ru

This is a lossless (FLAC) doujin music library that you can listen on the fly with a browser or mobile device (Android, iOS).

The library is constantly updated, and you can add your own collections.
And of course the hunt for priority.

You can get into the library by receiving an invite in the telegram-channel @touhouchan
It's free.

We are glad to everyone who is interested.

Demo account:

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Sounds fun, I'm on!
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I really wish you didn't leave the subject field blank.

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File 12892650677.jpg - (197.31KB, 1024x1024, 126673104215.jpg)
Since there seems to have been an influx of newcomers lately, and their actions and behaviour has started to grate on the regular visitors of this site, once again Anon has risen in /blue/.

So, in order to help inform the newcomers of present and future, this thread will be a place for general board etiquette and other miscellaneous information to help the population as a whole. I apologize if there's any seemingly 'important' information I leave out at first, since I'm typing this off the top of my head.

Important Information

1) Emoticons are discouraged. Be they :(, or >.>, or ^_^, or even the dreaded xD, they are not required, and you will only be scorned and mocked for using them. You are able to post without them (I should hope), so if you absolutely must convey your emotional state, do so with words.

2) This is an imageboard for voting on, discussing and chatting about Touhou and Touhou fanfiction. *Actions* are not required, and are looked down upon. The only implied actions occurring in imageboard posts should be limited solely to story narrative and other creative writing ventures. Like emoticons, you will be mocked.

3) Posts made in the story boards, and in story threads, should try to stay on topic. Discussion related to events of the story are fine, and chatter about various other facets of related material to the story is acceptable as per author's judgment. Prolonged shitstorms over things not related to the story at all are naturally not acceptable, and will result in post deletions at best, and temp bans at worst. No one wants to see posts between two or more anons bitching at each other over nothing.

3a) Sometimes, arguments over various actions within the story context can spark up due to conflicts in personal interests and how votes made to cater to a particular taste might oppose others. While they can be unavoidable, it's preferred to keep them at a minimum. Everyone has their own tastes, and surely they can clash at times when opposing groups have two differing views on what should happen, and these prolonged arguments can derail threads, and even cause the writers to los
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The story list hasn't been updated since July... is that normal?

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