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File 162659594337.png - (26.57KB, 490x246, d8sx2fp-6ffc027a-7101-49ed-9af7-29a3b3816626.png)
[-]Why are we even talking about this? We both agree Satori's our best bet for getting home, so we should concentrate on cracking the urban legend puzzle. If that doesn't pan out, then consider other options, but we shouldn't split our focus.

You're still a little off balance, from your injuries to dealing with Koishi and Satori to everything else going on in Gensokyo, but you do get where Sumi's coming from. It's a serious situation, one where she can't blast her way out through pure magical firepower, and she feels responsible for it. And she has a point in that what's best for the two of you would be to get home, regardless of how that's accomplished. You don't blame her for that, but at the same time, you can't agree. Satori needs your help, and you're her best if not only chance of fixing Koishi. What good is magical power if you can't make a difference with it?

But you won't make any headway with that argument against Sumi. She'd roll her eyes, call you an idealist, and point out that you've known Satori for less than twenty-four hours total. Which would all be true without doing anything to change your mind, and leave both of you arguing past each other. Fortunately, you don't need to have this fight now, because the right thing is also the strategic thing.

Sumi, keeping options open is one thing, but let's not risk plan A because you have to have a plan B.

Well, of course not. I'm not doing anything like that.

Really? Because as you may have noticed, Satori's a mind-reader.

Which is exactly why I went to these lengths to have this conversation in private.

Let me finish! She almost certainly knows you don't trust her, and while I don't think that actually bothers her, if you start making plans on how to escape Gensokyo while ignoring her sister, she would absolutely notice, and probably take it as a betrayal. And honestly, you think such a reaction would be justified, but let&#
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Thanks for the update. Its rather bittersweet.
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Amazing writing :). Loved it as always
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buddhists and the crime
Previous >>201720

The image of the merchant’s fat face was one that seemed to be burned into Kenji’s mind. For a moment, it was all that the beast could think about. Why? Well, jumping a little back in the story, Gotoh—if the name is to be recalled—had entered a fruitful partnership with the self-exiled gangster. Both had profited immensely, with Kenji skimming off the top of lucrative new ventures fomented by a mixture of beastly cunning and ingenuity. Indeed, he had been one of the main beneficiaries of the festival and would profit from a multi-layered scheme of brokerage fees and commission. Even if sales were abysmal, as they might be after the youkai-initiated brawl, the venture had already generated sizeable earnings.

In other words, Gotoh would win no matter what.

As would Yachie. Kenji knew that for sure. That was the brilliance of the Kiketsu stratagem. Appreciating its intricacies was not really at the fore of the beast’s tired mind, however. He was tired, bloodied and a very sharp claw had just penetrated deep into his chest.

It had not been a deliberate lowering of his guard that allowed this grievous injury. Not in the sort of sense that martyrs are lionized for welcoming. In cold, rational terms, he could not resist effectively anymore. His movements were slow. His counters predictable. His zeal lacking. Many facts could be pointed at and used as an explanation. Cold rationality and explanations could not, however, reveal the truth of the matter.

Perhaps the White Lotus’ teachings had had more of an impact on his way of thinking than the beast would care to admit. That revelation would gladden the priestess, no doubt. Certainly the awesome display she had produced when facing Saki had created unexpressed relief in the beast’s mind. He was appreciated and belonged where he chose to be. In summary: Kenji Yajuu had accepted a truth within him that could be described in scripture but only understood by a readied mind.

All of that was why the smirk did not leave his lips even as Yoko delivered a would-be deathblow. That there was no he
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A beautiful end to the story. I loved all of the character interactions throughout. The cast was a fun ensemble.
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I set out to write this on a whim for nanowrimo last year after thinking about the concept for a while. There is a lot of imagery and symbolism in East Asian gangsters that takes inspiration from Buddhism so I used that as a starting point since there's not enough known about the Beast Realm to set a story there. Well, without doing a massive amount of world building and relying on mostly original characters.

Still, I think that there's something of a natural fit with the (to say the least) unconventional attitude of the Myouren Temple and of Byakuren. Showing how a youkai could come to embrace her ways despite it being against their nature is interesting to me. The specifics of faith or doctrine aren't as important as the characters and how their relationship evolves against the backdrop of events that are beyond their control.

Even though I kept update length down in a bid to update daily, I still had to take a long break because of life and a lack of motivation. Still, thanks for taking the time to read this and I'd like to do more on the types of characters that don't get to be in the limelight too often. That and the type of relationships that are a little unconventional and multifaceted.

Every vote and every comment is motivating and helps me keep on writing. So I'd like to thank you again for bothering as it's appreciated.

P.S. Lala is cute and deserves hugs from a gruff beast who is bad at expressing his feelings in a non-violent way.
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The Beast Realm itself is something of Buddhist concept, although IIRC it's more something with origins in China, given the whole "hell and all other worlds are a giant, hierarchically organised ball of structures-within-structures" thing.

>The specifics of faith or doctrine
The Myouren's doctrine is kind of unreadable from the outside, anyway. It's a weird hodgepodge with a Zen-ish coating, a Pure Land filling with some Vajrayana-ish crunch, and a heterodoxy centre. At least, that's what I read based on what's available in official sources. So, yeah, kind of a pain in the ass to get into.

>Even though I kept the update length down in a bid to update daily, I still had to take a long break
Happens to the best of us, mate. I'm just glad you got back, personally. And whilst daily updates wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for any given story, the wait for a well-written story like this one has never been bad.

>I'd like to do more on the types of characters that don't get to be in the limelight too often
Looking forward to whatever you come out with next!

>So I'd like to thank you again for bothering
It wasn't a bother for me at all, nor should it ever be for anyone else. I appreciate the subtlety that often goes into your stories, and poring over things to find what I missed the first time is fun.

>hugs from a gruff beast who is bad at expressing his feelings in a non-violent way
epilogue when Teruyo pls I need this

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Another short outside of /shorts/. One part a day for a week 'til it’s all posted.
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It was a fun read. Your Nazrin is enjoyable to read about. Though, I don't understand why Tenma had to play out both her Daitengu and Nazrin.
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Quoted texts:

>Poor Robin, 1756, … ditto
>Kojiki, Ō no Yasumaro, 711; Chamberlain translation, 1882
>Blinkenlights, apocryphal
>Touhou Bunka Shinpō ~ Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia, ZUN, 2017; my own fragmentary translation
>Jikkinshō, anonymous, 1252; Brownlee translation, 1974
>The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus the Great, A. E. Waite, 1894
(I am quite certain Paracelsus himself did not write the Coelum Philosophorum within, and it is the work of either a contemporary imitator or of Waite's his own ... but that is all part of the Paracelsian tradition, after all.)
>The Tengu, Dr. M. W. de Visser, 1908
>Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth, J. R. R. Tolkien, 1980
>Kaidan Toshiotoko, Zansetsusha Sokyū, 1749; my own fragmentary translation
>Shasekishū, Mujū Dōkyō, 1283; Morrell translation, 1985

That about rounds it out, I think.
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Loved it. It had Naz; it had jizou booty; it had Tenma... Well, more than the characters who appeared, I very much enjoyed the style of it. Subtle, dry humour is always nice, and your vocabulary (and inventiveness with it) far outstrips mine. Also, tengu affair will always get my interest by default.

Really, though, just getting a Naz story feels like a small blessing. Even though she's my favourite by no small margin, I've not found a story in me to suit her. I slightly opine that she never spoke until the end, leaving the acidic taste of grump only savoured by those she came in contact with, but I understand that's a stylistic choice, and it does work well overall. You've impressed a mouse-lover deeply.

The way I conceive it is that she needed the great-tengu to believe he was a few steps ahead of everyone because a virtual nobody (i.e., Naz) was the only one who had 'pieced together' the whole story of the orb. Her entire speech on the Izanagi Objects makes them out to be quite powerful, and likely dangerous in the wrong hands, so they're naturally a coveted thing for those in the tengu power structure who want to cut a place for themselves. If nothing else, the lady Tenma is looking out for her own interests as a (I suppose) stabilising force on the mountain... or, if nothing else, as a political actor holding onto the near-supreme seat of power she sits on.

Then again, I suppose the full reasoning is neither here nor there, and knowing it in full is opposed to the purposes of the story. Tengu and esoterica go hand-in-hand, after all.

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Daily updates until we're done. Part of nanowrimo 2020. Be wild when voting~
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Why are otters so fucking CUTE
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They float around on their backs with rocks on their stomachs to break open scallops and clams.
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New thread >>203081

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[x] Forge ahead anyway. There's nothing in particular going on right now, Sumi's occupied with her helicopter flight; this is a chance to understand Satori better.

You give a mental shrug. If you don't ask now, you probably never will. "Does reading minds bother you?"

"If you haven't noticed, reading minds is essentially what defines me, and it's an incredible advantage. You can tell by how I haven't tried to close my third eye."

"Something can be useful, helpful, and overall a good thing, and still be incredibly frustrating at times." Like Sumireko, not that you were stupid enough to say that out loud.

"How many ways can I possibly signal that I don't want to have this conversation? I know you aren't this dense, Greg."

"For crying out loud. You're acting more off than Sumi is, and I'm worried about you."

"By pushing on a sensitive subject? That's a fascinating way of showing your concern."

"It's not that simple, just..." you stop, frustrated. It's that people tend to be more honest when they're off balance. The Satori you know is polite, dry, and witty, with the occasional burst of verbal savagery, and all that's well and good, but you're pretty sure she's burying her own feelings. She doesn't talk about herself, and if you press on it, she either goes clinical, in the same way a medical doctor would talk about a corpse, or she deflects, like she has now. You know she's deflecting, and because she's a mindreader, she knows you know she's deflecting, and she's still deflecting!

So yes, you're pushing. You're pushing bluntly to try and get her to open up, because what else is there to even do? You could try something subtle, but Satori would just read your mind for your motives and call you out on it.

"If you're going to carry on like that, could you go think somewhere else?"

"Sorry, is reading my thoughts bothering you?"

Satori is halfway to answering yes before she stops, apparently remembering your or
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On my re-read of the story, I noticed a pretty big inconsistency on Greg's knowledge regarding Eientei, though the effect on how the things pan out because of it now should be miniscule.
I honest to God didn't notice it going through the story normally.

>>202722 (Thread 2 - you are here)
Conversation with Alice on Eientei
"The worst case for a concussion is serious brain damage. Does she have a pill that 'easily handles' that?"

"Well, she has made an elixir that grants immortality."

"You're kidding." You stop short and stare at her. "Is that why Gensokyo's so screwed up? Everyone's just immortal?"

"No, only three people have taken it. You'll need a different explanation for Gensokyo's madness."

>>202449 (Thread 1) (Almost the whole post, cut together just a little, tldr below)
Discussion about the Visit to Eientei
"Honestly, if I get to pick, I'd like the magical medical treatment," you comment [...]

Satori rolled her eyes. "[...]The Lunarians at Eientei are extremely powerful. And, not to belabor the point, but we are poorly equipped for a fight."

Hold on a second. "Wait, Lunar? As in, from the moon?"

"Yes." Satori nodded. "Aside from the earth rabbits, the inhabitants there are all refugees from the moon."
Speaking of which, Satori glanced over at you and her mouth twitched upwards. "Regardless. Kaguya's an immortal princess, but she tends towards solitude, recreational murder of a yakitori stand owner aside."

Wait, what?

"If we go to Eientei itself, the one we'll be looking for is Eirin. She's a medical genius, to the point of successfully creating an immortality elixir. While she faithfully serves Kaguya,
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Reading comprehension is your friend but it's not mine:
Correction on the tldr
Mokou said the Lunarians won't get involved collecting occult balls
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File 159765660953.jpg - (365.18KB, 1280x800, brunettes creepy video games touhou dress animal e.jpg)
brunettes creepy video games touhou dress animal e

His mother was dead.

He didn't know to feel relief or a pity. Ever since he was born in this prison-like body, she had loved him. Shielding him from the worse of his father's excesses, even when he came home drunk and reaching for the belt. Giving him love, smiles, and warmth, in a world of cruel children and neglectful adults. And she was dead.

His father would come home soon. More beatings. More jeers from the other children. And no one would care.

What did he have in this life? Nothing. No friends. Not family. And not even a healthy body. He was going to die. Either starving to death on the street, murdered when his body failed him again, or maybe being beaten to death. Or worse. Sold. No, he would go out his own way. That way, he would have his own choice.

He picked up his crutches and backpack. He didnt have much in this life, but he wouldn't die alone. At least, he would have something with him when he passed into the afterlife. Just a few books, a few precious keepsakes, and a few more mementos.


"Well, this is new." he thought. The forest he had walked into now seemed distinctly more dangerous. Old wives tales of ghosts and demons, horror stories children shared with one another, and tales of myth and exploration he had read in the long hours in the library hidden from his tormentors

The winding trail had long since disappeared, and the air had twisted and twitched somehow. It was no longer the humid, warm summer air. No, the air was colder now, biting, drier. It was almost like winter. But how? His sweat dried and stuck to his skin, the cool air now making him shiver. He looked behind him. The path was gone. He was still leaving footprints on the ground, now slightly soggy with dew. But... He leaned down at the point where his footprints began, slowly prodding the ground with his crutch. The ground was soft and would form an imprint. And yet, looking at the marks on the ground, its as if he had dropped from the sky into the middle of the path and then started walking.

The wind blew again, rustling the trees and leaves around him, and he shivered. Something had happened. Something had br
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I like this, I like this a lot.

Sure there's a few minor grammar errors here and there
e.g "You'e" should be "you're"
but they are easily made mistakes that I and tons of other novice authors make.

It's clear you've put effort and time into this.
Your writing style is nice, refreshing like a frozen drink.

Life is busy, update at your own pace.
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Hello. I have no choice by now.

Note: I'm not very familiar with quests, and this is my first one. also, I haven't written anything in months.
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Hello. I have no choice by now.

Note: I'm not very familiar with quests, and this is my first one. also, I haven't written anything in months.

This may get pretty bad. But I'll try my best. Note that this kid isn't getting superpowers, or if he is going to get anything special, it's probably not going to be that flashy.

And BTW, this is mostly slice of life. This guy ain't going to fight the Yama or anything.

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Bunny Ninja Final
A friendly land where the days are bright, the nights are beautiful, and sounds of fear and joy resound around as we all live as if safety was not a lie.

Welcome to Gensokyo.

Hello Dreamers!

There is a strange scarlet mist today, blocking and choking out the sun. No need to worry though, as the sun is a deadly laser and this mist is helping shield us from it today. Today’s activities can all be done without sunscreen and I’m sure the local vampires appreciate it very much.

If you’re a filthy sun lover though, Hakurei Reimu, you know, the Miko? Is currently en route to investigate the disturbance which seems to be located around a mysterious mansion.

More as the story develops…

Today’s Yokai Watch, watch out for Rumia!

A yokai of darkness that calls herself a “Human Eating Yokai”, she seems to have lost her appetite for human flesh along with most of her height and maturity. Long gone is the appearance of the blonde yankee and this yokai now spends her days wandering along the edges of the Misty Lake in a bubble of darkness.

Every so often, when the moon is brightest and the air is soft with regretful melancholy, she visits a grave with a broken kitsune mask and sits. Always quiet, she always seems confused as to why tears slip down her cheeks. As if mourning a friend forgotten and life half remembered.

This is the worst time to speak with her. Do not do this, but if you do, know that we will laugh very hard at you..

We suggest carrying raw meat to throw when you run away from her. While you may not be able to see in her darkness, neither can she.

If you want to meet her, we suggest during the day with an offering of raw meat. She prefers human meat, but says that pork or beef is fine though. In exchange,

My strongest fairy intern, Cirno attempted to stop and interview Reimu, you know, the miko? On her investigation of the Scarlet Mist. Unfortunately, during the customary Danmaku, Cirno sadly got a literal brain freeze and is now an ice sculpture. Daiyousei has picked her up and is bringing her back to defrost.

Daiyousei, my most sensible fairy, informs me that there is a mansion on
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what did I just read. no seriously what is this, like a reference to something else because it sounds like it
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Its a reference to Welcome to Nightvale, a pretty good... I guess I would call it a podcast? This did a good job combining the two, so it would be cool to see more!

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"Seriously, I want Hawaii. And I'm a physicist, I'm done being shot at. You understand that, right?"

"It's time to choose."

"You're threatening me, you took my weapons, and you're a fucking time lord. This is bullshit."

Everything's green again, big surprise. And now it's all black. Wonderful.

"Wisely done, Mr. Freeman. I will see you up ahead. Although... I may have to... call in a favor, in the meantime."

The hell is this guy talking about? I agreed to his stupid job offer, right? Why is everything still black? Did I die and this is my own personal hell? Because that would suck.

"Oh, this is unexpected. To what do I owe the honor?"

Wait, that's a woman talking. Not anyone I recognize, I don't think.

"Mrs. Yakumo, I wasss hoping to... cash in a favor, if you didn't mind."

Yakumo? Don't know anyone by that name... sounds Japanese, maybe.

"Really? Does it have anything to do with your... 'client' here?"

Client? Are they talking about me? I can speak for myself, assholes!

"You see, thissss... individual, was chosen by my, employers. However, he has proven to be most... unorthodox. I hoped that you would be, willing to... 'watch over' him until he is needed, again."

Great, they can't hear me... Wait, "watch over"? What am I, a fucking child?

"Hmm, I'm not sure, he'd probably cause all sorts of trouble in Gensokyo..."

Gensokyo? Sounds Japanese again. Oh, Christ, I'm not gonna have to learn Japanese, am I? I already know like four languages, and after the day I've had, I don't think I can bother with learning another one.

"But that means he would, fit in perfectly, yesss?"

Oh right, my future is being decided while I literally can't say anything about it. This is just the worst part of being a kid again.

"Oh, alright, you've convinced me. But only because I owe you, okay?"

"Thank y
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[X]Those doors look interesting. Let's get a full tour of this place.
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is this thread still alive? is OP still writing?
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I can't answer the second question, but given that it's been two years since the last update, the first one gets a resounding NO.

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"You can't be serious!"

Sumireko responded with a noise that she would firmly deny bore any relation to a squee. "I told you this is for real! The bake-danuki gave me Gensokyo's own Occult Ball!"

Despite your misgivings, you hid a grin. For all she loves acting above it all and making noise about her psychic powers, Sumireko looked every inch a high school girl just now. Well, apart from the animated cape and her levitating from sheer excitement. You shook your head and got back to the matter at hand. "There's no way a youkai just gives someone anything, right? We've both read up on those legends; there's always a trap or a trick, or something."

"Oh, she didn't just give it to me. I won it off of her in a duel, right above downtown!"

Even with all the notice-me-not charms Sumireko's got going on, you're still shocked that didn't make the news. "And that's another point. Every single youkai you've summoned has fought you. Why would this one be willing to give you a treasure like that? A duel isn't exactly a friendly thing."

Sumireko considered that for just a moment. "I'm pretty sure in Gensokyo it's just the long version of saying hello. But to get to the actual question, they all thought they would win, not realizing their tricks were helpless against the wisdom of humanity. Besides, the Occult Ball is clearly legitimate! I know you can feel the power coming off of it."

While you were skeptical of the rest of her argument, she isn't wrong about that last point. While Sumireko herself is radiating more power, the Gensokyo Occult Ball isn't exactly outclassed. That thing's capable of some serious sorcery. Heck, to be emitting that much magic passively and still be a long-term enchantment, it would have to be continuously drawing power from Gensokyo, which is even more evidence of her claim.

All the same, something feels a little off about the whole thing.

"I don't know, Sumi-"

"Come on, this is our chance! We can finally visit Gensokyo as we please, find more real
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[X] Forge ahead anyway. There's nothing in particular going on right now, Sumi's occupied with her helicopter flight; this is a chance to understand Satori better.
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[X] Forge ahead anyway. There's nothing in particular going on right now, Sumi's occupied with her helicopter flight; this is a chance to understand Satori better.
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I awake to the thumping of my head against the train window. I don't even remember falling asleep. Not surprised I dozed off. Work has been been draining the life from me these past few months. Mandatory overtime, garbage wage, and ridiculous quotas are driving me insane. It's a miracle I can even get out of bed in the morning.

"College degree doesn't mean shit." I sigh heavily.

Outside the window, the landscape rolls by and the sun slowly sets. On normal days I'd be arriving home at four in evening but today I won't be home until at least nine. I miss when I had free time. It's hard to even get in a workout when your entire existence is consumed by work. It's a sad state when exercise is the only enjoyable hobby you have.

"Is there anyone sitting here?" I lazily turn my head to the voice. A beautiful, blonde woman, dressed in a purple dress, and holding a parasol stands smiling. I perk up. Women usually don't approach men on trains and women rarely approach me. Her outfit is a little odd though, could be some kind of cosplayer.

"Nah, here let me give you some room."

"Domo arigatou." I'm convinced she's a cosplayer. You don't often hear Japanese where I live. "Hello, my name is Yukari Yakumo. What's yours?"

"Victor Dziedzic, nice to meet you Yukari." We lock eyes momentarily. There's an unsettling amount of intelligence in her eyes. A feeling of unease settles over me.

"Don't look so uncomfortable Victor! I have a question for you. Do you yearn for a better life? Isn't so unfulfilling working a deadend job?" I scoot further away from Yukari in my seat. How could she possibly know I'm unhappy with my job? I scan the car for a way out. I can hear her chuckling. "I have a job proposition for you. Well, not me but a confidant."

"And why should I trust someone I've never met before?" Every part of my being is telling me to run. I have a death grip on my backpack.

"You can go back to living in your rundown apartmen
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Real talk though, we haven't had anything in the way of "entry level" stories like this in a while. I think I'd take that over mostly nothing for long periods.

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