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File 14924075961.png - (475.86KB, 600x839, Sleepyhead.png)
**This was written late at night while just as sleepy as Marisa. Future installments will be shorter, but more coherent.**

You are Marisa Kirisame. Ordinary Witch extraordinaire, kleptomaniac, and self-proclaimed best girl of Gensokyo. Also not a morning person. Then again, when being a "morning person" means waking up with the sun, who would? That question rolls through your head for the thousandth time as you attempt to climb out of bed. "Attempt" is the key word, here. You don't really manage to make it out of bed before tripping over the blankets you forgot to push back and tumbling headfirst into a pile of (stolen) books.

*That* gets you awake. Nothing like a headache to start off the day! With a grimace, you grasp your head with one hand and start re-stacking the books. Some of these you don't even remember taking. "Cryomancy vol. I: A Study of Entry Level Ice Magicks" you *definitely* don't remember taking. And to top that off, you don't think you have a real reason to be taking it. Ice magic doesn't interest you except for dealing with a cranky Cirno, and even then a few well placed lasers work just as well. Better to just blast her and let her reform than try to reason with a fairy. Never mind that last time you tried to "reason" with Cirno in one of her moods you ended up in the Misty Lake having to swim back to shore. Setting that thought line aside, you arrange the stack neatly and read the titles on the spines, seeing if there's any you should actually read instead of setting them aside in a "to-do" list. Surprisingly, there is, in fact, one book you like: "Warp vol. V: A Study of Advanced Spatial Manipulation and Other Dimensional Magicks". Sure, the title is a mouthful, but anything about how to get into other dimension should be an interesting read, no?

The headache and your sleepiness forgotten, you open up the book, prop yourself against your bed, and start reading.

**Where will you start?**
[]Chapter 1: Spatial Magicks in Review
[]Chapter 13: Wormholes and Other Shortcuts
[]Chapter 20: Creating Pocket Dimensions
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I'm not used to bbcode anymore and tried to use markdown instead. Oops.
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[x] Chapter 1.
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[x] Chapter 1

She seems to know both jack and shit on the subject. Let's start from the basics.
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[x]Chapter 20: Creating Pocket Dimensions
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[x]Chapter 13: Wormholes and Other Shortcuts

Let's make a black hole by accident and destroy Earth!
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[]Chapter 20: Creating Pocket Dimensions

le hammer space face
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[x] Chapter 1.
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[x] Chapter 1.
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[X]Chapter 20: Creating Pocket Dimensions

Cause why the fuck not?
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[x]Chapter 13: Wormholes and Other Shortcuts
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[ze]Chapter 20: Creating Pocket Dimensions

Nice premise, and I like dimensional stuff.
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4 votes for chapter 1 and 4 votes for chapter 20. Need a tiebreaker, folks.
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[X]Chapter 1: Spatial Magicks in Review

Seems apt to start at the beginning.
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Tiebreaker registered and votes called. Marisa is choosing to be smart about her approach!
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[X] Sup new story
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File 149247776755.png - (832.14KB, 1085x773, Dutiful Study.png)
Dutiful Study
I have to say, the hardest part of this was coming up with things to fit into four volumes of books about space magic.

As much as your curiosity wants you to jump headfirst into the deep end, your better judgement kicks in and for once, you decide to listen to it. Playing it safe, you begin with the first chapter. The first few paragraphs mention things that you "should" have learned in previous volumes of the spellbook, such as altering distances, manipulating gravity, and other fun things. It also brings up the fact that you should be in a wide open area before trying to perform any of the spells mentioned in the book, and you seem to remember Komachi maybe mentioning something about how the distance between two objects could be considered relative when taking into account things like her ability, whether the distance was in a literal straight line, whether the distance was by road, etc. At the time, the discussion/lecture had made your head spin despite your ample grasp of magical theory. According to the book, distance manipulation was so complicated that it merited having an entire volume about it just so the caster would have a clear understanding.

That wasn't the book you were reading, though, so you decided to skip that before your train of thought got further derailed. The first chapter continues on to explain that the spells and techniques explained in this volume are potentially world-threatening without proper preparation, though a written-in footnote tries to debunk that by saying that only the wormhole spell is world-threatening, and only if you somehow screw it up and create a black hole instead. "That's encouraging," you mutter to yourself, almost put off to this idea of learning spatial magic. Patchy always did have a way with words when it came to discouraging people.

**What will you do?**
[]Continue reading in order.
[]Abandon this prospect altogether and go bug someone.
--Subvote: {}Bug Alice, {}Bug Patchy, {}Bug Reimu, {}Bug Komachi; Write-in how you'll bug them.
[]Skip to one of the later chapters.
--Subvote: One of the chapters mentioned in the first post, or a write-in.
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[x]Continue reading in order.
Let's give Patchy a heart attack!
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[X]Continue reading in order.

Blowing stuff up deliberately is fine. Blowing yourself up because of not reading the instructions is not.
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[x] Continue reading in order

Wait, so, is the fucking prerequisite for this kind of magic an ability that only Shikigami mastered?
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[X]Continue reading in order.
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Nope. That's a separate magic entirely. Also, I think you meant shinigami .

Votes will be called in two and a half hours.
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I blame the autocorrect
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[X]Chapter 23: Using Portals for Fun and Profit

This is the chapter that Marisa would go to.
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Votes called. We'll continue playing it safe.
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File 149257772667.png - (3.98MB, 3500x2217, Making Magic.png)
Making Magic
You continue reading, undaunted by Patchy's written warning. Surprisingly, only the first chapter is a review chapter, and the second chapter jumps right into discussing how to open a two-way portal between dimensions (while at the same time mentioning a spell for intra-dimensional travel in Warp vol. III). The chapter describes the spell as relatively simple, only needing a space large enough to put a person-sized portal in, something to channel the portal with, and a clear vision of the place you want to open a portal to. You already have the first and last, honestly. You can just go outside to open the portal and the only dimension you don't have easy access to is Makai, so that's your destination (Shinki's throne room, specifically), so now you just need something to channel the portal with.

Maybe you do have something to that end after all . . . . You set the book down and place your finger on your chin, thinking about whether or not this will actually work. Your hakkero is already useful as a conduit for lasers, but could it handle something as high-maintenance as an interdimensional portal? Your thoughtful expression quickly turns into that shit-eating grin you're famous for as you decide that there's only one way to find out.

Once you're dressed (sans hat because you're not going anywhere yet) and your hakkero is set up, you start the spell. According to the book, it's a really simple spell that doesn't require an incantation, just channeled magic and memories. Another written-in footnote from Patchy, though, says that mentioning the place you want to link to by name helps solidify it in your memories long enough to set up the portal. With nothing to lose, you stretch out your hand and start channeling magic to your hakkero, silently muttering "Shinki's Makai throne room . . . ." to yourself so you don't attract the attention of any unwanted fairies. After a few short sputters and spurts, the portal springs to life.

Right in the path of a thrown sword.

With an ungraceful "Eep!" you jump out of the way and the sword buries itself in the front door of your house. "Yumeko, you owe me a new door!" you shout angrily as you push yourself to your feet and the owner of the sword pops her head through the portal.

"Can I have that back?" is all she has to say.

**What will you do?**
[]Politely give Yumeko back her sword after prying it loose.
[]Invite Yumeko through, but keep the sword for yourself.
[]Ignore the sword and just let Yumeko have it about how she almost impaled you again.

You'll have to pull the sword eventually, mind.
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[X]Politely give Yumeko back her sword after prying it loose.
-[X] See if you can't negotiate a new door in exchange however.

Now here's a character I haven't seen in a while.
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[x]Invite Yumeko through, but keep the sword for yourself.
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[x]Ignore the sword and just let Yumeko have it about how she almost impaled you again.
That's kind of a big thing to ignore. Besides, what's a little breaking and entering between friends?
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[X]Politely give Yumeko back her sword after prying it loose.
-[X] See if you can't negotiate a new door in exchange however.
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[X]Politely give Yumeko back her sword after prying it loose.
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[x]Ignore the sword and just let Yumeko have it about how she almost impaled you again.
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[z]Politely give Yumeko back her sword after prying it loose.
-[e] See if you can't negotiate a new door in exchange however.
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[x] Better idea: Get Yumeko to teach you to juggle swords!
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Votes called. Apparently, Marisa isn't the type to hold grudges over trivial things like nearly getting impaled.
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File 149267006986.png - (922.20KB, 962x1783, Yumeko.png)
You push your way to your feet and shoot Yumeko a rather pointed look, but you keep any similarly pointed words to yourself. "So what suddenly possessed you to open a portal directly to Lady Shinki's throne room?" Yumeko asks, choosing to remain halfway in Makai and halfway in your front yard. "Especially when there's plenty of other places you could portal to."

"Makai is the only place not really connected directly to Gensokyo," you explain as you glance over the sword to try and figure out how you're going to get it out without falling on your backside. It's just a short sword, and not very wide at that. Shouldn't be too difficult. "No point in opening a portal to somewhere I can get to just by flying for a few minutes."

"And Lady Shinki's throne room was because . . . ?"

You give the sword a quick yank and out it comes, leaving a blade shaped peephole in your front door. "I haven't been to Makai in, what, ten years?" you scoff, turning back to the portal. "It was the only place I could remember clear enough for the spell to work."

"Eight years, little witch," Yumeko says, climbing through the portal completely. "As I recall, you were barely older than ten."

You scoff and cut off the magic to the portal, closing it, much to Yumeko's amusement. "Close enough," you say. "So, what do you wanna do now that you're here? I mean, bringing you here wasn't part of the plan, but hey. Make the most of it, you know?"

Yumeko takes the sword from you and slides it into a scabbard hanging around her waist, just one of several. "Well, I haven't seen Alice since she left Makai, so seeing her is definitely top of my list." Yumeko runs a hand through her hair with a flippant smile. "However, I would also like to visit that shrine maiden. It's a wonder the place hasn't imploded on itself with her guarding things."

You can't resist the urge to take the obvious jab at Reimu. "Well, it helps that we have more than one shrine maiden, now," you say with a grin. "And it's not like Reimu's the only one to handle things, either. I help too." Yumeko nods in agreement but doesn't say anything.

**What will you (and Yumeko) do?**
[]Visit Alice.
[]Visit Reimu.
[]Something else (write-in).

Visiting old "friends" with Yumeko? What could possibly go wrong?
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[x] Visit Alice.

Embarassing family reunion time!
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[x] Visit Alice

I feel like Yumeko will get her ASS kicked more than once before she returns
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[X]Visit Alice.

Seems like she'd like to see her first.
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[x] Visit Alice.

There is absolutely no way anything at all could go wrong, obviously.
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[x] Visit Alice.

There's no way this could be a bad idea.
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Votes called. We'll be "dropping in" on Alice. Hope she's got roofing materials . . . .
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File 149281170276.jpg - (242.39KB, 890x680, Mishap.jpg)
The answer is clear in your head and you spit it out before you're even done thinking it: "Let's drop in on Alice," you say. "I haven't made her wig out in at least a week." With that said, you immediately duck back inside your house to fetch your hat and broom. It's rare that you go anywhere without your hat, especially considering that its size makes it easy to hide things in.

"I don't remember your hat being larger than your head," Yumeko says as you walk out and close your door. "I also don't remember your hat being midnight blue."

"It's been eight years, Yumeko." You pick your hakkero off the ground and mount your broom, getting ready to take off. "I grew out of that purple thing a long time ago."


The trip to Alice's house goes off quietly and without a hitch, but once you get there, Alice is already waiting, with a less-than-happy look on her face. "Alice!" Yumeko calls as you land. "How nice to see you again." Yumeko means it, too. You think. Though the dolls floating at the ready (including a couple facing your way) make you think that Alice disagrees.

Sure enough, "Marisa, what exactly were you thinking opening a portal to Makai? Even worse, someone actually came through it!"

"Hey, it's not like I invited her through!" you shout in protest. "Besides, what are you more pissed about? That someone came through period or that it wasn't one of your old girlfriends like Mai or Yuki?" You really shouldn't have brought up Yuki and Mai, but your mouth has a habit of running faster than your mind.

True to form, Alice blushes and tries to deflect, but the red face and embarrassed stammering make it difficult. Lucky for her and unlucky for you, she has her dolls for action when words don't work in her favor. The big red one, Hourai, takes her lance and points it at you in an aggressive stance while the big blue one, Shanghai, points hers at Yumeko, albeit not quite as aggressively.

"Now, now, Alice," Yumeko says. "If you're so eager for a fight, I'm more than happy to oblige." To emphasize this, Yumeko draws two of her swords by hand and the rest telekinetically. "I'm interested in seeing how you've developed since leaving Makai, anyway."

You immediately step back as soon as you realize that all of Alice's attention is focused on Yumeko. You don't want any part of this family feud, but you do want to see how it turns out. Alice and Yumeko both are well-developed fighters (in more ways than one) and you've experienced both of them firsthand. However this turns out, it's gonna be interesting.

**Metavote: Who do you want to see win?**

A Metavote is a vote for what the readers want to see happen. Marisa doesn't have any part of the Metavotes.
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Of course!
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I'd like to see proof of her improvement while they've been apart.
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[x] Draw.

Trust me, it's funnier this way.
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(preferably by a third party coming out of nowhere)
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A draw would be funny, but I'd rather give this to her.
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[x] Alice
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Votes called. Alice gets the win.
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File 149301287746.jpg - (432.19KB, 1000x711, To war!.jpg)
To war!
The fight is actually over pretty quickly, as most fights are. Yumeko has no shortage of skill, but neither does Alice, and while Alice's style has changed dramatically over the years, Yumeko's really hasn't. So while Yumeko initially does a good job of deflecting the constant onslaught of bullets from all directions, all it takes are a few well-timed parries from Shanghai and Hourai to knock a couple swords out of telekinesis range. Alice thankfully doesn't go for the kill, but she does come damn close, with Shanghai and Hourai leaving their lancepoints about an inch from Yumeko's throat.

"I yield," says Yumeko, Shanghai and Hourai backing off after.

Alice, for her part, brushes off her dress with a scoff while Shanghai moves to sit on your head in order to keep you from stealing something from the house during the fight. Which now that the fight's over isn't much good since Alice isn't distracted.

There wasn't enough time to sneak in and snatch something anyway.

"I like your new method of fighting," Yumeko says, brushing off her dress and apron. "Very quick to overwhelm. Very accurate, too. You found a way to make holes in my defenses very quickly."

"Speed and evasion are everything here," Alice explains. "I had to adapt. That much was proven when I lost to her. Again." A nasty glare in your direction is the only explanation you need. Although you've teamed up with her more than once, she still hasn't forgiven you for making a fool out of her twice. Granted, the first time you were both kids, but the second time, Alice had completed a full transformation into a Magician youkai while you were just a regular girl with a magic reactor.

And yet somehow, people think you two are an item. Though to be fair, Alice is pretty amicable if you don't steal anything or bring up the fact that she's lost to you twice. Usually.

**What will you do?**

I ran out of ideas. That's about all I have to say.
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[X] Play with Shanghai

I'd put something productive in this vote but the doll is too cute and distracting. Oh well.
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[X] Playfully suggest you've come to steal her heart this time

Been playing way to much P5 lately.
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Curse you for reminding me of that doll story that I can't update.

[x] Play with Shanghai
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[x] Tell her that it was a cry for attention from a lovestruck kid.
-[x] Play with Shanghai mournfully
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[X]Tell Alice that while speed and evasion are necessary, danmaku is all about power.
Then play with Shanghai.
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[X]Tell Alice that while speed and evasion are necessary, danmaku is all about power.
-[X] Then play with Shanghai.
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If nobody objects, I'll be counting the "play with Shanghai" votes with the "danmaku lecture" votes. Otherwise, we'll need a tiebreaker.
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Do it. Quick upsates>all
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[x] Play with Shanghai

Never not vote Shanghai.
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Danmaku lecture it is. We'll also mess with Shanghai a bit.
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File 149318674056.jpg - (162.36KB, 530x590, Playing with Dolls.jpg)
Playing with Dolls
"Danmaku battles aren't all about speed and evasion," you remark, reaching up to give a playful tug on Shanghai's lance. "Gotta have firepower too, or you aren't gonna get any results 'cept scratches. Course, too much firepower and your shots won't go anywhere. You remember that fight with Okuu, right?"

Alice nodded. "Her bullets were rather slow, but immensely strong," she said, ready to launch into an explanation on varying danmaku types. "I mean, most bullets, the light outshines the actual bullet, making you think it's bigger than it actually is, but with her's, the bullets were just as big as they looked."

Alice almost launches into an even longer explanation, but you're wise enough to interrupt her before she can turn a simple explanation into a full-blown lecture. "You've been hanging out with Patchy too much," you say. "She's the only one I can think of who could turn a normal conversation into a full-blown lecture on magical theory. Discounting you, of course."

Alice huffs, but she doesn't deny your "accusation".

"Speaking of magical theory," Yumeko says. "Marisa, did you bring that book on dimensional magic?"

"No way! I'm not done with it yet!" That's an automatic response if there ever was one. You weren't really planning to visit Patchy today, but anytime anyone asks if you have any books on you, it's usually a straight nope or if it's a specific book, an "I'm not done with it yet" kind of response. You roll your eyes and try to put together a proper answer. "What I mean is, no, I didn't bring it. I mean, I don't need in-flight reading, and I didn't make it very far before we took this side trip. So, no reason to bring it." Honestly, the way you said it sounded more like you were trying to convince yourself than Alice and Yumeko.

"A simple no would have sufficed," Yumeko teases while you reach up to play with Shanghai again. "So. What shall we do now?"

**What will you do?**
[]Suggest you visit Reimu.
[]Suggest going back to your house to practice more dimensional magic.
[]Suggest tea.

You know how in the games, some bullets have sprites larger than their hitboxes? This was my attempt at explaining that.
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A good explanation

[x] Go back home, experiment a bit more

Things will be more boring with supervision, but also safer.
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[X]Suggest you visit Reimu.
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[x]Suggest tea.
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[X]Suggest going back to your house to practice more dimensional magic.
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[x]Suggest tea.
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[X]Suggest you visit Reimu.

The only thing better than bugging the shrine maiden is doing it as a group.
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Need a tiebreaker. Three way tie!
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[x]Suggest tea.
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Tie broken and votes called. Earl Grey tea with Alice!
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Hey Erik, are you still alive? I'd like to hear more from this story.
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File 149799493672.jpg - (475.11KB, 670x1000, Teatime.jpg)
You sigh and look around. Alice and Yumeko are probably tired after that fight, Shanghai is still on your head, and you just want something to drink. So, "How about some tea?" you ask. "You guys look tired, and I'm thirsty." You immediately start beelining for Alice's front door, and Alice herself is quick to push in front of you so she can hold the door open.

"What kind of tea would you two like?" Alice asked as Yumeko and yourself stepped inside.

"Earl Grey for me," you say. "I think Yumeko likes Chamomile?" You turn to face the red maid to see if she'll confirm or deny what you just said.

"Chamomile will be fine," Yumeko says with a smile. Not long later, all three of you are sitting around Alice's kitchen table, sipping down tea.

"How did Yumeko get here, anyway?" Alice asks you.

"I opened a portal to Shinki's throne room at the same time Yumeko was cleaning it," you explain bluntly. "And then she threw a sword at me." Alice nearly spits out her tea in disbelief, but then follows it up with giddy giggling at your expense. "She put a hole in my door, Alice! Either Yumeko or Shinki need to get me a new front door!"

Alice's giggling turns into uproarious laughter at your "predicament". It's shocking, at first. You've never seen her laugh like that, but before you can launch into another tirade, Alice speaks up through her laughter. "Honestly, I'd say you deserved it," she says. "I mean, imagine if Shinki had been in there instead of Yumeko. What then?"

You . . . don't actually have an answer for that. Your only follow up is to sip your tea and sulk.

**Metavote: What's gonna happen next?**
[] All three go to bug Patchouli.
[] Marisa and Yumeko go to annoy Reimu.
[] The Fairies of Light plus 1 decide they want to play with the trio.
--Subvote: Who's the +1? (Write-in)

I lapsed because I have no knowledge of tea. Let's not make that mistake again.
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> "I mean, most bullets, the light outshines the actual bullet, making you think it's bigger than it actually is, but with her's, the bullets were just as big as they looked."
Actually, the bullets aren't just as big as they look... not in Subterranean Animism, anyway. In Phantasmagoria Trues, though...

But enough about that!
[x] The Fairies of Light plus Reimu decide they want to play with the trio.
-[x] Marisa and Yumeko get to annoy Reimu.
--[x] Everyone goes to bug Patchouli.
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[X] Marisa and Yumeko go to annoy Reimu.
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>>30162 I congratulate you, anon. You somehow managed to vote for every single option in the space of a single vote.
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"late" may be an understatement. Welcome back.

[X] Marisa and Yumeko go to annoy Reimu.
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[x] Marisa and Yumeko go to annoy Reimu.
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> You somehow managed to vote for every single option in the space of a single vote.

I can top that.

[jk] The Fairies of Light plus Reimu decide they want Marisa, Yumeko and Alice to help bug Patchouli.

[x] Marisa and Yumeko go to annoy Reimu.
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Votes called! Overwhelmingly so, too. Update should be up before I go to bed.
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>dude has been awake for two days straight

Stop before you hurt yourself! I want updates, but not at the cost of your health!
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I had an entire update written out and promptly lost it on refresh. Time to start again!
>>30170 This made me bust out laughing. I needed that.
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Never, NEVER write an update here directly. It has happened too often that the entire post went away because of technical failures. Waiting for the update, anyway.
>Maria's Magical Misadventure
This made me lol a bit.
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I HAVE AN IDEA! Just wait a day or two, because this one may end up long.

Yeah, that advice is going to prove useful in writing the next segment.
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File 150077477729.png - (1.20MB, 1000x1346, Unexpected Guest.png)
Unexpected Guest
It doesn't take much tea before you get bored and start running through Alice's library in your head. There's that famous grimoire of hers, which nobody really knows what's inside bar Alice herself. And maybe Shinki, now that you think about it, if she's the one who wrote it. Before you go any further, though, you stop yourself and decide that Yumeko and yourself should leave before your fingers get sticky. “Say, Yumeko,” you say, toying with your most recent cup of tea. “Wanna go visit Reimu? I think, if I stay here, I'm going to overstay my welcome.”

Alice pipes up before Yumeko has a chance to reply. “Are you planning to steal some of my books?” she asks.

“Well, no,” you say, standing up. “Not yet, anyway. Wanna leave before that happens.”

“Marisa Kirisame, turning down an opportunity to steal,” Alice cracks. “Whatever is the world coming to?” You glare over the rim over your teacup mid-sip, but Yumeko just snickers into hers.

“Whatever,” is all you say before getting up and fetching your broom for the trip to Reimu's. Yumeko isn't far behind.

“It was a pleasure seeing you again, Alice,” she says. “Perhaps we can share tea again, and some stories, too.”

There's a coy look in Alice's eyes, one she usually reserves for you, when she says “Perhaps.”


Reimu, when you get to the shrine, isn't exactly happy to see you. For one, you've got a guest, and for two, she's got two guests. It's not often you see the clever-yet-airheaded Sakuya at Reimu's shrine, and then there's the face you haven't seen since the night you met Yuuka for the first time: Elly. Elly looks none the worse for wear, but for someone who claims to be “perfect and elegant”, Sakuya looks rather disheveled and worn out, kneeling at Reimu's kotatsu. “Sakuya tried to pick a fight with Elly and lost,” Reimu explains. Elly just waves at you with a sunny smile on her face, her scythe resting in the corner. “I swear, can't you go two minutes without pissing someone off?! Every time someone new shows up, you find a way to annoy them!”

An instant flicker and Sakuya is back to her usual, hard-to-read self. “I have to test the power of everyone who comes by, to make sure they don't pose a threat to my mistress' position,” Sakuya says.

“Don't give me that fairy tale,” Reimu retorts. “Every time Remilia stops by, she makes a point of how little she cares about the newcomers. Besides, you guys have probably the single strongest mage in Gensokyo, even if she is a lazy bum. Outside of me and Marisa over there, there's nothing that could possibly threaten you guys.”

“Don't forget Sanae and her goddesses,” you chime in. “They're pretty powerful, too.” Reimu hesitates, but concedes the point. “What did you even do to piss Elly off, anyway? She's got, like, the longest fuse ever unless you somehow insult Yuuka.”

“I simply said that Madame Yuuka might have lost her touch over the years,” Sakuya says. “Keyword is might.”

“Since Lady Yuuka isn't here to defend her honor, I stepped in,” Elly says cheerfully. “Honestly, it was pretty easy to beat her. She relies too much on her ability to manipulate time.” A slight blush of embarrassment reaches Sakuya's cheeks, but she doesn't say anything.

You, meanwhile, are wondering just what the hell you and Yumeko dropped into.

**Whatcha gonna do?**
[]Back off and let them figure it out themselves.
[]Sit down, talk some, maybe have some tea.
[]Try to defuse the situation.
[]Let Yumeko decide what to do.

So, I initially wasn't going to include Sakuya, but after listening to some remixes of her themes earlier today, I decided to try and railroad a maid fight. Elly, on the other hand, was planned. Also, Sakuya has a very bad habit of annoying people.
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[x] Annoy Sakuya
This is Galm-1, proceeding with the alpha strike, over.
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[x] Annoy Sakuya

Is this a good idea? Probably not. Am I all for it regardless? Hell yes I am!
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[x] Annoy Sakuya

How can I resist the shiny red button!?
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> maid fight

[x] Sit down, talk some, maybe have some tea.
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[x] Annoy Sakuya
-[x] Ask how Elly beat her
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I was expecting more votes, but I suppose I can call it here. Annoying Sakuya wasn't on the list, but I'll just count it as Marisa "defusing" the situation by picking a fight.
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[x] Annoy Sakuya
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>posting with a trip
kill urself fag
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what's wrong with that
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Unless you're giving a review on a story and your story is respected, or you are currently posting in your own story thread and want people to not impersonate you, it's a bad idea to use a Trip because it generally makes people think you have an overinflated opinion of yourself.
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I am a fool who needlessly repeated a bunch of stuff that didn't need to be repeated.

For questions about the fundamental assumptions of an imageboard, try consulting >>/gensokyo/6052

It's not perfect, but it's a very good baseline.
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Tall and Short
You've never been one to pass up an opportunity to poke fun at Sakuya's various misadventures. As usual, today isn't any different. “Come on, Sakuya,” you say, sitting down next to the Vampire's Maid. “It's not like you haven't lost fights before. You lost to me, you lost to Reimu, you lost to Sanae; am I missing anyone?”
“That ever-frustrating puppeteer,” Sakuya says, clearly starting to lose her composure.
“Oh yeah, Alice,” you crack. “She got you good.”
“If I may be allowed to interject,” Yumeko chimes in. “Alice is a very strong fighter. Difficult to overcome if you’re not quick like little Marisa here.” Yumeko takes this time to remove your hat from its perch and ruffle your hair, despite your attempts to slap away her hands. “Then again, when you can manipulate time, it could be said that you don’t need speed.” The crimson maid stopped ruffling your hair, but held on to your hat.
“Now, just hold on, here,” Reimu interjects. “No fighting on Shrine grounds. Suika just finished up repairs after the last time someone went all out in my front yard.”
“Oh, I won’t go all out,” Yumeko assures, leaving your prized hat on the table.
“Yeah, it’s probably a good idea to go easy on Sakuya,” you say, spotting the opportunity for one last dig. “I mean, she did lose to Elly.”
“And what’s wrong with losing to me?!” Elly says indignantly. This is, apparently, the last straw, as the “perfect and elegant maid” finally loses her composure, grimaces in frustration, and disappears for a second. When she reappears, sitting in perfect seiza next to Reimu on the other side of the table, there’s a knife in your hat and a rather painful bump on your head.
What was that for?!” you screech, clutching your head in pain. Sakuya must have hit hard while time was stopped.
“Being a pest,” is all Sakuya has to say while you stare on in disbelief.
Lesson learned: don’t annoy the maids.

**Whatcha gonna do?**
[] Ask Reimu for an ice pack for your head.
[] Ignore the pain and challenge Sakuya to a fight.
[] Faint.

Welp, you guys did ask for it.
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[x] Ask Reimu for an ice pack for your head.

Lesson learned.
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[x] Taunt further and prepare for a counterattack.
We have i-frames, there's nothing to fear.
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[x] Sulk.

Lesson learned, yes, but witches don't need no stinkin' ice packs.
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So, if I'm reading this right, we have two votes for Ice Pack, and one vote for Fight. It's not yet time to call the votes, though.
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[x] Ignore the pain and challenge Sakuya to a fight.
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[x] Taunt further and prepare for a counterattack.
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Votes called! Marisa's better judgement has apparently gone on vacation, as she'll be picking a fight with Sakuya.
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Badass Sakuya
You stagger to your feet, your head throbbing with every movement. “Alright, enough teasing,” you say, almost falling over. “We’ll settle this with a Spellcard Duel!” Something in the back of your head is nagging you about how bad your head hurts, but your pride as a witch trumps all.

Even Yumeko and Reimu’s advice. “Marisa, I’m not so certain this is a good idea,” you hear Yumeko say. “Perhaps that blow to your head has addled your thoughts.”

Elly, on the other hand, is very much enthusiastic to see this fight happen. “Two fights in one day? So exciting!” she says, her eyes positively glowing in her excitement. As hard as it was to get Elly to fight herself, frequent teatimes with Yuuka had the Flower Master of the Four Seasons explain that the scythe-wielding gardener did enjoy watching others fight.

Regardless of everyone’s warnings, Sakuya accepts, likely sensing an easy win to make up for her embarrassing loss to Elly. “First one to get hit three times loses,” she says, laying out the rules. “First one to expend five cards without winning, loses. Any serious injury will void the duel and end it immediately. Lastly, the loser must answer to the winner for a week. Are these conditions acceptable?”

“The conditions are acceptable,” you say, formally agreeing to the duel. Just like in the outside world, the challenger was the one to assign the rules. Sakuya wanted this to be a short duel, but she also wanted to make sure it didn’t end just from a lucky shot. The punishment for losing, though, intrigued you. Basically, if you won, you’d have a maid for a week. If you lost, you’d probably have to work at the Scarlet Devil Mansion for a week. So, to protect your dignity, you’d have to win.

Normally pretty easy, but this headache was really messing with your concentration, so you’d actually have to put effort into winning this if you didn’t want to end up as a maid for a week.

No duels on my front lawn!” shouts Reimu, drawing a stack of paper charms to emphasize her interruption. “Backyard is fine, but if you destroy anything, the repairs are coming out of your time and wallet!”

Sakuya and yourself wordlessly comply with Reimu’s demand, neither of you wanting to deal with an angry shrine maiden.

Who’s going to win?

[] Marisa
[] Sakuya

What this vote boils down to: what do you want to see more? Meido Marisa or Marisa with an entourage of two maids?
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[x] Marisa

I've seen enough Meidorisa already, but the alternative sounds all kinds of fun.
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Also, and this is just fluff, but do you guys like the way non-incident spellcard duels are organized here? The challenged ddcides the time, place, rules, and loser's punishment, and the challenger gets to decide whether or not the challenged is overstepping. Drawing inspiration from duels of old.
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[X] Sakuya

While we have seen Meidorisa before, I don't believe we've ever played as her before, which could be a lot of fun. Duel fluff is fine, a little different from canon but not in a bad way.
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[x] Marisa
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[X] Sakuya
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[x] Marisa
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Should I call the votes here or wait til after the holidays? Given the alternation of the votes, I'm convinced the next vote will be for Sakuya and we'll end up needing a tiebreaker.
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Votes called! Marisa gains a party member.
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Fight scenes are hard, that's why the delay. Reincarnation Quest's update is finished, though.
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File 152476857595.jpg - (1.57MB, 1771x1240, Spellcard Declared!.jpg)
Spellcard Declared!
The duel between Sakuya and yourself takes off almost instantly. Within seconds, you’re going straight up, trying to find the best angle to attack her from. Sakuya, though, isn’t going to let herself go down so easily. While you’re busy trying to find angles of attack, Sakuya’s already saturated the air with knives. It doesn’t take much skill to dodge them all, but it’s distracting enough that Sakuya’s able to set off her first card.

“Illusion Sign:’Killing Doll’!” you hear her shout, and all of those knives you’ve dodged—exactly thirty-two, now that you’ve counted them all, all re-rotate and converge on your position.

“Yikes!” you shout as you spin into a dive to avoid the knives, accelerating with a burst of danmaku from the head of your broom. Of course Sakuya was trying to deal multiple hits with one card. “Three hits to lose” didn’t specify where the hits came from, just that you had to get hit three times to lose! Then again, with one card expended so soon, Sakuya was definitely going for the quick win. Two could play at that game, though.

“Ritual Sign: ‘Orreries Sun’!” You declare your first spellcard and four multicolored orbs start orbiting around you. You reposition yourself above Sakuya, the orbs not too far behind. “Fire!” The orbs keep their orbiting pattern as they converge on Sakuya’s position. Naturally, the maid tries to time stop her way out of it, but she’s a little slow on the uptake and bumps into one of the orbs while she’s stopped, opening her up to get hit by the other three, thereby ending the duel.

The two of you land swiftly, though Sakuya’s landing is marred by a short stumble. “I win!” you declare, wearing the usual shit-eating grin. It was doubly embarrassing for Sakuya, considering her earlier loss against Elly and now her quick and easy loss to you, and boy did it show.

“You won fairly,” she admits with a grimace. “I am yours.”

You don’t actually know what to do with this newfound prize. You’ve never really been in a position to order someone around, discounting fairies. Still, you decide to make the most of it. “First things first, you’re gonna hang out with Yumeko and me til Yumeko goes back to Makai,” you say, laying out Sakuya’s first task. “After that, well,” you pause. “I dunno.”

You look to the sky, thinking about Sakuya’s tasks for the next week. The sun was high in the sky, almost time for lunch. “Let’s do lunch and figure it out from there.”

**What’s for lunch?**
[] Have Yumeko cook.
[] Have Sakuya cook.
[] Eat at Mystia’s cart.
[] Mooch off of Reimu (and probably get yelled at; optional subvote, other options)

I am very much determined not to allow this to die permanently, even if some posts end up months late. Also, I'm now a college student.
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[x] Mooch off of Reimu
-[x] wind up cooking lunch for everybody instead
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[x] Mooch off of Reimu
-[x] wind up cooking lunch for everybody instead

That's talking man! We'll be here waiting for updates, guaranteed.
>I'm now a college student.
Good luck then!
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[x] Mooch off of Reimu
[x] Have Sakuya cook.

Gotta show off our new servant.
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Well, I've waited long enough for votes. Called! Sakuya's gonna cook, but not before we try to mooch a meal off of Reimu.
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I know it's only been a month, but...

Any news?
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Summer has arrived early, making doing anything a slog. Fret not, I have plans.
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Annnd I mistakenly put the sage in the wrong field. Hazards of phoneposting while trying to sleep.
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