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File 148568422589.jpg - (69.85KB, 443x223, sorter.jpg)
Have we ever had an internal tohosort thread here on THP?
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File 16149857047.png - (201.71KB, 1523x902, sort-2021-03-05(15 04 48).png)
sort-2021-03-05(15 04 48)
I like animal girls okay.
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File 161508774236.png - (225.64KB, 879x912, tohosort.png)
Remilia should've ended up further ahead, but I don't remember her showing up a single time during this entire sort.
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I like turtles

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File 154182018448.png - (569.88KB, 850x584, hieda_no_akyuu_and_motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_.png)
I want a website like MyAnimeList/anilist, but for THP stories. For those unaware, MAL is a database of anime. Users can go on the site and add anime to their "list", a personalized set of anime the user has seen. They can add ratings to each show, and those ratings are tallied together.

e.g. https://myanimelist.net/topanime.php

This would be useful for two reasons:
1. I can keep track of what I've read
2. People looking for classics to read can consult the big list

Problem is I don't know how to make something like this. I'm willing to throw money at any bored anons who want to put something like that together -- it doesn't have to be super complicated or as aesthetically pleasing as MAL, as long as it works.

I realize this is a huge ask and probably won't happen. But hey, a man can dream.
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Fair enough. Thanks for the update!
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Hi, >>24417 here. Forgot my trip and I'm too lazy to try and figure it out.

It's been over a year since I mentioned anything, and about 2 years since I started working on this, so I figure I owe some kind of update on the matter.

First off, I'm a lazy shit with things to do outside of THP, which is the main reason it's taken so long.

With that said. Since I want to create an API, both so people can make their own better UIs and to allow me to play around with more stuff without potentially impacting uptime, I decided to write an OpenAPI Specification document, which forced me to really think about how I want everything to interact from an usability standpoint. That alone took ages, was boring and dry. But with that done, I have a clear idea of how everything is supposed to relate to each other, which should hopefully streamline the rest of the process. Also, because I have that document, anyone who wants to create their own UI to replace my shitty one will have a clear guide on how to interact with the API.

Current planned features includes the primary feature of being able to add stories to a personal list; the ability add specific posts to a story (this is mainly intended for contests where a bunch of unrelated stories are posted in the same thread).

Honestly, looking at it objectively, the only thing it offers that the current story list doesn't offer is the ability to track your personal reading status of a story, since the story list has gotten an update since this web app was requested. That, and the fact it's intended to be user maintained instead of relying on an admin going through everything and manually updating the list.

Whether or not this project is still desired, I intend to finish it, since it's a nice exercise in various technologies.

Also, once the project has reached a state where I'd be comfortable launching it, I intend to make it open source, because maximum transparency.
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Cool. Good to know it's still happening.

I had just about considered dusting off my terrible, embarrassing Django-based attempt that's been sitting mouldering for a couple of years now.

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File 152878878963.jpg - (753.42KB, 1200x818, BITE ME.jpg)
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File 158164647695.jpg - (329.77KB, 1157x770, heartstoppingurbanlegends.jpg)
English is my third language and, even on Spanish, I can't my way out of a paper bag.
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there's a test thread >>22239

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File 146042905853.jpg - (735.88KB, 850x1097, sample_d6827290927849fa4bf065e4859c8674.jpg)
We have Joy and Rage, why not go for the trifecta? What's making you sad? What's going wrong in your lives? What's been bothering you for a while that you just need to get off your chest? Who knows, maybe telling a fellow 2hufag might make you feel better.
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Good. If you don't do it though, I will!
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Nobody here says "Thanks for the chapter" like they do on other fanfiction sites.
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Votes are a more meaningful show of appreciation than ass-kissing.

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File 148063792414.png - (2.42MB, 1032x1457, MeilingsSmileWarmsMyHeart.png)
Autosage struck again. Let's fill another thread with joyful posts!
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Joy and jubilation for a successful NaNoWriMo and that other thing~
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A joyous new year dawns~
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Things are kinda happening again for a while! Joy!

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File 148876448157.png - (3.93MB, 1740x2472, image.png)
Whoever and wherever you are, if you're not planning on completing/updating your stories then this is your thread. Curious ex-readers can ask about what never was, what could've been and everything in between.
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What they fuck did you say about my Sensei you piece of shit?
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I've sat on this one for long enough.

Akyuu was dying and knew it was her last incarnation (because Shiki told her), so she disappeared along with her young successor to avoid public scrutiny until she had a good chance to announce what was happening.

MC #1 had a one-sided grudge against Akyuu and was hellbent on tracking her down. She was also slowing being eaten alive by a ball of misfortune.

MC #2 knew about MC #1's ball of misfortune and was supposed to trail her in hopes of finding a way of alleviating it. There probably would have been more to it, but I never came up with anything else.

Both MCs were hated by everyone for various reasons and would have created disasters wherever they went while they chased Akyuu.

Protip: If you're starting out, keep your plot simple and don't have a billion perspective switches. Also, actually have a plot in mind before you start.

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File 143701507048.gif - (3.34MB, 216x238, Flandre route.gif)
Flandre route
Also, WEBMs are apparently supported.
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Forest Mix
RIP in pepperoni pieces
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File 157292971281.jpg - (84.51KB, 480x368, Fire jizz back out of it.jpg)
Fire jizz back out of it
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File 157448098884.jpg - (261.20KB, 800x450, Whelp guys___ at least I tried.jpg)
Whelp guys___ at least I tried
Posted purely for my own amusement. Please ignore.

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File 155834816129.png - (18.08KB, 104x103, nsfw.png)
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lol so random xD
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File 153028178276.jpg - (198.16KB, 2048x1143, image.jpg)
when are going to update this thing? https://www.touhou-project.com/storylist.php
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I'm aware that all good things must come to an end, but I refuse to let THP be one of them.
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If you want an update, go to the chat tab on the front page, get on the IRC and start shouting about it there. Maybe it’ll happen, maybe it won’t.

Nothing’s going to change with the story list until Teruyo gets around to overhauling it; I believe that’s on the docket, but it’s a ways off still.
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See >>24194 if you're talking about the story list.
As for the actual stories. I'm actively writing 2 ongoing. I'm doing my part. Are you?

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File 154018401721.png - (139.41KB, 480x360, boomer touhou.png)
boomer touhou
*siiiiip* yep, Mystic Square. Now that was a good Touhou Game.
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dank mutant wojak maymays my fellow
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File 154025127240.jpg - (132.17KB, 512x384, 1429708483469.jpg)
Mina is coming next game, I can feel it in my bones.

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