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File 131569703498.jpg - (148.08KB, 1200x1176, ba38effd5c05d7498437f79413400ec4.jpg)
You are Patchouli Knowledge. You are a physically frail and sickly, but exceptionally magically powerful Magician, and live in the Voile Archives of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. You are not in the habit of leaving the first, and very seldom leave the second at all, though you have done so more frequently of late than usual for you. You are Friends with the owner of the mansion, against whom your Sun and Water magics are particularly effective, and who doesn't really want to drink your blood anyway. Your Magical Potency is somewhat variable, depending on your current degree of health.

Your magic is based on Elementalism primarily, focusing on the elements of Wood, Fire, Metal, Water, and Earth, which are fairly self-explanatory, as well as Sun and Moon, which are rather less simple elements. Simplified as much as possible, you would say that Sun is like Fire, only significantly more so, as well as having unique properties of its own that simple Fire cannot duplicate. Moon is similarly related to Water, only in a rather different sense. In some respects, the two elements could equally well be termed 'Light' and 'Shadow', though this does not hold true for all scenarios. You tend not to bother with other elements or elemental systems, though they are not unknown to you.

You have significant prowess in Diabolism, and in point of fact have summoned and bound a succubus, Koakuma, to assist you in tasks where you have determined the mansion's Maid Squad made up almost entirely of Fairies to be, in general, insufficient. You are not unfamiliar with other forms of Summonings, however while Diabolic forces tend to be more temperamental, and require a firm hand to keep in line, they also tend to be much better at their jobs when pushed properly.

In most other magical respects, you are not quite as polished, but either have acceptable ability, or can study up to an acceptable level with reasonable speed, using your vast assortment of Tomes of Magical Information.


It is day: X

Your health level is 96/100: your various maladies are hardly giving you any trouble at all today. You feel fantastic, to tell the truth. An excellent time to force the laws of nature to bend to your whim.


You look up from the book you were reading as Koakuma rushes past, angrily swinging a dry mop at an unusually ornate, red-patterned bird. There is a letter gripped in its talons. You aren't initially sure how it got inside, but as it puffs into flame and teleports out of the way of one of Koakuma's swings, you identify it as a phoenix of some variety and answer the question in the same stroke. The letter is undamaged by the unusual method of travel.

[ ] How do you respond to this interruption of your quiet study and contemplation?
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[X] Stop Koakuma and inquire as to how the phoenix got into the library. If there is a problem with birds, rats are sure to follow.

>Your health level is 96/100
Shouldn't that be 92/96?
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[X] Stop Koakuma and inquire as to how the phoenix got into the library. Don't we have some sort of anti-teleportation wards?

Also, I think I know where this is going - the phoenix is Fawkes, isn't he? If the letter is from Dumbledore, let's see what sort of magical wossnames we can extort from him in payment for our services. Roughly the same idea if someone else sent the letter.
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[X] Trap the phoenix and investigate its properties.
-[x]Read the ploot hook letter
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law on nature no. 3271: Phoenixs are pure animals who only serve masters of a like mind.

[X] Capture the Phoenix and bend it to your will.
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[X] Stop Koakuma and inquire as to how the phoenix got into the library.

It may be some elaborate trick by the Black-White or a possible... New Rival Magician
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[x]Use Earth Magic to Transmute a bird stand. The bird is obviously dame so this invitation will calm both it and our pet succubus down. We don't want our books damaged after all.
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[X] Stop Koakuma and inquire as to how the phoenix got into the library.
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[x] Patchy: Be the Phoenix.
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[X] Stop Koakuma and inquire as to how the phoenix got into the library.
-[x]Read the plot hook letter
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[X] Stop Koakuma and inquire as to how the phoenix got into the library.
-[x]Read the letter

Hmm, interessing. Let's see where this story goes. As long as it doesn't get in DQ's way

[x] Open a portal to the Underground. Become friends with the residents of the Palace.
[x] Send Koakuma, some fairies and new summoned devilsto capture and contain the following targets: Cirno, Sunny Milk, Luna Child, Daiyousei, Lily White.[x]

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[x]Use Earth Magic to Transmute a bird stand. The bird is obviously dame so this invitation will calm both it and our pet succubus down. We don't want our books damaged after all.
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File 131578420190.jpg - (116.64KB, 450x635, a8c36512fe461424f6022811a838bbe4.jpg)
"Koakuma, how did this get into the library?" You ask dryly, sliding a marker into your book and closing it for the moment.

"It just... appeared, in a fwoosh and a flash!" the succubus complained, pausing to breathe heavily and glare at the phoenix. From its place atop a bookcase, the phoenix glowers back, seeming to have a poor opinion of the both of you, letter clutched now in its beak as it stares you both down. "I was startled, so I didn't get the door closed in time, and it flew through."

"I see." you reply, considering that. That would, indeed, have neatly bypassed not just the gatekeeper and other occupants of the mansion, but the enchantments you placed to prevent instantaneous entry to the library from outside of it as well. Not that the black-white witch really bothered with such tactics, but should she make such an attempt it would be a rude surprise for her. Though perhaps you should have considered placing them over the mansion as a whole, rather than simply over your part of it.

For a moment, you consider trapping the phoenix, or binding it to your will. Both ideas come with some measure of difficulty, as you aren't particularly practiced in the sort of spells that would require, and so would have to look them up to refresh your memory before you made any attempt. Further, the phoenix can teleport, and so keeping it in one place long enough to enact such a thing would be a trick in and of itself. Further, while your enchantments stop entry through such means, there is nothing preventing exits: should the bird be sufficiently spooked, there is nothing in place to stop it from instantly leaving the premises and not returning. Even so, you believe it is not an impossible course of action, should you come at it with the right plan. For the moment, however, you set the idea slightly to one side in your mind.

Instead, you rip magical energies through the ether, crafting an object and giving it form and substance through sheer force of will and magical expertise, giving it both shape and permanence. The phoenix doesn't seem like it would sufficiently appreciate a stand formed of simple granite or basalt, you decide, even as you give direction with Earth. Instead, you craft the bird stand of entwined diamond and ruby.

The phoenix seems both startled and grudgingly impressed, though still wary, as it flaps down to settle on the offered resting place. It drops the letter before you first, and seems to remain openly hostile towards Koakuma, though as yet not taking any action in that regard. A deeper 'look', magically speaking, in the phoenix's direction, now that it's a little closer, reveals it to be a being of two elements: primarily Fire, and secondarily Sun. Not entirely unexpected, you muse, as you will a small silvery blade into existence to open the letter with. The heavy parchment doesn't stand up against the edge.

Inside, the letter is revealed to be an offer of gainful employment, as a teacher. You aren't particularly moved by the salary offered, as on your good days you can just make valuables, but reading between the lines suggests the subtle desperation of someone who has been backed into a corner on something, and is hunting for any other available option. A man in such a position might be willing to give up more than mere money, and while you doubt the likelihood of him having much to offer that you do not already have, there is always the possibility of some unique trinket, or a book that has previously escaped your collection.

[ ] What do you do?
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[x]Extortion. If they want a teacher, they're going to have to pay for it.

Unless the headmaster is shockingly poor, he ought to have something vaguely desirable. If not, surely there will be some other plot hook. Otherwise there wouldn't be a CYOA.
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[x] Extortion, he's bound to have something he can offer besides money that is of importance to us.
[x] Check letter for /exact/ terms of employment.
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Renegotiate for trinkets/books in particular, to be decided now or on a later date.
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Renegotiate for trinkets/books in particular, to be decided now or on a later date.
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Further read the letter, Check it if it has enchantments or warding on it.

Last thing we want is this paper spying on us. Although the Phoenix is most likely a familiar and is already checking out the books here as who would waste a Phoenix on simply delivering a letter when any number of messenger animals could do so.
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Renegotiate for trinkets/books in particular, to be decided now or on a later date.
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Renegotiate for trinkets/books in particular, to be decided now or on a later date.

No need to be a total dick.
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File 131580161390.jpg - (151.42KB, 850x670, sample-faa06cfb69c1c29a3089b1649ace09f8.jpg)
A closer look at the letter reveals no enchantments or traces of any sort of magic imbued directly into it whatsoever, though it does seem to have magic involved somehow, likely in its construction. Another glance through the actual words, and it becomes clear that much of the writing is of a... mechanical nature, of sorts. The majority of the offer seems like it was printed up as one of any number of identical letters, with details pertinent to you later penned in by a different hand. Your name doesn't quite fit perfectly in the spaces left blank for it, and the letters of it are of a slightly different size and are more ornate than the rest. You conclude that the few remaining traces of magic in the letter itself are fading remnants from whatever process would allow a vast quantity of identical forms. Aside from that, the specific details of the terms of employment are left vague, the implication being that they will be hammered out more specifically if you display interest in a teaching position.

The suspicion of the phoenix being some manner of spy, under the guise of simple post-delivery, lessens slightly, though it does not entirely fade. It is not unlikely that this person has a number of more ordinary systems in place for recipients which are more simple to reach, and only resorts to the phoenix in cases which are spectacularly difficult.

"Pen and paper." You request, and Koakuma snaps to attention, immediately rushing off to collect your writing implements before returning. You order your thoughts for a moment, before you begin to write.

You are polite, of course, but dismissive of the pay offered. You do not, however, reject the offer outright, and continue on to strongly imply that there are other means by which you might be swayed. You hint specifically toward rare books and magical curiosities, but leave the specifics vague, to see what he might come up with on his own. Finishing, you sign your name and scribe your mark, then fold the letter and offer it to the phoenix, not bothering with an envelope. The bird collects it and disappears in a gout of flame.

You send Koakuma to make tea as you await a response. It takes a little time for the pot to brew, and so you continue a little into your book while you wait. It is only shortly after you have begun to sip at your tea that there is an awkward-sounding tapping and scratching at a nearby window. Koakuma appears smug, having clearly gone to the effort of deliberately closing all the doors to the library. With a sigh, you flick a finger and the window creaks open as you mark your place once more.

The phoenix flaps through, sending a scornful look Koakuma's way, which in no way lessens and in fact increases her amusement, and delivers its own folded-over piece of parchment before taking its place on the sparkling bird stand. It seems to be growing slightly attached to the thing.

The letter is, this time, penned entirely in the more ornate, slightly loopy script. It contains assurances that payment methods can be more than flexible, and suggests that perhaps it might be preferable to discuss such matters in person than through hastily and repeatedly exchanged letters. It continues on to offer that the phoenix can, if you are willing, transport you directly to his private office, through its own anti-transportation wardings, where discussion can be carried out directly. A second offer is made where, if this is not preferable to you, the phoenix can instead transport him to your location.

You suspect the phoenix can only bring one human-sized being along in its transports. In any case, you doubt it would be willing to extend the courtesy of transporting your assistant along with you, given the way they have descended to glowering and making faces at one another. If you accept the offer of phoenician transport, you will likely be delivered alone. You could summon Koakuma to your side at a moments notice from essentially anywhere today, of course, but it is unlikely she could manage to bring the entire tea service along with her without prior warning, and she is unfortunately unlikely to avoid spilling any of it, in such a scenario. On the other hand, bringing a visitor to the mansion would likely be fraught with complications of its own, as technically, you merely board here and exchange the occasional magical favor with Remilia, in lieu of rent. And naturally, you yourself are not particularly comfortable with having visitors in your library in the first place. Of course, his wards probably aren't particularly great if the phoenix can just go through them whenever it pleases, you muse. Well, setting aside that it could be a specific exclusion for this phoenix in particular, at least.

[ ] What do you do?
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[X] Summon Sakuya and request the use of a sitting room in the mansion proper. Also note that as you are expecting a guest, Meiling will need to be informed of his coming. If she wishes to also inform Remilia, have her emphasize that this is for buisiness, not pleasure.
[X] Write your response that you accept his offer to come to you but that he should arrive at the front gate like a proper guest. Any attempt to teleport directly into the mansion will end the deal before it starts. Include a note to Meiling for him to show to her as proof.
[X] Have Koakuma move the tea service to the sitting room.
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[x] Visit the man.
-[x] Attempt to trace the phoenix's teleportation and show up unassisted.

Let's see what sort of school this is. And show off if possible.
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In our current situation we must consider the possibility of going to wherever this potential contractor is to be a possible trap or he deciding that by showing up it would be needed to be an interview. Thus changing into more formal wear in either scenario is expected.

If we are to leave make sure to tell Remilia of the possibility of being out of the Mansion for a time and to not worry. Last thing we want is for Remilia to believe that we have been abducted by some outside power, That would likely lead to an Incident.

With the possibility of a quick summoning of Koakuma to your side there is there any risk of her being either banished or disoriented by being called. These would be... unfortunate if she is needed to be summoned in emergency if this is some sort of trap.

And since I can't chose the right path tonight I'll give more general actions

[x] Prepare a tracking spell
[x] Inform Remilia of situation (Even though it may be much to do about nothing)
[x] Change into more formal clothing
[x] Tell Koakuma to NOT harass the bird as it may be used to judge of Situation. (But if the Bird attempts to leave the library again, Intercept with extreme prejudice)
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[X] Summon Sakuya and request the use of a sitting room in the mansion proper. Also note that as you are expecting a guest, Meiling will need to be informed of his coming. If she wishes to also inform Remilia, have her emphasize that this is for business, not pleasure.
[X] Write your response that you accept his offer to come to you but that he should arrive at the front gate like a proper guest. Any attempt to teleport directly into the mansion will end the deal before it starts. Include a note to Meiling for him to show to her as proof.
[X] Have Koakuma move the tea service to the sitting room.

They are requesting Patchy's services. She is not publicly advertising a service like this either, whoever this person is that requires her abilities should humble himself and go to HER instead of asking her to go to his place. Of course, she's dealing with someone who can tame a phoenix, so she shouldn't be so arrogant, however, this still isn't Patchouli's job, she's not obligated to do any of this and can still refuse. She should be convinced on her terms, not his.
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[x] Prepare a tracking spell
[x] Inform Remilia of situation (Even though it may be much to do about nothing)
[x] Change into more formal clothing
[x] Tell Koakuma to NOT harass the bird as it may be used to judge of Situation. (But if the Bird attempts to leave the library again, Intercept with extreme prejudice)

Sorry, but I believe going out is better. If we are to reach a satisfying agreement, we may as well going to check where we would work.

Besides, him being here is just begging for someone to interrupt at the wrong time.
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I like this. It makes the request a bit more formal, makes Remilia aware of the situation (which may entertain her a bit) gives Sakuya and Meiling something to do and puts Patchouli into a position of superiority and safety.

[X] Summon Sakuya and request the use of a sitting room in the mansion proper. Also note that as you are expecting a guest, Meiling will need to be informed of his coming. If she wishes to also inform Remilia, have her emphasize that this is for business, not pleasure.
[X] Write your response that you accept his offer to come to you but that he should arrive at the front gate like a proper guest. Any attempt to teleport directly into the mansion will end the deal before it starts. Include a note to Meiling for him to show to her as proof.
[X] Have Koakuma move the tea service to the sitting room.
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[X] Summon Sakuya and request the use of a sitting room in the mansion proper. Also note that as you are expecting a guest, Meiling will need to be informed of his coming. If she wishes to also inform Remilia, have her emphasize that this is for business, not pleasure.
[X] Write your response that you accept his offer to come to you but that he should arrive at the front gate like a proper guest. Any attempt to teleport directly into the mansion will end the deal before it starts. Include a note to Meiling for him to show to her as proof.
[X] Have Koakuma move the tea service to the sitting room.
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Although If we go along with drawing him here it may offend him as many humans tend to have a negative reaction to seeing a Vampire. Seeing Koakuma may put up a warning flag but considering she's bound to you it may become a good mark to him because only a capable summoner can safely control a Devil.

Although if he's so desperate he's spamming out messages to everyone he can a showing of strength may work in to your advantage. Humans are weird.

[X] Instruct Koakuma to be on her best behavior. No Attempts to mess with the Human.
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[X] Summon Sakuya and request the use of a sitting room in the mansion proper. Also note that as you are expecting a guest, Meiling will need to be informed of his coming. If she wishes to also inform Remilia, have her emphasize that this is for business, not pleasure.
[X] Write your response that you accept his offer to come to you but that he should arrive at the front gate like a proper guest. Any attempt to teleport directly into the mansion will end the deal before it starts. Include a note to Meiling for him to show to her as proof.
[X] Have Koakuma move the tea service to the sitting room.

Going for maximum social cachet here.
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[X] Summon Sakuya and request the use of a sitting room in the mansion proper. Also note that as you are expecting a guest, Meiling will need to be informed of his coming. If she wishes to also inform Remilia, have her emphasize that this is for business, not pleasure.
[X] Write your response that you accept his offer to come to you but that he should arrive at the front gate like a proper guest. Any attempt to teleport directly into the mansion will end the deal before it starts. Include a note to Meiling for him to show to her as proof.
[X] Have Koakuma move the tea service to the sitting room.

Yay, negotiations. I can't wait to see his face when he realizes we have a demon minion.
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File 131585958883.jpg - (394.95KB, 850x808, imaginethisguybutmorecolorfulandsparkly.jpg)
"Sakuya." You state clearly.

Naturally, the maid arrives, silently, before you had even finished the final syllable. It was a habit that added to the maid's mystique, and had been cultivated deliberately. Aided, naturally, with a minor enchantment that would alert her whenever her name was spoken within the mansion, and by whom. You had a hand in that.

"I may be receiving a visitor shortly, to discuss potential business matters. I would be much obliged if you could prepare a small sitting room in the mansion proper."

'Away from temptation', you do not say, but you're quite sure that Sakuya has already intuited that concern. Not that you intend to cast aspersions on the character of the unknown, but the matter remains that as rare books go, you have a number stored in the archives, and moreso when you consider rare magical books.

"Would it be miss Kirisame or miss Margatroid who will be arriving, then?" Sakuya asks, subtly asking a different question entirely.

"Neither. However, it would be more appropriate for any refreshments offered to be prepared as though it were the black-white calling."

"Very good, miss." the maid agrees.

"If you could alert the gatekeeper as well, it would be much appreciated." You continue, setting pen to paper as you quickly jot down a few words of confirmation before stopping to consider your reply letter as a whole. "I will be sending something of a note of identification, but better that she be informed in advance as well."

"Naturally. Will that be all?"

You nod, and she disappears before you have finished the motion. After a moment, you return your pen to paper, carefully outlining your counter-invitation, taking care to be quite clear that you will insist he observe propriety and enter by way of the outer gates, from which he will be escorted to a meeting place. You stress that any attempt to bypass these polite formalities will result in the immediate dismissal of his offer. That done, you note that you have enclosed an invitation, of sorts, which will allow him passage by the gatekeeper, when presented. After affixing your mark and signature, and waiting a moment for the ink to dry, you fold over the papers and offer them to the phoenix, which disappears in a burst of flame.

There is already a fairy maid quietly waiting by the door to lead you to the room set up for your use. Sakuya is nothing if not prompt.

"Collect the tea, Koakuma, no sense leaving it to cool." You instruct, rising yourself. You believe you can walk unaided through the mansion, today, rather than resorting to your typical standby of magically floating just slightly above the floor as you move. After a half-moment's thought, you decide to bring the bird stand along, as doubtless the man will be keeping his phoenix close, and hand it off to the fairy to carry for you.

It's only a handful of minutes after you've settled down into the new room that your guest arrives. You note him to be tall, with a long and bushy beard to match his greyed hairs, and that his spectacles are modest in terms of ornamentation, but the frames are nonetheless worked of gold. Aside from that, his dress sense is... colorful, even when considered against the local sense of fashion. He seems bemused and fascinated by the idle chatter of the pair of fairies escorting him, and then mildly alarmed as his gaze shifts, and then locks on to Koakuma.

The succubus studies him in turn for a few moments, before turning away, thoroughly dismissive of the man as she instead returns to making childish faces at his phoenix. Well. That was interesting in and of itself, as it implied... well, that was really none of your concern, you decide after a moment. The bird has in the meantime settled on the stand and affected an air of casual superiority, seeming unwilling to lower itself once more to such petty levels while the man is present, and as their byplay continues, the man's sudden wariness lessens slightly.

He is still maintaining a very firm grip on some manner of magical focus, held in the pocket of his... ostentatious robes, however. Clearly some degree of mistrust remains.

[ ] What do you do?
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[x] Tell Koakuma to behave or leave.
[x] Exchange greetings and pleasantries before getting down to business.
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Nice, but I think there's something missing in-between

[x] Tell Koakuma to behave or leave.
[x] Assure your guest that despite Koakuma's nature, you keep her in line.
[x] Exchange greetings and pleasantries before getting down to business.

A bit hard to exchange pleasantries if he judges a book by the cover. Not that it's unjustified considering the reputation, but the point should still be made.
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[x]Ignore Koakuma
[x]Be abrupt and to the point, you did not spend millenia harnessing eternal life to waste it on idle chatter, you would rather waste it on reading books.
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[x] Assure your guest that despite Koakuma's nature, you keep her in line.
[x] Exchange greetings and pleasantries before getting down to business.
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[X] Start from the top: introductions are in order.
[X] Because of the vagueness of the form letter, vital information is needed before any discussion of payment. What subjects is he expecting you to teach, and to whom? For how long a period will you be expected to teach? Where is this school? Will you be expected to move there, or can you commute from here?

Distract him. If he's running a school, he needs to focus on the matters at hand, not some meaningless background events.
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If Patchy is going to be a teacher, she needs to keep those under her in line, not let them run amok.
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So, a gay gandalf then?
[x] Assure your guest that despite Koakuma's nature, you keep her in line.
[x] Exchange greetings and pleasantries before getting down to business.
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Is Patchy going to soon meet a wizard named Harry?
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[x] Assure your guest that despite Koakuma's nature, you keep her in line.
[x] Exchange greetings and pleasantries before getting down to business.

This seems most sensible. I assume the anon means Harry Dresden, right.
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[x] Assure your guest that despite Koakuma's nature, you keep her in line.
[x] Exchange greetings and pleasantries before getting down to business.

>>46457 I would hope its Dresden, but this story is making me think of Hogwarts, what with the phoenix (owl), the "gay Gandalf" figure (Dumbledore), and of course the idea of Patchy becoming a teacher.
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I wonder what sort of textbooks she'll be forced to use. Vampire section will be predictably wrong, of course.
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Dark arts, ofcourse.
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[x] Assure your guest that despite Koakuma's nature, you keep her in line.
[x] Exchange greetings and pleasantries before getting down to business.

I'm assuming that it's Dumbledore because I've read the thread where the idea for this was proposed. I won't be too shocked if the author decides to send Patchy to Pigboils (or whatever) instead, though. Can't let those of us on the other forum have too good an idea where this is going.

I can't wait until the school nurse has to deal with the result of some 7th year trying to get in Koakuma's pants.

P.S. If some student with a bad work ethic tries to get special flashy spell training out of Patchy, I'm going to vote for contempt and/or "resist Koakuma and I'll consider it".
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Considering he's surprised about Fairies he must be from a low Magic area of the Outside (low being relative compared to Gensokyo)

If he moves to attack be ready to quickly put up a defense spell (Koakuma will do know what to do from there)

Work out the terms of contract and then instruct him that it will take a day to decide. A Magician does NOT rush into something that may be a trap.
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I was just being silly with the Dresden comment. Though a crossover between those two would be interesting.
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Or, you know, Koakuma could be normal and not interested in just anyone despite what anyone could think just because of her nature.
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File 131595074721.png - (494.71KB, 777x1087, 0fd76069d9e60e5726c6c1f5e2c7b2c1.png)
"Koakuma. If you cannot behave yourself in the presence of a guest, perhaps your time would be better served re-organizing the books? I believe the guardians placed in defence of the planar liminalities texts have been eagerly awaiting another meeting with you."

In an instant, the succubus has reverted to a slightly chilly, servile demeanor, ignoring the phoenix as best she could as the bird did much the same.

"As I thought." You remark idly. "In any case, I assure you that in spite of Koakuma's inherent nature, she is more than sufficiently restrained."

"She is... safe to be around, then?" The visitor muses aloud, his grip relaxing a little more in his pocket.

You didn't say that at all. However, you decide that, for the moment at least, it would probably be best to leave that as the implication.

"In any case..." You continue. "I, as you well know, am Patchouli Knowledge. And as I recall, you did not affix your name to the templates you have been sending out, simply having them written on official-seeming stationery of your office and occupation. Headmaster, I believe."

"Indeed. I had believed that I had obtained a sufficient degree of fame... and, perhaps to some, infamy, that my name was automatically linked to the post, when coupled with this particular institute of magical learning. I am, I am abashed to say, somewhat chagrined to learn that this is not the case. Though I suppose any ego can do with a puncture, now and again, to prevent it becoming too swollen."

You had noted the name, at that, though only in passing. It was... unique, to say the least, but then it was unfortunately common for sanity to be the price exacted in exchange for power, in whichever measure. You do not doubt that such was the case for whoever chose such a name.

"In any case, my given name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Grand Sorceror, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot... ah, previously in any case, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and of course, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"The majority of your titles mean nothing, and less than nothing, to me." You state simply, and a moment of astonishment enters the man's eyes, though he did not seem particularly insulted. "Your name alone would have sufficed. In any case, let us discuss the terms of your offer. Your template-letter was quite vague."

"It seems I must offer apologies once more." Dumbledore mused. "I had been under the impression that this position held some notoriety of its own, given the unusual difficulty inherent in keeping it filled. In any case, the position is that of the instructor of Defense against the Dark Arts course..."

For just a moment, his eyes flick back to Koakuma, before he forces them away.

"Battle-oriented magics then, with a focus on personal defense and the defense of bystanders?"

"... A remarkable, though unorthodox, summation. Yes, that is very much the thrust of the course aims." The man responds after a moment of hesitation.

"Such instruction would be more than within my ability." You respond, not stating whether or not you are interested in actually bothering. "I trust there are further details?"

"Ah, yes. There are four Houses... or dormitories, perhaps, though tradition holds the students rather closer than such a word would imply, into which the students are divided. Further, they are separated into groups based on which year of study they are in, from first, on entry, to seventh, immediately previous to their graduation. Should you accept the employment, you would be required to arrange a schedule through which you could devote equal portions of your time to all of these sections, and have some number of classes arranged involving at least two separate Houses at the same time. I would highly advise you to discuss times with fellow teachers, of course. A year of study consists of two terms of one hundred and twenty days, separated by a winter holiday lasting multiple weeks. In general, however, the weekdays are given to classes, while the weekends are used for rest and a time for personal study, homework, both the performing and the grading thereof, and for the instructors to make arrangements for the week's classes, if necessary. There is, naturally, significant room for flexibility, in unusual cases."

"Indeed." You reply, filing the information away mentally. "Let us now discuss potential payments. I have no interest whatsoever in money."

"You had implied as much, as I recall. In any case, I do own certain... rather unique items, many of which I would truly prefer not to part with but am prepared to do so if necessary. I also own something of a... rather large surplus of books, as it happens. People simply insist on giv-"

"Paaaaaaatchyy~" A voice calls from the hallway, interrupting the ongoing negotiations. You can almost hear Remilia sauntering in this direction.

[ ] What do you do?
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[x]Tell him that if he is afraid of Vampires, this is where he should close his eyes for a moment, then have a semi-normal conversation with Remilia.
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[X] Please ask for a moment to talk to the head of the household.
[X] Inform Remilia of the situation
[X] Hope Remilia is in a mood to be Proper.
[X] Hope the Outsider doesn't flip the fuck out when he realizes he's meeting a Vampire
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[x]Tell him that if he is afraid of Vampires, this is where he should close his eyes for a moment, then have a semi-normal conversation with Remilia.
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[x] Excuse yourself and deal with Remilia.
[x] Prevent him from learning she is a vampire at all costs.

This is good. Really good.
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[x] Let her come. Just ask her to m]stay civil and educated.
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[x] Let her come. Just ask her to m]stay civil and educated.
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[x] Let her come. Just ask her to m]stay civil and educated.
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Vatal error, out of memory, etc. These three votes are actually one. Can't delete because the password seems to have changed due the errors.
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Was gonna Say.

Still we have to play it a little safe here. Koakuma got him nervous, A Full Fledged Vampire might be too much. Just be glad everyone else he's run into other than the fairies looks completely human.
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Inb4 batwings.
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[X] Please ask for a moment to talk to the head of the household.
[X] Inform Remilia of the situation
[X] Hope Remilia is in a mood to be Proper.
[X] Hope the Outsider doesn't flip the fuck out when he realizes he's meeting a Vampire

I swear to Glod, if he didn't assume "Scarlet Devil Mansion" implied certain things about the owner, Bumblebee has gone more senile than the books imply. Also, Remilia is probably more well known in the magical world, given that she actually goes out and does stuff.

I meant more of a "You can humiliate him so long as you don't put him in the infirmary" than little devil sexy times. And then see how long it takes for the presumptuous student to ask for it to stop.
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You know, I think he's not even aware of where exactly he is. By the letter, he could even assume Patchouli is the master of the mansion.

[X] Please ask for a moment to talk to the head of the household.
[X] Inform Remilia of the situation
[X] Hope Remilia is in a mood to be Proper.
[X] Hope the Outsider doesn't flip the fuck out when he realizes he's meeting a Vampire

Because trying to keep Remilia away will just make her more curious. And if he flips out just because of her and people at the school are like him, then what he can offer won't be worth the trouble in the first place.

Do remember he's the one desperate here, not us.
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[X] Please ask for a moment to talk to the head of the household.
[X] Inform Remilia of the situation.
[X] Hope Remilia is in a mood to be proper.
[X] Hope the Outsider doesn't flip the fuck out when he realizes he's meeting a Vampire.

It's Remi's own house, and she'll go where she pleases. Least we can do is run preemptive damage control.
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[X] Please ask for a moment to talk to the head of the household.
[X] Inform Remilia of the situation.
[X] Hope Remilia is in a mood to be proper.
[X] Hope the Outsider doesn't flip the fuck out when he realizes he's meeting a Vampire.
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[X] Please ask for a moment to talk to the head of the household.
[X] Inform Remilia of the situation.
[X] Hope Remilia is in a mood to be proper.
[X] Hope the Outsider doesn't flip the fuck out when he realizes he's meeting a Vampire.
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File 131602708067.png - (780.69KB, 750x1000, a829d03ded39bdef2319a138857d1ab9c1606df8.png)
"Excuse me, it seems the head of-"

Remilia cheerily kicks the door open, own teacup in hand, and you blink awkardly. You could hear the hinges twisting from that, it'll need repairing every bit as much as if she'd just knocked it down.

"... the house wants a word." You finish dryly. "You're in a good mood, Remi."

"Aaah? I'm just excited. How could I not be, when I hear that dear little Patchy is receiving a Gentleman~ Caller~" Remilia replies, in a teasing tone. She takes a moment to thoroughly inspect Albus, who himself seems blandly confused, eyes repeatedly twitching between her own red orbs and wings, then turns back to you. "My my. Almost exactly what I had imagined to be your type~"

"It's a business meeting, Remi, business." You insist wearily. "... And the literal transaction of currency and goods for employment manner of business at that. Nothing of a prurient nature involved."

"Oh? Shaame. You don't get out enough. There are any number of strapping young lads about the-"

"I am not interested." You state coolly, hoping to cut off this topic of conversation before it begins. Remilia considers, then an impish cast comes over her features.

"Perhaps, then, a dewy eyed young lass, heart all a-flutter at your attention, inexperienced... but ever so willing to learn, would be more to your interests, ohohoho~ Is there something going on with those forest-witches that I don't know about, Patchy-dear?" she teases.

"Remi. It's a nice day. Don't make me set you on fire."

"Ufu~ In any case." Remilia says, voice suddenly shifting to a sharp and professional tone. "You there, young man. What exactly is your business with my dear little Patchy?"

The man looks mildly stunned, and starts to mouth the word 'young' before shaking it off, clearly very deliberately not glancing around to see if there was someone else Remi might be addressing. You suspect he has grown less than familiar with being addressed as such.

"... Well, it is my hope that miss Knowledge will accept an offer of a term of employment..." He begins ambivalently, defaulting to an unwillingness to divulge details similar to that of a politician, in his surprise.

"Educating magical children of no-doubt inferior talent and drive." You cut in smoothly. "For a span of possibly as long as a year in total, minus break times in between. We have yet to determine what might manage to prove an adequate and reasonable recompense."

"Oh? By all means, don't let me disturb you." Remilia said, once more indulging herself in amusement as she settled daintily into a nearby chair. You blink and nearly miss Sakuya placing a small plate of confectionery at her side, in contrast to the light meal set out for yourself and your guest. You prepare a plate for yourself, and while he seems to have missed the maid's sudden arrival and exit, Albus doesn't seem to be surprised at the food's appearance.

"Ah... yes, I believe we had broached the topic of books? I have some number of rare tomes. In particular, I take some pride in owning a copy of the Ars Magia, and though it will sting to relinquish claim upon it, I am willing-"

"I own two copies." You interrupt.

"... Only seven copies of that text are known to still exist." Albus states in mild disbelief. "Four of which have been lost for decades, and two held in strict Ministry control within a secure vault."

"Two of which remain lost, and two of which currently occupy space upon my shelves." You correct again.

"Ah." Albus says, blinking twice, before removing a hastily scrawled list from his robes and inspecting it carefully. "I also have a pair of copies of Vestibulum Lucem, with some personal annotations...?"

"Perhaps you had better simply let me see that." You instruct dryly, waving a hand in his direction. He seems hesitant, but reluctantly hands over the list for your perusal.

You inspect it quickly. Ars Magia, right at pride of place in the top of the list, and you do in fact own two copies of the text. Vestibulum Lucem is another item of non-interest, as you've thoroughly annotated, transcribed, and made duplicates of your own copy. Hm. Not of interest. Neither was that. Ah, if you recall properly, this one is a study of druidic rituals, and is not in fact among your tomes, and thus held some interest as a curiosity at the least. You move your pen and make a small tic mark by it. The next is uninteresting. As is the next. The next holds some interest to you, followed by a string of further unremarkable entries, and then a pair of books which you find interesting enough to but two tic marks by each. After that, there is nothing until an entry almost at the very end of the list, which Albus doesn't seem to recognize the value of, and which you mark without hesitation. The magical items, by comparison, include nothing that particularly stands out to you, or that you cannot likely construct yourself, for that matter. You nod and return the list.

"The marked texts are of some interest." You state blandly, returning to your tea, which has begun to cool somewhat.

"... Ah. An... eclectic selection." Albus says, bushy eyebrows climbing towards his hairline. "Certainly, all rare and valuable, but... hm. I am afraid this one in particular is very..." His eyes flick for a moment to Koakuma, before returning to the list. "... Questionable, I suppose, would be the word, and I can't say I'm comfortable with the thought of letting it out of my sight... Hm. And I do believe this one... is a compendium of playscripts?"

"It contains a number of rare works which did not go into widespread production." You reply. "I owned a copy, but among a few others, it was stolen some time ago. Not from my library, but... well, I had taken a rare vacation overseas one winter, stepped out for the afternoon, and returned to find the room I had rented absolutely wrecked, the vast majority of my personal effects destroyed or stolen, and all the books save the one I had kept on my person gone."

"Oooh, I remember this story!" Remilia chimes in with interest. "Wasn't that the... Whine, Winecliff..."

"Winecoff Hotel." You correct.

"Didn't it burn down, that day?" Remilia notes aloud.

"There was a fire, yes. As it turns out, the building was built without sufficient safety measures in case of accidents. Regrettable. In any case, while I later managed to track down several of the lost volumes and convince the people who had purchased them through back-alley, less than reputable dealings to relinquish them back into my care, some have eluded me since. It particularly rankled in the case of that one, as I'd not yet completed my initial reading, and was in point of fact mid-way through a rather enthralling drama. I cannot honestly say the opportunity to replace it is not of interest to me."

"I see. Well, I can agree, I suppose, to offer any book of your choice-"

"You misunderstand. If I agree to this, I fully intend to include every book marked of interest in my repayment." You clarify.

Albus starts slightly at this, his brows drawing together, and it's quite clear to you that he is doing very rapid mental arithmetic.

"... That is... quite the salary." He eventually says, guardedly and uncertain.

"In addition, I would request copies of all your personal journals and notes. I am unconvinced, as yet, that they will contain anything that cannot be found elsewhere, but in any case another point of view on given topics is always interesting to read. And it will be one more unique collection of writings, at that."

Albus frowns, clearly not pleased with the terms of payment you've suggested.

[ ] What do you do?
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[x]Hint towards other services, such as strengthening Hogwarts wards whilst you stay there to sweeten the deal. Ofcourse, make it seem like it would be something you'd do regardlessly. Surely some extra security can't hurt the Castle?
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Good characterization is good~

[x] Would relinquishing only those writings pertaining to magical theory be more palatable?

If he wants to keep his love-love secret, more power to him.
Patchy doesn't know the castle exists yet.
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[x]Hint towards other services.

Ok. I'm interessed.
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[X] "You are dealing with a magician of considerable caliber, not a conjurer of cheap tricks. Expertise has its price, and in this case I'm including the value of services beyond teaching that are usually expected of teachers but not stated on the contracts. If handing over a copy of your research makes you feel uncomfortable, I could retract that part of the bargain."
[X] If Albus tries to haggle further, you are willing to drop the book on druidic rituals, but nothing else.
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[X] "You are dealing with a magician of considerable caliber, not a conjurer of cheap tricks. Expertise has its price, and in this case I'm including the value of services beyond teaching that are usually expected of teachers but not stated on the contracts. If handing over a copy of your research makes you feel uncomfortable, I could retract that part of the bargain."
[X] If Albus tries to haggle further, you are willing to drop the book on druidic rituals, but nothing else.

Arrogant patchy is arrogant~
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[x]Hint towards other services.

Even if we don't know the school is a castle, we know it has to be in some sort of building, right?
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[x] Haggle with all of your multiple centuries of experience that let you mooch living space off Remi.
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[X] "You are dealing with a magician of considerable caliber, not a conjurer of cheap tricks. Expertise has its price, and in this case I'm including the value of services beyond teaching that are usually expected of teachers but not stated on the contracts. If handing over a copy of your research makes you feel uncomfortable, I could retract that part of the bargain."
[X] Mention that your library is constantly under the threat of break-in by a certain black-white magician and that any time spent away from it would leave it particularly vulnerable
[X] If Albus tries to haggle further, you are willing to drop the book on druidic rituals, but nothing else.
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[X] "You are dealing with a magician of considerable caliber, not a conjurer of cheap tricks. Expertise has its price, and in this case I'm including the value of services beyond teaching that are usually expected of teachers but not stated on the contracts. If handing over a copy of your research makes you feel uncomfortable, I could retract that part of the bargain."
[X] If Albus tries to haggle further, you are willing to drop the book on druidic rituals, but nothing else.
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[x] "You are dealing with a magician of considerable caliber, not a conjurer of cheap tricks. Expertise has its price, and in this case I'm including the value of services beyond teaching that are usually expected of teachers but not stated on the contracts. If handing over a copy of your research makes you feel uncomfortable, I could retract that part of the bargain."
[x] If Albus tries to haggle further, you are willing to drop the book on druidic rituals, but nothing else.
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[X] "You are dealing with a magician of considerable caliber, not a conjurer of cheap tricks. Expertise has its price, and in this case I'm including the value of services beyond teaching that are usually expected of teachers but not stated on the contracts. If handing over a copy of your research makes you feel uncomfortable, I could retract that part of the bargain."
[X] If Albus tries to haggle further, you are willing to drop the book on druidic rituals, but nothing else.
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Goddamnit Remilia

I'd say against the revelation that you are a Magician. (Its a Trump Card)

[x]Continue to Haggle
[X] "You are dealing with a magician of considerable caliber, not a conjurer of cheap tricks. Expertise has its price, and in this case I'm including the value of services beyond teaching that are usually expected of teachers but not stated on the contracts. If handing over a copy of your research makes you feel uncomfortable, I could retract that part of the bargain."
[X] Prioritize which books are most important.
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[x]Hint towards other services.
[x]Drop the book he doesn't seem too keen to let go... for now.
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File 131604761162.png - (434.37KB, 690x690, c790dfc4eb9f76d700ad21b2856d58f86e5599d5.png)
"You do not approve of the cost? I am no petty conjurer of roadside tricks and magical amusements, and so have no intent of being repaid in pocket change." You say dryly.

"Even so, such a total is... rather greater, in direct monetary value, than the combined yearly salary of the entirety of the remainder of the staff. Myself included." Albus says in response. "And my personal journals are... well, as stated. In many respects, quite personal..."

"I am uninterested in your day to day meanderings and the foibles of your love-life or lack thereof. Merely the portions directly related to your magical researches will suffice. However, you must understand that a years time is a large period of time in which to take an extended leave of absence from my own personal studies, and other matters." You counter. "I have named a price that seems reasonable from my point of view, with that in mind. I do not doubt that my absence will trigger... incursion attempts." You finish with a sense of vague distaste, mind going to a certain witch.

"That... is, I suppose, understandable enough."

"I shall have to either prepare some means of bringing the entirety of my extensive library along, complete with anti-tampering and anti-theft measures currently in place... else I shall have to prepare significant improvements the the Archive's defenses to cover for the weakness left in my wake. Either course of action would be... draining, in separate ways."

You can see that Remilia is just on the edge of suggesting you simply employ Sakuya's services to displace the Archive's position in space-time, but she seems to realize the game at hand as well, and manages to hold her tongue. Albus' eyes flashed slightly at your mention of improving of defenses, you note.

"You have some advanced skill, then, in the crafting of wards, I take it?" He muses aloud.

"... Amongst other things, yes indeed." You confirm.

Albus seems to think a moment before shaking his head.

"Even so, I still cannot justify such a sum, if directly asked about it. There are... understandings in place, that I am prepared to liquidate the majority of my personal assets to specific buyers, in the case of certain potential eventualities, to fund certain measures to be taken, which in either respect I can only hope do not come to pass in fullness. One or two, perhaps, of these books could be justifiable. Such a number, however, I'm afraid I cannot..."

Albus' phoenix flaps its wings loudly, even at this point deliberately refusing to look directly at, or turn its back fully towards, Koakuma or Remilia. Albus glances its way for only a moment. Then starts and looks back again.

"... My word, I had taken that for merely an ornament of crystal or worked glasses." He said, in mild amazement. "It seems my eyes are not quite as keen as they once were."

"Your phoenix has taken something of a shine to that stand." You note.

"Oh, that I do not doubt, vain bird that he is." Albus chuckled. "I can only assume that he is captivated by how it flatters his plumage."

"Quite." You respond dryly. "In any case, perhaps a gift of the stand would go some way to... balance, perhaps, the scales of things? In a purely monetary sense, of course. I do not believe anyone living in the mansion keeps fowls, of late, and so the object is of little use to me."

"... That would indeed go quite some way towards bridging that financial gulf." Albus admitted. "Not entirely, of course... but most certainly enough to make things simpler on my end of things."

You nod.

"Further, you seem to have some... concerns, regarding one of the texts. I will admit, they are all of some degree of interest to me, but I am not unwilling to renegotiate enough to reduce my number of selections by one..." You say, carefully.

"No... I do not mean to impugn your character, you certainly seem..." Albus paused for only the briefest moment here, eyes shifting to Koakuma, where she still stood still and quiet and imposing... and asleep, you noted, though you doubt that he could tell... and then back to yourself. "... Reasonably trustworthy, from what I have seen thus far, and if I was absolutely against anyone ever reading the tome again under any conceivable circumstance that might arise, it would not be on that list at all, as I would long since have destroyed it myself."

You start, slightly, at the man's bald-faced admission that he would partake in the destruction of Knowledge. He doesn't seem to catch it, as he has taken a moment to close his eyes and rub ponderously at the bridge of his nose.

"... I will, however, if you insist on having the tome, insist that you swear a binding oath. That you will not use anything you learn from it..." He pauses again, and frowns. "... for anything... Untoward. You understand."

[ ] What do you do?
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Patchouli has knowledge of book, POAST BOOK PLOX

thank you Kahi ;3

then I'll post votering
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[X] He's really serious about this. Retract your request for the book: it will put his mind at ease, and you can't guarantee him it won't end up in, ahem, other hands. The rest are compensation enough.

You there, stop that immediately. Respect the rules: >>/gensokyo/6052
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[x] You understand that he doesn't trust you. Refuse.
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By request, in order of interest, from greatest to least:

--That compendium of plays you haven't finished. You were understandably frustrated and incensed when it was stolen, and would be glad to have a new copy.

--A tome you have noted referenced in a few other sources, regarding the use of Blood-related magics. Understandably intriguing, given your living arrangements. Albus seems particularly reluctant to part with it.

-A case study of certain difficult to obtain reagents: you imagine they would be all but impossible to obtain outside of a hidden place such as Gensokyo, no doubt the reason Albus seems to have relegated it to being an unimportant curiosity at best, not given much note on his list. You suspect that it contains uses you are not currently aware of.

-What at first glance would appear to be a simple book of fairy tales, did you not have some experience and meetings with certain of the beings referenced as being referenced within its pages. It's always good to read up on this sort of thing in advance, and there are likely details you had not discovered on your own noted, even for those which you have already spoken with.

-A study of druidic rituals. Not apparently interesting at first glance, but not only do you not own a copy, but you cannot recall noting it as being referenced in anything you have yet read. That in itself makes it just interesting enough for you to put it on the list.
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He's willing to give us all the books we want if we make the oath and it's not like patchy is the epitome of profound puppy-kicking evil. Though if we make the oath, we should probably clarify what counts as "Untoward," Human morals vs. Youkai morals(?) and all that.
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[x]Make the Oath for the book, neatly excise any words that imply you can't share the book with Remilia when you're done reading it.
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Bwahaha. Blood magic. Considering Patchy's health, I think she prefers for it to remain in her body.

[x] Ask him to specify 'Untoward' a bit. You have no interest in conquest, domination or trading your soul for more power, but who know if that's all with human values?
[x] If all the oath asks is for not doing things you never planned to in the first place, then agree. It's a small thing to do for saving a book from someone who contemplated destroying it.
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[x] Tell him your intended use. Offer to verify that you are telling the truth.
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Blood Magic doesn't need HER blood to use. It requires the blood of a target to use. Shit can be DEVASTATING for what you can do with said magic.

He's showing quite good restrain with it. Still... Why bring it up on the list of books if he's not going to part with it and if its THAT dangerous. Why not bury it in some vault where it'll never be found.
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Hmm i don't really see her actually binding herself like that, I mean it's not like she Needs the job or the books. She could probably rediscover them herself given enough time.
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Dude, if the deal isn't made, we may as well declare 'The End' now.

Besides, he contemplated the destruction of a book Patchouli doesn't have. That should be enough for her to do something a bit drastic. It doesn't seem like he will let it go without such a promise anyway. And again, we probably have a book that have ways around it anyway.

On another note, I wonder if Albus would have a heart attack if he saw the Voile library. If those few books on the list are worth a big fortune...
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[x] Ask him to specify 'Untoward' a bit. You have no interest in conquest, domination or trading your soul for more power, but who know if that's all with human values?
[x] If all the oath asks is for not doing things you never planned to in the first place, then agree. It's a small thing to do for saving a book from someone who contemplated destroying it.
[x] If it can be done without Dumbles catching you, neatly excise any words that imply you can't share the book with Remilia when you're done reading it.
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[x] Ask him to specify 'Untoward' a bit. You have no interest in conquest, domination or trading your soul for more power, but who know if that's all with human values?
[x] If all the oath asks is for not doing things you never planned to in the first place, then agree. It's a small thing to do for saving a book from someone who contemplated destroying it.
[x] If it can be done without Dumbles catching you, neatly excise any words that imply you can't share the book with Remilia when you're done reading it.
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[x] Ask him to specify 'Untoward' a bit. You have no interest in conquest, domination or trading your soul for more power, but who know if that's all with human values?
[x] If all the oath asks is for not doing things you never planned to in the first place, then agree. It's a small thing to do for saving a book from someone who contemplated destroying it.
[x] If it can be done without Dumbles catching you, neatly excise any words that imply you can't share the book with Remilia when you're done reading it.
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[x] If all the oath asks is for not doing things you never planned to in the first place, then agree. It's a small thing to do for saving a book from someone who contemplated destroying it.
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I wonder if they know about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named a.k.a. Voldemort.
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snrk, he probably doesn't even rate on their radar. Considering they know reality bending people such as sakuya who freezes time to do housework, Remilia can control fate, and Flandre can destroy anything. Besides they probably don't get outsider news much.
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[x] Make another such bird stand.
[x] "And now?"
[x] If he looks like he's about to say anything, make another one.
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File 13161239298.png - (163.37KB, 285x283, contemplativeAlbus.png)
"If you could, I would much appreciate a clarification of your definition of... untoward. Simply to avoid any ambiguities. I have no drive towards the conquest and domination of man, for example, but it is only logical that no two specific set of moral values, or in this case, interpretation of 'untoward'-ness, is ever quite the same."

"Of course." Albus replies after a moment. "Magic of this nature... it is capable of being used for great good. Very great good indeed. But it is equally able to be turned towards still greater evil. I myself... have some small experience in its use. It is a form of magic that is easily twisted to dark and terrible ends, and in the same stroke can assure that the most noble of goals might come to pass. What I would ask of you... it would be that you do not deliberately use it to inflict casual, petty cruelties, or turn it against the helpless. A small enough thing, to ease the insecurities of a tired old man."

"Yes, that's more than acceptable as an outline." You decide. "I offer my word not to use anything I learn from that tome without good reason or direct provocation. Is this an acceptable oath in turn?" You do not clarify what you would consider 'a good reason', or what might be sufficiently provocative to move you to its use.

"... I suppose that it will have to do." Albus answered, after a brief period of silent, inward contemplation. "And I shall simply have to put my faith in your judgement, and trust you do not fall into temptation."

"Little chance of that, with a succubus at hand all hours of the day, and Patchy never bothering to do anything with her." Remi snipes, before you send a withering look her way.

"Yes, that... is both a relief, and the source of significant unease, I must admit. Generally, I have found the vast majority of practicing Diabolists to be... rather significantly less polite and cultured than yourself, miss Knowledge, and often a most immediate threat to the health and safety of both others and themselves." Albus admits.

"That would be because the majority of the craft are crass imbeciles with no taste, driven entirely by their base desires, with no sense self-restraint or even the slightest hint of good taste." You reply frostily. "In any case, I'll be pleased to study that tome, given that the subject matter is of personal interest to me."

"Oh?" Albus says, clearly fishing for details.

"It is of little importance." You answer, rather than give any concrete details. Remi pouts sulkily at the subtle jab.

"... I must admit, I am suddenly quite curious regarding your motivations. I suppose the small details are, indeed, not immediately important, however."

Remi twitches slightly at the unintentional follow-up. You smile.


Current terms:

Albus offers-
Assortment of five books.
Personal research notes.

You offer-
One scholastic year of service as a magical instructor.
Your word: not to use Blood Magic without 'good reason' or 'direct provocation'.

[ ] Is this acceptable? If not, what further terms would you like to suggest?
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[x] Acceptable
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[x] Unacceptable

I want to ensure that we have ample time to improve our wards here before we leave, unless that's a trivial detail not to be noted in the deal.

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[x] Acceptable

Rest is just minor details anyway.

We have Sakuya for that remember. We just didn't mention it to Albus for a stronger bargaining position.

Now, I supposed it will be time to learn what magic system they use, what they learned and then go see what should be taught for each class?
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[x] Unacceptable
[x] Demand medical care. You're sick!
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Fool! It weakens our position if we let out that we tend to be more sick (and unable to teach) than normal!
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[x] Acceptable

I wonder how the more straight-laced teachers will take Patchy's arrival.

"You hired a practicing diabolist to be the DADA teacher? WTF!"
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Offering him a few more trinkets is worth Patchy's health!

Though I suppose it isn't very likely that they'll be able to do anything for her condition, if she couldn't cure it herself. Then again, she doesn't specialize in healing magic, does she?
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From what he said, Patchouli actually now get far more than any other teacher at this point. If helping with our health was to be brought on the table, it would have been from the start.

And if Eirin and Patchouli's own research can't do more about her condition, I doubt anyone else can.
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[x] Acceptable
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[x] Acceptable

Danmaku 101 is a go!

Lesson 1: Laser is not difficult...
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Patchouli can blast away anyone in that universe, I wonder how Kahi will handle balance issues? Oh well, for what's worth, I have faith in him.
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[X] One more stipulation: That we not be held accountable for the actions of students who willfully turn our teachings to evil or selfish ends.
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Seems like a pretty good deal. Not sure if he can be further pressed.
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[x] Accept but note that failure to pay for services unpaid will have consequences.

NEVER stiff a Magician.
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I'd stiff a magician, if you catch my drift.
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I resent that implication on the basis that /I/ would be stiffing the magician... not you.
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"The terms are sufficient." You decide, and a great weight seems to lift off of Albus' shoulders.

"Ah, I am most gratified to hear that." He replies. "Term begins on September the first. I do not doubt you have a number of matters to deal with before that date... I would advise you do not overly delay in selection of coursebooks and scheduled class times, however. I trust you are resourceful enough to find ways to get in contact with fellow instructors, if such should be required and I give you their names?" He seems pleased as you nod, and quickly withdraws a slip of parchment, quill, and ink-pot from his robes. The parchment seems to have previously been used as a grocery list, but Albus flips it over and jots down a list of names before proffering it to you.

"Excellent. I shall make arrangements on my end, and the books will be delivered to your chosen quarters at the start of term. In the meantime, I pray you will excuse me, but I do not doubt that the Minister will be... pleased to discover that I have, in fact, located a suitable and willing instructor, and as such his... assistance will not be required. And of course, then I must prepare for a conference called by the ICW, it seems they require my presence for some vote or other... so terribly busy. Ah, I am uncertain I would retain all of my fingers if I should attempt to remove Fawkes from his perch now." He continued, bemused, as the phoenix hunkered down and gripped more tightly at the stand at indications it was time to leave. "... I don't suppose you would terribly mind if I...?"

"By all means, take it along now. It will only gather dust here." You offer idly. Albus nods, and as he touches the stand it, he, and the phoenix all disappear in a burst of flame and light.

You drink the last of your cup of tea, and hold it out to await more. Koakuma doesn't immediately jump to attention, but a small orb of water impacting directly with her face rouses her from slumber, and she attends to you quickly after that.

"Teaching, is it? I recall that was an... interesting endeavor to watch, when last you turned to it." Remi muses.

"You will also recall that I was successful, and won that particular wager." You note.

"Perhaps. But, ah, I doubt that this institution will much appreciate your methods, if you repeated them~ Fairies are resilient enough for such measures, but I much doubt-"

"It will be fine, Remi." You insist. "I am more than well aware of human fragilities, and wouldn't resort to the sort of tactics I used to educate that little... irritation."

"Oh, by all means, feel free to have golems rip the little wretches limbs free and beat them with them." Remi replies blandly. "I'm simply pointing out that it will do rather more than raise eyebrows if you do. And I'll be most upset if you don't notify me in advance, so I can be there to watch."

"Of course, of course..." You reply lazily, drinking your tea and ordering your thoughts. You need to arrange a functional schedule. It seems you are also required to select texts for your classes, and you notice that there's a little scribble past the names: 'School supplies purchased at Diagon Alley'. You aren't certain where that is, but you could summon some form of imp or messenger beast to relay a request for directions, or simply go there, magically, and ignore the little details like 'where it is, exactly' in the process. Today, at least, as being much less healthy than you currently are would Aside from that, you should decide whether to shore up your defences or bring the library along or both, and you are running low on medication... Nearly out, aside from a pair of vials you had been keeping in reserve in case of truly bad days, in which you still needed some measure of functionality and couldn't afford to simply lie in bed. The day afterwards was always worse than it would normally have been, as the chronic illness took its toll in earnest for being held even temporarily at bay, but it was a simple matter of give and take, nothing was free. You don't doubt that you could dream up other things to do as well.

The day is AUG 17- 15 days until term begins.
It is Wednesday: day of Mercury. Out of long habit and practice, Water-related magic comes easier for you today, and to greater effect.

[ ] What else would you like to do today?
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Also: I derped. Terms last 100 days, not 120. Was thinking of something else as typing and mistook numbers. My bad.
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[x] Clean the library. By flooding it.
[x] Prepare to bring the library along.
[x] If there's time, pick up more medication.

What's the point of waterproofing all your books if you aren't going to flood the library every so often?
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>...as being much less healthy than you currently are would Aside from that...

Was something cut in there?

Aside from that, selecting books for classes should be a priority. Students need to go and buy them and we would look bad if we delayed this for too long. Nevermind that we also need to see the style of magic they use.

Would write what to do now, but I want to see if something was really cut first.
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... the crap?

Yeah, '-would make such ventures rather more difficult. Aside-' is how that bit was supposed to go. A chunk of sentence seems to have disappeared on me somehow. Weird.
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[x]Let's go see this 'Diagon Alley' now while we feel good and take care of the matter of coursebooks for classes.

Because I have a feeling having such good health now won't happen again before it's too late. It's not like we need to be out when planning a schedule and if we already decided on the books, it shouldn't be that hard.
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[x]Hot Tub
Should help get us back up to 100/100 before we try that whole... Library thing.
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[x]Let's go see this 'Diagon Alley' now while we feel good and take care of the matter of coursebooks for classes.
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[x]Let's go see this 'Diagon Alley' now while we feel good and take care of the matter of coursebooks for classes.

We'll need to learn the directions and locale of the area. If anything In the future Koakuma can shop for us. But on the first visit we should figure our paths.

Make sure to keep a card or two on you. Never know when you'll need to use one of them.
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[x]Let's go see this 'Diagon Alley' now while we feel good and take care of the matter of coursebooks for classes.
[x]If time permits visit whatever passes for your pharmacist to get more drugs. You don't want to run out and be forced to use whatever poultices and philtres they use in England.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a "acquire dragon scales, trade for magic Robitussin" sidequest. It's not like dragons are common in Gensokyo.
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[x]Let's go see this 'Diagon Alley' now while we feel good and take care of the matter of coursebooks for classes.
[x]If time permits visit whatever passes for your pharmacist to get more drugs. You don't want to run out and be forced to use whatever poultices and philtres they use in England.
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[x]Let's go see this 'Diagon Alley' now while we feel good and take care of the matter of coursebooks for classes.
->[x] get a good list of what books are available, some publishers may have gone out of business since you were about.
[x]If time permits visit whatever passes for your pharmacist to get more drugs. You don't want to run out and be forced to use whatever poultices and philtres they use in England.
[x]draw up a schedule for preparations, such as setting up the library and when to be drafting the class schedules.
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The best option for now, you decide, is to investigate this alley and begin working on course-books, as you consider having such a good day as today again in the near future to be improbable. Better you get the matter out of the way while your health is still being cooperative.

"I'll be stepping out, Remi." You say, as you mark the place in your book and tuck it away.

"Oh. Will you be bringing your succubus along?"

"For now, no, I think." You decide. "Better not to unduly rile the natives. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself, on a day like this, and I can still summon her to my side if I truly require it. In case heavy lifting needs to be done, or such."

"Cold. And here I was going to suggest you make a date of it~"

You brush off the teasing and stand, reaching out, magic responding to your intent and will. The fabric of reality seems almost to whimper slightly as you take big handfuls of it, fold it over, and tear... and then the portal has opened, just large enough for you to pass through, edges flickering as it desperately attempts to bind itself back together.

"I'll be back later." You say, as you step through, and allow the gate to slam shut behind you.

The most immediate difference you note is the time: where it was mid-to-late afternoon when you left, it is now early-to-mid morning. A glance around reveals you've come out in a small, empty cul-de-sac, and a few steps take you to the Alley proper.

It feels like you've moved not just halfway around the world, but centuries back in time, you reflect, as you look around the place. Near everyone is garbed in robes, some hooded and some in pointed hats. Those who aren't are clad in the most bizarre, motley assortment of popular fashion from the past few decades, in colors which clash and hurt the eye to stare at for too long. They seem to be given a subtle berth by the majority, possibly only subconsciously. Near what seems to be the main entry, a scruffy-looking man is sitting on the ground, back to a wall and half-asleep, next to a sign you can't quite read from here. He's wearing what looks like it was once a respectable suit, though it seems to have been torn and mended enough that it is more patches of cloth sewn together than the original fabric, but at the least he has had the good grace to assure that they were all of the same color. He is being given a significantly wider berth by everyone as they pretend not to notice him. There is a very large stone building some distance away, and the shops seem to all have signs hanging in front to attract the eye, though some are ambiguous.

You are just now realizing that while you have the book you were reading and a number of spellcards on your person, for ease in keeping your magic from being immediately lethal if necessary, you do not actually have any amount of whatever it is the locals use as currency. You suppose you could simply pay in jewels and precious metals, though it seems an inefficient answer.

[ ] What do you do?
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[x]Look for a bank or Valuta exchange service that accepts Jewels and Precious Metals.
[x]Ask the poor sod in the alley.
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[x] Head for the most impressive-looking building you can see.
[x] Ask for directions to a bank there.
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[x]Look for a bank or Valuta exchange service that accepts Jewels and Precious Metals.
[x]Ask the poor sod in the alley.
[x]Assuming you find the bank, locate a directory or map of sorts inside as well as make the exchange of your jewels.
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[x]Look for a bank or Valuta exchange service that accepts Jewels and Precious Metals.
[x]Ask the poor sod in the alley.
[x]Better make those jewels beforehand in a place where no one is looking. Doing so while others are watching is just begging to be mugged or ripped off.

Seriously. If the goblins see us doing it, they'll easily ask for more. Or start trouble if there's laws in place to stop others from just making gems and jewels with magic. We don't want to deal with that crap.
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[x]Look for a bank or Valuta exchange service that accepts Jewels and Precious Metals.
[x]Ask the poor sod in the alley.
[x]Better make those jewels beforehand in a place where no one is looking. Doing so while others are watching is just begging to be mugged or ripped off.
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[x]Look for a bank or Valuta exchange service that accepts Jewels and Precious Metals.
[x]Ask the poor sod in the alley.
[x]Better make those jewels beforehand in a place where no one is looking. Doing so while others are watching is just begging to be mugged or ripped off.
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You approach the unfortunate individual, considering only for a moment that he might be ostracized due to some sort of disease or madness before dismissing the concern. He doesn't seem to respond to your approach at first, and you take a moment to read the sign.

'WILL WORK any job, For MONEY or FOOD' is penned in large letters across two lines: a succinct advertisement. The penmanship is acceptable, simple and not in any way ornate, but easily legible. Professional.

You nudge the man into full awareness with your foot. Despite his apparent destitution, you are grateful to learn that he doesn't bear any strong odors, which means that he is cleaning himself somehow, which is more than you can say for some of the random bystanders you had to walk past to reach him.

"Haah...? Oh, pardon miss." He says, as he quickly rises to his feet and dusts himself off, his thin frame made apparent in the action. "May I help you?"

"I am unfamiliar with the area. I require directions to a bank or exchange service that will trade rare materials for currency."

For a moment, he just stares at you, as though he's not entirely sure he's heard you correctly. Then he coughs slightly into one hand and answers.

"Gringotts would probably be your best bet, miss, if you're talking about..." His voice lowers slightly, a subconscious effort to prevent others from overhearing the next bit. "... gemstones or jewelry and the like. Of course, that's a one way road: the goblins'll pay you the best for them, but once you've made the transaction, they'll never sell it back to you no matter what. If you ever plan on getting your hands on them again, a pawn shop would be a better idea. You won't get paid as much, of course. I do know a few in the area...?"

"Gringotts will be sufficient." You reply, already filling an inner pocket with disposable wealth. "Lead the way, if you would."

He looks askance at you again, then shrugs, clearly humoring you. Doubtless the location is common knowledge.

"Come along then, miss, right this way." He says, heading out into foot-traffic that deliberately parts around him. "Name's Alistair... well, no point in standing on formalities these days. Call me Al. I'll also respond to 'Hey' or 'You', as it happens."

"Noted." You reply crisply. No real attempt at small talk is made after that, and it's only a short time later that you've arrived in front of Gringotts. It's the large stone building you noted before... at this distance, you recognize immediately that the doors are wrought of silver.

"Well, miss, if you'll be needing my assistance, I can wait about here somewhere? Or if not, I'll just be heading back to my spot, see if anyone's desperate to make a hire today. Probably not exactly the best idea for me to just head in through... the front doors during working hours, and all..."

[ ] What do you do?
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[x]Give him a trinket for his trouble and tell him to wait whilst you take care of financial matters. You'll need his guidance later.
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[x]Thank Alistair. Make the exchange for currency. Pay Alistair. Keep him as your guide. He's polite enough and certainly knowledgeable.
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[x]Thank Alistair. Make the exchange for currency. Pay Alistair. Keep him as your guide. He's polite enough and certainly knowledgeable.

Let's pay him in something he can buy a sandwich with while he waits for us while we're in the various stores. Baubles are nice, but fail at the task of being legal tender.
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[x]Thank Alistair. Make the exchange for currency. Pay Alistair. Keep him as your guide. He's polite enough and certainly knowledgeable.

He he, even if he warns us that jewels made by magic are illegal to sell, it's a case where only he knows. And if the goblins can't tell the difference and we pay him an extra for a 'good job', he'll most probably not say anything.
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Personally, even if magically-created jewels could be detected... would you want to anger the mage that made them?

Play along and nobody finds out that it can be done or cause a fuss and be transmuted into salt.

[x]Thank Alistair. Make the exchange for currency. Pay Alistair. Keep him as your guide. He's polite enough and certainly knowledgeable.
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[x]Thank Alistair. Make the exchange for currency. Pay Alistair. Keep him as your guide. He's polite enough and certainly knowledgeable.
-[x] Tell him to save his ult for teamfights for fuck's sake.
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"Thank you, if you would wait, I would be much obliged. I could use the services of a guide." You say.

"... Well, as long as I come out of this with at least a warm meal, that's fine. I'll be waiting... over there." Alistair answers, waving towards a small, out of the way walkway between two buildings.

"Acceptable." You decide, and he pulls a battered-looking half-cigarette out of a pocket before turning to make his way there.

You enter the bank and look around, in one sweeping motion taking in the grand architecture... and the diminutive beings running the place. You force yourself not to grimace, noting that they certainly haven't put much effort into personal aesthetics, and step forward. Some of the tellers are occupied with clients, others are not. You make your way to a goblin off to the side, sitting and carefully judging and making notes on a platter of rubies. After waiting a moment, you cough dryly.

"... May I help you?" The little creature asked, grouchily, clearly not interested in your opinion of the customer service.

"I would like to exchange these for currency." You state simply, displaying the palm-full of modestly sized emeralds you created earlier. The goblin inspects them for a moment, then waves a younger looking member of his species over.

"Basin of Thief's Downfall." He instructs immediately, before turning back to you. "You understand, of course, that the product must be tested before transaction can be finalized?"

"Yes, do as you please." You answer.

The goblin nods and reaches into a drawer, tugging out a mesh pouch and directing you to spill the stones inside. You do so, and he jostles it slightly, clearly inspecting the resulting sound and nods. It's only a short minute or so before the younger goblin returns, hauling a sloshing basin of water over to you, and sets it carefully on the desk. Without ceremony, the elder goblin dips the pouch into the water, liquid flowing without trouble through the mesh.

"This water will destroy any charm or enchantment it detects. Standard formality, implemented shortly after the first fool wizard thought to pawn off transfigured pebbles to us." The goblin states, in a tone that is somehow both bored and filled with subtle menace. "Naturally... we balanced that account swiftly. Only a few have dared try since. Hm."

He lifts the pouch free and shakes it to remove clinging water, then spills the emeralds inside out over the desktop.

"Real." He declares in an almost disappointed tone, picking up one stone between his wizened fingers and rolling it around a little before dropping it to clatter around with the others. Of course. There would be no point to creating a gem that wasn't real, after all. They were every bit the same as if they had grown in the ground over uncountable years.

In any case, when you leave the bank, it's with a heavy sack of gold. There's some sort of magic on the coins, though you can't tell what. Likely identification and verification spells, which meant that simply creating the local coinage directly, even now that you know what it looks like, would likely be a poor idea.

... Alistair is not where he said he would be. You frown at this a little, disappointed, before making your way through the crowd, to see if he had simple moved a little, and wasn't visible from the doors. By the time you reach the walkway, it's quite clear this theory is incorrect. He still remains unseen.

A look down, however, reveals something mildly unsettling. The half-cigarette that he had withdrawn earlier was lying quietly on the ground, a thin trail of smoke rising from its smoldering tip.

"... bludgers on you." You suddenly hear from deeper in the walkway, around a corner. "Big brass ones, showing your face where we have to look at it. You should just do yourself, and us, a favor and get around to killing yourself already, blight you are."

"Now, gents." Alistair's voice comes, in an effort of calm appeasement. "There's no reason we can't be civil ab-"

You hear a loud thump of flesh against flesh, and a whoof of moving air, as Alistair is suddenly interrupted.

[ ] What do you do?
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Hmmm... It wouldn't do to simply let someone who helped us when asked get beaten up like that.

[x]Intervene. Ask what is going on.
[x]By the sound of it however, better be ready to douse some heated tempers.
[x]Ask Alistair what is going on after.

Last line because I think it's obvious that this group will not answer. And while Patchouli may not care that much about the guy himself, we do need a guide and we should know if something like that will happen again.
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[x]By the sound of it however, better be ready to douse some heated tempers.
-> [x] By douse we mean drench with a deluge of water.
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[x]Intervene. Ask what is going on.
[x]By the sound of it however, better be ready to douse some heated tempers.
-> [x] By douse we mean drench with a deluge of water.
[x]Ask Alistair what is going on after.

Vote combinan gaems. It's nice Patchy can make real stuff - it'll help establish our credentials with the other teachers, as we can't simply vote [x]Danmaku Duel and expect it to result in winning and tea.

At least not with coworkers.
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[x]Intervene. Ask what is going on.
[x]By the sound of it however, better be ready to douse some heated tempers.
[x]Ask Alistair what is going on after.
All solid reasons. We need a guide and a group ganging up on one means that there is a 60% that the guy isn't evil.
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[x]Intervene. Ask what is going on.
[x]By the sound of it however, better be ready to douse some heated tempers.
[x]Ask Alistair what is going on after.
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We can't afford to go BIG spells here because of collateral damage risk. Last thing we want is for people to already dislike us for smashing a building.
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[X] BE on Guard
[X] Be ready to cast a defense spell on self
[X] If it comes to combat, a simple low end spell will suffice. We do NOT want to give out hints to full power if avoidable.
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It'd probably be prudent to make a fake wand now, but she doesn't know she needs one. What a shame.
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[X] BE on Guard
[X] Be ready to cast a defense spell on self
[X] If it comes to combat, a simple low end spell will suffice. We do NOT want to give out hints to full power if avoidable.
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well technically wizards Can cast without a wand. It's just that they apparently rarely do it.
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[X] BE on Guard
[X] Be ready to cast a defense spell on self
[X] If it comes to combat, a simple low end spell will suffice. We do NOT want to give out hints to full power if avoidable.

Seems reasonable.
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[x]Intervene. Ask what is going on.
[x]By the sound of it however, better be ready to douse some heated tempers.
[x]Ask Alistair what is going on after.

Haha, douse. Cause today is water day. I get it.
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[x]Intervene. Ask what is going on.
[x]By the sound of it however, better be ready to douse some heated tempers.
[x]Ask Alistair what is going on after.

With the stipulation of nothing too flashy.
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[x]Intervene. Ask what is going on.
[x]By the sound of it however, better be ready to douse some heated tempers.
[x]Ask Alistair what is going on after.

With the stipulation of nothing too flashy.

Simple humiliation is often enough to drive off bullies so nothing too painful as well.
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You cough loudly as you step around the corner, and see Alistair down on his knees, holding his stomach, face pained. He's surrounded by three men: two are training their foci on him, clearly prepared to cast if he makes any sudden or unexpected movements. The third is an overly muscled lummox of a man, who is now glowering in your direction.

"Pardon me, but what exactly is going on, here?" You ask.

"... That's none of your business, is it?" The lummox growls. "Fact, you should probably just take a hike and forget you saw anything here. You understand?"

"I'm afraid I cannot do that. You see, this man is currently in my employ: as such I must consider all assaults made against him to be equally direct attacks upon myself."

The lummox belts Alistair in the jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground, before turning back to you.

"And just wh-"

It's already too late, as you're uninterested in listening to further pathetic attempts at intimidation, and have twisted at the ether, and reality has responded to your direction. What you do now doesn't have a name, as such, as it's too simple of a technique to bother with such, but it's been likened to 'picking up a river, and throwing it', which you suppose is as effective a description as any. You direct it to leave a bubble of space around Alistair, where he lies groaning on the ground, but it immediately snatches up the trio of ruffians. As well as dustbins, odd scattered garbage, mainly bottles, and a heavy looking crate. The hooligans are rather dazed and battered by the time they slam into the wall at the far end of this side-alley, where the summoned water splashes up and into the air before mostly dispersing, no longer needed, but leaving the walls and ground slick and wet with evidence of its passing as the remnant patters down like a brief rainfall.

You step over to Alistair, who has begun to heave himself up off the ground.

"Are you well?" You ask.

"... Be fine. Just a quick minute to catch my breath." Alistair answers, staggering slightly as he rises to his feet. "... Probably better to do that somewhere else, though. That lot won't be exactly happy once they've gathered their wits, I'd rather be out of sight and out of mind by that point. Don't suppose you saw where I dropped my fag? Just its the last one I've got, been stretching it as far as I can."

"Just around the corner. This happens often, then?"

"Not as much as it could... more than I'd prefer." Alistair hedges. "Would really rather not go into the sordid details. It's not like it's... really hard to put together, though, if you know where to look. Guess I can tell you the whole story..."

He is interrupted, as you turn the corner, and he squats down to pick up the dropped cigarette and grind out the smoldering tip, by the protests of his stomach. He looks abashed for a moment.

"... ah, perhaps over a meal?" He stipulates awkwardly. "The Leaky should be starting to dish out lunchtime stews about now, and old Tom's a good sort."

[ ] What do you do?
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[x]Take him for a decent but appropriate meal in a place he won't get kicked out, but still serves edible foodstuffs. Pay for his bills as an up-front for his payment.
[x]Have him tell his story over lunch
[x]Conjure a fresh box of smooth cigars if he objects to talking.
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[x]Take him for a decent but appropriate meal in a place he won't get kicked out, but still serves edible foodstuffs. Pay for his bills as an up-front for his payment.
[x]Have him tell his story over lunch
[x]Conjure a fresh box of smooth cigars if he objects to talking.
[x]Have Tea yourself. The good stuff.
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[x]Take him for a decent but appropriate meal in a place he won't get kicked out, but still serves edible foodstuffs. Pay for his bills as an up-front for his payment.
[x]Have him tell his story over lunch
[x]Conjure a fresh box of smooth cigars if he objects to talking.
[x]Have Tea yourself. The good stuff.
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[x] Business first. Ask to be led to a bookstore.
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[x]Take him for a decent but appropriate meal in a place he won't get kicked out, but still serves edible foodstuffs. Pay for his bills as an up-front for his payment.
[x]Have him tell his story over lunch
[x]Conjure a fresh box of smooth cigars if he objects to talking.
[x]Have Tea yourself. The good stuff.

After reaching the bookstore, we're pretty much done with Alistair anyway. Apart fromt that place, only other thing we COULD do is perhaps visiting a potion shop for ingredients (for something either Patchouli or Eirin could use that can't easily be gotten in Gensokyo). And for that, asking for the directions should be enough. We're going to spend quite a good deal of time at the bookstore after all.
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[x]Take him for a decent but appropriate meal in a place he won't get kicked out, but still serves edible foodstuffs. Pay for his bills as an up-front for his payment.
[x]Have him tell his story over lunch
[x]Conjure a fresh box of smooth cigars if he objects to talking.
[x]Have Tea yourself. The good stuff.

Yay, plot.

>>46655 I dunno, we might want to browse the magical doodad stores. They might have something like a "Shiny Rock of Distraction" we can use to distract Marisa. Or a set of vanishing cabinets to make visiting home easier on Patchy's worse days.
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Mm, I doubt they'd have anything that we haven't tried against Marisa before, though the vanishing cabinet idea holds merit. Then again depending on how good we are at dissecting foreign magic we might be able to create one ourselves.
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beef-stew bowl
"Lead the way, then." You instruct.

Without hesitation, Alistair sets off, the foot traffic of the alley once more casually parting around him without even seeming to notice, many avoiding even looking in his direction. He makes his way eventually to what you suppose to be the entrance to the alley, as he taps at a wall with his focus and it grinds slowly open.

"Leaky's just outside, something of the gatepost to here. Keeping an eye out to make sure normal people don't stumble in on accident." He explains as you step through and the bricks shift shut behind you. ".. A bit overkill, I suppose, but the Ministry takes its secrecy very seriously."

A vehicle roars past on the paved road in front of you at incredible speed. Had you blinked, you would have missed it. Clear evidence that the Outside had advanced a good deal since last you turned your gaze its way. Alistair leads you around the corner and into a dingy building, which none of the passersby seem to notice exists.

It's a pub. A rather dimly lit and smoky one at that. You're thankful your asthma isn't acting up much today, or this would have been an unfortunate stopping point.

"Oho, Al." The barman calls. "Haven't seen you for a few days. Stopping by with a lady friend?"

"Employer, Tom, you know better than that." Alistair chides light-heartedly. "Seems I'll be spending my day as a tour guide, of sorts."

"Now, I was thinking I didn't recognize the lady's face." Tom remarked. "If you're here for the lunch, I'll have your first bowls on the house, then, eh?"

"Now Tom, that's really not-"

"Acceptable." You interrupt casually. You aren't particularly hungry, but are of no mind to turn down something offered you for free. "I will also have tea: the best you have available, and whatever refreshment Alistair sees fit to order."

Tom laughs heartily, as Alistair looks a little startled.

"O' course miss, of course. Good to see someone's not ashamed to take advantage of the kindness of others. Hm..." Tom glances quickly around the room, customers slowly trickling in, and nods. "Isn't much call for use of the private rooms this time of day, I'll just unlock one for you in back, shall I?"

"That would probably be for the best, I suppose." Alistair agrees, allowing himself to be hustled around the bar. You follow, to a small room set with a table and reasonably comfortable looking chairs.

"... Suppose I'll begin, then." Alistair starts, dispiritedly. "Now, you should be aware that the wizarding world, as a whole, isn't exactly what could be considered... ah, tolerant. There's very much a sense of superiority: against those that have no magic, against other species with magic, against themselves, through magical pedigree... well. In any case, legislation tends to reflect that. Now, I was born the only child of a family of good pedigree and reasonably equivalent wealth, and everything seemed perfectly normal. I studied attentively, attended Hogwarts, my sorting pleased my parents, and I graduated with... well, not the highest marks, those near-invariably go to the ravens, but well above average."

He comes to a halt as Tom bustles in with bowls of stew. It's thick and brown, and you suspect that you can make out mutton and, among other vegetables, carrots. Alistair's eyes are suddenly tracking the bowls like a hawk watching prey.

"Tea's brewing miss, and what did you say you'd be having, Al?"

"Ah... nothing strong, it wouldn't be seemly at this time of day, especially with being out and about. A small butterbeer?"

"Of course, lad. Back in a jiff."

Alistair immediately sets into his bowl, ravenously. You pick at your own at a rather more sedate speed, eating slowly. For a brief moment, as he finishes, he casts a longing look at your own, before brushing it off and continuing.

"In any case, I traveled for some time after that, as there seemed little else for me to do aside from sit and patiently wait to inherit. It's not an uncommon practice, however... I met with misfortune in the countryside. As it turned out, a farmer near a campsite I had pitched was a werewolf, and hadn't taken quite the caution he should have in preparing his monthly restraints, and broke free. I was unfortunate enough, then, that I encountered him. I escaped, of course, but... not before being marked, and tainted."

"Your drinks." Tom interrupts, swinging the door open and setting a battered teapot and tin cup down next to a frothy mug of some sort of liquid.

"Another bowl for Alistair, if you would." You direct. "He's useless to me if he faints of hunger."

"... I wouldn't faint." The man insists, as Tom chuckles. "I might... have to pause for a moment or have a sit down, but I wouldn't collapse."

"Of course." You agree dryly, pouring tea into your cup. A sip confirms that it's absolutely dreadful, in comparison to Remilia's exacting standards. You drink it anyway, as it's decent enough by most others.

"... In any case, the man was beside himself with apology when morning came." Alistair continued, in between sips of liquid. "After assuring I was alright, he immediately left to turn himself in to the ministry. I'd have stopped him, if I'd been in any state to do so, and had I thought it through. He was put down as a danger to the public inside the hour. I've never regretted anything more, in retrospect, when I could have simply told him to pretend it hadn't happened, and named a more notorious werewolf as the one who had assaulted me, and none would have batted an eye. Of course, my parents felt rather differently, and simply believed that justice had been properly served in the matter."

"More stew!" Tom calls, from the door.

"Ah, yes, thank you." Alistair replies as he sets into the dish, and you pour your cup full again. A few moments pass as he rapidly eats, and then sets the bowl aside, returning to his tale.

"As mentioned, legislation becomes... difficult, to different degrees, for those who are not pure of magical blood. The relevant point in my case was that Werewolves cannot legally inherit: everything that would have gone to them instead goes to the next in line. A younger sibling, typically. In cases such as my own, where I was the only child of the family, and none other stood to inherit, everything goes into a frozen state, waiting for matters to be resolved. If my parents were to have had another child, for example, or if I bore an heir of my own... though, there is rather greater than even odds that such offspring would bear my own taint... then the inheritance passes to them. Or, of course, I could die before such resolution is reached, and then inheritance can be claimed by the most closely blood-related family. But I would never see any of it personally. Father died of stress trying to find a loophole or work-around in those laws, but the best he managed was to pass the house to me, as a direct gift from father to son before he passed, rather than leave it a part of heredity, and a reasonable lump sum of money. The majority of it, unfortunately, remained out of reach at the time of his exhausted demise, and money only lasts so long, no matter how you stretch it. Mother died shortly after. She couldn't bear to continue."

You 'Hm' thoughtfully to yourself, more of your mind focused on the tea than on Alistair's Tragic Backstory.

"Reasonably, then, the fellows in the side-alley would be attempting to convince you to hasten your own removal from the picture, leaving the money available to others. Doubtless there are measures in place to check for outright murder which would be awkward for such fortune seekers to deal with, but which would not come into play in the case of suicide." You summarize.

"... Yes, quite." Alistair responds awkwardly. "They are familiar faces, at the least, and most of the irrational ones only make one or two appearances, so there's certainly some purpose, and that's the most likely."

You glance down at your bowl and frown. Still half-full, and surprisingly filling. You're a light eater, so while you could choke it down, it wouldn't be pleasant. And Alistair's not nearly so good at disguising his quick, longing glances as he thinks he is.

"Finish this for me." You say, as you shove the bowl across the table, and his face lights up. In the meantime, Tom has poked his head curiously in the door, and you wave him over to make payment. That finished, you pour out the last of the tea, and drink it slowly.

[ ] What do you do?
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[x]Bookstore time let's find something for the 1-7 years to study out of.
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Hmmm... Sad situation, but the only thing that would really help Alistair would be to find someone who wouldn't mind hiring him. Patchouli isn't interested enough to go out of her way for this.

[x] Head to the bookstore.
[x] Alistair was a student at the school you're going to teach. Maybe his help could make the selection of coursebooks faster?
[x] If he's hesitant, assure him you'll pay for his help.

Giving money we won't need will help him short term at least.
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[x] Head to the bookstore.
[x] Alistair was a student at the school you're going to teach. Maybe his help could make the selection of coursebooks faster?
[x] If he's hesitant, assure him you'll pay for his help.

Finding out what sort of Dark Arts we are expected to teach about would probably help. Teaching them things that won't appear on their NEWTs/OWLs won't help them learn the skills they need to get jobs. Which is kind of our job now.
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And now you remember why you left the outside world, here the assholes are organized.

[x]Bookstore time let's find something for the 1-7 years to study out of.
[x] Alistair was a student at the school you're going to teach. Maybe his help could make the selection of coursebooks faster?
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[x] Head to the bookstore.
[x] Alistair was a student at the school you're going to teach. Maybe his help could make the selection of coursebooks faster?
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[x] Head to the bookstore.
[x] Alistair was a student at the school you're going to teach. Maybe his help could make the selection of coursebooks faster?
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[x] Head to the bookstore.
[x] Alistair was a student at the school you're going to teach. Maybe his help could make the selection of coursebooks faster?
[x] If he's hesitant, assure him you'll pay for his help.
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[X] Get Alistair a job working at Remi's place. All he has to do is obliviate Marisa and not have sex with anyone.
--[X] Of course...after we no longer have use of his services.

This solves 3 problems at once, and all it costs is one portal to Gensokyo.
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Are you sure it's a wise idea to put a werewolf in a house with two vampires?
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This ain't Twilight yo. No reason they can't all get along.
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[x] Head to the bookstore.
[x] Alistair was a student at the school you're going to teach. Maybe his help could make the selection of coursebooks faster?
[x] If he's hesitant, assure him you'll pay for his help.
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[x] Take Alistair hooooooome~
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[x] Head to the bookstore.
[x] Alistair was a student at the school you're going to teach. Maybe his help could make the selection of coursebooks faster?
[x]Get his contact information in case we need him for something else

A contact in a foreign country could help us a lot.
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Yes. A hated bum. Truly the best contact.

[x] You want one of those focuses. Get one. Now.
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Even though we really don't need one we should get one Just to keep up appearances. Best to look as if we're part of their community.

Its akin to why we want to keep our spell use low... for now. Breaking out cards are for problems. Breaking out Koakuma is for defense Tea
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Unless we're planning to teach crazy foreign magic, we do need a wand. I guess we could get a textbook heavy on theory, but that's booooring.

Besides, you know you want to see Patchy get "disarmed" in a fight.
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On the subject of appearances I should probably point out that Patchouli is most likely walking around in her purple frilly nightgown... true it probably doesn't stick out too sorely with all the mid century wizard robes... but she's oddly out of place already.
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The meal turns out to be remarkably cheap, and your sack of gold is still almost entirely full at the end of it, and one of your pockets now contains a scattering of silver and bronze coins in change. It's only a matter of moments before you've passed through the gateway to the alley proper again, and once more seemingly shifted centuries back in time.

"You mentioned you were Alumni of Hogwarts?" You note, as Alistair leads the way through the crowd towards the bookstore. "Perhaps you could be of assistance: I've recently been hired on as the defense instructor."

Alistair pauses in his walk and looks back at you.

"You have my sincere condolences." He says sadly.

"... I did not attend, so I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the standards and expectations of the position." You continue.

"Oh, few worries there. Cursed as the position seems to be, with a new professor every year, each generally slightly less qualified than the previous, things have gotten remarkably lax of recent years. In theory, you're supposed to prepare them to defeat or escape enemy mages and any number of hostile creatures and beings, as well as deflect and avoid more subtle curses and poisons. In practice, as long as they can last at least a few seconds in a duel against the examiner for Owls and Newts, they'll do just fine. Most can manage that on their own with only a little bit of study and practice, so the class is generally looked at as one of the simpler courses these days. The kind that the jocks delight in and the more academically inclined are less than thrilled about, whether or not they're required to take it. Far cry from the old days, back before the whole curse business got started, but it doesn't seem like there's anything to be done. And nobody's ever actually found evidence of a curse on the position, to tell the truth, so it's entirely possible that the whole sordid business is a string of... horrible, horribly unfortunate coincidences for the dozens of instructors they've gone through."

"Explain." You instruct, frowning slightly. This, Albus had not bothered to mention. How vexing.

"Well, instructors for the defense position only ever last a year at most, sometimes less." Alistair said, expanding on his previous explanation. "Then something happens: there's a death in the family and they're called away, they drown in the bath, they fall down six flights of stairs and out a window, they get caught scrying on the fourth year girl's baths and leave in disgrace, they suffer a bizarre potions accident and melt down into formless sludge... well, I think I recall that one actually visited a gambling den over the winter break and won a rather stupendously large jackpot, and then only stayed on through the end of term to avoid breaching contract. But that was just one case out of quite a large number."

"A series of unfortunate coincidences indeed." You muse.

"Yes, it does seem a bit much for simple bad luck, don't you think?" Alistair said wryly. "But as I said, if there is a curse, then it's so well hidden that not one of the best curse-breakers in the business have been able to sniff out even a trace of it. And here we are, Flourish and Blotts, the main bookstore of the alley." He is quiet for a few minutes as you enter and begin glancing through the shelves, scanning both titles and prices, seeming to consider something. "Ah, just a word in your ear, miss... If you're looking to select course-texts, then there are a number of perfectly reasonable selections to be made here. You'd likely get by just fine with a magazine of jinxes designed for practical jokery, to be honest, given the recent lowered expectations. But there are some rather more... comprehensive texts, which this business doesn't keep in stock as a matter of course, due to general lack of interest and as such minimal profitability. You could make an order, of course, but I believe I know a place or two where they can be purchased in less-frequented shops. They are... slightly questionable businesses, to tell the truth, and there is a good deal of suspicion that one of them is a front to launder money from international smuggling... well, there's either no proof of it, or they're keeping all the right pockets well lined, of course."

You perform some quick mental arithmetic. After a moment, you conclude that you have enough money, barely, to purchase a single copy of every book currently in the store. Alternatively, you could limit your selection to merely those related to defense and spend only slightly more than a third of the gold, likely leaving you more than enough to purchase whatever other books Alistair has in mind. Of course, you can always simply make more disposable wealth, if it comes down to that. In any case, it's not as though you have to choose which text to use right this instant. You can spend a day or two skimming through them and comparing how they stack up against each other in different areas. Or, for that matter, make Koakuma do it.

[ ] What do you do?
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[x] Buy everything interesting, including the books Alistair mentioned.

Surely Patchy doesn't want EVERY book in the store?
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[x] Buy one copy of every defense related subject possible to skim over later.
[x] Ask Alistair about these other texts, and if he imagines it would make a good material for students of Hogwarts, any possible controversies left behind for the moment.
[x] Ponder whether or not you could compile your /own/ material for this job...
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[x]One of every book not currently owned, approach the counter and get a further list to order more books not owned. Buy them too.
[x]Buy one each of every Defense book owned or otherwise.
[x]Approve Alistair's decision to find more comprehensive texts, Knowledge is power after all.
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[x] Buy one copy of every defense related subject possible to skim over later.
[x] Go check those texts Alistair mentionned.
[x] Ponder whether or not you could compile your /own/ material for this job...
[x] Remember to save enough money for a good tip if those texts are as good as Alistair said.

Alistair did just say they're more detailed, so they should be alright, provided we choose them. Modifying what you decided a bit.

Also, while Patchouli won't start teaching Elemental magic to students, her own experiences would add a more personnal touch to the job. It's not like we can do worse than Lockhart.
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Comprehensive? Fuck yes, we're going to teach little kiddies Dark Arts.
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What? By comprehensive, I imagined that they would go deeper than just 'use this to defend against that'. More like why X reacts to Y that way and such.
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Maybe, but that sort of thing could probably be found in a reputable store. Dark texts? No way.
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x] Buy one copy of every defense related subject possible to skim over later.
[x] Go check those texts Alistair mentionned.
[x] Ponder whether or not you could compile your /own/ material for this job...
[x] Remember to save enough money for a good tip if those texts are as good as Alistair said.
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[x] Look through the books.
[X] Check which ones we don't have duplicates of OR are sufficiently below us in terms of level.

We ARE a Magician after all. We don't to buy extraneous books that meant for a Fairy of all things.

[x] Buy the books for the students then browse.
[x] Consider change of dress.
[x] Ask Sakuya/Remilia to be able to bring tea from home when you decide to dorm there. A Magician cannot function without good tea.
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Well, we need to check the books first before selecting what will be used anyway. Let's see what we find first.
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[x] Buy one copy of every defense related subject possible to skim over later.
[x] Go check those texts Alistair mentioned.
[x] Ponder whether or not you could compile your /own/ material for this job...
[x] Remember to save enough money for a good tip if those texts are as good as Alistair said.
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[x] Look through the books.
[X] Check which ones we don't have duplicates of OR are sufficiently below us in terms of level.
[x] Buy the books for the students then browse.
[x] Go check those texts Alistair mentioned.
[x] Ponder whether or not you could compile your own material for this job...
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You head over to the cashier and have a quick word. He nods after a moment, seeming pleased, and drags an assistant aside, who heads into the back and hauls out an empty crate. With a flick of the cashier's focus, books begin floating off the shelves, one of every text related even vaguely to defense, and stack themselves gently into the crate. You count roughly two dozen, all told, and once settled the cashier manipulates the shape and size of the box to fit, puts on a lid, and smiles.

"That be all, miss? Can shrink it down for you for only a pittance extra."

"That won't be necessary, I've a strong back ready to carry my things."

Alistair doesn't seem to grasp that you're referring to him until you wave a hand in his direction, and the crate is shoved into his arms without ceremony. He stumbles slightly, but manages to right and steady himself before falling.

".. Even if you're pinching pennies... it only takes a moment to charm something smaller... or weightless." He groans, shifting himself and the box around to find a position where it can be carried easier. "Just a moment, and I can do that myself..."

"No, that won't be necessary. You're a strong boy, it'll be fine." You reply, without turning, as you spill gold out, counting the pieces before returning a few to the sack and shoving the rest across the counter to the cashier.

The thought occurs to you that you could likely compile your own reference text from the material. It would likely take upwards of a year though... well, assuming you were to go it alone. You see no reason you should go that far. If you summoned a number of demons similar to Koakuma, however, and put them to the task with her at the head, or crafted a similar number of homunculi, you could probably have it done inside of a week. Perhaps a little more, if you go the homunculus route, as you'll have to look up how to create them again, as you can't recall quite off the top of your head. They would likely be easier to keep in line than the demons, though... although you would have to outline their tasks just as specifically, to be sure they did it right. You set the thought aside for the moment.

"Onward, Alistair." You direct, and he mumbles to himself as he makes his way out the door, and you trail behind.

It's not too long before you arrive at a small, out of the way shop, seeming to stock mainly curios and novelties, and not receiving much in the way of patronage. It's only to be expected, as if the store is indeed a front, as then it wouldn't matter much at all even if they didn't ever sell anything. Alistair sets the crate down and sits on it, breathing heavily.

"You go on ahead, shouldn't be much trouble to find. Only defense-related books they have in stock, unless someone's already bought them. I think they keep their inventory based directly on what people aren't interested in buying, as it happens, so they should still have them. If not, there's other places to try. I'll just wait here a moment, catch my breath..."

You enter without responding, and it only takes a minute for your eyes to adjust as the door moving rings a bell. There's a sharp cursing, and a feminine giggle from the back, and then a slight crashing of someone moving around hastily. It's only a few minutes before a young man enters the store proper from that direction, rapidly finishing the buttoning of his shirt, disheveled, and faintly smelling of unmistakable odors.

"... Hello miss." He says, with undisguised interest as he gives you a quick once-over. "Is there anything I can... help you with, today? Sorry about my late response, I'm afraid you caught me in the shower." He lies without shame.

More than used to dealing with Koakuma and her ilk, you thoroughly ignore his unsubtle propositioning.

"I require certain defense texts." You say, and his face falls slightly for a moment as you fail to rise to his bait. "I am informed you have them in stock."

"Yes, of course, madame, I am quite certain you can find... anything you might desire in our stock, and I would me most... eager to assist you in any way you might wish..." He tries again. At some point, the top pair of buttons on his shirt came undone, and his wavy hair has moved around to alluringly shade one eye.

"I'm not interested in sharing your bed." You state bluntly. "Entirely aside from that, your subtlety leaves much to be desired, your affectations are overblown and transparent, and your eyes haven't left my bust line for almost the entire course of this conversation. In short, you fail entirely at matters of seduction."

"... what." The man says, in startled disbelief.

"Kindly collect the books, if you would."

Still mildly stunned, the man does as you order. By the time he's brought them to the counter, however, he's clearly quite sullen, and names a price that's quite blatantly more than half again as much as the combined total sum should be, out of obvious spite.

"I am perfectly capable of simple addition, thank you." You state frostily, as you set the correct amount down. The man scowls, but takes it. Without a further word, you collect your purchases and leave. Your sack of gold is still roughly half full, you note. You could probably make more purchases if you found anything worth buying.

[ ] What do you do?
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[x] Teleport the books home now.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need.
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[x] Teleport the books home now.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need, then procure these items right away. You've had it with this deplorable country, where ever you might be.
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[x] Teleport the books home now.
[x] Perhaps there are ingredients for potions or medecine here that would be hard to acquire in Gensokyo. Ask Alistair for shops selling those.

Just a quick note, but it was late afternoon when we left Gensokyo. As good as we feel today, we may want to make next stop the last one. Patchouli has been walking around almost all the time since she arrived and the fatigue will probably start hitting her soon.
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Except he never heard of Gensokyo, know nothing about what awaits him inside and will most probably panics from all that he'll see inside. Nevermind that it would also be asking to abandon everything else behind, something that he won't automatically say yes to just because of his current situation. Also neglecting that we heard nothing about restraining werewolves and risk spreading the infection in Gensokyo. Also forgetting that Remilia is the owner of the mansion, not us.

And frankly, Patchouli isn't compassionnate enough for this. Remember that she filed his story under a genre earlier (Tragic Backstory). If you want to help him, just modify your vote a bit to leave whatever remains of the gold we have once we leave. It's not like we can't get more.
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[x] Teleport the books home now.
[x] Perhaps there are ingredients for potions or medecine here that would be hard to acquire in Gensokyo. Ask Alistair for shops selling those.
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Good point. Changing vote to

[x] Teleport the books home now.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need, then procure these items right away. You've had it with this deplorable country, where ever you might be.
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[x] Teleport the books home now.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need, then procure these items right away. You've had it with this deplorable country, where ever you might be.
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[x] Teleport the books home now.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need, then procure these items right away. You've had it with this deplorable country, where ever you might be.
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Awww, none of you guys leave him the rest of the gold we have?
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Well, those little wooden foci seem to be ubiquitous here. If everyone relies on them for their spell casting, they would seem to be an obvious point of weakness. If this is true, defense applications should be obvious, as much for yourself as your students. And if the wands are warded to resist magic or damage, that would be good to know as well.

[x] Teleport the books home now.
[X] If you can afford it with your petty cash, obtain a few wands for later experimentation.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need, then procure these items right away. You've had it with this deplorable country, where ever you might be.
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Alistair will probably be useful in the future. While he may not be comfortable in Gensokyo, and we probably don't want to take him there, he still has demonstrated himself to be reasonably familiar with both Hogwarts and the society. He may be a bum, but he's a smart one that has managed to survive. He may or may not also be proficient at this type of magic.

[x] Teleport the books home now.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need, then procure these items right away. You've had it with this deplorable country, where ever you might be.
[x] Ask to retain Alistair's services in the coming year.
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[x] Teleport the books home now.
[X] If you can afford it with your petty cash, obtain a few wands for later experimentation.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need, then procure these items right away. You've had it with this deplorable country, where ever you might be.

It's been some time since I've read the books, but did Rowling ever write down specific reasons why foci are used in HP magic? Is it some sort of way to help focus magic more easily for less experienced users, like it is in the Dresden Files?
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Not the same anon, but IIRC wands are foci but magic can be used without them. As I recall, this was mentioned in the DADA classes of HBP. There, silent and wandless magics are mentioned.
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Given the fair amount of difference between Patchouli's typical spell set and the spells and abilities that are used at Hogwarts however, it would be best to spend some time at Ollivander's speaking to him about Wandlore. Patchy at the very least can respect someone knowledgable about a subject and the reference material will be very useful for her when dealing with these people, her magical prowess for reshaping reality with raw will is incredibly useful but her students will not have access to that kind of power reserve.

Additionally, the thought of a wand choosing Patchy is absolutely amusing -- will her power burn out the wands because none can handle it? Could she craft one of her own making through will power/Wood Sign and different elements? She may disdain such an object as being beneath her but the chance to obtain an artifact that 'fits' her uniquely should not be ignored.
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[x] Teleport the books home now.
[X] If you can afford it with your petty cash, obtain a few wands for later experimentation.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need, then procure these items right away. You've had it with this deplorable country, where ever you might be.
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[x] Pick up a history book.

All defense and no general knowledge makes Patchy an oblivious girl.
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[x] Teleport the books home now.
[X] If you can afford it with your petty cash, obtain a few wands for later experimentation.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need, then procure these items right away. You've had it with this deplorable country, where ever you might be.
[x] Pay Alistair for services rendered.
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[x] Teleport the books home now.
[X] If you can afford it with your petty cash, obtain a few wands for later experimentation.
[x] Ask Alistair if there's anything he thinks you need, then procure these items right away. You've had it with this deplorable country, where ever you might be.
[x] Pay Alistair for services rendered.
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Patchouli had no interest in a wand despite seeing many so far. If anything, making one and use one of her own hair would probably works best for her.

Also, what's up with the 'had enough' bit? We met one idiot that we dealt with swiftly and that's enough to warrant this kind of reaction?
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Is this set during the 5th book? Dumbledore mentioned the Minister meddling. If my memory of the books is correct, we should be replacing Umbridge.

Patchy might be able to make one better (vampire wing core, willingly given? fuck yeah), but talking with a master craftsman couldn't possibly hurt.
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I think it has to do with the fact that they figure they need to send Patchy home, and considering what Alistair has described for us. This place is kind of crappy and bigoted. Plus they apparently have sucky tea.
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Immediately upon leaving the curio shop, you glance up and down the back alley and, seeing a lack of any sort of pedestrian activity, proceed to rip a hole in the fabric of reality.

"... What is-" Alistair begins, startled.

"Don't touch it." You instruct immediately, tossing the books in your hands through, knowing Koakuma is already there to catch and set them on a table for later in-detail inspection. "Just shove the box through."

"Well, if you say so." He replies, concern lessening as he hefts the crate and muscles it into the hole in the air. He gets it about halfway through, before it is pulled out of his hands, leaving him staring at them in surprise. Koakuma, again. You allow the portal to slam shut without further explanation.

"Is there anything else you would advise me to purchase, for the purposes of my position as defense instructor?" You question.

"... Not offhand, I'm afraid." Alistair admits after a moment. "Or.. wait. You might think of picking up some stock healing potions, if there's any chance students might get injured in your class. Bone-repair, blood-replenishment, that sort of thing. The hospital wing will always be there, but if there's a sudden injury it can be better to have a quick fix on hand to patch things up until you can get them there. On that note, you might think about replenishing any potions supplies, if you're running low on something. Theoretically, the potions instructor is on hand, and should be capable and required to make anything you need, but... well, I've heard of late that while he's tremendously qualified in his field, he's an... enormous asshole, really, is the only way to put it, if you can excuse my language. I guess he must be a genius, if Dumbledore lets him get away with it. But anyway, there's no real guarantee that he'll just drop whatever he's doing and deal with making things you might need just because he's supposed to."

"Noted." You answer dryly.

In truth, you rather doubt that there's much in the magically drier Outside that you can't find within the barrier. And entirely aside from that, your magical pursuits, with exceptions, usually tend not to involve shredded plants of dubious nature and the fiddly bits of animal insides. That's more along the lines of the black-white's hobbies. You prefer to simply twist and pull at reality itself until it folds to your demands.

Still, it wouldn't do to entirely discount the long shot out of hand. Now that you think of it, there's one other thing you might want to look into.

"Is there any place where some small number of foci would be available for purchase? I've some experiments in mind..."

"And you need wands, plural for it? Hm, that... might be a bit of a tricky proposition, come to think of it." Alistair says consideringly. "The only legitimate wand-dealer in Britain is old Ollivander, and the man takes great pains to keep it that way. And he considers himself an artist, makes a deliberate point of only selling one wand per customer, ever, unless you can produce proof that your original wand has been broken beyond hope of repair. Or if you've lost it somehow, though I'm given to understand it's like pulling teeth either way."

You consider that almost to be expected from craftsmen above a certain level of skill, with enough personal wealth amassed that they no longer need to push numbers. Alistair hesitates, and lowers his voice deliberately.

"I... might know someone, who might know a person who's supposedly got some number of... 'used' wands. I've never quite managed to bring myself to ask exactly where they come from. They're usually a little damaged, and don't always work quite properly, however, and the man himself is fairly... unpleasant. In addition, any actual monetary transaction involving wands and not involving Ollivander is, as I said, technically not legal."

You consider that.

[ ] What do you do?
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[x]Try to convince the 'Ollivander' guy
-[x] If it fails, buy one anyway and get the rest from the other guy. It's not like you care that much about the local laws.
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[x] Buy from Ollivander.
[x] Use the experience gained there to pick out the better-quality used wands.

No reason why we can't visit both. As for potions, Eirin probably has better stuff.
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[x] Buy from Ollivander.
[x] Use the experience gained there to pick out the better-quality used wands.

Also, I have to agree that Eirin's shady drugs are probably better than anything Snape can make. Outside of things that Eirin doesn't know about. She's never made anything like the Ployjuice potion, for one thing.
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[x] Buy from Ollivander.
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[x] Buy from Ollivander.
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> She's never made anything like the Ployjuice potion, for one thing.

Where is your proof of that? You cannot simply go "she has never made something like that" when there is no indication either way. In canon we have only seen a handful of concoctions she's made, and each tends to be quite amazing, with the hourai elixer being just about the most hax thing you will ever find in a fantasy setting. Period.

[x] Buy from Ollivander.
Yeah, I would rather not have Patchouli running afoul of the law. While it would be humorous to see how wizards would react to an entire region filled with people that can blanket the sky in spells, I don't think that drawing their attention to Gensokyo would be a good idea by any stretch. Thats assuming they don't already know, that is.
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[x] Buy from Ollivander.

I think Patchouli had enough of shady stores for today.

And I like Alistair. He already know something is strange as we have no wand and just made a hole in reality, but doesn' really comment on it. If we ever have more errands to run in the Alley, we need to hire him again.
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"Ollivander it is, then." You decide after a moment, and Alistair nods, leading the way.

The shop you arrive at is much more well lit, though still somewhat gloomy, and is lined with rows and rows of shelves set with boxes, each displaying a single wand.

"Good evening, miss." An old-looking man says from your side and slightly behind you, shortly after you enter. "You are rather older than the schoolchildren that are my normal customers."

And wasn't that statement more correct than the man could likely realize. You shrug absently.

"I am here to purchase a focus." You say.

"To be sure, to be sure, else you wouldn't have come here." Ollivander replies disinterestedly. "Hm... as I recall, you haven't been a customer of mine before. No doubt your previous wand was from a foreign competitor, was a poor fit, and you are only now realizing the sheer lack of quality inherent in their work. Possibly it simply fell apart in your hand mid-spell."

"Such a theory is not outside the realm of possibility." You allow, not bothering to actually confirm or deny anything. "In any case, I will buy a wand."

"Yes, yes." Ollivander says again. He lifts a tape measure, waiting patiently, and you narrow your eyes. After a moment, he sighs and sets it away. "I suppose we can cut through the theatrics and ritualism that the children so enjoy. Here, give this a flick."

He sets a shaft in your hand. With the slightest twitch, it explodes into Fire, flinging charred splinters of wood in every direction as shrapnel. Ollivander's eyebrows rise.

"Rather an extreme reaction." He says, with sudden undisguised interest. "Unusually volatile. Oak and dragon heartstring is usually something of a more sedate combination."

.... Dragon heartstring, was it? How crass, to mis-label product so blatantly. If that had had any portion of a Dragon involved in its crafting, she much doubted the man would have been willing to sell it in the first place, for any offered price, and he would no doubt have been significantly distraught over its destruction, rather than intrigued. No doubt it had really been cut from some lesser Drake, barely cognizant of its own existence, or from a Wyrm of the more shallow caverns, or a slavering Wyvern, or Linnorm, or some other simple beast grown into a shape mimicking that of a Dragon, and thus confused with the genuine article.

"Perhaps it's simply the combination. Here, try this one: Willow." Ollivander says, confirming your suspicion. There is no possibility that a second absurdly rare treasure would be offered up for destruction within moments of the first's demise, after all. You twitch the wand... it sparks a little at the tip, then attempts to drip water out of itself and erupt in flame at the same time. Ollivander shakes his head and gingerly plucks it away from you. It goes out as it leaves your hands, but continues to drip for a few moments, and it's clear that the focus has partially melted.

"Curious..." Ollivander muses, interest piquing. "Perhaps we should simply set those with heartstring cores aside for the time being. Hm, perhaps unicorn... Yes, let's try, say... Mistletoe and unicorn tail hair, that might-"

You don't even have time to twitch the wand as it's set in your hand, before it tears itself apart in a screaming whirl of winds, launching pieces of itself in every direction.

"-... hm. Or, then, perhaps not. No matter. I do love a challenge, though you are proving remarkably incompatible, I must say."

"The nature of your wands is at fault." You state, without accusation. "Thus far, I have seen at most two affinities linked to a given focus, but I habitually use a set of seven elements. As those matching resonate, the others attempt, and fail, to respond similarly. This discordance cascades rapidly, leading to the self-destruction of the focus as it fails to sufficiently compensate for the other elements."

"Yes, that does seem to be the problem, when it comes down to it." Ollivander admitted dryly. "Though your confirmation does take something of the fun out of determining the exact issue at hand, I had determined that elemental disparity had something to do with it. This is why children aren't supposed to practice magic before they have wands of their own, it always makes things more difficult to locate a proper match if they've managed to grow into magical habits or quirks already. My word, though, seven elements. Hm, a magically significant number, it would be a powerful and diverse wand indeed, to represent such a number equally. Especially when considering that a wand must be made of one type of wood, and contain only a single core... yes. I am uncertain as to whether such a feat would be within my ability, to be quite frank, depending on which elements you practice with..."

"Eastern elemental system." You reply succinctly. "Sun, Moon, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, and Earth."

"... Hm. Well, I suppose anything at all would do nicely for 'wood'." Ollivander considers. "I wasn't aware that was considered an element, to be honest. A capstone... hm, or a metallic sheath at the tip, would nicely encompass either earth or metal, assuming the second doesn't carry the first with it as well. That leaves whichever of those is left out, fire, water, and... sun and moon, to be represented. Ah, you'll have to forgive me, I'm afraid I've no idea where to begin qualifying those last two..."

"They are less simple elements than the others." You agree. "However... parts from a phoenix would neatly embody both the elements of Sun and Fire."

"Hmm..." Ollivander muses, then starts. "Ah. I believe I begin to understand. Would I be right, then, in suggesting that cores crafted from portions of, say... a vampire, or werewolf, just for example, or a dementor or lethifold, would qualify as placating your 'Moon' element?"

"That is not an unreasonable supposition." You respond, and the wandmaker chews at his lip, deep in though.

"Fascinating combination." He murmurs aloud. "Yes... a very intriguing mixture indeed. Although, miss, I should be hesitant of revealing such information too freely. Yes, I do believe that would turn many heads indeed. In any case, hrm, it's an interesting puzzle to fit together. Yew springs to mind immediately for 'moon', of course, but that's too simple, surely I can do better than that... yes, this will have to be a masterpiece, if it's to work at all. Hawthorn... that simply won't do, no, if phoenix feather is already Fire..."

You listen with interest to the craftsman's mumblings, pleased to have the opportunity to watch a master ply his trade, as he bustles about a desk off to the side, withdrawing lengths of wood from drawers before setting them to the side, scribbling intently at a sheet of parchment for a few moments, then stopping, crumpling it, and throwing it carelessly aside before beginning anew. He repeats this steadily, over the course of an hour, sinking deeper and deeper into his work as he struggles to find a combination that works. A thought strikes you, and you cough to draw his attention. He turns to you, brow furrowed.

"Let us say." You begin. "Simply out of curiosity, that I were able to produce a substance which related directly to no less than five of my elements, in its own right."

"I would call you a liar." Ollivander answered. "But if such a thing were to exist, it would certainly make the crafting of a wand a rather simpler matter indeed, though I have no doubt that I shall eventually find a suitable combination nonetheless."

You nod, and focus, eyes drifting closed. This is something of a more difficult task than simple creation and manipulation of Earth or Metal, and were you only a little less healthy than today has left you, you would already be heavily sweating and panting for breath from the effort. Much less than that, and you doubt it would be possible at all, without consigning yourself to bed-rest for the rest of the day. You wobble slightly as you complete your efforts, though the wand-crafter doesn't seem to notice, and Alistair has long since drifted to slumber, leaning against a nearby wall.

You remove the stone from the inner pocket you formed it in, the size of one of your fingertips at most, and display it before the puzzled craftsman.

"... My word. I... don't believe I have ever seen such an item, in perfect honesty, and yet... and yet, I have this nagging sense of familiarity. How curious. But yes... the elemental conflux nestled within its form is... goodness. I wouldn't have believed it if I weren't seeing the thing itself. Yes, this will do very well, though... no, I do not think a capstone at the tip would be proper. Shaping it seems... wrong, somehow. No, it will have its own compartment in the base of the wand."

He holds out a hand, and seems to realize only belatedly that it is trembling slightly. The shivering motion ceases almost immediately, and you set the stone in his palm. He caresses it tenderly, with a single outstretched finger.

"After this wand... yes. I do believe, after this wand is crafted, my death could come at any time, and in any form, and I would meet it a happy man." He says wistfully, before shaking the sensation off. In any case, that leaves... hm, sun and moon. ... Silver Fir. Yes. That would be the most appropriate casing of this wand, I believe. As for the core... no, phoenix feather simply won't do. It will unbalance the entire thing far too strongly to fire, and the entire effort will be a waste. But hm... unicorn, yes, I was on the right track before. A being of purity and light... tail-hairs won't do, oh no, but I think I have something. Yes. Bone of unicorn... I've been near-trampled and gored by the creatures more than a time or three in collecting hairs, but it was the time I was not looking, simply enjoying an outing in nature, that the truest prize came. An elderly unicorn approached my campsite, and there simply laid down and died. It was the most remarkable sight... terribly sad, of course, yes."

He continued rambling idly to himself as he hauled and shifted boxes, gathering equipment, and settled down at his desk. He first sawed away at the bone, separating it into thin rectangles, setting aside those pieces that were too deformed by the spaces where marrow had once been, then took one of the most suitable and slowly ground it down to a smooth cylinder. Then, inspecting it closely, he carefully set it aside and began work at a single block of wood, sawing it into the appropriate size. From there, he took more delicate work, carving carefully at the remaining stick until it fit the appropriate dimensions, then sanded it smooth. He took great effort in properly shaping the handle. That done, he carefully inspected the wood, and used an odd device to carefully slice out the interior of the handle, and from there drill slowly into the front of the wand. Upon completion, he slid the thin shaft of unicorn bone inside of the wood, inspected it, and nodded, then drew it back out. He measured carefully and sawed off a small piece, then slid it back in, and it filled the drilled hole precisely. That completed, he carefully carved a hidden receptacle for the stone into the piece he had removed from the handle, and set it almost reverently into place. That done, he replaced the wood and carefully rubbed in a sealant, to hold it in place and fill what empty space it might. You nod in approval as he sets in to apply the finishing touch, varnish.

"Never seen a wand-maker at work before." Alistair remarks, having roused himself at some point. "Had always assumed... well, that they used magic, to craft their wands."

"Are not the hands of a master craftsman a magic of their own?" You chide, and he shifts awkwardly as the wand-maker chuckles.

"Yes... a moment more, to dry, and I do believe this wand is complete. I do not believe myself mistaken in saying that it is my proudest achievement to date."

"Then the only question remaining is reimbursement." You reply.

"Payment? Pah." Ollivander replies. "There isn't enough gold in the world, and I should be the one to pay you, miss, for the opportunity to craft such a work of art. Thank you, for bringing this old man that brief joy."

You bow slightly, a show of mild, but sincere respect, and he offers up the wand. You take it hand. It seems to shift slightly, before settling in place, and as you move it you can almost year a deep thrumming... of acceptance? How interesting. Such simple means, though unusual materials, and yet the focus crafted seems almost to already have a mind and soul of its own.

"And now." Ollivander says wearily. "I do believe I must lie down. Far, far too much excitement in one day for an old man such as myself."

[ ] What do you do?
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This was so amazing, I don't even know what to vote on.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x] Give Alistair what's left of the money. You can always get more and he could use it.

Hopefully, his situation will have improved next time we happen to see him (IF we see him again).

Also, I agree with >>46740 . Really nice snippet here.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x]Test your new focus, you are getting a bit tired and it would make the trip back easier.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x] Give Alistair what's left of the money. You can always get more and he could use it.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x] You are not known for charity. Even so, Alistair has been more informative than expected, and seems to know something about the goings on of the local criminal underworld. He could be useful in the future, so give Alistair what's left of the money as a retainer fee for future services. You can easily get more money later and it is, frankly, a bit heavy.
[x] Also remind him it is in poor taste to discuss one's employer with others.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x] You are not known for charity. Even so, Alistair has been more informative than expected, and seems to know something about the goings on of the local criminal underworld. He could be useful in the future, so give Alistair what's left of the money as a retainer fee for future services. You can easily get more money later and it is, frankly, a bit heavy.
[x] Also remind him it is in poor taste to discuss one's employer with others.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x] You are not known for charity. Even so, Alistair has been more informative than expected, and seems to know something about the goings on of the local criminal underworld. He could be useful in the future, so give Alistair what's left of the money as a retainer fee for future services. You can easily get more money later and it is, frankly, a bit heavy.
[x] Also remind him it is in poor taste to discuss one's employer with others.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x] You are not known for charity. Even so, Alistair has been more informative than expected, and seems to know something about the goings on of the local criminal underworld. He could be useful in the future, so give Alistair what's left of the money as a retainer fee for future services. You can easily get more money later and it is, frankly, a bit heavy.
[x] Also remind him it is in poor taste to discuss one's employer with others.

Did Patchy just supply a Philosopher's Stone to be turned into a wand?
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x] You are not known for charity. Even so, Alistair has been more informative than expected, and seems to know something about the goings on of the local criminal underworld. He could be useful in the future, so give Alistair what's left of the money as a retainer fee for future services. You can easily get more money later and it is, frankly, a bit heavy.
[x] Also remind him it is in poor taste to discuss one's employer with others.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x]Test your new focus, you are getting a bit tired and it would make the trip back easier.
[x] You are not known for charity. Even so, Alistair has been more informative than expected, and seems to know something about the goings on of the local criminal underworld. He could be useful in the future, so give Alistair what's left of the money as a retainer fee for future services. You can easily get more money later and it is, frankly, a bit heavy.
[x] Also remind him it is in poor taste to discuss one's employer with others.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x] You are not known for charity. Even so, Alistair has been more informative than expected, and seems to know something about the goings on of the local criminal underworld. He could be useful in the future, so give Alistair what's left of the money as a retainer fee for future services. You can easily get more money later and it is, frankly, a bit heavy.
[x] Also remind him it is in poor taste to discuss one's employer with others.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x] You are not known for charity. Even so, Alistair has been more informative than expected, and seems to know something about the goings on of the local criminal underworld. He could be useful in the future, so give Alistair what's left of the money as a retainer fee for future services. You can easily get more money later and it is, frankly, a bit heavy.
[x] Also remind him it is in poor taste to discuss one's employer with others.

Sadly, most of the staff at Hogwarts would be happier if Alistair were Patchy's primary minion instead of Koakuma. Even if they do realize he is a werewolf.
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[x] Consider actually talking to Marisa. Maybe you can come to an agreement?

Let's let the fox guard the hen house~ Marisa doesn't need to steal books if she's allowed.
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[x] Time to go. You still need to put the books in a place the black-white won't look. You are NOT buying them again if you can help it.
[x] You are not known for charity. Even so, Alistair has been more informative than expected, and seems to know something about the goings on of the local criminal underworld. He could be useful in the future, so give Alistair what's left of the money as a retainer fee for future services. You can easily get more money later and it is, frankly, a bit heavy.
[x] Also remind him it is in poor taste to discuss one's employer with others.
[x] Consider actually talking to Marisa. Maybe you can come to an agreement?
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With Koakuma there is the possibilities of just using Glamors on her to hide the obvious succubi features (if she can't do it herself. Disguising in Gensokyo would be silly considering who the Lady of the House is and Keeping up such a disguise is annoying)

Sure there would be a Magic aura around her when glamored up but considering Hogwarts got enough random magical fields from the various things she might just be considered a noise.

With the Books we can probably have them put partially out of phase with Sakuya's abilities.

Marisa HAS visited before without looting (Ref Strange and Bright Nature Deity Chapter 14) so negotiations might be workable (Possibly offering magic items from the outside even if they're just kind of low quality could work. Hell one of their broomsticks could be interesting to the BlackWhite as it seems that hers originally was rather mundane)
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I was thinking letting Marisa housesit. Librarysit. She'd get unimpeded access to the entire library. In return, she doesn't mess up the place and keeps intruders out. So easy, even Marisa could handle it.

She'd need a safe place to experiment, but setting up one has got to be easier than keeping her out. And there's no fear of her stealing Patchouli's secrets: Grimoires can't be read unless the reader has more skill than the writer, and there's no way Marisa could get that much skill in a few months.
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Would Patchouli really care? In the Alley, it would have made getting books harder to do but once the school year starts, do you think she'll care?

You guys are assuming Patchouli would even seriously consider that option, considering her feelings on the matter were rather clear when she talked about this with Albus. Like Patchouli would really risk Marisa emptying the Library when it will be time for her to return to the SDM.

Beside, I can't help but imagine a scene where Marisa breaks in and find the Voile Library empty, save for a note from Patchouli that basically say 'Back in a year. Took my books with me. Have fun.'
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You're a little tired yourself, come to think of it. For a moment, the mad idea of setting that kleptomaniac black-white to guarding your books enters your head. Just giving her free run of your books, so long as she doesn't move them from the library, and even paying her for the honor, rather than going through the more traditional system of having the lesser magician perform small quests and tasks in exchange for the privilege of using the greater's arcane repositories for a set time. It's otherwise a reasonable, logically sound idea so far as you can tell, considering that she can't access the vast majority of your tomes anyway, and that she would probably be interested enough to go along with the idea, and you would almost rather carve out every one of your own ribs than actually go through with the idea. You must be tired. You file the thought away as a possibility, but nudge it down fairly low on your list.

Still, the idea of negotiations has merit enough. Possibly an aggressive sort of negotiation may be required. You can negotiate towards her leaving your library alone. And you can bring up the fact that if she makes off with the books you actually need to have on hand for the current business venture, you'll be more than willing to negotiate her ovaries out. Aggressively.

There's even odds that the black-white would take it as a challenge, of course, but if she went ahead with such a plan anyway, after being directly warned off, then it's likely better for all involved that she never produce offspring.

In any case, 'charitable donations' aren't what you're best known for. Even so, Alistair has proven himself useful enough, and is likely to be similarly useful in the future, if you have need to call on his services. You pull into a quiet side-alley, away from pedestrian onlookers, though a startled stray dog quickly vacates the premises, and toss your sack of gold, still half-full, to the man. He nearly fumbles it, but manages to pluck it out of the air.

"Payment for services rendered." You say, generously. "I may have need of you in the future as well, and expect to be your top priority in such an occasion, no matter what else you may or may not be embroiled in at that time. As well, I trust that I can rely on your discretion?"

"Of course, miss." He says blankly, seeming mildly stunned by the weight of the sack in his hands, almost certainly mathing out the contents in his head. You would have given him the pocket-change as well, having no use for it yourself, but for the majority of it being crafted of silver, and the bronze coins seeming too little to bother with.

"Very good." You reply, and turn.

... This focus is remarkably useful, you are quick to note. Where before you had to almost physically rip and tear at the fabric of reality, heaving it apart, in order to craft a proper portal, you only need to prod at it a bit with the tip now, and a gaping aperture opens wide to accept your passage.

You step through, entering the Archives. Koakuma is nearby, leaving curiously through one of the books you purchased... and you would have thought the gate would have closed itself behind you by now, as normal. Perhaps you need to shut it manually... by the time you consider this, there's the sound, behind you, of someone being spat through a hole in existence, connecting two points with no intervening distance. Then the familiar sound of the portal shutting itself comes.

You close your eyes and sigh, before speaking up.

"Did I, or did I not, say 'Do not touch this'?" You say aloud, with more than a small measure of irritation.

"... Y'did..." Alistair mumbles sheepishly, through a mouthful of carpeting.

"And yet, you did so anyway. Be sure that this will be considered, when next I have need to set some manner of task."

He groans softly from his place on the floor, and you lift your new focus to start opening a portal back to where you just came from, so Koa can toss him through it. You're interrupted by Remilia knocking on your doors. Although it's more 'knocking a hole through your doors', which is why you can tell who's calling, as you can see her face through the empty space where there was wood a second ago.

"Whoops." Remilia says with a smirk, giving no indication one way or the other if that had really been an accident, and she was just covering for it, or if she'd just deliberately punched that hole. "My bad. But you've got a visitor, Patchy, she's been waiting for you for a while. Open up~"

"If it's the black-white, I'm busy." You say dismissively.

"Nope~" Remilia replies cheerily. "You can keep playing the guessing game, if you want, or you can just open the door and find out for yourself.

You sigh and put your focus away, deciding that sending the werewolf back to his native habitat can wait at least a few minutes while you deal with whoever it is, and grumble to yourself as you head over to the doors, and swing them over.

The boundary-youkai's Shikigami is standing there, that tall and physically imposing nine-tailed fox. She is frowning. She looks fairly upset. She is lifting you up in one hand, by your collar, you realize suddenly.

"Nine times today... Stop screwing around with the Barrier, damn it!" She yells in your face.


Looks like we've almost hit autosage here, so stay tuned for Koa's Korner and a new thread.
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Haha, I did not see that coming.

Small tasks, huh? How about delegating the ward improvements? If Marisa fails to beef up the wards, Patchy takes the library to Britain. If she succeeds, she gets access to the library for a while.

Of course, she'll almost certainly fail. All that work for nothing~
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Oh not at all but you never know when you might have the occasional nutter deciding to take a shot at Koakuma and her retaliation likely smearing the offender on a wall. Such things are just a hassle to deal with. The paperwork and the interviews and just such a bother.

What is it with humans and putting themselves into things they're not supposed to mess with.
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Still, 9 holes in the Border? We didn't... Oh wait, Albus and Fawkes. 4 times Fawkes alone carrying letters and 2 times bringing Albus then leaving with him. Then 3 times with Patchouli.

Wouldn't Marisa set an easy way for her to pass those wards if we let her do it?

Also, come to think of it, we may need to train Koakuma as a substitute teacher for when the sickness is too much for the day.
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Alright, Koa's Edukation Korner is ready to go! Yes, I know that's not how either of those are spelled, just run with it. Anyway, we've got some interesting tidbits of knowledge to whet your interest with today~

Let's take it from the top.

Albus' Phoenix- a being of Fire and the Sun, such creatures are held to be immortal, rebirthing themselves in fire whenever they should meet their end. It can only be concluded, if they truly cannot die, that the species does not breed often, or at all, else the world would likely be all but knee-deep in the things, rather than their being rare as they are. Though it's possible they simply go elsewhere, when they feel there are too many of their kind around. He's displayed no difficulty in piercing the Barrier, though your own transportation wards were sufficient to the task... this may be because the area contained is smaller, and so your wards are not stretched as thin. Or perhaps not. You can't be sure without some direct study of both. It's not like the Barrier or your own wards can prevent you from going anywhere you please, though. Bears some obvious dislike for Koakuma, a being of Moon and Fire.

The Outside- Magically, much drier than places such as Gensokyo, sealed away inside Barriers to keep the magic in. Little punctures in those barriers, as of people passing through, are no real threat to the inside as a whole: magic breeds and reinforces magic, and the magic of Gensokyo is sufficiently concentrated that any little bits that might spill out are replaced in a short time-frame. Repairing the holes could be irritating, though. Incidentally, with the Phoenix going back and forth, and your own travels, the barrier was punctured nine times today. But in any case it's not impossible to do magic in the Outside, simply much harder to learn, very much less likely for a mage to reach any sort of reasonable power level, and a set of strict criteria must be met for a person to even be capable of practicing the art at all. Comparatively, Gensokyo, where any average dirt-farmer could learn to cast spells, provided he had access to a tome he could learn spells from, and was willing to take the time to learn to read it, is a magic-rich area, where everything comes easier in such matters.

Golems- Generally animated statues or suits of armor, though other types exist as well. Usually bound to a specific sort of task, and in command of a limited ability to think enough to fulfill those tasks, but not much else. Serve as excellent guardians, depending on who or what they need to keep at bay. Also well suited to chastising mouthy fairies.

Homunculi- Fleshy constructs created through alchemical practices. The most common variety mimics the human form near-exactly, and is possessed of a psuedo-life. They breathe, and their hearts beat to push blood through their bodies, and if any of their organs are put to the test at all, they will function as a human's would in that situation. However, they have no souls, and are mere shells set to emulate true life: they do not require sustenance, and the breathing and moving of blood is a mere show designed into them by their creator's, and is unnecessary. They are also not particularly intelligent. As such, they are generally most suited to drudgery or simple, repetitive tasks, such as copying over the words on a sheet of parchment a given number of times. Alternatively, they can also be used as test subjects for the effectiveness of medicine or poisons.

Wands- Foci carried seemingly unanimously by humans of the Outside that are capable of using magic. Constructed of magically significant materials, and containing pieces of more magically-inherent beings, they seem to amplify and resonate to allow even the least talented to function at a bare minimum of acceptability. Though it is not impossible to grow beyond needing to use them as a crutch in order to do anything, even Outside. The wood of your wand, incidentally, is Silver Fir: related strongly to The Moon, and said to be linked to Learning, Choice, and Progress.

Well, for now, that should be it. See you again~
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Patchy would check her work. If you can't check before casting, this is obviously a terrible idea. If Marisa can slip a backdoor past Patchy, she deserves her victory.

All that wand talk is making me want to teach Elementalism. Having the kids learn what elements their wands favor, at the very least, would be invaluable.
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Thread two: >>46773
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Whatindawhyindasrsly..... Stupid necro.
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Glad to see you back, Kahi.
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