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File 137038058927.jpg - (96.96KB, 360x360, 9f548d5262be169e3c32a585d49672df.jpg)
Even so, I'd rather have her beside me. I know she'll do what she thinks is best for me. I think I'm the one closest to her, same as she is to me.

As for Rin, I can't say the same. I don't know her. From the looks of her, she could subdue me with no trouble if she so wished: weak people don't spoil for a fight as she did — I'd know.
And I'd be completely alone with her. It might be a tad paranoid of me, but I've earned my paranoia. I'd feel more at ease with Yamame around..

Of course, I don't communicate any of my thoughts. What I feel or don't feel has no impact on anything.
Luckily, however, the fates are going my way for once.

“I'll go.” She draws herself up as she says it, sticking out her chest. Rin also flicks her eyes downwards for a split second, perhaps just now noticing Yamame's impressive... stature.

“Very well. You'll have to deal with miss Satori yourself, though. If her sister doesn't come home for too long, she gets a little... on edge.”

She nods, eyes filled with inexplicable resolve. I'm not sure where it came from, but I'm not about to refuse help.

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I can't remember either, oh the fun!

[X] Actually, didn't I bring her something today...?
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Surprise item time. Writing now

Time for a new thread, too.
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File 138974261156.jpg - (532.86KB, 700x840, Parsee169.jpg)
Next Threadu: >>>>12696

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File 138336472990.jpg - (553.88KB, 540x800, oh-god-what-am-i-doing.jpg)
“It’s cold.”

“Much too cold.”

“Yes, I know, but what about…”

“No? Then why did we…”

“Actually, where is she?”

“What? I didn’t drive her off!”

“But you said…!”

“Hey! Don’t put this on me! And please stop worrying over it, that won’t solve anything. Listen, I’m sorry, but right now this place is in total disarray, so would you please help me do something about it? Just help get some warmth around here. And go find her while you’re at it, gods know where she’s wondered off to. And be careful, we’ve only just settled in. Who knows what’s out there.”
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[x] Bear End.

[x] Cat End

This is an excellent read. I enjoyed it rather thoroughly, especially the encounter with that bear.

Speaking of,
have you seen my bear Tibbers?
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[X] Fairy End
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For anyone who happens to come by:

While it has been over a year now, I am definitely still here, lurking as much as the next reader. I find it interesting that this story has been labeled as "complete" in the Story List, as I know this story does not deserve it. This was all just my own proof-of-concept for myself that was quite a success. Anyone who reads this can easily tell it was rushed, and with just cause. It was for the 2013 NaNoWriMo THP challenge after all.

I digress however as I am here to say that this story will have a rewrite and a continuation, and that they have both been in the works for quite some time. Do note that this story’s vote is still open by my own terms, and, most importantly, that it will have an effect on my future story, whenever it is I post it. I do advise any future voters to sage their votes, as this story has long left the front page and newer stories deserve the attention. Finally, I’ll probably post some /shorts/ before diving in and posting my rewrite.

Of course, as with any story on this site, my words mean nothing unless I actually post them. It may be the end of this month or the end of this year, but I do plan on starting at some point in time.

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File 125255599560.jpg - (300.70KB, 1024x768, fk2_025.jpg)
Light. Such an annoying glare.

I toss around uncomfortably in my sleep, trying to get the light away from my still-closed eyes. For a few moments, I'm awarded a small measure of comfort as I escape from the overbearing glow only to realise that I was being attacked by something else; the unbearable heat that accompanied the sunlight beating down on me. With a small sigh I force my eyes open and shield them with an arm numbed from sleeping on the hard, uneven ground.

Looking up at the sky I guessed that the time would probably be around midnight by now, not that I could tell for certain since the perpetual daylight started countless years ago. I had been able to accurately keep track of the time in the beginning with the random clocks and time-pieces I ran across in the ruins of the human cities I happened to pass-by, but that quickly lost its meaning through the meandrous years. It was always day, the accursed sun was forever pounding everything beneath its harsh reign with its punishing glare. The heat stayed as a constant reminder of whatever the unnamed calamity that befell this world was, and the crumbling remains of human civilization served as a bitter refuge for my lone figure wandering on the blasted earth.

Just another day I guess.

Forcing myself into an upright position, I massage my protesting muscles feebly. My first attempt at standing up ended with me falling down to one knee and I quickly became aware of the total lack of feeling from my right leg. Whoops. It seems like not all of me has woken up yet. Pulling myself against a baked concrete wall that was now shaded by the partially-ruined building I took shelter in, I waited for the blood to circulate in my sleeping limb and contemplated my fate again as I had so many times before. It was rapidly becoming a habit for me to think about the past whenever I started to idle and it was only recently that I recognized the fact that I did that to keep my sanity intact instead of a conscious effort at trying to formulate an explanation for the mess that was this world.


<i>Once, many lifetimes ago, I had been an ordinary human. In an age when gods still walked the earth and
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Sleep well, dear friend.
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I miss this story
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We all do, Anon.

We all do.

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Sharp shark
[♠] Why not? A game'll pass the time 'til she's movin' again.

"All right," I tell her. I still don't feel up to moving around much <if youre lazing around its gotta be card games>.

Elis shuffles the deck blindingly fast, then holds it out to me. I cut it, but her hand stays in the air. She gives the deck a weird look, then me, but before I can ask about it, she takes it back, then begins dealing the cards. We each receive a hand of 8 cards, and then the deck is split in two, each half placed a hand's-width apart from the other.

"Normally the inviter goes second, but I'll start us off, this time," she mentions, before picking up her hand.

"Sounds fine to me."

I pick up my cards, confident in Elis' reassurance that I'll figure it out as I go along. It's just a card game; it should make sense soon enough.


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[X] Girl sticks to the trail leadin' outta here. Bounty's not as important as that.

I really want to say we should jump this phantom and see who comes out on top, but I'm not convinced we will come out of it in any good state. At the same time, I don't want to brush her off and flee. Stalling with dialogue and seeing where things go seems like the best idea to me, although we don't know that she won't jump US at some point. If she has plans to act hostile towards us, a preemptive strike could tip things in our favor, but if she didn't intend to hurt us, drawing her ire doesn't seem like a great idea either. I'm torn, to put it simply.
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File 138544105239.png - (413.45KB, 480x432, that wasn't bacon at all.png)
that wasn&#039;t bacon at all
For those reading this once this thread slips off the board and into the archive... which will only be at some point several years from now in several years, given the blazing pace of activity on /underground/:
Since—as of this posting—we don't archive posted images, here's the picture from >>12183, un-hidden (A thumbnail's better than nothing, right?). On that note: Remember that hidden picture at the very very very end of The Game? It was a ring box made of rosewood.

I'll probably start doing this whenever I finish up a thread and it's in autosage.
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File 138544132685.png - (151.64KB, 1860x360, removes even the toughest spots.png)
removes even the toughest spots
Next thread: >>12501

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File 131201864975.png - (690.16KB, 1000x1000, 43ae71b98ae8eab29419cf7838abe40e.png)
This story has nothing to do with the historian.


Over the course of your lifetime, there are very few things you look back on and think "now that was incredibly stupid of me."

Add this one to the list, you think wryly as you look down into the pitch-black shaft below you.

For a moment, you think back to how you ended up in this predicament. This morning, you planned to explore a new cave you and your friends had discovered not too far from the village. It was an admittedly risky and dangerous hobby you all had, to explore these hidden nooks and crannies near the village that no human had ventured into before.

The adventure had gone smoothly overall, actually; you and your friends had had quite the fun spelunking through the natural caverns and underground streams. It was only when your friends went back home and you decided to stay a little longer to see if you could find anything else interesting when things went sour. You had found an opening from one of the large caverns leading further down into the cave, and followed the tunnel until it widened into this large vertical shaft. It was at this point that you had slipped on a patch of wet moss and went sliding over the edge. Only by a miracle did you manage to grab hold of an outcropping on the side of the shaft. This is where you are now.

Both of your hands hold tightly to the rock that spelled the difference between hanging there or being splattered at the bottom of the shaft. The illumination from your dropped torchlight is still plainly visible in the exit to the tunnel some three or so meters above you. It may as well have been three kilometers.

As you hang there in the dim light, you give thanks that you're as strong as you are; holding on with just your hands is only moderately a strain at the moment, but it's only a matter of time before your strength starts to give out.
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Stop asking all these questions and do as I say. Or I’ll update this story again.
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Go ahead. Then you'll be doing something at least.
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You mean other than my weeklies at /shrine/? Not sure what I could do with this one, though. That thing up there was a total one-off.

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File 136435421753.jpg - (344.19KB, 800x568, how-long-can-it-last.jpg)

The main theme I worked with for my dolls was swords.

A strange theme, perhaps, but it seemed to work well. It played to my strengths while covering my weaknesses. I would never be able to match somebody like Yumeko or Sara in a contest of strength or martial skill. However, the weapons I could create were excellent.

With all the time I spent working on golems and other automatons, it didn’t take much to transfer the basics over to forging weapons and other tools. Sara was absolutely delighted when I started trying to create weaponry on the fly. The gatekeeper loved to smash my conjured weaponry into things – eventually, the weapons stopped breaking.

In a way, my swords were better than what I based them on. Yumeko’s ability to generate swords was limited to her single gleaming blade, copied over and over again on the fly. My weapons were restricted only by my imagination. From composition to form, I could change what I liked.

When metal met metal, my weapons held strong. My own arms were liable to break if I clashed with Yumeko, though. That was where the dolls came in. My creations had limbs of steel, reinforced by magic. If they broke, there wasn’t much hope for me anyway.

However, that kind of situation never threatened my daily life. Other than for fun, it wasn’t like I was fighting anybody. Fortunately, the specialization for my dolls proved to be useful in other ways.

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>You want partake in a little forced sexual deviancy? Yumeko would slice your head off.

I see what you did there.
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This story is one of my favourites on this site, keep up the good work!
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>You want partake
Damn, this ruins the joke completely. I suck.

Thank you very much! I’m glad this exercise in pain and new experience was enjoyable for others. I have a story on /th/ that is currently stuttering along while I try to find new times to write. After that finishes up, we’ll see where I travel next.

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File 136567104812.jpg - (443.25KB, 900x900, ba0ef1454a9ccccb355ae8a78d88753a.jpg)
It's cramped in here.

Really cramped.

The ceiling is only tall enough for me to crouch or crawl, and the room is only wide enough for me to lie down in it sideways. What's more, the walls, floor and ceiling are all cold, rough stone, meaning my knees and feet are permanently full of shallow cuts, and I hit my head on an outstanding bit of rock more often than I'd like.

I'm a bit clumsy.

It's hard to move around in here, so I don't clean it up much. I like it like this, though, it's cozy. I sleep in a cluster of blankets to a side, which as far as I'm concerned, is the best way to sleep. The little piles of trinkets and books don't help much, either. Children's toys, writing implements, all kinds of stuff serve to clutter what little space I have. They're mostly stolen, and I often have to toss some out to make room for more. Sometimes I dig to expand, using my claws. I don't think they were made for it, though; I keep losing them. It hurts, but I heal pretty fast, so it's fine. I wish I would remember to get a real tool for digging already.

I say claws, but really, they're not much. Some youkai have awful long ones that come to a point, to rip into flesh really easily. Not mine. Mine are just like a human's, except sharper and harder to break. Same for the teeth.

I'm something of a half-baked youkai. I don't even like the taste of human.

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Yea it's a damn shame the dude is so bipolar, his story is great.
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Please people, if you're going to talk about other writers in someone's thread, make sure they're at least kind words.

New thread here:
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File 13515114557.jpg - (469.64KB, 1746x1746, A hellish beginning.jpg)
A hellish beginning
Because /underground/ could use some stories actually focusing on the SA characters.

“The flames of Old Hell sear body and soul alike.”

The green-haired judge proclaims this with a solemn expression, an alarming postscript to my life’s verdict. Beside her, a buxom redhead, the one who brought me here, shifts uncomfortably. The enormous scythe she wields bounces from one shoulder to the other.

“...Is that supposed to reassure me, Your Honor?” I manage to respond, sardonic tone a poor mask for the cold wash of daunting fear I feel. “That’s a little harsh, isn’t it? I might have committed some sins in my life, I admit that; but were they bad enough to warrant burning my soul into a metaphysical crisp?”

My voice cracks on the last word, surprisingly- I’d never been one to care about the state of my soul before, but I guess some shift in priorities would be warranted.

The soul’s all that’s left of me now, after all.

“It was intended as a forewarning,” the judge says, eyebrows furrowing in a frown. “So that you would not be wholly unprepared for your next place of spiritual residence.”

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The thread is dead, that's what.

Please sage in these situations, good sir. Otherwise you get a bunch of angry people who expected an update.
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This would be occasion for an even more protracted complaint on the overzealous application of sage, but.

Omission was intentional; asking for status probably does fall into "discussion directly related to the story" and writefag here seems to be sufficiently dedicated for a poke to have a chance of some results.

I'll look stupid if he doesn't respond, now.
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>I'll look stupid if he doesn't respond, now.
Over 6 month have passed and he still hasn't returned.

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File 134298189659.jpg - (334.08KB, 450x600, a-brand-new-day.jpg)

My body jolted and tried to spring in the air, but two hands were holding my shoulders down. I struggled and kicked my legs out to try and escape from the restraint.

The sharp pain that exploded in my toes put a stop to that. “Ow…”

“Calm yourself, Alice. Everything is fine.” Pandemonium’s resident maid spoke to me in a stern but calming tone.

Looking around, my surroundings weren’t as I remembered. The field of shattered crystal and open sky had been replaced by the primary colors of my room.

I was lying in my bed, snugly tucked underneath my blanket. I could feel the soft touch of pajamas against my skin and actual bandages wrapped around my injuries. Yumeko was leaning over me, gently preventing me from flying off in a panic. After I ceased my struggling the maid slowly allowed me to sit up.

Why am I- Everything was aching. What happened to- My body felt like lead, but I couldn’t just lie down. Is everybody- I had to get up and go! There’s no time to- A whole chunk of the forest had been destroyed! Please please please don’t be- My new family was-

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[X] Shield; or, if possible
-[X] Guardian
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[x] Swords

Ties are fun
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Okay, calling the vote here (feels so strange doing this). I’m going to keep up the self-delusion that this story has become wildly popular and assume all these votes are legitimate, mainly because as far as story-changing votes go, this isn’t one of them.

If you’re voting more than once, please reflect on your actions and consider your role in a pseudo-democratic community. See you with a new update soon™.

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A mini-sequel to “Tenshi is in This Story”

  The king loved endlessly his little spouse, and she loved him from the bottom of her heart in turn.
   Such a thing as that was bound to end in upheaval.

—Flourens Delannoy, “Fairy Tales & Myths,” paraphrased

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Now that this is done, there hasn't been anything worth reading on /underground/ for a while.
I understand why, but I still find it a shame.
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Are you saying this is my fault? I'll rip your arms off, man.
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Sorry for such a neckbeard joke
I can't say.

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