I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 149745161596.png - (8.71KB, 112x112, thinky.png)
When is the Story List going to be updated again?
It was last updated back last September.
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Get on the IRC and bug Kapow.
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By the way, what IS /blue/?
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/blue/ is our off-topic board, where you can post whatever.

The story list is rarely updated because it has to be done manually by an admin. People don't mind much because it's there for archival purposes rather than for up-to-date following of stories.

I suggest additional lurking. You seem to have come in like a wrecking ball, not pausing to absorb board culture as is the etiquette before posting your own story and making a whole bunch of posts and threads. I don't really care that much myself, but people tend to get upset over this.

Cheers m8.
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(names are usually reserved for writers)
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I'm still hoping that our Patreon gets enough funds saved up to hire a magic coder man to write us an automatic Story List. (Or at least, one that allows user submission/edits that can be easily moderated.)

Tbh I no longer care about this board's culture. We're so small and diluted at this point that there's very little of it left to "preserve". I just like seeing this place get attention in any capacity whatsoever.
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