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File 135165982597.gif - (295.16KB, 1136x819, img2.gif)
creation@comp-173:~$ cd ISE
creation@comp-173:~/TH$ ls -a
. .. ISE.jar .Data
creation@comp-173:~/TH$ java -jar ISE.jar

Illusive Skyward Eye is a text-based adventure game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.

[ ]: New Game
[ ]: Continue
[ ]: Options
[ ]: Extra
[ ]: Scene Select
[ ]: Quit

[☭] Options

Text Settings:

Update speed:
[ ]: Every 7 minutes
[ ]: Daily <Update quality will suffer>
[☭]: Weekly
[ ]: Monthly
[ ]: Annual
[ ]: Whenever I feel like it.

Update length:
[ ]: Laconic
[ ]: Beige
[☭]: Standard prose
[ ]: Verbose
[ ]: Walls

Gameplay Settings:

[ ]: Normal <Easy mode for those who don't like challenges. Bad ends are disabled.>
[ ]: Hard <I'll give hints like this when I feel like it. The worst bad ends are disabled.>
[☭]: Lunatic <Hints will be given after bad/dead ends. Good ends are enabled.>
[ ]: UBW <True Ends enabled.>

[ ]: 63/96

[ ]: Abbreviated
[ ]: Full

Sound Settings:
[ ]: Disabled <Locked>

Video Settings:
[ ]: Disabled <Locked>
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I can only assume these options are here for us to play around with, in which case:

>Update speed:
>[X]: Weekly

>Update length:
>[X]: Walls

>[X]: UBW <True Ends enabled.>

>[X]: -6/96

>[X]: Full

Only path; no regrets.

>[X]: New Game
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Sounds like a mysterious box. Always take the mysterious box!
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Indeed, these options are for you. Have fun with them.

I should note that I will be treating votes with nought but whitespace within the box as a vote against the option specified, to account for situations in which one option is specifically not desired.
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[x] Weekly
[x] Standard Prose
[x] Hard
[x] 48/96
[x] Full

[x] New Game
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>Sound Settings:
>[ ]: Disabled <Locked>
>Video Settings:
>[ ]: Disabled <Locked>

I'm kind of rusty with java and I've only used Linux once before, but I think I can fix this!

creation@comp-173:~$ cd ~/jGrasp
creation@comp-173:~/jGrasp java -jar jGrasp.jar
File -> Open
prompt: creation@comp-173:~/TH$/ISE/Data/Unlocks.java
Edit -> Find/Replace
Find input: Sound_Settings=0
Replace input: Sound_Settings=1
Replace All
Find input: Video_Settings=0
Replace input: Video_Settings=1
Replace All
File -> Save
Build -> Compile
File -> Exit jGrasp
creation@comp-173:~$ cd ISE
creation@comp-173:~/TH$ jar cvf ISE.jar .*.class
creation@comp-173:~/TH$ java -jar ISE.jar

[X] Sound Settings
[X] Video Settings
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Anon, I love you for this.
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I can see only three errors, and those are rather minor and self-evident. Good job.


Illusive Skyward Eye is a text-based adventure game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.

Error: .Data/Movies/Intro1.mp4 not found
Error: audout not declared.
Using altaudout

[ ]: New Game
[ ]: Continue
[ ]: Options
[ ]: Extra
[ ]: Scene Select
[ ]: Quit

[☭] Options

Text Settings:

Update speed:
[ ]: Every 7 minutes
[ ]: Daily <Update quality will suffer>
[☭]: Weekly
[ ]: Monthly
[ ]: Annual
[ ]: Whenever I feel like it.

Update length:
[ ]: Laconic
[ ]: Beige
[☭]: Standard prose
[ ]: Verbose
[ ]: Walls

Gameplay Settings:

[ ]: Normal <Easy mode for those who don't like challenges. Bad ends are disabled.>
[ ]: Hard <I'll give hints like this when I feel like it. The worst bad ends are disabled.>
[☭]: Lunatic <Hints will be given after bad/dead ends. Good ends are enabled.>
[ ]: UBW <True Ends enabled.>

[ ]: 63/96

[ ]: Abbreviated
[ ]: Full

Sound Settings:
[ ]: Enabled
[ ]: Disabled

Video Settings:
[ ]: Disabled <Locked>
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[☭]: New Game

[☭] Options

Text Settings:

Update speed:
[☭]: Weekly

Update length:
Mixture of
[☭]: Verbose
[☭]: Walls

Gameplay Settings:

[☭]: UBW <True Ends enabled.>

[☭]: 48/96

[☭]: Full
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Thank you. I had a fun time stumbling through Linux CMD, the fact that you actually unlocked anything is a bonus.

[X]: Options

Update speed:
[X]: Weekly

Update length:
Mixture of
[X]: Standard prose

Gameplay Settings:

[X]: Lunatic <Hints will be given after bad/dead ends. Good ends are enabled.>

[X]: 48/96

[X]: Full

Sound Settings:
[X]: Enabled
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[x] New Game
[x] Options
[x] Weekly
[x] Standard Prose
[x] Lunatic
[x] 63/96
[x] Full
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This was unexpected. Well done, anon. Appending
>Sound Settings:
>[X]: Enabled
to >>28547. Just to make sure you know, OP, we will all now be anticipating a BGM accompanying every post.

And I still stand by -6 seriousness.
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I know that everyone voted for weekly updates, but I rather feel like writing. I'll see if I can make it up by being late on an update later. Sorry.

Feel free to keep voting until the update. Here're the present vote counts.

Update Speed:
[XXXXX]: Weekly

[X]: Hard
[XX]: Lunatic

Tie resolution:
1d20: 1-10 = UBW, 11-20 = Lunatic
1d20 = 2

[X]: -6/96
[XXX]: 48/96
[X]: 63/96

[XXXXX]: Full

Update Length:
[X]: Walls
[XXX]: Prose
[X]: Verbose Walls

Sound Settings:
[XXXX]: Enabled
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File 135193115122.jpg - (98.42KB, 1152x864, weenie.jpg)
NSFW image
Does UBW stand for 'You Big Weenie'?
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[x] New Game
[x] Options
[x] Weekly
[x] Standard Prose
[x] Lunatic
[x] 48/96
[x] Full
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Writing is nearly complete for this part of the update. My apologies to 25860.

UBW does not stand for yoU Big Weanie. You're welcome to keep guessing. I can state that the uncondensed phrase will come up in the story at some point.
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>keep guessing
Oh? This implies it's something other than the obvious. Alright then:

>A young reality warper faces off against Yukari Yakumo and her Gaps of Babylon. What caused her to attack all of a sudden? What are her intentions?
>unlimited border works
>Nitori's latest experiment gone wrong! An endless stream of Cirno clones stream out into Gensokyo! Race against time to turn off and reverse the effects of the machine before they break something irrepara-oh god did they just start a fighting tournament?
>unlimited baka works
>A mighty enchantment falls over Gensokyo, predisposing all its females to do nothing but complain about everything! With even our resident Incident Specialists and the Border Youkai thus out of the picture, it's up to our MC and his band of bros - Rinnosuke, Genji and Unzan - to save the day (not to mention the ears of every man in Gensokyo)!
>unlimited bitch works
>How do I get to the Eastern Wonderland? Let me count the ways...
>unlimited brbgensokyo works
>Mammaries! Mammaries everywhere!
>There is a line between silly and utterly ridiculous and I blame Yukari.

Just saying, after we complete UBW, I fully anticipate the Extra Stage to be titled Heaven's Feel.
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I'll go ahead and respond to the speculation:
No, An excellent suggestion, Not a chance, related elsewhere but otherwise No, and No.

Heaven's Feel will not be the extra stage.

My next post will be an update.
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File 135217201258.jpg - (185.63KB, 850x850, Come-judgement.jpg)
[912178.325901] interrupt: ise.audout()
[912178.325941] interrupt: ise.resume()


Stupid. So stupid. If only you'd finished him off with a knife, rather than using that sign, he'd never have gotten that hit in. But no. After checking that he had no heartbeat, you had to move into melee range, instead of tossing another knife. Then his friend ambushed you, and he got in a strong hit to your head. It could have been over after that, but you messed up, and now you're dead for it.

Dead, and laying beside some kind of river. There is no-one else nearby; no trees growing, no grass, no fellow dead souls. There is nothing but the river. Still, you feel at peace here. Perhaps this is where you'll be spending your afterlife? No, no, of course not. You've done far too much to deserve a place like this. Ah, and there's someone now. A girl, it looks like, on some manner of boat. That scythe is a bit unnerving, but she seems nice enough. She has a great figure, too.

“Stop staring and get aboard. I was called off break for you, so let's get this over with quickly.”

You get the feeling that you don't get much choice in the matter, so you climb aboard the boat. In a surprisingly short time, you lose sight of the shore. The redhead doesn't appear to be interested in talking, though she does seem to be paying enough attention to poke you with her scythe whenever you start to admire her figure. After the third time, she seems to fall asleep.

For what seems to be an eternity, nothing happens. Then, nothing continues to happen. You consider breaking the silence, but you think better of it. She already seemed to be annoyed with you, and considering her scythe and the comment about this being her job, it's pretty obvious that she is a shinigami. Angering her would be an exceptionally poor decision, even for you, you decide.

And so it is not by your hand that nothing ceases to happen. That honor would go to the strange girl that jumped into the water, causing an improbably large splash. It would almost be comical, if the boat didn't feel like it was about to capsize. The girl's reaction is far less comical, though you can still find a little mirth in her enraged state.

The shore comes up very quickly, almost unnaturally so. Beyond the shore is an immense structure. Wrought iron gates, guards, towering walls...you would not want to try and storm this place. Beyond the rather impressive fortification is a palatial structure. Considering how you're being practically dragged through the gates, you guess that it is your destination.

A maze of doors pass by, leaving you utterly lost, before you find yourself in a large room, being faced down by a green-haired girl wearing one of the most ornate hats you've ever seen. She pulls a mirror from somewhere that you can't quite see, and angles it so that she can see you in it. She seems to keep looking from the mirror back to you, though you don't see anything when you look into the mirror.

Eventually, she sets the mirror down down and looks directly at you, and opens her mouth. Before she can speak, she is interrupted by the girl that brought you here, and who seems to still be standing in the room.

“Miss Shiki?”

Yes, Komachi?”

If the green haired lady, who was just addressed as Eiki, is annoyed, then Komachi must be nearly enraged, if facial expressions are anything to go by.

“I'm requesting a temporary re-assignment to reaping duty.”

“...Very well. May I ask why?”

“Someone annoyed me.”

“That's not a very good reason, but it'll get you to work, I suppose.”

“I'll be going, then.”

The judge, for there is no mistaking her function in this room, returns her attention to you. The atmosphere seems to hang heavily as you become aware of her distaste for you. She begins to speak several times, but each time cuts herself off. Each time, her expression darkens, and she becomes ever so slightly more agitated. Finally, she begins.

“You have done many things in your life. Most of them, taken alone, would justify your consignment to Hell. You are aware of this, but you are not aware of why these actions warrant this punishment. Throughout your life, you've told yourself that it's because some higher power will judge you for them when you die, and that since you were immortal it didn't matter.

“I am that higher power. In order to ensure that you understand precisely how you erred, so that you may properly reflect upon it while you burn in Hell, I will be lecturing you. You do not have a choice in this matter.

“At the age of nine, you began feeding your father poison. This continued for three years, at which time he died from your poisoning. He was hard on you, and you thought of him as an enemy. You never sought to reconcile with him, however. You never looked for another solution. He died, and on his deathbed he sought to ensure that you had a good life. You have never thanked him for this. You have never felt remorse for killing your father. Had you done any of these things, then perhaps you would be shown mercy over your act. You have not.

“I judged your father. Though he sought his own advantage, he took care to not do excessive harm to others. Even in his drunkenness, he sought to minimize the harm that he caused to others, including yourself. He was not a paragon of righteousness, but he remained a good person. It saddens me that you are not.

“Your father realized, before he died, what was happening. While aware of this, he still sought to ensure your future health and happiness. He used the favor owed to him by the Joestar family to ensure this, even as he looked into the face of his murderer.

“You then went to the Joestar family, where you engaged in the mental torture of your adoptive brother over the course of seven years. At the age of seventeen, you began to poison your adoptive father using the same poison which you had used against your father. In doing this, you betrayed your father's trust and defiled his dying wish. A wish which you swore to uphold.

“Your adoptive father trusted you. Your adoptive brother trusted you at first. You abused and betrayed their trust daily for seven years. You ensured that your brother's closest friend burned to death before him. You turned his friends against him, and tarnished his name. If at any point you had stopped, if at any point you had sought to do good, you would have been accepted by them. You could have gone on to lead a good life, but you chose not to.

“Then you put on that mask. I'm of half a mind to have you thrown in the Sanzu for that, save that the weight of your other sins would pollute the river! You killed your brother, and his son. You spread your vampirism to others, spreading your evil. When you were finally killed by your adoptive brother's great great grandson, the world became a better place for your absence from it.

“It is for these, and for hundreds of other deeds, that I sentence you to the lowest karmic rung, that of a denizen of Hell. Furthermore, I sentence you to be cast into the Sanzu at such a time as your sins have been burnt away sufficiently to allow you to become a hungry ghost. Now, begone from this place.”

As she closes her lecture, though you sense that she could keep going for weeks, your spirit scatters and your perception fades. When you awaken, you find your mind sluggish, and your form twisted. The words of the judge's lecture echo through your mind, the only thing to keep you company within the endless pain.
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we are Dio Brando this is gona be fun
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Called who we were as soon as I saw the poisoning line. Question is if we still have our stand.
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Anon McWriter cancels Distracted: Is writing.

Yes, it's a bit late. I found a few decent books to read. I'll update early later to make up it.
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File 135331270519.jpg - (1.99MB, 1104x1340, Dusting!.jpg)

The Al Azif, by a mad Arab of little note, is an interesting read. By volume, the tome is 83% inanity, 12.8% error, and 0.2% mostly correct information, thus far. This is slightly worse than average for such a work, and what is correct tends to be among the most basic of subjects. Still, once the errors are found, and corrected, you suspect that there will be a few things of note.

This summoning incantation, for example, is workable, and incorporates a secondary spell to drain from the environment. There are a few errors in the circle, seemingly added by a later editor, but if these were corrected the spell could potentially continue without further input until it was canceled by its caster. You note that the summoned entity is not explicitly stated, however, and that though the circle would work acceptably to draw entities in it would do nothing to contain them, and leave no compulsion to obey the caster.

You record the corrected spell in a mostly blank grimoire, and mark out a space to record a version modified to remove the flaws that you noted. You pull a blank tome from the stack behind you, and dedicate it to recording your notes on the spell's energy source mechanism. Testing can wait for a better day. Continuing on, you find the next fifteen pages to be speculation among the annotators regarding the moral ramifications of casting the spell, though they decline to specify what, precisely, it summons. At the end is an editor's note to delete the section. For the one-hundred and seventeenth time, you mentally curse the editors for their ignorance and incompetence.

Beneath your notice for the moment, or for the day, as the case may be, is a small army of wooden constructs. You created them at Eirin's insistence, since she had seen the state of Voile when she came, at Remi's request, to check on you while you were bedridden last week. It's annoying to try to remove the dust from the library, but if it will improve your health a little, then it's probably worth it. If not for that, then it's worth it to stop Remi from interrupting your reading to bug you about it.

Speaking of being interrupted, the temperament seems to be shifting a bit more than normal. That last time this happened, some celestial was trying to start an incident, which saw you getting rather little reading done. After that, Remi requested that you inform her if something similar seemed to be happening. Since she's going to drag you into the issue anyway, you'd may as well prepare.


Your familiar, a succubus that you summoned some time ago, is rather long in the coming, but still remains within the limits you set for her.

“Inform Remillia that I wish to speak to her regarding a matter which is potentially of some urgency.”

It's a little ambiguous, but your phrasing should prevent the fairies from starting a panic, as they would were the word 'incident' used. After Remi's theatrics, they tend to associate the term with Reimu attacking, though you suspect that Reimu would do rather less damage.

“On it~.”

As Koakuma leaves, you reluctantly mark your place and set the tome aside, with the stack of books which you have not yet finished reading. Remi will be wanting to know more about the incident, and you don't know much about it yourself. Besides, an occurrence like this doesn't happen too often, and you're a little curious.

You take a grimoire, and relocate to a large space which you designated for spell testing, and specifically reinforced and warded for the purpose. It's probably unnecessary, but you never did get around to testing these spells. You're not feeling so good today, so you probably can't manage as many spells as you would like. You select one that should be effective in revealing the general location of any large-scale magics, which should help to narrow down the nature of the incident.

Opening your grimoire to the fifty-third spell, you begin your chant. Invoking the sun and moon, you begin sending out small pulses of magic. By studying the results, you should be able to get a basic idea of how magic is flowing in Gensokyo.

The spell works well, and you find a map slowly building in your mind, detailing the flow of magic. As usual, some magic is flowing in. Unusually, there seems to be an outflow at several locations. The Hakurei shrine is expected, for this category, but it is a mark of some concern that magic is flowing out slightly at Mayohiga. Strangely, there is a rather strong influx of magic from Muenzaka, though more detailed information will have to wait for later analysis.

Carefully, you guide the spell to record its information. Of course, this would be precisely when your illness acts up. You can feel the cough rising a while before it actually comes out, but there's no stopping it.

Briefly, you attempt to induce the spell to complete its recording with haste, but you are interrupted by the cough. The spell fails in one of the worse ways that you've seen, taking its latent energy and scattering it around you. Were you not busy coughing out a lung, you might have noticed the dust storm being kicked up and gotten out. Instead, you only notice it when you're gasping for air.


Ah, evening tea. It never fails to brighten you mood to have some while watching the sun set. You do wish that you could have Flan join you, but the last time...you shudder a bit over your having to ask for the help of that schoolteacher. Maybe in another ten years you might try again. It's a good thing that Patchouli was there to prevent it from becoming an Incident. The maids still panic when it seems like something is happening of that nature.

There is a polite knocking on the door to your little balcony. It's one of the maids, most likely. Sakuya would simply come in stopped time, and neither Patchy nor Flan would knock. Granted, it's not very often that a maid would come to see you. Most of them seem a tad scared of you.

Opening the door with some confidence as to who it is, then, you are pleasantly surprised to see Koakuma. She seems a bit nervous, though you can't place why, and a bit surprised as well.

“H-Hello! Patchouli sent me to get you.”

“Oh, what for?” You could probably guess, but sometimes it's fun to be surprised.

“A ' matter which is potentially of some urgency'.”

“Ah. Then there's an incident starting?” Koakuma panics a bit as you state the issue she was skirting, though from how she tried her best to make her voice monotone you would guess that it's Patchy that is trying to show the discretion.

“Yes. When I left, Patchouli seemed to be getting ready to either cast a lot of spells or to start fighting someone. Why, when she's in the shape she's in, I don't know.”

“Let's get down there, then, before she tries to solve it herself again.” She shouldn't be allowed to have all the fun, after all.

You make good time getting to Voile, though you do not run. Proper ladies don't run, after all. What you see in the library is something you did not want to see. Dust is filling the air, and limiting visibility. On the ground, in the middle of her testing area is Patchy, laying on the ground. You can't make out her breathing, though the dust may play some part in that. What it doesn't play a part in is the pool of blood on the ground. Instinctively, you shy away from it; there is no call to risk getting Patchy's ill health. Right next to Patchy is a small, red mass with numerous tubes running through it.

Koakuma, naturally, rushes forward to help while you're standing stunned. As she starts picking Patchy up, you realize that you should be doing something to help.

[ ]Sakuya.
-[ ]Go get help.
--[ ]Eirin
--[ ]Write in
-[ ]Remove this dust.
-[ ]Help Koakuma
-[ ]Write in
[ ]I'll
-[ ]Go get help.
--[ ]Eirin
--[ ]Marissa
--[ ]Write in
-[ ]Help Koakuma
-[ ]Write in
[ ]Write in
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[X] Sakuya,
-[X] Go get Eirin.
[X] Koakuma,
-[X] Go retrieve Patchy's usual medical supplies.
[X] I'll beat some sense into attempt to rouse Patchy.
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[X] Sakuya,
-[X] Go get Eirin.
[X] Koakuma,
-[X] Go retrieve Patchy's usual medical supplies.
[X] I'll attempt to rouse Patchy.
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[X] Sakuya,
-[X] Go get Eirin.
[X] Koakuma,
-[X] Go retrieve Patchy's usual medical supplies.
[X] I'll attempt to rouse Patchy.
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[X] Sakuya,
-[X] Go get Eirin.
[X] Koakuma,
-[X] Go retrieve Patchy's usual medical supplies.
[X] I'll attempt to rouse Patchy.
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[X] Sakuya,
-[X] Go get Eirin.
[X] Koakuma,
-[X] Go retrieve Patchy's usual medical supplies.
[X] I'll attempt to rouse Patchy.

Welp, that mass seems awfully like the description of Satori's hearth/eye.
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A bloody mass with tubes running through it looks like Satori's fireplace?

At any rate, the update has been written. Music and image selection is in progress. Editing and proofreading will follow.

An update may be up as early as Sunday.
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The update is two days late. For this, I apologize.

This post would be an update, were I not opposed to placing an author message with an update. The actual update will go up in approximately seven minutes.
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File 135433332482.png - (1.12MB, 1920x1041, reisens.png)

The bathwater has been heated sufficiently, and your book is only two-thirds of the way done. The solution, as always, is obvious: read in the bath! That must be why these books were water-proofed, right? If not, it's still what you use them for. This one's just a normal grimoire; spells and notes on the spells. Sure, it's practical, but it isn't very good for advancing personally, which is a problem since quite a few of the books are still illegible to you.

Opening up to your bookmark, and setting it aside with your clothes, you settle in for a relaxing evening. Scanning quickly, you find your place right at the end of another non-directional laser variant. This one seemed particularly nasty, since it emitted the laser pattern from four slaves as well as the caster. There aren't any confounding bullets, though, but you still need to destroy at least three slaves to make it through a wave, and surviving that long would be tricky. You've seen worse, though.

The next spell goes on for twelve pages, and is a mass of corrections and erasures. Out of habit, you skip to the end to read Patchy's concise explanation of the spell.

“Spell to memory imprint.”

Patchy hasn't left a summary, which isn't surprising. Most of the spells in this book have featured corrections, so you would guess that this is, or at least was a testing log. As you pick through the spell's workings, you find your mind wandering towards ways to improve Master Spark, rather than focusing on the memory spell. Briefly, as the light from the window dies down sufficiently to require that you light candles to keep reading, you consider testing it while getting more reading material. Then you stop considering it, as you've already dried off and are pulling on your reinforced bloomers so you can get on with the testing.

Maybe this will be the straw that sees Patchy actually come to get her books back. That book you borrowed did say that making people do things for you will lead to love, so you've been trying your best. As you ride your broom straight for your hidden entrance to the library, you idly wonder if you'll need to take an entire book case.

Entering the library undetected, you settle into your usual routine: find Patchy, grab a book or six, get her attention by leaving very loudly, leaving a hole in a wall if possible, but slowly enough that she almost catches you. She tends to stop once you leave the library, so you don't go straight for an exit. You hit a small collection of padded chairs first, since that's where Patchy seems to be most times, then swing by the testing area. You see that she's not there and start to move on, then pull up short. Though it's not too apparent on the red carpet, there seems to be blood on the ground, and what looks like some manner of heart with tubes running through of it.

As it twitches, you nearly let loose on it, but instead settle in to observe. If this is one of Patchy's new experiments, though looking at it you rather doubt that, you'll find advantage in knowing about it beforehand. Resting about half-way up the bookcase, you pull out a book at random to begin reading. Far beneath, the mass appears to be struggling to move around.

[ ]: An interesting tome. You'll take it!
[ ]: Why is that thing moving?
[ ]: Where's Patchy?

- - - - -


It's just another boring day. Tewi is asleep after Mokou set the forest on fire, again. Reisen is complaining about losing some manner of staring contest. Apparently Patchouli has collapsed again, so Sakuya is here trying to get you to come and help.

Well, maybe if you get things done quickly you can actually get some archery practice in today. The first thing to take care of is the fire. Normally, Tewi would take a while to find, but you have someone here who can bypass that.

“Sakuya, could you please find Tewi for me, and bring her here?”

“This will hasten your coming?”

“Yes. That forest fire will put itself out when it runs out of forest to burn. Tewi is the one who should be putting it out, were she awake.”

“Very well.”

While waiting for Sakuya to find Tewi, an act which is probably already completed meaning that you're just waiting for her to drag Tewi to you, you check again on your patient. She's still asleep from the gas, and given her low weight you suspect that she got a higher dose than is recommended. She was given a general-purpose counter, but will be under for a day at least. Still, it's best to have someone checking on her fairly often, lest Tewi see fit to conduct further pranks.


Apparently she was close by, for she showed up immediately upon your shouting her name.

“This one shall be your patient for the time being. I am required elsewhere.”

“Very well. Guard Akyu from Tewi until she wakes up, then?”

“Yes. You know her?”

“She's from the Village. She occasionally buys medicine from me.”

Ah, there's Sakuya now. Being dragged by Tewi.

“So why did you set this maid on me? You could've just shouted, you know.”

A rather tired Tewi, it seems.

“I somehow doubt that you would have come, under the circumstances, even if you were in shouting distance.”

“Or sent one of my family members. Or...”

“The maid got you to come, didn't she?”

“I guess so. Why, though?”

“She was handy. At any rate, your forest is on fire again. I suggest that you put it out.”

“Right, right.”

“Reisen, you'll need to look after Sakuya as well. Please don't draw on her.”

“Very well.” You note that she has already obtained a marker from Kaguya knows where.

You'll have to send Reisen to find the various traps that Tewi and her family will inevitably leave in the area, but the place should remain forested. It's not an ideal situation, but it is stable.

Grabbing your medical bag, and a vial of a recent experiment, you take off for the Scarlet Devil Mansion. You're almost surprised that Remillia didn't come, but she's probably trying to help Patchouli herself. While on the way, you refresh your memory regarding Patchouli's illness.

It is not contagious, though you have no idea how she got it. The disease seems to feed off of magic, and has some rather anomalous properties. For one, it actively retaliates against attempts to remove or repress it, and it actively eliminates weaker antibiotics as they are introduced. Remillia claims that Flandre attempted to destroy it once, but that just resulted in the entire mansion getting sick for a few weeks.

Arriving in the library, for the second time in two weeks, you look around. Of immediate concern is Patchouli, currently having been laid on a table where Remillia is trying to get her to wake up. Judging from the increased density of books, scrolls, and assorted papers on the floor near one end of the desk, Patchouli was not the one to clean the desk. Chances are, either Remillia or Koakuma moved Patchouli following her collapse.

Sparing a glance for the environment, you note that you still can't see the floor for ten meters around Patchouli's desk, but past that the carpet is starting to regain its crimson color, rather than the uniform brown it had the last time you were here.

The answer should be none, assuming, of course, that Patchouli is taking her medicine regularly, which you somehow doubt. Still, with medicine like that it's best to not risk an overdose.

“Koakuma, you may put those away. Remillia, Patchouli will wake up when she's ready.”

[ ]Knowledge is key.
[ ]When in doubt, act!
[ ]You've been meaning to try something.

- - - - -


Oh random fluctuations in the space time continuum, it's that bloody bird again. What the here did you do to get sent here? Aside from kill a few thousand people...and become a vampire...and arrgghhh.

Once the white pain fades to merely excruciating levels, and you regain control over your thoughts, you demand for what seems to be the hundredth time who thought it would be a good idea to have someone create a sun right next to a vampire. Then your memories return, and you remember that it's the idea of whomever is running hell.

You've tried moving. There is nowhere to move. You've tried using The World. The only thing to use it on are the others suffering with you. They regenerate.

At times you'll see a figure in red robes moving through the crowd, unaffected by the heat, or the fires, or the mud, or anything else here. Occasionally, you see her stop to consider someone. Rarely, she takes that person from their spot and leads them away. After what seems like centuries, you see her pass directly in front of you. You call out to her, in the hope that she will take you.

She doesn't stop.

You begin moving through the crowd to follow her, calling out to her. You try asking politely. You try threats. You try begging, even. You try everything short of attacking her, for you've seen what happens to those who tried that. They didn't regenerate. The crowd seems to become more mobile around her, pressing together in the hope of her favor. Pressing you out.

She doesn't stop.

You declare time to be stopped, and watch as everything freezes. The fireballs constantly raining down stop in place. The magma flows cease to flow. The other fools cease their movements. The lady in red finally stops for you. You move, to stand directly in front of her, and will time to flow once more.

She finally considers you. A question is posed, and you understand that it is meant for you and you alone.

“For what reason do you persist?”

[ ]I still have my pride.
[ ]To despair is to know true death.
[ ]There is but one, simple virtue. Victory and Conquest. How you get there doesn't really matter.
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[x] Where's Patchy?
[X] Knowledge is key.
[X] To despair is to know true death.
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[x] Where's Patchy?
[X] Knowledge is key.
[X] To despair is to know true death.

This would do.
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What, you guys don't want to do an ALL OF THE ABOVE option this time? Well, that's fine, I suppose.
[X] Why is that thing moving?
[X] Knowledge is key.
[X] To despair is to know true death.

There is but one simple virtue. Victory and conquest. ...Two. There are but two simple virtues. Victory and conquest and crushing all enemies beneath your heel. There. Are. But. Three. Virt- Look, I'll start again.
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Only one option for each set this time, I'm afraid. The options are, to a degree, mutually exclusive.

If anyone would like to try for a write-in, though, those are always allowed.
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[x] Where's Patchy?
[X] Knowledge is key.
[X] To despair is to know true death.
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[X] Why is that thing moving?
[X] Knowledge is key.
[X] To despair is to know true death.
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[☭]: Weekly
[☭]: Walls
[☭]: UBW <True Ends enabled.>
[☭]: 73/96
[☭]: Full

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[X] Where's Patchy?
[X] Knowledge is key.
[X] To despair is to know true death.

I was sorely tempted to vote for "I've been meaning to try something".
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[x] Where's Patchy?
[X] Knowledge is key.
[X] To despair is to know true death.
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Votes called. My apologies for this lateness.

OS re-install is in progress, the update will be written after it's done.
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I fear that this delay has gone on for far longer than it should have. Unfortunately, it will continue for a while longer.

Writing will commence once I have a functional computer.
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Writing has begun. By way of apology, this update will be long, and will fix a few of the viewpoint characters.

Furthermore, if questions are present, ask. I may answer.
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File 13594292446.png - (69.40KB, 550x947, success.png)
In the fifth OS loss and subsequent reinstall (image marginally related), I managed to accidentally overwrite my last copy of the World directory. I'll not be able to continue writing this until that gets regenerated, and I expect that I will have lost my grasp of the plot by then.

My apologies for this addition to the scrap heap.

Obligatory link to image source: www.xkcd.com/349
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Couldn't you just simply write an outline or such of the plot in the meanwhile?
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Alright, the world document is done being regenerated, mostly (relationships still has more than a few holes of "I don't know that they've ever interacted before", and the personal timelines section is...broken). So...news update.

I'm just about ready to resume writing, and for the moment I have inspiration. It's inspiration for a different story at the moment, but still enough to make me feel like writing again.

[ ]Write this.
[ ]Write something else.
[ ]Write them both! (update rate may differ from expected value)

I apologize for this excessive delay, and hope that it will not repeat itself in the future.
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[x]Write this.

don't give up
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[x]Write something else.

Not interested in this story.
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[X] Write whatever you feel most like writing.

It's no good writing a story that you don't have inspiration for. We'd understand if you left this in favor of something you felt more comfortable writing.
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I feel like this is the kind of thing you don't leave up to strangers on the internet. Surely you have an inclination yourself?
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[x]Write this.
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[xx]Write this.
[xx]Write what I want.
[x]Write something else.

Writing. Update in...I don't really know. Call it a week.
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