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The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Kicchou Reimu has reawakened memories of her past life on what has rapidly become the worst day of her current one. The once Shrine Maiden, now turtle-dragon and yakuza princess, is a close-kept secret of the Kiketsu family. However, her and her Mama Yachie were in a part of Kiketsu territory that got cut off from the main body, and now more than ever, the Kiketsu’s enemies seek to discover Yachie’s most precious secret, and exploit it for their own ends.

Yuuma Toutetsu easily saw through Yachie’s initial plan - after all, she has been feeding on the otter spirits that make up Kiketsu herself. After a rough ride across enemy territory, and managing to avoid being spotted by the Gouyoku Alliance only by a hair, Reimu has been chased into the depths of the waterways, in an attempt to stay hidden from the eagles and their taotie leader.

Reimu’s escape brought her into contact with Konpaku Youki, who seeks to slit Yuuma’s belly at Eiki’s request, and find the lost heiress of the Konpaku family. They’ve now come to the nearest reservoir, held by Haniyasushin Keiki, only for the Sculptor Goddess to claim that Reimu’s secret is no secret to her…

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Or read the story archive on Ao3:

[ ] She’s onto you. Run. Run.
[15] Confess to the truth.
[1] Play dumb. She’s just shooting in the psychological dark.
-[X] Do we still have Genji? Since we still have him...hug it. Plushie.
-[X] Grumble about what the point of losing the horns were if you were going to be found out right away anyways. (And if her past self grumbled about it, give her a mental raspberry.)

Reimu let out a long, long sigh. So much for cutting her horns off, now she just looked weirder without anything to show for it. Both parts of her lamented - the former for not trying to disguise herself further, and the latter for her lost horns.

She pulled her bag close. She wanted to fish Genjii out, but perhaps Keiki would take that as a sign of aggression there was no point in sending. “...It’s that obvious, is it?”

Keiki nodded. “I… hope you weren’t seriously trying to hide it. I spotted it from the moment I saw you.”

Reimu just looked down, glumly kicking her feet. “I was trying to hide it, but… I’m no good at tricking people or keeping secrets. I’m not like my mother.”

The sculptor cocked her head. “Is your mother… a particularly deceitful person?”

There was a long pause, and Reimu looked up. “U-um… yes?”

Keiki’s smiled turned sympathetic. “Poor thing. I hope that won’t mean you’d have to come to blows with her…”

Reimu paused. Why the hell would she have to fight her own mother? No, wait, why would Keiki ask if Mama was a deceiver? Surely she knew that already?

Eventually, she spoke. “S-sorry, I don’t quite know what you mean…?”

Keiki leaned back, a bit more. “Well… it just seems like it’d be a source of friction, being a youkai Miko and all.”

Reimu blinked. Then opened her mouth. Then shut it again.

Keiki returned her expression of complete bafflement with one of her own, cracking open another can of energy drink. “Or are you better classified as a god’s shikigami, or something like that?”

Reimu shook her head. This wasn't at all what she thought she was confessing to. “W-wait, how can you tell I’m a Miko?”

The goddess chuckled. “Well, there’s a holy relic in your body, for starters. A go-shintai and a holy weapon, if I’m not mistaken.” She took a gulp of her energy drink. “And if I’m not wrong, its primary blessing is Youkai Extermination.”


The goddess took another sip. “Chances are it’s left its mark on your body somewhere. Noticed anything strange this morning?”

Reimu nodded furiously. “A-a lot of things, actually… But if you’re talking marks, there’s a big yin-yang symbol on my sh - on my back.” Something clicked in her head. “Wait, this morning? How could you know that?”

Keiki finished her second can, and reached for a third. “Come on now. I’ve been awake nearly all hours of the day, of course I know about the light show from last night.” She pointed at Reimu’s chest. “That was the go-shintai seeking you out, was it not? And now you’re looking to cross the Sanzu and go where it came from. Am I wrong?”

Reimu was floored. More and more things were falling into place. Her awakening to her memories… that had come from the go-shintai, hadn’t it? She tried, desperately, to remember anything about the holy artefact of her shrine. She couldn’t quite remember what it was, but a small spate of blessings emerged from the depths of her memory. The ability to eat sweets and not get fat, the ability to transform the go-shintai into a cat…

The ability of giving it's user any scent they desire. She thought back, to when Yuuma had almost literally sniffed her out. Her shrine’s go-shintai must have been with her, must have responded to her call and protected her. And it would explain why she suddenly remembered her past self after all these years - a part of her past had literally come to her.

…Which meant someone or something had sent it to her. She looked up, with renewed determination. “Y-you’re not wrong. I-I'm still trying to figure out why I got these powers, but I am a miko. And youkai extermination is my duty.”

The goddess nodded affirmatively. “Well, I’m sure your god will be glad to have a miko so eager to serve them. But natives leaving the animal realm is no mean feat. Perhaps you’d be best to curry some favour with the Yama.”

Reimu tilted her head at that. “Do you have something in mind…?”

Keiki took a deep breath. “Yes, I do. And you might be the only one who can do it.”

“I told you, I don’t need a bloody massage!” The swordsman’s voice was utterly furious as Reimu and Keiki rounded the corner.

The goddess brought her to a stop right outside a glass wall separating them from the struggling Konpaku. He was being held down by the female Haniwa who’d been guarding the entrance, as a… strange-looking haniwa administered to him. A more primitive model that was little more than the traditional, vaguely cylindrical statues, except with freely-moving arms and a bizarre face.

“That is incorrect, sir Youki. Your self-injury in the waterways is proof enough.”

The swordsman uttered a string of curses, unabated by the continued medical care by the strange figurine. Reimu turned to Keiki, speaking quietly. “What’s with the clunky clayface?”

Keiki waved her concerns off, sipping her drink. “Medical unit YGKR. Older mass-produced medical model, before I could start proper production lines for the more humanoid carapaces. Desperately needs a new carapace, but you already know how available my time is right now… but that’s not who I wanted you to look at.”

Reimu turned to look at Youki again. “Is it the old guy, then?”

Keiki nodded. “...Tell me honestly, Reimu. You’ve seen him in battle. Do you think Youki can beat Yuuma?”

Reimu took a long look at the old man. Now that he’d been stripped to apply some bandages, she could see the decades of scars and wounds on him. She’d certainly seen his feats of skill, and he’d outclass his granddaughter by a long shot, for sure, but…

She shook her head. “...No, he can’t.” Keiki took a long, faltering breath. “Do you think he’s going to get hurt?”

Keiki’s face was dead serious, watching as the half-phantom fought a losing battle at being administered to. “...I think he’s going to die. Oh, I’m sure he’ll do what he needs to. But he’s pushing his body way too far, way too hard - she’ll take a bite out of him he can’t recover from.” She shook her head. “His age is catching up to him, but he’s not quite at the point where he’s accepted that yet. He’s still taking up missions like he’s a man half his age. And he refuses to accept any help from us - not that I exactly have a lot of it to give now, either.”

Reimu looked up at Keiki. “So… how am I supposed to help?”

The Idola Deus knelt down on one knee, to reach Reimu’s level. “Reimu… how good are you at youkai extermination?”

The miko blinked. “U-uhm. I’m pretty good at fighting, and the go-shintai will make me stronger… but I don’t think I can beat Yuuma, either. A-and I don’t have the right tools.” Well, not the right tools to fight and keep her identity hidden.

Keiki shook her head. “You don’t have to beat Yuuma. All you have to do is make sure he survives his attempt. If he has a close-enough call, but still gets out of it alive… That will be enough.” She put her hand on the little girl's shoulder. “And you might be the only one who can. He wants to protect you, so he’ll bring you along with him where he wouldn’t bring any official backup. But nobody will know you can fight like a Miko as well as a youkai. A surprise miko attack at the right moment could be crucial.”

The goddess smiled. “And if it’s extermination tools you want, well… I am the creator goddess. I may not have the resources to fight her on my own, or the permission to fight alongside Youki… but I can definitely give you whatever you need.”

Reimu… looked inside herself.

In truth, the smarter plan was to lay low. Even if they came across Yuuma, the best plan for her own survival would be to knuckle under and escape, and go back home to her Mama. Reimu knew full well that if she did run, the Matriarch of the Kiketsu would be able to come up with a plan that would undo her Gouyoku counterpart. And it wouldn’t be like Kurokoma would happily stomach the idea of having two rival gangs thinking the way the Kiketsu did, so she could be brought on board too. In the long run, it’d be smarter to just stay safe and go home, even at Youki’s expense.

But… she couldn’t keep running away. She was already behind her past self, she needed to get stronger. And this was a perfect opportunity, to prove she was still worthy of her last life's title.

Besides, if anything else happened, or his back gave out at the wrong time… She’d need something to help him with. And without the sculptor goddess’s help, there’d be nothing she could do without risking revealing herself.

There was no reason to refuse.

She looked up at Keiki. “I’ll do it. I’ll help him out if we cross paths with Yuuma. But I’ll need a gohei, at the very least.”

Keiki smiled. “Wonderful, we can definitely do that.” She stood up, gesturing for Reimu to follow. “I’ve set up a little workshop of sorts in one of the offices here. Let’s head there to design it. …Is there anything else you’d like to make, or discuss while we work?”

[ ] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.
[ ] “Some sealing needles would be a big help.” A bit stronger, a bit sharper, and she could throw them as straight as an arrow, but they’d be harder to hit a fast-moving target with.

( ) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
( ) …No, don’t do that. She’d just be seen as a lunatic.

{ } Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.
{ } …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.
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[X] “Some sealing needles would be a big help.” A bit stronger, a bit sharper, and she could throw them as straight as an arrow, but they’d be harder to hit a fast-moving target with.
This is just my preferred shot type.

What a fascinating reveal - you can take the Reimu out of the shrine, but you can never take the shrine out of Reimu.
Though this does make me think Reimu specifically really is probably best at the neutral alignment we've been aiming for. Higher humanity might make divine power easier, while higher inhumanity increases our own natural ability, each at the expense of the other, since trying to be a youkai and use youkai extermination powers probably don't work great together. Pretty good stuff.
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[x] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.

Hear me out: If we are ever in a situation where Youki and Yuuma are fighting, we really don't want to risk any friendly fire.
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Whoops! I got a little too clever and didn't add in the right brackets for the second and third choice sets. Feel free to add in votes for those parts, too!

Fun fact, if you'd gotten caught by Yuuma and thrown in her prisoner cells, you'd have been partially broken out by the cat form.
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Wonderful. PC-98 lore is beautiful. My personal favorite form has always been Joyful Spherical Creature™, but the cat is also a delight.
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We get to choose a shot type? Let's take homing for now. Very interesting update. I wonder if Reimu can go through with leaving. She's gonna need to eventually, but still.
[x] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.
(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
{X} …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.

I'd rather her not get into the whole Kiketsu thing with Keiki right now, but backup in proving ourselves to Youki would be nice.
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Finally, we have our shot types back. Finding out we still have our 'divinity' or whatever you want to call Reimu's powers definitely helps, seeing as we are gonna be stuck here for a long damn while. As for the shot type...

[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.

A weapon is only as good as it's user. If it was the old, 19 incident track record Reimu, Shot Type B would be a no brainer. But nope, we have...basically a kid who's been in martial arts classes for half their life at best. We probably don't have the muscle memory to track and hit a moving target, especially not Yuuma. Our goal is to make sure Youki lives through this ordeal, and not needing to think about aiming probably will help.

Next order of business...the incident. Again, having no clear evidence is gonna have our story brushed off, and Youki probably won't like us if we look like another prick trying to lie our way into a better position. As much as we have our memories, we can't give proof. I'd say...

(X) …No, don’t do that. She’d just be seen as a lunatic.

Proof is everything. So unless there's a haniwa with a lie detector, better to leave it be.

Lastly... should we put our trust in Keiki? As much as she's been nice to us, that can change once we stop being a bystander and start being a quarry. Besides, if we pick wrong
...there's always the debrief.

{X} …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.

P.S: Now would be the time to hug the plushie.
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IDK, a youkai-exterminating shrine maiden who was born a youkai is pretty unusual. I don't know if we're gonna get better evidence than 'I make literally no sense unless I was a human before'.
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[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.
Homing shots makes running for your life easier.
(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
Keiki can vouch for us to Youki as one of the missing children.
{X} …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.
She doesn't need to know that we're prime blackmail/hostage material against Yachie. It's not lying, it's just not telling the whole truth.
That medical unit seems familiar... I guess our 4-and-a-half humans aren't the only ones who got reincarnated.

I presume we're getting PC-98 lore for our insistence of keeping our precious Genjii plushie near to us.
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Still thinking about my options, but while I can see the case for telling her nothing about Kiketsu, and just telling her about the time-loop stuff, I just... don't like the idea of Keiki finding out we're a Kiketsu after we tell her we're one of those missing children Youki's looking for. We have no guarantee on when that's going to happen, and if it's not our choice, she could get instantly suspicious.
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We may have to choose to avoid Yachie if we're really going with this. Her ability can and will screw us if she's genuinely willing to use it on us.

Seriously. The look on her face and the sitcom title of "Oh no! My daughter is secretly the YOUKAI EXTERMINATOR!" Would be funny, but I don't trust her to let us do what we need to if we go to the beach house.
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>>205722 here, updating my prior vote.

Still sticking with shot type B but i'll give some actual reasoning. Natural strength will substitute for lack of training, needles are more likely to actually do something, and we already know how to make amulets. Without a helpful umbrella blacksmith, needles are a lot rarer of a commodity. (Plus, divinely crafted needles are more valuable than a divinely crafted amulet-making tool.)

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
- (X) But preface it by asking if she knows anything about the mystery soul eater first, before making grand claims.

{X} …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.
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>>205730 here. Still undecided on the shot type, but...

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.

I really do think telling the truth should be telling the whole truth Really don't like the idea of Keiki finding us out later.

And as-is, if we try doing Miko Things in our current clothes, we're gonna be instantly revealed. If we try them in the overalls, we're gonna be very ineffective. Maybe we can get a better option off Keiki. I'd like to hope we can.
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[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.
(X) …No, don’t do that. She’d just be seen as a lunatic.
{X} …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.

Spray and Pray.
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It just hit me how different things are gonna probably be given that Reimu wasn't even there for PC-98. I mean, I knew she probably wasn't there for the Vampire Incident or to create the spellcard rules either, but still. Things are gonna be VERY screwey if the current Hakurei miko hasn't handled it in the same way... Not to mention the the current miko no longer has the yin-yang orb. (I assume she exists given that Youki hasn't went off and become a hermit yet.)
>>205731 (me)
I also realized that Reimu promised Youki access to her network of info. Obviously she has much bettwr to give him, but we'd be backing out of that promise by going topside unless we can prove who Reimu is to him.
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Will we make amulets with all-aspect or rear-aspect homing?
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[x] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.

They might not be as good in terms of firepower as the needles, but even if we have float I see the odds of actually beating yuuma very low, we will probably be more of a distraction/annoyance than an actual threat so what matters is that we hit her in the first place.

(X) …No, don’t do that. She’d just be seen as a lunatic.

{X} …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.

We lack evidence and we are not exactly long term allies, at least right now, better to make us cutting our horns worth it.
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(X) …No, don’t do that. She’d just be seen as a lunatic.

{X} …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.
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i'm a reimu b main, but.

[X] "Got anything to help me make amulets easier?" They were her old reliable, and they'd track her opponents for her. But they weren't her most powerful option.

reimu's probably gonna serve as a sort of support for youki- no way is he going to let a kid face yuuma head-on. staying on the sidelines, chipping away at yuuma while youki does the heavier damage... maybe.

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.

going to gamble on the third choice. keiki seems reasonable enough, and like >>205733 said, it's better keiki finds out now instead of much later.
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[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.
We simply lack the experience to properly use them needles.

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?

{X} …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.
It might feel a bit hypocritical with the "being truthful" thing. But what would Keiki do if she find out? She wouldn't just pass the opportunity to bring the Kiketsu down.

also someone should make a story about the medical unit. I think that would be cool.
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[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.

The best option for beginners, let's us focus on dodging if we need to.

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?

It's a reach, but if Keiki trusts us she might agree to vouch for us with Youki/the Yama.

{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.

To fully gain Keiki's trust we might need to be fully trusting of her too. Tell her the whole story as we know it. Keiki is not normally aggressive, if she ends up believing Reimu's a former human turned youkai (as farfetched it might sound) and there's a future threat to humanity (souls included), she might still be willing to help us.
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Well, that’s an… awkward… revelation. Eh… ah… uh… alright let’s roll with it.

[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.

Agreeing with most of you here, our role here is to distract Yuuma in order to make sure Youki gets out alive, not outright kill her. Amulets are our best tool for that.

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
-(X) Make sure we do this out of earshot of Youki.

I do want to establish some kind of rapport with Keiki here, and considering the very sudden Miko revelation, this might be our best bet. It gives us an almost surefire avenue into Gensokyo through Keiki, and it’s not like proof for Youki is confirmed to be an issue. He might recognize our brand of extermination as the local shrine maidens, and if we can get him on our side, that’s just even more of a win for us. Really, the two biggest issues are Youki killing us before we can present the evidence, which is solved by my added write-in, and being seen as a lunatic. And let’s face it, everyone is a bit of a lunatic in the Touhouverse. Not to mention the added bonus of…

{X} …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.

Keeping our exact nature as a youkai a secret. Now, I’m going to be honest here, I do want to reveal this fact eventually. However, my main reasoning for wanting to do this(and I know the thread is going to see me as absolutely mad for this idea) is so we can potentially set up an alliance between the Kiketsu and the Haniwa for the coming threat. Two is greater than one, all that jazz. But we are unfortunately far, far away from having the trust to make that feasible in any capacity, and frankly this just isn’t the ideal scenario for this reveal. There’s too much going on, and I’d rather have a concrete way to escape in case the reveal goes over poorly. I’ll wait on this for now, but this is definitely something I’ll be pursuing.

As an aside, I do also want to tell Yachie about both our newfound youkai exterminator, and also our role in the Immaterial Children incident. Both because that woman deserves some kind of answers after everything that’s happened today, and I want to read the description of her face when we tell her. Also, it will probably make our live easier long term as a bonus.
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(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?

{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.
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The problem with withholding the whole Kiketsu princess thing is that Keiki will definitely find out in the future. When that happens, Reimu would lose her trust, and convincing her to help with the incident that destroyed Gensokyo would be rather difficult.

In addition, Reimu's current disguise is incredibly flimsy, and I highly doubt it would survive the confrontation with Yuuma. Having Yuuma figure out her identity would be extremely bad. As for what Keiki would do, I think she may try to blackmail us or use us to get some concessions from the Kiketsu. However, I highly doubt she would hinder us or try to detain us through violence, something I can't say for Yuuma. Thus, I'm voting:

{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.

As for shot type, I'll go with amulets. Reimu can't risk using needles, especially when there is risk of friendly fire.

[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.

Lastly, the immaterial children incident should at least be mentioned. Maybe Reimu can use her unique nature as proof? We don't have to talk about the future just yet.

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
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{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.

I want to note right now that back a couple updates, Yuuma could smell Reimu hiding in the water, but thought it was Yacchie. I think we need to get Keiki to make us a better disguise ASAP before we do anything related to Youki's shenanigans.

[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.

I am a weak gamer and only main Reimu Shot A so I have extreme bias

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
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[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?

{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.

If we're about to fight Yuuma then getting a better disguise sells it for me. I don't trust the coveralls to survive a serious, likely spellcard-less scrap. And if they give way then everyone's on our ass.
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File 171105542666.png - (660.03KB, 1721x1493, KeikiChat.png)
"I know your secret, Reimu, it's quite obvious...
You're a miko, right?"
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File 171105776126.png - (527.81KB, 827x827, __yagokoro_eirin_and_yagokoro_touhou_drawn_by_saku.png)
Not calling the vote, just doing a tally up to this point:

13 votes for amulets vs. 1 vote for needles.

Really was expecting this to be more of a competitive vote. Not saying I disagree with the very good reasons why y'all are leaning this way.

12 votes for talking about the immaterial children incident, 4 for not doing it.

Not surprised that people want to talk about the topic. Don't worry, this conversation will be happening in Keiki's workshop, Youki won't hear a word of it yet.

7 votes for telling her Reimu's a Kiketsu, vs. 9 for keeping that secret.

This is where the meat's happening. It seems like the earlier concerns about the immediate consequences is giving way to concerns about more long-term consequences. This is definitely the vote I'm watching most closely.

Just to make sure we're clear, Yagokoro is just a reference.

Okay, the Youkai energy drinks are now canon.
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Same person here, and let’s make things interesting…

{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.
-{X} Pitch the idea of the Kiketsu and the Haniwa entering an alliance against what’s coming.

Changing my last vote to this. I’m well aware the idea isn’t likely to gain much traction now, but this does set up a foundation of trust we can use to build it up over time.
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[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.
-[X] bring up the Sealing needles… as a lead-in to an acupuncture comment loud enough for the patient to hear.
-[X] if she had a moment to spare… could she also fix Genji?

I have the same thought as a few others here, Kicchou Reimu don’t have the muscle memory that _____ Reimu does, and we are helping someone fight, so best to go with something that we can reliably hit the enemy with and not an ally

Also yeah, Genji is in 2 pieces currently due to preventing Reimu from biting her tongue off from the crash… It might be better to wait and maybe have it be one last moment with Mama Yachie before we leave, but it could also help the Yakuza princess’s morale before the fight, and maybe inspire some sympathy with the sculptor goddess.

For the other 2 options, Bishop was guessing rather close to the truth already, and once the sculptor Goddess has gotten some rest and conferred with the Haniwa then it’ll be discovered anyways, so might as well trying to reveal it in a more positive situation.

{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.

And yeah, with that, might be best, especially with our weird in-between status between human and Youkai that might help, to be honest with the Immaterial Children Incident here… but probably out of Youki’s earshot.

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
(X) Make sure we do this out of earshot of Youki.
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>>205725 here
{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.

I've thought about it. I don't think there would be ang real consequences for saying nothing like other people want to think. It's a perfectly understanadble reason to want to keep quiet.

I also no longer see the value in hiding it, though. Specifically because it could cause complications for both us and Keiki if she doesn't know.

I initially voted against saying something mostly because I didn't want to burden Keiki with this since she's clearly very taxed right now. That logic obviously falls apart when you realize it cpuld become an issue if she doesn't know.
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Don't have as strong feelings on this vote, and I think people have already said more or less everything anyway. Hiding it does strike me as more reasonable this time, but given Keiki herself seems reasonable, I'd like to see if it's possible to make her a full-on ally. I suppose we'll see whether or not full honesty makes for the best policy.

[X] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.

(X) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?

{X} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.
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"Well, I’m sure your god will be glad to have a miko so eager to serve them."

Poor Kicchou Reimu, she's probably going to have pangs of guilt here and there that she can't remember what god it is that's she's supposed to be serving, only thinking that its her spotty memory from the time travel incarnation that preventing her from remembering. It might be awhile before she figures out that the reason she can't remember what god she serves is because _____ Reimu never bothered to figure that out.
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>"Well, I’m sure your god will be glad to have a miko so eager to serve them."

The Hakurei god couldn't give even a quarter of a shit about Reimu. Lol

I'm not even sure if it's that she never borhered to find out. Could be fanon pollution in my brain, but isn't it that the god just never shows up, says anything, or responds to prayer?
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It is doing something as it is what is empowering the orbs. But reimu's not taking care of it and byakuren points it out in UFO (plus i'm pretty sure I recall Kasen remarking on it too in horned hermit.)
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Honestly, my money's on the replacement shrine maiden being at least as bad as Reimu, and the Hakurei God getting so sick of not having a proper following and just grabbing Reimu after seeing how compatible she was.

The position of Hakurei shrine maiden is important to Gensokyo, not so much the Youkai extermination god attached to it. There's not much incentive for anyone who might know to actually share info on the god, since they're all Youkai.
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The main problem will be that for the power balance of Gensokyo the Hakurei shrine maiden can't be a Youkai so we will have to see what consequences Reimu new status will have, probably not much but until we get to know the replacement Miko and the various changes that the lack of Reimu and others must have caused we can't know for certain.

Regarding Keiki even if she finds out later I don't think that she would get particularly mad, Reimu was almost kidnapped, had to cut her horns to conceal her identity, got Youkai exterminator relics as a Youkai and was in a single day, she is in a position of weakness so lying about her status as Yakuza princess is understandable, tough I admit that getting a better disguise is a good point since Yuuma finding out if we screw up in any way during the fight is 100% worse than Keiki.
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File 17111080199.jpg - (109.79KB, 850x907, __haniyasushin_keiki_touhou_drawn_by_mefomefo__sam.jpg)
[15] “Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” They were her old reliable, and they’d track her opponents for her. But they weren’t her most powerful option.
[1] “Some sealing needles would be a big help.” A bit stronger, a bit sharper, and she could throw them as straight as an arrow, but they’d be harder to hit a fast-moving target with.

(14) Discuss the Immaterial Children Incident, and her part in it. Perhaps her paradoxical nature would lend credence to her crazy story, or she could frame it as a vision of the future?
(4) …No, don’t do that. She’d just be seen as a lunatic.

{11} Confess to the truth, for real this time. If she told her about being the Kiketsu princess - maybe Keiki could come up with something for her to disguise her better than baggy overalls, or something.
{8} …No, she’d gotten lucky enough with this already. She should just let that lie, and not risk a negative reaction from Keiki.

The needles were tempting. Very, very tempting. But her homing amulets had always been a nice crutch when her accuracy slipped, whether due to a lack of training or a lack of sobriety. And the former was certainly applicable when she hadn’t picked up these weapons in effectively a decade.

“Got anything to help me make amulets easier?” Reimu smiled mischievously up at the creator goddess. “I’ve got a trick that’ll make sure they never miss.”

The creator goddess smiled. “Well, it wouldn’t be a fresh weapon, but I definitely should have something.”

The makeshift workshop that Keiki had commandeered had every sign of being slapdash in its construction. Where shelving had been lacking, stools and chairs had been borrowed to make up the slack, and several cups of varying types had been placed to hold tools and brushes. There were two exceptions to the general disarray of the room; the first was the coffee machine, that had seemingly been run fresh upon Keiki’s awakening. It was adorned with an astonishingly lumpy object that Reimu took several seconds to recognise for what it was; an amateur mug, proudly proclaiming it’s bearer to be the ‘WOLD’S BEST SCVLPR”. Keiki eagerly poured a cup.

But it was the other object that really took Reimu’s attention. Though… did object really qualify? It was mostly a hollow torso and a head at this point, with various wires and parts sticking out loosely. And yet… Reimu knew what it was. Knew who it was.

Keiki turned over, and smiled. “You like her? She’s going to be the first of my commander units. Tactical operatives with strong flexibility and learning potential, so they can act in my stead.” The sculptor goddess took a long draft from her coffee cup-like object. “A lot of my existing soldiers are either designed to act in consistent formations of large forces or be adaptable as small squads, but this girl will be the first of my soldiers to be able to truly flex to any situation.”


Keiki’s eyebrows raised. “Oh, did you hear of her? Maybe Youki told you about her on the way over here?”

Reimu looked up at the goddess, and took a deep breath. She’d taken the plushie Genjii’s top half from her bag, and had been thinking of asking the sculptor goddess if she could repair it, but… there was no way she could ask that of someone already so overworked. She settled for squeezing the half-Genjii for support. “...There’s three things I need to tell you. Three very important things.” The goddess nodded, rummaging around in the drawers of a mobile pedestal cabinet.

“First… you’re probably wondering how I can be a youkai-exterminating miko when I’m a youkai myself, right?” Keiki nodded, without looking up from her drawer. “Well… the truth is, I’m one of the Immaterial Children.”

That got Keiki’s attention. “As in one of the ones Youki is looking for?”

Reimu nodded. “The go-shintai in me… It’s an ancestral weapon of my miko family. That’s why it’s come to me, and why I can use it, I think. I-I don’t know how to tell the old man, though.” She shivered. “He said he’d cut down the next person who claimed it without evidence.”

Keiki mulled it over. “I see… Can you summon the weapon?” Reimu shook her head. “Well… I don’t know if you’ll be able to convince him without it, but if you can, that’d be both evidence for you telling the truth and that his whole theory works. But, wait, what’s that got to do with knowing about Mayumi?”

Reimu took a deep breath. “This is going to sound insane… okay. I know why the Immaterial Children Incident happened. And it’s because we wished for it.”

She didn’t want to risk looking at Keiki’s expression. “The truth is, me and the other Immaterial Children were all humans, living the lives we were supposed to live. But then… something happened. We don’t really know what, only that… that our human bodies were instantly destroyed, and our souls were somehow falling apart.”

Keiki raised a finger. “When you say your souls were falling apart, you mean…?”

Reimu shuddered. “We started losing our memories, and we lost the ability to truly see or hear the world around us. I don’t even remember my old name. I-I’m sorry, it’s hard to describe.”

Keiki shook her head. “No, that’s a pretty good answer. Those are common symptoms of old or decayed souls that aren’t being reincarnated or otherwise replenished. But… why would that mean your next reincarnation was off-target?”

Reimu looked up. “Because it wasn’t our next reincarnation. Not… really, at least.” She looked up. “There was this… horned woman named Keine. I-I don’t remember much about her, but… I think I did, once. She had the ability to change history, and used it to change where we were born. To change us into youkai, who wouldn’t get our bodies destroyed next time.”

Keiki looked at her, with an expression Reimu found inscrutable. The jidiao miko took a deep breath. “I only remembered my past life today. Probably when my go-shintai found me, it re-awoke my memories.”

Keiki mulled over it, tapping her chin with a brush she’d pulled from a drawer. “So that’s why you’re a youkai miko, huh…? That’s… quite a story. What’s the third thing? I can’t imagine it’s more hard to believe than you being a time traveller…”

Reimu sighed. “N-no, it’s not, but… it’ll make me being a time traveller even harder to believe.” She took a deep breath. “...I don’t remember my name in my past life… but in this one, my name is Kicchou Reimu.”

Silence. After a moment, the brush dropped to the floor. Reimu flinched at the noise, hugging her plushie tight.

Well. That was it. Her secret was out, to perhaps the most dangerous of her family’s enemies.

Slowly, Keiki all-but breathed out a question. “Why… why would you tell me that?”

Reimu squeezed the half-plushie tighter. “Because, because I don’t have any other choice. I… I can’t protect everyone myself. I… I already failed once.” She screwed her eyes shut, trying to fight back tears. “And, and I’m even weaker than my past self, and if Saki or Yuuma find out about me they’d kill me. I, I had to hide in a casket just to try to get across the Gouyoku suburbs, but they figured it out and I have, I have to-”

Warmth. Gentle, and tender. She opened her eyes, looking down in shock at the arms around her.

Keiki gently reached up, patting her head. “Shhhh… it’s okay. Just let it out.”

Reimu sagged. “I-I’m scared. I-I shouldn’t be, I-I have to be brave-”

“You’ve been very, very brave, Reimu.” The goddess smiled, wiping a tear from Reimu’s eye. “You’ve worked hard to keep your secret from Yuuma, haven’t you? …It’ll be okay. I won’t tell them.”

Reimu nodded, sobbing. God, she wanted to go home. She wanted to see her Mama. “Y-you’re gonna keep it secret? You promise?”

The goddess gently chuckled. “You came to me because you wanted to protect humans, right?” At the little girl’s nod, she continued. “...Believe it or not, the last thing I want to do is hurt you. So just… let it all out.”

Reimu just… broke down. Completely and utterly. She started babbling, about the car trip, about how close she was to being found, about cutting off her horns, about the feeling of her very self slipping away. Keiki just let her cry, patting her gently, until the tears at last stopped flowing.

The water cooler in Keiki’s workshop had that somewhat plastic-y taste that old bottled water sometimes had. Reimu still gulped it down, having rather dried out her throat and her eyes both.

Now that the initial burst was fading… shame was creeping up on her. She’d just burst like a dam in front of Keiki. Neither half was particularly proud of that. A miko like her wasn’t meant to be weak like that, and the Kiketsu in her roiled in such a clumsy reveal of not just her big secret, but a prime selection of her other faults and weakness.

Keiki, meanwhile, had made sure she was alright… and gone straight back to rummaging through the drawers. Reimu cleared her now wetted throat, and tried to think of what to say. “Do… do you believe me?”

Keiki turned to her, thinking it over. “...Well, you’re certainly a jidiao, so I believe that part. I believe at least that you believe your story. And I believe that for such a young kid, you’ve had a very long, very stressful day for it being just around lunch time. I’m not the monster the gangs make me out to be; I did come here to save people, you know.”

Reimu nodded. “But… you’re not going to-”

Keiki shook her head. “What, blackmail your mother with knowledge you exist? No, that’d be counterproductive.” She smiled. “If you need the cynical reason, well… you’re not very much like your mother. And I think I’d vastly prefer for you to one day be able to take her place, rather than get snuffed out by a pack of wolves before you’re ready.”

The jidiao scoffed. “What do you mean different? Reckless and too trusting?”

“Try ‘kind to humans’ and ‘honest to a fault’.” The sculptor gave a half grin. “Those two traits alone would make dealing with the Kiketsu a much more pleasant experience for all involved. Ah, here it is.”

She pulled out a series of gloves and brushes, proffering one to Reimu. “Are you right-handed? Here, put this on your left.”

Reimu did as directed with the glove, and the others in the set flared to life and took to the skies. She stared in amazement as she flexed her fingers, watching all of the gloves do the same.

Keiki chuckled. “The brush and the gloves are attached to the rest of the set. They’re smart enough to grab their own papers and dip in the ink, as well.” She smiled. “Normally, we use them for mass-producing livery and the like, but they should work just as well for painting amulets.”

Reimu nodded. “Yeah, they’ll be a big help.” She looked up at Keiki, thinking. “...You said you believe I believe my story? What does that mean?”

Keiki rubbed her chin. “Well… simply put, while I believe you’re not trying to trick me, there could be other things. Like someone has brainwashed you into believing the story, maybe even that being an Immaterial Child was a deliberate abduction to create agents on the surface. Now I know what you’re going to say-” She said, cutting Reimu off. “But I simply don’t have the resources to chase that threat anyways, not when I’m so stretched and it's so far away. But if it’s true that the Immaterial Children can remember their past lives, all you need is a more reliable source. One trusted by the Yama herself.”

Reimu’s eyes widened. “You mean Ak-the Child of Miare.” Keiki nodded. “You want me to track her down, first?”

“Or just wait for someone else to track her down. I doubt she’s anywhere in the afterlife, Eiki’s looked just about everywhere for her.” She raised her finger. “But if your story’s true, she’ll try to make her way back to you eventually. When she does, just bring her to Eiki, and get her to relay the story to me.”

Reimu nodded, briskly. “Okay, I’ll do my best.” She looked around for a second. “Uh- do you have any ink?”

The goddess began to reach for an ink pot - then looked pensive. “...Reimu, do you still have those horns you mentioned earlier?”

She stuck her hand in her pocket, pulling out the horns. “Um, yes… they’re right here.”

Keiki picked up one of the horns, turning it over in her hand. “...I see, I see…” She turned to Reimu, grinning. “Wanna see a cool trick?”

Before the miko could respond, A golden aura appeared behind Keiki, manifesting in the shape of a dragon. Keiki proffered the horn, and it swallowed it whole.

Reimu cried out an objection, but Keiki paid her no mind, reaching into a drawer. “Let’s get some sand… a bit of chlorine, roll the dice on that old theory…” She grinned, tossing the materials down the dragon’s throat.

The light-creature glowed, brighter and brighter. Reimu had to shield her eyes, but Keiki stared at it, unblinking. Eventually, the beast leaned forward, leaking a white-hot material from its maw. Keiki held her hand out, with the material pooling in an orb just an inch above it.

Reimu watched, fascinated, as the orb began to spin, faster and faster. Keiki’s eyes were gleaming, unblinking, as she dived her fingers in the whirling vortex, beginning to shape and mold it like - like clay on a potter’s wheel, the miko realised. She split it into two parts, making the shapes of a jar and its stopper, carving in grooves and gentle curves.

When it was shaped, the sculptor goddess, at last, closed her eyes, and focused.


The molten material instantly turned solid, two unbroken glass pieces of a deep red hue. They came to a rest in the goddess’ hand, and she proffered it to Reimu, grinning. “So it is gold that gives jidiao horns their colour. I’ll have to keep that in mind next time.”

Reimu looked at the ink pot. “Um… what did you…?”

The goddess’ face oozed smugness. “See, you’re a youkai-exterminating miko who’s also a youkai herself, right? So if you use your powers too strongly, you might get some... blowback from it. But!” She grinned. “But if the tools you use to channel that power are made of your horns and scales, then it should… resonate with you, let’s say. You could still hurt yourself, but you’d have to try a good bit harder, at least.”

She placed the pot in Reimu’s hand. “Of course, it’s hard to do that efficiently with paper amulets, but a glass ink bottle should help build that connection in the ink itself.” She grinned. “Now, let’s get that filled up, and I’ll make the gohei while you work on your amulets, shall we?”

Reimu stared, down at the gohei.

It was made of lacquered wood, with almost-imperceptible gold flecks throughout. The paper streamers were plain white paper, but a little bit of the jidiao gold had painted small patterns across it. She found herself smiling, looking at the gohei.

“It’s… perfect. Thank you.” The goddess grinned, admiring her own handiwork.

“Glad you like it as much as I do.” She turned as the door opened. “Ah - Bishop, is the guise ready?”

Bishop walked in, wearing an ever-so-close-to-neutral expression. “Lady Keiki. The clothing, as requested.” He placed it down, in front of Reimu. The girl nodded, getting up and moving around the corner.

As she began to put it on, Bishop turned to Keiki, and very pointedly spoke just loud enough for the jidiao to hear. “...Lady Keiki. This girl has not performed some foul Kiketsu trickery on you, has she?”

The goddess shook her head. “...Think of it as an investment, Bishop. It’s very likely she will one day lead the Kiketsu, after all - even with her clash of styles, Yachie's very much the nepotistic type. I’d rather have her as an ally than an enemy.”

The haniwa soldier took a moment to respond. “...Assuming those are the only options, the former is the most preferable in almost any situation.” Reimu pulled her head around the corner, and stuck her tongue out at him.

With a last fix of the clasp, she rounded the corner more fully. “How do I look?” The cloak was something fairly standard-fare among the humanoid members of the Kiketsu - light and easy to move in, darkly coloured, and lined with many pockets. She’d stuffed a good set of amulets in there, and the whole of the gohei fit neatly inside. And she could easily pepper the enemy with amulets without revealing her shell, or her tail if she was careful.

Bishop took a moment to assess. “In literal terms, like a teru teru bozu on a pair of legs.” The miko stuck her tongue out again. “On deeper assessment...The spitting image of an insurgent, Kicchou.” The haniwa finished, deep distrust in his voice.

Keiki nodded. “Now, remember; don’t let Youki know about your miko powers. Not until you’re ready to help him out, okay?”

Bishop turned down the hall. “Konpaku Youki is approaching. Sir Youki, the youkai spawn is in here.” He jammed his thumb in Reimu’s general direction.

After a few moments, Youki stuck his head in. He’d been redressed in the time they’d been talking. “Oh? That cloak?”

Keiki jumped in. “Well, she couldn’t exactly go around with those heavy overalls, could she?”

He turned to Keiki. “...Did you see-”

Keiki shook her head. “Of course we’re not gonna watch the poor girl change, Youki.”

He glanced at Reimu, then back again. “Then you definitely didn’t-?”

Bishop glowered. “Please do not imply Lady Keiki is a voyeur of underaged girls.” He turned to look at Reimu. “...Street rats are unlikely to develop any desirable traits for such an act, anyways.”

Keiki chuckled, giving Reimu just enough time to communicate one of the few pieces of sign language known to people who have no need to talk to the deaf. “It’s just a cloak, Youki. Don’t overthink it.” She turned to Bishop. “What’s the tactical situation?”

He saluted. “The Kiketsu have fully routed from the Gouyoku territory. However, fresh troops from their main territory appear to be gearing up to come from the south. In turn, the Gouyoku have arrayed themselves along both the waterways and the city streets.” He rubbed his chin, musing. “...In my assessment, both have concluded that Yachie’s secret asset has entered this reservoir, and are now preparing to either assault the reservoir or defend it.to retrieve the asset.”

Keiki nodded. “Then these two better get a move on if they don’t want to get caught in a siege. After all, little Reimu’s home is in Kiketsu territory, right? Is it better to take to the waterways or the streets, do you think?”

Bishop raised a finger. “Conventional wisdom would be to take the waterways for safe passage, at least until within Kiketsu territory. The eagles need range, distance, and line of sight to be most effective, and the tunnels enforce nothing but close-quarters combat. The otters are another story, but if she is native to Kiketsu territory, you may pass them unharmed.” He sounded rather disappointed by the prospect.

Youki shook his head. “But this is not a conventional situation. The eagles will be there in force to make up for their lack of numbers. It’s better to take a quick jaunt across the streets than to risk getting cornered by them. And besides, I’m not at all afraid of cutting the birds down from the sky.” He gestured to the long katana on his back. “Hyakunentou needs the space to truly be unleashed, anyways.”

Keiki put her hands up before either of the men could get into a fight. “How about you, Reimu, which do you think would be easier to cross?”

[ ] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.
[ ] The waters below. Better to have the home-field advantage, just in case.

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And we are back in action. Nice to know that our weapons won't deal collateral damage to us as well, that's an angle I didn't think of. Would be pretty dumb for our amulets to home on us instead of our target. Now, do we go fast, or do we go safe. I'd say...

[X] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.

Youki is going to fight no matter what, so it's better to give him the space he needs. The faster he cuts down assailants, the faster we leave their range. The tunnel, though limiting assailants, also limits his skills, and I'd rather he fight well instead of catching his sword on a wall. I doubt we can help much in transit either, seeing that we need to keep our power secret until Youki fights Yuuma. Get in, get out fast. Another benefit, we might not immediately arouse suspicion. From the reaction the eagle had when meeting Youki in thread 1, it would seem that Yuuma has no idea Youki is after her, or hasn't communicated the fact to the other eagles. For us, the disguise will (hopefully) cover us until we get past. We don't look like a dragon turtle without our horns, and the disguise covers the shell (I think). We just need a bit of luck. Ok, maybe more than that.
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Nice to see little Reimu got some catharsis from everything that's happened so far, she needed it.
On a side note, the mug part was heartwarming. That plus her caring side we got to see here makes me think that Keiki could be a great arts and crafts teacher at an elementary school lol.

Now, regarding the options, both have their pros and cons. I'll think it over lunch and reply in a couple hours.
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awwwww. keiki comforting reimu is really sweet. anyways...

[X] The streets above. She'd probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.

voting for the more "risky" options have worked well for us so far... right? besides, i want to see youki in action.
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Well, a set of jidao horn needles would've been pretty cool, but I'm not too dissapointed by the amulet-making tools.

With our shot type in mind, I think it's gotta be above-ground. If we did pick needles, I'd have been arguing for the waters, since there won't be nearly as much room to dodge, but since we have homing attacks we can pick the more open battlefield. Plus, it helps Youki out. If he thinks he can fight a bird in a street better than a tunnel, I say let him.

[X] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.
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[X] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.

We're supposed to protect Youki, right? I can see many problems coming from it, (being reconized by the rest of the Kiketsu family while fighting, getting swarmed with eagles as soon as we're noticed, etc.) but I'll trust that his tactical mind isn't clouded if he says that his preference would be the streets. I can see the merit, too. Better to have space for him to move since Reimu is merely his support.

The amulets probably need some room to work their magic well anyway. I'd be inclined towards the waterways if we had gotten the needles.
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[X] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.
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Not gonna give a vote; not yet at least, but I just wanted to say that moment with Keiki comforting Reimu was just really sweet.
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[X] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.

I don't think Raymoo's too handicapped by not staying in the water. In fact, if her experiences fighting as a human shrine maiden could be relied upon, fighting underwater might actually make her overall a less effective fighter.
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[X] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.
I agree with what everyone else said.
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[X] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.

Looks like saying the truth was the right move and it earned some significant upgrades, so I was wrong with my previous vote, and a really nice moment where Reimu can let her pride and duty go for a moment and release her stress like a normal kid.

Regarding the vote itself others have already said most of what I think about it, we are playing support so it matters more that the heavy hitter is comfortable with the terrain were we will fight than us.
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[X] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.

I’m not going to go over things other people have talked about. However, I will add that one of our primary weapons right now is slips of paper. Magical or not, I don’t think they’re gonna work well wet.

As an aside, this whole situation is hilarious to me. Yachie, throughout most of Reimu’s early life, has been trying to get the Kiketsu mindset into her head. And yet Yuuma’s entire operation is about to go sideways precisely because she’s never thought like a Kiketsu and is thus an unpredictable variable. I’m not trying to be harsh on Yachie here, she clearly does care about us, I just thought this was funny.
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[X] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.

Even though the waterway is our turf, it's a way too obvious place to set up an ambush, plus Youki might have trouble with his preferred sword (even if he could use Hakurouken which would be easier to use in such cramped spaces).

Funny how this kinda is another connection with Genji, with Reimu being "carried" by an old, bearded mentor.
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[X] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.

Yeah, anything I’d want to say regarding this has already been said.

> about the feeling of her very self slipping away.

I hope we will have a way to prevent her from permanently slipping (while also not losing _____ Reimu either… )
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To be clear, that part was about her past self's feelings of being destroyed and falling apart. not about Present Reimu feeling overtaken by past Reimu.

It's also because depending on how you frame it, there's one, two or up to twenty voices in her head at any given moment.

The Young Kicchou is a little bit erratic right now.

I was actually expecting people to pick to make the needles for that reason... forgetting that I was keeping the whole horncrafting secret. Ah well, I'm sure there'll be other chances to cozy up with Keiki.

To be clear, the effect is less 'homing amulets hitting herself' and more 'throwing the amulets leaves her fingers burned'.
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"You're stronger than you think."

Man, perspective is hard. And trying to keep model. And anatomy, and...

I'm tired, see you all tomorrow!
(fixed the original upload, the colors weren't right)
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Thank you for writing this story. I just wanted you to know.
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[11] The streets above. She’d probably blend in quite well with the red hues the metropolis glowed with.
[ ] The waters below. Better to have the home-field advantage, just in case.

“We’ll take the streets.” Reimu nodded, firmly. “Better for Youki to fight at his best.” Besides, Reimu’s Kiketsu experience would definitely do well in the sewers, but her miko skills would thrive in the skies. Not to mention there was every possibility that the Gouyoku were creating some form of countermeasure in the sewers.

Youki nodded. “And I certainly will fight at my best, you can be sure of that.” He nodded. “Shall we be off, then?” He turned to head to the door, Reimu tip-tapping behind him.

Keiki waved them off. “Good luck, you two! Stay safe!”

As they ascended up the steps, Bishop let out a deep sigh. “...So you truly believe that she is one of the ‘Immaterial Children’?”

Keiki nodded. “...There’s no other way Kicchou would get her family aligned with a god of youkai extermination. ...Funny, isn’t it? After Eiki came through, I thought we’d never hear of them again.”

“And then we hear about them again from one person, while another claims to be one.” The haniwa exhaled. “Twice in twenty-four hours was rather shocking. And to think it’s Kicchou’s hatchling…” He shook his head.

“Well, that’s why it’s a good thing she told us, isn’t it? She trusts us almost as much as she trusts her own mother. There’s a lot that can be done with that, I think.” Keiki chuckled. “And I’ll correct you on one thing there.”


The sculptor goddess gave a sly grin. “It was actually three times, Bishop. Once from Youki, once from Reimu, and once… from Go-san.”

Youki focused, his hands gripping his blade. Reimu stepped back, and watched as he aimed, ever so carefully… and swung.

The blade itself hit nothing. The air past the blade, however, rippled in a gigantic crescent. The birds above didn’t spot it in time - some dissipated immediately, while one thought he was fine until a flap tore his body apart.

Reimu whistled. “So that’s cutting the air, is it? Nice showing, gramps.” He bowed for effect, then kept walking forwards.

Reimu floated behind him. The swordsman had no concerns with drawing attention with his low, slow footsteps, but Reimu didn’t want to draw any herself, and under the red glow of the city’s many lights, she’d be easily blended in as a loose bit of cloth.

She looked up at the sky. “...But still…”

The sky was filled with eagles. So many, in fact, that she’d wondered how they could be filling the sewers as well, until she saw a red glow pass underneath the grate. Kurokoma had joined the struggle, and if they went in there, the odds would be even worse than they previously expected. Undoubtedly they were in some form of loose cooperation, perhaps amounting to little more than “you take the top half, I take the bottom, and whoever finds the prize tells the other”. The Kicchou in her doubted Kurokoma being able to stomach anything more complicated.

Moreover, the eagles were, mostly, flying in dense flocks, turning the sky into dazzling purple constellations. This seemed to be very, very deliberate, in that they covered almost the entire border between Kicchou and Gouyoku territory.

The exception, which Reimu couldn’t help but feel they were being herded to, was a small park that was somewhat of a salient of the Gouyoku battleline. It protruded further into the Kiketsu territory than anything else, because the large, open spaces were far better suited to the Gouyoku than their green-wreathed counterparts. And nothing was fought over as fiercely as a park; for the animal spirits of the realm, it was a precious resource that truly felt like the wilds.

The park only had one major building; a clock tower, old and sonorous. It had been looming ever closer as they made their way towards the park, and as Reimu got closer, it was all-too-easy to see why; the silhouette on the steeple, with the glowing green eyes.

Reimu shrunk back behind a corner as soon as she saw Yuuma. “Sh-she wants to catch us herself!” Youki just nodded, putting away his longer katana and drawing Hakuroken again.

“...Quite. But I don’t think she quite knows what she’s dealing with.” He chuckled. “I’m quite sure we’ll get by just fine.”

He split the air once again, creating a ripple through the skies. An eagle on the far side, in full sight of Yuuma’s gaze, squawked as its form was sliced apart.

The reaction was immediate. The eagles jumped to investigate the sudden death, eyes whirling around, and the cold green glare turned to face the sudden death. Youki gestured Reimu forward, and the two began to move.

Step by step, they began to dash from cover to cover. Youki’s air-cutting had the birds in a complete panic, and while Yuuma stayed atop the highest perch, Reimu could see her head turning more and more frantically, trying to spot the mystery assailant. While most of the cut-downs were obviously far away from them, when their cover afforded it, he’d strike someone close to them, to throw the eagles into even more of a frenzy.

As they hunkered down, in one thicket particularly close to the clock tower, Reimu’s mind began to race. They could very easily escape now, but if that happened, he’d drop her off and go straight back to getting himself killed. Would she have to sneak away and follow him? How the hell would she manage that with what was sure to roughly a thousand otters trying to keep her safe? She began to consider alternate possibilities, sending the otters to assist and protect him, maybe, or trying to turn Kurokoma against Toutetsu -

She felt a prickling feeling on her hand. Her head turned, slowly.

A centipede was crawling on her arm. As if sensing her attention, it turned its head up at her.

Reimu, human and youkai, had in her reactions been largely average to indifferent on bugs. Most of them were no threat to her, whether they were supernatural or not - most of the insectoid youkai were small fry, of little concern to her.

A centipede was not much of an exception, to her past self. They were just slightly long, slightly grosser bugs, not much worth paying attention. But… her current self was an exception. When her current self saw a centipede, only one word would play in her mind.


The moment she saw the centipede, her body froze. Oomukade. Her heart began to race. Oomukade. She tried to hold back, to suppress the rising urge of instincts, but neither part could suppress the building fear, to remove the threat, to fight, to flee, to get away from - from the-


Oomukade. Oomukade. Oomukade oomukade oomukade oomukade oomukade oomukade oomukadeoomukadeoomukadeoomukadeoomukadeoomu-

The centipede began to crawl further up her arm.

[ ] Fight.
[ ] Flight.

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[X] Flight.

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don't know if this "go-san" as been mentioned before, but if they were, i missed it. wonder who that is.

[X] Fight.

probaby not an actual oomukade, since its regular-sized. i hope. i do wonder why she's so scared of oomukade, although i can't really blame her- if a centipede was crawling up my arm id freak out regardless. given that they're hiding in a bush, though, flight is definitely going to reveal them. i think my "risky" option streak is ending here, damn.
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Oomukade are dragon-eaters, and she’s a type of dragon. It’s one of the very few natural predators she probably has.

It’s probably just a centipede, but it’d still resemble it enough in image.
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[X] Flight.
Embrace your fear, as it is simply an instinct for survival, a perfect machinations structured of the autonomic nervous system to inform you the fact that THIS VERY THING WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DONT ACT NOW.
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>Instinct 3
I guess we were doing too well anyway. I don't see any avoiding this one. The options basically amount to:
Place an amulet on yourself or something and risk burns.
Reveal your location.
I dunno what to do.
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[X] Fight.
-[X] Inflict a healthy dose of Miko style ultra violence upon this many legged abomination.
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Okay I have an idea. May make things better or worse.
[X] Fight
- [X] Try to silently alert Youki to the probably harmless and normal centipede DANGEROUS ENEMY currently crawling up your shoulder. LOUDLY Quietly if you can't manage that.

Probably will not work.
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This might also be a good time to ask how dying works in this story because I feel we are awfully close to that point.
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Only 3 and it's already high? I hope we won't get softlocked to high instinct just because we can only select instinct responses due to having high instinct.
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[?] Float
Can Reimu still float out of reality and turn incorporeal?
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Reimu doesn't have the human spirit to resist it with, I guess. She's too neutral. She wasn't able to resist tearing a plushie up back when iw was only at two.

She's not remotely calm enough for that trick. If she can even do it yet.
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- [X] Fight.
—[X] Just give it a good ol' whack.
Just relax. It’s not like it’s actually an oomukade.
Reimu shouldn’t get caught just because of a harmless little bug.
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there's quite a few silly options that come to mind right now...

[><]do a barrel roll!

[><]make like a deer in headlights!

and yanno, why do I suspect we're going to have a fun moment sometime in the future and run into Momoyo?

(also why do I get the feeling that the Yin Yang's ability to "The ability to eat sweets and not get fat" is somehow going to be relevant to this quest in the future?)

actually... I might go with one of the silly ones...

[X]make a like a deer in headlights!
-[X] Try to silently alert Youki to the probably harmless and normal centipede DANGEROUS ENEMY currently crawling up your shoulder. LOUDLYQuietly if you can't manage that.
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>(also why do I get the feeling that the Yin Yang's ability to "The ability to eat sweets and not get fat" is somehow going to be relevant to this quest in the future?)
Yin & Yang - Reimu's Inside Story
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[X] Keep absolutely still.
It's vision is based on movement.
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I could see it as something she'd have trained (back when she was a shrine maiden) as a reflexive response to perceived danger, real or otherwise.
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[X] Fight.

Ḯ̷̱̞̈́'̸͉͔́͊͑ͅM̸͉͚̋̚͠ ̶̧͉͑T̶͍͚̝̄H̸̫̠͍̾̂̂E̸̙͈͆̕̕ ̷̙͍͌̀̾B̷̫̹̈́̐͜Ů̴̡̬͍͗G̸̰͝ ̴̮̖̒̇̏Î̵͈̟̫N̷̅ͅS̷̞̐͛̅I̷̺̪͗D̴̺̑̋͝E̷̝̯͂͜ ̷̢͉͖̾Y̴̰̕͝Ō̷̲̍̅U̴̝̘̾͌̂
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Flight is gonna give us away without a doubt, fight.....depends, probably not gonna reveal ourselves, the problem is that I can see it leading Reimu to tear apart pieces of her disguise, hopefully the fact that it's on the arm won't make us ruin any part too important.

[X] Fight

It's a gamble, but i'm gonna hope that 3 isn't that high for instincts and we don't go too overboard with her hostile reaction.
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[X] Flight

This honestly feels more natural, especially for a high tension instinct thing kicking in. Fighting/Freezing/Fawning won't save you from your natural predator, since they're built to tank your struggles. There is only escape.
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[X] Flight.
If we fight, we definitely will be spotted.
If we flight, we might go unnoticed.
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[X] Fight.

Kill the vile beast! Make an example of it to discourage its kin!
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I’m of the opposite opinion.

[X] Fight.
-[X] Try to be as quiet as possible.

If we just run away, we’re absolutely going to get spotted by one of the many eagles flying around. If we just quickly crush the bug quietly however… maybe there’s a chance we fly under the radar? Granted, it relies on us having the cognizance to crush it quietly, but we kind of forced to grasp at straws here.
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[X] Fight.
-[X] Try to be as quiet as possible.
-[x] Reminder that maybe she should try to get used to centipedes later on...
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Difficult choice, I think Yuuma notices us either way.

[X] Fight.

Flight would move our instinct to youkai, alert Yuuma AND leave Youki to fight alone (as we would not just sit there and let them chase you).

Even tough I'm tempted to just telling Youki to deal with the bug, that's such an easy way to deal with that that it might make our spirit and/or instinct move away from human.

For now, I think fight is the less worse option, but I might be very wrong too. Let's see.
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[X] Flight

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Probably worth explaining some things about the stats, particularly instinct.

1: The main stats can go normally go up to 5 points from 0. So max is 5 in any direction: 5 to -5 instinct, and up to 5 Human or youkai spirit. So 3 Instinct is pretty strong
2: Decisions ruled by instinct that rationality can't overrule will not generally affect Spirit or Instinct stats. Some instincts may be overrulable by very dedicated voting, which will usually be a moment when the person's Spirit WILL jump a bit.
3: Centipede-kun THE ATTACK OF THE OOMUKADE is a bit of a quantum ogre I will admit, partially because i wanted to make sure people were aware instinct is not ALWAYS a good thing, and partially because you weren't getting past without fighting at least one of the other Matriarchs. The previous choice did determine which Matriarch, though.
If you're wondering how that would've worked if your instinct was lower than 3, it probably wouldn't have - but I'm deliberately trying not to plan too far ahead.

Unfortunately it's not shrine maiden reflexes that are going off right now. You can try a write-in, but only one of the two main options is available.

Not sure whether you mean "run out of the way" or "stare unblinking into your own oblivion".

As for your other points... well, there may or may not be potential for a Momoyo... or a Mom-oyo.

See point 2, this is under the first group, not the second. And her instincts are gonna go off before she can reasonably inform Youki.

If y'all are interested, I'm willing to let you build up a tolerance to specific negative aspects of instincts as a third sorta-stat.
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i'd be down for that third sorta-stat, honestly. would be another way of showing how reimu's changed by her reawakening, and some opportunity for character growth as well.
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Interesting. Good to know my RUN FOR YOUR LIFE WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE assessment is accurate.
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>>205798 here, my "deer in headlights" vote was referring to the latter, as a good (though sadly dead) fanfic put it:

> [he] ... finally understood the phrase 'deer in headlights'. Why those majestic animals just froze as enormous, fast moving vehicles came bearing down on them, even when they had plenty of time to get out of the way.

and the mom-oyo bit: oh dear that will/would be an amusing trainwreck Reimu happy to find a friend only to spend the entire time trying to to bolt for the hills!

and yeah, I had an hunch that this was a sort of practical Instinct tutorial kicking in.
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Oh look, a tutorial.

[X] Fight.

We are not letting a damn bug sabotage this operation. Running now will not be good, especially because all eagles are on high alert. Better to smother the damn thing with an amulet. Or several, just to be safe.
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[11] Fight.
[5] Flight.
-[X] Just give it a good ol' whack.
-[X] Inflict a healthy dose of Miko style ultra violence upon this many legged abomination.
-[X] Try to be as quiet as possible.

She could feel a burgeoning flame build in her. Roiling in her throat.

What little remained of her common sense choked it back, instead grabbing an amulet and bringing her other hand down on the disgusting thing. There was a loud clap, a small flash of light, and she shuddered from the stinging feeling of the amulet.

“What was that?!”

The eagles began to approach their hiding place. Trying to quietly toss the amulet and the disgusting remains stuck to it, she couldn’t meet Youki’s confused look.

After a moment, he just shook his head, and prepared his blade. “Stay here.” He crouched, his hands at the ready, waiting for the perfect moment…

It came. There was a flash of steel, a few panicked squawks. The gentle sizzling of dissipating spirits.

Reimu looked up - and saw the squatting figure on top of the clock tower look over, her green eyes gleaming. There was… something wrong about her silhouette, now that she was closer.

“You gonna show yourself, or are we gonna have to drag you out of there, Kiketsu?”

Youki stood, stepping out of the clearing. He didn’t utter a word, just staring up at the matriarch.

“...An old man? And a flesh-and-blood human? …Nah, you’re not it, are you?” Yuuma squatted yet again. “You wouldn’t fit in the casket, I’m sure of that.”

In lieu of a response, he drew Hakurouken, priming it. Yuuma chuckled.

“You suggestin’ the secret is that little butterknife, old man?” Even from here, Reimu could see the gleam of her teeth. “Somehow, I doubt that. Because I wonder why you wouldn’t just fight out of the sewers yourself. Would have saved you a lot of otters… and Yachie a lot of scales.”

Yuuma stood up, and the subtle wrongness of her silhouette became clear. The green shell on her back, and the tail. The mix of familiar and horrifying shook the young miko.

“Those pendants of hers were delicious though. Can’t quite breathe fire yet, maybe I just need a few more scales. Orrrr maybe one of her horns’d work. I’m sure she’s spotted the little ‘chink’ in our armour and is coming right this way.” She cackled, drawing her weapon to the ready. “...Well, old man? Shall we put you to the test?”

He kicked off, and the battle was begun.

He hit the wall, running straight up it at full speed - increasing his momentum with every step. Yuuma threw her spoon up to block, but was still knocked skyward as he reached the peak. She countered with a whirl of her steel, nearly knocking him back down the tower.

Reimu stayed low, as the two began to clash in earnest. Youki, feet planted firmly at the top of the tower; Yuuma, whirling around him to find a weak point. Well, this was it. The eagles seemed, at least temporarily, distracted by the fight, cheering their invincible boss on, and as much to the untrained eye it looked like it could be even, Reimu’s intuition only redoubled itself.

Youki would die here - unless she acted. But could she do it without being unmasked…? Slowly, she began to clutch at her amulets, and made her move.

[ ] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
[ ] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.

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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment
Also Make sure to disguise your scent using your ability, Yuuma is expecting Yachie to be here soon and if she smells Reimu's natural scent she'll think Reimu is Yachie

Sneaky time!
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Ho boy, for a second there I thought Yuuma had straight up eaten Yachie, Ho boy there would've been a blood and fire vote from me in that case!

do we have a spellcard/bomb? we do have a shot type, but do we have the corresponding bomb to go with it?

If we did I would consider go for the sneak attack but otherwise our shot choice I don't think would go for a sneak attack, that would imply a sort of Alpha strike type attack and our amulets lack of the omph/punch that Reimu'd want for such a tactic.

doing a protracted tactic does make it more likely to be exposed... but I don't think that matters too much, we're likely going to be leaving soon, and so the "weakness" won't be in reach for anyone that it would matter to. If it does impact this battle, well that just means that Yuuma is going to be Really distracted with that meaning a perfect opening for Youki

[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.
- [X] Bite her ankle, see how she likes being the one getting eaten. It probably won't hurt her much, but the audacity of it will be a more effective surprise than any amount of amulets.
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[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.

Tough choice, but I'll risk Yuuma seeing us if that means saving Youki: waiting for the right moment to strike with a sneak attack could mean we might act too late.
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This is me, this is my revised answer
[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment
Make sure to disguise your scent using your ability, Yuuma is expecting Yachie to be here soon and if she smells Reimu's natural scent she'll think Reimu is Yachie
[X] Get close enough to throw some amulets point blank to catch her by surprise and then bite her ankle
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[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
Yeah this is the blatantly obvious choice.
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[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.

Keeping Youki alive is more important than keeping ourselves hidden, and we'd probably end up revealing ourselves anyway with the other option as well.
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Thanks for spoiling us on the updates, by the way.
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It’s true that keeping Youki alive is important, however I have a problem, namely that we know that Yuuma has been devouring enough dragon material that she’s close to being able to breathe fire, and our amulets’ ink… likely has some remnants of our horns inside it. Now I don’t know about you, but giving Yuuma entirely new abilities is exactly the opposite of what I want to happen. That said, I feel like throwing a wrench in the votes…

[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.
-[X] Launch a bombardment of amulets from behind Yuuma, both to lock down her mobility as well as clear out a chunk of the eagles on top of getting her off balance.

After all, I don’t see anything stopping us from pick both options😁.
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I'll say two things; first, thanks to Keiki's improved disguise, neither choice will reveal that Reimu is Yachie's kid.

Second, there is a way to get out of this fight with both youki and her true secret intact. And no one choice is a death sentence, only a combination of bad choices.

Lastly, if you pick a 'bad' choice and then add in a write-in that I didn't think of that compensates for whatever reason that idea is bad, I may make it so it's a net neutral. That can still lose you the match if you're already behind.

...In a sense, that's already happened. I was going to have the 'fight' option be 'kill it with fire', which would have had yuuma expecting a fire-breather in with Youki, but the write-ins were all for smacking and purifying it, so I went with that instead.
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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment
- [X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
- [X] In addition to amulets, bite her ankle. See how she likes being the one getting eaten.

We really only need Youki to land the one hit to cut open her gullet, after that we can make our escape. Therefore, one strong sneak attack will give him a clean opportunity to land that one hit. Plus, the idea of just biting her ankle is great.
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>>205822 here

I feel like the amulets are extremely unlikely to give Yuuma anything. It would be a valid concern with the needles since they would have our gold in them, but the ink isn't made of our horns. The ink has merely touched our horns and it's silly to assume Yuuma can absorb something from them without it hurting bad. However, I do like this write-in a lot. Changing my vote in favor of this.

[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.
-[X] Launch a bombardment of amulets from behind Yuuma, both to lock down her mobility as well as clear out a chunk of the eagles on top of getting her off balance.

...do we care if Youki knows Reimu is a youkai miko or something? I don't really think so. I feel like this may be implying there is someone else to worry about.
I have an idea on a write-in that could make what you mentioned happen, but I want to see how much other people care first since I frankly couldn't givw a rats ass if Youki knows or not right now.
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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.
- [X] Bite her ankle, see how she likes being the one getting eaten. It probably won't hurt her much, but the audacity of it will be a more effective surprise than any amount of amulets.

Changing my vote, realized the filling the sky with danmaku is probably gonna make it harder for Youki to get in close for a finisher.
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Same person here, and while I do agree that the idea of biting Yuuma’s ankle is hilarious, I’m worried that’s gonna tip our hand a bit too far. That said tipping our hand at least a bit is an option. It’s worth noting that we’re ultimately not trying to hide that we’re a Miko in this fight, we’re trying to hide that we’re the Kicchou heir. What we could do is reveal we’re a Miko to Yuuma and have her think that’s what Yachie’s secret is. After all, having someone who specializes in taking down youkai on your side would be extremely valuable in this gang war, no? All the while hiding our true importance to the Kiketsu. Not a great plan, but if we have to it’s an option

That said, I didn’t just make this post to spitball new ideas.

[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
-[X] Launch a bombardment of amulets from behind Yuuma, in order to clear out some eagles for our escape on top of knocking her off balance.

I realize that we’re probably going to try a decapitating strike of sorts with this option, so locking down movement isn’t going to be useful. That said taking down some of eagles, at least for a while, is going to be immensely valuable when we start booking it. I also do think disguising our scent is a good idea, so I’m adding that to my vote.

Also, for the people who are trying to keep Youki alive by picking the first option, I want to point out that Reimu probably wouldn’t be considering a sneak attack if she didn’t think Youki would last long enough for her to pull it off. I’m going to trust her intuition on this and try to end this fast.
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To be clear, the true secret is Yuuma finding out she's yachie's kid. Youki's not gonna be happy about her revealing herself to be a miko, but it's nowhere near as bad as revealing her being a jidiao is.
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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.

- [X] Bite her ankle, see how she likes being the one getting eaten. It probably won't hurt her much, but the audacity of it will be a more effective surprise than any amount of amulets.
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>> 205834 again.
Forgot to add this to my vote.
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
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Considering what has been said, I'll change my vote to:

[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
-[X] Launch a bombardment of amulets from behind Yuuma, both to lock down her mobility as well as clear out a chunk of the eagles on top of getting her off balance.

With Yuuma's new shell, maybe she won't even feel the amulets before it's too late.
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>Changing my vote, realized the filling the sky with danmaku is probably gonna make it harder for Youki to get in close for a finisher.

Why would we be worried about that when we are using the amulets? We picked that specifically because we wouldn't have to worry about hitting youki. Furthermore Reimu said that her trick would make them "never miss." So we don't have to worry about getting in his way with their fire.

And that ability is also why i think a sneak attack is not playing to their strength. We've traded out the higher burst damage dps of the needles for a a guaranteed dpm of the homing amulets. So a strategy that has us firing for longer plays into the choice we already made. Also staying at range sounds like a really good idea with the goat. Even going in the opposite direction if we're running should have the amulets home in on Yuuma.
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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment
- [X] Make sure to disguise your scent.

Getting a bit close sounds okay, but I don't think it's wise to try and get close enough to bite ankles considering Youki also needs to get close to use his sword.
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Well, the engagement begins. As foretold, not even Youki can stand against this alone. For our options...

[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.

Limiting Yuuma's options gives several benefits. It allows Youki to actually hit her, without expending energy on misses and moving towards her. The amulets are homing, so extra hits will be dealt to her along with Youki's efforts. Lastly, (this is a small caveat of the second option) would the sneak attack exert enough force to through Yuuma off, or would we get a spoon to the face? I say flood the sky. Danmaku pretty.

On extra options:
[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.

Low effort, obvious thing to do.

[X] Stick close to Youki, and stay agile.

In case we need to drag him out of the way of a lethal blow (homing amulets mean we can keep focus on Yuuma instead.)

That's about it. Put everything into sealing contingencies and dragging Youki out of the fight if it gets too dicey. Even if we need to take a blow for it. We'll live.
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With regards to the spoon, wasn't it mentioned that Youki knocked the spoon away already at the beginning of the fight?
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That was the whole taotie, not just the spoon.
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Screenshot 2024-03-24 175235
Not calling the vote here, just doing a tally again.

Danmaku: 818, 820, 822, 823,, 839 - 2 votes currently.
Sneak Attack: 838, 836, 834, 832, 831, 830, 827, 825, 821, 819, 817 - 9 votes

Okay, to keep things as easy as possible for me to read going forward, starting from the next vote onwards I'm gonna ask you all to follow two rules.

1: If you're adding write-ins to an existing vote, please just reference your original vote and write it in again. Do not write in a vote twice if you're not changing that part.
2: If you're undoing a previous vote that YOU made, write in the undone vote as [UNDO] (vote text) and write in the new vote with the standard [X]. Do this as many times as you like, as long as you do both parts.

These just make it as easy as possible for me to count votes; if everyone follows the rules, I should be able find the tally by the sum of ctrl f "[X] vote" minus the sum of ctrl f "[UNDO] vote".

It's just a lot when there's easily 10+ votes and people are debating fiercely. It's a good problem to have - it shows engagement with the story and each other! but it makes counting so much harder.
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Firstly, getting close to Yuuma would be a terrible idea. She is tougher than Reimu, can hit harder than Reimu, and has an ability that allows her to devour things. Heck, one of her spellcards in SFW has her literally sucking the player in. Meanwhile, Reimu doesn't even have a specialized close combat weapon other than her teeth or claws. Sure, it's possible to take Yuuma by surprise, but it's equally possible for Yuuma to take Reimu out of the fight entirely with a good smack or a good bite. Remember: Reimu is still somewhat injured due to her coffin crashing out of the getaway car.

The one advantage Reimu has over Yuuma is the fact she doesn't need to aim her amulets. She can zip around, or even stay behind cover, and simply spray projectiles. That's why Reimu should try to strike from as many angles as possible. Distract Yuuma, force her to search for an unknown assailant, and focus away from Youki. Thus:

[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
[X] Try to fly around as much as possible. Use cover to stay out of sight while shooting from many angles.
[X]Make sure to disguise your scent.
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>>205838 here, gonna change my vote.

[UNDO] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.

I still think that closing the distance somewhat is a good idea, but I don't think that it's wise to get too close. We have the range advantage after all--we should press it.
Not to mention that, y'know, I think Reimu would prefer to keep her distance from the horrifying devourer, thank you very much.

My new vote:

[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
- [X] Additionally, try to close to mid-range: try to stay close enough to Youki so he can help us if necessary, but remain far enough away to force Yuuma to have to choose whether to focus on fighting Youki or on going after us.
- [X] Try to fly around as much as possible. Use cover to stay out of sight while shooting from many angles.

I'm not sure how compatible these two tactics are, but if we can only do one, I'd prioritize closing to mid-range over staying in cover. We should still fly as erratically as possible, though, especially since the eagles are certain to try and hunt us down once we start firing.
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[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
-[X] Try to fly around as much as possible. Use cover to stay out of sight while shooting from many angles.

Honestly, we shouldn't let Yuuma even get close to us or know where we are when we're firing, because otherwise she might hold us hostage or something (if she's in a losing position). A surprise attack would've been possible with the needles, but would've probably led to the situation as stated earlier.
However, we should still help Youki as much as possible (+ I want an interaction between Youki and Youmu)
and prioritize that over keeping the fact that we're a youkai miko a secret from Youki.
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sneak attack is more in line with the kiketsu style, but a frontal attack is what reimu would do. that being said, i agree with >>205843 in that getting close to yuuma is a bad idea. the only person who we've seen defeat her in canon is flandre "has the ability to destroy literally anything" scarlet. range is our best advantage here. mid-range, ideally. >>205843 has a good suggestion with staying somewhat close to youki. so.

[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
-[X] Try to fly around as much as possible. Use cover to stay out of sight while shooting from many angles.
-[X] Additionally, try to close to mid-range: try to stay close enough to Youki so he can help us if necessary, but remain far enough away to force Yuuma to have to choose whether to focus on fighting Youki or on going after us.
-[X]Make sure to disguise your scent.
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Same person and I’m gonna add something here.

-[X] Try to make the attack from mid-range

I agree with everyone that attacking Yuuma from up close is a bad idea as she has a far superior physical advantage. However, I’m realizing that drawing out the engagement is also a bad idea, both because it’s more opportunities for Yuuma to get a lucky shot and either kill Youki or reveal our actual secret, and the longer we fight her, the more likely it is for her to get stronger from something. I’m not going to change my vote because of this, but I’m adding this to make sure we make the attack from a suitable distance.

Remember, we’re not trying to kill Yuuma here. We’re trying to give Youki an opportunity to cut open Yuuma’s stomach and then we’re gonna book it. This will ideally allow to do the former quickly while putting us in a good position to do the latter all while remaining unseen.
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[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
[X] Try to fly around as much as possible. Use cover to stay out of sight while shooting from many angles.
[X]Make sure to disguise your scent.

Revealing our status as youkai miko is far less a problem than our connection to Yachie, even if she connects us to be what they were hiding it would lead them to search for the miko (something that would lead them nowhere) in the future instead of specifically us.

Also a bonus to using danmaku here is that it makes harder for the eagles to interfere if they see their boss struggling, since the sky around her will be filled with the homing attacks and good luck getting in whitout getting hit.
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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
-[X] Launch a bombardment of amulets from behind Yuuma, both to lock down her mobility as well as clear out a chunk of the eagles on top of getting her off balance.
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[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
-[X] Try to fly around as much as possible. Use cover to stay out of sight while shooting from many angles.

Sneak attacks are better used with the needles. We chose the amulets.
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[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
-[X] Try to fly around as much as possible. Use cover to stay out of sight while shooting from many angles.

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[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
-[X] Try to fly around as much as possible. Use cover to stay out of sight while shooting from many angles.
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Oh I thought we'd already be fine with the yin-yang and disguise.

I'd also like to contribute to:
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment

Sure, this would be more effective with needles, but here's the deal. What we have right now is the element of surprise. Whatever else Yuuma might be expecting, she's not expecting a shrine maiden. If we just fill the sky with danmaku, we're wasting that advantage, as she'll see our attack well before it hits. As such, I'd much rather try for the sneak attack; we can always spray and pray later.

Besides, Youki strikes me as someone who can deal a lot of damage with one opening. If we can get him that one moment of advantage, he might just end the fight in one blow.
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>>205845 here, just adding a bit more info & an additional write-in:
-[x] Yuuma mentioned that Yachie was coming, make note of that.

So, the reason why I chose to not stick close or stay at mid-range to Youki is due to two reasons:
a) Youki will be close to Yuuma, which is very precarious due to reasons stated in the previous post.
b) Youki could defend us, but it would be significantly better to just get out of the way (as we're not exactly equipped in close combat weaponry), deny Yuuma most of the battlefield (preventing her from maneuvering as much) by spamming amulets, and preventing any eagle from joining into the fight.
Additionally, Youki needs to have all of his attention on Yuuma, we can't afford to have him divert some of that on us.
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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment
The target is Yuuma and we have the element of surprise on our side as well as the ability to disguise our scent. She's, at most, only expecting Yachie to arrive in a while but not anyone else, especially not a shrine maiden. Perhaps disguising our scent as one of he eagles scent should do well enough to be able to get close and, at close range, fire a barrage of amulets at her. Also, while the biting her ankles does seem a little childish, this might actually work in our favor. We can bite Yuuma's ankle and then try to at least hold and slow her down enough so that Youki can finish her off.
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Ready to hunt youkai.
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[X] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
-[X] Try to fly around as much as possible. Use cover to stay out of sight while shooting from many angles.
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>>205818 here

would like to add
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
-[X] Try to fly around as much as possible. Use cover to stay out of sight while shooting from many angles.

to my vote.

also before I forget again, thanks for all the wonderful art that you have given for this story Kosu!

( I also enjoy all the Mayumi pictures that come with the updates!)
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Votes are tied at 11-11! Still about 6 hours before I can right an updort. Next vote could decide the first round!
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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment
- [X] All of the other assorted write-in tactics.

There's far less danger of being caught if we stay hidden for as long as possible.
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[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment
-[X] Disguise scent

Yuuma is our main target, if we fill the sky with danmaku we will also attract the attention of the other yokai that are watching Yuuma's fight. We don't need them coming after us, we need Youki to finish Yuuma off and sneak atatcking will help with that. Sneak up, close range amulet barrage, bite ankle and try to hold her down even for a second.
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Gah, I’m really torn on this one. I think the surprise attack gives the better opportunity for Youki to close and finish. But it’s a good point that it leaves us open to being taken hostage. Disguising our scent should keep her from reacting as though we’re Yachie, and could give us some wiggle room. But are the amulets enough to stagger her? Ultimately, I’m going with my gut

[X] Get close, and launch a sneak attack; Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.
-[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.
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Honestly, I’m torn too and I think I was one of the first people to lock in a vote, so I don’t blame you.
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Another thing about the sneak attack means that Reimu is going to be taking time to get into position before she starts attacking. More time for Youki to get hurt and less time for the low damage homing amulets to build up the damage.

Sneak attack at close range plays into the needles choice that we overwhelmingly didn't take. We aren't worrying about revealing that we have miko powers, but that there's a Kicchou heir (which is why i am a little confused why people were voting to disguise our scent as Yacchie, especially since we know she is incoming right now. If one scent of Yachie is on the battlefield and another one arrives doesn't that practically gaurentee that the secret will be out. (Reimu's scent already reminded Yuuma of Yacchie.))

So with the amulet option we went for starting the damage now and keeping it up for as long as possible is what's going to play into its strength.
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Not to disguise our scent as Yachie. To disguise our natural scent in general. When Yuuma was first trying to find whatever was in the crate she smelled Reimu and Reimu smells like Yachie, since she's her child, so she thought Yachie was near, it was only after Reimu disguised her scent that Yuuma left. Same thing here, Yuuma knows Yachie is near and is expecting her, so Reimu has to disguise her natural scent to not smell like herself and therefore Yachie.
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>>205866 i wasn't referring to the disguise scent vote in general, there was a vote or two that had said to disguise our scent as Yachie specifically that i was referring to (i added my own vote to disguise Reimu scent option assuming it wasn't connected to the vote(s) i mentioned.)
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Another thing I want to point out is that the fight is happening atop of a clock tower in the middle of a park. It is explicitly noted that the clock tower is the only tall building nearby. In addition, this fight is spectated by a sizable flock of eagles. It's going to take one of Sanae's miracles to actually pull off a successful sneak attack.
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[11] Fill the sky with danmaku; Lock down any mobility advantage.
[14] Get close, and launch a sneak attack when she wasn’t looking. Throw her hard off balance, even for a moment.
[X] Make sure to disguise your scent.

When she was certain the two were fully engaged, she made her move.

She leapt up like a shadow, all but flowing up the tower. The Kiketsu could move like water, and though it wasn’t her typical method of attack to do it covertly, grace had always been something Reimu had been blessed with.

As she ascended, she masked her scent. She’d already nearly been sniffed out once, and she was in no rush to do it again.

She reached the tip of the tower and hung there, waiting for the right moment. The battle was already going poorly, with Youki hard-pressed to keep up with the whirling taotie dervish, scratches already peppering his robes. Reimu bided her time, waiting for the perfect moment… and leapt into action, firing off a wave of amulets.

The sound of rustling paper alerted the taotie, causing her to twist and face her new attacker with shock. Youki’s eyes also widened, but he nonetheless swung his blade, managing a solid hit on Yuuma.

Reimu kept up her barrage, holding the taotie back-but not her spork, which drew a gleaming crescent as it smashed into her face. The world spun, and Reimu hit the roof hard, flat on her stomach.

“Well well well. What do we have here?” One of the three Yuuma’s dancing in Reimu’s vision mused, their maws radiant with razor-sharp teeth. “Some little brat who thinks she can play assassin?”

Reimu felt a kick in her ribs, hard and sharp, then someone grabbed her leg, pulling her into a hanging position. The first parts of her pounding brain that managed to knit themselves together dimly registered relief that her cloak folded over herself, masking her tail hanging limp.

The three Yuumas coalesced into one, chuckling menacingly. “You know, you’re just about the right size to fit in that box back in the waterways. Are you Kiketsu’s secret? What are you, some miko’s kid she kidnapped? A wannabe Keiki-hunter?” The wound in her stomach looked bad, but it wasn’t even enough to slow her down. Worse, her twisting to face Reimu had meant Youki’s slash had been caught on her scales.

She couldn’t even see any marks from her amulets.

She felt her body swing, the floor moving away from her. The cement of the ground immediately around the clocktower filled her vision as she looked down.

“No sudden movements, old man. Y’see, brat, That was a good attack, I will admit. For a Kiketsu, you managed to sneak up pretty close to me.”

The taotie looked down at her, chimeric tail flicking. “But I’ve been fighting a lot of your sneaky otters today. Didn’t you notice my new gear? It means not even the very best of you Kiketsu stand a chance of getting one up on me.”

Reimu’s blood was rushing to her already beleaguered head. On some instinct, she twisted her body, reaching for the one thing part of Yuuma she could, and bared her fangs.

Her teeth sunk into the taotie’s ankle, causing her captor to let go with a litany of curses. Reimu tumbled forward, righting herself in front of the frost glass of the clock. Her head still spinning, she tried to press herself against the glass, get a few seconds of safety to get her bearings.

Then she saw Yuuma. The taotie had leapt off the balcony to dodge a swing from Youki, and was now grinning menacingly at Reimu.

“Trying to hide, eh, ankle-biter? Sorry, that’s not gonna work! You start a hunt, you best be prepared to FINISH IT!”

Bringing her gleaming weapon to the ready, the taotie dived, faster than Reimu had ever seen, cackling maniacally.

[ ] Brace against the wall and hit her with a barrage.
[ ] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.

For the botched sneak-attack, Reimu’s taken one strike. However, for the thought of masking her scent, she’s given Yuuma one strike too.

Three Strikes, and you’re out.

Just reiterating the rules in a proper updorf:

1: If you're adding write-ins to an existing vote, please just reference your original vote and write it in again. Do not write in a vote twice if you're not changing that part.
2: If you're undoing a previous vote that YOU made, write in the undone vote as [UNDO] (vote text) and write in the new vote with the standard [X]. Do this as many times as you like, as long as you do both parts.

These just make it as easy as possible for me to count votes; if everyone follows the rules, I should be able find the tally by the sum of ctrl f "[X] vote" minus the sum of ctrl f "[UNDO] vote".
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Ayup, called it. Who would have thought that sacrificing our range advantage in order to launch a sneak attack with a relatively low-powered shot type would go badly?

[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
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Expected this to happen.

[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.

We aren't built for close quarters, so we shouldn't try and stay that way. If we chose needles, there'd be an argument to be made for bracing, but we didn't, so there's no point risking extra hits for relatively low powered attacks.
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
There goes the main plans, I'll give this option a try...
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Welp, let's play it safe. I doubt we can make distance now but let's at least not get smashed into a wall for now.

[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
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Strike One. That shit hurted.

[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.

We probably shouldn't take another hit so soon. And we just revealed ourselves. No use restraining ourselves. As for extras...

[X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.

Again, we're the backup. Get ready to drag the geezer out of there is everything goes to shit.
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Well that went as expected, at least the eagles didn't spot us in time and she didn't grab us, that would have been a disaster.

[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.

The amulets just don't have enough firepower to stop her or make this trade of blows even, we need to dodge and use that time to reposition.
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
[X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.

This was expected. Should have sprayed amulets all over Yuuma.
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
[X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.

You know, I honestly figured we'd get more out of the element of surprise than that. Ah well.

Regardless, amulets are the homing shot type. We just need to hold down the fire button and dodge.
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Yeah I'm willing to admit I was banking a lot on finishing this in one clean blow with my support for the sneak attack. Since that plan's failed, damage control is definitely more important.

(Though I will wonder how effective amulet lockdown would have been, since they don't even seem to have left a mark. It took a whole incident worth of preparation to kill her in 17.5, after all. Questions to be pondered out of devouring range, I suppose.)

[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
[X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.
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Honestly, same here. I figured a protracted engagement with Yuuma was a very bad thing because of her ability to devour stuff to get stronger, and wanted to end this as quickly as possible to avoid that. Now that I’m aware of what the combat rules are, I’m realizing that this wouldn’t have worked even if we did have needles and I should’ve picked the other option. Oops.

It’s not as bad as it could’ve been though. The sneak attack technically did its job, even if it ended up going sideways fast, and we got a solid hit of our own in the process. As for the vote…

[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
-[X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.
-[X] Keep a grip on the cloak while we’re doing this.

It’s basically the same vote a couple of other people made, just with an extra addition, because frankly with how fast Yuuma is right now, I’m worried that spork is going to catch our cloak and tear it right off.
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
- [X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.
- [X] Stay focused on her.
- [X] Keep a grip on the cloak while we’re doing this.

I hope this has to do with the fact the amulets are weak and not to do with the ink. I'd find it sily if it were the latter.
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Remember: we're supporting Youki and keeping both of us. He's probably gonna be the one to take her out - if Yuuka gets taken out, that is. It becomes too dicey - we run with Youki.
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
- [X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.
- [X] Stay focused on her.
- [X] Keep a grip on the cloak while we’re doing this.
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
- [X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.
- [X] Stay focused on her.
- [X] Keep a grip on the cloak while we’re doing this.

I wonder if Reimu can arc the amulets around walls and corners. Like can she find some place out of direct line of sight where she can turtle up (hah) and keep being a constant annoyance throughout the battle with her homing amulets?
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- [X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.
- [X] Keep a grip on the cloak while we’re doing this.

Moving towards Youki after dodging seems reasonable. Keeping the grip on the cloak while Yuuma's in grabbing range might be unnecessary but... just in case.
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
- [X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.

Yeah, this one's pretty obvious. Going near Yuuma in the first place was a stupid idea, so let's collectively agree to stop doing that. Stay near Youki and provide covering fire, but making sure neither he nor we get hit is priority number one.
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>>205871 here, adding to my vote:

- [X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.
- [X] Stay focused on her.

I'm not sure how feasible it's gonna be for us to keep hold of our cloak while shooting amulets. Won't we need our hands free to shoot?
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
- [X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.
- [X] Stay focused on her.
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
- [X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.
- [X] Stay focused on her.
- [X] Keep a grip on the cloak while we’re doing this.
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[X] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
- [X] Move towards Youki while dropping homing amulets.
- [X] Stay focused on her.
- [X] Keep a grip on the cloak while we’re doing this.

amulets are a "quantity over quality" shot type where we can focus on dodging while chipping away at health. we keep that up here.
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You know I just had a realization. Why did none of the people who voted to make a sneak attack(yes, I’m including myself in this statement) think to use our melee weapon? We all just defaulted to amulets.
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Well, those who wanted to go into melee range were saying to bite her ankle.

No idea why, but at least I managed to get that part in, eh?

I’ll be blunt, watching that vote was an interesting experience. Especially as the write-ins were trying to turn the vote from “Attack with Danmaku vs Sneak Attack” to “Attack with Danmaku (sneakily) vs Sneak Attack (with Danmaku)”
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What can I say, we wanted to have our cake and eat it too. It did not work out.
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Sorry I missed this before.
No problem, it's been my pleasure. I might not be a super good artist, but this story has inspired me to grab my pencil and start practicing again, to try to improve.

When I changed my vote, I envisioned something completely different and now I kinda regret the change lol.
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[0] Brace against the wall and hit her with a barrage.
[18] Dodge the attack and let her crash through.
- [X] Stay focused on her.
- [X] Keep a grip on the cloak while we’re doing this.

Reimu had taken far, far too many Blazing Stars in her time to think standing her ground was a good idea. That was nothing but a good way to get your ribs cracked.

She pushed her legs up against the wall, finding what purchase she could, waiting for the right time. As the taotie lunged, she found herself oddly… calm. Focused.

After all, what was that old phrase? Shoot and I’ll move?

When her intuition kicked in, she threw her whole body to the side. She felt the prongs ruffle her hair, but rather than shaking her, she just smiled, at the shocked expression of her hunter.

No. Not her hunter, not her prey. Just the youkai she was fighting today.

There was an ear-piercing shattering of glass, and a teeth-rattling BOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG as Yuuma slammed into the tower’s bell. Reimu looked down into the hole she had created, grinning at the dazed youkai struggling to manage the usually simple tasks of both staying upright and stopping her brain from leaking out her ears.

She pulled out a talisman, throwing it into the air. It zeroed in on the taoties bleeding ankle, producing a hiss of pain and tumbling the matriarch as her recoil overcame what remained of her balance. Maybe her resilience was just skin deep.

A part of the roof above collapsed, bringing with it two gleaming blades and a very, very angry half-phantom. As the taotie dived for cover, his focus was on the floating young miko. “Stay. Out. Of this.”

Reimu folded her arms, taking one look at the wounds on his body before deciding to reply. “You needed the help, Gramps. Don’t pretend you didn’t.”

He didn’t respond, instead turning to the taotie and unleashing a wicked series of slashes. The taotie was still regathering her senses, but she managed to block the worst of his attacks, even if she was pushed back.

Reimu could already see that the tide was turning. What footing Yuuma regained with her senses, she lost equal speed with the bevy of cuts across her body. And the tight space of the inside of the clock played to Yuuma’s disadvantage, giving the smaller and lighter combatant less room to manoeuvre. Blocking an attack was no longer a simple matter of getting bounced sky high; the walls behind her would bounce her right back. It was clear that the duel would end in Youki’s favour…

So why did she feel so uneasy?

With another slash, Yuuma stumbled, her leg fully giving out on her. Youki prepared the Hakuroken, aiming the slash to all-but tear her in half, along a battered seam of the spork. Reimu’s eyes darted around the room, looking for the trap, or the trick, or -

Or the frosted glass on the far side turning purple with spectral light.

“To your left!”

Youki turned, slashing as an eagle crashed through the glass. The eagle never got a chance to cry out, dissipating. Yuuma stumbled back to her feat, managing to briefly push the swordsman away and get some distance.

“Good going, bird-brains! Get the ankle-biter too!”

Reimu cursed, turning back to the entrance she had flown through and tossing out some more amulets. The eagles about to come through the bottleneck were quickly slain, but the remaining clock faces were smashed through as well, and soon she was throwing amulets in all directions.

Of course. While some part of Keiki’s construction techniques forced the spirits of the animal realm to treat the manufactured objects as solid, it only reinforced them against spiritual infiltration. Glass was still glass, and anything would break if you hit it hard enough.

And few things hit harder in the animal realm than a dive-bombing eagle spirit. After all, who cared if it broke their body apart? They were just going to come back anyways. Terminal velocity wasn’t exactly a risk when one was long past the relevant terminus.

Reimu retreated to the space above the bell, turning in whirling trying to catch the flock of approaching eagles. “Hey, old man? You doing alright down there?”

A slightly strained grunt from somewhere below the bell was all she got in response. Reimu turned, firing off another set at an approaching v formation. “If I keep this a duel for you, you sure you can win it?” A more affirmative grunt, and Reimu’s own intuition concurred.

“Alllllright then!” She grinned, reaching into her pocket. “It’s time to show you oversized purple pigeons an extra-special trick!” She pulled out a card, throwing it into the air. “It’s time for your very first spell card!”

[ ] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
[ ] Tortoise Sign “Tortoiseshell Hell”

In case you don't remember, these are the first spell cards of stage 4a/stage 4 in TH8 and TH17 respectively.
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[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
Assuming that this spellcard primarily uses the amulets, and since our amulets has been upgraded by Keiki, we better off firing the Checkov's Gun rather than spraying energy bullets Animal Realm style.

Plus, wouldn't Yuuma be suspicious that, for some reason, the random kid she's fighting conveniently have the same spellcard as Yachie's?
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Both options have good AoE.

As much as I like using Yachie's own spellcard and even when it could be a "net" used as an area of denial attack (making a sort-of cage) I'm worried it could blow our cover since this is still "smart Yuuma" that could piece everything together if she sees the resemblance.

Duplex Barrier should be the way to go to remain kind of anonymous and get rid of multiple birds from all angles since it's more aggressive. Reimu's on a miko mindset now, so let's go with miko attacks.

[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
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[x] Tortoise Sign “Tortoiseshell Hell”
This is way more practical and we've just remembered we're miko today, let's not shoot a gun with no training.
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[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”

Let's keep going with Miko attacks, the only risk that I see right now is using too much the Miko abilities and getting hurt due to our youkai nature, but using Yachie spellcard is just too obvious even if Yuuma doesn't notice it because she's occupied, the eagles aren't geniuses but I doubt that they would be that dumb.

I admit that they could think that we use Yachie spellcard simply because we are on her side and that's why we know it, but still too risky for my taste especially as long as Yuuma has the kiketsu and part of Yachie skills.
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We still don't know 100% if spellcards are a thing. It's implied that they don't yet exist as far as I remember, so maybe Yachie's spellcard was not even created yet, but...

When I wrote "if Yuuma sees the resemblance" I meant: The spellcard, as it's name implies, is supposed to look like a tortoiseshell to imitate Yachie's own, and so far Yuuma has deduced that Reimu's the Kicchou secret so it would be, at the very least, confirming Yuuma's suspicions while raising a red flag in her line of thought: WHY is she using something so close to Yachie?.

Maybe I'm rambling/reading into it a little too much, and trying to convey all that in a way that's not confusing while it's almost 8am here and I still haven't slept yet is hard lol
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Both are good at a widespread effect, but don't think that similarity applies to their applications.

Tortoiseshell (imagined in a 3d plane, anyways) covers a wide amount of the battlefield with appearing and disappearing laser walls. It's got some persistent homing fireballs to keep you on your toes, but it really serves more as an area lockdown than an area attack.

Duplex Barrier might seem fancy, since you have to think with portals, but really the bullets all head in a straight line once they're an actual threat. Once you actually get a grasp on it, it's mostly just avoiding a spiralling pattern of bullets. On the plus side, it attacks every direction with bullets coming from shining manifolds.

And so we come to the question: A defensive shell, or an offensive seal?

Ignoring the obvious problem that Tortoiseshell Hell carries a distinct odor of Dragon Turtle, I think Duplex is still the more useful for our current situation. If we were alone, I would go for Tortoiseshell, so that we could lock ourselves behind laser walls and pester the enemy safely with homing attacks. But our goal isn't to deal with the spirits and the taotie, just the spirits. So Duplex is more useful, as the wide amount of amulets are more likely to land a hit on an agile target like a bird than the fireballs are.

[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”

I would also like to propose, unrelated to the analysis, that the eagles did not actually know there was glass there and were just dive-bombing to join the action.
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problem 1: need to stop divebombing eagles spirits from deleting old man with sword

solution 1: poorly-remembered miko barrier centered on self (away from old man with sword) with amulets here and there
solution 2: turtle shell themed barrier spam everywhere

anyway its tidepiss at this point
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Ah, that was an issue I was afraid of. Third party bullshit. Can't exactly call then out for it though. We just pulled it too. For now...we play defense.

[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”

From what the spell looks like, it seems better at keeping things out. Tortoiseshell has holes that the birds can weave through, so a twofold barrier will be much better at keeping our, while keeping Yuuma in, close to Youki. Speaking of which...

[X] Stick close to Youki.

I've said it thrice now, and it's even more important since it's a self targeting barrier, stay close to the old man. Least with all the open windows escape routes are a non-issue.

*Maiden's Capriccio starts playing.*
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Tortoiseshell Hell is a trap, as much as it sounds like the better option. It'll beyond give us away.

Gotta gamble with the past life spellcard. She can probably do it. It's from PCB which isn't too far away and she's demonstrated thst she can use the amulets well.

[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
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That said - it's a valid point. Is there a better Reimu spellcard we could use?
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>>205908 here
[X] Stick close to Youki. Not too close, though.

Youki is fighting Yuuma and we're letting loose a bomb. We need to keep him covered, yeah, but I don't want to engage in friendly fire.
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>>205904 here. Agree with the general revision that we should move to the center of the battlefield if we go for Duplex for efficiency's sake, but not changing my vote yet in case we come up with more tactics later.

Presumably, based on the example videos, we'd be doing these cards at normal complexity. If we were going to do another, harder card, it'd probably have to be easy mode. I studied IN 4a and WBaWC 4 on easy, and found what I think might be our best bet. If anyone wants to hear my thoughts on the other cards, debate whether it has to be on easy, or look at something like fighting game cards, happy to take a look at any ideas. But I think our best alternative bet might be...

Dream Sign "Evil-Sealing Circle" [Easy] - Like Tortoiseshell, it's really more effective as a lockdown than an attack, but while the normal bullets probably aren't going to hit too many eagles, the chains of amulets are going to seal them in between small gaps, and force them to keep up the dodging. If they have to time it out, the streams of amulets will keep them busy for a while, letting Youki deal with Yuuma without interference.

Thoughts, anyone?
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Sounds sketch, but that's only because it's Easy mode and we won't be thinning their numbers much. Youki and Reimu might be fucked when they time-out the spellcard, even if Yuuma is defeated by then.

It would probably lock down Yuuma and Youki, too. Which is both good and bad for Youki, I imagine.
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We should watch how many amulets we use, too. Reimu probably only has so many shots in her before she's dry on ammo. Any spell card will probably use a lot. Except maybe Turtleshell Hell.
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Would it really be that hard to do it on normal? I can't imagine shooting a few more bullets is harder to remember how to do than creating two sets of barriers to shoot amulets between. If we just keep it centered above the melee combatants, it won't trip them up too much and just lock down the birds. If we run out of amulets afterwards we still have a fresh gohei.

[X] Dream Sign "Evil-Sealing Circle"
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[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
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[X] Dream Sign "Evil-Sealing Circle"
- [X] Stick close to Youki. Not too close, though.
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[x] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
-[x] Absolutely do NOT stick close to Youki

Have you all learned nothing from our little ankle biting escapade? Youki is a close ranch fighter. Getting close to Youki means getting close to Yuuma. And getting close to Yuuma is how we got strike 1.

Play to your strengths. Reimu is a ranged fighter. For the love of God, stay at range.
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[x] Tortoise Sign “Tortoiseshell Hell”
-[x] Absolutely do NOT stick close to Youki
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[X] Dream Sign "Duplex Barrier"

even putting the obvious fact that using tortoiseshell hell is a giveaway of our identity, i booted up both imperishable night and wbawc to play through both cards on normal. duplex barrier has tighter gaps and the use of barriers is definitely confusing to those who aren't used to it. not only that, but the way a few extra amulets block off some of the gaps and how hard those amulets are to read (even in a 2d space. i took a look at minusT's "Eternal Night part 1" animation and it looks like hell to try to read in 3d.) make it really good for hitting a lot of eagles.

i think evil sealing circle on normal isn't all the more difficult for reimu to use- the main difference is there's more arrowheads to weave through in between the amulets. i don't consider evil sealing circle to be a "harder" card either, since its just amulets and a few simple bullets. something like the hard/lunatic variants of those cards, some of the fighting game cards or the stage side-game cards, certainly, but i think at reimu's current skill level her easy/normal cards are good to go. evil sealing circle [normal] is a great alternative card, but i think the unpredictability and added difficulty of the barriers would be more effective.
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I am going to wait till i have more time before i vote, but I wonder if this is a spirit check more than anything. After all aren't spellcards a reflection of the caster? (Or is that fanon?) If so i wonder 2 things:

Can we write-in this vote?

And if so:

Can we write-in a new spellcard?

Also. Not a much different note: >>205884

> Yuuka

We would be So doomed if this was Yuuka!

Thiugh seeing her name made me realize something: despite the Garden of the sun being referenced in relation to a at least somewhat recent Hidden Star in Four Seasons. It howeverdidn't come up in the last game despute all the lands being "ownerless". It seems even the Animal realm knows better than to risk drawing Yuuka's ire!
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>>205921 here, forgot to add this in:
[x] Absolutely do NOT stick close to Youki

our role is to make sure the eagles dont interfere with youki and yuuma's duel. yuuma's already lost some of her mobility advantage with the bite we gave her, so youki should be able to stand a better chance against her. deal with the eagles first, and let him handle it from here. if we're still standing, that's when we can see if he still needs help.
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I am very tired leave me alone lol
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>>205899 here, some add-ins
[x] Absolutely do NOT stick close to Youki
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Yeah no, not trying that again if we can help it.

[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”

I’m also not willing to gamble everything on an easy mode card.
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[x] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
-[x] Absolutely do NOT stick close to Youki

Good point.
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>>205904/>>205912 here once more
Alright, seeing the discussion, Duplex appears to be more popular even if ESC could be done on normal, so I'll stick with that.
Adding onto the vote with my own stance on the positioning writein.
- [X] Absolutely do NOT stick close to Youki, get high up in the center of the room, away from everyone.
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[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
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[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
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-[x] Absolutely do NOT stick close to Youki

The man asked for a 1v1, let's respect that.
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The only good reason I havw heard to not at least fight closer to Youki. Fine.

[UNDO] Stick close to Youki. Not too close, though.

No need to add the other write in. The other write in is kinda stupid and unessasary. The stick close write in isn't gonna go thru unless it's a majority. No point to specifiying to NOT do that because it's already her plan to stay away.
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[X] Tortoise Sign “Tortoiseshell Hell”
-[x] Absolutely do NOT stick close to Youki
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[UNDO] Stick close to Youki

Fair enough. As much as I'm worried, he did ask this of us. Another strike and I'm reiterating this answer though.
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[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”

I feel no need to put it as a write-in, but can we not go near the old man with a sword? I don't know how long you guys think a sword is, but if we're close enough to Youki for it to matter, we're close enough to catch a spork to the face, and that sounds pretty bad.
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>>205922 here

If I didn’t think this was possibly a Spirit check, I’d go for the duplex barrier (probably still will if the a write-in isn’t allowed as we’ve had neutral and youkai spirit time, but not any human time yet, might be interesting to see what happens there.) But since it looks like both are about even, with just one possibly being hard to remember due to time and the other being a possible glaring neon sign of ‘I’m a Kicchou’ even without spellcards having been a thing yet. it seems to me that this is more a “who does Reimu identify with more” sort of choice.

As long as Gooboi is fine with it, I’d like to propose a new spell card. What would it be like, ultimately would be by necessity of the medium be up to the author, but something of a mix between the two choices, or something. As can probably be seen with what I have for the name.

>She found herself wishing, fervently, for the real Genjii, instead of the plushie. For the one who’d taught her to fly, who’d whisked her away from danger when she bit off more than she could chew.

> Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”

>And, most of all, she wished for Mama. To come home, and tell her it was all alright. That the threat had definitely passed, and that she’d be safe, and she could go back to pretending she was just a spoiled little princess again. To let her rest her head on her lap while she sewed up the holes in Genjii.

>Tortoise Sign “Tortoiseshell Hell”

[X] Wish Sign: “Dream of Shelled Protectors”

A spellcard, not of ____Reimu, not of Kicchou Yacchie, but of Kicchou Reimu. If this is a Spirit check choice, then hopefully this will be the Neutral choice to what I assume is the Dream’s human and the Tortoise’s Youkai.

And hey, if this is me just out-thinking myself, well, then it probably won’t pick up traction, and if its just outright refused, then I’ll change my vote.

As for the rest of the vote, might I say that we received a strike for getting too close to Yuuma? So how about we stick to the point where all the windows are and stay away from the fight below for the time being? So I won’t vote to be close or far From Youki, just leave the vote neutral.


Sorry! Just seeing Yuuka’s name caught my attention! Heck, my post had all sorts of typos from trying to type on a phone in less than 10 minutes of time on a break, so it's rather understandable!
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I vote for this!
[X] Wish Sign: “Dream of Shelled Protectors”
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"Small flickers of light, our last hope."
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Yknow what? I’m willing to play ball on this.

Firstly, this isn’t a spirit check. It’s just a tactical choice. But to everyone who’s declaring old spell cards, or brand new spell cards, I’m going to give y’all an opportunity.

Everyone, pick one of the two primary spell cards offered, that votes still ongoing. That is still these two options, and it’ll determine which result of these two originally intended options will be the one that plays out. So if you pick the right choice, it’ll have the effect of giving Yuuma the third strike, and if you pick the wrong choice, it’ll give y’all your second.

[ ] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
[ ] Tortoise Sign “Tortoiseshell Hell”

However, I’m willing to allow you all to declare your very own spell card for Kicchou Reimu specifically. I’m allowing this specifically because it may allow me to do something I wanted to do more smoothly. Let’s see what you all come up with.

{ } Write in new spell card here.

Come up with anything and everything that works for K. Reimu, and I’ll pick one I really like, and file away the others for potentially later.
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so I did overthink it, but something good still came of it, nice!

though since it is a tactical decision it does make me rethink my surety of Duplex to be my choice…though I am not going to be adding any modifier write-ins regardless…

Looking as several videos, it looks duplex mostly redirects the amulets in interesting directions, doesn’t looks like it redirects or blocks the targets of the spellcard, but it outputs a bunch of amulets, on the other hand, the barriers of Tortoiseshell hell do actually harm those that touch them, but there’s only a handful of slow homing projectiles actively going after the target.

Duplex also has 50 seconds vs tortoiseshell’s 40 and from looking at the two videoes Duplex requires more careful maneuvering. So I’m going with:

[UNDO] Wish Sign: “Dream of Shelled Protectors”

[X] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”

And still going with the new spellcard name (just with the correct brackets this time.)

{X}Wish Sign: “Dream of Shelled Protectors”

Another point about it that I forgot to say in its original post, but that wish is a point where the memories of both of Reimu’s pasts were being wished for in sync (heck, some of those might have been really close time-wise, just in different timelines!)

As for the wish sign, I remembered that the Yin-Yang orb had some capacity for wishes (looking it up showed that it was a wish granting Fairy from TH1) and since the Yin-Yang orb is in Yachie Reimu right now, it seemed to fit.

And before I forget


Holy crap Kosu you keep knocking it right out the park with the art!!!
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[UNDO] Stick close to Youki

Fair enough. As much as I'm worried, he did ask this of us. Another strike and I'm reiterating this answer though.

Also, sweet. New spell cards. Yeah I'm taking that offer. Author, mild reminder that this is still your story, so if you put your foot down on some things, we probably won't mind. In the meantime...

{X}Wish Sign: “Dream of Shelled Protectors”

Shiny thing is shiny

(Also Mayumi fuckin balling)
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If anyone wants to have fun thinking a new spellcard, I'll leave something here so you can have reference:


Of course Yachie's list is comparatively empty, but it does differentiate between difficulties.
You can click the game's acronym in the list and you will get to see a screenshot, too!

I'll think about it for a little while and see what I can come up with.

Thanks! I'm trying to improve with each one!
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Just to reiterate, for the { } I’m looking for suggestions, not a vote. You can be the only anon who likes your spell card name and if I like it too, I’ll put it in.
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Same person here


Cool idea for a name, but I might have a better one…

{X}Wish Sign: “Dream of Sheltered Protectors”

I just figure, since turtles use their shells as shelter against attacks, and Reimu’s been sheltered for the entirety of this life, that fits a little bit better. Especially since we have the funny oxymoron of a protector whose protected themselves.
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I like japanese wordplay and I have given this a deep thought:

I'll take Spirit Sign "Hakurei Illusion" from PoFV as a base since we don't want to go too far to "the future".

Taking into account that most if not all of Reimu's spellcards that start with "Spirit sign" or "Dream sign" use the kanji for Reimu's name 霊 Rei/spirit or 夢 Mu/dream, why not have fun with the kanji for Kicchou?
吉弔 breaks into 吉 Kichi or Yoshi meaning fortune or good luck and 弔 Chou meaning funeral or mourning (Kicchou as a whole is the japanese pronunciation of chinese Jidiao).

Let's use 吉 for good luck, so we start with "Fortune Sign".

Of course, we can't use 博麗 Hakurei since we don't remember the name.
Funnily enough, 博 Haku has an homophone in 白 Haku that means "white" but also "blank" which we can use to symbolize our memory loss in "_______ Reimu".
麗 Rei/beautiful also has an homophone in 霊 Rei/spirit or soul (which we have seen a few seconds ago, in Reimu's name). Meaning 博麗 Hakurei can be replaced with 白霊 Hakurei.

Lastly, "Illusion" we can leave as is, since illusions are useful for deceit too, playing on both Hakurei and Kicchou sides.

For contrast:

霊符「博麗幻影」 | Reifu "Hakurei Gen'ei" | Spirit Sign "Hakurei Illusion"
吉符「白霊幻影」 | Kichifu "Hakurei Gen'ei" | Fortune Sign "Blank Soul Illusion"

We now have an original Reimu spellcard, performed by our new Reimu in a blend of both worlds just by changing 3 kanji and which pronunciation would be almost the same but with a completely new translation and meaning.

So my new spell card suggestion is:

{X} Fortune Sign "Blank Soul Illusion"

We can think of synonyms if the name's not good enough but man, I had fun.
My main vote is still for Duplex Barrier, so no change there.
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Ok, soorry for my opinion, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut ;

Since Reimu's name (old one) means, Graceful Esteemed Revelatory Dream, we could use that, but since Reimu doesn't remember the name Hakurei, we'll use the next best thing which is 白霊 nearly the same thing as 博麗 so for the spell itself it will be "Blank, Soulless Revelatory Dream" and for the beginning part it will have to have a part of Kiketsu or Kicchou sooo, just the Kich part of the name would suffice, so " 吉符 [白霊霊夢] "

and my vote would be.

{X} 吉符 [白霊霊夢]


{X} Fortune Sign "Blank, Soulless Revelatory Dream

thanks to the post above for the idea for the spellcard name
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{X} Spirit Sign "Blessed Torrent of Fire"

A simple combination of all her current aspects, Miko for blessing, Torrent for the turtle and fire for the dragon side, probably wouldn't be used any time soon for that reason too but I wanted to give a contribution.
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I'm gonna try my hand at reading ahead and try something out there like...

{X} Dragon Sign "Dichromatic Flame Orbs"
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I wonder if using the Chou would work better than Kichi for that. As in Funeral/Mourning Sign “Blank Soul Illusion”

I don’t know Japanese myself, but a few I have in mind are
Fortune Sign “Soul Donation”
Tortoise Sign “Youkai-Repelling Tortoise”
Dragon Sign “Youkai-Hunting Dragon”
Barrier Sign “World on the Tortoise’ Back”
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I don't want to be rude, but you could have just winged a name in English and it would be alright.
You repeated "霊霊" reirei when you would write it as 霊々 (example: Yuyuko 幽々子), and like the repetition in Yuyuko's name, doesn't really hold much of a meaning other than maybe "enhancing" what's being said (霊 is spirit, 霊々 would be a greater concentration of that, an exaggeration or just simply ignored and read as just one single "spirit").
The way you used 吉符 [白霊霊夢] would just mean Fortune Sign "Hakurei Reimu" as in, just a name. Written as 白霊々夢 "haku reireimu" would mean something along the lines of "white/blank spiritual dream".

I like both of those.

Mourning Sign works too, I just wanted good luck instead.
Also Barrier Sign “World on the Tortoise’ Back” slaps hard, really cool name!
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i feel like no one's taking advantage of the fact that both reimu and yachie have a spell card with the phrase "great barrier" in them.

{X} Instinct "Innate Great Barrier" since both of her lives have something to do with putting up barriers.

{X} Paradox Sign "Youkai Shrine Maiden"

{X} Faded Spirit "Dreaming Beast"
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This one is more for ____ reimu if she becomes more dominant or something but:

{X} _____ sign "Lost Memories of Phantasm"

Or alternatively

{X} Lost sign "Forgotten Memories of Phantasm"
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>>205948 here
I got two more to throw into the hat. These are a bit silly and/or edgy, but I feel like they would hold a lot of weight for Kicchou Reimu instead of having meaning to both Reimus like the other one and many of rhe ones people are posting have.

{X} Dream Sign "Light Preluding The Worst Day"
{X} Spirit Sign "Perturbing Awakening"

This has probably been the worst day of her life lol.
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On the topic of the combat vote: I did vote for Duplex barrier, but I wonder if what the issue is would be if we'll be getting possible blowback from channelling a spellcard rather than just the amulets, and if the blowback hits hard enough we might end up dropping from where we are over the bell down into the fight below, and thus get a strike...

what does everyone else think? I think I recall seeing a post that might've said similar.

I'm not too sure about it so I don't think I want to change my vote yet. what arewe at currently with the vote?
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It’s an absolute landslide in favor of Duplex Barrier.
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Then hopefully the fact its a normal level spell rather than one of higher difficulty means that we haven't hit the threshold of "You could still hurt yourself, but you’d have to try a good bit harder, at least." that Keiki mentioned...
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{X} Redo Sign "Wipe the Floor"
"It's over, Yuuma. This is my Redo/Reimu!"
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This really has been a Redo/Reimu.
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maybe the real Redo/Reimu is the friends we made along the way
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[X]Redo sign "Tortoiseshell Duplex"
I think it would be great if both sides agreed to make the Speellcard
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[15] Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”
[3] Tortoise Sign “Tortoiseshell Hell”

Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”

Reimu focused, her talismans beginning to whirl out in pulses. The first few waves took out the closest assailants, driving the eagles back a few steps, and temporarily blunting their charge.

Then the amulets disappeared in front of them, seemingly just before the tower. The eagles paused, then scoffed, preparing to fire their own danmaku into the now-open holes of the clock tower’s faces.

Then the amulets came from behind. Any momentary arrogance the eagles had was quickly dashed, and they began a full rout, scattering from the confusion of the teleporting amulets.

Reimu opened her eyes, already satisfied with the retreat. In the distance, she could see the purple specks being met with a wave of green, further destroying any remaining morale. She alighted on the floor of the belfry, nodding contentedly.

A yelp of pain, and an accompanying grunt, sounded from the far side of the room. Reimu ran around the bell, coming to a grim scene.

Youki had been thrown back, against one of the walls, and was struggling to pull himself up. But that was nothing compared to the damage he’d inflicted on Yuuma. The taotie had taken a slash that would have left a human struggling to hold themselves together, and was starting to leak a green mist alongside her oily blood.

They turned to look at the intruder, and Yuuma was the one to speak first. “Ankle-biter?! What the hell happened to you?”

Reimu blinked. Now that she had mentioned it… something felt wrong. Like the room was smaller than it was before.

She found her eyes drawn to her reflection in the gears of one of the clocks, quite shocked by what she saw. She looked… as old as she had been before this whole mess started, more than a head taller than she had been. And there were crystalline planes of red light, forming loose shapes on her - mimicking one of her old sleeves on her right arm, pantomiming a magnificent horn rivalling her mother’s finest on her left, and forming a massive yin-yang symbol behind her. She reached up and touched the ethereal horn, feeling a light tingling as her hand passed through the phantasmal prisms.

And then there were the orbs. The Yin-yang orbs.

Six of them, hovering in a ring around her. Reimu blinked, feeling memories surging back. Of incidents she’d forgotten, and battles once lost to time.

She held her hand out, letting one rest in her palm. It didn’t sizzle, or burn, or do anything it normally would do to a youkai; it just rested there, peacefully. Reimu took a deep breath, a torrent of emotions storming just below the surface.

Some part of that surface, however, was still clear enough to catch the sign of movement. Yuuma had staggered to her feet, and was now whipping her jidiao tail around to catch the miko off-guard. Reimu ducked out of the way, leading the chimera's tail to crash into the giant clockwork. The cog’s teeth found their prey, and bit with merciless cruelty.

Yuuma howled in pain, being unceremoniously trapped within the grinding gears. She tried to pry the crumpled appendage free, but found no luck. Reimu snorted at her misfortune. “For all your talk of thinking like a Kiketsu, you sure don’t move like one.”

“Oh yeah?” Yuuma managed, still struggling in vain to release her tail from the tower’s iron grip. The green glow from one of her eyes had faded already. “And what are you, then? You don’t look like any Kiketsu I’ve ever seen, even with that weird-ass horn thing.”

…What was she? It was a good question, and nothing Reimu could find in either life’s memories offered any clues as to what was happening here. …And the personal details of her past life were still a mystery; she still didn’t remember her old last name.

But, well. She did remember a title. She chuckled, drawing another spell card.

“Me? I’m the Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise.” She grinned, lifting the card into the air. “And you’re just the first in a long list of youkai that will learn the hard way not to mess with me.”

She focused on the card once more, new ideas flowing through her. The orbs flowing around her picked up their pace, beginning to glow red-hot. “Well, it’s not fair to use a spell card on a stationary target, but I’ve had a long, long day because of you, Yuuma, so I don’t really care right now. Your pets have had their first spell card… now it’s time for you to have yours.”

Dragon Sign "Dichromatic Flame Orbs"

The orbs took off, streaking red trails as whirling dervishes of fire. Yuuma desperately tried to get out of the way, but she was trapped, giving her no choice but to bear the attack directly. They pummeled into her, each one producing a gout of green mist from both her mouth and her stomach. They bounced off her, but only seemed to home back into her again and again, trailing fire all around them. When Yuuma staggered forward at last, it wasn’t because she had freed herself; instead, the orbs had managed to force her to retch up a pile of scales, and her jidiao features withered away. The taotie crumpled to the floor, and at last, lay still.

Reimu waited, the orbs coming back to her; not just to rest in her palm, but to sink back into her flesh. She felt her body ache and groan as the floor began to get closer; it was clear she’d overdone it. She felt her knees give out, starting to tumble forward-

Until a hand stopped her. A very, very familiar hand, though more bruised and scarred than she’d ever seen it. She looked up, slowly, tracing up the arm and the tattered sleeve to see a wonderfully familiar face wearing completely-unmasked, tear-stained relief.


Kicchou Yachie knelt down, pulling her daughter close.

“Thank the gods you’re okay.”
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>“Thank the gods you’re okay.”

Actually, there's only two of them to thank - the _______ God and Keiki. Don't dilute your thanks.

Anyways, nice! Properly introducing the world to the dragon turtle who silences crying children, Reimu "Ankle-biter" Kicchou. Hope Youki and Yachie are alright, didn't see any mention of the former and the latter seems beaten up.
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The moment I saw that transformation occur, I just knew Yuuma was about to unwillingly participate in an absolute smackdown, and boy was I not disappointed. Reimu must be immensely satisfied right about now.
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So just to be perfectly clear, are those physical changes permanent, or is Reimu back to her usual size?

Regardless, it's nice to see our youkai shrine maiden get a little catharsis after all Yuuma put her through. As well as to see a little mother-daughter bonding. I'm sure we'll see a little tension during the debrief, but it's good to see they care first.
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By defeating that horrible centipede Oomukade and those eagles, we earned enough exp to level up into Super-Reimu. Now we can go back to being treated like a princess after all the horrible traumatic events we underwent, right?
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Did Yuuma pull a Kirby on Yachie?
Also why didn't she try to 'absorb' the attacks?
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She ate a bunch of the scale-pendants the otters have, which allowed her to grow a jidiao shell and tail. And her stomach's slit wide open; chances are trying to devour wouldn't do her any good.
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"There were a few otters that absolutely loved taking photos, and their yakuza nobility were their favourite subjects… she smiled at the memories. Her scales in that photo were on her red side, and yet… they were white. Right down to the tip."

Hey, I finished right on time for an update, nice.
Now, to see how the story continues. No choices might mean we're about to start with another character maybe?
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Reimu blinked, finding tears filling her eyes as she looked up at her mother. “Mama?”

Her mother nodded. “I’m sorry, Reimu. You’re had a terrible, terrible day…” She held her daughter close, wrapping her tail around her. “But it’ll all be okay now.”

She looked up, and Reimu followed her gaze. What specks of purple remained in the skies were in full retreat, and now the spectral green of the otters was everywhere. “We’re just securing the park. You’ll be safe from here on out.” Yachie looked over at the swordsman, staggering to her feet. “...I assume you’re one of Eiki’s lackeys?”

The swordsman took a hacking breath, nodding. “Y-yes ma’am. Konpaku Youki, of Hakugyokurou. Was sent to slit open the belly of the beast. Took a lot out of me, though.”

Yachie nodded. “Well, you have my thanks for that, and for your escort as well. I’d say you shouldn’t have dragged her into danger, but…” She gave a wry smile. “I fully expect she did a lot of that herself.”

There was a groan from the downed Toutetsu, and at once, Yachie was at her feet, putting herself in between her rival and her daughter. Reimu felt her heart pounding in her chest; even that wasn’t enough? She tried to summon her power again, but it wasn’t coming to her. Her body only ached even more.

“Urgh… Yachie?” The taotie groaned, staggering to her feet. “...The hell are you doing with that ankle-biter? She some miko’s brat you picked up somewhere?”

Yachie stepped forward, and Reimu immediately could feel the pressure. Usually when her mother was dealing with enemies, she was rather talkative, even chatty. Whether angry or sad, she did her best to keep up an air of suave, unshakable confidence.

But now the Kiketsu Matriarch was dead quiet. The only sound was her heels clicking on the stonework. A few otters who were climbing into the tower stopped, watching what was about to happen.

Yuuma threw her arms wide, chuckling in spite of her beleaguered condition. “Oooh, you here for a big kick-back? Finally get sick of old Yuuma, eh?” She kept chuckling, even as the jidiao seized her collar.

“Sir Konpaku. Thanks to your sword, it can’t devour anymore, correct? At least for a time?” Yachie turned to Youki, who nodded stiffly. She turned back to Yuuma, thinking.

The Gouyoku matriarch shrugged at her counterpart. “What? You calling me ‘it’ now? That’s so terribly rude, Yachie. Come on, we’re old battle buddies, aren’t w-?”

Yachie leaned forward, and kissed the taotie full on, silencing her. There was a series of gasps from the assembled otters, and a contemplative sound rumbled from the half-phantom’s throat. Reimu, for her part, stood dumbstruck at the sight. The most shocked aside from her seemed to be Yuuma herself, whose eyes darted around in confusion.

Then Toutetsu’s expression changed. She began to move and thrash, trying to pull away, sweat dripping across her body. Her throat began to glow from within, and a particular smell began to fill the air.

The smell of roasting mutton.

Flames began to lick out of the slits in the taotie’s stomach, as her whole body cooked from within. Yachie’s eyes were blazing with fury, her nails viciously digging into her prey, refusing to let her escape. The Gouyoku matriach screamed, howled, whimpered… and at last, sagged. Only then did Yachie break her burning kiss, smoke still pouring out of her as she gasped for breath.

She placed Toutetsu down, with the taotie’s back to one of the eagle’s holes, wiping her lips with satisfaction. “You know, Yuuma… I genuinely do think it’s a shame that you’re going to survive that.” She turned, raising her tail up to poke the smoking yakuza. At last moment, she flicked her head back, giving a devilish grin.

“But on that, I think we can both agree.”

Her tail pushed Yuuma in the chest, and the taotie fell back, out of the impromptu window. The otters out that side looked down, watching the matriarch tumble. There was a sickening thump, and the spectators flinched in unison.

Yachie paid it no mind, instead kneeling down and picking up her daughter. “Bring Sir Konpaku to Riverside Hospital, and let’s make sure he gets the best of care.” After a moment's thought, she nodded. "I'll meet you there, in fact. Reimu probably needs a checkup as well."

Smiling, she leapt off the tower, carrying her daughter in her arms.
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I just wanna say, half the time I'm aware that Kosu's drawing something because they ask for feedback, and half the time it's a complete and utter surprise in the best way possible. This one definitely caught me off guard.

As for where we are re: the next character... let's just say there's one more choice to this thread, and the next one will likely have a more... impactful name than 'thread 3'.
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It's been a pleasure to follow your story and this drawing I've been wanting to do for a long time since I realized I never drew Yachie before. I wasn't expecting the update now, or a followup. This is the most invested I've been in a story for a long time (also, again, it's a good excuse to draw!).
Also, it's not an issue, but I'm a he.
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Yo! My spellcard name got chosen. Neat.
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Also, I'm getting this sense that Yachie knows more than we think about this. Unless she just thinks Reimu is that capable and is somehow unsuprised by what just happened.

At least Youki has his proof now. Lol
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I find it hilarious that we have given Yuuma a bunch of every reason to believe we’re the Kiketsu secret, except the actual reason we’re the Kiketsu secret.
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“A bunch of every reason?” Apparently I can’t english.
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Holy shit we lived. And we have our mom back. All in all, this was a resounding success. Will be waiting for the next choice eagerly. Also, do you think that display was enough to convince Youki? Hopefully so.
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So, are we not talking about the fact that that Yachie just blew fire down Yuuma's throat to cook her inside-out?

I know they say revenge is best served cold, but she clearly has her own recipe.
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Riverside Hospital was absolutely bustling with activity. Inasmuch as ghosts could get injured, there were a number of afflictions that could hurt a ghost but not break their body. The Keiga took pride in toughing it out through the pain, and the Gouyoku just fully destroyed their incorporeal forms to regenerate them later, but the Kiketsu were more cautious and skittish, and sought to treat their wounds - if only because it improved general uptime. With such a strenuous day having pushed them to the limit, there was no shortage on wounded, and Reimu found herself dizzying at the bustle of the otters around her.

Still, there was a celebratory air to the bustle. As harrowing as the day had been, the capture of the park was a massive win, and the shock of seeing their unbeatable leader fall had shattered the eagle’s morale, allowing for the gains to be aggressively secured and pushed in from. Many of the otters were already cheerfully suggesting practising their physical therapy in the park’s water features, despite that requiring a trip across the entirety of Kiketsu territory.

Reimu watched all the goings-on from her mother’s arms, as they walked towards two check-up rooms that had magically become available the moment Yachie had asked for them. She could have walked there herself, but her mother seemed disinclined to relinquish her daughter, and Reimu was similarly disinclined to be relinquished. Instead, she snuggled in close, and let Mama take her where she may.

With the rooms matter aside, however, there was still the matter of doctors. Treating living beings was not much in the purview of afterlife doctors, and there was only one member of staff with the appropriate experience and recent-enough practice. Reimu insisted that Youki get treated first, which had brought a self-evident sigh of relief from the doctor when he realised he wouldn’t be stuck checking a hardy Youkai child’s bruises when there was a man halfway to death’s door to treat.

While they scurried to get the appropriate supplies for the arduous process of stitching the old man up, Yachie had decided to instead call a doctor directly to their beach house and have Reimu treated there. Having to make the appropriate arrangements for this was what finally pried mother and daughter apart, with Reimu being left to her own devices while Yachie spoke personally with the relevant medical staff. Conveniently, this gave Reimu and Youki a few minutes to talk, while the nurses scurried to get the necessary supplies to treat him.

Reimu anxiously looked over the old man’s injuries. “You sure you’re gonna be okay, gramps?”

Youki chuckled, pulling himself upright. “Well, I won’t be swinging my swords for a little while… but I’ll recover, you can be sure of that.” He sighed. “And… as much as it pains my pride to admit it, I have you to thank for that, lass.”

Reimu smiled a bit awkwardly. “...Keiki asked me to. Not that I wouldn’t have helped anyway if I could, but she’s the one who gave me the Miko stuff.” She rapped her gohei on her palm contentedly, before pausing in thought. “...Really hope Mama isn’t too mad about that.”

That was a remaining question mark. Her mother had said… surprisingly little about Reimu’s new equipment, or the loss of her horns, or… anything, really. Even when Reimu talked about having confessed her secret to Keiki, Yachie had just given her a sad, knowing smile, and said they’d talk about it later.

For his part, Youki managed a one-armed shrug. “She’s probably just glad you’re safe. Though I bet she wants to make sure you’re well clear of the animal realm before Keiki gets her claws any further into you.” He looked up at the ceiling. “...Maybe she’ll leverage some favours with the Yama, now that the Kiketsu are the only reason I survived.”

Reimu stuttered. “U-uh, we’re still happy to help you with your other tasks-”

Youki chuckled. “There’s no need, lass. You helped me hunt Eiki’s prey, you helped with Yuyuko’s task, and… well. You’re an Immaterial Child, aren’t you?”

Reimu blinked. “Wh-what? How do you know? Uh, I mean- ummm…” A delayed realisation hit her, and she furrowed her eyebrows. “No, wait. How did I help with Yuyuko’s task?”

Youki chuckled. “Well, it wasn’t exactly a task from Lady Yuyuko herself. More a favour for an… enigmatic friend of hers. Apparently, a certain go-shintai was sent off last night, into the Animal Realm, and no-one knew what happened to it. When Yuyuko realised I'd already be in the area, she asked if I could look for it while I was here.”

Reimu’s eyes lit up in understanding. “You mean the Yin-yang Orbs?” The half-phantom nodded. Reimu focused, trying to pull one of the orbs out of herself, and managed to do so, with it manifesting in her palm. “That’s how Keiki knew I could help you, too. She said she could sense it in me.”

Youki nodded. “Indeed. But there was another thing about them - they’re bloodline weapons. Like the Hakurouken.” He smiled. “Which means that… my theory about the Hakurouken being able to sense my grandchild has been proven.” He looked up. “...I wonder if Yuyuko expected that would be the case. That the Yin-yang Orbs were seeking out their heiress.”

Reimu paused, wondering what to say. “U-um-”

“Before you say anything, lass, I wanted to ask you something.” He reached over, holding out Hakurouken. “I have… a certain hunch that you or your otters will run into my grandchild sooner or later. And when that happens… perhaps you could be the one to bear her blade to her?” He proffered the blade to Reimu, looking pensive.

[ ] Take Hakurouken. It was very possible they would find Youmu first.
[ ] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.

{ } Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
{ } Don’t talk about the… crazy time travel stuff. No need to push her luck before they found Akyuu.

Don't see it as three updates, see it as one split into three parts. I hope you've all enjoyed this, this will likely be the last updort in this thread. The next thread will be titled with a VERY indicative name of who we're going to be accompanying next.

I'm going to be blunt, I was expecting a PARTICULAR type of conversation based on this, and now I feel almost let down.

You do realise that you've literally given Yuuma a reason to call Reimu 'Yachie's ankle-biter', right?

There were a lot of good names, but this one won because it was A: a good excuse to have the yin-yang orbs come into physical play, B: fit nicely with the transformation, and C: didn't include a certain wordplay in it that makes no sense for her to invoke quite yet. But all the suggestions have been stored for later, I promise you that.
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To be fair, I wasn’t one of the people who voted for the ankle bite. I will admit it was a smarter call than I thought it was(even if it was kind of silly), but that was not my fault.
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[X] Take Hakurouken. It was very possible they would find Youmu first.

I really think he does want to give this weapon himself, and it would be all the more special, but... he's already swallowed that if he's making the offer. Turning it down at this point would be just kind of rude.

{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.

We might be able to learn something, but more importantly... he kind of deserves to know what happened to his family, little as we can give.

That being said definitely approach it with care. He's spent decades dealing with a broken family because of our choice, so if we get an idea across wrong... it could stick with him for the rest of his life. I don't think we need a write-in to be careful but it's worth making sure.
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Hopefully I deleted my original post and we're not seeing partial duplicates...
For the first part, I want to see a Youki & Youmu scene so hard...
[x] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.
The honor of passing down a generational sword to a Konpaku should remain with Youki, even if the circumstances may have changed
For the second part however...
[x] Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
There's no harm in doing so.
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And so ends thread two. What a ride. Usually this would be a nice place to invite the youkai and have a party under the Sakura. Unfortunately, the incident isn't exactly resolved yet. Far from it, actually. Still, enjoy the small victories. On choices...

[X] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.

I need this scene. As much as the sword is cool and all, Youki deserves to see his granddaughter. We'll find her, and deliver her back to her home. On extras...

{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.

Fuck it, we're here, might as well explain all the shit we've been through. It's been a rough time, and the man deserves an explanation on what happened to Youmu. Lastly...

[X] Hug Genji.

Hug Genji.

See y'all in thread 3, thanks to the author for doing this, let's solve this incident.
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I want to wait a bit longer to see where the tide goes on the main vote. However, I will toss my hat in for the side vote.

{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Make sure to drop Youmu's name in case he finds her.

Honestly, it's not THAT crazy given what we just showed him we could do. Nobody can do what we just did with zero experience. Not even a prodigy like Reimu can be considered to be. It's just not feasible.

The transformation is further evidence to our wierd tale anyway.
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[X] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.
- [X] See if we can find a way to keep in contact with him

the otters don't really have a presence in gensokyo (reimu mentions that the only ones who can really stay in gensokyo are her and the gang bosses when she interrogates her guardians), and there's a chance youmu's there instead of any of the afterlives or hells. better to have youki continue his search there just in case, and if we do find her before he does, then we have a way to contact him. besides, he deserves that moment.

{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Make sure to drop Youmu's name in case he finds her.

he deserves to know. and now that he has a lead, he might be able to find her himself.
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[X] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.
Even if we find her first, we'll just send her in the right direction through the afterlife. He deserves it.

{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Ask if he knows the name of the shrine.
It would be nice to learn it, maybe it'll knock loose some memories.
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Way too late for this but if we got Tortoise Shell Hell would Reimu become a bigger Jidao?
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[X] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.

{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Make sure to drop Youmu's name in case he finds her.

I'm not sure if they all kept their names but it's better than nothing, maybe we could throw in a physical description too if we remember how she looked since we stayed very similar to our human look and the same might apply to them.
You know, considering that it was the relic to awaken our memories there are decent odds of Youmu not awakening them until she gets the sword now that I think about it.

Very curious about how the whole talk with Yachie will go since we will have a lot to tell and I don't think that we want to hide stuff from her mother.
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[X] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.

{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Ask if he knows the name of the shrine.
It would be nice to learn it, maybe it'll knock loose some memories.
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>>205993 Here, forgot an additional write-in.
{X} Hug Genji
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If you went with Tortoiseshell hell, the Eagles would have been nowhere near as slowed by it from experience, and Yuuma would have recognised it as being one of yachie's spells. One more strike for Reimu.

Whatever happened to Reimu, if it could be influenced, wasn't based on your last spell card choice.
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Alright, yeah.
>>205988 here adding my choice for the main vote
[X] Take Hakurouken. It was very possible they would find Youmu first.

People have meh or no reasons for leaving it with him besides the emptathy factor from what I can tell. I want to go the empathy route, too, but I have determined it is a bad idea.

Let me spin an extreme hypothetical for ya: Youmu was reincarnated as Yuuma or Saki's daughter and comes for our ass. Let's say she isn't able to remember without the sword. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to goad her into picking it up under the impression she could kill us with it? Instead of just dying from her bare hands?

>"Well, it wasn’t exactly a task from Lady Yuyuko herself. More a favour for an… enigmatic friend of hers."
Yukari is on our case I guess. Probabky not something to worry about too much. It's HER contengiency that saved Reimu's ass to begin with.

...the spells or spell cards themselves still exist. I guess Reimu being able to use them attests to that, but it wasn't a sure thing until now. Noted.
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More like it's a common lockdown Yachie uses, with Tortoiseshell Hell being the formal spell card version of it.
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Yeah that tracks. That's why I differentiated between spells and spell cards. Re-reading what I wrote I am clearly still tired.
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[X] Take Hakurouken. It was very possible they would find Youmu first.
{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Make sure to drop Youmu's name in case he finds her.
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[X] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.
- [X] See if we can find a way to keep in contact with him
{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Make sure to drop Youmu's name in case he finds her.
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- [X] See if we can find a way to keep in contact with him
- [X] Ask Youki to not go dissapearing anywhere. At least for a bit.
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That's why it's a hypothetical example, the probability of that happening is close to 0 (I would argue that because the otters would've known if Yuuma or Saki even had a daughter).
Honestly, my headcanon for Youmu is being with Nemuno, Shinmyoumaru, or PC-98 Meira (Although Meira would be a long stretch for the author to write about due to a lack of info)
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Fair enough. Dunno why the jab was needed tho. I did call it "extreme" didn't I?

Gonna leave the vote like that anyway. Youki has a good handle on things and he's offering, sooooo.
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> You do realise that you've literally given Yuuma a reason to call Reimu 'Yachie's ankle-biter', right?

She’s never gonna let Reimu live it down huh? XD

[X] Take Hakurouken. It was very possible they would find Youmu first.
{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Ask if he knows the name of the shrine.
It would be nice to learn it, maybe it'll knock loose some memories.
- {X} Hug Genji
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Well I might as well board this train.

{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Ask if he knows the name of the shrine.

This both gets Youki on the same page as us, and allows us to fish for information we’ve been missing till now.

As for the first vote… does it matter? We have no way of knowing where Youmu will reincarnate until we get to her thread, and as such, the only thing we have to go on for finding her first is the old man’s hunch, and I’m not entirely sure how much stock I want to put in his intuition. So I’m actually going to skip on that vote and let the rest of the thread decide.
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[X] Take Hakurouken. It was very possible they would find Youmu first.
{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Ask if he knows the name of the shrine.
- {X} Hug Genji
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Aw crap I forgot the most important thing

- {X} Hug Genji

I know the thread has probably gotten a little too obsessed with the plushie. I don’t particularly care because it’s adorable.
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[X] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.
- [X] See if we can find a way to keep in contact with him
{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
- {X} Make sure to drop Youmu's name in case he finds her.

I don't have much of anything to add here, this just seems best to me. Definitely name-drop Youmu as a name to keep an ear out for, seeing as we kept our first name.
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[X] Take Hakurouken. It was very possible they would find Youmu first.
We can't use Hakurouken, but it if we end up finding the others it might help them stir some memories like we did in the waterways, especially Youmu's (unless it's Akyuu, who would already remember everything).
I really want Youki to hand the sword to Youmu when we do find her, but right now the sword is more useful with us. There will be time for a formal passing of the torch.

{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
Keiki already believed us (kinda), we can trust Youki. And certain friend of Yuyuko might be interested in knowing too, he could relay the message.

And the add-ins:

[X] Hug Genji.
Screw it, hug the plushie. He's been through a lot and so did we.

- {X} Ask if he knows the name of the shrine.
Doesn't hurt to know beforehand.

- {X} Make sure to drop Youmu's name in case he finds her.
It's a reach, but it's best he knows.

Asking Youki to not dissappear for a while might not be needed, since the man still has a duty at Hakugyoukurou we might be able to find him there, just like Youmu would be.

Is there a limit on how many things we can vote on? I don't want to abuse the system(it's the first time I really follow one of these kind of stories with choices).
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You can write in as many additional votes as you want to. The tradeoff is the author can keep or discard as many of those things as they want to; even if it gets a larger majority than any of the given options does, they are still free to ignore it if they didn't offer it.
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>>206000 here


[X] Hug Genji.

to my vote!
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[X] Take Hakurouken. It was very possible they would find Youmu first.
{X} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
{X} and Hug Genji
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[X] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.
- [X] "You've strength in you yet, Gramps. Once you're feeling better, how about you tag along with me? We can find your granddaughter together."

{X} Explain why the incident happened from her eyes.

[X] Hug Genjii while receiving another hug from Mama.
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>>206009 again

[X] Hug Genji

This is very important
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>>205989 here, adding these to my vote:

[X] Hug Genji.

{X} Ask if he knows the name of the shrine
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File 171169337541.jpg - (143.43KB, 850x1354, __kicchou_yachie_touhou_drawn_by_nnyara__sample-9e.jpg)
[7] Take Hakurouken. It was very possible they would find Youmu first.
[9] Leave it with him. He should hand it over himself.

{17} Explain why the incident happened, from her eyes.
{0} Don’t talk about the… crazy time travel stuff. He trusted her now, no need to push her luck before they found Akyuu.
- {X} Make sure to drop Youmu's name in case he finds her.

After much thought, Reimu pushed the sword back to him. “...Gramps, keep it with you. I will be looking for them, but…” She looked him in the eyes. “You should hand it to Youmu yourself.”

Youki blinked, his eyes shrinking to pinpricks as he looked over at Reimu. “...Youmu?” His voice was hoarse, weak with shock. “That was what my daughter wanted to… how…?”

Reimu rolled the yin-yang orb in the palm of her hand. “...It’s a long, long story, but… we’re the Immaterial Children for a reason. We had to be them.” She looked up. “...We changed history, and overwrote ourselves.”

She began to talk, going through what she remembered. Of the earnest, but scatterbrained half-ghost gardener. Of the past, of the apocalypse, of what they had to do just for a hope of preventing it. He listened, quietly, not saying a single word.

“...I only remembered all of this this morning. Probably because of the yin-yang orbs.” Reimu concluded, rubbing her head. “And… I don’t know where the other children are. All I know for certain is what I am. I don’t even know if they’re all okay… but I have to hope they are.”

Youki said nothing, for a long, long time. He turned his eyes up to the sky, deep in thought. Reimu sat by, and waited for him to put his thoughts together.

“...It’s quite a story, lass. One that beggars belief, frankly.” The old man kept examining the ceiling. “But… A girl named Youmu, eh? Well… that would line up with what my daughter wanted to call her.”

Reimu nodded. “...I’m glad about that. And… if she’s like me, then she’s kept some details from her past life in her. Maybe her hair, maybe her name…” She nodded. “We can at least look with a little bit of a lead on where she might be.”

Youki nodded. “I… thank you, Reimu. You’ve given me more hope today than I thought I would ever have.” He leaned back, sighing contentedly. “I’ll have to spend some time recovering, but… If there’s anything you need, I’m happy to help. Just say the word.”


“Sorry, sorry!” A nurse otter scurried in, throwing off Reimu’s train of thought. “Mr Konpaku, we’re all ready to begin your treatment.”

Several other otters rushed in, putting a mask on Youki’s face. Reimu sputtered. “W-wait, I wanted to ask-”

One of the nurses flailed their paws “Sorry, lady Reimu, but I really, really do not want the Yama thinking we’re not giving him the very best of care. Any more questions can wait until later, okay?” The otters pushed him away, with Reimu trying to follow.

Youki managed a chuckle. “Sorry, Reimu… I think our time’s up.” He raised a hand, pointing in the direction of the Sanzu. But… if you want some more answers… why don’t you go to Gensokyo yourself?”

Reimu was tired. Very, very tired.

There was a large, beachfront party going on at the expansive Sanzu riverbank.The otters were cheering a day won, a princess saved, and a park reclaimed. There was a lot of things to be cheering for, honestly, and the noise of the bustle reminded Reimu of many a post-incident afterparty.

But neither of the Kicchou family attended. Getting home had seemingly finally broken the adrenaline Reimu had been running on all day, and she’d all but limped into the fluffy comfort of her own bed. A checkup had promptly followed, both for Reimu and, from the doctor’s insistence, her mother; by some miracle, neither of them had any serious injuries.

“My my, the net was made out of poison ivy? Oh, but you’re not supposed to touch that with your bare skin, you know!”

Her mother was on her bed right next to her, chatting idly with a very, very angry Kurokoma. Reimu could hear just enough of the conversation from her bed; the pegasus was in all but a frothing rage.

“...Well, you should consider yourself lucky. After what we did to Toutetsu… oh yes, we did quite a lot. I don’t know if they’ll be calling her the unbeatable matriarch anymore… Hmm? Oh, it’s a sec-ret! Maybe you should ask her yourself?” Yachie chuckled, gently ruffling her daughter’s hair.

“Well, I’d love to stay and gloat some more, but there’s a lot of things for us to celebrate over here, so we’ll be doing our best. Say hi to Keiki for me!” The jidiao abruptly hung up, cutting the pegasus off mid-yell. “...And that’s that. Not much left to do for the night but rest, I think.”

Reimu groaned from her aching muscles. She was lying out flat on her stomach, but turned her head to look up at her mother. “...You’re not going to join the festivities, Mama?”

Yachie smiled gently. “...There’s no place I’d rather be than here, Reimu. I can promise you that.” She leaned down, kissing the girl’s forehead.

Reimu could already feel sleep overtaking her, but struggled to stay awake. “Mama… um… do you…?”

Her mother sighed, looking out. “...Right. I need to talk to you about that. About a month ago… a woman calling herself Ichi visited the Kiketsu.”

Reimu tried and failed to push herself up, to look at her mother, but only managed to agitate her bruises, drawing out a groan. Yachie took that as permission to continue. “Ichi… is something I don’t quite understand. At the very least, all she presented to me was some kind of apparition that kept her out of my control. Ichi spoke of the future, of you being an Immaterial Child, and that you’d be put in great danger… I thought she was just some secret manipulator wishing me ill in a harebrained scheme.” The jidiao sighed. “But it was only a few days later that we were cut off. And it’s only recently that I fully understood her words.”

Reimu did her best to turn on her side. “...What did she say?”

Yachie gave a sad, sad smile. “...Many things. But the one she told me most bluntly was that the ways of the Kiketsu would be what put you at risk.” She sagged. “And that played out at least twice today.”

Reimu cocked her head. “Twice? I mean, Yuuma figured out the car plan, but…”

“...I saw you sneak up to attack her, as well. It was a perfect manoeuvre… but Yuuma had been hunting us all day. It was just another Kiketsu attack to her. And even then, if you hadn’t managed to get Keiki’s assistance…” Reimu saw a small droplet hit the bed in front of her. “...Ironic, isn’t it? The day you finally start to act like a ‘Kiketsu’ like I’ve been trying to make you… is the day that being a Kiketsu could only put you in danger. And… all I’ve been able to think about since is that fact.”

The Kiketsu matriach took back a shuddering breath. "...We've become... predictable in our duplicity. Everyone knows and expects us to be underhanded, and accounts for it already. ...Maybe I'm more like the other gangs than I'd like to admit." She gave a lonely smile to Reimu. "...But you're different, Reimu. And that's what will keep you safe. You're the one Kiketsu that it takes more than eating a few otters to predict."

Yachie gently reached over, patting her daughter’s head again. “...Reimu. The whole… the reincarnation, and the future being in jeopardy… Ichi warned me about that too. It’s… a lot to take in. But…” She curled her tail around Reimu’s. “You’re still my daughter to me. No matter what. And if you need to deal with it… I’ll trust whatever you feel you need to do. Just… remember that you’ll always have a home in the Kiketsu.”

Reimu sighed, curling up. Another weight that had been hanging over her all day was lifted. “...thanks, Mama.”

Yachie smiled, looking out. “...These other children… you’ll want to be looking for them, won’t you?” Reimu nodded. “...That might be best. Yuuma will be wanting a piece of you, and when Kurokoma hears about what I’m hearing is getting called the ‘dragon-miko’ then she’ll be wanting to fight you as well. But let’s not worry about that tonight, okay? We can talk about where you need to go in the morning.”

Reimu wanted to argue. To ask more questions, about Ichi-san, about what Mama knew. But sleep’s siren call was getting stronger and stronger. She sighed, snuggling closer into the plushie in her arms, as her mother leant down next to her, humming an old lullaby.

…Right, the plushie. It wasn’t Genjii - that plushie was sitting in Mama’s room, with a sewing needle to stitch the beleaguered parts back together. His medical attention could wait until the morning. Reimu had stumbled into her room without him, but had found herself picking up one of her other plushies. The vague memories of one of her friends.

She looked down at the plushie - the purple otter, with the flower behind its ear.

The one named Akyuu. After all, Akyuu was the one who was meant to revive their memories, right? And yet Reimu had regained her memories in another way entirely. What had happened to Akyuu? Was she alright…?

Still, the troubles of those thoughts weren’t enough to stave off what felt like a month’s worth of exhaustion; and as much as she pondered Akyuu’s safety, her own safety put her heart at ease. Some part of her knew Akyuu would be fine… and if she wasn’t? Well, Reimu would be able to save her.

With that last thought, she finally drifted off to sleep. Dreaming of the surface world, of sipping tea late in the night, gazing up at the moon.


The next thread is ready and waiting for you all at >>206017!

There's a couple more things I might add to the end of Reimu's story part. If I do, they'll go over to our shorts section, as a series of little epilogues from the perspectives of other characters. But that's no reason to hold y'all away from the next big vote.

If you're looking for a new thread to check out, why not join the discussion over at >>/gensokyo/17154? I feel like a story like Redo/Reimu gets you thinking about what's changeable about a character, and what's absolutely core to them - what are your thoughts?

And of course, my other story is still kicking along at >>/others/69334 . It's going nowhere near R/R's pace, but it's still a part of my threadwork, don't doubt that!

Thank you all, again, for sticking with me through this thread. We did this whole thread in about nine days - absolute insanity! I'm just glad you're as hyped for this as I am, guys.

Special thanks to Kosuka, once again!
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