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Smooth, brown hair pouring around a red-faced pout, equal parts beautiful and adorable. A stunning contrast to her usual, firm and lazy demeanor. Those soft, red lips moved, baring her tongue to speak.


Somewhere, far in the distance, Suwako cheered. Kanako nodded her head, bestowing on me a proud, loving smile. Reimu moved first, pressing her delicate fingers and warm palms against my cheeks as her lips closed, then puckered. A long shiver rolled down my spine. I answered her bold, affectionate move in kind, by wrapping my arms around her back, pulling her in close. I felt so much more warmth. It all happened so fast, but I didn’t care. I knew, deep in my soul, that it would all work out. That our love would conquer anything and everything. Our lips pulled ever closer.

But when they touched, the haze came. I clung to her all the tighter, worry now coursing through me. She pleaded that I come back, but the fog dragged her further and further away. That was the first time in our perfect love that I cried. I pushed closer, I kept myself down, quiet, still, as much as I possibly could. But it was too late. Reimu had evaporated in the morning air.

In the place of Reimu’s voice, I heard the calm but steady huff of a modest wind, muffled by the shrine walls. I felt the weight of my blanket atop me, the embrace of my pillow and futon beneath. A couple tears still clung to the corners of my eyes as I clung to the sheet. Light came last, as I realized that only the weakest sliver reached my bedroom. The sun had barely started to rise.

For a good minute or two, I laid there, mourning my lost dream. My eyes had closed again, as I hoped to return, to at least finish that kiss.

But it only took that long to realize I wouldn’t be falling back asleep. A nervous energy coursed through me, trapping me awake. The secret weapon hid inside my dresser. If I slept in much longer, Kanako would call me to start making breakfast while she got the heat going, then brush any loose snow off the path, then…

I pulled myself up, onto my butt, and allowed myself a short, quiet yawn. I could do it today, but was I ready? Did I really want to?

That kiss, that feeling of her lips so close…

Yes, yes, I did. I had a chance and, on today of all days, I needed to win her heart! I pushed myself this time, rising to my feet. Jittery legs carried me to the bathroom, where my toothbrush and toothpaste awaited. Where exactly my goddesses got this stuff, I don’t know. Frankly, it annoyed me that I still had to do this stuff, even in Gensokyo. But then… the villagers probably weren’t this lucky. Their teeth would suffer before mine did, probably. I stared at the small mirror I’d been allowed, as I got to the tiresome, nasty work.

We were going to make the perfect couple - her intuition and my miracles would be unstoppable! Her rustic charm and my urban grace. All I had to do was woo her, and I already had the perfect plan for that. And frankly, she should thank me when I’m done - I was so unimpressed when we first met!

I mean, what kind of shrine maiden forgets her own god? Or uses her shrine for nothing but personal profit? Who doesn’t work, doesn’t train… I glared at the mirror. The fact she kicked my butt back then was pure luck.

But that one thought brought color to my cheeks. It was my first time, after all.

The first time I understood, let alone fought with, danmaku. The first time battling in a realm of true magic and fantasy. Nothing else compared to that terrifying yet beautiful display.

Finally, I got to spit the toothpaste out and at least… hrm. I stared at the mirror. Straightening out my hair would look okay, but okay wouldn’t cut it for Reimu - not with all the competition I had! I gave the mirror a short scowl, before I got an idea. This would be cutting it even closer, but how on earth was I going to compete against someone as cozy with her as Marisa, or as clever as Yukari, or… urgh! I fiddled around with the drawers until I found Kanako’s cherry red lipstick, and… there. Her eyeshadow, her blush-oh, right. Foundation first!

Anyways! Competition wasn’t the point, the thrilling origin story for our romance was!

I’d fought most of the competition, actually. I’d seen plenty of elegant barrages and pretty patterns, but none could match the way that first display took my breath away. None were as stunning as Reimu’s. It had been… what? Ten years since then? Fifteen? Regardless, she didn’t fill out as much as I did in that time, but there’d been this… elegance that set in. And sometime after the final gasps of growth, the fateful moment she changed from my rival to my…

No, no, no! My beauty work had gotten my face… a little loud, actually. But that’s fine. It just meant I’d be harder to forget! I hurriedly slipped the makeup back where I’d gotten it from, then slipped out of the bathroom. With the minutes ticking away, I raced to my dresser and threw it open. Here, the first key decision of my fateful day stared back. What would I wear? I had to stand out, to make sure Reimu noticed me, to make sure I caught her interest. My usual outfit certainly wouldn’t cut it today. Hmrm… something impactful! A formal, fancy kimono? Maybe some heels and… hm. If I’m already wearing Kanako’s makeup, I could see if she’s got anything elegant in her closet. Or… I blinked. I still had my old highschool uniform. It was a little too small for me, but there were guys who liked that sort of thing. Maybe Reimu would, too?

[ ] Something risque. She won’t forget me if I show some skin!

[ ] Only the fanciest kimono. Gotta impress!

[ ] I would definitely stand out if I squeezed into my old school uniform…

[ ] Write-in.
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I... what... why... nvm...
[x] I would definitely stand out if I squeezed into my old school uniform…
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[X] Only the fanciest kimono. Gotta impress!
The best and boldest!
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[X] I would definitely stand out if I squeezed into my old school uniform…
>Ten years since then? Fifteen?
Quite a time since she was in high school, then.
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File 17159231926.jpg - (328.26KB, 850x1202, sample_9b5065e99f8777376e157df0780e8c76.jpg)
[X] The most stylish clothes in Gensokyo!
[X] I would definitely stand out if I squeezed into my old school uniform…
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Before I forget, I am belatedly realizing there are two things I should probably note. First, I am open to specific outfit requests, if pictures are provided. (Nothing too lewd, though.)

The second item, however, could potentially be seen as a spoiler. So, read at your own risk: the first few decisions are intended not to have any meaningful impact on Sanae's overall chances.
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[X] Only the fanciest kimono. Gotta impress!
The best and boldest!
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[X] Only the fanciest kimono. Gotta impress!
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[X] Ask Hecatia
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[X] Ask Hecatia

She'd definitely stand out with this
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[X] I would definitely stand out if I squeezed into my old school uniform…

Plot twist! This is no special occasion. Sanae is just acting crazy for no reason.
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[X] I would definitely stand out if I squeezed into my old school uniform…
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[X] Only the fanciest kimono. Gotta impress!
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File 171668001275.jpg - (243.08KB, 1447x2039, schoolsana.jpg)
[x] I would definitely stand out if I squeezed into my old school uniform…

Oh, what was I thinking? It had to be the school uniform. Something risque wouldn’t be super eye-catching here here and, while a good kimono might look pretty, nothing would stand out more in Gensokyo like-I blinked. Well, there was Reisen and Minamitsu, who weren’t too far… no, no! I shook my head and clapped my cheeks. No time for doubts, only action! I scrambled out of my nightdress, fumbled on fresh underwear, then got to work shimmying the old, navy blue skirt up my legs. I had to grunt and tug a few times to squeeze the waistband over my hips, and it only got harder when it came time for the white blouse. In fact… crap. I had to give up on the last couple buttons, as I felt the material stretching out already. Maybe I’d end up showing some skin after all.

Thank goodness I wouldn’t need it anywhere else.

From there, it was a matter of tweaking the collar and tying the cute, pink scarf. Tight. So, so tight. I could all but hear it strain as I twisted or walked, but it held together! Barely! And… okay, it wasn’t super easy to breathe, but Reimu took my breath away anyway, so that’s basically the same thing. I could still move around in it, and that’s what mattered. I-I also shivered. Right, right! I grabbed the blazer-a boring beige color-squeezed my hands through the sleeves, and pulled it tight. It wasn’t much, but it would keep me a little bit warmer. Thank goodness the uniforms changed just before we showed up. Okay, okay. I patted myself down. My waist already felt a bit constrained, and I might need to take a long, cozy bath when I got back, but it was all worth it for the mission!

The mission. Don’t lose sight of the mission. Love, romance. After so many lonely years, I’d never have to spend another stupid Valentine’s Day alone - starting with this one, today! No one around here really knew about that holiday, but I did! I even made sure to calculate where it fit in Gensokyo’s weird calendar, so I’d be ready when my opportunity came! Nothing would go wrong-nothing could go wrong-I’d see to that! I pumped a fist in the air. This… I had to be honest. This would be my biggest challenge yet. But! I did catch the eyes of a few people back in high school. One guy even proposed to me once. Some… I think he was nerdy? Yeah, but he just stormed off when I brought up Suwako…

I groaned. Back then, I just knew Suwako’s blessings would be his speed, but I think I’d messed up my delivery-no, it was the context. That’s what Lady Suwako said, anyway. But, but! While it might have made me come off as all weird and quirky back home, that kind of weirdness was normal here. And, and Reimu likes normal!

So, in a way, this would just lead into my advantage!

I gulped, but moved on, out of my bedroom. I needed a plan, an approach. My looks would catch her eye, but how would I keep her attention? Money? Should I swipe a few… no. I shook my head, eyes tight. I could steal some clothes or makeup, but offerings would be going too far. I needed to appeal to her on my own merits, which was why…

My own… oh, the words I’d say to her, under the sunset, as we reminisced over our first kiss, how cute she was and how pretty I was, our-no, wait. That’s not a strategy. Hrm. I could beat up a youkai for her? But then, if that youkai wasn’t causing trouble, she might get upset at me, she’d scold me, push me down, press against…

Oh, crap. That also wasn’t a plan. I needed to… the sun cleared the horizon. Dang it. I was out of time, and I still needed my secret weapon! So, I grabbed my lunchbox, dove into our pantry, and threw the cutest snacks I could find into it. Rice crackers, some dango, a little nori… oh shoot. It was all pretty plain stuff. But that’s fine. It’s fine! To top it off, to impress Reimu, I planted my ultimate weapon on top! The one I’d prepared just last night.


[ ] Handwritten poem. Nothing more romantic than poetry!

[ ] A love letter, bright red and shaped like a heart. Perfect symbolism!

[ ] A fancy ribbon. A gift I got way back, but didn’t wear often. It would be too pretty for Reimu to notice that, though!

[ ] A mix of old, outsider chocolates I’d bought from Rinnosuke the other day. Nothing beats the classic!

[ ] Write-in.
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[X] A mix of old, outsider chocolates I’d bought from Rinnosuke the other day. Nothing beats the classic!

Well it is Valentine’s Day and I’m sure Reimu would appreciate the food.
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[X] A fancy ribbon. A gift I got way back, but didn’t wear often. It would be too pretty for Reimu to notice that, though!

If Reimu is willing to put on a too-small kimono that Shinmy made, surely she'll appreciate a ribbon
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I know the first few choices don't heavily impact Sanae's chances, but we are NOT getting Reimu expired chocolates.
[X] A love letter, bright red and shaped like a heart. Perfect symbolism!
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Very true.

[x] A fancy ribbon. A gift I got way back, but didn’t wear often. It would be too pretty for Reimu to notice that, though!
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[x] A fancy ribbon. A gift I got way back, but didn’t wear often. It would be too pretty for Reimu to notice that, though!
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[X] A fancy ribbon. A gift I got way back, but didn’t wear often. It would be too pretty for Reimu to notice that, though!
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[X] A love letter, bright red and shaped like a heart. Perfect symbolism!

Regifting is gauche but it's not obviously ridiculous.
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File 17172920404.png - (6.22MB, 2500x3000, snowsana.png)
[x] A fancy ribbon. A gift I got way back, but didn’t wear often. It would be too pretty for Reimu to notice that, though!

My ribbon, of course. Sure, it was originally for myself, but it was an adorable purple that I just knew would look great on her! I shoved it on top of the snacks, then snapped the lid shut. I took a moment to breathe, then. One long, excited exhale before I pressed the box to my chest and then raced out the door. And thank goodness I did.

“Rise and shine, sleepyhead. Rise and…” So Kanako mumbled, just as I leapt off the ground. From there, with a bit of focus and a little push, I hurtled through the air. Already cold, the speed of the wind whipping past me turned it absolutely frigid. My teeth chattered, my shoulders shivered, but I didn’t slow down. If I let myself hesitate, for even a second, I might cower out, turn tail, run away, and then have to tell Kanako everything I’d just done!

Well, okay. She’d find out pretty soon, anyway. But at least I’d have hours before I had to deal with that. And, more important, I’d complete my mission. Something more sacred than even Lady Kanako or Lady Suwako themselves, let alone any task they could give me! And because of that, I kept my eyes firmly focused on-oh, crap. The blasting wind made it really hard for me to look forward. But that was fine, too! I could watch the ground, far below me. And I mostly knew the way by now, anyway.

There! The foothills for the opposite mountain range. The light, though dim when I first got up, was now nice and, well, not bright, but definitely a lot lighter. Which was important, ‘cause Reimu had to see me when I arrived, or there would’ve been no point to dressing up like this - to suffering the cold, and the tightness, and the… no, nope, no way. No hesitation, remember!

Okay, okay, okay. There were the stone steps. One switchback, two switchbacks, three, four… dang it. Too many to count. I slowed down as those steps rose closer and closer. With a quick peek, I found the big ol’ red torii coming close. And beyond that, the best miracle I could’ve hoped for.

An empty shrine! Empty grounds and quiet building, that is.

Well, that could be bad. It might give me a chance to reconsider. However! I still didn’t have my plan together yet. This would give me time to finish figuring that out. And, more importantly, help me control how our fateful encounter would start. Would I just charge in? Wait here all suave, or…

I stepped down in front of the short, wooden stairs up to her donation box. With the whipping wind gone and my feet back on solid ground, the adrenaline slowly bled from my body. My heart didn’t stop pounding, but I had a chance to breathe, to take in the sights… of a dingy, plain shrine. For all her personal beauty, Reimu needed a lot of help with her decorating, exterior and probably interior, too. Panting, I placed a hand on the donation box, only to wince as I took it in. Reimu might not be too happy if I didn’t leave anything in there. And this time, that actually mattered. I… I wouldn’t have a chance to make up for all that now. But she also liked free food, and I had that with me! And a gift should be good enough, anyway.

I nodded, face firm and back straight, despite shivering shoulders. Even with the air warmer-well, less icy-it still chilled me. I held my arms closer and peeked at the shrine walls. No discernible lights, no sounds… was she asleep? That, that couldn’t be, since the sun was easily above the mountains, now! Besides, I needed to duck into her kotatsu as soon as I finished greeting her and giving her the gifts! But…

My shoulders slumped. I groaned. If I just tromped in without an invitation, she’d tear me a new one! I gripped the box’s edge tighter. I needed to think of something, and quick, before this shrine maiden turned into an icicle maiden! Maybe if I scooched inside nicely? Did the Santa Claus trick? Maybe just gently tapped the door, or walls? Or…

I glanced back down, to the donation box’s slats. A cracker wouldn’t sound exactly like a coin, but maybe that would get her attention? Of course, if she found out, that would irritate her too, wouldn’t it? I scowled at the box. No one said love was easy, but I didn’t expect it to be this tough!

Still, the cold wasn’t going away, so I…

[ ] Slipped into her house quietly and got her kotatsu warming up for her. Food and a warm kotatsu would easily make up for the home intrusion!

[ ] Slipped into her house and left the lunchbox on her kotatsu, then slipped out. The ‘mystery helper’ was romantic in its own way!

[ ] Dropped a cracker into the donation box. It was a donation, in its own way! And surely it would get her attention.

[ ] Knocked on the door. Classic and unobtrusive attention getter. Real ‘girl next door’ energy, too. Guys loved tha-wait. Crap. She wasn’t a guy.
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[X] Dropped a cracker into the donation box. It was a donation, in its own way! And surely it would get her attention.
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[x] Slipped into her house quietly and got her kotatsu warming up for her. Food and a warm kotatsu would easily make up for the home intrusion!
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Reimu wouldn't find the cracker thing funny, she already beats up tanuki and kitsune for filling the thing with leaves. Mystery helper's not great either because if something randomly appears on Reimu's table she'll just assume it's probably Yukari instead. I think she'd give Sanae a whack with her gohei if she started hammering on the door, and Reimu is weak to other people making food for her and generally doing things for her, so there's really only one option here.

[x] Slipped into her house quietly and got her kotatsu warming up for her. Food and a warm kotatsu would easily make up for the home intrusion!
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[x] Slipped into her house quietly and got her kotatsu warming up for her. Food and a warm kotatsu would easily make up for the home intrusion!

Yeah that makes sense. The most criminal choice of them all, though.
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[X] Slipped into her house quietly and got her kotatsu warming up for her. Food and a warm kotatsu would easily make up for the home intrusion!
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> Something more sacred than even Lady Kanako or Lady Suwako themselves, let alone any task they could give me!

Blasphemy already, love to see it.

>>31816 has completely convinced me, and so it’s time to commit a home shrine invasion, in the name of love of course.

[X] Slipped into her house quietly and got her kotatsu warming up for her. Food and a warm kotatsu would easily make up for the home intrusion!
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[x] Slipped into her house quietly and got her kotatsu warming up for her. Food and a warm kotatsu would easily make up for the home intrusion!

Maybe she wants to set up a bath too?
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File 171825386714.jpg - (485.33KB, 1032x1222, sanakotatsu.jpg)
[x] Slipped into her house quietly and got her kotatsu warming up for her. Food and a warm kotatsu would easily make up for the home intrusion!

I cleared my throat. If the shrine maiden wouldn’t come to me, I’d come to the shrine maiden! I turned and strode down the veranda, circling around the shrine wall. Some silly little indiscretion would be a small price for her to pay, anyway. For a cute girl like me, that is!

A quick step around the back, a gentle sliding of the door… quiet entryway, only one pair of shoes, no lights. The butterflies in my stomach threatened to burst out, as I stepped in. Quiet as I could, I scooched out of my shoes and set them aside. It wouldn’t be proper for a Valentines’ blessing like me to make a mess while I set things up. Here, I had to stop. To take a moment and breathe. This… was Reimu’s shrine. Sure, it was far from the first time I’d been to the grounds, not even the first time I’d been inside. But that was always for business, or parties, or other public affairs. Now, I got to see it in its natural state, when no visitors were expected. And it… well.

It looked exactly the same, minus the guests and food. Delicate, quiet, I tip-toed across the empty living room and up to her kotatsu. Everything was so quiet, so impossibly, almost unnaturally still. Ever so gently, I knelt down and set my lunchbox on it, then scooted into the blanket. Already, that soft weight felt nice. This was definitely the right call to make. I settled in, then started groping around the table’s underside, looking for the-hah! I knew she had a heating box! Reimu loved to complain about her sparse and stingy visitors, so I could only imagine how hard it would be for her to get good outside world tech in her shrine. But if she splurged for anything, it’d be something like this. Now, I felt around for the buttons. I had to shift around the kotatsu a bit, moving to a different side before those promising bumps greeted my fingers. From there, it took only a couple taps to find what I needed and get the box revving up.

Thankfully, it wasn’t too loud, so I could lean back and work through precisely what I’d say when she found me here. Oh dear, my whole body shook now. I was so nervous! Any second now, she’d wake up, step around some doorway or corner, and… ooh, that heat felt so good. I just about melted into the kotatsu. Maybe I should’ve brought some mandarins with me, instead…

No, no. Tea and crackers were Reimu’s bread and butter. She’d bring the tea and I’d show her my crackers. I took a breath, rubbing my hands beneath the heated blanket and wiggling my butt. I couldn’t come off as a home intruder, so I had to be ready when she showed up. Maybe give her a deep bow? No, no. Way too formal. Lean in for a kiss? Too sudden. A hug? Hrm. It wasn’t her style, but I did need to make sure she had no room left for doubt. Maybe…

My head tilted t o one side, then another. I could see myself popping just one or two buttons open, whereupon she’d shove ‘em closed again and complain that she should be the only one to see me like that. Or I leap at her for a kiss and she’d thwap me, but then return it alongside a gorgeous, red-faced pout. Or I’d sway her with my elegant words and-

“Marisa, whadd’re ya doin’…”

I gluped. That was her voice, just on the other side of the wall, across from the kitchen. Cloth shifted, footsteps shuffled. This was it! This was the moment! My heart pounded so hard I could barely hear myself think! What was my move? What should I do? What…

“Who… who the hell are you?”

Ice shot through my veins. That cold, scornful tone, in her voice, directed my way…

I slapped my cheeks, then pressed my hands to the kotatsu and shot up. Spinning around, I turned my firm, determined gaze to Reimu’s bleary scowl. A plain, red nightdress covered her slender form, and a mess of stray hairs marred her otherwise lovely, brown hair. This was it. This was my moment of truth. I knew what I had to do. I parted my lips, I lifted my tongue. I was ready. I’d confess my undying love here and now, then give her the…

Oh, shoot. My pupils shook. I, I, I… I-I couldn’t do it! I couldn’t get the words out! Of all the times to screw up, why now?

With every second of silence that passed, her scowl only deepened. I couldn’t stall. I couldn’t speak. I had to act, and I had to do it now, but what could I do?

[ ] Wordlessly thrust the box at her.

[ ] Loudly declare that I warmed up her kotatsu and got her some food.

[ ] Praise her.

[ ] Ask about her love life.
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[X] Loudly declare that I warmed up her kotatsu and got her some food.

Probably the easiest for her to shrug off assuming she's itching for a fight.
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[X] Praise her.

She's tired, so we shouldn't yell. Wordless sudden movements might cause her to react poorly if she's still tired, and asking about her love life is a terrible segue.
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File 171828088280.png - (195.04KB, 781x810, sanae fwap.png)
sanae fwap
Given Reimu's general demeanour, I think we're probably getting fwapped regardless, so it's more about how we go after that. Of course, she probably thinks that Sanae's a dumbass who snuck into the shrine to wordlessly gesticulate at her, so we're not doing amazingly at the moment. Reimu is still weak to compliments though, so I'd start there, then lead into the other stuff. Reimu's definitely not going to react well to sudden love life questions or wordless actions, so it's best to be direct. slightly concerning that Marisa was the first person she thought of after waking up, though... We'll have to persevere against the blonde witch, bros!

[X] Loudly declare that I warmed up her kotatsu and got her some food.
maybe we could follow up by praising her? I think we'd want to stick to relatively safe topics until she's in a better mood, so maybe instead of praising her, which she might find weird, we could praise the state of the shrine?
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[X] Loudly declare that I warmed up her kotatsu and got her some food.
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[x] Loudly declare that I warmed up her kotatsu and got her some food.
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[X] Loudly declare that I warmed up her kotatsu and got her some food.
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[X] Loudly declare that I warmed up her kotatsu and got her some food.

I think everyone’s of the same mind here, Reimu wants an answer, so we’ll give it. Then again the question was “Who are you?”, but an answer to a question is probably the best choice.

Wait… does Reimu actually not know who Sanae is? Does she just recognise her as the Moriya shrine maiden? If so, poor Sanae.
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