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File 173495101933.jpg - (293.06KB, 1000x667, 1000_F_224765743_kFhhlxPty1GNcigNAQNJInQzctkCktZK.jpg)

It is dark outside. A crescent moon is staring down the surface of the earth, littered with buildings laid around like hives. In a big city, men go on about their daily lives as usual, congregating together in a formless crowd and going about their day. Most return from their hard day at work or class, and some only set out to begin their duties. A variety of bars, night clubs and other establishments start their working hours. Families reunite and tell one another stories of today. At this time though, none of this is immediately relevant.

Deep below the ground, a network of train stations runs their course. A group of people working in concert for hundreds of thousands others, working like a well-oiled machine. Or perhaps a closely intertwined system of gears? Most wait around the tracks, waiting for the next train, painted with a myriad of social-looking advertisements. Our interest today lies inside a certain train car on this certain Friday evening. There is a blonde girl nearby, with a stylish-looking haircut. There’s an old couple, trying to chat even as the train picks up speed, it’s noise growing louder and drowning out most sounds. A wide variety of people looks busy, concentrated as they all stare into their phones. There is someone else asleep in a passenger seat. They’ve spent at least two stops with their eyes closed and haven’t noticed that they’ve missed their station. They must be truly enjoying their rest.

Incidentally, that somebody also happens to be you. What are you?

[-] A working man, trying to do good.
[-] A student, learning as they go.

This is likely to be a mistake. Let’s find out whether this is one or not.

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[X] A working man, trying to do good.

Looks interesting! Let's see where this goes.

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[X] A working man, trying to do good.

Class solidarity ahoy

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File 173495900657.jpg - (959.38KB, 1110x1052, horror protagonists.jpg)
horror protagonists

[X] A working man, trying to do good.

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[-] A student, learning as they go.

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File 17349621888.png - (1.45MB, 941x544, Screen_Shot_2018-04-25_at_12_24_22_PM.png)

[X] A student, learning as they go.

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File 17349627646.jpg - (8.00KB, 200x252, Untitled.jpg)

[x] A student, learning as they go.

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[x] A student, learning as they go.

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[X] A working man, trying to do good.

I hope you don't find a tie when you're ready to start writing the next update.

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[X] A working man, trying to do good.

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[X] A working man, trying to do good.

>This is likely to be a mistake. Let’s find out whether this is one or not.
Well, a certain wolf fellow thought the same, and he ended up turning out quite well, I'd say.

Interesting intro. Gives me a bit of a Project Moon vibe, but let's hope it's not that kind of a train.

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File 173497366948.jpg - (53.67KB, 620x574, purse owner.jpg)
purse owner

[X] A student, learning as they go.

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[x] A student, learning as they go.

Sure, why not?

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Next vote breaks the tie.

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[X] A student, learning as they go.

Lets see where this goes

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[X] A working man, trying to do good.

We will watch your career with great interest.

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File 173501958248.jpg - (38.71KB, 596x380, images.jpg)

[x] A student, learning as they go.

You wake up with a start. It's the last stop, so you quickly make for the exit. It's going to take time to get back to where you need to go, but it doesn't matter in the least. Today, it is Friday and you are a winner.
To recap the last week - after a grueling battle against brutal foes such as Physics, Trig and Language, you have emerged victorious. There are very few things that can take this triumph away from you and none of them are facing you right this second. As such, you calmly wait for a train back and allow yourself to simply relax and empty your head, fade out a little. These moments when you can see world around you move and not have to interact with it are very precious. You love this world, but sometimes standing in the middle of a hurricane is simply not a good idea.

You still blame the Trig. Do not bring the Trig near me. You'd like to say there would be consequences, but the best you can do is draw on your textbook (and you still kind of need it). While on a train back, you explore the subject further. To your great delight, you manage to remember the Wikipedia Scottish Language affair. You don't have THAT kind of power level (or such a lust for revenge), so that still sucks, but it's refreshing to know that in a pinch, fighting back against even inanimate concepts like education is possible, even though you really shouldn't. You file the topic under "continue tangent later" and move on. There's more when that came from, but now's not the time nor place for this. Forgive and forget. You pass the turnstile gate and exit to the streets above.

After taking a breath of fresh air, you admire the scenery. It's late autumn, the moon is in full view and the streets are the same as ever. Big highways, park nearby, beautiful foliage and you walk right past all of this because no interest been here lost of times nothing stops victory march. One mental check for the groceries later and one mental press of the big ol' "skip" button in the imaginary upper right corner of the screen and you finally make the blunder of arriving at your apartment.

You live alone. Reality quickly hands you a check and leaves as fast as it comes. Yes, no parents around to regulate and watch your every move (just like in your japanese a- you quickly suppress the thought before it finishes out of disgust). No, do the chores yourself or face FULL WRATH of things such as full kitchen sink, dirty laundry, not getting to eat anything past instant ramen and energy bars (complete with getting hospitalized once because of stomach problems), overdue payments and last but not least all kinds of landlord problems. Thank god you did most of the work yesterday in anticipation of today. "Most", however, doesn't equal "all".

You face the final boss. What are you?

[-] Ahhh! After five calendar days I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!
[-] Do your work precisely, diligently and mechanically. Good fundamentals are key to success.
[-] Beating BBD on HHM is fine, but defeating your homework and cleaning your room is far more powerful.

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[-] Beating BBD on HHM is fine, but defeating your homework and cleaning your room is far more powerful.

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[x] Do your work precisely, diligently and mechanically. Good fundamentals are key to success.

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File 173503396512.jpg - (794.95KB, 3200x3847, c0f502e7ec8079aecdb24b87a32019f5.jpg)

Let's be real.

[x] Girlrot

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However, this quest is still dangerously MALE.

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[x] Do your work precisely, diligently and mechanically. Good fundamentals are key to success.

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[x] Ahhh! After five calendar days I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!

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Skull Face referenced!

[X] Ahhh! After five calendar days I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!

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[X] Ahhh! After five calendar days I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!

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[x] Beating BBD on HHM is fine, but defeating your homework and cleaning your room is far more powerful.

No rotmaxxing.

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Votes are called. Writing.
Incidentally, the Update check mark doesn't seem to work for me, so please check this thread by hand to find a new update if it keeps doing this.

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I think you need to add your story into the story list. If you go to https://www.thp.moe/user and enter your tripcode, you should see a "Story Management" tab with this thread, and be able to set it up from there. Once that's done, updates should show up properly on the main page.

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>Note: new writers must have their first story added by staff to the story list before they are able to access their settings.
I'll be waiting until then. For now, though.

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File 173510548327.png - (379.42KB, 800x533, fighting game.png)
fighting game

[X] Ahhh! After five calendar days I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!

For a short period of time, you consider yourself. You tell yourself you're lazy, that it's not a good outlook to keep putting things off until the last moment (you have some experience with this). If you start celebrating today and wake up at Monday morning again, it will only bring you pain. If Friday is a day of celebration, Monday is a day of grief (even if it's not supposed to be this way), and your grief WILL be complete. At the end of the day though, you quietly admit it. After all the stuff you went through this week, this festival has to be today. Your face tightens up in a warrior's expression - you let out a suitable battle cry and get to work.

One meal later, you deposit self (1) on chair (1). One (1) brief consideration about how exactly to accomplish your world conquest, you settle for the usual. 3S opens up and you're immersed in imaginary simulated combat. Only now, with no small amount of bliss, you are at home.

Under ordinary circumstances, computer games can be counted as simple simulations. Some function as substitutes for theater, letting a player take control of an actor's role, play out the script and experience the story that developers make. Some of them are designed as means to puzzle the mind, to obfuscate the solution to a certain problem and present the means to find it. To present a possibility to do a play-research of sorts, make happy memories. To basically do a chess game, but without chess. And some function as battlegrounds, for players to test their skill against either the computer - or, as some realized that the most effective opponent isn't computer at all, another human. Each simulation has rules, which can't readily be broken, which force the players to meet their foe fair and square, but most importantly head-on. And so your tangent finds that in a fighting game in particular, with enough practice and at sufficient skill level, no single part of you is sufficient for beating the tide. ALL parts of you have to be used and utilized properly in order to achieve if not a victory, then at LEAST a good result.

Your instinct, or body partially handles the reactions, reflexes and split second decisions. It cannot make a meaningful offensive on it's own, but it is required to go fast enough to do well on the axis of time.
Your mind is used to remember your pool of possible actions to take, to regulate the timings, to direct the instinct, to decide which part of the combat to concentrate on and to plan your next move. Your mind is what you have the most control over and as such one of the most important parts of the equation.
Your heart is an engine of prediction. People aren't always rational - no, people are by their circumstances are almost always irrational. Your heart can be used to sympathize with and understand their irrationality - and counter their strike before it is made. Without a heart, games are merely arrays of possibilities. With a heart, they become conversations.

During the fight in most fighting games you've encountered, your body is united in it's struggle. The concentration and clarity of mind it brings fill you with a certain kind of vigor. A sense of long-lost unity. Once upon a time, you hoped to share this joy with others, but after finding your class mates to enjoy their vices more, you did the only thing you could and stepped back. And other people are....
You recall the last time you joined a local tournament. Or rather, you make the mistake of trying to recall it. The stench of sweat coupled with local slang, money matches and various disputes made you quietly retreat. It's fine, you don't blame them, you tell yourself. Just the queue's fine. Nothing to worry about.

So anyway, to sum it all up, you play like a six hundred in a twelve-hundred rated tournament for a while to cool down. It's good practice and you even manage to score a win after tying a match. After a persistent self-reminder not to overdo it (the legends of a nerd whose constant 6+ hour long computer sessions turned him into a vampire who instantly disintegrated the second he stepped foot outside the house still haunt you), you clock out after two hours. After a brief call to your parents and doing everything else there is to do, you finally end the day.

One question floats around your mind as you fade. What are you? You dismiss it and enter temporary oblivion a state of sleep graciously provides.

[-] You are now sleeping...

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File 173510851748.jpg - (39.99KB, 736x414, this but she is wearing a fox mask.jpg)
this but she is wearing a fox mask

With a quiet sense of eeriness, you awaken. Under your feet is a patch of grass. You are standing before a Torii gate. Ahead of you is a heathen shrine many so adore. The Hakurei Temple floats on an island inside a purple haze. Your senses are with you, but none of the dreamlike feeling of weirdness is present. When you were Lucid dreaming, spaces seemed relative, malleable. Here, instead of illusion, there is truth. And instead of time, there is eternity.
...That wasn't an experiment you wanted to recall.

Your parents told you to never trust your dreams. They also told you to not sit in front of computer so long. If you listened to your parents more, this probably would not have happened.

"Filial piety is a strong virtue, but it rarely turns aside the tides of fate."

You turn around. Your thoughts are frozen. The only possible escape from a mind reader is to freeze your own mind and allow no thoughts to enter. A form of discipline you supplement with conversation. Glowing eyes appear in purple haze that surround her.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Your heart calms a bit with each question, a sense of unity returning. You do not feel at home at all, yet under stress it doesn't matter. Because in front of you is a Kitsune wearing a fox mask and carrying a paper fan.

"How rude. A proper guest should introduce themselves first."

...you oblige. There is no point in hiding away your name in this circumstance.

"In turn, my name, is Lafcadio. You see, I am a witch by trade."

You remain silent, urging her to keep going. There isn't anything to fear.

"You are here to satisfy my curiosity, human. You see, I have become quite interested with you. There are many, let's say, dull people that exist in this world. Content with eating, living, procreating, feeling and dying. Like so much biomass, like waste. But occasionally, there are gems that shine through the cracks."

"And like a decent merchant, I make those gems mine. You will be mine before you know it. But, you will show your worth first. And you will be allowed to fight back."

She points a fan towards your direction. Your heart wavers, but is supported by your mind. There is no need for fear. Because...

"For a period of fourteen days, you will face a chain of trials. Every three days you will receive a Boon - and every day will spell Tragedy, unless you manage to predict and avert it. Should you perish before the end, you will be mine, human. And should you last through fourteen days..."

"I will satisfy your wish completely, any one you have."

[-] Write-in: Ask your questions, should you have any.

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[x] Write-in: Ask your questions, should you have any.
{X} - Question 1: What is meant by “You’ll be mine?” I mean, it’s flattering that you want me. But you’re honestly not my type.
{X} - Question 2: Do I get to choose what kind of “Boons” I get when the time comes to receive them?
{X} - Question 3: You do realize that I have a final exam in 2 weeks that I have GOT to get an A on, right?

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[x] Write-in: Ask your questions, should you have any.
{X} - Question 1: What is meant by “You’ll be mine?” I mean, it’s flattering that you want me. But you’re honestly not my type.
{X} - Question 2: Do I get to choose what kind of “Boons” I get when the time comes to receive them?
{X} - Question 3: You do realize that I have a final exam in 2 weeks that I have GOT to get an A on, right?
{X} - What do I get for completing all trials? At least let me keep all these "Boons" indefinitely after the trials to keep things fair.

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[X] Write-in: Ask your questions, should you have any.
{X} - Can we rollback if we get bad end?

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[-] Write-in: Ask your questions, should you have any.
{X} - Even if I wish for you to be mine?

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[-] Write-in: Ask your questions, should you have any.
{X} - Even if I wish for you to be mine?

Attack is the secret to defense
I got a feeling keeping her off balance will be the key to winning

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File 173514663714.png - (44.82KB, 483x742, UNO-Reverse-Card-PNG-Image-File.png)

[X] Write-in: Ask your questions, should you have any.
{X} - Even if I wish for you to be mine?

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{X} "Really? All those people in the world, and you pick a student with absolutely nothing setting him apart from the rest of the herd?"

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Don't show weakness to a predator
The heg is a monster and is hard wired to sniff it out and bite

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File 173519367349.jpg - (527.91KB, 1920x1080, this but with a fox mask again.jpg)
this but with a fox mask again

[X] - Question 1: What is meant by “You’ll be mine?” I mean, it’s flattering that you want me. But you’re honestly not my type.
[X] - Question 2: Do I get to choose what kind of “Boons” I get when the time comes to receive them?
[X] - Question 3: You do realize that I have a final exam in 2 weeks that I have GOT to get an A on, right?
[X] - What do I get for completing all trials? At least let me keep all these "Boons" indefinitely after the trials to keep things fair.
[X] - Even if I wish for you to be mine?
[X] - Can we rollback if we get bad end?

Your heart does not waver this time. You need information, so you start to ask questions.

"What is meant by “You’ll be mine?” I mean, it’s flattering that you want me. But you’re honestly not my type."

A condescending smirk appears on her face. She doesn't use the fan this time.

"You. My slave. Forever."

Right. Disregard and move on.

"Do I get to choose what kind of “Boons” I get when the time comes to receive them?"

"I will decide the first Boon you get. The rest, let's say that you'll be able to choose. Otherwise, it's not much of a fight."

You file the topic under "things to consider later". There are many things to ask, so you cannot hold the topic for long. By the way...

"You do realize that I have a final exam in 2 weeks that I have GOT to get an A on, right?"

"Oh, worry not. If you don't get an A on my subject, you won't need to worry about that anymore."

She smiles like a predator.

"You won't need to worry about anything."


"...What do I get for completing all trials? At least let me keep all these "Boons" indefinitely after the trials to keep things fair."

"As I said, I will satisfy your wish completely should you last through fourteen days. As for averting every Tragedy, there is no prize. For one very simple reason."

This time she doesn't smile like a predator. She's making fun of you.

"You won't be able to."


...you shouldn't ask this. You know full well what Kitsune are and what they do. However...

"You'll really satisfy any wish? Even if I wish for you to be mine?"

Her expression turns... sad? For half a second. Then it quickly switches to amused, as if a lever was switched inside of her.


...there are no further questions.

[Dear reader. As mentioned, there will be 14 days inside the main quest. Once every three days, you will receive something to help you win, which is called a Boon. And every day, you will face an obstacle that will bar your way to victory, which is called a Tragedy. If you manage to succeed in lasting throughout all 14 days, you will be victorious - and you will get a happy ending. But should you fail to remain alive all the way to the end, this quest will end prematurely. It will be considered complete and you will not be able to redo, reload your save file or see what could have happened. Do not worry - it will not be overly difficult, but nor will it be totally easy. While I hope that all of you will vote for the sake of completing the quest, sometimes solutions will be difficult to spot. I hope you will be able to find the truth.

This is a challenge, from me to you. Ahead is a gift - an example solution of a Tragedy. You may think of it as a format to consider for your future fights. Please enjoy it. And make use of it.]

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Nothing that the shikigami installation process can't fix :^)

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File 17351946776.jpg - (122.75KB, 360x360, sSYPP8XaPVJZ_large.jpg)

"So? Have you come to a decision? I grow... bored."

...you are running out of time. There's only one thing to do in this situation.

Eternity compresses into a single moment, in which you act. No one is able to read your mind in a single blink of an eye and make a good judgment. Lack of time gives an infinity to consider your circumstances. A seemingly unexplainable paradox.

What do you know about this situation that you find yourself in? You comb through the information, unsorted, willing to find the truth.

Lacfaido. Lacfaido Hearn. Life of a real person, famous for his works. Yukari Yakumo. A youkai of boundaries. Sage of Gensokyo, self-proclaimed. Spiriting Away. Kitsune. Evil spirits, who seduce men and lead them into a sin of lust. Yakumo Yukari never relying on such an ability, instead being famed for her intellect. Maribel Hearn. Ability to see boundaries. Sealing Club with Usami Renko. Existence of a fictional woman incompatible with the truth of this world. Creative fiction turned true? Impossible, meaning music CD and print works confer only parts of truth, in other words they lie. Futuristic and imaginary society, in other words lie. Dateless Bar "Old Adam" (Even here). Lies as part of creative process. Ability to see boundaries, self-proclaimed. Gensokyo, translated as Land of Illusions. Populated by various evil spirits. Some professing miracles, which cannot be made by them. "Youkai Expansion Project", 500 years ago. The name of Yukari Yakumo. Lafcadio Hearn lived only about 200 years ago.

...Undocumented, ability to manipulate one's own dreams. Induction of delusion. Essence of Fantasia. Luke 6:35.

An image of a knife. You cannot cut the tumor without pain. You cannot cut the tumor without. Separation.

Your heart wavers, but is supported by your mind. There is no need for fear. Because there is no nameless fate, nor luck, nor chance. There is Divine Providence. If you are here, then you are here for a purpose. A reason. And you must only fear two things. She's not one of them.

"Will you ask for boundless riches? Unimaginable intellect? Immortality? Ability to take any woman on earth? A body that does not age? Endless supply of any food you want? Your own mansion, with all the servants you would ever wish, doing your every bidding?"

"Declare your wish!"

Who are you?

[ ] I want to be rich beyond compare.
[ ] My grasp on knowledge will soar beyond the stars.
[ ] I will be immortal.
[ ] All women must desire me.
[ ] Endless supply of very tasty food.
[ ] My own mansion with all the helpers I need.



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File 173519528953.jpg - (553.49KB, 3000x2250, photo-1614101062781-09a8dfb90dce.jpg)

[ ] I want to be rich beyond compare.
[ ] My grasp on knowledge will soar beyond the stars.
[ ] I will be immortal.
[ ] All women must desire me.
[ ] Endless supply of very tasty food.
[ ] My own mansion with all the helpers I need.

[x] I want Maribel Hearn to wake up from her nightmare of Gensokyo.

Human reasoning has a nasty tendency to make mistakes. Silently, you pray the best you can you made the right choice. Please, God. A mistake here is deadly. For both of you.

Stillness fills the air. Her eye pupils shrink. She draws back and all glamour disappears from her person. Animal features such as her tails and ears disappear. You see a woman similar to a depiction of Maribel Hearn from the album covers, but much, much older. Good medicine tastes bad in almost every case.

"She died by train, didn't she?"

The purple haze turns red. She is not moving, frozen. The giant eyes remain.

"Tell me."

The red haze that surrounds the air around you disappears. Events of her life play back in the space where it was, as if on a projector in the air. You see it clearly. Pictures move quickly, much faster than a presentation, much slower than a film. Film reel.

Two student girls. Kyoto Institute. Brown-haired and Blonde-haired. Medium club. Research of various folklore events. Occasional supernatural experiences. Scientific fantasies. Looking forward to another meeting between them. When an understanding between two people is created, a world forms around them. A fictional, made-up world the two of them make for the sake of a time between them. Precursor to computer role-playing games, you note to yourself. Attempt of utopia on earth.

Train station. Meeting near the train approach. Unknown passerby, shoving the blonde into the other girl. An immensely loud horn. Tragedy. Only one girl survives. Eyes of all passerby people on her.

Policemen taking the blonde girl away. Questioning. Not remembered nor recorded. Aside from cold tone and accusing eyes.

Eyes of her relatives. Eyes of her friend's relatives. Rejected and denied by everyone around her, without any single exception. Unworthy of life. Criminal. Guilty.

"I will never forget."

A picture of Maribel Hearn and an empty box of medicine on the floor. Coma. Another image, a clinic. A patient's body connected to a life support mechanism. The image fades, replaced by purple haze. The eyes remain.

Her expression is indescribable.

"I will never forget those eyes, human."

A recreation of a world. A world full of suffering, but also love and hope. Of her and Renko flying in the sky. It's not them anymore. No matter how much she wants it.

"And I will never surrender Gensokyo. I will never destroy this world we both share!"

...it's a delusion. She is still alive, otherwise she would not exist. She must wake up. While she is still alive, she still has hope. Before she dies, she must let go. Forgive herself and be forgiven.

[ ] Write-in. You must convince her. She cannot die like this.

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File 173522286641.webp - (133.57KB, 1600x1200, Thinker-Auguste-Rodin-Museum-garden-Paris-1904_jpg.webp)
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((I'm not really sure what's going on any more, but...))

[-] Gensokyo's not the only world you two shared. You may have fantasized and dreamed together in that world, but you lived together in this one. Gensokyo wasn't special to her because it was Gensokyo, it was special to her because she shared it with you. With Maribel Hearn, not Yukari Yakumo.

And she would hate to see you like this, hiding away in your shared dream. What would she have done, if you were troubled or hurt when you met together? Would she have rushed you into Gensokyo into fantasy, or would she have put Gensokyo on hold, and taken the time to help Maribel, to help her friend?

Renko would want you to live. She'd want you to live even if it was your fault, and the very first thing she'd tell you is that it wasn't. The very first thing she would do is hold you, and comfort you until your tears dried. Renko would tell you not to live in the dream, but to make your dream a reality.

And if I might offer another suggestion, one on what to live for? Share your dream. Paint it as fantasy, whether that's through a book, a blog, or a game, but let others see this world that you and Renko made together. Let them be moved by the wonder and fear and hope and heartbreak, this world that you poured out your hearts into. Because as things stand? When Maribel dies, Gensokyo dies with you.

((And if this results in Yukari assimilating all of earth into Gensokyo... I regret nothing.))

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[-] Gensokyo's not the only world you two shared. You may have fantasized and dreamed together in that world, but you lived together in this one. Gensokyo wasn't special to her because it was Gensokyo, it was special to her because she shared it with you. With Maribel Hearn, not Yukari Yakumo.

And she would hate to see you like this, hiding away in your shared dream. What would she have done, if you were troubled or hurt when you met together? Would she have rushed you into Gensokyo into fantasy, or would she have put Gensokyo on hold, and taken the time to help Maribel, to help her friend?

Renko would want you to live. She'd want you to live even if it was your fault, and the very first thing she'd tell you is that it wasn't. The very first thing she would do is hold you, and comfort you until your tears dried. Renko would tell you not to live in the dream, but to make your dream a reality.

And if I might offer another suggestion, one on what to live for? Share your dream. Paint it as fantasy, whether that's through a book, a blog, or a game, but let others see this world that you and Renko made together. Let them be moved by the wonder and fear and hope and heartbreak, this world that you poured out your hearts into. Because as things stand? When Maribel dies, Gensokyo dies with you.

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[X] Gensokyo's not the only world you two shared. You may have fantasized and dreamed together in that world, but you lived together in this one. Gensokyo wasn't special to her because it was Gensokyo, it was special to her because she shared it with you. With Maribel Hearn, not Yukari Yakumo.

>But should you fail to remain alive all the way to the end, this quest will end prematurely. It will be considered complete and you will not be able to redo, reload your save file or see what could have happened.
That's quite bold choice. Don't underestimate our ability to fuck things up.

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[-] Gensokyo's not the only world you two shared. You may have fantasized and dreamed together in that world, but you lived together in this one. Gensokyo wasn't special to her because it was Gensokyo, it was special to her because she shared it with you. With Maribel Hearn, not Yukari Yakumo.

And she would hate to see you like this, hiding away in your shared dream. What would she have done, if you were troubled or hurt when you met together? Would she have rushed you into Gensokyo into fantasy, or would she have put Gensokyo on hold, and taken the time to help Maribel, to help her friend?

Renko would want you to live. She'd want you to live even if it was your fault, and the very first thing she'd tell you is that it wasn't. The very first thing she would do is hold you, and comfort you until your tears dried. Renko would tell you not to live in the dream, but to make your dream a reality.

And if I might offer another suggestion, one on what to live for? Share your dream. Paint it as fantasy, whether that's through a book, a blog, or a game, but let others see this world that you and Renko made together. Let them be moved by the wonder and fear and hope and heartbreak, this world that you poured out your hearts into. Because as things stand? When Maribel dies, Gensokyo dies with you.

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[x] Text.

You have to do this.

"Gensokyo's not the only world you two shared. You may have fantasized and dreamed together in that world, but you lived together in this one. Gensokyo wasn't special to her because it was Gensokyo, it was special to her because she shared it with you. With Maribel Hearn, not Yukari Yakumo."

The purple haze disappears once again. On it, events of various incidents appear on a film reel. The Scarlet Mist incident. Many moving pictures. Maribel's expression is pained, angered.

"And she would hate to see you like this, hiding away in your shared dream. What would she have done, if you were troubled or hurt when you met together? Would she have rushed you into Gensokyo into fantasy, or would she have put Gensokyo on hold, and taken the time to help Maribel, to help her friend?"

The background changes to events that occurred at winter. Spring Snow incident. Attempt to make a never-ending winter. A certain shrine maiden's history. A struggled fight. Eternal Night incident. Urban Legend Incident.

"Renko would want you to live. She'd want you to live even if it was your fault, and the very first thing she'd tell you is that it wasn't. The very first thing she would do is hold you, and comfort you until your tears dried. Renko would tell you not to live in the dream, but to make your dream a reality!"

The background changes to various slice-of-life moments. At the shrine, angered Reimu chases Yukari down with a gohei. Tea ceremony. A giant festival. Reimu and Marisa sitting down, bantering. Pranks. Elegant spellcard fights. Silent, bittersweet moments at Kourindou.

"And if I might offer another suggestion, one on what to live for? Share your dream. Paint it as fantasy, whether-"


Maribel looks furious with you. You still have to convince her. Images of various apparitions show in the background in quick succession. They clash, enjoying their fights. The eyes around her grow in number.

"When Maribel dies, Gensokyo dies with you."


Her face is a mask of wrath. You can't get through to her.

"HUMAN! I've already I told you, but it bears repeating! I am a witch! And your life is in my power, completely! You live and die by my hands! And for this show of disrespect, you'll pay with your life!"

"As for your method of execution, why don't we use that red text you love so much?"

"You will face my trials for fourteen days! You will be challenged every day - and you will have help every three days! And if you die before the end, you will be mine forever!

"And you will die at the end of the fourteenth day, no matter what you do!"

"How is that, mortal? You've laughed at me long enough! You've made fun of me - of Gensokyo long enough! Now just give up, despair and die of hopelessness before my test kills you!!!!!"

…..You have to say this. There is no other way.

"I've listened to you. Can I say something now?"

There isn't any other card to play. Maribel makes a mad grin and comes forward, but-

"No matter what you say, you are going to die! Are you going to beg for mercy? Will you bow down and lick my feet like a good dog? Who knows, I might make you into some sort of lowly apparition! Submit, mortal, BE MINE!"

-you slowly walk forward and meet her approach head-on.

"...I will fight and die for you, just as you want it. Once you wake up, come to faith and repent. Christ can help you."

She used Lafcaido's name twice now. Before he fell to heresy and false teachings of self-annihilation, he had a hope to live forever. You don't dare to assume anything about his fate. But if she lives forever after this, it's fine. Even if you cannot count on it.

You cannot do anything but die for her now. That will have to be enough.


She is furious, raging. Anyone would usually refute with anger, disbelief or hatred in this situation. There are tears in her eyes. You allow yourself to smile and lock eyes with her.

"But, you must say the final part in red yourself. No one else can say it for you."

She comes close to you. You are standing face to face. You are still staring in her eyes. She hesitates. She never stopped reading your mind in this place, you realize, except for a single moment.

Necrofantasia. She can't delude herself with this. You recall your lifetime as a video game addict. If this filthy, rotten, wasteful life can save a single girl, your life had purpose. It had meaning. But it can't save her, only wake her up. You'll take the consolation prize.

"I. I...."

For a quarter of a second, her expression can be described as grief. It is replaced by resolve immediately afterwards.

"And if you last through all fourteen days, I will wake up from my dream!"

She hands you a pocket watch. You take it on instinct. The colors blur and the dream vanishes. Only a fragment remains.

[ ] ...

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A film reel. Two girls talk together in a café.

"The elixir of immortality?
Of course I'd take it.
You know why immortality is portrayed as a terrible thing to have to bear in stories and such? Those were all meant to serve as cautionary tales against greed and to celebrate rebellion against figures of authority. But on the flip side, the fact that those stories even exist serves as evidence in support of the idea that that the elixir of immortality is a real thing.
Immortality doesn't imply the absence of death. Rather, it just implies a state of existence in which the boundary between life and death disappears, and you exist as neither alive nor dead.
It'd be like a bona fide Necrofantasia—a practical realization of being in a world somewhere in between the world of the living and the Netherworld at the same time."

The small piece of a dream vanishes as you start to wake up. You no longer have any room for error.

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The next update with choices to vote on needs some planning, so it should be out tomorrow, if things go well. In the meantime, I would ask for feedback and discussion. I do apologize if this story is disagreeable to some of you and hope you have a pleasant time.

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If I had a nickel for every Christian Touhou fanfic author I've encountered, I might have 25 cents right now. If that piques your interest, feel free to DM on Discord; I'm thinking of putting together a group DM of such people.

I see this story—and others like it—as an antique shop. I walk through it and marvel at what it holds, but I remain silent and keep my hands to myself as I try to give the objects and their history the respect they should be afforded. I'm looking forward to seeing more!

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I might be the wrong kind of person to give feedback for this sort of thing. This reminds me of What Colour is the Unpainted Maiden from the Halloween contest, and I was one of the people who just didn't get it, despite the entry almost winning the contest.

But regardless of that, I'm invested here. Perhaps it's my greater familiarity with the characters, or maybe it's the reassurance that the mystery is meant to be solvable, and it's not supposed to be completely open-ended. (At least for me personally, I find a puzzle far more compelling if there's a way to check whether you got the right answer.)

... or more cynically, maybe it's that I'm not directly competing against this one, so my assessment is a bit more generous. :P

But in all seriousness, I'm enjoying this so far. Looking forwards to where it goes, and hopefully we make it to the good ending.

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Well, pray for intercession, and the saints shall join you! Hello, Lost Soul!

I think it's a little hard to compare the two because my takeaway of Maiden was that it was the dream of an elderly Sanae who left Gensokyo and regretted being unable to return, and this is a quest with surrealism. Maiden felt like it was about the cool imagery rather than understanding what the author was trying to tell the reader. Here, there's an actual plot. (No offense to the author of What Colour is the Unpainted Maiden, by the way.)

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Even in jest, saint is really overselling it, for the record. I'm just a writer; no less, no more. Though if you do decide to make that discord group, I'm be happy to discuss Christianity, writing, or both, pretty much any time.

And as one more aside... I do comment actively on a few of the quests here, I just avoid using my tag unless me being Lost Soul is relevant to the discussion at hand.

But getting back to this topic, my earlier comment was mostly a reference to both works containing surreal themes. I agree this one is more meant to be solved where Unpainted Maiden was more about the imagery, but it felt close enough to make the comparison.

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Tempted to forcibly add everyone I can now and say, "Welcome to our club~! Welcome to our club~! Welcome,Squidward!Welcome,Squidward!Welcome,Squidward!"


I get what you're saying; I just felt the opposite.

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Slowly, you wake up. Eternity is replaced by time and truth is replaced by passions. You're back to your gremlin self again. And you remember every single detail of that dream.

...alright, mental recap.

1) Yukari's real.
2) She almost did her thing on you.
3) You stopped caring halfway through and jumped like 20 hundred sharks to do a game theory.
4) For some reason, it turned out true. (What?)
5) Yukari's not real, Maribel's real.
6) Survival mode for two weeks.
7) You stop existing in two weeks because someone played too many dubious quality VN's.
8) Not content with leaving it at that, you declared war on Gensokyo. You're probably gonna have to win it.

...you disregard the second to last point. People can't think about going into the long box for too long. More than that, you just really do not want to die. Your mind yearns to do the "we CtC now WOOO", but reality is just too depressing at the moment. Feels like you're in a Noir flick, a detective on the rock bottom. Without rent money and only one case to save him from hitting the streets.

Right, let's get up from bed. Your room looks like a mess because you didn't clean yesterday. You did no chores at all yesterday, so half your stuff's strewn about, kitchen sink is full and there's mostly no food. At least there's a coffin nearby. Wait, a coffin?

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she timestopped billions

You walk up to it. There's a wooden coffin in your room. It's open. There is a girl inside. Panic mounts. Blue maid dress, maid headband, stockings, apron. Ribbon tie. Unconscious, she doesn't look dead. She looks just like a doll. You briefly remember what CtC last word remix was. There goes your morning prayer routine.

First thought: serves vampires, makes outsiders into pretzels, PANIC, GET ME OUTTA HERE NOW, THANKS YU- MERRY
Second thought: Peter 1st 4:9.

...you're going with Peter 1st for this one. If you die, so be it. If you don't have help from above, you don't succeed in any case. As such, you get to work, fast and quiet. Change your bedding, clean up strewn clothes. Tidy up desk. Silently, you marvel at how fast you went from "survive at any cost, just for you" to playing the odds. But then you remember that there aren't any odds to play. Mild comfort.

Right, so, you can't actually let her sleep in a coffin. This might be the last mistake you ever make. Well, God willing. You lift her up in a princess carry out of the coffin. She stirs a bit (!), but doesn't wake. You deposit her into bed and cover her with a blanket. Right, up next is food. How do you do this. Mental panic. HOW DO YOU COOK FOOD YOU FORGOT HOW TO COOK FOOD AAAAAA-

In the end, you deal with this multiple choice decision by using one of your secret weapons: Instant Oatmeal with berries. To put on a kettle with a whistle in this situation would be a serious mistake, so you just settle with waiting in the kitchen. You consider other options while waiting, but don't really decide on anything else. Other than a glass of milk, really. You could make tea, but after remembering that illegal fantasy aliens from a Vampire mansion could get extremely picky about it, that idea is quickly abandoned. Meh. You work on the kitchen sink to pass the time, knowing that your guest might wake at any moment. Nerves.

...well, it's ready. Oatmeal and milk, coming right up. Room entered, princess is still sleeping, phew. Put tablecloth on mini table, deposit food. Make a sign of the cross on her just in case. It doesn't seem to do anything. So you sit on a couch and wait in silence as time passes.

Five minutes. Ten minutes. Food grows cold. This could be your death. Merry said that if you die, you end up as her slave. None of it up to you. Mental discipline, you remind yourself. Not thinking is much, much harder than thinking. Realization that you don't control whether you live or die passes. No thoughts.

Twenty minutes. Sun moves outside the room behind the curtains, casting a different shadow. Time passes. You pray. Thirty minutes. You replay countless possibilities. Where she says "Where's Remilia?" and kills you once she hears what she doesn't want to hear. Where she holds you up at knife point for information like in that one reverse isekai anime (then again, that one used a sword and a villain appeared not long after that, someone broke a window and everyone started blasting, nullifying the problem). Where she figures out you're out to kill her home she loves. Where she contacts Patchouli somehow and then some horribleness happens straight out of Z- You stop here before you recall more than you should. Mental discipline, you remind yourself. No more of that right now.
Not thinking is much harder than thinking. If you die, so be it. That doesn't matter.

Forty minutes. She stirs. Wakes. Sits up. Speaks.

"Who are you?" Right.

[ ] Truth and nothing but the Truth
[ ] Banter is the Universal Language
[ ] The Bible Citation Device
[ ] Just honestly care about her even if it kills you. Don't let her feel alone.
[ ] Write-in.

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I can't actually use Discord.

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[x] One divides into two

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[X] Just honestly care about her even if it kills you. Don't let her feel alone.

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>[ ] Truth and nothing but the Truth
Sakuya will kill us instantly to end this game and get back to her mistress.

[X] Just honestly care about her even if it kills you. Don't let her feel alone.

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[X] Truth and nothing but the Truth

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[X] Truth and nothing but the Truth
- { } Lacfaido Hearn
- {X} "Yukari did it."

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[x] Truth and nothing but the Truth
-{x} "Yukari did it."

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[X] Just honestly care about her even if it kills you. Don't let her feel alone.

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[X] Just honestly care about her even if it kills you. Don't let her feel alone.

Seems more survivable than the "nothing but the truth" option, while still being honest to ourselves.

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Oh, that's a shame. Is it a region thing?

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[X] Just honestly care about her even if it kills you. Don't let her feel alone.

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[X] Just honestly care about her even if it kills you. Don't let her feel alone.

I might be too dumb to understand what's going on, but I like it, if think

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meido intensifies

[x] Just honestly care about her even if it kills you. Don't let her feel alone.

You introduce yourself. "I am a simple student living here. You must have had a strange journey, to arrive here like this. For the time being, make yourself at home. And if there is anything at all that I can help you with, simply ask." Use a smile. Come on, no pressure.

"Like this?" It doesn't look like she understands, so you motion towards the coffin.

"You were sleeping in this coffin. I moved you to bed. How are you feeling? Are you at all injured?"

It's hard to feign confidence like this. It takes every fiber of your being not to bend like a tea leaf in someone else's kettle. She speaks with an authoritative tone.

"No, I'm fine. Have you seen anyone named Remilia? Short, blue hair? You can't miss her."

You're not a sociable person, so you put on a mask. Your internals say NOT to do the plane landing sequence manually if you can help it. It can be done on auto, without looking the other person in the eye, or remembering that you are talking to a girl. Stumbling, flubbing, stammering, not knowing what to say. Showing fear of death to a predator. What you hate the most is, your autopilot cannot do what you need to do this very moment - calm her down, be with her.

"I haven't met anyone by that name. I'm sorry. Are they related to you? We can look for them together if you wish."

Her expression changes. Scorn? Concern? Worry?

"What are your motives? A coffin appears in your room and you do this? Why would you help me? This is suspicious."

Makeshift interrogation. Room that looks like it's from 1950's. Cold food in front of her. Distrust.

If you WERE a regular japanese high-school student, you would beg for a chance to calm her, be affectionate, boil your blood to CPU temperatures to convince her to let you help. But the truth of the matter is, in regards to other people, your heart is hardened like hardened bread. You cannot truly empathize with someone on the topic of caring about another person. And if you try to act detached while putting on an image of a carebear, she could confuse it with condescendence. You cannot risk it.

...you aren't Touma. You are Haruspex at best, and that's on a good day. And if she does the Bachelor routine, you might as well pre-empt it.

"Listen. I do not know your circumstances, but you seem agitated. Concentrate. Calm yourself and focus, then continue. I'm not your enemy."

Anger flashes. "Why should I? Did you do anything indecent to me?"

"No, I do not have that kind of attraction towards you." No time either. You do not say that bit out loud.

"Then what's your game?"

Cold, calculating maid of Scarlet Devil Mansion wants a cold and calculated answer. The problem with that part is, that doesn't help her. Sure, you could pull out the Old Book and quote the passage where it says to be hospitable. Then she can treat you as a walking gear from a clock tower which does it's routine (and not actually a person). Telling her the whole truth is the other end of the spectrum - chances are she just Super Shanks you and it's just game over. And if you start up with the banter now, she could just take it as pre-fight dialogue. NONE of this helps her.

And so, in absence of all other options, you take your mask of decency, respectability and contentedness and slam dunk it in the trash where it belongs. You very, absolutely hate this.

"I am a lonely person that doesn't get very many visitors. If you don't mind entertaining me with conversation every now and then, you can live here for a while. Free food and board. I could even help you out with your search. But, what I really want is for you not to... shut yourself in. Tell me what bothers you, or ails you. I will lend an ear, if nothing else."

She considers you like a woman detective in her 30's from a TV series. Or a cozy detective novel. Realization: you just made a fool of yourself one more time. Whatever. "So you just want companionship? Go to a church like you're supposed to." So she noticed.

Last card to play this time isn't faith. It's helplessness. "Has to be you, I'm afraid. If you do not want to stay, I cannot force you. But I would want your help, if you are willing. Because you see..."

You turn and look her directly in the eyes. Straight past the blue dress, white hair and all of her maid accessories. Including the knives.

"...I am hunted. If you don't help me, I will almost certainly die." This is technically true. But you really want a backup plan in case "Tragedy" means an armed military squad black bagging you. You don't want to recall the last time someone tried to solve THAT with friendship.

Credit where it's due, it worked out in the end. More than what you can say about this mess.

"I will help you in your search for your... loved ones. Give you a place to stay, eat, a residence. In exchange, become my bodyguard for two weeks. And don't hide anything if there's a problem. That's all I ask."

The last card is helplessness and intensity. Your hand is empty. Hers has trump cards like Violence, Murder, Serial Murder, Interrogation, Luna Dial and Private Square. And your gut tells you that even if you could do the appeal to emotion bit, she lived in a vampire mansion far away from the settlement as the only human. Assuming, you know, this isn't some sort of evil double or something. High stakes.

She looks away first.

"...very well. My name is Cheryl. I am a maid. I'll be your acquaintance, and I accept your terms." You smile.

Pft. Sure.

"Was something I said strange?"

UH. Uh oh, you said that out loud. Dmgcontrol DMGCONTROL

"That's an uncommon name around these parts. But do not worry, I've heard w-" You catch yourself. "many different other names."

"I'm gonna cut you. Also, your name is weirder." If she wants to play the game, fine with me. Rapid-fire Banter Operation mode engaged, running on all cores.

"Eat your breakfast, lady."

She looks amused/condescending/entertained. "This cannot be called food. Give me some ingredients so I can make something edible."

Hey you spent all of ten minutes on this.

"Yeah okay Mary Poppins lemme work something ou-"

She just decks you. You land on a couch and consider your options.

[ ] The Blue Dice Stand for Evasion
[ ] Mike Tyson's Punch Out
[ ] The Immaterial and Missing Mid-Combat Speech Check
[ ] The Egyptian Tour Guide Simulator


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[x] The Egyptian Tour Guide Simulator

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[x] The Immaterial and Missing Mid-Combat Speech Check

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[X] The Egyptian Tour Guide Simulator

We are not ready to take on「The World」

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Wow, what a bitch

[X] The Egyptian Tour Guide Simulator

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[X] The Egyptian Tour Guide Simulator


It would be quite a Foolish endeavor, but I'm sure so long as we have our Star to guide us we'd pull through

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[x] The Immaterial and Missing Mid-Combat Speech Check

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>...you aren't Touma. You are Haruspex at best, and that's on a good day. And if she does the Bachelor routine, you might as well pre-empt it.

Which Touma, the one from Index? Also, I had to look this up, but Haruspex and Bachelor appear to be references to an indie horror game called Pathologic.

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I see. Well, it's not the end of the world, I suppose. And if there's an absolute need to we could just keep sending messages under each other's fics.

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elegant maid

[X] The Egyptian Tour Guide Simulator

Almost all other options lead to further violence, so it's time to de-escalate. No cold war on your watch!

You put your hands up in a placating gesture. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Deep breath, then deflection. "You know what, let's go, I'll show you around my apartment. It might suit you to know where you will be staying."

She shows curiosity, then acceptance. But mostly curiosity.

You lead her around. The living room is a bit of a mess, but it's passable enough to get no comments from her. The corridor that connects between them has seen better days - wallpaper not sticking properly, dust here and there. And finally, you show her your kitchen - a stove, a fridge, cooking utensils, the works. Your apartment is not very spacious. It's not a mansion, after all.

"This tour was brought to you by our travel agency. Only the best of the best!"

She just looks irritated. "I want a refund."


"Okay, then." She somehow finds your mop and bucket and smiles brilliantly. "The cleaning day begins right now!"

Now it's your turn to grumble. It wasn't supposed to be like this. You didn't want to escalate at all! You WANT to do a Travis Touchdown impression of a tantrum, tell her that it's the most stupid idea you've ever heard. But even putting aside the fact that it would mean not letting a maid do her job, she is absolutely correct that you need to clean.

It's just, you really expected to get knifed before all this. Your face goes through all five stages of grief before settling into acceptance. It's JUST not fair.

"Your wish is my command, my lady." As if on cue, she goes drill sergeant on you after that. You really didn't think that one through.

For the next three hours, your two-person combat unit does the abominable task of general house upkeep. Sweeping the dust, wet cleaning, gluing up the wallpapers properly, taking care of all the tied up cables. You're pleasantly surprised that she doesn't do the thing where computer illiterate people ruin technology by using some kind of super cleaning (why does she know how to take care of modern tech?). Clothes are elegantly folded up and put into the drawer (you give her some t-shirts and sweaters while the two of you do this, you have too much and chances are, she could need them later). Floors are scrubbed, windows are cleaned. The rest of the house is tidied up. Now it looks like it's from some sort of home décor TV show. You take the time to look over hours of work in thought.

You are confused, so it's time for a one-liner. "Is this the true power of a maid?"

She just beams at you. "Yes!"

"That's incredible!" I think she's radiating happiness particles. If you were a mad scientist, you'd probably want to harvest this for the good of the world.

Right, so you finally remember that humans have to eat. Disregarding the positive energy emitter near you, you open the fridge. You stocked up yesterday, so there's eggs, milk, beef, various other groceries and of course a loaf of bread, so in case you don't want to cook anything you can just go for that. So naturally, the second you reach out for bread and milk combo, she shoves you aside, asks you what she can use and does a robbery the second you say "yes".

But... my bread....

[-] Maids are now cooking...

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This poor workaholic maid... Somebody fix her!

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jojo pose

Half an hour, one cooking show, one prayer and one full meal later, there is enough energy to go about the rest of the day. Nerves calm down somewhat. She really did a Cooking Mama, huh.

...but then you quickly remember that she's still technically Lawful Evil on the alignment chart. You double up on your alertness, eager to pre-empt all evil from this supermaid. She just stares at you, waiting for something. Ah, right.

"Thank you for the food!"

She just smiles at you again, silently. You expect more back-and-forth banter, but she just looks happy and none of that occurs. You don't really know what she's thinking, but you have some stuff to do today.

First, gotta go outside and show the maid around. Next, gotta go outside to buy some things you gotta have in order to survive. And next, gotta go outside to scout out for what could be a potential Tragedy. In the middle of this absolute whirlpool of events that is your life right now, if you miss a crucial life-and-death event because of your usual attention span, you would never live this down. Maybe even literally.

In any event, your options today truly are NEET-eradicating. The nature is healing. You excuse yourself and dress. The earlier the two of you leave the better.

"We're going outside. Ready yourself - there is a lot to do."

"Are you my boss?" Tch.

"I must show you around, minion!" You're ready, so you dodge in time. She looks visibly hurt for a second, then quickly recovers.

"Ho? You're approaching me?" Jojo pose. Satisfied expression.


...you're tempted. You're really tempted. But you cannot. Because...

"No Jojo references in the house. 500 dollar penalty. Go outside if you want to."

Because you've worked very hard to get all the Jojo stuff out of your head. Your expression is unflinching authority right now. You can't back down from this. She looks visibly hurt for more than a second. Then she just looks resolved? What?


Time stops. The world is covered with a grayscale filter. Well, all the world except you and her.

"The time has stopped!" She's still posing. Your face is blank. She went and did this. There are no knives around her. You sense no mortal danger, only frustration.

[ ] PANIC.gif
[ ] Quit screwing around, Denton.
[ ] Left Click for Paragon Interrupt
[ ] Peter 1st 3:9 her

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[X] Quit screwing around, Denton.

I'm surprised she does screw around.

Also, I forgot to say this earlier, but I've never seen someone say Peter 1st rather than 1st Peter. Regional differences are a fascinating thing.

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[X] Left Click for Paragon Interrupt

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[X] Quit screwing around, Denton.

By the way, Denton, stay out of gentlemen restroom. That kind of activity embarrasses the agency more than it does you.

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[X] Peter 1st 3:9 her

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[X] Left Click for Paragon Interrupt

Never heard 1st Peter, always Peter 1st[/b]

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Next vote breaks the tie. If no tiebreak by tomorrow, coin flip.

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[X] Left Click for Paragon Interrupt

I'm not very familiar with Mass Effect, which this appears to be referencing, but if I understand it correctly, this option means to say something "good" or "nice", while the other one seems more aggressive?

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at least thats not homura

[x] Left Click for Paragon Interrupt

...You promised. You said to yourself you wouldn't start with this again. Yes, circumstances are different, yes, you're balancing on the edge of life and death. That doesn't justify anything. But the end of the day, she was bothered enough to reveal her supernatural power and stopped the entire dimension of time to do this. If she does this much, it really just means that she needs help more than you do. So you look for a good moment and get into it.

What was the name- "Cheryl, I will have no mercy on you!" She just does a mad grin and goes forward.

Feet shoulder width apart. No hat, doesn't matter. Head leaning just a bit down. Straightened and confident posture. You got this.

Your physical condition can be described as "yes, but actually no". The "yes" part is from having a good body in your mid-20's. You go outside, do chores and try to train. The "but actually no" part, meanwhile, is from your extensive Ex-NEET legacy you've acquired over the course of the years. It's not a decent idea to do strenuous things for too long and your endurance does not exist past the five minute mark, but you can manage it short term. That is to say, you charge and lean into the punch like it's your last day on earth.



Your fist strikes collide and you both withdraw half a step. She points at you, satisfied.

"Time will begin again!"

Grayscale fades away and you enter a brief daze from a burst of sudden physical activity. Let's hope this cheered her up. You silently wonder if you should ask- oh, she starts speaking. She's smiling?

"I will introduce myself once more. My name is Cheryl. My occupation is a professional maid - I can cook, clean and house keep perfectly, and if needed, instantly. My objective is to find my mistress - Remilia Scarlet - whatever the cost. I'll be in your care." She curtsies.

...You will not be outdone. You introduce yourself again. "My current occupation is studying. I'll be in your care as well." There is much that you wish to tell her, but it will have to wait. Because you're GOING OUTSIDE AND THAT'S FINAL.

"As I was saying, we need to go outside. Several tasks must be done today-" She interrupts you immediately.

"Part of our agreement was that I need to protect you. That would be easier to do so from the safety of home, rather than being ambushed outside. Home ground advantage." Finger pointing up pose. Yes, this is logical, but there is a problem with that - and a very large one. But to explain it, you'd need to tell her more details and you can't reveal all the information now. In absence of options, you try weak argumentation.

"There are supplies that we need to have right this moment, before danger mounts. The risk is justified. We leave right now, before anything terrible occurs." You summon all the intensity that you can muster.

"I cannot approve of this course of action. If your would-be assassins use firearms, you're not likely to survive." Yes I get that Saber THANK YOU.

"Yeah, too bad there's no choice. I've only learned of the danger yesterday - there wasn't even any time to get ready." If you miss a tragedy on the outside and like fifty people die and you could have prevented it, that's not optimal strategy. That's the opposite of optimal strategy.

"If these guys hurt innocent people, it's not gonna be pretty."

Also, you will need to buy food. If she castles you, you can't come out.

"Why should you care? If your goal is to survive, it's best to stay put."

"Fresh air is a valuable resource! Vitamin D! Not getting a migraine! It's like the ultimate in not-dying category."

She sighs, defeated.

"Come on, minion, servant, maid. We're going outside!" It's not bullying if it's true.

"Your wish is my command." She's sulking. The Lawful Evil maid in your employ is sulking. Whatever, let's go.

[-] Girls are getting ready...

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your next level

Your standard battle equipment is jacket and jeans. Her standard battle equipment is maid apparel. Today is certain to be a disaster, the only question is in how many ways.

Take your bag, get out, lock the door. You did this hundreds of times, but it's only now that a girl is accompanying you. You body suddenly remembers that yes, you've been talking to a girl all this time. It takes some time and effort to force it down and forget it again.

The maid begins to ostentatiously clean her knives. Alright, alright, I get your point, calm down. Sheesh. You don't need to do that.

Go down the staircase, exit the building. Disaster in 3, 2, 1...

A large parking lot with cars. High-rise buildings, all around you, including the one you live in. Open sky with clouds. Consequences of semi-urbanization. Consequences of perestroika. Today you've used this word in a sentence. You already regret it.

"I bid you welcome to Samara, Russian Federation." The maid's expression is unmistakable. Terror.

"Hey, at least that's not Omsk." Or Siberia. You do not say that out loud. It does not comfort her.

Now you have an important decision to make. This very smart girl is still wearing full maid apparel. If you go to the main street as is, everyone - I mean everyone will look at her like she's from the psychiatric hospital two streets down. This isn't likely to help you. You can either usher her inside and put one of your jackets on her (you don't know if she will accept such an assault), rush to Second Hand clothes store like you're Sonic and the stage is Final Rush. Or you can let her have it.

The maid turns to face you. She shows signs of a nervous tick. You silently wonder if you could have stopped this.

[ ] Tactical Redeployment Simulator (AKA DP refund and try again later)
[ ] Psychonauts Any% RTA 31m 55s
[ ] Let her hit 100 and try to roll a virtue.

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my job here is done
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((No, I know about all this stuff, I'm just consciously trying not to use it in order to avoid messenger brainrot. Thanks for the offer.))

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I'm torn between 2nd and 3rd...
Rolling 1d2 plus 1 => 2

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[x] Psychonauts Any% RTA 31m 55s

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[X] Let her hit 100 and try to roll a virtue.

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[X] Let her hit 100 and try to roll a virtue.

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Waiting for tiebreak, again. Should probably show down the update pace so that voters have time to catch up.

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[X] Psychonauts Any% RTA 31m 55s

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time stop

[x] Psychonauts Any% RTA 31m 55s

After skillfully considering the situation for all of 0.55 seconds (which is roughly the same time in which you make a blunder when you play chess), you start speaking further. Only because there isn't any option not to.

"First stop is buying you new clothes. You can't walk in the middle of the street wearing a maid outfit. Let's go."

You start walking forward. One second later, the bubble bursts. She appears suddenly in front of you, from thin air. You almost walk into her.

"What exactly do you mean, Samara, Russian Federation? Why should we buy new clothes? Are you playing a trick on me? And for that matter, are you really hunted or did you lie to me?"

Indignation mixed with disbelief in what's happening. Incredulous expression. A knife in her palm. When coaxing out information, one can use their Charm gauge or Intimidation gauge. Naturally, because she already used the former, she probably feels it's time to use the latter. Can't even blame her in this situation. So many things at once.

Supermaid (scary) is still staring at you with an expression of an irritated movie protagonist. Well.

"I'm afraid I have not lied to you thus far. This really is Samara, and I really am hunted. As for the clothes question, even if you don't end up using them, you might as well have them. When in Rome and all that."

She looks around and demonstrably points at various things. Children's playground with a broken slide. Car with advertisement sticker on the back window (sausage delivery, with a mobile phone number). Garbage dump nearby.

"Should I say SPQR right about now?"

She would make a more convincing argument if we were 10 kilometers outside the city limits, with no plumbing or sewage system. You want to live, so you don't actually say that, even though you want to. You really want to.

"It is what it is. Are we going to stand around or what? Let's not waste time and get on with it." Can't be helped is an expression that she should be familiar with. Maybe this will w-

"Time? Did you forget? I have time. All the time in the world." Three seconds later, grayscale, the works. She just did this on a whim! Are her timehax just free?

"Now, tell me everything you know, please. In full detail. No more surprises." Pleasant and happy expression. Quiet and serious tone. Stuff straight from other people's nightmares.

This situation is, as the saying goes, above your pay grade. You just turn to her, defeated. "Can we at least walk while I do that? It's not a short story and it's definitely not a short walk."

She looks like she carefully considers it. And finally, speaks. "Sure. Lead the way." She offers you her hand, as if to invite you to a dance.

For a quarter of a second, you regard the entirety of her feelings, your present circumstances and sheer absurdity of current events. It takes another quarter of a second to realize that these things are simply useless to think about. I mean, what are you gonna do about it, act outraged, mad? That won't help a smallest bit. You can pray when you're out of this whirlwind of happenings. Maybe even tell her to stop being super evil later. Is this why other people use the turn of phrase "can't be helped"? Being able to bear it when things no longer make sense?

You take a girl's hand and walk in frozen time.

[-] ...

Showdown update pace activated.

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I hope no bystander will notice us disappearing or appearing out of nowhere.

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Is this write in?

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The only option here is to tell the truth, we need her help.

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'Please wait warmly,' methinks.

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inner light

The two of you leave through the passage into the main street. More cars parked around here. A sign advertising services of psychologist hangs on the building wall. A street sign with a red "X" cross on a blue background. Two-way road, with a small separator between directions, filled with trees. Power lines. You involuntarily remember their sound.

Time still frozen, you walk along the street. Cars are standing still, waiting patiently for you.

"So, our story begins. It took six days for our Lord to create Earth-"

"Do not start that early." Chiding tone.

"I woke up and met a girl in a coffin. She was nice!"

"And not that late!" Slightly annoyed. You smile. Tough crowd. There goes any hope of being evasive. You cannot focus while looking at her. Your head turns towards the main street and allow yourself to reminisce.

"I grew up in a loving family."

Memories of filial love. Memories of childhood. Of youth.

"I had everything a child would need, and most things they would want."

Memories of play and youthful vigor. Memories of studying and hope. Memories of simple happiness.

"Parallel to that, I indulged in a hobby from young age. Computer games. A form of a movie, in which user takes control of events on the screen according to the scenario made by the developer. A technological advancement made in this age. A form of beautiful fiction."

You remember your first console. Happy memories with friends. Happy memories alone. Then, memories alone.

"Over time, I studied more and more of them. The world of such a fiction is not a place of rest. It is a place of challenge and relentless self-improvement. Happiness disappeared. Then, I became a shut-in."

You refuse to remember this part. Fast-forward button is pressed. Held. Events blur in your mind. No turning back now.

"You can consider playing a game as reading a book. One book turned to many, and my mind became a library. A long time passed. Then, I turned to faith. Then, I met a girl from a coffin. The end." Brief silence. You pass by depressing-looking store signs. Then, she sighs.

"I already regret listening to this. Why am I here..." Slumped posture, discouraged expression.

You stop in place, and turn to her. You can leave things as is if you stop talking here. Just hold off on explaining anything useful and submit to interrogation (echo of SUBMIT! resounds through your mind. Thanks, brain). Play along and make useful friends. Get comfortable and play a Caro game. The c pawn is like having one more piece on the board. White cannot really stop you.

But if you fail. If you die today, it won't save Maribel. But you can make an effort to help this maid. If blade's edge is a border between life and death, then today must be precise. Divine providence. Frozen time. A single hope.

Your voice goes cold and monotone.

"What I'm about to tell you is critical information. Pay close attention." She looks at you quietly.

"Like books, games are often created as series. Chronicles of Narnia, for example, has seven books in the series. Their narrative is closely connected. Events of one happen some time after another. Games are much the same."

"One game series exists, called Touhou Project. There are more than sixteen entries. The sixth of which, titled Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, tells of a shrine maiden, or a magician, assaulting a certain vampire mansion." She abruptly stops breathing.

"Protecting it are. Gatekeeper, Hong Meiling. Mage, Patchouli Knowledge. Mistress, Remilia Scarlet."

"And her loyal maid, Izayoi Sakuya." Her knife reaches your throat. It does nothing to make you stop talking.

"You came into this world from the pages of a certain "book". And you are, without any sort of doubt, human." No evil spirit would do all the stuff she did for you. Cleaning, cooking. You still feel the edge on your throat.

"You are a fictional existence." Her eyes start to turn red. White aims the queen and the bishop at the f7 pawn. The sequence of moves needed to survive contracts further.

"Or that would be, unless something else happened to contradict this. Listen, to the very end."

"Yesterday night, I saw a person in a dream. She introduced themselves as a witch called Lafcadio. She wanted to, to quote her words, "make me hers". Stated that I had to survive two weeks, in which every day something called "Tragedy" would happen. And that every three days, I would receive something called a "Boon". If I die before the end, she said that I would be her slave. And if I would live to the end, I would receive a single wish from her."

"Her appearance was that of Yakumo Yukari in a fox mask. Spiriting away. You know by now what that is." A flash of anger.

"Yukari? Why would she do this? Speak!"

A bus stop. Multitude of cars, frozen in place. A crosswalk. Scooters parked on the street. Soviet-era buildings from 1950's. Advertisements labeled on road signs. Power lines.

Your executioner.

"I know not. She wanted to know what my wish was. So I told her. I wished for Maribel Hearn to wake up."

Beat. Two beats. You keep talking.

"Yakumo Yukari is stated to have control over borders. In supplementary material, certain Maribel Hearn and Usami Renko are stated to exist in an "Outside World", an advanced and fictional society. Their adventures were a small series, in parallel with Gensokyo's narration. Maribel in particular shared Yakumo Yukari's control of borders, and was implied to control dreams."

"There is no way for fiction to come to life on it's own. Even more so for a game series, which makes revenue. It follows that there was a culprit, otherwise it all would be a dream and none of it would matter. If it didn't matter, I was happy to look the fool. And she did use Lafcadio Hearn's first name as a pseudonym."

"After I stated my wish, Lafcadio revealed herself as Maribel Hearn. After her friend's accidental death, she entered into a coma. My wish was for her awakening, and as a consequence, Gensokyo's destruction." She looks like you just shot her point blank.

"Gensokyo is probably a form of a dream world made by Maribel, instead of anything fictional. And you are it's inhabitant. But, that doesn't matter now."

Ahead of you is life and death. Ahead of you is a graveyard. An image of your own corpse. Dead flesh and blood. Skull. Possibility of eternal torment. Power lines humming. Death.

"Izayoi Sakuya, a cold and calculating maid. You have two options."

Cannot stop here. Must keep talking.

"You can kill me, and rely on either your mage or Maribel to bring you back. Your mistress's ability is control over fate. If she really cares about you, you will make your way to her somehow. Not that I would wish for anyone to be in clutches of a devil." You chuckle. Her grip tightens. Thin wound from your throat. Blood. Her eyes go up a shade of crimson.

"After this happens, Maribel will eventually die of natural causes. As a result, Gensokyo will abruptly disappear on it's own. Your mistress, will, of course, see exactly when. She will escape with her mansion the same way she arrived, leaving Gensokyo to fade. Others inside would likely perish."

"Or, spare me. Fight with me through the two weeks as per our agreement. Your mansion will survive, as there is no way your mistress wouldn't see what's happening. "Yukari" would handle the rest. There is no way she wouldn't. She loves Gensokyo enough to stay asleep forever for it's sake." Putting a vampire unbound by spellcard rules in your world is not your idea of fun. Possibility of death. Others suffering because of you.

Which is why, both options are appealing. If you die here, there is no regret. It only means that the potential cost to Maribel's awakening - possibility of corpses, bled dry by either vampire, was far too steep. And even if she says you'll be her slave, she cannot take you from the Lord. You idly wonder if they could just use blood packs instead of being violent. Crime doesn't really pay long-term.

Blood keeps running from your throat. Maid's eyes are blood red. She grabs your head and points it to face her. Speaks with strained tone.

"Is this all you have to say?"

"She told me I would die in two weeks directly after that. Then, handed me a strange watch. After I woke, there was a girl in a coffin in my room. A servant of a vampire that controls time." Your tone is still cold. You do not look at her, only the spectre of death behind her.

There is no need for fear. Fathers of the Church would say that we must let go of temporal attachments and place faith in the eternal. Letting go of things is already extremely difficult for a normal person. To practice it is no small feat.

-So if I wish to win, I must let go of my ambition and lose with all my might.

"Join me, and awaken a girl that dreams about a wonderland from her slumber. Or, do as you wish. I cannot stop you."

Time stands still. Humming power lines. Reference to another delusion made with creative fiction. Small crucifix on your chest. Inward prayer. In stopped time, time passes. An unexplainable phenomenon. Her expression is of a judge.

The knife retreats from your throat. Thin trickle of blood makes it's way into your T-shirt.

"Why tell me all of this now? What do you hope to gain, my cooperation? It would be far easier to stay quiet." This is easy enough to answer.

"Soon, I will perish. I do not know when. If what I know would be of use to you, you can have it. And..."

Memories. Of girls, dodging bullets graciously through consecutive spells. Of girls fighting it out on the ground and in the air with various powers borrowed from fantasy, knocking one another into the next week. Of girls climbing a giant tree, stretching into imaginary heavens. Of a vast trove of other stories, made by inhabitants of the Orient.

Memories, much more precious than gold, that you cannot ever properly share.

"And thank you, for everything." You smile.

High rise in the distance. Variety of street signs. Cars, frozen in time. Crosswalks. Traditional-looking house. Death on the city streets. Body on the pavement. Image of a man, stabbed directly in the heart. No culprit ever found.

You are ready for the grave.

"Now. Shall we work together, to wake a princess up?" She let go of your hand at some point. You stretch your right arm forward, this time.

A single moment or eternity passes. Not sure which completely.

She takes your hand. Time resumes. A second dance with death.

...her hand is soft. You never noticed until now.

[-] ...

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maid (evil)

You walk forward from the bus stop. People look at you- no, they look directly at her. Tch. At least they didn't notice you two appearing from thin air.

"One moment."

It takes some time to remove your jacket. You can already see your master plan foiled, as a stubborn maid tries to Tough It Out in the streets. This is gonna be Maribel's eyes all over again. Or hyper serial murder of some kind. "Buriallusion "Phantomic Killer in Night Mis""- Nope, can't even finish this thought with a straight face.

...you throw your jacket over the murder maid. It hangs from her shoulders like some kind of big suit of armor, except it's real, unzipped and it should be actually warm.

"Here. Looks good on you."

It's autumn and it's gonna be really cold in just a minute. Let's get to the clothes shop post haste. You start walking slightly faster.

She just smiles at you for some reason. What?

"Mine now."


"It's the least you can do after pretending not to know who I am, right?"

"It's cold, hey!" She can't- She can't do this! You have no clue if clothes store has jackets or not! You're gonna get a cold!

"Too bad~"

You reach to grab her, she just hops away and laughs. This scamp, I oughta...!

[ ] Sam & Max Hit the Road
[ ] Use Banter for Super Effective damage
[ ] Rebuke the evil maid and tell her to repent (Reaction Speed: Legendary)

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[X] Use Banter for Super Effective damage

It's not proper for a servant to steal. What will others think of her mistress?

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[X] Sam & Max Hit the Road

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[X] Use Banter for Super Effective damage

I love the contemplative narration so much!

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[X] Use Banter for Super Effective damage

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[x] Use Banter for Super Effective damage

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[X] Sam & Max Hit the Road

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File 173652880419.jpg - (363.87KB, 1300x844, 60809a5585600a7d9226d828.jpg)

[x] Use Banter for Super Effective damage

-Okay, calm down. Assess your situation. If yesterday night you jumped fifty sharks, today was solid seventy point five. You clearly need to chill. Calm down. Do the opposite of revving up the engine. Sadly for her though, chill does not equal being defeated. So you do the equivalent of shifting into a lower gear, which happens to be banter.

...image of a confused maid and your fevered attempt to explain the particulars of Theory of Acceptable Streetwear reverberates in your mind. Let's be careful not to money shift to tangents. It might not be your first drive, but let's be really careful just in case.

"Do you do this to every stranger you encounter?" You point to blood flowing from your throat.

"Only to ones that I like." Put some spit on the wound. Hope it heals. No plaster.

"That's domestic violence. Shortened to DV. You use knives for cooking, not assault."

"Oh no, I didn't realize. I'll use my fists instead." Her words are blunt, but she's being a really, really cheeky brat right now. You have half a mind to go "bin zat knoife" on her, but explaining the joke would take the better part of the hour (not to mention that it wouldn't actually work), so you compromise.

"Didn't your parents teach you that violence is bad? It's not proper for a young lady like yourself."

"A proper maid must be ready and willing to exterminate any foe for her master. Any maid that can't do this much is inferior. Second-rate." Oh. Right, if you compare Gensokyo to Vietnam, Kowloon Walled City or the criminal underground, this makes sense.

Once again, tough crowd.

"Which Kung Fu movie did you come from?" You don't remember any names of Kung Fu movies. Except that one from Zimbabwe. The problem with it was that it was unforgettable, and that it wasn't actually a Kung Fu movie. And that it wasn't from Zimbabwe.

"Armour of God comes to mind." Wait, what? That's...

"No way, you guys watch Jackie Chan movies?" How on earth did that happen?

"Milady thought it would be ironic considering her title. It was a decent performance. Modern culture is..." She struggles to search the word. "Unconventional."

"How'd you get that stuff, anyway?"

"Abandoned and forgotten things end up in Gensokyo. Don't tell me you didn't know that." So wait, if Gensokyo is a dream, but things still end up there, then...

"Wait, wait. Did you guys get a bunch of weird articles from the Tengu lately? With keywords like yellow press, fake news and all that?" Condescending smile.

"I don't actually read these papers. They do help for cleaning as waste paper, though."

"Why'd you have to have common sense at this time!" This maid is just...

"Don't worry. If we ever get to meet them, I can cook some Yakitori for us."

"Eating meat from evil spirits sounds all kinds of cursed. You want me to get food poisoning?" You briefly remember some japanese series, in which someone fed the protagonist and other children kudan and mermaid meat while he was small. Everyone except the main character died a horrible death, but MC got superpowers at the cost of becoming some sort of bored introvert.

Japan needs our Lord and Savior and his Church now more than ever.

"Don't worry, I'll be thorough. People can even eat fly agarics if you boil them enough times."

Yeah, this is how you'll die. Not the knives and not red text. This maid is gonna do a "whoopsie" on you. And then an autopsy report is gonna say something like "he ate fifteen tons of garlic" with a small side note "too dumb to live". Worse ways to go, you guess.

"Think I'll pass on that. There's far better stuff out there than some extreme variant of chicken liver."

"Exotic ingredients do make for exotic foods." She points her finger up in a teaching pose. Well...

A gigantic pelmeni stash, which this maid did not manage to discover rests in the freezer section of your fridge. Staple food for student life, an unparalleled treasure for when there IS no time or concentration for the daily life because....

...it's only now that you finally remember the Trig. And the Physics. And that, if things go as is, studying them has been a gigantic waste of your time.

Your disappointment is immeasurable, and your day is ruined.

"Maid. Can I say something harsh?"

"What exactly? And I have a name, you know." Slightly annoyed tone.

"If you ever meet this "Lafcadio", can you exterminate her? Like, maybe two to six times. Or seventeen. Non-lethally." Seventeen sounds nice.

She just raises her eyebrows.

"Aren't you supposed to be a good Christian?"

"Repent." She just gives you the look. You return it to sender the best you can.

It DOES say "Do not avenge yourself". It really does. But right this moment, teaching Maribel discipline with a "How to not dump a landmine on a complete stranger and undo years of education 101" class seems more appropriate. It might even be good for her.

Yeah. That's your excuse and you're sticking to it.

"I suppose it would be curious to meet her now. I'll see what I can do." You walk forward in pure triumph. Oh wait. Yeah, you see it. You're almost there.

[-] …

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You approach the huge shopping mall. Parking lot is chock full of cars. The killer maid is wearing your jacket. It's still really, really cold. She looks visibly impressed/startled/worried. A giant building is ahead.

"It's a shopping mall. Lots of stores, lots of stuff. Today's gonna be an adventure!"

"Do you know how easy it would be for someone else to shoot you from a crowd this large?" You recall a certain level full of glass from a certain top-down shooter game (you really wish you didn't). You CAN see where she's coming from, but today is the day and you will not be denied.

"Come on, assistant, let's get a move on! Today is the day!"

Massive avenue for exploration. Various signs of shopping brands. She looks visibly exhausted. You didn't even start.


[ ] Fashion Souls
[ ] The Grand Tour
[ ] Time Trial

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[X] Time Trial

inb4 stealing during time stop

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[X] Time Trial
Time stop moment

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[X] Fashion Souls

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[x] Fashion Souls

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Rolling 1d3 => 3

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[x] Time Trial

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[X] The Grand Tour

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[X] Fashion Souls

We came here to buy some new clothes for our maid, after all.

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[X] Fashion Souls

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[x] Fashion Souls

You enter the mall. Your body warms by the grace of not being outside anymore. You feel it. It's almost time. But before that.

"You look tired already. Did you run a marathon while I wasn't looking?"

"A perfect and elegant maid must be able to assess her surroundings precisely." Translation: she stopped time to goof off again. There goes any hope of her not seeing another byproduct of modernity - kebab shop on the other side of the mall. Today you went and let what you thought to be a fictional character yesterday go and see that.

One more notch on your failure list. Luckily, you know just how to cheer a girl up from having to notice all this while having fun yourself.

"You lonely maid! Don't just wander off while on duty! What kind of adventure is it if we don't spend our time together!"

"On duty? Are you inviting me on a date?" She keeps her composure. She does, but her tone is mischievous.

It is unfortunate for her, however, that she does not possess the information. That is to say, she DOESN'T KNOW.

"Assistant! Follow me, we have a tight schedule!" You only have so much time to bully her. You MUST make haste to make the most of it.

She follows you, which is certain to be a great mistake for her. You smile inwardly, content with your decision. The most enticing part of your second favorite dungeon crawler was not the complicated and masterfully thought out class change system, nor was it surviving glorious boss battles. Not even close. The best part was making your party out of characters like Gebura with a red arrow that says +16 on it underneath, Black Knight (with a Burger King hat), a T-34 tank and other wacky party members that you do not presently recall, and then having THEM win. And the best part of almost any RPG was the character creator and gearing up just right.

Maybe you used to have a problem. But now she was about to feel the consequences of your having a problem.

You walk across the mall. It's composed of multiple large shops at the first floor - supermarkets, centered on food and consumer electronics respectively. There's half a mind to show her the wonders of modern society, such as a washing machine or one of these "smart" speaker things. You silently wonder if they have a roomba. Maybe she can have a pet once she gets out of the danger zone.

"This way. It might look scary, but it's nothing to be afraid of." You mostly tell yourself that, to be sure. An escalator ride up is always a thrill of sorts.

"Should I hold your hand and tell you it's alright?" Stoneface engaged. Nothing she says can hurt you.

"Forcing people to look down from here should be a crime."

"Have you ever flied before? Just curious." NOT COOL. You make your reaction known in a most eloquent way.

"Maid, I'm gonna stuff you in a locker." Figuratively. "Let's go, our destination is just ahead." You hurry onward, to another escalator. Floor 3. Past you is a veritable assortment of expensive clothes shops that your student budget absolutely and certainly does not cover. You count yourself lucky that you don't have to conquer a horrifying level called "student loans".

It could always be worse, you remember. It could always, always be worse.

"Again, I have a name! And which kind of Christianity is that?" Well...

"You're about to find out."

[x] The maids are now exploring...

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I can totally see Sakuya despising a roomba and then getting sad when they have to get rid of it.

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File 173694355820.jpg - (10.32KB, 263x192, fashion store (visual approximation).jpg)
fashion store (visual approximation)

If the second floor is full of expensive shops, then third floor is much more affordable. You waste no time at all exploiting that fact. Fast steps towards the first shop, Second Hand detected, destination reached.

"This red one-piece dress, this sundress, this and this! Go and see if you like anything!" Others may attribute this to a frenzy. This is, naturally, still low on the scale. But no one needs to know that.

"My current attire is superior to all of this. My mistress-" Reasonable things OUT, extreme fashion show things IN.

"Fine, not this one-piece and not this then, instead take this, this hat, and..."

"Are you even listening?" Not anymore. Many coat hangers are taken, one girl is led into a dressing room. You consider extracting your coat on the sly, but decide against it. Sometimes, sacrifices must be made.

Clothes change. Girl with a simple sundress, girl with a straw hat and a black coat. Nothing over here, so next shop it is. The maid begins to see what exactly is happening - and that she cannot exactly do anything to stop it. To her credit, she starts to get into it by the third store. By the fourth, she even gets some good suggestions in. Red sweater, white cardigan. Time flies.

In the end, she picks a simple blazer, tie and a white shirt combo. It reminds you of that outfit from a certain Castlevania remake, which you strategically elect not to mention. You do have to make some adjustments for the sake of an ongoing effort of Not Making Her Look like an OL.

"This skirt's no good. Here, try this. And maybe this." You have no desire to see her in a pencil skirt.

"What's he problem with this? Is this not-"

"That's exclusively for old ladies! Would your mistress want to see you like this?"

"If the point is to disguise myself and blend in properly, it's more than sufficient." Long inhale.

"You're gonna wear this stuff outside the house! And it's not even all that good!"

"Many people wear this exact look around in the outside world. I am well-informed on the matter." This maid...

"We're not in Japan and you're not working as a flight attendant!"

"Good point. I suppose my outfit is superior after all." One outfit change later, she's back in her maid outfit.

"Then, this was a waste of time, after all. I..." You go red in the face, approach her and put yourself up close.

"I want to see you look pretty! It's why I wanted you to come here!" Trashy tsundere bit (1) performed (why are you still using that expression asdfghj). You will never live this down.

Ahem. Compose myself, compose myself. Look the other way...

"In any case, I liked what you picked earlier. So I'll buy it. It's a gift. You can wear it later. If you want to." Okay, alright. Salvaged it.


"Huh? Sure." She looks kinda dazed. Your wallet's gonna hurt a lot, but you don't really care. You want to leave this maid something to be happy about. And it won't matter soon enough anyhow.

...you managed to remember something that you didn't want to. Anyhow, you pay for the clothes and make your way down the mall. Before you go back, something else catches your fancy from a shop window.

"Is that... Loyal maid and companion, are you seeing this?"

"What? And my name is-"

"Yes, Cheryl, I know. This is a legendary treasure! We-"

Okay, well. It takes some time to convince her to put the knives down this time. But once you do, you both go into the store and return completely and properly equipped. It's not something that's immediately useful, but you get the feeling that both of you are extremely content with the purchase.

It takes another trip down the escalator (which you elect not to remember) and another half an hour to get some food from the supermarket while giving a small tour to the maid. She asks you some useless things about the place from time to time.

"Why are there so many flavors of sweets here? So much meat, too. There's so much to choose from..." You look coolly at your partner.

"Look, it's either SPQR and general disrepair or admitting that these shops have a decent supply chain."

"You can't possibly defend the aesthetic you live in."

"No. But at least I can survive it." Hopefully. You're not sure which is worse, Cleveland or living in Gensokyo.

The maid looks thoughtful for a second, then quips.


"You didn't have to! You didn't have to go there!" She just starts smiling for some reason. Gah, this sucks!

Anyway, you pay for the food and leave the mall. You bicker back and forth for a while before settling into silence. Your coat still hangs from her shoulders. You didn't buy one for yourself, and it's getting remarkably unwarm. It's almost evening and all you managed to do today was a shopping trip. No tragedy countermeasures, no nothing. If you wanted to set yourself up for failure better, it is likely that you couldn't.

You and your hare-brained schemes.

[ ] Scenic Route
[ ] Instant Transmission
[ ] Press Triangle to Rush

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File 173697006243.webp - (170.43KB, 1600x1158, 131368943.webp)


[X] Press Triangle to Rush
>High Counter

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[x] Scenic Route

Take the scenic route during time stop?

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[X] Press Triangle to Rush

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Good point, if there's anything you don't have a shortage of when Sakuya's around, it's time.

[X] Scenic Route

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[X] Scenic Route

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Scenic Route

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File 173747072375.webp - (28.94KB, 600x400, dark-blue-cloud-white-light-600nw-669357586.webp)

[x] Scenic Route

You silently consider asking the maid to stop time for you to explore the city. To think that it would be so easy, to press a button on a watch (if she even needs that watch in the first place) and have infinite time. It really is like having hacks in real life. But. You turn to look at the somewhat stoic looking were-maid. Her expression is... tired? Longing? Hard to say. You take the long road through the city streets.

What's certain is, she doesn't need that right now. Someone just dumped what's essentially a picture book character into the real world, with all it's suffering. She needs encouragement more than anything else, really. You put your hand up to your mouth. Let's play a trick on her!

"Earth to Maid-01, Earth to Maid-01, come in, we're getting traffic. Not getting any signal."

"What kind of signal do you wish for, oh master Earth?" That's new. Unfortunately, you will not be defeated.

"Happiness, ideally. Visible lack of gloom and doom."

"Yaaay. Waaaai."

"What are you, a chinese schoolgirl?" You pray she doesn't end up like Shinobu. No, not that one. The other one.

"I should dress Meiling in a sailor outfit someday. That would definitely make her more popular."

"What kind of school would she attend?" She raises her eyebrow.

"She has an important job, so she'll have to stay uneducated for our sake. Instead, isn't a uniform like that more of a charm point?" There was a time. There was a time, but the problem for her now, is that you're going to pretend to be dumb.

"I don't follow. Why is a school uniform a charm point?"

"It seems popular in an outside world. Isn't it an area of your expertise?" Not gonna admit it. Not on your life, Miss Poppins.

"I don't want to have to do anything with schoolgirls, there's already a maid around! Just how weird do you want my life to become?"

"Huh. Did you ever read a flavor of comics called "harem manga"? They might definitely suit you." Smug expression.

Retaliate. High Counter. Exterminatus. Delete this.

"I didn't know you liked polygamy enough to recommend these." You can give her a sermon instead. This will, however, be much more effective.

"Hey." She looks angry at you. Good. It means you can keep going.

"I'm a student, right? If I dress in my uniform and put a toast in my mouth, can I bump heads with a pretty girl in a sailor uniform who's secretly a magician on a crossroads?"


"And then. And then I'll get some kind of special ability and my classmates won't make fun of me or take my lunch money! And then I'll be a popular and a very cool kid! It is how it usually goes, right?" You're missing a beach episode, a confession and a nice boat mention. Luckily, you do not need to say these things.

No one else needs to hear them, either.

"Do you always talk to girls like this?"

"Are you gonna take my lunch money? Because I don't like polygamy?" You can either listen to her and let her take you places, or take HER places instead. The choice is obvious. You are GOING ON A RIDE.

Not the boat kind of ride. You hope.

"You know I can kill you right now, right?" Well that was fast. You turn to her with an incredulous look. Her eyes, fortunately, betray no killing intent.

"Because I don't like harem manga?" Being deliberately obtuse is actually incredibly fun. You don't know why people don't do this more often.

"No! Be-" You interrupt, not letting the momentum run out.

"Because I don't like the concept of people's hearts being broken and their hopes being dunked into the trash can? How many of you guys actually thought about marriage? Your mistress, Patchouli, Meiling?" It's actually a legitimate question. They all might be various flavors of hyper evil, but at least they should know that happy marriage exists, right?

"It's all fiction, you stupid! It's not for serious, it's just for fun when there isn't anything else to do! What am I even doing..." She puts her hand to her head, looking tired. The sullen kind of tired.

Some time passes. A solid minute in silence. You tour through the city streets, past the metro station. Past all the ingloriousness of a modern society coupled with questionable architecture styles. Every second you keep her attention off these things is a second you win. And right now, you're not winning. You're not winning at all.

"But, Mistress as a bride, huh? That would be quite a sight." Her tone is bittersweet. Wait, then...

"Mistress's wedding ceremony and celebrations. They would be perfect and absolutely spotless, as befits her reputation. Every person from the mansion would attend. I would round up all the fairy maids, Patchouli would bring out the best magic. Me and Meiling would work overtime to make it best day of her life. We would invite everyone else around the land and make lots of festivities! She would be really happy..." Realization.

"You miss them. You..."

She turns to you. There are tears in her eyes. A perfect and elegant maid is smiling. A perfect and elegant maid is hurting inside. In a perfect world, you would have noticed this earlier. In a perfect world, you would have a heart. And you would be able to help her.

In a perfect world, she would be happy. Not here. Definitely not here.

Divine providence.

"My home... I want to go back. Please..."

[-] ...

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I never liked the Sakuyas that were so quick to use violence, but now you've gone and made me sympathize with one.

Also, I feel the need to add my own opinion on why harem sucks: The women are always so annoying! I'm trying to relax, and they're yapping, and they don't even know anything of conquest!

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File 173756135294.jpg - (3.46KB, 275x183, evening park.jpg)
evening park

There is nothing that you can possibly say that will help her. And really, what can you even do in this situation? Preach the holy gospel to a crying girl that can't understand it? Give her a healing mixture of sweet, sweet white lies? You're not equipped to handle that. Go with the generic "there, there" with a straight face, maybe with a determined voice even and pretend to be a man, which is the option that many action heroes pick in movies and TV series? That is putting a plaster on a gaping wound the size of your arm. You have no catgut and the patient is bleeding all over the floor. And she put up with you being you all this time.

You feel helpless and stupid. Resolved, fraction of a second later. Of what use is being alive if someone else is suffering like this two steps near you. There has to be something you can do, even if it's of absolutely minuscule worth. Another fraction of a second later, plan is formed, calculated and put to action.

"Follow me." You grab her hand by force and lead her forward. No resistance. Hesitation is thrown aside, again. Won't help.

It takes somewhere around two minutes to get to the park. You stride in with bold, fast steps. She follows. The entry is free - nobody takes a second glance. Huge sign with a name of the park. Trees and foliage cover your sight line. It is evening. There are no cameras around. Moon glow is trying to shine it's way through the dark clouds. It takes another five to ten minutes to find a good spot. You do not often navigate this labyrinth. You sit yourself and the maid on a bench. Nobody comes here around this time. She doesn't need her watch to be away from prying eyes. She doesn't need her watch at all.

"Nobody will see us here. Nobody will know you're there. So if you wish. Cry to your heart's content. Until you are okay again."

Knives appear in the air. First five, then ten. All frozen in time. You can count around fifty, now. Monstrous amounts. Seconds later, more appear. More than you can count. Naturally, all point towards you. Her expression is enraged. Her knife arm is shaking. No words from her.

"If you wish to kill me, do it quickly. Here, you do not need to be perfect. Or smart, or punctual, or even good. It's fine."

"Because here, you can finally heal."

Nature is all around you. Isolation from perils of a cold gaze, attributed to passerby people. You do not look her in the face. Seconds pass. Knives disappear instantly, as if they were never there. Some time later, a girl sobs in your arms. Nobody hears her wailing except the two of you. Time continues it's charted course. Time you two endure.

Your eyes tear up. You do not know why. You do not stop it, either. It would be wrong to. You hunch down, in a pose in which nobody would notice. It's this world, after all. It's just this world.


Time passes. Wind blows, from one direction to another. Trees are swaying. A crescent moon's moonlight is shining down. A precious moment. No sounds of crying can be heard anymore. She calmed down. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is stable. She's laying down on your chest. Sleeping. The patient's wound is treated. You fear shifting and waking her far, far more than the knives.

In all your years of playing things like dating simulators, adventure games, MMO's, you never treated other people as something special. Use your time to chat with someone here, there, send a trade request, use one another to achieve a shared goal, then part ways. "Even though the ideal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I never die with regrets." It's only when dealing with someone face to face, not through intermediary of a computer, can you finally understand it.

A human soul is a priceless treasure. No kind of gold or silver, no library of knowledge, no goal and absolutely no status quo is worth more than a single human soul. Not yours though, someone else's. The fact that you cannot interact with some of them properly is completely irrelevant. And right now, you want to care for this treasure. You want the best for her. Which is to let her rest for a little longer. It doesn't matter how much time today you wasted. It doesn't matter that you're probably going to proc a tragedy really soon either (if there will be one, even). You're in a place that can offer her some help. So you do exactly that.

Sound of a wind rustling. Leaves fall on you two. Minutes pass.

You notice it a little bit too late, but. Someone approaches. Two figures. Notably, from the treeline. Not the walkways.

[-] ...?

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multiple unknown beings

Your head is hunched forward. Someone else could think you unconscious. You cannot see the figures, only hear them. They seem to be muttering about something between one another. Were they looking at you two? You concentrate and do your best to make things out from their chatter.

"..ally sure it's.....can't se..."

"...raids, sil...hair, ma..."

"...ght, if y....ain."

This might be really bad. You hear a female voice call out to you.

"Hello, sir, are you awake? We have some questions for you."

Your heartbeat is fast, intense and in the way. Her accent's off. The sleeping beauty has yet to wake up. And, perhaps most importantly, nobody says "sir" in Russia. It's not police, nor locals.

What you do right now might be very important.

[ ] Write-in.

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[X] Gently shake knife maid awake. Nudge her off of you if possible. Play it cool. "I'm awake! What would you like to ask?"

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"Where are we? Who are you?"

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[X] Gently shake knife maid awake. Nudge her off of you if possible. Play it cool. "I'm awake! What would you like to ask?"

What else can you do without time hax?

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Would be awkward if we'll get bad end so soon.

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Never thought I'd dread the words 'write-in.'

[X] Gently shake knife maid awake. Nudge her off of you if possible. Play it cool. "I'm awake! What would you like to ask?"

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File 173783854766.png - (15.48KB, 175x182, C-nanaya spot dodging.png)
C-nanaya spot dodging

[x] Gently shake knife maid awake. Nudge her off of you if possible. Play it cool. "I'm awake! What would you like to ask?"

First order of business: making the maid awake. The earlier the better. You bump your elbow into her as inelegantly as you can. Then, raise your head and pull the maid off to the side of you in the same motion. Still sleeping, huh. Your mind, body and heart unite under the stress. Your body is still very cold from surrendering your jacket. But it doesn't matter. You are at home.

"I'm awake! What would you like to ask?"

Your tone is friendly. Childish. Naive. You make yourself out to be someone weak, someone who will just bend to authority. The alternative is making oneself seem like one won't bend, and that is for another time.

If this is some kind of secret service agent, you want them off guard when you strike. If this is some eldritch horror, you want them overconfident. Or, if they are friendly, you want to be friendly with them too. Your mind is sharpened and watchful while the rest of you looks aloof and simple. No pressure.

Two figures move towards you. You can make out some features from here. The one going towards you has a simple cloak on her. You can see hints of a red and white dress under it. The one behind her has a similar cloak and a red dress, with a... capelet? They're both hooded. The front one approaches you. Ten steps distance. Nine steps distance.

"Ah, you see, we're in a bit of a bind. Could you please..." She puts down her hood. In an instant, you can see her face. Long brown-looking hair and... something like cat ears on her head.

"...die for me?" In an instant, she charges you. Seven steps distance. Violent motion towards the maid, throw her to the left, off the bench into the dirt. Three steps distance. Hurl yourself to the right. Claw with long nails approaches. Evade to the ground, roll, stand up. A swish sound is heard in the air, then a loud noise. The bench is broken in half under sheer force of the strike. If you weren't looking out for it, you would lose right then and there.

In frozen time of your mind, you take a look to reassess the situation. A woman stands three or four steps in front of you, turning towards you. The other person lowered their hood while you were dodging. Red hair, ribbon, neck guard. You see a flash of red. The good news is that you played DDC and finished it on normal. The bad news is that doing so does NOT give you immunity to lasers. Your instincts spike and you (very awkwardly) dodge to the right. Laser goes right through where you stood before. The action to dodge it cost you about 1.5 seconds. Animal-eared girl finishes her recovery animation and turns to face you.

"Oh? We have a real fighter on our hands. Hee hee hee. I'll..."

You stop listening to her here. The longer she stops attacking, the more time you have on your chess clock. You cannot afford to be distracted, not when your life is on the line. What do you know for certain?

One. You cannot run. They'll just kill an unconscious maid and then finish you off. It would be like that one bad end where you don't go out of the hotel room to face the dogs so they just eat you. Your only choice is holding off until she wakes. Inward prayer.

Two. You are hopelessly outmatched. A fight between a human and any fantasy or fictional creature - not just youkai, the definition includes Reimu, Youmu and that maid on the ground - is predicated on the fact that an artist that made the latter can just say "well these are just superhumans, normal guys can't handle them!" and simply give them superpowers. This applies to both myth and ancestral legend, where the goal of doing so would probably be to distort the truth and make a fat bunch of lies for the sake of some twisted tradition (and then venerate that tradition). Or for something like selling a new Avengers movie, because an artist says They're Strong and that's that. It's true that they can probably be weaker, but you must assume that they're on the top of the bell curve or risk getting completely and utterly slaughtered. Original material does note what it is that "youkai" do, after all.

All of this is BEFORE you take into account that youkai equals superpowered heathenry that does not exist. However, if you say to this girl that she does not exist, that would waste about 3-5 seconds. Which brings you to:

Two point five. You must approximate that any combat with someone of this caliber is like a human fighting a Servant. If Gensokyo really existed in some form, then they must have had spellcard rules for a reason out there. You try and fail to remember just how many bad ends happened because someone thought it was a good idea to try to dunk on a purple haired lady with a blindfold personally. The only way you could win if you knew Irish Kung Fu, had super punching gloves and a super dagger. However, this is reality, and you are just a student with a bad habit. In this space, you must assume your life is measured in seconds at a time - and that for you, enemy elimination is not possible, only survival.

...You recall your bag, which is held tightly to your back. You can maybe hold in exceptional circumstances. However, these is absolutely NOT one of those cases. You get way more from stalling.

That's because, three. The maid can fight them. But if they go for her now, they win on the spot. If you distract them for long enough, she will probably wake up. Speech would work, but...

"...human. Bow down to me!"

Her speech was about... three, four seconds long? You didn't really care for what you missed. It's time to do something very unwise.

"Uh." You point to the other figure. "Fetch?"

You are a master of eloquent wit, and she is charging you again. Around five spherical objects appear around the other person. Death approaches like a wild animal. You can try to score a near-miss, backstep, pass her on her swing or...

[-] The students are now evading...

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>>Long brown-looking hair and... something like cat ears on her head.

cat ears... werewolf

I did not realize that Kagerou had gained mind reading powers in order to get affronted from that mental comparison...

Also Why are we being attacked by the Youkai Grassroots Network??? or well, two of the three that we know of... best avoid bodies of water for the near future...

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File 173783935711.webp - (68.76KB, 755x1060, when you wake up and everything's on fire.webp)
when you wake up and everything's on fire

The evening light. Glow of a streetlight, faintly helped by the shining of moonlight. It is a truly a day like any other. One more moment, she thinks, and she'll awaken on her bed in the mansion, where she will start the routine of her day once more. She'll make her mistress breakfast, then check on the condition of the mansion, discipline the fairies, mop the floors, then...

She awakens in the soft embrace of the soil. Dreams and phantoms leave her mind as fast as they arrived - she is still far away from her mistress. Why was she on the ground? Was she taken advantage of? That, she should have- She stops time to check, to gather her bearings. Her knives are ready. She stands up.

The basics of time manipulation are, in essence, simple. Time is captured and held in place. To do so, one's mind must concentrate and believe with utmost certainty that "time will stop". A helping object must be present - magicians usually call such a thing a "focus". Her treasured watch, which mistress gifted her fits the criteria perfectly - the process of using it by now is mechanical. Hold, concentrate, press a button on the side. As long as she kept her concentration, time would still, but due to the tool's effect, only a mind of steel could maintain it for more than a scant few seconds. Luckily, her mind was several degrees sturdier than most. Such a standard was set for the sake of her mistress.

She takes notice of her surroundings. The bench she was resting at earlier looks like someone grabbed it in their hand and snapped it into half. In the distance, a stopped picture is imprinted in her retinas. That human- That human is facing down those two. That ugly thing and an animal. Where did they come from? He's dodging frantically, but left alone, only one end would await him. Why is he so eager to face death? Is he not afraid? All of this, while she was just unconscious nearby. One moment of weakness, and this is the result. He said that nobody would notice. And yet... She can barely admit it to herself, but right now she feels much better than earlier today.

...haa. This is hardly perfection that she set as her standard. Briefly recalling today's circumstances, there is only one logical conclusion. Outside World is a harsh reality. Outside World is a mistake. She will correct that mistake. Immediately.

A jacket is tossed behind her, freezing in time mid-air as it falls. Knives are tossed mechanically at a rokurokubi, one by one. It is a monotonous task, which lets her think about her actions. Nine knives. Focus down the werewolf? The advantage of her knives is more than sufficient. Fifteen. Two enemies. Divide and conquer, keep them apart or rush in? She feels like rushing in. Oh yes, she will rush in indeed. This is what today deserves. Twenty one. Bag with her new clothes lies below the ruined bench. Just one glance at it tells her to start throwing much harder. Thirty. Thirty three. This much is fine. She must conserve enough focus for the remainder of the fight. After all, if these dregs are exterminated too quickly, she would not receive her due satisfaction. Her eyes flash red. Time resumes.

And now - for the fun part. The execution.

[-] …!

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File 173784001691.webp - (62.79KB, 456x548, The Tutorializer.webp)
The Tutorializer

Welcome, hello hello everyone, YAHALLO! I'm your trendy host Yukarin, going above and beyond the fourth wall just to meet with you! How are you all on this fine evening? I hope you're comfortable and having a fresh cup of tea. Today, we're going to learn all about combat. Are you excited, dear reader? You finally get a chance to give them evil-doer up-to-no-goods what-for! Teach them manners, with all the moxie of a well-experienced gladiator! Take all the glory! But watch out, for if you bite the dust, it might come back to haunt you!

Combat is, for a lack of a better word, simple. It's a basic rock-paper-scissors triangle. You, the players, must observe what it is that your opponents do and use one of the three given tactics to counter it. You have a massive advantage, my dear reader, in that you can defeat your enemies using basic observation. Simply choose the tactic that beats the tactic your opponents are using and save the day! Easy, right?

Ah? What's that? Ah, apparently, if you ever played something called Suikoden, you might already be familiar. Let's review your choices, shall we?

Strikes are your basic attacks. Fast and precise - those are the keywords that you can use to describe Strikes. Whether an assault rifle burst, a knife slash, or a punch-kick combo, Strike is a basic attack that puts pressure on the enemy. I wonder, after listing those examples, are you scared already? Do not worry, now, hehe. Strikes defeat Crashes, but are defeated by Guards.

Crashes are simply very powerful blows. Whether they're telegraphed or instant, Crashes rely on excessive force to crush opponent's resistance. To a novice fighter, well, they are more or less an all-or-nothing attack, but even those exist for a reason. Most attacks with long preparation times, alongside very fierce hits and things like explosives fall under this category. Crashes defeat Guards, but are defeated by Strikes.

Guards are a defensive option. Repositioning, defending, evading, there are many things that one can do to intercept or counter an attack. Feinting, stalling and other similar things fall under this category. Guards defeat Strikes, but are defeated by Crashes.

Combat will generally go on until one side, either me or you, dear reader, achieves a score of three points or more. If you lose an exchange, I obtain one point. If you win an exchange, you obtain one point. If a tie happens, like if we both pick the same tactic, both sides obtain one point. In case a tie happens at the end of the encounter, well, we'll get there if we get there, it's either here nor there. But I'll make it very clear for you - I do not recommend to lose.

And just for you, I'll guarantee it. So that there will be no fuss or trouble later down the line. Like if I win, and you say things like "It wasn't fair at all, how was I supposed to do this! You must have cheated!".

Every combat update with choices that offer all three tactics will have at least one valid tactic that wins an exchange that you can infer from the update. No update offering combat tactics as a voting option will be a forced loss, in which nothing can be done.

I have no intention to laugh at you after offering you many useless options, from which none can win, like some sort of swindler playing a shell game. Find the truth and beat me at my own game. Fair and square.

Our tutorial ends on this note. Will you prevail or suffer? Let us find out what happens together. I look forward to seeing your efforts.

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File 173784037172.jpg - (3.86KB, 300x120, glare.jpg)

-Time resumes. To her opponents, a maid transforms from a still, unmoving corpse to a dashing avatar of blazing fury in a span of a millisecond. A werewolf busy with trying to land an attack does not notice her approach until she's right up close. By that point, it does not matter. A silver blade sinks in far deeper than she wants, and her target simply [HOWLS] in response. She abandons the blade to it's fate and retreats back, sidestepping the effects. The sound wave clips the nearby tree and it almost falls over. Her second target is dodging a hail of knives, desperately trying not to get hit. Six of her heads are deployed - none of them do anything yet.

"You! Don't interfere! Once this human dies, you'll go back to your place! Your master's orders!" Tch. She dares?

"Are you having a nice vacation? You could use a bath, you know. You smell."

"Are you making fun of me?"

"I'm about to do something else. You should have brought a bigger pack with you, hound."

She quickly takes a look at the other human and motions to the side. Run, get away from here. It becomes too complicated if he sticks around. He nods and runs away immediately. Your enemies don't follow. Good.

"You! I'll kill you!" Immediately, a werewolf moves towards her, intent with blind rage. In the back, four heads of a certain rokurokubi start to alternate with a laser pattern. The maid is familiar with it, having faced it before. It doesn't pack a lot of firepower nor is it tricky to dodge, but facing both down enemies at once will quickly produce considerable difficulties. Something must be done. Luckily, there are options. There are always options when it comes to facing werewolves.

[ ] [STRIKE] Silver Sign "Extermination in One Two Three"
[ ] [CRASH] Watch "Luna Dial"
[ ] [GUARD] Time Sign "Private Square"

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[X] [GUARD] Time Sign "Private Square"

What about skills?

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[X] [STRIKE] Silver Sign "Extermination in One Two Three"

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[X] [STRIKE] Silver Sign "Extermination in One Two Three"

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All in due time.
how do people post updates this big without proofreaders

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No beta we die like men

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[X] [STRIKE] Silver Sign "Extermination in One Two Three"

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[X] [STRIKE] Silver Sign "Extermination in One Two Three"
offense is the best defense

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allllllllllllright let's take a look at this, we have rock paper scissors (strikes > Crashes > Guards > Strikes)

immediately it is clear that the YGN is not going defense here, so the correct option is definitely not Crash... it does sound like Kagerou is going all out, but Sekibanki is the odd one in that case going for a more measured attack.

the last sentence is focused on the Werewolf though so this option should be more in response to her? in that case:

[X] [STRIKE] Silver Sign "Extermination in One Two Three"

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File 17380604019.jpg - (10.16KB, 256x197, dio knives.jpg)
dio knives

[x] [STRIKE] Silver Sign "Extermination in One Two Three"

She takes a quick look at the enemy. An inelegant, raging beast is charging her. A single silver knife is still buried in her back. She could definitely add to that number.

「 Silver Sign "Extermination in One Two Three" 」

Using spellcards in this place felt more... difficult, but it appears it was still possible to do so. A spread of knives appears in her hand. The maid concentrates, then starts to throw silver pieces. Quickly, now, before her enemy closes in.

First volley is to restrict. She brings her arm back in a practiced stance, then launches a fan of knives in a diagonal arc. Her opponent does not stop. Two more spreads appear in her hands. Rokurokubi's laser pattern starts boxing her in.

Second volley is to strike. The diagonal pattern is a setup - it was never meant to hit on it’s own. Using momentum from the first attack, she lets fly a second diagonal knife spray, forming a cross. Her target starts to dodge, but the amount of projectiles proves too much. Multiple knives clip her, drawing a howl. She does not stop, barreling straight through them. The wolf closes in on her prey.

Third volley is to follow up. The final salvo travels in a horizontal arc that arrives far faster than Imaizumi expected. Not many things can withstand silver knives thrown with enough force to pierce through metal, and especially werewolves. …But.

Kagerou Imaizumi lets true fury spark within her. She faces the final spread head-on. She releases a howl of rage as two abominable silver knives enter her shoulder. The sting of seven blades embedded in her body makes itself known. But at last, she's finally in range. She was waiting for this.

“I'll teach you true fear, dog of the vampire!"

With a roar, she dashes in for a furious swipe. The maid cannot dodge easily under the red head's fire. She guards desperately and avoids getting hit in the vitals, but still gets a gash on the side. It's a light wound, not likely to impact her performance. But, the maid is annoyed. Today is just one mistake after another.

Moving two steps back, she considers the situation. What is she to do? Rokurokubi - Sekibanki, she thinks she's called? Regardless, her lasers are a nuisance. The werewolf in front of her seems satisfied, despite looking like a pincushion. Why is she here, and why was she attacking them? Why did she mention her mistress? Kagerou pulls out the knives stuck within her one by one. As always, there seems to be only one way to get the answers. The hard way.

The werewolf inhales and starts howling - with the sound wave cutting the air as it ripples towards Sakuya. The servant, surprised, dodges in the nick of time, the danger passing her close by. Kagerou howls again, forcing her to focus on evading.

Meanwhile, the barrage of lasers has stopped. Where has she- Suddenly, six floating heads start approaching from behind. In just a moment, they completely surround her. Then, without any warning, all six fire a sweeping beam at once. The werewolf draws herself back, no doubt preparing another [HOWL]. Joy.

The maid's eyes flash red. They're full of openings.

[STRIKE] vs [STRIKE]. Tie! 1-1

[ ] [STRIKE] Illusion Sign "Killing Doll"
[ ] [CRASH] Speed Sign "Luminous Ricochet"
[ ] [GUARD] "Sakuya's World"

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[X] [STRIKE] Illusion Sign "Killing Doll"

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[X] [STRIKE] Illusion Sign "Killing Doll"

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[X] [STRIKE] Illusion Sign "Killing Doll"

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X] [STRIKE] Illusion Sign "Killing Doll"

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[X] [STRIKE] Illusion Sign "Killing Doll"

1 more!

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File 173825164751.jpg - (6.24KB, 275x183, refreshing mist in the evening.jpg)
refreshing mist in the evening

[x] [STRIKE] Illusion Sign "Killing Doll"

The beams close in on the maid, prompting her to dodge. How will she deal with this? She recalls her mistress’s words. When under pressure, cool-headed reasoning and sound judgement makes all the difference. If so, then what does she see? In their haste to commit to an offensive, her opponents ruined their formation. When she was facing the two of them earlier, it made sense. A bruiser in the front, covering a long-range hitter. But right now, their backrow fighter had exposed herself. It’s time to hit them where it hurts.

「 Illusion Sign "Killing Doll" 」

A ring of blades appears around her. A choice assortment of sharpened steel. Under ordinary circumstances, this wouldn’t cause too much trouble for the duo - the werewolf would simply take the brunt of the attack. But right now? There was no shortage of things to hurt.

The daggers start their travel time half a second later. The maid looks at the expressions of stray heads, trying to fly back. Amusing. A number of knives pierce most of them, which forces them to disappear. The rest go towards Kagerou, who opts for a quick retreat in an effort to sidestep the assault.

…but the knives home in on their target. The second she realizes that, she tries blocking with her arms. By then, however, it’s already too late. More knives pierce her body, and though none of the wounds are fatal, the pressure mounts.

The maid considers her opponents. They are disoriented, briefly stunned. The advantage will last only seconds. It will have to be enough. She charges the werewolf, a single knife in hand. Let’s see what they’re made of.

A swing of the claw follows, but compared to previous attacks, it’s by far too slow. Swerve to the right, then a punishing cut to the side. Blood covers the pavement. A familiar crimson.

Yes. This is what she’s here for.

“I thought the two of you would at least be a good challenge. It appears I was mistaken.”

A glint in the werewolf’s eyes. Imaizumi draws herself back, and lets loose another howl. Another dodge follows, which puts more distance between them. The werewolf looks like she’s barely managing to stand. Her partner runs up to her with a worried expression. More lasers follow from the rest of the heads. The red-head, who was silent until now, finally speaks.

“I told you it was a bad idea. Let’s retreat.” Kagerou turns and stares at her, offended.

“I don’t need to hear it! Do you have a youkai’s pride? We’ll show them who humans need to fear!” Knives jut out of her like a pincushion. She’s covered in her own blood.

“Yes, but that’s…” The maid’s reaction is best described as unamused.

“Does the small fry have anything else to say?” A twirl of the knife. She’s ready- eager to continue. Staring daggers at them.

Sekibanki glares at the maid. She steps forward between friend and foe, and speaks.

“We’ll never lose to the likes of you! Witness the true power of the Youkai Grassroots Network!”

「 Fog Sign “Dullahan’s Night Out” 」

Sakuya’s field of view starts to become hazy and indistinct. The treeline fades away, covered in a strange mist. The walkways become hard to see. In mere moments, the maid and her foes are completely engulfed by a deep fog. The wolf’s howl echoes through the mist.

-Imaizumi pounces from the haze like a bolt of lightning. Only Sakuya’s superior reflexes save her from the impact. The charge continues into the gloom, before she can launch a counterattack. She tries to follow the sound, but seconds later, Sekibanki slashes her from within the clouds, breaking her focus. She steps back to avoid the slash and rebounds with a decisive lunge forward, but all she manages to cut is rokurokubi's cloak before the youkai vanishes into the mist. She only barely recovers when the wolf bursts from the fog once again.

This time, the claws brush her clothes - if she can’t catch them, it’s only a matter of time. They’re moving far too fast for Sakuya to track, let alone hit. Her usual attacks won’t work. There has to be something she can do…

[STRIKE] vs [CRASH] - Success! 2 - 1

[ ] [STRIKE] Illusion Existence "Clock Corpse"
[ ] [CRASH] Watch "Luna Dial"
[ ] [GUARD] Vanishing “Perfect Maid”

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[X] [CRASH] Watch "Luna Dial"

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[X] [CRASH] Watch "Luna Dial"

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[X] [GUARD] Vanishing “Perfect Maid”

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[X] [GUARD] Vanishing “Perfect Maid”

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[X] [GUARD] Vanishing “Perfect Maid”

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[X] [GUARD] Vanishing “Perfect Maid”

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[X] [CRASH] Watch "Luna Dial"

from the sounds of it what the YGN has done is to make themselves harder to hit, thus leading me to beleive this is a defensive move? (thus countered with crash.) I was wrong in my first guess so I suppose take this with a grain of salt.

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[X] [GUARD] Vanishing “Perfect Maid”

Looking at the summary, it seems like they're attempting for a fast and quick attack, which correlates to [STRIKE]?

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Either way, we just need one more point. Whether it'll be a draw or a win, we can end the fight this turn. There's only one wrong choice.

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[X] [CRASH] Watch "Luna Dial"

This disappearing-into-mist thing sounds to me the most like the "guard" description of "evading, feinting, stalling".

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Votes called, writing.

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File 173868486380.webp - (1.37MB, 2464x1643, extremely mad.webp)
extremely mad

[x] [GUARD] Vanishing “Perfect Maid”

...but in the heat of the moment, she cannot think of anything but to defend. Wait for an opportunity, then counterattack with everything she has. This is her only plan - now she only has to commit to it. If only it were that easy.

The redhead swings at her from the mist, forcing another hasty dodge. She sees the outline of a werewolf approaching before she can recover her footing. Her blood runs cold as she realizes that she has to guard against the next attack. Patience, she thinks through muted fury. The chance will come.

Kagerou bursts from within the fog. Another swing. Only this time, one that the maid cannot dodge. Parry with the knife, or try to- The claw approaches. No time to think. She swings the knife as hard as she can and hopes for the best. This is her limit.

…even wounded, the werewolf's assault is unrelenting. A claw and a silver knife clash. The attack is with such ferocity that the maid cannot hold onto the knife. It flies away to the side, burying itself in the ground. The back of the maid's dominant hand is wounded. It won’t affect her precision, but it’s irritating. More imperfections. Another claw flies out, as Kagerou goes for a follow-up attack- but that is a mistake. Sakuya steps back and moves out of range. For a split second, it appears that their assault is over. However...

A quiet sound of rapid footsteps behind her alerts her to the danger. When did she-? She's forced to guess the direction of an attack in the span of a split second. To the left of her back? To the right? She evades towards the right, hoping for the best. As she reorients herself, Sakuya only barely manages to see the tail end of Sekibanki’s desperate charge. The slash catches her shoulder, drawing a red string of blood.


But. Now she has both of them firmly in view. It all comes down to this.

The werewolf's movements are slow, compared to when the fight started. She realized it earlier. This combination attack relies on the two of her opponents carefully positioning themselves to cover for one another's openings - not letting her recover or giving her any chance to strike. However, if Kagerou is slow to react, then...

She turns quickly towards the werewolf. As expected, she is approaching directly. Her eyes are shining brilliant red with anger. She exudes confidence and determination, despite her numerous injuries. She looks like a wild beast. But, the maid's suspicions are confirmed. That is by far too slow. She has enough time.

Her enemy five steps ahead of her, with practiced sleight of hand, she draws her watch. It's hidden in the palm of her hand, her finger resting on its knob. It is undamaged and ready for what's next.

Two steps ahead of her. She strikes a pose. Are they approaching her? Then, they should know.

"It's useless."

A claw with long nails approaches her. But. She closes her eyes and gently presses on the knob of the watch. Time simply ceases to function before the attack reaches her. The world is colored in monochrome gray. It's a world in which only she exists. A perfect moment, just for her.

She navigates the frozen world. The action to draw the watch during the fight is always a gamble. Under normal circumstances, it is simply far too slow. Not only is it very difficult to reach the level of concentration required to use this gift in the middle of the fight. But if her precious watch is damaged, she would fail her mistress by mistreating her gift. That is unacceptable. However, in a desperate situation, an opening, however narrow, must be thoroughly exploited for maximum effect. Perfection demands it.

She considers her next move. From the side? Or maybe this angle? Yes, this will do.

One silver knife. Two silver knives. Why were they attacking her? Why did they mention her mistress at all? Those questions cease to matter entirely. Ten knives. She doesn't bother with the concept called "mercy". They fought to kill, so why shouldn’t she?

Time for a grand finale. Fifteen knives are launched. She turns her attention towards the redhead. Her disposition during the fight was hesitant, drawn back. Careful. She was right to be careful. So very, very right. And the maid was about to show her just how badly she erred by not retreating when she had the chance.

-The servant is approaching the limits of her concentration. She takes out a spread of knives, and throws it to both of her target's sides. With this, she leaves no room for evasion. Then, she circles around and dashes towards the rokurokubi from behind at full speed. The button on a watch is once again pressed with familiar certainty.

"The time will begin again!"


Sekibanki doesn't get any time to think. The maid shoulder-checks the unsuspecting youkai, knocking her forward. As the knives fly around both of them, the maid takes the opportunity to execute a perfect roundhouse kick. Sekibanki collapses with such force that her head separates from her shoulders and drops to the ground. She never saw it coming.

Her first foe is unconscious. She turns her attention to the werewolf.

"You... monster..."

Knives stick out of her everywhere. Blood. A crescent moon is shining down. Kagerou Imaizumi managed to escape most of the blades, but those that landed pushed her over the limit.

“I… won’t…”

She manages to remain standing for four whole seconds. Most impressive. She lands on the ground with a thud. It is finally over.

Revenge is truly best served cold.

[GUARD] vs [GUARD] - A tie! 3 - 2


[-] ...

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File 173868515644.webp - (27.02KB, 467x485, the consequences of having a fight scene.webp)
the consequences of having a fight scene

It's late evening. You're in the park right now. The one that's closest to your home. Minutes ago, you had to fight for your life - unarmed - against things that you thought were completely fictional yesterday. Is this real, or just a fever dream? Is today real? It's like somebody out there is playing Comix Zone and you're the player character. Can't wait to get to the next panel. Speaking of that, it's time to do something stupid once again.

Your posture is strained and your everything hurts. The aftereffects of trying to dodge an avalanche are making themselves known. Your utterly exhausted body struggles to move forward - back to the scene of the crime. You cannot let the maid die. The heavy load you carry - a large fire extinguisher - is the only makeshift weapon you could find. With it, you can take a cheap shot. For about five seconds. Hopefully, that would be enough.

You hope it doesn't count as theft. Even if it does, the amount of stuff that happened today will probably make the judge at least sympathetic. You want today to stop.

You limp back the way you came. Hurry up right now, you tell yourself, before it is too late. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine that you would be doing this much exercise on a Saturday night. Hello, mom, dad? I met a werewolf today! Yeah, you know, the ones from legends and folklore! She tried to give me a new haircut, but then I ran away in time! Oh, oh yeah, I forgot my passport there, whoops! Be right back, ma! Put on a kettle for me!

There- you see a familiar maid inside some sort of fog. Suddenly, it clears up entirely. The maid is standing over something. You see... Sekibanki? Her head is about three or four feet away from her body. She doesn't look injured. No knife wounds, either. They probably declared some sort of spellcard duel and she was peacefully put into knockout. Yeah. That's probably what happened.

The maid turns towards you. You consider her for a split second. She looks like a winner. The one below her is oh

Oh no

You drop the thing you were carrying like a sack of bricks and run. Kagerou Imaizumi lays down in a pool of her own blood. Her midsection has around ten knives in it. Somehow, she’s still breathing. She still has a pulse! Time stops for you. Your mind, body and heart are still united as one. And they all say the same thing.

Do not let her die. You can't do anything on your own. You- The best you can do is bandage a wound - or put on an antiseptic you don’t have. You don't even know how to do first aid properly.

Do not let her die. You face the girl who almost killed you.

[ ] Convince the maid to help you with solid reasoning. Why did they attack in the first place? You have to know!
[ ] Ignore the maid and do what you can to help. There has to be something you can do. Pray, do something, anything!
[ ] Plead to the maid the best you can. Please!

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[X] Convince the maid to help you with solid reasoning. Why did they attack in the first place? You have to know!

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[x] Plead to the maid the best you can. Please!

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[X] Convince the maid to help you with solid reasoning. Why did they attack in the first place? You have to know!
I feel like the information could be critical for the upcoming battles

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[X] Convince the maid to help you with solid reasoning. Why did they attack in the first place? You have to know!

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[X] Convince the maid to help you with solid reasoning. Why did they attack in the first place? You have to know!

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[x] Plead to the maid the best you can. Please!

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[X] Convince the maid to help you with solid reasoning. Why did they attack in the first place? You have to know!

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The Good The Bad and The Shirou

[x] Convince the maid to help you with solid reasoning. Why did they attack in the first place? You have to know!

-in an instant, you compose yourself. Your mind takes over for you. Your cold-blooded, uncaring mind with no hint of love. Reasoning which demands perfection, from which you are so far away. For about half a second, your mind chokes on the words you mean to say. You look at the bloodied maid from below. And consider your options.

'Please, I beg you. Please, save her.' Rejected. She's cold and unfeeling. Straight from the lore. Don't bet on a zero. 'Obey my command, assis- servant, I'm your quirky master!' Just how dumb are you? It's a matter of life and death! 'Just shut up and do it, you owe me!' This line with a voice full of authority? No chance. Half a second passes. Half a second less time in this girl's hourglass, you remind yourself. Panic takes hold. Do nothing, and this girl dies. Think, think! Your mind works in overdrive. Your maid just fought off an entire assassination attempt and you're not paying her the tens of millions of dollars that any president would in this situation. She's doing it almost for nothing. She's wounded, you can see that she's wounded and you're worried for her. But the girl on the ground will bleed out and die if you don't do something! So just say it! Say something! Don't stay silent! If you stay silent, she...!

"Please. I beg- please. Save her. She- s- she will die. I don't want to. I. I don't want to let her die. Please."

You lose control of yourself. In particular, your mind quits. You're not an action hero, you can just pretend to be one sometimes, for a while. It appears that your limit today was reached just now.

"L-look, please-"

You look up at her from below once again. Can't get anything from her expression. A very tired poker face. No wonder, even. Who can even see this situation with a straight face and- Can't think. Need think, can't.

So, deep breath. Vain hope to calm down. You let go of the wheel. The car loses traction with the ground. You don't know what expression you have right now. It all happens on instinct.

"Sakuya. Please stop the- stop time for us."

She slowly takes out her watch and does something with it. The world goes monochrome. The blood stops flowing.

"You've finally said my name. Do you know how long you kept me waiting?"

The car enters a fatal spin. The plane dives into the ground. Your reasoning fails. What is she on about? Does this even matter? Someone's gonna- right. You realize the gravity of this situation. No urgency in her. No moral compass. No recognition of- She won't even care.

Your face is to the ground. Despair takes hold. She's not saying anything. The gray-colored girl on the ground with no pulse. Knives. Her eyes are closed. Your hands cover your face. Something wet on your hands. Someone will die because of you and your horribly stupid decisions. A character straight from someone else's fantasy. A page ripped from someone else's book that came to life through nothing short of a miracle. And her blood will be on your hands. All because you-

Someone pulls you up by the collar and slaps you across the face. Hard. Aftereffects of an impact settle into reverberating pain. It does nothing for you.

"Will you snap out of it? It's quite annoying to see you like this."

It's just. It's just a bad dream, right? It's not for real, right? You want to- you want to go home. Home, where it's safe. Where nothing bad will happen. Where you don't have to worry. Away from the danger, away from everyone else, from everything else, from all other things. Isolated, alone, safe. Where you can stay and play your games all day lo-

Your thought process interrupts itself. You simply remember. You can't go back to that life. Panic fades out, like a sort of purple, corrupting fire suddenly being put out by a bucket of sand. The feeling of it simply stops, as if it was never even there. In place of it comes some kind of clarity and motivation, a driving force forward. You can't really describe it. Is it determination? Maybe an understanding. Of that, if you lose a whole piece, you do not throw out the entire chessboard. It only ends when it ends. Losing only takes a single blunder from your opponent, after all. It costs nothing to wait for them to make it.

You look up at the maid from the ground. If things are like this, then you are just going to have to make do. She tilts her head. You turn away from her gaze. Who is she, Senj-

-you're still at it in this situation. Focus, brain! It's not over till it's over! Talk and think! Find a way somehow!

"Yes. Yes, I'm alright now. So, please-" She interrupts you. Talks over you. The point is, she doesn't let you speak.

"This girl is a youkai - an evil spirit. She is a werewolf, a creature from myth and legend. She hunts and kills humans like us. She won't die no matter how hard I try to kill her."

You look at the girl below you. Some of the knives that wound her look strange. Ah. Silver.

"But you don't need to worry. I will protect you from them no matter what, as we agreed earlier. They will not harm you, so rest easy." She looks confident. Her smile is gentle. Do nothing, ignore the situation and you can benefit. Act the part of a damaged fool, go back and trounce the defeated. The loser is just a loser, after all. It's their fault they lost. But, you can't agree with that. Lies and misdirection tend to be gentle, and truth is mostly really harsh. And one day, you will answer for what you say here in this instant.

"Are you telling me that you will let this girl bleed out? That, if she were to die from this, it's justice? Just how many knives did you s-" Not stab, use another word, quick. "-use up on her?"

Sakuya looks distraught. What exactly did she expect would happen? You take it as your cue to continue.

"Listen. There are too many things that we do not know right now. Why did they attack us? What were they after? Why do characters from fantasy - that is, works made by other people suddenly exist in reality? And why on earth does an 'evil spirit' have a pulse?"

You look around in frozen time. You chose this place well - the cover of trees around you prevents this place from being easily discovered by other people. Nobody really comes here, it's so out of the way. But you heard howling all the way over from the shack that you took the fire extinguisher from. You don't fancy your odds of walking out like nothing ever happened. And this park still has security near its entrances. There's no way someone won't check.

"So let's make the best of the situation. Let us take these two over to the house while the time is stopped. There- there should be some medicine or something that we can use to stabilize them. Please."

You do not really have any other plan. There are way too many “what-ifs” with other plans. You don’t even want to consider what’s going to happen if you call an ambulance.

She replies almost immediately.

"Unacceptable. Inviting a youkai to your home is a grave omen."

"I seriously don't want to hear it from you."

The maid's expression changes.

"Do you want to know how many enemies my mistress drained because they made that mistake? Do you know how much blood my mistress indulges in? Listen to what I'm saying. Will you put us both in danger for your own amusement?"

Youkai. Horrors of the dark, supposedly. Grave danger to any human, also supposedly. Demonology is still a sin, you remind yourself. Stuff like this does not exist. And as long as that girl on the ground has a pulse, you want to be a Good Samaritan and help her. You look down and look her over. Animal ears, closed eyes. She's in pain. Despite what this maid creature says, she's not a monster. She's just a misguided, priceless treasure. She probably had a set of loving parents. Her childhood could have been full of love, before she chose this path. She does have a family name. Maybe she even loved someone. Maybe she was capable of love.

However, Sakuya is correct on one thing. If you fail, if you heal the two of them and they somehow recover at night and catch you unawares, you're pretty much history. If you fail to talk them down, it is also a disaster. If you go on with this, you put yourself and the maid in mortal danger. And it comes down to one thing. You trust this maid to survive by herself. You do not trust these two to survive at all. You realize what exactly that you have to do in order to succeed. To make everyone survive. To make everyone smile. It doesn't make it any easier. In fact, it only makes it harder.

You put on a mask again. Your expression turns to stone.

"Help me carry these two to the house. While time is stopped. Then, please help me stabilize them. I do not know very much about first aid. And after that, leave my place and never return. That way, you will not die no matter what - and these two will be okay. I will convince them somehow to protect me. You will lose nothing, and will be safe from harm." It's logical, after all. She can meet her mistress again. Though you'd much rather have her repent from this evil.

You won't suffer the maid to die. You won't suffer these two to die. You'll bear all the risk. Even if you don't wake Merry up, by the grace of the Lord, everything can be put to rights somehow. Everything can be put to rights again.

"Sakuya. No matter what you say, no matter how much of a killer she is or isn’t, I still wish for her to live. Thank you for your hard work until now."

To use your time to chat with someone here and there, send a trade request, use one another to achieve a shared goal, then part ways. The cycle of meeting and parting with other people is practiced to near-perfection. No attachment must be left over when the time comes to sever the relationship. The rule is ironclad and obeyed with mechanical precision. That's because otherwise, it will only hurt more when it ends. You don't want it to hurt more. You don't want it to hurt for the other person, either.

Your expression is neutral. You do not betray your feelings. Life has a way of teaching you how to do that. You bet the only thing you really have - your life - for a happy ending. The chips are down once again. You look back to the maid. She looks... furious? What?

"Just how much will you look down on me?" Eh?

Before you know it, she decks you. Your body hits the ground.

[-] …?!?

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She does care...!

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>You two were attacked by monsters
>Sakuya defeats them
>"Pls save her"
I mean, we need to know why exactly they attacked us. The werewolf and her companion are more likely to cooperate and answer us if we save Kageru. Though Sakuya would prefer a different way of interrogation, that would require at least one of them to be alive, preferably both.

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out of the park

You land on your side. Your head doesn't impact the pavement with lethal force - you don't even earn a concussion for your troubles. Feels like you really should have. Your chest hurts from the impact. Draw back and recover. Quickly, now. You brace against the cold pavement, turning your head up. Suddenly, the maid pulls you up again. She’s in your face.

She's looking down at you. Her expression is a mask of rage, angst and resentment. This may be a bit bad.

"I managed the impossible, you know. Those two - beings, they're beings, not humans - they're at your feet. They won't hurt us - not for a long while. I stopped the entire dimension of time. No matter how you look at it, no matter how you delude yourself, I won." She throws her hand to the side in a frustrated gesture. "So why? Why do you continue to insult me like this? Do you think I'll die from this much? Well?"

She's still bleeding. Her shoulder. Her hand. The rest. Why did you let her do this? Why? You wish nothing more than to go and heal her. Soothe her and make her troubles go away. But if you're tough with her right now, she won't get hurt anymore. And you won't have to enter a ridiculous argument about why two girls on the floor must live instead of die. It's unbelievable that it is a point of contention in the first place. She can hate you all she wants. In the end, it's for the best. If you waver here, if you give in, you'll just be a puppet to her decisions, strong-armed time and again, because she's stronger than you. So come on. Come on..!

"Don't you understand? This might not kill you, but something else will! Most fighter pilots never see the one who shoots them down. All it takes is one bad ambush. And, you're wounded. You'll never meet your mistress if every fight keeps going on like this!"

It doesn't matter how much time she can stop. It only takes one slip-up and you're done...!

"So go. Go, I have it covered! I'll definitely get to the truth of this. You'll end up at your mansion somehow, one way or another. Go!"

Silence. You push her away, even though she's the only person you want at your side right at this moment. You turn your head away and focus.

Your mind quietly enters overdrive. You are alone, again. Can't rely on the maid, the time has passed. All your acquaintanceships go on like this - sooner or later. It doesn't matter. You must formulate a plan B that lets Kagerou live on. Must think for yourself. Can't rely on this maid's statement that she'll be fine. It's the real world, not the Painted World of Ariamis. In a short while, the maid will unstop time and leave the scene. You must be ready. It's hopeless, but you can just barely make it. You can cut up your T-shirt for bandages, then apply them to Kagerou. Then-

The maid interrupts your train of thought. "I'll ask you up front. Why do you not fear death? Why on earth do you want to die so badly?"

"What kind of question is that? I do not want to die. I want to live. It is simply difficult sometimes."

"By implying that I’m weak, you've just gravely insulted me, the head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. You were insulting me all day, I’ll have you know. And now you're about to take two monsters to your home. Do you think you're about to make friends with them? Make no mistake, they will simply kill you given the chance."

You did all kinds of risky things today. Faced down Yukari. Spilled everything to this maid. Came back for her. So it’s simple, really. You live and die today by how well you do a Crazy Ivan. Or an Immelmann. Or Tsubame Gaeshi. Anything not to do a barrel roll and crash on the ground. What's one more crazy move on the list?

"-Even so, I won't walk away."

You only have enough strength to carry these two and make it to your house. You must conserve it.

"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Do not take revenge, but leave room for God's wrath."

If your enemy is hungry, feed him.
If he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
These two have flesh and blood. They still have a pulse. They're still made in God's image.

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. It's stated like this. So I'll help them. I don't want to see her bleed out on the ground. If they wish to speak about why they did this, I'll listen. I don't care if you don't want to help. It's for myself."

Time is still frozen. Your next set of actions will be mechanical. Get up, walk up to Sekibanki, lift her up. Lift Kagerou up. Walk back home. Simple. You don't know if you have enough strength to carry them out. One way to find out. God willing. Live or die...!

Your tired body raises up. Can't concentrate on anything but what you're about to do. Tired legs walk to the headless body. Crouch down. Lift it. Limbs creak. Last lifting exercise you did with your arms was months ago. Lifting things in frozen time. Difficult. Can not sustain princess carry. Not a girl in your hands. Priceless treasure. Find her head. Find it.

Here. Crouch for it. Body almost gives out.

A voice from behind. "Really, what will I do with you? You look quite amusing like this. Should I take a picture?"

She. Taunting expression. Can laugh at you all she wants. It's fine. Take. Head. With.

"How will you save them all by yourself? You can't even do this much. Or, do you actually aim to fail, then justify your failure somehow? Come on, convince me that you'll be fine alone!"

Body goes towards the girl. She's. Full of knives. Shoulder, knives. Hands full. Crouch down. You'll...

Body gives out. Ground comes. Stabilize the fall. Do no harm. Other girl lands on the side. Not on top. Of pincushion. Victory.

No. Can't stand up. Defeat.

"Will you ask for my help now?"

You imagine her bloodied corpse on the floor. How it would look. No. Prevent. Must prevent this.

"I. No. Live on. Please."

Can't move. Your body refuses to go unconscious. It lays down on the ground. Half-sitting pose. Much like a folded book. So. It's fine to rest. Just for a little bit. Right?

No. Not fine. You are supported by something. Brought up. Lifted up. You somehow stand. Not sure how.

"Listen. It's fine to want to help. It's fine to care. But do not abandon others, alright? Staying with someone requires more strength than leaving them."

Soft, chiding tone again. Dead on your feet. It takes all your energy to remain standing.

"You might think that you're doing me a favor. That I'll be happy somewhere else. But, I'm not going to die from something like this. And I want to help you. If it's going to be dangerous and you're afraid that something bad will happen, then aren't you just giving up all hope to win? I won't die, and you won't die either. We won’t lose."

"Maribel- Yukari, as you know her. She told me that I would die for sure after two weeks. You're inside the blast radius, as far as I'm concerned."

You look at her. She's tired. But calm. Smiling.

"Then she's a liar. She was always a liar, that one. We're both gonna live. So cheer up, okay? I'll help you."


You recall the phantom of her corpse. You do not want her to die. Even now, you’d rather have her out of the way. Somewhere safe. But will she really be safe somewhere where she won’t have anyone to talk to? Out on the streets, somewhere with no house, work or food? Wouldn’t that just be throwing her into greater danger? So doesn’t it mean that it is better for her to remain in the eye of the storm? You give up thinking at this point.

This world is full of lies. Have you lost to one of them, defeated by a false image of something you're afraid of? Or have you remembered your own mortality, made a calculated decision and then were made aware of its error, correcting the result? Have lies defeated you, or did you defeat its lies?

In the end, you just want her not to leave.

"...fine. And, you can stay. With me, as before. But we are helping those two. We need to know what happened. And if you are ever in mortal danger, I want you to run for it. Please. Do not die."

She sighs.

"So troublesome. Not even my mistress tried to get rid of me on the first day, you know?"

You allow yourself a small chuckle.

"Well. The label said 'Perfect Maid' on it, but the second trouble started, it switched to 'Murder Maid'. You can't blame me for asking for a refund."

"Are you calling me a defective product?"

"Last time I said something wrong, you threw knives at me, so I'm not sure what to call you. Minefield?"

She just smiles.

"Just when was the last time you talked to a girl?"

You lift up Sekibanki in princess carry, taking her head with you. The last time you played a dating sim was two years ago. She doesn't need to know that.

"Maid, I can't put you in the locker right now. Someone else will have to do it."

"My, how rude."

She casually lifts up Kagerou and carefully carries her. You are relaxed enough, so you speak your thoughts out loud freely. You've made this mistake numerous times in your life. But right now, you're simply happy. That she didn't leave.

"But really, today has been one bizarre experience after another."

You try to walk while carrying Sekibanki. Somehow, you can just about do it. You walk up to the ruined bench and pick up a bag. A quick look inside proves fruitful - it's not completely destroyed. Let's carry both at the same time.

Your suspicions are confirmed. Your body won't quit this time. Good. That's all you want.

"The most bizarre is also the most surprising, you see. It turns out that a certain maid I know of has a heart."

Really, it’s a miracle she didn’t kill you this morning.

[ ] The Atmos Tech
[ ] Ping Pong
[ ] Grand Strategy

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I have no idea what exactly these options mean, so...
Rolling 1d3 => 1

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[X] The Atmos Tech

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[X] Grand Strategy

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[X] Grand Strategy


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[X] The Atmos Tech

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[X] The Atmos Tech

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don't really have anything to go off of... soooo I like strategy games?

[X] Grand Strategy

like what are we even choosing here, where we are going? what we have planned for the YGN when they wake up?

wait... if its the latter... the ping pong option isn't referring to Sekibanki is it?? oh dear, poor her...

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