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File 164078502620.png - (1.13MB, 1120x1544, thought-combiner.png)
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She's the Jimmy Neutron of 2hu, except medicine wise.
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I wish to blast all over this brain
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File 164082466519.jpg - (256.88KB, 941x1200, __yagokoro_eirin_touhou_drawn_by_houtengeki__e179d.jpg)
Just because she's a nerd doesn't mean she can't kick your ass.

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File 164044698945.png - (1.83MB, 1600x1200, __yasaka_kanako_and_hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_b.png)
Merry Christmas THP! How are you spending your cringle? Or dealing with the ghosts of Xmas portion-one-too-many if you see this after?
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Holy shit, the plot is thickening.
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Gruel is thicker than water, but it's still pretty thin, anon.
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Wow, brutal. All he wanted was to milk something for drama and gossi-
Actually, beat his ass.

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File 163682117157.jpg - (364.05KB, 800x800, 89b97a30fcbcba56eb3380b681943b5e.jpg)
It's probably obvious but I just can't seem to think of it.
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It’s Suika Ibuki’s theme: Broken moon
Here, so you can hear the similarity
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Thanks. I'm gonna have oni on the mind for a good while, now.
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Is this the music thread? I've had https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfTW-_UhWI8&t=14 from Jerico's Law on my mind recently.

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File 16334024914.jpg - (2.01MB, 3024x3285, 4A271460-675E-4F8D-8AE0-9E05941F9F55.jpg)
Fountain pens are neat. This is a Pilot Metropolitan that I picked up for like eighteen bucks. Better than any fucking ballpoint I've ever had.

What's your favourite writing tool? Alternately, talk about writing or whatever. There's no boundaries here, man.
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A random thought that struck me: Not knowing how one's audience understands the story at a given time is a bit of a hindrance to knowing what will be effective and/or what most needs to be conveyed.
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In theory, there's a sweet spot in between telling people things they already know versus assuming that they know something they really don't, but in practice it's a constantly shifting target. Maybe it can be mitigated by layering your elaborations for different levels of understanding, but at some point you've just got to knuckle down and fire off into the wild blue unknown.

Or I suppose you could pilot things in front of test audiences. But those are a little bit hard to come by.
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True, it's impossible to account for even a majority of the readers to have the same interpretation of facts, but it's something more fundamental in this case. In the context that such a thought came about, it's more a personal problem of perceiving what someone on the 'outside looking in' can reasonably be presumed to know; I'm only aware of what I know and feel I need to be told explicitly when others don't understand. Without some understanding of where I stand with the audience, decision paralysis sets in quickly and no progress can be made.

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File 163339954321.png - (470.48KB, 818x900, fallendownamirite.png)
Anyone here played the latest chapter of Deltarune? I'm sure a few have.

Thus far, I'm not sure how I feel about Deltarune as a whole. The second chapter is better than the first on a technical level. The direction of the story is cryptic as hell, though. I know it's supposed to be the "mirror Undertale" or whatever, but what does that really work out to?

Toby Fox's stuff is a weird one for me. It's got a whimsy that can be cute and funny and all that, but I feel kinda lost about some things. There's always sensibilities and choices of words and designs that make me feel like Toby's sitting there giggling at me because I don't get some Homestuck reference or something. Or maybe it's just in-jokey.

At least the music's pretty good.
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>gameplay of the series
It's weighted pretty heavily towards a niche subset of people who like shmups and the Megami Tensei talking system. If you're not a fan of either, well...

>I don't think Deltarune really stands without Undertale.
It's not meant to. Pretty sure it says on the official site that you ought to have played the previous game before playing it. I know it was mentioned somewhere.
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File 163391549558.jpg - (159.25KB, 1280x720, 380C235F-6287-4162-AC21-4E6891AB875F.jpg)
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>tfw you're as dumb as Sei but nowhere near as capable
why does this game love to hurt me

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File 161989165434.jpg - (195.74KB, 800x850, clownbutte.jpg)
Clownbutte is the best butte in 2hu. Try to prove me wrong. You cannot.
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Charged 6[a] grazes through bullets while it's in mid-air. It's a neat trick when it works, but(t) it's easy to react to, so you have to use it in advance of something that your opponent would do.
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File 163372204367.jpg - (0.97MB, 1969x2434, have a sit.jpg)
have a sit
Meanwhile, Clownpiece will suffocate you with this moon.
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File 163390770672.jpg - (530.34KB, 1250x1800, jizoubooty.jpg)
The overall lack of jizou butt pics is disappointing.

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File 163339981581.png - (1.29MB, 750x796, this young lady.png)
this young lady
If so, might you have any idea as to where she is from? Anything about her heritage? I must know—I am dying to know.
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File 163362453620.jpg - (328.08KB, 850x1346, postthisbat.jpg)
And here we see the Burgundian bat wearing the costume of her people.
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Quand je bois du vin clairet, amis, tout tourne, tourne, tourne, tourne, aussi désormais je bois Anjou ou Arbois...
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File 162750723994.png - (2.53MB, 2100x2100, 22rdz83cnhv51.png)
The hot rays shining
Jagged lines across the sand
The crumbling buildings
In our minds are all that stand
Just like the buffalo
Blindly following the herd
We try to recall
All the orders we have heard
I don't remember what I've been told
But the nuclear reaction can't be controlled
I don't remember what I've been told
But the nuclear reaction can't be controlled
Heat of the furnace
Dust that irradiates
Without a brain cell
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File 162965122736.jpg - (12.39KB, 225x225, rumia.jpg)
Im again just for you

She'll only come out at nights
The lean and hungry type
Nothing is new
I've seen her here before
Watching and waiting
Ooh, she's sittin' with you
But her eyes are on your arm

So many try not to see
What you think
You're gettin' for free
The woman is wild
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didn't read grazed right through it
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Bruh that's mean of ya.

Same reader as >>24816 here

Once again thank you for sharing those songs, they're really fun to read for me.

Rhymes and songs just vibe with me.

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File 162718944778.png - (73.17KB, 426x567, Village Gate.png)
Village Gate
You have an indeterminate handful of village men, a short period of time to prepare, and a gate that needs to be held against an encroaching tide of unusually low flying fairies. Grey squares are impassable, brown squares are passable, but roofed.

How would you hold this gate?
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I use the time between waves to make a hasty rope fence with wooden stakes, sharp stones and whatever sharp items can be attached to the fence.
I then get everyone I can find to hold a sharp stick and poke at anything that tries to come through.
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So these fairies are flying high enough to fly over the closed gate, yet not high enough to fly over the walls? All while flying low enough for the ground bound guards to attack them? That is an oddly specific altitude to be flying at.

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File 161601798261.jpg - (2.37MB, 1920x1066, b575bae8e0c7103386b90ed5a126b08d.jpg)
Fairies are the meta, can't change my mind, go moan to the mods for another buff mooners.
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What the fuck is this thread even about
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earthcucks coping
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yeah its been pretty rough lately what with us earthlings having 99 percent of the game be exclusive to us, a constant influx of new content, a thriving community, and more than three kinds of scenery.

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