I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 150295673314.webm - (3.83MB, 1920x1080, THP-Script-WIP (4MB).webm)
THP-Script-WIP (4MB)
Hey y'all, Moral here with yet another waste of time thread in /gensokyo/. I've been working on a (rather hastily done) script to add a couple basic features to THP. Right now, it's only a proof of concept and I will not be releasing it at this time because... frankly, it's embarrassing to release such a piece of shit. However, I do plan on working on it at my own leisure, and it will be completed before I die of old age. I promise.

Some features already implemented:
1) Cute waifu watching you read your shitty fanfics.
2) (Poorly designed) Navigation bar that follows you around like a stalker. Can be minimized.
3) Quick reply box (currently unable to drag and move)
4) Reply boxes are all the same width so it looks more uniform. Also stops your fat waifu from blocking text.

Features to be added:
1) Real menus that can change waifus and their transparency instead of junk
2) Adding in a quick reply link to every post (might take some time to figure this out in the future)
3) Customize your CSS only using this script.
3a) UI to facilitate CSS customization

Current known bugs:
1) Previous and next buttons at the bottom of board page float all the way to the left and all the way to the right, respectively.
>This bug is due to the bottom bar having no class or id so I can't exclude it from how I format my tables (aka my quick reply box). Can be fixable but not high up in priority right now.
2) (Unable to reproduce) Once, a .webm file displayed its garbage information after it was uploaded.
>Not much information about this, since it happened only once. Will test more.

To close, if you guys have any suggestions, advice, feedback, prayers, or anything really, let me know here.
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File 15029669402.png - (227.18KB, 1318x702, even the site has better taste.png)
even the site has better taste
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Can we get a notification when Awoo gets an update?
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An Excuse for A-Un where
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Put it up on a Github repo so we can test and contribute ha ha disregard that I suck cocks Molar
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File 153994477811.webm - (3.82MB, 1920x1080, revamped script.webm)
revamped script
Whoa, surprise, this thing ain't dead.

I've been meaning to get around to this sooner, but you know me: slow as fuck.

1) Navigation bar overhaul. It inherits properties from its current CSS style instead of being monochromatic and ugly. It can also be optionally fixed, meaning you don't have to scroll back to the top of the page to access all that.
2) Updated quick reply to include the update checkbox. I'm in the process of testing it out as we speak, so forgive me if I post this as an update on the frontpage. Preview currently is useless, sadly.
3) Toggles. You can toggle hiding/showing your waifu. Same with the quick reply. Basically, it's just a QoL change.

Other stuff to be added soon.
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Some additional comments:
Update does indeed work, and god damn it just as I posted about all the previous bugs being worked out, the .webm bug decided to show up again.
>(Unable to reproduce) Once, a .webm file displayed its garbage information after it was uploaded.
But yeah, aside from that, the script's nearing release.
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