I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 147434697644.jpg - (1.25MB, 1000x1414, kind of cute in an evil way.jpg)
kind of cute in an evil way
Hi there!
So I know that there are tons of fan-made spin offs of various genres of the Touhou Project, which of course have their own OCs, but I was wondering which of them are the most famous?

After all, there's enough fan-art and remixes for Mitori that she kind of feels almost nearly canon-ish, I feel. She's even got a wiki page, so who else is up there?
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There's Miko (Hakurei) from the MUGEN games. That's about all I know about. I barely can keep with the canon characters and their personalities, so I don't really pay attention to OCs.
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There are a few at https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Fan-made_characters.

... I don't think I've ever heard of any of them before today. Except Meimu, and that only via Touhou Nekokayou.
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most don't have much lasting impact, though it doesn't help that many seem to palette swaps of existing characters.

The "Previous gen Hakurei" mentioned in >>14408 has more of an impact among fans for having a more unique design compared to most.

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