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File 137338072148.png - (1.92KB, 200x200, qrcode_14340431.png)
“It's very nice of the two of you to take me in,” you say, “even temporarily.”

The girl across the table from you stares. Her eyes glow with a color you are almost sure should not come from any human being's eyes. Then again, you're almost sure this girl isn't human, though she might just be mutated, the subject of some malicious ritual, or any other of a variety of things. A curve travels down her tails, like a message sent across a pair of tin can telephones—one duplicate, in case of limp string or cut wire. She says nothing, only fixes you against the wall behind you with that unearthly gaze.

You think you would like the other woman to come back soon. She seemed nicer, even if she did have more tails.

“So, I didn't catch your name,” you say, in an effort at admittedly meaningless conversation. Anything would be better than awkward silence, you suppose.

You are wrong. The gaze intensifies. You are the plague-bearing insect pinned to the card point. You are the first hint of water damage against a white wall. You are the embarrassing childhood photograph taken in the moment your eyes were closed. You really don't like that photograph.

The girl doesn't seem to like it, either. “I didn't tell you my name,” she hisses, and the two of you lapse into silence. You're silently debating with yourself whether it would be worth the risk to ask her if you've offended her when the other woman returns.

“I apologize for keeping you waiting,” she says, although her stone-faced expression casts doubt on the presence of any actual sorrow—which is not to say you can glean nothing from her countenance. Her gaze is just as sharp as her less-tailed companion's, but in a different way. If you are the insect, she is the entomologist. “What did you say your name was, again?”

The girl's head swivels away from you with a rapidity reached only by the most aerodynamic of spinning teacups.
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They're encoded quotes from various works by well-known authors like D H Lawrence, William S Burroughs, and Ray Bradbury.
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[x] Go see what Ran's doing, and see if you can help.
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Oh, huh. I forgot to actually vote. Well, just to have another option:

[x] Take a walk around the house.

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File 131164808714.jpg - (271.58KB, 850x1200, sample-6abd365cfdf467740a26e9984d3c649a.jpg)
[x] Calm down, try to find her through other senses

Ugh, no, you can't get too worked up, no matter how much your body may want to. You close your eyes and try to calm yourself down. Your hearing is obviously not going to work in your favor anymore, and your sight isn't doing much good. It's time to rely on a special sense that you've felt since coming here. The aura that Chen emits, that peripheral vision marking the Yakumo family that you don't necessarily see, but can feel. With Chen so close to you, it's difficult to pin point where Chen is exactly, but after a brief moment, you think you got it. It becomes astonishingly clear the moment Chen opens fire on you once again.

With a quick slash, the bullets are blocked. All of them deflect harmlessly upon your spear. You got it. But the battle isn't over. More bullets approach you from the side. Those get blocked too. More bullets are fired and consequently vanquished in the blink of an eye. You're getting the hang of this, but you're finding it harder and harder to control that burning, fiery sensation in your chest. That feeling that's lighting your body on fire. It seems that no matter how much you may want to cool down, your body continues heating up like an out of control forest fire.

It needs to end. Now.

"Is Satoya wising up? Come on, catch Chen!"

You can see her. The brighter the fire burns, the more obvious Chen's aura becomes. She shifts through the trees at remarkable speed. But it's a predictable pattern. It isn't long until...

"Hah! Ah...huh? Sato--"

Chen's bullets had hit nothing. She stopped for a brief second to wonder and try and pin point your location.
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[x] Scout the mountain's damages
[x] Report back to Yukari by saying her name aloud until she appears.
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[x] Take Marisa up on her offer

Since he sort of disobeyed general orders, he might as well enjoy it before the toungue lashing.
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[x] Scout the mountain's damages.

Eh, not keen on returning to Yukari.

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File 137390375324.jpg - (537.06KB, 612x800, Yummy yummy mochi.jpg)
Yummy yummy mochi
Among many of the curious facts surrounding the figure of Prince Shotoku, one of the least known of all is that he acquired a profound liking for mochi in his final years of life. When he proposed to create a Society of Rice Cakes and Sweets, the then Emperor of Japan asked his wife for advice. Soga no Tojiko, experienced at cooking all kinds of desserts, pastries and other kinds of food, said this to her husband:

"My husband, there have been many a cook who had excelled in the art of making sweets. Especially if we speak of mochi, for the quality of the cook who tryeth to make such a popular dessert can be easily surveyable by anyone. Therefore, I advise thou to halt pondering on the matter of that Society of Cakes, if thou still hath a spock of self-esteem left in thee."

On the other hand, Prince Shotoku's most esteemed friend, Mononobe no Futo, was also against his lord's sudden interest in learning how to cook sweets, and about the same time he sent a letter to the Emperor:

"My friend, I humbly ask thee to abandon thine idea of becoming a cook. It is fairly probable that my prejudices are clouding my sight, but sadly they do not lull my palate."

At this point, Prince Shotoku was forced to choose between his reputation as the Emperor of Japan and his newfound passion for cooking, and he picked the latter. Unfortunately for both. He dedicated his remaining life to master the art of making mochi, and to avoid conflicts with his wife and his friend, he decided to use a pen-name: Prince Shotaku. Soga no Tojiko got wind of this and sent another letter to her husband:

"My husband, if thou usest that pseudonym, everybody will know that not only I am married to a talentless cook, but I am also the wife of an idiot who may have an attraction to young children."

Prince Shotoku admitted that Tojiko was in the right once again, and so he changed his alias: Toyosatomimi no Miko. This finally solved the problem with his wife and his friend, but was also the cause of many complaints and penal charges from seventy-three shrine maidens who did not want their holy profession to be associated in any way with the infamous cook.
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[x]Introduce yourselves loudly to the whole camp. She'll surely come to look.

Weeeeell since this story got bumped anyways, I'm just going to say that the rap battles filled me with so much pain that I was forced to skim through them. That must mean they were fantastic, and that you should write more updates because man, I don't see enough Miko around anywhere.
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What's the story, Maese Luther? Did you get sick, abducted or dead? Are there plans for this story to continue?
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You may as well ask the wind why it blows or the sun why it rises in the horizon every morning.

This story died, as many before it. So will other tales slowly vanish from the site and our minds. It's time to move on and enjoy other of our ongoing legends.

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File 134215188545.jpg - (322.85KB, 1333x1000, MApicthread2.jpg)
Thread 1: >>24467

The Clock:

The (x) after an option depicts how many units of time it will take to execute that option. Encounters differ with the period of time the protagonists are in as well as where they are at that specific time. Unless specified, all options are assumed to take one unit of time. Each "phase" contains two units of time.

The phases of time are: Dawn -> Sunrise -> Noon -> Sunset -> Dusk -> Moonrise -> Midnight -> Moonset -> Dawn -> ...


Unlike other stories, the protagonists' inventory is not a bag of holding. Don't think you can act like a packrat and take everything in tow; the story will specify whether you can take something or if you need to put something down in order to take the object in question with you.

This information is here so the reader knows what he/she is getting into when they choose an option. Thank you for reading this notice!
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[X] Head west to the castle and investigate.
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[x] Head east to the temple and see if The Hakkero caught the bird.
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[X] Head east to the temple and see if The Hakkero caught the bird.

Regarding the castle, I wonder if it's the SDM?

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File 136106719590.jpg - (157.62KB, 1000x899, simple pleasures.jpg)
simple pleasures
This is a practice story, to see if I’m truly cut out for this CYOA thing. Hopefully it doesn’t go off with too many problems.

“We are all haunted, all of us, by things we can see and feel and guess at, and many more things that we can't.”

~ Beth Gutcheon ~


Lying in the shade of one of many verdant trees that makes up a little grove just on the outskirts of my village, a young man cozily reads about local legends long past in faraway kingdoms he’s never been. While he may never experience such an adventure himself, he doesn’t mind too badly. He takes to reading any chance he can get, briefly eluding the toils of his work as apprentice to a knowledgeable weapons manufacturer. Contrary to what images may emerge to someone told about his looming profession, the boy really has no wishes to go out and pursue a life of defending the village or hunting potentially threatening youkai. He simply wanted to make something useful for the other men to do, they being far more built and daring to fit the life of a soldier or hunter. Not only that, risking his life in such a gruesome manner would be directly infringing on the duties of the shrine maiden, the local celebrity everybody knows about regardless of their race. So there he sits, his shoulders dug into the exposed base of this oak tree, enjoying a lunch break for all it’s worth.

While it’s certainly a good book, I must admit I’ve grown tired of reading it over and over. There are only so many different selections to choose from in our undersupplied library, as proud of it as we may be. Eventually, one will come to realize he has perused every single text to be found, and must then make a choice to either give up the habit or reread something he already knows by heart. To deny myself the privilege to written works is unheard of, much like the passerby who keeps a package of food all to himself without any though for the monks he may pass. So I’ve come to rotate through stories quite familiar to me by now, always sitting here in the lap of a mighty tree—when the weather permits—usually with a light snack to gr
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File 137023965749.png - (18.84KB, 371x395, IT'S COULDN'T FOR GODS SAKE.png)
Couple things

>He probably could care less what I do with my time

>Any one looks just as good as the other.
If we have absolutely no indication about the result of our choice, doesn't it turn out to be completely pointless?

Well, anyhow.
[x] The left path.
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Goddamn it, she doesn't show up and he's going all harsh? Way to go guys.

[x] Flip a coin for me.

When it comes to such choices that's what you might as well do as not even gut feeling helps much.
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[X] The middle path.


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File 134095488251.png - (47.88KB, 276x270, fodder.png)
We all know how the stories go. Someone gets lucky, stumbles upon the border to Gensokyo, penetrates it, and proceeds to romance its denizens. Each time the story proceeds under a pretense: You are special, you are unique, and perhaps you are even the first one in.

Stories are fiction.

The records place the number of former outsiders who entered during the last two years at 1125, not counting outsiders who perished before documentation. True, there are only a few living outsiders active in Gensokyo as of your knowledge, but that is not a good sign.

The causality rate is so high that the villagers have given up properly burying the corpses, and began leaving them out for the animals and feral youkai to feast on at their leisure.

Not like they don’t deserve it.

Some of the records of death in Akyu’s house contain annotations, for when the reason is more interesting than just “fell off cliff”, “eaten”, or “poisoned in the Forest of Magic”.

#1124, committed suicide after love confession rejected by Hakurei shrine maiden.

#1106, brutally dismembered after attempted molestation of Netherworld gardener during shrine festival.
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[X] Dignified surrender - It's over, might as well get out when you can with some face left.

Although it's contradictory to surrender after unleashing our ace-in-the-hole, there's little point to continuing the battle. We'v already salvaged any pride we might have lost by keeping up with Futo in a head-on danmaku battle, which is impressive considering that we're just a no-name outsider, while if we simply expend all of our energy here in this suicide run, we'll just waste our efforts when Futo shuts us down. Nobody knows what our syringe is capable of, and although we've already used it, it's probably best to keep its effects unknown to the general population.
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New thread: >>/border/28877
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Southampton Water is above the Pleistocene valley with the combined Ensure Itchen and resembles in Solent in general geomorphology, with the exception that the top of the parts will not be susceptible to significant coast erosion. However, from your Hamble Estuary southward coast erosion is now increasing. The Beaulieu River Estuary, the Hamble Estuary as well as the Itchen Estuary have incised meanders..

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File 135165982597.gif - (295.16KB, 1136x819, img2.gif)
creation@comp-173:~$ cd ISE
creation@comp-173:~/TH$ ls -a
. .. ISE.jar .Data
creation@comp-173:~/TH$ java -jar ISE.jar

Illusive Skyward Eye is a text-based adventure game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.

[ ]: New Game
[ ]: Continue
[ ]: Options
[ ]: Extra
[ ]: Scene Select
[ ]: Quit

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I feel like this is the kind of thing you don't leave up to strangers on the internet. Surely you have an inclination yourself?
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[x]Write this.
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[xx]Write this.
[xx]Write what I want.
[x]Write something else.

Writing. Update in...I don't really know. Call it a week.

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File 134808961352.jpg - (66.79KB, 573x384, alley1.jpg)
You run; your legs push against the ground, each quick step causing the wind to smash in your face, drying your eyes.

You can’t hear them anymore. You don’t stop thought; you slow down a bit, heeding the growing aches in your legs.

It seems you lost them. Still, you should make sure.

You dash ahead and jump; you extend your arm and latch on light post, letting it redirect your momentum for a second before you let go, running full tilt down a blind alley. You grit your teeth and, pushing off the floor with all your strength you run one, two, three long steps up the alley’s wall, grab it from the top and pushing yourself over.

You have a second to look down at the piles of boxes and thrash you remember not being there last time, before a feeling of vertigo warns you that this may not go well.

You land on your feet on an old box which immediately crumples under you with a ‘crunch’; you lose your footing and fall on your arms, which you barely managed to lift to cover your face.

That sucked. Anyway, you’re safe now; you gingerly pull yourself up, wincing as your left elbow throbs but otherwise feeling just fine, if a bit winded.

After checking that you have no serious injuries to speak of, you sit back down on the floor and take a bottle from your bag, drinking from it and catching your breath at your leisure, congratulating yourself from getting away from the ‘Golds’; stupid name.
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Well, fuck, my bad. Missed the date.
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Gee, since when anon is this critical? I've seen a lot of stories like this here and no one complained.
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It's a good thing, I think. Although that particular post was a little overboard.

If I had to choose, I'd prefer an excess of complaining and critique over a lack of it.

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File 130077218528.jpg - (55.05KB, 622x1350, MyDemonsareFew.jpg)

The fresh smell of tea permeates the air. Your eyes flicker open as you see the white ceiling of your room again, sunlight illuminated the rest of your room. Letting out a sigh, a small smile forms on your face as you sit up, seeing a glass of tea next to you.

“Ah, what a pleasant day,” you remark, silently chuckling to yourself.

You hear a door open as you turn towards your butler, Wilton, entering in with a tray of food. Gently pushing your blanket aside, you sit on the edge of the bed as your butler sets the tray of food down next to the glass of tea.

“Good morning, Wilton,” you greet cheerfully, “How are you this morning?”

“I am quite fine, Master George,” your butler replies, giving you a quick bow. “And what about you, sir, you seem to in high spirits this morning.”

“Indeed, Wilton. I have to say that I had quite a pleasant dream.”

“A dream, sir?”
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[X] Spend some time relaxing in the Estate’s garden.
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[x] Research the corporation you’ll be meeting later.

Only a fool enters a business meeting unprepared, and the more time we spend preparing, the better the deal will go.
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[X] Spend some time relaxing in the Estate’s garden.

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File 135421743728.jpg - (137.96KB, 1131x787, Untitled.jpg)
So I'm trying to get back into my writings. If you read my first story still lurking on page 2 of this board you're already familiar with the setup; snowstorm over outside city, 2hoes showing up everywhere, you're a dude in a sweet car who picked up one half of Team Nineball and now is trying get to his home and then see what to do.
I'm trying to do some viewpoint splitting given that I got tired of writing just Carnonymous the last time around so HERE'S YOUR CHOICE YOU FAGETS; each choice has different themes and atmosphere too. Watch out for what you want in a story.

Play as
[] That young police officer; as Yamame is still hot on your ass this begins with a chase scene vehicle sequence and descends into chaos, violence, I AM THE LAW, the trappings of being a policeman / authority figure in a time of crisis, decisions between being good and being lawful etc. srsbzns and nofunallowed rating: HIGH

[] Dose two niggas: The Turk and the Russian are back on the way to their homies but LIFE WANTS YOU DEAD BRO so you get caught up in Gensokyoan shenanigans and may or may not be the first gangstas to grace the plains of the Eastern Wonderland, looting and laughing as you go. Because if you're leading a life of crime anyway, stealing a 2000+ year old sword that can shoot lasers gotta be good for something. 2gta4u and "Steal everything that isn't nailed down, then steal the nails, then the things that were nailed down and then the things they were nailed to" rating: HIGH

[] Carnonymous: you will continue the quest of being a lone student trying to keep the nineballs from freezing/setting your flat on fire all the while searching for the rest of the crew and surviving in a city going further down the drain by the minute. Srs rating: Medium.

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I would say it's not my fault if I didn't hate making excuses on principle.
Let's just say the update will take another seven minutes.
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>7 minutes
Ah ha ha ha. Gotcha.
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This is the longest seven minutes I have ever experienced in the history of forever.

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