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File 123379474565.jpg - (141.27KB, 757x757, b3939f03eb2dbf0101a64a257a1fe291.jpg)
A quick glance at the sun makes you consider cutting short to the little ‘walk in the park’ and return immediately, but unfortunately for the lovely ladies waiting there, something else caught your attention and you will allow no interference.

What is this? A guy is walking alone in a forest and suddenly a noise comes from behind as the sun start going down? Definitely not clichéd! My ass to the fire that there won’t be anyone when I turn around. And as you do so. Yup, just as expected.

Before you is the completely empty trail you have been walking on for the last… how long was it? Hours? Regardless, it’s still as empty as the average inhabitant of San Pedro’s bank account. Not even a small woodland creature to add to the clichéd. If this scene hadn’t been overused just that damn many times, you might have cared, maybe even doubted a split-second, but right now it’s nothing but amusing. You start to walk back, a smile on your face as you scan the place, searching for anything suspicious.

-“Right-o, let’s go Stalker Hunt-GAH WHAT THE FUCK!”

Interrupting your witty comment, the ground under your feet gives way and you fall in the bottom of a just as clichéd hole in the ground.

-“For God’s Sake don’t tell me people actually DO use this kind of trap… well looks like they do.”

The hole isn’t really deep; you could easily get out but not without getting dirtied a little. It is about two meters tall and a meter wide.

What I’m really wondering now is how the fuck did I not see it coming. Scratch this, how did I not fall in the first time I passed here? This has to have been already there…

-“Eeh? Clown-san what are you doing falling into rabbit holes?~”

This voice can only belong to ONE little rabbit. As to confirm your suspicions, bunny ears, short black hair, sparkling brown eyes and that oh so annoyingly innocent smile show themselves above.

-“You got me there, well, I’d say that if this wasn’t one of the most clichéd, unoriginal and vulgar trap you could ever use…” You reply with a shrug.

“And the fact that you fell for the most clichéd, unoriginal and vulgar trap I could ever use makes it oh so more, so much more priceless” she says simply, her smile widening.

Touché Tewi… AGAIN, DAMN.

-“So, do you have something to tell me or do you simply have so much free time that you can just stalk me 24/7 and lay traps for me all?”

The little bunny blinks, showing only slightly her surprise for a split second before replying with the tone of a school teacher. -“Of course there is a reason I’m here, else I wouldn’t waste time with a pig in a clown’s suit.” Then on with cheerfulness, “I saw you leaving without a word and I wanted to make sure you weren’t trying to get run away” she adds with her usual smile, as if it was the most normal thing to say.

-“Of course not, who the hell do you think I am?”

-“Some random lost and confused human who have no idea what he’s got himself in and may or may not be a complete retard.” She states matter-of-factly. The fact alone that she can keep pulling those lines with keeping her straight face -scratch this, INNOCENT face- is impressive.

-“Sadly, only the first and fourth apply. You ought to be careful and pay more attention to people if you don’t want to end up with unexpected surprises. Now, is there anything else you have to say?”


Once she says this, you wait for her to leave your field of vision before climbing out of the pit. As you do so, you notice that she didn’t leave but rather somehow got up on a tree without making any noise. Smart brat, she can keep mocking you while being virtually still safe.

-“What is it, planned a pick-nick here or something?”

-“Nope~” she says again. “Just making sure of something~”

-“Have fun with that.”
-“I will.”
-“Any other traps around?”
-“This is a big stinky lie, isn’t it?”

She pouts as if offended -“Hey!”

-“what?” you can’t help but chuckle a little as you reply “You… don’t honestly expect me to believe that.”

-“Nope, and you shouldn’t”
-“Just as planned.”

-“So, what are you going to do?”

-“I’ll be playing ‘let’s walk into a minefield’ all the way back to Eientei where I will then find you and laugh at you for not having fallen in any of your traps.”
-“I’ll be heading back to Eientei, you should as well, it’s late. In fact you should go on ahead I have something to make sure of as well.”
-“The sun hasn’t set yet, I really just feel like walking around some more and get familiar with the place.” Then, with a soft voice “Then the hunter will become the prey, in many ways.~”
-“I was planning to keep walking around for a while, this random human enjoyd the view, would you like to keep him company while he wanders around and waits for the sun to set? ”
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-“The sun hasn’t set yet, I really just feel like walking around some more and get familiar with the place.” Then, with a soft voice “Then the hunter will become the prey, in many ways.~”

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[x] “The sun hasn’t set yet, I really just feel like walking around some more and get familiar with the place.” Then, with a soft voice “Then the hunter will become the prey, in many ways.~”

I-it's not like I'm doing this because I like you or anything.
Stupid rabbit...
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[x] “The sun hasn’t set yet, I really just feel like walking around some more and get familiar with the place.” Then, with a soft voice “Then the hunter will become the prey, in many ways.~”
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[x] “The sun hasn’t set yet, I really just feel like walking around some more and get familiar with the place.” Then, with a soft voice “Then the hunter will become the prey, in many ways.~”
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-“I was planning to keep walking around for a while, this random human enjoyd the view, would you like to keep him company while he wanders around and waits for the sun to set? ”

Fucking finally, Amethyst.
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More deliciously malicious Tewi updates please.
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[x] “The sun hasn’t set yet, I really just feel like walking around some more and get familiar with the place.” Then, with a soft voice “Then the hunter will become the prey, in many ways.~”
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File 123543188598.jpg - (55.69KB, 648x972, burning-tree.jpg)
[x] “The sun hasn’t set yet, I really just feel like walking around some more and get familiar with the place.” Then, with a soft voice “Then the hunter will become the prey, in many ways.~”

Whatever this girl is planning, the day is not over. You decided to take walk around to get to know the area better and avoid getting lost like an idiot where to have to travel through this forest, then you will damn well make it worth going out. But really, the thought of trapping this brat on her own terrain in a minimal amount of time is just too good to forget. Besting her on what she seems to do best at where she most expects it? This would definitely be enjoyable.

“The sun hasn’t set yet, I really just feel like walking around some more and get familiar with the place.” You answer calmly, glancing at the vegetation around you. The temperature suddenly lowers significantly and you realize your tone to have been slightly nostalgic for some reason. You soften your voice and go on with a warning that could be expressed in many ways: “Then the hunter will become the prey, in many ways.~”

-“Is that so?~”
-“That is so.~”
-“You mean it?~”
-“I mean it.~”

For some reason, this short and innocent dialogue seemed to reek with innuendo, probably because of the soft, low voices both of you used despite the distance.

-“I’ll look forward to it.” Tewi concludes with a smile in her usual cheerful tone. Definitely, she has a gift to suddenly swap everything and everyone’s mood in a split second.

The bunny girl simply balances her feet in the air, still sitting on the top of the bamboo tree. She hums something happily as if waiting. You turn around and continue your path, ignoring her. Actually, putting some distance between you and an overly happy Tewi might be the safest thing to do.

Or… that’s what she wants me to think! Haha--heeee whatever. The worst thing that could happen would be another stupid trap. That or rocks randomly falling out of nowhere.

After a dozen meters you give a look over your shoulder to ensure your safety and the bunny girl jumps down the bamboo tree, landing smoothly. She walks quickly up to you in dance-like steps, spinning around and skipping every so often.

-“You sure are happy, what’s up with that?” You ask, quite suspicious.

-“Nooothing, tee-hee.” Yeah, as if” Just making sure you don’t die randomly on me” she adds, pointing an accusating index. Why is it that I felt safer when she was still on the tree?

-“Then watch your steps, it wouldn’t do for my guardian angel to randomly die on me while looking after me.”

-“Oh, so I am an angel to you now?” She looks up to you and raises an amused hand to her mouth.

-“Selective hearing is not necessarily a good thing, you should fix that.” You brush away her comment as easily as a pesky fly.

You resume your walk in the forest with Tewi around. She caught up to your pace despite being smaller and a snarky comment every now and then, she seems to be calm. The dialogue is sparse but entertaining as you go on for about ten more minutes. Trying to memorize the terrain and examine it all the while keeping up with Tewi’s verbal traps prove to be more challenging than you would have expected. Suddenly, the temperatures raises again.

Okay this is the water drop that spills it.

-“Okay which stupid God is playing with the heat conditioner?”

As an answer to your call, you arrive in a devastated clearance. It originally only makes a few meters of diameter but it has been enlarged greatly by the destruction. Now around twenty meters of diameters are the dimension of an irregular oval-shaped clearance filled with blackened trees filling the ground and vegetation burned to ashes. You lower yourself and brush the ground with the back of your hand. Even the soil is burned and rough. What is more: it’s still hot.

You take a few steps toward the middle of the clearance. Small fires surround you as the ground itself is still burning here and there. In the middle of it all, a lone tree has been spared from the destruction. The burning light of the setting sun filtering through its leaves, however, make it look ablaze.

-“I think we should head back now.”

Was it Tewi’s voice? You couldn’t tell, it isn’t cheerful or snarky as usual.


No doubt about it, no one else is here anyway. You turn around to face the tricky rabbit and are only met with an actually serious gaze. Maybe it was because the temperature rose again, but something also tell you that this is a bad place to be.
Scratch this; this feels like a horrible place to be.

[ ] Head back with Tewi, it’s getting late anyway.
[ ] This place is wrong, hostile. You must put as much distance between you and it as possible now.
[ ] Investigate the clearance. There is something wrong with this place, but it’s all the more a reason to find out what happened.
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[ ] Investigate the clearance. There is something wrong with this place, but it’s all the more a reason to find out what happened.
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[x] Investigate the clearance. There is something wrong with this place, but it’s all the more a reason to find out what happened.

Mokou sleeping in a tree?
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[x] Investigate the clearance. There is something wrong with this place, but it’s all the more a reason to find out what happened.
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[x] Look around the place for another moment or two, but...
[x] No. This place is wrong, hostile. You must put as much distance between you and it as possible now.
[x] Suggest to Tewi that heading back to Eientei sounds like a really good idea right now.
[x] Comment to her while the two of you beat a quick but forcibly calm retreat: "Judging by your tone back there, I'm guessing that wasn't a landmine of yours that went off by accident?"
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[x] "You're right. This is definitely bad. RUN FOR IT!!"
[x] Make a motion to run. If you see Tewi running as well, come to a complete stop.
[x] Call after her "Scaredy cat! I'm going to go investigate. See ya!"
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Dammit, don't make me double-vote.
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[x] Investigate the clearance. There is something wrong with this place, but it’s all the more a reason to find out what happened.
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[x] Look around the place for another moment or two, but...
[x] No. This place is wrong, hostile. You must put as much distance between you and it as possible now.
[x] Suggest to Tewi that heading back to Eientei sounds like a really good idea right now.
[x] Comment to her while the two of you beat a quick but forcibly calm retreat: "Judging by your tone back there, I'm guessing that wasn't a landmine of yours that went off by accident?"

You made me do it, Amethyst.
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What's the point of double-posting on an option that was losing anyway?

Well, that asides. Internet fagged up, not like you aren't used to that, but whatever.
Also, rejoice, the original plan for this update changed for the better.

Goddamnit, feels like I haven't said that in forever but, writing.
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File 123671994768.jpg - (875.77KB, 1060x1412, edfb86443436a6d2b1c8dddf464fe7fc.jpg)
[x] Investigate the clearance. There is something wrong with this place, but it’s all the more a reason to find out what happened.

Unable to shake the feeling that something occurred here that was never meant to. You dismiss silently Tewi’s warning. This isn’t the first time this kind of things happens. Even before ending up in this bizarre world of magic and bunnygirls, mysteries always interested you. Danger had always been a word with a subdued meaning for you. Granted, your attitude had never been openly reckless, but thinking back, you can’t remember a single time where there was something tickling your sixth sense and refused to move forward because of such a thing as ‘danger’.

Well that’s funny: I wonder why I’m always like this…

A particular memory blinks for a split second in your brain but fades away before you can register it. You try recalling it, but everything is blurry, parasite. It feels as if you were watching an old television and the connection suddenly went off. The colorless veil of grey makes everything look deformed and unclear but all you can make out is a dark corridor and an overwhelming sense of cold, unforgiving emptiness.

You shake your head, chasing the odd memory away.

-“Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Hm? Oh yeah I still hadn’t gave her a reply.

-“Sorry, but there’s something about this place that just seems so unnatural.”

Not unnatural. Dead. Once the words leave your mouth, it hits you like a boulder. The trees roasted to ashes, the complete lack of any noise whatsoever, the smell of the air. Even the ground itself seems to have been liquefied at some points. This is what you’ve been trying to get your finger on:
This. Place. Reeks. Death.

Something within screams violently at your brain that something is dangerous. Much more dangerous than anything you had encountered before. A haunting, stalking feeling of danger oppresses you, crush your stomach , dry your mouth and catch your throat. The temperature rises to the point of making you sweat.

Tewi’s warning makes much more sense now, but unfortunately, you are not a man that lets such things get in your way. What could even happen. Whatever caused this destruction is gone and—

Without a warning, something flies into Tewi and sends her violently into a bamboo tree.

-“Tewi!” You pay no attention to the cause and turn immediately your attention to the probably injured girl. She is motionless on the ground and looks as if she has hit her head against the hard tree. You try to assist her but something blocks your path. You take a step backward instinctively.

-“That’s it! I’ve had more than enough…” the girl throws at you with a mixture of disgust and hatred “You two are the third time today, I have no patience left…” her slightly blood-shot red eyes display fatigue, pain and anger all at once. “Mark my words, a fourth time and her hide-out goes in smokes.”

The girl before you wears a white and red outfit. Her shirt is of a slight shade of brown as if it had been exposed to flames for a long time and her pants are of a dark red. Her long white hair almost distracts you for a second, as a hint of elegance wrapped into a veil of time-harshened brutality.

-“I’m tired sick of you guys that bitch hires to try and kill me. Die quickly.” As she makes her declaration, the girl lowers herself slightly and gives you a wicked smile. A ring of fire bursts around her, devouring the ground in every direction.

[ ]Try to reason her, you have no idea what she’s even talking about.
[ ] She looks too mad to listen to anything right now. You’ll have to fight her.
[ ] Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Crush this damn trigger and keep doing it until she doesn’t rise back up. This girl isn’t normal, you will die in the instant if you don’t.
[ ] This is hopeless, she knocked Tewi out in a single motion, just accept your fate and let her kill you.
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[x] Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Crush this damn trigger and keep doing it until she doesn’t rise back up. This girl isn’t normal, you will die in the instant if you don’t
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>What's the point of double-posting on an option that was losing anyway?
Well, it got you writing, so I'm happy with that. Voting in a bit.
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[x] Try to reason her, you have no idea what she’s even talking about.
[x] "Hold up just a damn minute! Plain old human, here, and I don't know who the hell you are or what you're on about."
[x] Try to explain and pray she listens.

Though we could kill Mokou now like our destiny foretold, but I totally bet that would not have any unforeseen consequences and Keine totally wouldn't erase that history, come the next full moon.

No way at all.
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He iced Mystia pretty coldly. I see no reason why Rip wouldn't do the same in this situation wherein he is in actual fear of his own safety.

[x] Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Crush this damn trigger and keep doing it until she doesn’t rise back up. This girl isn’t normal, you will die in the instant if you don’t.

With Mokou I imagine things will go much more smoothly with a shoot first, introduce yourself later policy.
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[x] Try to reason her, you have no idea what she’s even talking about.
[x] "Hold up just a damn minute! Plain old human, here, and I don't know who the hell you are or what you're on about."
[x] Try to explain and pray she listens.
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Just to be sure I was clear, both the second and third options involve shooting her and fighting in a 'bash first ask questions later' way. The true difference is in the second option being a more calm fight led by tactic while the third involves a more frenetic, crazed fight led by your gut feelings and instincts.
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[x] Try to reason her, you have no idea what she’s even talking about.
[x] "Hold up just a damn minute! Plain old human, here, and I don't know who the hell you are or what you're on about."
[x] Try to explain and pray she listens.
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Come on, guys. We already did this scene in WUiG. Kill Mokou right now, explain yourself after, and then she'll be chummy with you for life.

[x] Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Crush this damn trigger and keep doing it until she doesn’t rise back up. This girl isn’t normal, you will die in the instant if you don’t.
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'ight, just need a tie-breaker then we'll know whether of life or death is featured in the next update.
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[x] Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Crush this damn trigger and keep doing it until she doesn’t rise back up. This girl isn’t normal, you will die in the instant if you don’t.

She knocked Tewi out, so I think we should assume this woman is violent and dangerous and intends to kill us.
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Sorry for the lack of updates, I still post because I want an opinion.

I've been thinking for a while: When I started I said that there would be no route-lock because I wanted to give y'all just as much freedom as in real life on that regard but I'm starting to think it was a bad idea. Why? Because if Anon request a route-lock then I could make the walkthrough more centered about whichever character you're gunning for.

Just tossing those thoughts here to see what y'all think. I don't really know myself whether I want it or not.
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Don't worry about planning out the routes. Worry about never getting there because you spent too much time planning to actually write anything.
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Needs more Tewi route-lock.

What he said.
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Blamethyst, write more often, dammit.

I don't like having to double-vote.
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File 123768372646.jpg - (603.37KB, 532x779, a78187eb203178c56896a438841e56f6.jpg)
[x] Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Crush this damn trigger and keep doing it until she doesn’t rise back up. This girl isn’t normal; you will die in the instant if you don’t.

It only takes you a measly few seconds to make the connection. The fire the spawned around here is definitely the cause of the Annihilation of this clearance. What’s more: All this Firepower is right now directed at no less than your pretty face.

-“I’m sorry to disappoint you.” You reply automatically, almost bliss to the danger she represents as you always did. “But I don’t intend to die anytime soon.”

”Do not die. Got that?”

A voice echoes in your head, mixture of memories and delusions. Didn’t you hear that earlier today? But there’s no time for that. A single glance at the woman before you is enough to tell you that she is truly intent on killing you. Brutally and violently, if need be. Her enmity is radiating, impregnating every fiber of your body.

Do not/Do not/DO NOT—IE/ie/die..

This time, several voices in rapid succession are repeating the warning issued earlier. You could swear that you heard your own amongst them. As if they were reacting to the presence in front of you. The aforementioned presence’s eyes widen in irritation at your answer and her smile contorts into an expression of frustrated displeasure.

-“Anyone who set off to try and kill me should know they’re only chasing after their own death. Fine, if you want to end it the hard way.”

As she speaks, you take out the Vermillion and hurriedly shove one of your few remaining bullets into the chamber. Loaded. You don’t even take the time to count how many you still have. The girl in front of you is more of a monster than a human, if you fight her as anything else, you’ll die in an instant. To survive, you have to become as much of a monster that she seem to be. You focus on her, trying to lock her into your field of vision. Her whole being carves itself into your retina: Her palm open and her fingers curved, as if the clawed hand of a beast. The tiny blood vessels in her eyes; engorged of blood, the contracted muscles of her every inch of body; ready to move. This will battle will be no walk in the park, even with a gun.

A part of you screams that she is no monster, that there is much more to her, but it is silenced by something else. Another part of you awakens at the sight of her tense body. Your every sense in alert, seeing her in this state triggered something within yourself as well. It is the first time that you are truly facing Death. What’s more is that unlike the Death of a drowning person, or the Death of person whose eyes capture the image of a vehicle inexorably headed toward him, this Death is one that you will exchange blows and dance with. The danger melts and fuse with another feeling, it of a cold, unexplainable Thrill.

Let’s start this.

Your arm raises in a second and your finger crush mercilessly the trigger, shooting at the girl at point blank range. The girl steps aside as you raise your arm, but there is no dodging a piece of metal going at hundreds of meters by second… Is it?

Blood and flesh splatters into the air, along with tiny fragments of bones in what appears to you as a moment of slow-motion. The hole-digging bullet only hit the very edge of her ribcage, but it was enough to slashes her side with a concentrate of surgical precision and animal wilderness.

-“Kch” The girl looks down for a second, grimacing in a pain way too slight to your liking, then looks back at you. “All fools.” She charges at you with a speed only comparable to it of the Vermillion’s bullets, her hands wrapped in flames. You try to step aside, but her surprise counter was a success. Her hand rips and burns your side in a mirror display of her own wound. “Mark it as even, bitch.” She throws those words at you with delight before giving you the middle finger. This only contributes to feed the Thrill.

-“All right, that’s the stuff. Bring it.” Did I just say that?

-“You’re cutely determined, for a suicidal fool.”

-“Likewise. The next bullet will be much, much more painful dear.”

-“Oh, but I’m looking forward to it. Shoot at me, punch me, do it until you’re exhausted and out of breath. I’ll still be there very alive once that happens, very ready to tear your guts apart and use them as fertilizer for a little bamboo tree I’ll plant as a monument to all of you numbnuts who try to kill me just because that bitch told them to.”

You open your mouth to reply, but stop.

What am I doing? I should kill her as fast as possible.

Having reloaded while she spoke, you raise your arm once again. The girl moves even earlier than last time and the shot misses. Her burning fist impales itself into your stomach and all air escapes your lungs.

-“That’s it?” she tosses mockingly.

The immolating pain that mercilessly burns your innards reminds you of how much of a threat to your life this girl is.

D/D/Do/o/O n/n/Notot/ot… Die/ie/IE

This is it. Reality overcame the Thrill and, despite still present, the danger comes back as the main concern. You reload in the blink of an eye and raise your arm but do not shoot. She’s used to it now. The girl dodges your soon-to-come shot but your aim is glued to her and waits for her to stop before hurling the piece of Red Steel into her chest.

The ensuing confrontation is more of a dance than a fight. Having to reload manually with each shot all the while dodging her lightning-fast attacks make it so you must keep moving continually. Only when she executes a stronger attack can you move a step ahead in the reloading process while she regains her balance. The very action of reloading soon becomes the Core of the battle now that both of you becomes more accustomed to the movements of the opponent. Everything blanks in your mind. The bunnies of Eientei, the thugs of San Pedro, the stars in the sky, the heat of the day, everything vanish, disappears into naught. Only the battle remains.

There is no forgiveness at point blank range, a second gaping hole is carved into her chest, bleeding abundantly. Those wounds are terrible, yet your monster of an opponent keeps moving just as fast.

This is impossible! Why doesn’t she go down already! She’s taken two direct hits! There’s no way her body can even function at that point!

Apprehension and anxiety starts showing on your face, or so you guess as her own lightens up with a delighted smile. You keep fighting, blissfully ignoring the pain from your every muscle. Your stamina is running thin but you barely even notice it. Your ragged, exhausted breath is nothing but a whisper to your ears which are focused to hear the sounds of Her feet leaving and touching the ground. You keep fighting and align more and more bullets toward her with no avail.

Damn! Just how much of a wreck does her body have to become before she dies!

You settle for attempting to blow her head, but your stamina is completely depleted at this point. Your muscles stop listening to you and only move at the price of unbearable pain, a price, however, much lighter than it of your life. Very aware of this fact, you force your muscles to move despite being on the verge of rupture. The fact itself that you’ve been able to keep up with her speed for so long as the handful of minutes this battle has length amaze you but you have no time to congratulate yourself for the stun. This is over, the next bullet will decide who lives and who dies.

Unfortunately, you can’t move as you would want and the girl lands more and more hits on your body. Your muscles scream in agony to the combined stress of their use and the blazing fire that rips them. Before you know it, you are on the ground and the woman is right above you, ready to finish you…

However, her head is right where your gun wants it to be…

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[ ] Risk a last gamble: roll away then use the last of your energy to get on her back and choke her to death.
[ ] Throw away your weapon and beg for forgiveness.
[ ] Accept your fate silently
[ ] Ignore the clicking sound of the empty chamber and keep smashing the trigger, Your brain just don’t recognize it to be empty. It can’t be empty. You won’t allow it to be empty.


FUCK that damn character limit. ಠ_ಠ
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[x] Ignore the clicking sound of the empty chamber and keep smashing the trigger, Your brain just don’t recognize it to be empty. It can’t be empty. You won’t allow it to be empty.

Because this exactly what I'd be doing. Extinction burst phenomenon.
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[x] Ignore the clicking sound of the empty chamber and keep smashing the trigger, Your brain just don’t recognize it to be empty. It can’t be empty. You won’t allow it to be empty.
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[x] Ignore the clicking sound of the empty chamber and keep smashing the trigger, Your brain just don’t recognize it to be empty. It can’t be empty. You won’t allow it to be empty.
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[x] Ignore the clicking sound of the empty chamber and keep squeezing the trigger. Your brain just doesn’t recognize it as empty. It can’t be empty. You won’t allow it to be empty.

I do not shoot with my hand.
He who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind.

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ALSO, so very also, fuck myself for having given choice in that last option. Just []Write-in would have been much, much better.

Writing later tonight.
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Lies and blasphemy
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He Lies asdoweall
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[x] Ignore the clicking sound of the empty chamber and keep smashing the trigger, Your brain just don’t recognize it to be empty. It can’t be empty. You won’t allow it to be empty.

*click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

An unknown noise repeats itself. You try to recognize it, but to no avail. You don’t have time after all since there is something awfully wrong going on at the moment. Her head, why won’t it just fucking blow up!?


You keep crushing the trigger repeatedly with increasing strength and ferocity. The woman’s smile extend as she acknowledge the situation. It angers you even more since you don’t understand yourself what is happening at the moment. How can she understand and not you? And why is that damn head STILL intact?

* clickclickclickclickclickclick*

The percutor keeps hitting naught in the empty chamber, but it simply can’t be empty, right? This can’t be ending like this, right? Of course not, it must be loaded, it has to; you damn order it to.

-“Game over; so long sucka.”

Her flaming fist hurls itself downward toward your neck as a blood-thirsty guillotine, inexorably fated to cut the flesh of the immobilized prisoner sentenced to Death. More by instinct than by any necessity, you close your eyes. A few seconds pass but nothing comes. The only thing that reaches you is a growl of anger before the weight over your body suddenly vanishes.

You open your eyes and immediately try to find what happened. If you don’t believe in fate, miracles are the same type of things. Your eyes crawl over every inch of bamboo and burned grass in search of your opponent but with no success. Where did she even vanish to?

You let yourself fall back on the grass, letting out a deep sigh and staring at the sky. Stranger things have happened? Not quite sure. It’s been barely a day and you’ve managed to almost get killed in a far-away land by you don’t even know who for something you know even less and—

Well, speak of the devil…

There she is, not anywhere around you but above. She is far upward now and you can only make a blurry portrait of her, she isn’t alone, there is a second figure in the airs facing her. Both of them have engaged in some sort of combat using an amazing number of projectiles. You suspect the deadliness of the said projectiles, but you can’t help staring at them. Their bright colors, precise shapes and intricate patterns have a little something to them that swallows your attention whole, for two reasons. The first being the obvious of their captivating allure, the second being that something in the arsenal of the second mysterious character leaves you with an impression of Déjà vu. But how could you have possibly seen this before?

While the first hurls a trio of small blue and red squares, needle-like projectiles of the same colors and actual handfuls of flames, the second uses spheres of a more sober green and some larger ones of a pale blue.

Your adversary seem pretty darn good at this, she dodges easily and hurls an impressive number of projectiles. From times to times, she’ll take something out of her outfit and the whole battlefield would change to display even more intricate and complex patterns of changing colors and shapes. At some point you’re sure you’ve seen knives flying around and even going back on their trails. This truly looks more like an opium-induced hallucination than anything else.

Her opponent, on the other hand, doesn’t seem nearly as good, her projectiles are much less in number speed and variety and whenever she mimics the first and take something out of her outfit, the display of power is much less impressive and varied. At first sight it would seem like she has no chance of winning.

But even with your exhausted stamina and fatigued mind, you can still see clearly through this and ignore the appearances. Even if she is obviously much more experienced, the girl you fought before fights in a crazed, wasteful way and she is hindered by the injuries you inflicted her earlier, even though she tries to hide it. It looks like you’ve been more of a challenge to her than you first thought you had been. Her adversary on the other hand, although weaker and less experienced, fights ferociously, very aggressively but still carefully in a mixture of offense and survival that is actually quite remarkable. Whoever she is, she knows she is taking on someone on a completely different level and she intends to win. Her battle patterns seem to be increased in strength by something, as if she could not allow herself to lose, no matter the cost.

Eventually, the tide of the battle changes and whatever initial assessments that could have been made by a hasty observant would have proven false. A small glance at the ground tells you that blood is still gushing vividly from her injuries as more stains of fresh blood covers the ground. After a time, your enemy is forced to retreat.

The second unknown girl promptly ignore the fleeing hot-head and flies downward toward you. For a moment, your hazy mind only wonders how they can even fly, especially your wounded opponent.

Soon enough, the victor lands nearby you and kneel next to you, hurrying a question in worried tone.

-“Are you all right?”

-“I guess so.” You answer groggily “I’m exhausted and my whole body hurts, but I haven’t been actually injured anywhere.”

-“Good.” She exclaims herself with a cheerful smile but then puts a finger on her mouth as her eyes widen slightly. “Err, I mean it’s good that you’re not wounded, not good that it hurts.”

-“But more importantly, what the fuck just happened?”

-“Well, I guess I do owe you an explanation… but what’s more important is your safety right now.” She answer evasively to your question with something that only sparks even more questions.

-“Well, ‘m glad you’re concerned about that, but seriously, what the heck, it’s not like we even know each other. Don’t tell me you fought that batshit immortal monster for my sake.”

-“I did~” she answers softly but honestly. “Now stop asking so many questions, you have to rest.”

And on this, she rises up and produces something from a pocket in her outfit: a small branch with a paper charm entangled on it. As she unrolls the paper charm, some fine sand falls down on the ground. With a little hesitation, the mysterious girl breaks the small branch in two. As she does so, a small fissure opens in front of her, about two meters high, and enlarges itself. The inside of the fissure looks like the inside of an electric wire if it was enlarged thousands of times. Surges of energy pass back and forth to a distant, out of reach horizon while sparks of energy escapes the fissure around its border every now and then.

-“Can you walk?”

-“Not sure...” you answer honestly. After all your muscles collapsed from strain and just being immobile hurts like hell.

-“No good.” She replies with an hint of mystery in her voice.
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The girl kneels again next to you but this time much closer to your face.

-“It’s no good if you can’t walk, so close your eyes.~” she adds softly, her melodious voice is but a whisper breathed in a murmur into your ears.

You comply with apprehension, having not much of a choice in the situation. The last you can see is the unknown girl producing some sort of pill from the same pocket as the branch. A small wait.

-“Open your mouth.”

With reluctance, you comply. You don’t like the idea of being that vulnerable with a complete stranger, but she did chase the crazy one away and most likely saved your life after all. You open your mouth slightly and almost immediately something soft invades your mouth, forcing you to open it wider. The soft and wet invader licks the edges of your mouth in a delicate but aggressive way, forcing you to open it wide. Taken by surprise, your eyes also open wide. The only sight they meet is the perfect display of your savior’s face. Her soft hair cascading onto your own, her clear and flawless skin is so close to yours that her scent numbs what remains of your senses. Her eyes are closed and her expression is one of serenity that forces you to close your own as well.

Without a warning, her tongue entangles yours and brushes it to the edge before leaving your mouth for a few dreaded seconds, but soon enough, it comes back. She pushes softly and slowly the pill with her tongue down your mouth and throat before hugging your tongue with hers once again, pulling ever so slightly in a teasing manner. Hr tongue ultimately leaves your mouth as you swallow the medicine.

-“Do you feel better?” she asks in a whisper.

The medicine quickly takes effect and reduces greatly the pain throughout your body.

-“Don’t you think any man would after this?” You answer in a tone similar to hers. Her face is still pretty close to yours and the sudden turn of events almost stripped you from your abilities with words… almost.

The girl giggles and dives her eyes into yours. For some reason, you get the thought that there was something hidden in those eyes. However, you quickly brush it away as she stands. You do so as well and trail after her into the fissure.

-“So… where is this even supposed to lead?”

Your only answer is a quiet giggle. As you set foot inside the fissure, you immediately re-appear somewhere else. The fissure behind you has vanished and you are all alone with the girl on what seems to be an immense beach. The sun is setting low in the horizon, tainting the sand with shades of red, orange and pink while illuminating the rare, sparse and light clouds with similar shades. You take a better look at your savior.

Her outfit is modest but quite appreciable. Although being mainly composed of brown and white, it doesn’t appear miserable in the least, it is actually quite well kept. For a moment, you wonder if she has even been hit once while she fought earlier, but this kind of question has no place right now. The feature however that strikes you most is her wings, delicate-looking like herself, but quite able as she proved earlier. The miniature representation on her hat of said wings is silly at first, but you can’t help but find it somewhat cute. She sits down on the sand, facing the horizon and motions for you to come over, which you do without hesitation this time.

-“So… you don’t remember anything?” her voice is slightly unsecure this time, shaky, she is expecting an answer she would rather not hear.

-“I’m sorry I-” You interrupt yourself and ponder for a moment, you remember slightly seeing her in a dream, those wings are something vaguely familiar, only adding to the Déjà vu of earlier. “Actually, somewhat. I remember seeing you somewhere, but that’s all I can make out. I think it was in a dream.”

-“Yes, we did meet a while ago.”

-“It wasn’t a bad encounter I hope.” You ask her with concern. There is nothing more harmful for oneself that things one don’t remember.

-“To be honest, it’s been on my mind ever since, it never left me once.” She stares at you as she says so. It isn’t an exaggeration, there is a little something that burns in her eyes, a passion you can’t exactly identify or explain. You really wonder what could have happened to make such an impression.

She leans closer and whispers in your eyes once again.

-“Close your eyes please~”

You obey and wait. The beach and the light of the setting sun radiates with a warm but enjoyable heat, it is just a perfect, comfortable temperature. You don’t exactly know how things became how they are so fast, but you can’t complain. The company of that lovely girl is much more enjoyable than it of the one that was after your life earlier. She undo the buttons of your suit and shirt calmly and the ambient heat imposes itself to your bare chest. Your mind races in expectation, trying to guess what she plans to do. Something bugs you however, something that you want to know absolutely.

-“Your name, you never said it.”

-“Mystia” She lets out before silencing you with her tongue. This time, the wet and soft muscle crawls all over your mouth, covering it with her saliva before attacking your tongue and wriggling around it.

The kiss, however, is shorter this time. Your mouth asks for more, but her tongue is already somewhere else. She slips a wet finger down the center of your chest before nibbling softly on your earlobes and the tip of your eyes.

I’m starting to wonder if Ms Fiery didn’t kill me back then…

Her hand rummage through your own blonde hair as her tongue is now busy with your bare chest. She licks every inch of skin with softness but also in very short strokes, making it much more teasing as the instead her soft tongue brushes you, it is already away. It is almost a torture of pleasure as every second her tongue remains away from you seem like an eternity.

I don’t know what I’ve done to her, but I better pay her back for this one day… I don’t really know if--


Your reflexions are interrupted as her tongue twists around you nipple before moving down slowly toward your waist, causing you to let out a small moan. You open your eyes, unable to keep them closed any longer. Mystia removed her hat and loosened her outfit, you can see her cleavage clearly from here. Her face is slightly reddish, in a mixture of semi-concealed shame and heat. It’s as if contradictory feelings were animating her.

-“Do you remember yet?” she asks with a whisper, her breath is irregular.

-“Sorry… I remember you vaguely but I can’t make out anything else. I think I saw you in a dream but that’s all.”

-“Then I’ll have to put more efforts into it.” Her voice is impregnated with a strange mixture of expectation and apprehension.

-“This is… the first time you’re doing this isn’t it?”

She remains silent and looks up. Her innocent-looking, half-shy, half decided face is enough to silence you this time. If one could die of moe, this would probably be your last sight.

Her hands swiftly remove your belt and bring out your already awakened manhood into the setting light of the dawn. With care, she brushes her fingers around it, teasing the head before running a slightly pressed finger down the shaft. Her hands then move ever so slightly down and start tickling the base of your manhood while her tongue crawls in circle around the head.
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She removes her tongue for a moment and moves her mouth slightly, opening it again, she brushes it on your shaft vertically, leaving a good layer of saliva which she then spread softly with the tips of her fingers all around your member. Tickling, brushing and teasing to no end. With one hand she continues while extending the barrage of stimulation to the rest of your genitals.

The foreplay continues for a moment which disables your notion of time. The only thing you know is that the second she stops is inducing nothing but more lust and a hint of apprehensive fear that it would be the end.

-“Now?” She smiles, she seems ready to anything to make you remember.

-“To be honest I don’t know of any man who would be able to focus on anything while you do that…”

-“Am I doing it wrong?” she asks with a half-worried half-inquisitive look.

-“N-no not at all, it’s the opposite!”

-“All right then.”

Without a warning her mouth swallows your manhood whole, causing the both of you to widen your eyes in surprise. You because of the imminent wave of sensations and her because of the depth it plunges into her throat.

Her head moves upward slightly, her tongue glued on your member as she try to get used to the feeling. She looks up to you as if to complain, but ultimately smiles. Her mouth keeps moving upward and her lips kiss the head of your member before beginning the expected up and down movement.

The motion is complete from the head to the base, she swallows it whole with every movement and lets out small moans as she does so. Her tongue wriggles around your manhood along the rest of her mouth, making you doubt that it is truly the first time she does this. Your brain barely registers her image anymore as it is overwhelmed by a spike of ecstasy. You can, however make out from the look on her face and the stain on the bottom of her outfit that she enjoys it as well. She cross her legs firmly as she speeds up, they throb as if to press her tights as much as your manhood does. Her moans gain in intensity as she speeds up even more.

This is too much for your nerves.

-“Mystia I-”

Closing her eyes, she hurriedly moves down to the base of your shaft and remains there until the very last drop of semen comes out. Once your satisfied member stops throbbing, she leaves it alone.

Memories are starting to become clearer now. You were in a forest of some sort on a mountaintop in your dream when you met her.

She puts her left hand to the bottom of her outfit and rubs slightly between her legs.

-“I guess you want more now, don’t you? You want to do it, don’t you?” She leans over you and puts her hand softly over your neck as she says so, bringing her cleavage dangerously close.


-“I know you do” she puts a finger on your mouth.

Yes, you met her in a forest and…

-“So don’t say a word.” She takes something into her loosened outfit, a branch with a paper charm on it.

And in this forest…

She unrolls the paper and a small chunk of unidentifiable meat falls down.

You killed her, coldly and cruelly.

This time the fissure appears below you, leaving you no choice but to fall into it.

-“Consider it bad karma~”
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Darkness surrounds you as you come back to consciousness. The only light comes from small pairs of glowing purple sphere around you. You sit, rubbing your back energically in wonder.

Ok what the FUCK just happened. This time I don’t want to play guesses.

You barely see anything around you and the second turn of event makes you wonder whether you had been awake at all or if you were just dreaming for such a long time. An insanely long and realistic dream, but if it isn’t, things make even less sense.

You touch the ground below you to get an idea of where you ended up this time. The “ground” is quite particular. Irregular, ragged and curvy, as if you were sitting over a pile of… something. You curse the lack of light and try to get a better look at whatever you’re standing upon but as you do so, something below you moves. In fact, the whole ground below you starts dislocating in random directions as if it was a bunch of snakes.

Ok, this is starting to get creepy. Where the fuck am I?

As if to answer your question, one of the pairs of glowing purple spheres moves toward you. As it come closer, you can make out an inform blob of flesh around them. The thing remains immobile, its –eyes- staring at you. It emits a several noises, slurping, gulping lewd-sounding noises, noises that you don’t even want to imagine, before retreating into the darkness.

Taking the relay, a claw-like thing comes out of the fleshy ground and rips your already loosened pants away, exposing the other half of your already half-naked body to the darkness which only emits even more noises.

Ok now I’m really freaking out. ¸

More claw-like appendices come from the fleshy mass below you and grab your legs firmly. You try hurriedly to pull them off you but their grip is quite stronger than you could have imagined. Others come from behind and cease your arms. Both pairs of limbs pull in their respective direction as if to split you in two before rising higher in mid-air. Your bare body is now completely exposed to the darkness which in turns replies with its usual lot of ominous noises.

-“Ok this joke isn’t funny at all. I know this can’t be real, it just can’t!”

As if to silence you, other appendices come from below and shove themselves into your mouth. Unlike it of the kiss earlier, this sensation is an awful one. The appendices start moving in a repeating motion that you know only to well: This thing is trying to rape you.

Instinctively you try to bit off the appendices to spit them away but your teeth meet with a skin much more resistant than you would have expected from any form of genitalia. The members keep pushing even further into your throat, making it hard to breathe. You struggle, trying to free yourself to the claws’ grasp, but to no avail, they wouldn’t even budge an inch. You double your strength but without results. The things speed up and violate your throat even deeper one after the other deep into your esophagus Without any reserve, the tentacle-like appendices cum massively straight into your stomach, nearly ripping your esophagus in the process.

The torture however do not stop as the appendices keep raping you more and more violently, gifted with monstrous stamina. The only thing that refrain you from passing out is the violent pain that now tears your ass as more flaccid limbs make their way into the depths of your body. Blood start gushing from both of your mouth and ass as the things in your throat cum again. All thought process in your brain stops, overwhelmed by the confusion and agony.

The –head- of the monster is right above you as marked by the glowing spheres of purple. A much larger limb makes its way to your waist and stops near your manhood. It splits open, revealing a tubular mouth filled with rows of iron-sharp teeth with no end in sight. Once another wave of cum invades your stomach and bowels, the thing wraps your own member, gnawing painfully on it before literally grinding it to naught and swallowing the pulp. More pain assails your brain than you would conceive to be possible as the thing eats the remnants of your genitalia and retracts into the mass of pulsating flesh below you. A spiked limb makes its appearance, ripping through the orifice made by your lack of manhood, raping your inner flash.

Your vision is blurred by pain and tears as more cum than you would possibly think your digestive system able to contain invades and assault your body. Every inch of your body begins to be number by the overwhelming, tormenting pain.

You can only barely see the supplementary spiked limbs that make their entrance and literally pierce your chest and abdomen, creating more and more holes for the monster to fuck and rape you through your body and within your flesh. Tiny limbs wriggle into your ears and nose, ripping apart flesh and sensors, others carve their way into your eye sockets and twist over your optical nerves. At this point, the only thing you can process is why? Why are you still alive and conscious? It has to be the medicine… what medicine? There was a medicine?

Upon this last question, your ruined body, dripping cum from the numerous wounds the creature has inflicted, cease to function as other tiny appendices rips into your main circulatory system, raping and flooding the inside of your lungs and heart with more sperm. The lack of oxygen shuts down your already vegetable-like brain forever.


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Uh. What.
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So...Does this mean we go back a choice or what?
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*fap fap fap fap*
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God damn it, Yukari.
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I have never evened as much as I don't even right now.
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Back to >>14757 now.
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Update, Blamethyst!

You are long overdue.
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Allright. So here's the deal with the Hiatus. I've never been good at making long things that can be explainned simply so I'll keep it short.

I.Fucking.Bloody.Envy.The NEETs over there. Even the lucky ones who only go to school.

Only education-wise, I study full time at College Plus another load in the evenings which means that my days on weeks generally start(As in work, not as in waking up) at 8AM and ends at 9PM without much break. I can't ven go home to eat. If this Bullshit was not sufficient enough, Work hasn't even been pulled into play yet. I had been able to pull out surviving with the money I made working at the Garrison last summer, but that ended a month or two ago. I roughly have any second to myself right now.

I'll resume writing activities once the College session ends. ETA? Roughly 3 weeks and half remaining on my schedule.

I was planning to just keep it quiet until I could come back and act as if nothing happendAfter all, this isn't GAIA, who honnestly gives a damn. then I had a spur of free time, nostalgia readings, an before I knew it I was writing this...
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Are you still alive?
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He is. Trust me.
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You've got my word for it, too. He won't die, even if he's killed; I've tried before.
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[x] Ignore the clicking sound of the empty chamber and keep squeezing the trigger. Your brain just doesn’t recognize it as empty. It can’t be empty. You won’t allow it to be empty.



The clicking sound of the empty chamber repeats itself in vain, as if the mechanic itself went into a desperate attempt to deliver the fatality it is intended to deal despite its emptiness.

Shit timing… can’t be… happening…

*click* *click* *click*

Nothing, the setting sun mocks the scene, as if to mark the end of both a day and a life. The last rays lighten the monster’s face long enough for you to see with clarity the smile widening madly on her face.

-“Well, is that it?” She feigns boredom and closes her eyes in a motion of despise. “Then I’ll just send you to hell, like they all tried to do me.”

I refuse.

-“Enjoy the blazes of your shitty afterlife, suckah’!” A fist rises in the air, embedding itself with a fire heated to blueness.

-“I refuse”


-“I refuse!”

The fists lowers itself slightly, an expression of slight surprise growing on your opponent’s face. Obviously, she didn’t expect any sort of come-back, let alone this. A startling, assured reply, yet to be backed with what energy? *click* What muscles will move to live up to those simple two words? *click*Your eyes open wide and stare at her own with ferocity *click* because it is not over yet, of course, this damn gun is loaded *click* it’s going to blow her damn head off, it’s going to make an insane bloody mess all over the place *click* oh yes it is! Isn’t it? Of course it is, why wouldn’t it? Because it is yes it is and it will *clickclick* any second now oh yes. *click* A gun is made to kill people and things isn’t it? *click*
-“What are you tr--”
-“Shut up and Die!
Yes, if it doesn’t destroy things *click* what use is a weapon? *click* it is meant to grind people into nothingness *click* and that’s what’s going to happen any second now *clickclick* Because for heaven’s sake *click* This may be still a dream, after all it’s all just so weird *click* but it could be real too, but that’s not the point is it now? Shoot. SHOOT! *clickclick* Because you can’t die like this *click* that’s right! This is not any kind of end, you can’t end like this, it’s impossible! Impossible, no? Yes impossible! *click*

Because she’s going to die. Now.


The soil itself starts shaking as a ray of somber purple light beams toward the sky, leaving an hollow gap in the veil of clouds and illuminating the whole clearance of a deep purple light for what would seems to most like only a few seconds. But for you, this blinding chaos stands timelessly, making your vision blurred and quickly void. As your sight shuts down, your ears keep relaying the deafening sound of what seems like a deflagration of energy of a tremendous magnitude. But that too, lowers itself and eventually, mutes, leaving you in the darkness both of sight and sound. Your consciousness soon follows as the adrenaline becomes nothing but a memory and the invisible pain of your now well-aware muscles torture you into a well-needed sleep. The last thing your senses were able to tell you before becoming useless were what follows:

One, the rabbit going by the name of Tewi was still alive, or so you think. Two, there is no one else in the clearance but you two now. Whatever happened to the blazing girl, she is gone and there is no body to be found.

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As you wake, it feels as if only your consciousness has returned. Your surroundings are still a silent ocean of pitch black naught. You try to move your right arm and to your surprise, it replies instantly and effortlessly to the order. You quickly realize that your whole body is responding satisfyingly, as if the earlier battle had never happened. You try to stand up, still unable to hear or see anything and to your surprise you are completely unable to. It takes you a while to understand it, but while you can easily move, there is nowhere for your feet or hands to grab or take a hold. It’s as if you were in the water, but without the constraint of movement or the lack of oxygen. It’s as if you were in the air but without falling. It feels as if you’re in… nothing, the naught of space…

Fear of the unknown, probably the worst for mankind. Some fear spiders, others the thunder, some fears crowds or even closed space, but while those are individual fears, the fear of the unknown is something shared by the whole race, it takes you, grabs you, crush you, empties the air of your lungs and compress your heart and stomach. Why? But because men need to know what is going on to do something smart. This and the fact that in an unknown area or in the darkness, nothing will tell you what separates you from an horrible and painful death. A canyon could be a step away; a wild animal could be lurking around, stalking its prey. Yes, men fear the unknown in all its forms

But fortunately, this unknown was broken in this instant.

-“Tell me, what’s the difference between a dream and the real world? What is real and what is unreal?”

The question, although a welcome rupture of the ambient Non-existence, takes you aback. In this kind of place or situation, it is hard to come with a witty comeback to such a question.

-“Man… why won’t they leave me alone already, damn philosophers…” You reply without much enthusiasm, if your body has recovered, at least in appearance, you are still very tired from the events of earlier.

-“Oh, don’t worry~, it’ll be neither too long nor too painful~” The pictureless voice replies cheerfully, as if trying to brush off your worries as void.

-“I… haven’t really thought that much about that kind of things, ‘you know…” you reply in slight annoyance.

-“This is a lie.” A blunt reply, devoid of cheerfulness.

-“I... what?”

-“Ever since you arrived in Gensokyo, even slightly before, you kept asking yourself whether what you were seeing was real or not, were you waking or dreaming.” The voice goes on swiftly, forcing her words on you without letting you a chance to cut her. Yet, the voice is still soft, devoid of hostility. For some reason, it seems familiar. You already heard this voice somewhere, even if only for a moment…

-“Ugh…. Deja Vu…” you whisper to yourself.

-“Well then~” Back with her out-of-place cheerfulness in the void. “I will not answer to this question, buuuut, you’re sorta sad in your little corner. I can’t just leave you as if~”

-“Well, what do you mean then?”

-“This pain” Suddenly, a blue arrowhead-shaped projectile of light fires itself from somewhere in the naught and hits your torso, inducing great yet bearable pain. “Whether it is reality or a dream matters not... It hurts, no? That’s all that’s important.~ Oh well, I’ve been here for too long already. Good morning, Rip Van Winkle.~”

[ ]Say nothing
[ ]Say her name [Write-in]
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>-“Ever since you arrived in Gensokyo, even slightly before, you kept asking yourself whether what you were seeing was real or not, were you waking or dreaming.” The voice goes on swiftly, forcing her words on you without letting you a chance to cut her. Yet, the voice is still soft, devoid of hostility. For some reason, it seems familiar. You already heard this voice somewhere, even if only for a moment…
>-“This pain” Suddenly, a blue arrowhead-shaped projectile of light fires itself from somewhere in the naught and hits your torso, inducing great yet bearable pain. “Whether it is reality or a dream matters not... It hurts, no? That’s all that’s important.~ Oh well, I’ve been here for too long already. Good morning, Rip Van Winkle.~”

Her tsundereness, sadism, and lilted voice is more suggesting of another of our encounters, someone more likely to be awake at this time in the morning.

And Mystia uses the blue arrows bullets in a number of her spell cards in IN, while Yukari only uses them in her final spell card in PCB.

[x] "Good morning, Mystia."
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But our character never actually learned Mystia's name before we got knocked out.
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On top of that, we wouldn't really have the option to say her name otherwise.

>You already heard this voice somewhere, even if only for a moment…
Like I said in >>16399 : We only heard Yukari speak once, right?
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We had a series of lengthy conversations with her, from the arcade and then through her wormhole at the bar.
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If there is one piece of advice I can tell y'all, and that's for the whole game, not precisely for right now.

Don't ever take your memories for Beton Facts, and by yours, I mean the protagonists'.

ETA is tonight if I can. If not it shouldn't be later than tomorrow evening.

Oh and while I'm at it, you should make sure you actually heard that name. Although using this meme in a possibly actual context made me chuckle, meta-gaming will result in Karma Backlash later on.
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Konachan.com - 49797 touhou yakumo_yukari
Well, Fawck, I remember I had something planend to happen right now, but I can't be damned remembering the details so I'll have to wait before I'm back home to read it again in my files. Bad new is I'm updating tomorrow, good new is that if I didn't notice that in time I would have skipped a plot event.

Sage for Fake Hopes; Slightly related images for no updates.
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>you should make sure you actually heard that name.
>meta-gaming will result in Karma Backlash later on.

The toying-with-you speech pattern, the damned tildes, the blue arrowhead, the goddamn everything.

[x] "Dammit, is that you, Rin?!"
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It's not as if we knew. Anon is just too lazy to confirm it.

[x] "Cool story, bro."

One meme for another.
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Rin confirmed for Voice In The Head.

[x] "Dammit, is that you, Rin?!"
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[x] "Dammit, is that you, Rin?!"
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[x] "Dammit, is that you, Rin?!"
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Well, would'j'ya look at that, I was wrong in my plannings, nothing -else- happenning in this night. Oh, and I have no pic.

[x] "Dammit, is that you, Rin?!"


Instantly, natural frustration unfolds from the attack and the unwanted morals, but quickly you find yourself realizing that the words that were spoke just now carried their load of wisdom and should be remembered, as such, you engrave them as an answer for whenever the question comes again. At the same time, your memory can finally connect the unknown voice in the void with a name, however, it isn’t a complete certitude and a few doubts remain.

"Damnit, is that you, Rin?!" At this point, you feel no need for wittiness or anything of the likes, maybe you should have, maybe it’s just as good as is.

Unfortunately, the voice never answers as a bright white tears apart the void and engulf darkness with speed and ferocity. Before long, the void is as much inexistent as the naught it represents itself, replace by the sunlight of the day in the real, wake world.

Fortunately enough, a thin veil of ornate ricepaper stands strongly against the window, filtering the sunlight into a much less aggressive shade for your eyes. The events that unfolded before comes back to you one scene at a time without any hurry. Your whole body hurts from the stress you put it through, your muscles are stiff and moving them, while possible, is painful at first and requires a movement to be done several times before being the least comfortable. However, if you had any injuries, you feel none now.

Looking around, you situate yourself in some sort of generic room of oriental style. Only now do you realize that you have been sleeping on those odd Japanese-style beds which are more of blankets on the floor than actual beds. Quite surprisingly, the thing is much more warm and comfortable than you would expect, the fabric is quite soft. Although very generic, a single glance at the room would tell you that you are back in Eientei, the finely-crafted walls themselves are a good indication of that, the elegant yet simple looking blankets and the expensive-looking lamp that sits unlit not too far from your pillow. A few furnitures are also present, but you don’t really take your time to examine them. There are more important things to do right now.

[ ] Actually, no, body hurts, bad. Staying in bed and looking around sounds very nice.
[ ] The most important thing right now would be to confirm your location and give sign of life.
[ ] The most important thing right now would be to make sure Tewi is also all right.
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[x] The most important thing right now would be to make sure Tewi is also all right.
[x] And find out what the hell happened.
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[x] The most important thing right now would be to make sure Tewi is also all right.
[x] And find out what the hell happened.
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[z] The most important thing right now would be to make sure Tewi is also all right.
[e] Then, find out what the hell happened.
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Come on, Blamethyst.

Get back to work.
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[x] The most important thing right now would be to make sure Tewi is also all right.
[x] And find out what the hell happened.
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Blamethyst, quit writing all that other crap, get back here, and WRITE.
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[X] The most important thing right now would be to make sure Tewi is also all right.
[x] And find out what the hell happened.

Filtering out all other false priorities and putting aside the plea of your body, the evidence imposes itself to you in an altruistic shape. You were not the only one out wandering when this blazing girl attacked, moreso, you’re not the only injured. Your thoughts go toward the poor brat that got knocked out cold while she, for once, wasn’t actually deserving it. Yes, as of right now the only thing that would be truly important would be to make sure that whoever rescued you also rescued her. This would be a given, granted, as she was earlier on the road and should have been found before you, but even then, making sure she is alright would be the nice thing to do, no? Especially seeing how she was insisting that you two leave and she sort of got injured by your fault. No, it’s not the “nice thing to do”. It’s the thing you owe her, at the very least.

You sit up at the low price of rusting pain in the wholesome of your body. Bearable pain, yet you can only imagine how bad it will be to actually walk around and do things. You consider just staying in bed for an instant but you immediately kill the idea. Maybe the thought of just laying around in an unknown land disgusts you. Maybe you simply want to make sure your comrade is in better shape than you regardless of your own state. The reason is unclear but the fact is that standing up tears you in half figuratively, just how much did you strain your body? This isn’t normal; you’re well-used to exercise even if not as rough so why does it hurt so fucking infernally like this?

You sigh and take a few steps. The motion contorts your face mercilessly. This pain is abnormal, it has to be the after-effect of some miracle medicine or something the likes, you’d never believe elseway. You make your way toward the door and slide it open slowly, unsure whether your decision was for the best or whether to actually do find Tewi. What’s certain, however, is that you want to do this, so will you do. Besides, you can’t help but feel overwhelmed, intrigued by those curious events. Just what happened for real? As those words echoes in your mind, you reminisce the Earth-shattering shaking that occurred right before your memory ends, this and the blinding, massive spark. The memory of this monolithic amount of energy that came from god knows where, you really couldn’t see, it was just so powerful, so overwhelming. You simply have no idea…

You shrug in habit, wincing at the pain of this quirk. You know what to do but, concretely, where to?

[ ] If this is Eientei then the clinic would be the best place to look for an injured person.
[ ] You were in a shitty condition and they had you rest in a private room, obviously Tewi’ll be in a room as well.
[ ] Check out the kitchen and living spaces, maybe she’s up and active already.
[ ] Outside always has the answer, check out the gardens.
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[x] If this is Eientei then the clinic would be the best place to look for an injured person.

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[X] If this is Eientei then the clinic would be the best place to look for an injured person.
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[X] If this is Eientei then the clinic would be the best place to look for an injured person.

Man I was wondering when this would return.
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[X] If this is Eientei then the clinic would be the best place to look for an injured person.

If not, Eirin can tell us where she is. But you know chances are she might have recovered quicker. Still This is the best place to go first.

Btw what does A.F.R. Mean?

I wonder if we'd ever meet up with Reimu and Co or Mystia for that matter...

Mystia and Tewi harem end?
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When it comes to Mystia, she always seem to be paired up with Mokou either as simply an acquaintance, or just "neighbors" in the sense of living out in the woods rather than in Eintei.

Could happen though despite what had already transpired...
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Yeah... since in the dream, she wasn't so much upset at what happened than sad... and we did apologize.

But it seems we're turning that gun into a danmaku one.

Sooner or later the two threads will meet... and what would happen then.
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April's Fool's RAEP.

Also, you people and your Route-locking so early in stories makes me smile ( Yes I am aware this has been "running" for a year and is still Early story don't glare at me)
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I never figured it to be a Route lock; just that Tewi's in the lead and anon's going for her route.

But I think Tewi'd make a nice business adviser to Mystia. Let's see where things go.
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[x] If this is Eientei then the clinic would be the best place to look for an injured person.
[x] And some fucking painkillers. Goddamn.
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You take a deep breath before going onward. No matter how you look at it the will the pain is just unrealistic. This allied to the fact you have no apparent injuries whatsoever and are able to move your body more or less freely, although at the cost of the pain, makes you come to a conclusion: It hurts like hell but nothing is broken and if nothing’s broken or on the verge to be broken then the pain doesn’t mean anything. Carving this thought, you focus on it for a moment. After all, it’s merely logical, you may feel like shit but you don’t have a reason to, wouldn’t it means the pain should be ignored if it has no reason to exist?

Holding firmly to this thought, you walk onward and take it. It seems as if this decision takes a little of your burden off your shoulders and as you move around a little your stiff muscles relax slightly and your body becomes less of a walking piece of hell. You open the sliding door and step out. You almost trip at the long step; maybe you’re suppressing the pain but it still comes in surprising spikes as you do movements you didn’t accustom your body to yet.

At first, your right hand slides on the wall as a support and your left arm holds your chest, suppressing the pain further. After a while, however, you stop and shake your head. The look on the small rabbits’ faces make you understand something important: you aren’t simply in pain, you also -look- like it. Sighing, you straighten your back and let go of your chest as well as of the wall. Searching for Tewi looking like this might just get everyone more worried than anything else. You arch your back and crack your bones then stand straight again, taking a step off the walls. You resume walking, slowly but surely, then accelerate slightly as you pick up confidence. The more you put efforts into suppressing it, the more the pain seems to really lessen.

Finally, the luxuriously-ornamented walls give way to the clinic. You open the door slightly and a busy-looking Yagokoro greets your eyes. Too absorbed by her work, she doesn’t seem to notice you. She swiftly swaps from more traditional documents on her office to what seems to be interactive graphics and folders molded out of pure magic on the wall. The green lighting of the charts itself contributes to the room being much clearer than usual and the words, numbers and 3-dimensional or 2-dimensional graphics and charts are of a clarity and quality higher than it of the latest modern computers in the human world. For a moment you remain completely captivated by the beauty of the magic she uses for simple work, forgetting about even the pain in your body…. Forgetting? No you still remember what you’re here for, you also remember that it’s supposed to hurt but it just doesn’t feel even remotely as much as before.

After a few moments of going from one thing to another with agility and grace, the doctor sighs and reaches out for a glass of water on the corner of her office and brushes the front of her hair slightly. At this point she notices you and you also snap out of your contemplations, your eyes making contact.



You guys never gave me my tombstone, so yeah...

Anyways, no pic and no choices because I don't even know if I can write decently anymore and I'm not gonna bother if that's not the case.

Also, Not sure of which of my trips I used here, if this isn't the right one I'll try another in the next posts
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[x] "What happened in the forest? I was fighting for my life against a fire girl and trying to save Tewi and-"
[x] "Where is she!? Is She Alright?"
After she answers,
[x] "Is there something to take for this pain? I think I'm alright other than that"

It's a start, though it could definitely be refined.
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[x] "Hey, Doc. Do you have any idea what the hell happened to me?"
[x] "There was a girl on fire who was trying to kill me, and I was trying to save Tewi, and--"
[x] "--wait, shit! Is Tewi all right? Where is she? Can I see her?"

Welcome back!
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[x] "Hey, Doc. Do you have any idea what the hell happened to me?"
[x] "There was a girl on fire who was trying to kill me, and I was trying to save Tewi, and--"
[x] "--wait, shit! Is Tewi all right? Where is she? Can I see her?"

Now if you excuse me, I'll go reread this from the beginning.
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I need to do that too
In the meanwhile, writing. as much as one can write at 4 AM
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-"Hey, Doc. Do you have any idea what the hell happened to me?"

You open the dialogue quickly to avoid an awkward silence. You rub your forehead slightly, trying to remember the scene as you talk about it brought another load of yet unexpected pain. In fact it was intense; although you avoided wincing again, your teeth clenched for a moment. When you try to remember the precise blast, nothing but parasites, akin it of an old television of the 80s, come to your mind.

-"There was a girl on fire who was trying to kill us, and I was trying to save Tewi, and--" Suddenly, you shake your head and chase your decide to start with the more important questions. "--wait, shit! Is Tewi all right? Where is she? Can I see her?"

Eirin blinks slightly then “closes” a few of her magical folders. She slightly opens her mouth but seems to suppress what she was going to say. Letting out a small “hmm” the doctor moves her chair forward and straighten her posture, moving unneeded things out of the way and keep her usual composed, in-control expression.

-“Don’ t worry” she raises her left hand in emphasis, as if to make you calm down, then motions as if pushing aside a non-existent problem before joining her hands back over her office. “She is alright and well, it takes more than just that to injure her.” A small pause “In a sense she’s as resilient as a cockroach, maybe even worse. You knew those small things can survive a nuclear explosion, right?” Her words are confident and clear, although you don’t really understand how she’s able to demonstrate her point through image of your world or how a little girl can be as though as the doctor makes her to seem. “However you.” She points you with an accusative index. “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you would be out for the day.”

Most “normal” people would. After all although you feel you owe Tewi, it’s not like you’ve known her long enough for any kind of important bond to be formed and to go through the pain you felt at your wake for someone that is roughly acquainted to you is unexpected. The sheer pain of it would completely destroy most people’s will or feelings of obligation. Hell you could have easily just rested peacefully, and maybe should, but you wanted better and you are better.

-“Well, to be honest when I woke up it hurt like hell, still hurts some too.” You shrug “I guess I was just worried, maybe still some adrenalin from the fight, but I decided to cope with it…. Pain killers would be chill, actually.” As you say this, you let yourself tiredly into the nearest chair on the other side of the desk, pain bursting into your lower back at contact.

Eirin opened a new magical file of a single poke of her index in apparent thin air then joined her hands again. Words begun appearing on the file, as if by themselves, without the need for her to touch it or even look at it. Once more the faint blue/green glow, caught your eyes, the words creating a tiny flash as they appeared one by one at good speed slightly on the right, between the two of you.

-“Were you not worried you might worsen your state by going off by yourself like this in your current condition?” Eirin asks calmly but slightly coldly, as if more of a scolding than an actual issue to your real condition.

-“Honestly, no. I know how I fought and I didn’t get any direct wounds, it’s mostly pain from over-strain and exhausting as far as I know. It seemed like it wouldn’t be any dangerous considering what I knew of my “state”.”

The doctor puts her index to her mouth and lay back in her chair, observing you for a moment. The words stop lining up for a few seconds, then resume their work.

-“Fine, you pass” she finally declares. “But in the future, avoid making such assumptions. You don’t know the world you got in. Here there’s more injuries than just physical injuries such as gun or knife wounds and yours is one of that nature. If you keep making those assumptions, you might end up making things Real. Bad. in the future… Well, that is if you keep getting into “accidents”.”

You nod at her warning in agreement. After all with all the magic and other unexplained things from this world, it’s safe to assume there’s thing you won’t know in -every- field even where you would think to be quite knowledgeable.

“Understood… Oh and sorry for not knocking.” You apologize with a slight bow of the head

“It’s alright, if I really didn’t want you in I would have just locked it; if it’s unlocked it means you can come in.” she brushes of your worry with a simple hand motion before straightening her posture.

You can’t help but notice that her clothing, despite being long and modest, quite unlike the girls of the “human world”, still follows her body nicely. This is especially true under the faint glow of the magical folders and charts around her, putting an emphasis on her. You catch your eyes before they fall to contemplating “other things” and keep your gaze to her eyes.

[ ] Excuse yourself and go look for Tewi, you still want to see how she’s doing with your own eyes
----[Input Destination]
[ ] Eirin said Tewi was doing A-ok, stay here and ask her what’s on your mind
----[Input Questions]
[ ] Now that you know everyone is all right, some food and some rest would be great.
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Going to sleep now.

Got shit tomorrow evening, will see if I can write in the Afternoon
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[x] "Is it all right if I go check in on Tewi? I'd just like to see for myself."
[x] "Where can I find her?"
[x] Get to rabbit-finding.
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[x] Now that you know everyone is all right, some food and some rest would be great.
-[x] "Thanks, Doc. I'm going to get some grub and sleep. Please tell her that I'm alright if she comes asking."
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[X] Excuse yourself and go look for Tewi, you still want to see how she’s doing with your own eyes
>----[Input Destination]
Wouldn't we know already or am I missing something?
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[X] Eirin said Tewi was doing A-ok, stay here and ask her what’s on your mind
-[X] "You wouldn't happen to know who the crazy fire girl was, would you? She was sure I had been sent to kill her."
[X] Now that you know everyone is all right, some food and some rest would be great.
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'ight. Still not any majority so I guess I'll just go kill dragons on RO until you guys come to an agreement, be back in X hours.
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[X] Eirin said Tewi was doing A-ok, stay here and ask her what’s on your mind
-[X] "You wouldn't happen to know who the crazy fire girl was, would you? She was sure I had been sent to kill her."
[X] Now that you know everyone is all right, some food and some rest would be great.
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File 127399327569.jpg - (1.39MB, 827x1169, 905f56d9daa4ebc06419aae677970956.jpg)
Your first priority had been to confirm that Tewi was also doing fine. Now that this is done, there’s no emergency to go see her right this second, for all you know she may be sorting her thoughts or just resting. If the later, she earned it, and it won’t do any good to anyone to bother her. On the other side, there are a few things that you would like to know and it would be quite dense than to just.

-“Hm, can I bother you for a short while?” you ask calmly, being seated helps your body relax and your natural smoothness returns gradually. “You seemed pretty busy and absorbed in your work when I entered, so I’d rather not interrupt anything important.”

Eirin glance at the paper works and of her left index pokes closed all but one of the magical folders: the one she opened at your arrival. The faint glow that was illuminating her is mostly gone and the lighting of the room is now back at the ordinary of Eientei: Warm, but quite dimmed and easy on the eyes.

-“It is an interesting subject, that’s a fact, and there is still a lot to be done about it, but it’s not any emergency. I assume you want to talk about what happened back there, don’t you?”

You nod confidently then let out something that had also been on your mind for a while, something odd.

"You wouldn't happen to know who the crazy fire girl was, would you? She was sure I had been sent to kill her." A slight pause. “She seemed really frustrated and on line” As you speak of her, your mind instinctively try to recall her face, but the memory is blurred again, parasite, but not completely. It strikes another headache, but you act as if nothing.

Eirin poses and lowers her head slightly, her left index, curved resting on her lips. Her gaze becomes distant for a few second, in deep but quick thoughts. Quickly, she raises her eyes and look back at you.

“This person is commonly known around here as “Mokou” her full name is “Fujiwara no Mokou”. It is a habit of her to help people lost in the Bamboo forest to find their way back to avoid getting eaten alive by Youkais and other creatures at Nightfall. She is mainly known and appreciated for this”

You blink for a moment the altruistic and kind description rings to you as “slightly” off. You simply cannot relate the Crazy Fire-wielder as someone who simply takes strolls in the forests guiding lost souls back home; it just doesn’t seem to make sense. The doctor seems to catch up to your thought as she goes on.

“Don’t want to believe it? It’s still true.” Her words are cold, merciless. In a sense, this is annoying you.

“Well if this girl is such a saint, why did she suddenly Ram Tewi and jump me like a psycho?” you throw the attitude back at her, slightly frustrated by the mocking reply.

Eirin joins her hand and leans forward upon her office, her eyes closing on to you.

-“Look. In nature, the strong eat the weak. Wild animals such as lions and alligators will devour humans that get lost in their territory. This is the same here. Most “Youkais”, instinctively feed on humans. In fact, only the lowest of Youkais cannot control their hunger, but the fact is, they prey on humans. Nobody likes to be eaten or see their family and friends eaten. As such communities become more knit-together. Humans are solidary to each others and even though their relative weakness it’s in their nature to seek out and want to destroy what is on the other side of the fence. Even a helpful and kind being, if it doesn’t die, if it’s not like them, if it doesn’t think like them… it’s a monster.” She raises her index and points it toward you. “And to them monsters cannot, absolutely cannot be trusted, no matter what. Why? Because they’re not like them” a sigh, she leans back. “Of course, not everyone thinks like this, just like for Youkais, only the stupidest of humans blindly seek to kill any non-humans just like only the lowest of Youkais mindlessly prey on humans. But the point still remains.”

You stay silent for a moment, letting sink in her explanation and what her words implied.

-“So, you’re basically saying she’s not human” a nod. “Right, I got that a while ago. You’re also saying people are seeking out to kill her on a regular basis.” Another nod. “So then it makes sense that she would think this… Not.” Your gaze closes slightly. “Neither of me nor Tewi did anything of hostile or aggressive, there was no reason for her to believe we were ill-intended, even though it all. For all I care we could have been the “lost souls” she guides back to the home.”

“She doesn’t really like the people of this mansion. You were with Tewi, she did 2+2”

You remain silent and ponder for a moment. Dislike? This is incredibly strong for a “dislike”. Couldn’t be that the people of the mansion sought her death, it doesn’t seem much logical. You scratch the back of your head in slight confusion. Although most of this makes sense, there’s still shadowed spots and your memories still refuse to let you visualize the scene again, which ticks you off greatly.

“I’m not buying it…” you simply state, shaking your head,

“She has her reasons. There’s more to it than meets the eyes but it’s not my place to tell you those stories. Maybe you could want to ask her about it yourself. I’m sure she would be able to answer you… Well, if you survive the second encounter, that is.” She smirks.

I’ll take that as an “I don’t know why she hate us and go fuck yourself for reminding me I don’t know something.” Alright... Mokou it is….

“Anyways, thank you for your time; I’ll leave you to your “interesting research”.” You calmly sit up and position back THIS CHAIR where it belongs, impaling a splinter in your thumb in the process. You quickly remove the unwanted wood fragment and do a slight bow in thank for the informations, remembering it from your old San José friend’s weeaboo shows

“It -is- very interesting. As long as the door is unlocked, you’re welcome to drop by any time” she declares, replacing her hair slightly and opening again the windows she previously closed, faint blue/green eerie glows invading the room again.

With your answers, you close the door softly and head away to the kitchen. The pain mostly gone, your next concern is to take some rest and get something to much on. Your stomach growls in protest at not being fed after all the efforts your body obliged for you yesterday. As you head your way, you notice the rabbits seem to get more accustomed to your presence and, although they don’t greet you or anything, they scatter less and less often from your presence. In little time, you reach your destination but before opening the door, you look by a window to take a look at the time. The sun isn’t at it’s Zenith yet, but going around and chatting with Eirin took some time and woke your mind up more. On a rough estimation, it would be around 9 or 10 AM. In fact, shouldn’t you have a wristwa--

As you look down, you notice your watch is gone. You don’t really remember when this happen. Maybe you lost it during the battle or it was taken off during your rescue, you wouldn’t know, but it still doesn’t change the fact that it is currently missing and time cannot be a certainty. You shrug. Isn’t it better this way? Not having to worry about the stress of a schedule and just going by? You sigh in agreement to yourself: Even if this world is odd and your presence into it is illogical and yet unexplained, it is real and treating it like a dream won’t help anything. So if you know you’re here, might as well enjoy it.

You open the sliding door of the kitchen and acknowledge it to be devoid of any other presence. Even the rabbits that usually swarm around the house don’t venture here, for some reason.

[ ] Make something simple, just a snack until lunchtime
----[Write-in optional]
[ ] Cook something complete and skip lunch
----[Write-in optional]
[ ] Food can wait, just grab something to munch on and wait for lunch
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[x] Make something simple, just a snack until lunchtime.

Some food wouldn't hurt, having skipped breakfast and all.
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[x] Make something simple, just a snack until lunchtime.

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[x] Make something simple, just a snack until lunchtime.
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[X] Make something simple, just a snack until lunchtime.
-[x]Cold cuts with cheese, lettuce, tomatoe, Grey Poupon/Hot Mustard sandwich with a Draught Beer to chase it down.

Had to try something!
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[X] Make something simple, just a snack until lunchtime.
-[x]Cold cuts with cheese, lettuce, tomato, hot mustard sandvich with vodkaa Draught Beer to chase it down.

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Closing the door calmly, you make a few steps in, starting by deciding what you intend to do. Although “Stranger” things than usual happened yesterday, it only happened to the two of you and the National Prankster, the mansion is still rolling on an unchanged schedule and there is still going to be a lunch prepared in two or three hours. There is no need to try and make a Day-lasting meal out of someone else’s kitchen, moreso it would be rude for whoever will prepare the aforementioned lunch. A simple snack to wait until the main course will do.

Your idea made, you undertake to gather simple ingredients for a humble but nutritive sandwich. Cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and other simple things that are food just about everyone has in their kitchen; commonly-appreciated basics of modern cooking and available to everyone in steady quantities. Nobody will mind if you use some of those because of their nature… Then…

Wait, one can eat Palm trees..? Those couldn’t be… No way, Durians? I thought they were forbidden in some countries… And what’s in this I’m not even sure I want to try guessing.

Much to your surprise, such common ingredients as lettuce and tomatoes are replaced in the large kitchen of the mansion by a wide and colorful array of vegetable, fruits of exotic appearance. Arguably, amidst an ancient-style Japanese mansion in the middle of a bamboo forest, those almost feel more “local” than what you intended to use. You must admit, you are a tad bit lost as to what to use and what would go well with what. Some pairings seem promising at first glance, but you quickly dismiss the ideas as you have no idea what many of those even taste like.

While you investigate the foreign vegetation, the sliding door opens silently and very light footsteps come in. you leave things as they are as one of your hosts clears her throat behind you.

-“Can I help you?”

At a quite short distance stands the first person you met when you woke in this uncanny place. Clad in the same kind of dress as yesterday but with a lighter vest of a darker tint, near-black but hinting to violet. Her skirt is lighter but of an assorted shade. What strikes you most though is how her hair seem to be modestly brighter than expected under the dimmed lighting of Eientei, as if she had been a beacon of a brighter -mood- within the building. Her smile is as confident as yesterday, but her eyes are slightly inquisitive, obviously referring as to what you were doing.

-“I see you’re up and alright” she leans back in a straight posture. “Looks like we were wrong to worry, you’re not only already up you’re “up” to no good.” She giggles slightly, the humored light in her eyes hints to you that she understands your problem completely.

-“What can I say” you shrug “The sun rose quite a few hours ago and I never was granted a breakfast so obviously my body needs -something- to recover, don’t you agree?”

Reisen walks the last step up to you and stand by your side, mere centimeters away and opens the pans and the door of the massive refrigerator, letting out a small sound as the coolness of the appliance refreshes your immediate vicinity.

-“You didn’t seem to have any issue with the food I cooked yesterday, so what’s the matter?” she asks you directly and turns her head to the left slightly.

Being so close to you, you can’t help but notice what may have slipped past your gaze the day before while you were still getting situated. The truth is, you never paid attention because you had to acknowledge a new environment while she was guiding you but you have to admit she is more than just nice-looking.

-“Well, I do know some of the food you got here, but just a little. I recognize stuff here and there but there’s a lot of things that are really exotic to me, some are even downright otherworldly-looking.” As you finish your explanation, you point to what seems like large leaves stacked in a neat pile. It could pass for some lettuce… were it not for the rainbow-colored spots and patterns all over them.

-“Hmm” *she puts her left index to her lips and brushes ever so slightly the tip of her finger of the tip of her tongue, poking a cyan-colored spot on the “lettuce” only to have the spot turn of a faint pink-red and change shape slightly. “Hm~” a content nod. “It’s still very fresh… but I’ll have to admit if you saw this back in your home city I would be surprised.” She sighs half-jokingly.
“Oh well, there’s quite a bit of time left before lunchtime... now that I know you’re not up to no good, you can try and pick something to eat that won’t eat you instead.” She giggles again but you can’t help but wonder whether such kind of -food- is only a joke or not. “But if you want I can help you learn about some of those” she makes a circling motion with her finger, pointing out the refrigerator.

[ ] Stay around and let Reisen teach you about exotic foods
[ ] Take her to the word and attempt to make something on your own.
[ ] Actually, screw food, the chameleon-cabbage killed your appetite, let’s just
---- [ ] Stay around and chat a bit.
---- [ ] Go look for someone / something
---- [ ] Fresh air is the best food for the mind, take a small break in the gardens.
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[x] Take her to the word and attempt to make something on your own.

I wonder if Reisen's actively or unwittingly affecting things...
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[X] Stay around and let Reisen teach you about exotic foods

We're going to be here for a while, might as well learn how to cook the kinds of food they keep.

It's possible, Rip did look into her eyes.
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[X] Stay around and let Reisen teach you about exotic foods

Works for me~!
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[x] Stay around and let Reisen teach you about exotic foods.

"The blue ones will kill you, the red ones will kill you, the green ones will REALLY kill you, and the magenta ones..."

"The magenta ones...?"

"...We don't talk about the magenta ones."

"Then why are they in the fr--"

"I said we don't talk about them."
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[x] Stay around and let Reisen teach you about exotic foods
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I swear I'm gonna put a NPC somewhere as a side-quest that brings you in the Deeper Hell of the Story of the Magenta Ones, just you wait...


-“Yeah, sure, it sounds pretty interesting” You reply with a slight hint of enthusiasm. “Like I said, I know some of those aliments from the “other side” but some of them do seem completely out. So… I’m pretty curious as to whether some of them also have tastes out of my world over their appearances.”

The more you think about it, the more this fact becomes obvious. Appearances are appearances but if some of those vegetables plain “look” alien what tells you there won’t be vegetable that “smell”, “taste” or “feel” alien? The thought of experiencing those things that you can’t even begin to imagine annihilates every last bit of sleepiness or uncertainty that may have lingered in your body. The young woman smiles of good cheer and take a step back.

-“alright~, since you seem pretty interested I’ll start with those.”She pauses and rests her hand on her chin in thought.” Actually, would it creep you out if I told you there exists “intelligent” food?”

-“Well I’m not quite sure what you mean by that so I can’t really answer.” You reply honestly, wondering what kind of “intelligent” foods there are and the impaction of eating “intelligent” things.

-“Well…”she points the Rainbow-lettuce. “You remember those things I checked earlier. Those leaves have special substance that makes their composition change according to each individual’s taste buds. In other words, they basically change their taste to fit people’s likings, it denies the need for sauces or dip as they will become more creamy, sweet or bitter according to what you want. It’s kinda complicated but they react to the composition of your saliva.”

-“Wow” you take a moment to let this sink in. Food that adjusts itself to fit everyone’s taste? That -is- quite unheard of, but with the growing threads of OGMs and other scientific advances, it wouldn’t be too surprising to you if this kind of things became a reality in the United States in a few decades, maybe just years. After all Science is going wild right now. “Well this sure is convenient… and why did you put some saliva on the top leaf? Do those colors also change according to people’s likings or do set colors indicate sweetness or bitterness?”

-“Well, color perception is kind of subjective in many ways but--” she stops herself, as if catching herself talking of something completely unrelated. “Well yah I couldn’t say for sure but I think the Redder the bitter and the bluer the sweeter. But yet again it doesn’t matter chew on a red -stained lea if you want it sweet it’ll go blue in your mouth anyway. By making it changes color I know it’s still good and the rate at which it changes color, the speed if you like, also says how close the vegetable is to turning bad. ” Another pause, then a frightened voice. “You really REALLY shouldn’t at one that takes more than 5 second to change color. I’m really not joking don’t try this.

-“Hmm ok, now if I may ask, why? Do those things turn poison or something ?” you askin all your right.

-“No, really, you don’t want to know. Of and if they turn magenta, take some cloth or something to take them out and please burn them immediately, don’t try anything else, don’t touch them directly and DO NOT eat them.” Reisen’s words are strict and cold, you can’t help but come to this conclusion: she’s serious.

-”Alright, I’ll remember that… now what’s -this?- ” you point the fruit you half-recognized earlier. “It looks like a Durian. I’ve heard these taste amazing but stench like a bunch of rotting corpse.”

-“Well, they -are- Durians. There’s actually a damn lot of varieties of those. Some even smell like grilled Almonds.” Reisen’s voice is hasty, and right now she looks very knowledgeable, and not just in this field. You take not to try and ask her if you ever are at a loss about something.

Arguably Eirin is also a very knowledgeable-looking person. She’s a doctor and scientist too, as far as you know, so that makes two people you can rely on to help you with your question on this new world you’ll be living in from now on.

At the thought of this, you can’t help but wonder what kind of knowledge Tewi holds. Everyone who lives in this mansion seems very versed in quite a couple field and you wonder what are hers. As of right now, all you’ve seen of her was a sharp tongue that can keep with yours ( although that’s quite a formidable feat on its own) and an ability for pranking and, dare you say… “Trolling”?

Mentally shaking the thought off, you keep listening to Reisen as time goes by. Before you know it an hour has passed and you learned many things from intelligent vegetable to ones that fight back when you try to eat them. From locally produced ones to some that “came from the moon” although she said it was a joke from the sheer properties of the aliment you can’t help but wonder if it’s not actually the truth.” Most of this proved more interesting than you could have expected and you catch yourself wishing the “Real World” had some ( if not all) of those things, about how it would make everyday life just that much more interesting.

[ ] Keep chatting with Reisen
-------[ ] Insert specific questions [Optional]
[ ] Ask what she plans to do for Lunc hand offer to help.
[ ] Conclude the discussion and head for somewhere else.
------[Insert Destination.]
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Half-drunk correction, in my pre-update quote I was actually speaking of
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[x] Ask what she plans to do for Lunc hand offer to help.
-[x] If she doesn't want help, go try to find Tewi and see what she's doing.
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oh, just a FYI...

I am drunk, bored and in a good mood right now, Vote fast and I may update fast. As in many times tonight... maybe... VOTE FASTER.
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[x] Ask what she plans to do for Lunch and offer to help.
-[x] If she doesn't want help, go try to find Tewi and see what she's doing.

Hurray! Come on everyone, vote vote!
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[X] Ask what she plans to do for lunch and offer to help.

I'm wary about bugging Tewi because she may consider Rip to be fair game since he's up and about.
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Writing on>
[X] Ask what she plans to do for lunch and offer to help.

Now like a major vote drift can happen in my threads but wwatever. CALLED
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-“Well, would you look at the hour…” you comment pointing at the sun rising by the window. “I really enjoyed you telling me about all those foods that are new and exotic to me but, aren’t you running short on time for cooking? If you want I’ll help you.”

Reisen slightly lowers her head and rests her chin in her hand, considering your suggestion.

-“Yeah, sure… After all I -just- told you about a lot of the food here so you should be able to do things quite alright. Let’s say this is the Practical examination for the knowledge I just taught you.” A smirk “the others will be your judges when they eat.”

You chuckle at the thought of this uncanny “evaluation” but you don’t really give a damn. For starter, all this new knowledge is interesting. Intelligent vegetables? that’s much more interesting than what you’d cook back in San Pedro. Besides, the one you’ll be cooking with is already an excitement in itself. The more you look at her curves and silhouette, the more you realize you’re having genuine fun and interaction with a specimen of girl most males you know would KILL to have a mere time speaking with. Her well-shaped body put in emphasis by her tight and formal clothing sinks your attention for a moment before you get back to the task at hand.

-“Fine by me… Besides, if you let me do most of the work it wouldn’t be me helping you but you helping me and as such you’d be the one to blame for letting me take care of everything.”

This time, it’s her turn to let a small laughter out, resting her face in her hand then dismissing it and looking at you.

-“Of course not, I’m not going to let you do all the work, you’d probably screw it up anyway.” Her voice is slightly teasing.

-“Oh? I’m pretty sure unless you give me fake instructions on purpose I’m more than able to make a decent meal for everyone.” You reply; un-phased but challenging.

-“Alright then, if you’re serious about it let us not waste more time.” Reisen concludes in a lovely voice, opening the fridge and taking on your challenge.

What follows is more than a mere competition of wits; a challenge of both knowledge and dexterity between you and your teacher. Slicing with precision both of you competing in speed as much as they can while preserving the precision and care needed to accomplish their work correctly. Handling with delicacy “sensible” vegetables rises up as a challenge. A tomato-like purple fruit giving out most of its savor if prepared “gently” is much longer to prepare when oenj is not used to what the fruit deems o be gentle or not and being cautious cost you time but in the end you manage to satisfy your future “food” and to make it quite decent, or at least once you taste a small dice of the finished product you find it to be more than decent.

Times goes on and you and Reisen continues competing in dexterity and wits about such a simple matter as cooking a meal but before you know it a Delightful-looking service stands proud before you, ready to be served to the folks of the mansion.

-“Well, what do you know” she starts distantly. “You’re not just all-wits, you hands can actually follow, I’m impressed.”
-“Sorry for not letting myself become a laughing stock, I like being efficient.”
-“Well, I didn’t expect it, to be honest, most people have it either in their brain or in their hands but not in both… well most -humans- at least.”
-What can I say,. Some humans are better than others. But more importantly, is there other stuff to be done. Also, won’t the Ylos overheat if you just leave them in the oven like that?”
-“Don’t worry, the oven is closed, it’s just lingering heat so they remain warm and tender until people come to heat.”
-“Alright then. ‘Was a pleasure to work with you.” You smirk slightly, showing off that you kept up to her directions without too much difficulty.

A quick glance at the window indicates the sun is almost at its zenith, lunchtime is nearing close and people should gather up soon. You’ll also be able to see Tewi and get an idea of how she’s doing since the “incident”.

“Is there any more tasks to take care of?” you ask promptly
-“Nope, we’re good to go.”
-“Alright then.”

[ ] Review the food one last time to make sure everything is perfect.
[ ] Just wait for people and chat with Reisen some more
------[ ] Input specific topics/questions [Optional]
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[C] Just wait for people and chat with Reisen some more.

More interaction.
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[x] Just wait for people and chat with Reisen some more
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You know what? FUCK slow voters they didn't vote yet then they're at fault, I want to fuckin' write goddamnit.


Confident in your abilities, you feel no need to check out on the food. Letting in a slight sigh, you make a rough estimate of the time. It’s somewhere between 11 and 12, closer to 11, last lunch was served around 12, most likely 11:45. In other words, there’s still some time and since you’re confident in your cooking abilities you should spend it in a more “worthy” way.

-“So… you’ve been doing the cooking here for how long?”
-“Ever since I got here… which is basically how long as this place has existed.” A small sigh.
-“Has it been long since you’ve been there?”
-˙”Yah, pretty long.”
-“Don’t anyone ever help you with those things.”
-“Well, it’s not that simple. I serve my mistress because I’m indebted to her so I don’t mind. But really, people don’t help me because their fields of interests are different. Where thins otherwise and if they share an interest toward food, I’m sure they would help me.” A small chuckle. “But Mistress Eirin’s passion is medicine and science, not food, as for Tewi… do I really need to say? And Ka..-“ nevermind.”
-“Pardon me?”
-“No, really, nevermind… I don’t mind.. since it’s something I like and everybody is leaving it to me, isn’t it fortunate?”
-“Well, I guess it’s convenient, but don’t you ever feel like help would be welcome.
-“Hmm, I try not to ever start late, so there’s no -need- for help for me to finish on time. I -always- finish my appointed duties on time.”
-“Well, I’m glad for you I, most people back where I live would be pretty pissed at doing this on their own.”
-“Yeah, but I like it… don’t you?”
-“Well I’m pretty interested since it’s all exotic food… To be honest I was living alone until now so I had to cook for myself. In this sense I know a little of what you’re living.”
-“That’s good” Reisen smiles and oversees your earlier products.
“Living things is the best way to get acquainted with them. You may see thing or hear about things but experiencing things is where it really comes down to it.”
-“Well, I can’t rely deny that experience is better than theory.
-“I’m glad you agree, many people seem to think just because they think of something they become good at it but they have to put it in practice to actually test and see… for all we know they could even be all the way WRONG.”
-“I know right?”

The dialogue continues in a similar pattern and you idly chat with Reisen about her experience here in the mansion. From the looks of it, she’s been working here under Eirin Yagokro for a long time. She also let some things about being her assistant, although it seems from her stories that she abuses her “availability” quite a bit. In fair trade, you tell her much about how it used to go in San Pedro, how you lived all alone taking care of everything and how when one went out, Muggers, thieves and Ill-minded people were waiting at every corner. In a sense, both of your lives had their share of similarities.

As she reaches out to check on the Ylos, Reisen slides on forgetfully abandoned leaf of rainbow cabbage that had fell on the floor and was left unattended. Not quite interested in seeing her get needlessly hurt, you quickly sidestep to catch her. Before you know it, this prime specimen of a woman is in down in your arms, her cheeks reddening.

-“I-I’m sorry, I should have been more careful”
-Nah, I’m the one who prepared those, it’s my fault.”

Of a swift foot movement you discard the bothersome stray cabbage leaf which let out a small squeal being pushed away, but you pay no avail to it. You help you comrade in Cookings get back on her feet and assist her in arranging her cloth. Despite all your efforts, you cannot forget the feeling of her breasts literally squished onto your chest as you caught her from her fall. Both of you simply stand your ground, slightly reddening at the scene that just happened, but the arrival of Eirin and Tewi quickly put short to the awkward silence, although you still feel slightly shy.

[ ] Let Reisen introduce today’s meal.
[ ] Take the initiative and present today’s lunch

[ ] Simply eat as if nothing
[ ] Continue your discussions with Reisen as you eat
[ ] Ask of Tewi how she feels and try to get her to tell you about how she feels about yesterday’s events.
[ ] Ask of Eirin more about your and Tewi’s situation and try to acknowledge the facts behind how you two feel.
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[x] Let Reisen introduce today’s meal.
[x] Ask of Tewi how she feels and try to get her to tell you about how she feels about yesterday’s events.

>[ ] Ask of Eirin more about your and Tewi’s situation and try to acknowledge the facts behind how you two feel.

This is concern about condition?

Also I think we should show some concern for Tewi, even if it's ultimately unneeded.
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Yah, basically, the facts of what happened to you two and how your bodies are doing. It's the more "Factual" and down to earth Informatino Option.

I'll give this 2 more hours. if I get 2-3 agreeing votes I'll update for those 2 hours... maybe more if you're nice.
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[x] Take the initiative and present today’s lunch
[x] Ask of Tewi how she feels and try to get her to tell you about how she feels about yesterday’s events.

I don't actually care if Reisen introduces the meal. It's just that being a bold bastard seems more consistent with the character.
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[x] Take the initiative and present today’s lunch
[x] Ask of Tewi how she feels and try to get her to tell you about how she feels about yesterday’s events.

Now that I'm done reading the other threads of this story, this choice seems to fit Rip most.
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BLAH Sorry abour short and probably pathetic update but I,m on the end of my 3 beers and 7cocktails so I'm pretty much wasted right now, no pic either, sorry again ,but whatever, really wanted yo update a 4th time tongiht, if it sucks -that bad- just tell me I'll make an awesomer update next.

As the time hits the allocated moment for meals, the other -important- residents of the mansion enter. First is the (as far as you know) owner and mistress of the house, Eirin Yagokoro. Seating herself in a elegant and upper-class way, she awaits patiently for the meal to be presented, without displaying any signs of impatience. Second is your companion of Misadventure Inaba Tewi. From the first glance, she seems to be doing fine, although slightly uncomfortable. Well, it’s quite understandable since what happened yesterday.

Now as everyone has gathered, you snatch the plates before you co-worker do. You’ve worked hard for those, might as well, take the job all the way. With a single motion, you accurately set both main plates in the third of the table then put the side dishes’ plate in the middle of both.

-“Today’s meal is a salad of Moon Leaves and Ylos as well as lobster in a Durian Cream. The side dish is marinated Nuris meatballs in pastas.”A small pause. “I’ve worked with Reisen on today’s meal so feel free to blame me if something’s at your discontent”

Both for you and Reisen sits down along with the other two and uncover the plates. The food lets out a delicious scent and even if you didn’t skip lunch it would be hard to resist the scent of such wondrous food, it’s especially more true since the food one makes themselves always seem more appetizing, even if only partially. You wait a short moment for everyone to serve themselves then take a little from everything, once this is done, you acquire or yourself a fair share of everything and undertake to taste all three dishes to get an idea of how they taste and the degree of success in every dish.

With quick moves of your fork, you can swiftly analyze the dishes. As far as you know, the meal is more than satisfying. You never ate those alien aliments so you view may be biased, but it does taste, decent. You’d even say it taste good! Now with this issue taken care of there’s only one thing you want to know.

-“So.. Tewi, you’re doing all right?”
The rabbit almost jumps in surprise “Yeah, I’m alright.

The lack of a bitter reply indicates to you otherwise so you press the issue

-“Are you sure, you seem out of it.”
-“And you seem awfully concerned for something you recently met, did you fall for me or something?”

Ok this is the Tewi you know, still it took some probing to get this reply and you are still unsure whether she really is all right or not. Regardless of this, she still did spike you.

“Well, sorry to be worried for someone that got injured trying to protect me”
-“I didn’t try to protect you” she pouts “I was merely worried about what could have happened and DID happen. I blame you” she looks away in an annoyed fashion.
-“Well, I can’t deny I DID go forward despite your advices so it really is my fault”
-“Wait, what”
-“But the fact is, this is the past, we are living in the present and looking forward to the future.”

A short silence

-“My, you sure are being philosophical today Rip-san” Eirin interrupts. “Is there a particular reason?”
-“Not really, I just feel this way.”
-“I see... that -is- an adult attitude. I’m glad you do go this way and don’t act younger than your age like most people like you do.”
-“Most people like me?” you let out in sudden wonder
-“Just a generic observation, nothing concrete” she defends herself.

The rest of the meal is eventless but in conclusion everyone seemed to enjoy it. As such, you can guess you did your part just about right, unlike what she said. As far as your own, relatively biased opinion goes, the meal is quite good. However, as you eat, a feeling that had been harassing you last meal comes back to you. With you, Erin, Reisen and Tewi around the table, you feel like someone or something is missing, someone or something that should be there just isn’t. You can’t help but wonder as it’s the second time you had this feeling but it still come back and impose itself, no matter how you try to ignore it.

[ ] Inquire about the missing presence
[ ] Do not mention it and simply continue the meal as is.
------[Input specifics topics/questions. Optional]
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[x] Inquire about the missing presence
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[X] Inquire about the missing presence

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[X] Inquire about the missing presence

It will haunt me if it's not answered.
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[x] Inquire about the missing presence
About time.
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[x] Inquire about the missing presence named Kaguya.

Finally, more Tewi.

...Although, it is not enough Tewi.

I crave more.
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Just FYI I'm not writing right now because I'm being invaded by fucking ants AGAIN. They keep distracting me and pissing me off with their walking around EVERYWHERE so I have to get rid of them.

Sage for not update
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looks like the ants won.
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Chemical Warfare has been declared. Waiting for the Hecatomb.
God I love dissing the Geneva Convention

Also, writing.
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-“You know… “ You put down the chopsticks* “Something just feel wrong…”

-“Is there something with the food Rip?” Reisen inquires, pointing the piece between your chopsticks.

-“Well of course since he made some of it, there’s bound to be something with the food” Tewi shrugs.

You turn to Eirin. “Yesterday I asked if we were expecting someone else for the meal and you answered no.”
-“That is correct” she nods before biting a small piece off her chopstick.
-“Is there someone that’s going to come in a near future or did someone leave recently?”
-“Why such a question?”
-“I can’t really tell, I just get the feeling there’s someone or something missing here”

A short silence, from everyone.

-“Nobody left recently and we’re not expecting anyone new expected soon” Eirin states calmly but interested. “Does that answer your questionings?” she lowers her chopstick to the table.

-“See, Reisen brought us back not only a clown but a clown with “problems”, you should punish her Eirin.” Tewi lets out with a smirk.

For a split second, you could swear you saw a Deathly glare cross the table in direction of the smaller rabbit, the sensation sends chill up your spine and you shake your head very slightly but as you lay your eyes back on the doctor her expression is one of calm and posed serenity. Tewi pouts and leave the table while Reisen simply sustain an uneasy smile.

-“You know, that sure is a quite interesting thing you’re bringing up.” Eirin adds in a warm tone but you can’t help but feel cold. “You probably understand this already but you currently live in a world where many magics operate. Also, most creatures have gifts and powers. It is possible that by coming here you unlocked a latent power. I’m not exactly sure what it is but there are quite a few reasons you get this feeling. You’ll have to tell me more about this later sometime.”

The remainder of the meal follows in an awkward silence that consolidates to you the feeling that something is wrong. Tewi’s leave and Reisen’s uneasiness hint it to you despite Eirin’s answer and you still can’t shake the chill you had earlier either. You are left to ponder on all this and can’t really enjoy your culinary creations.

Shortly, lunch is over and both of Reisen and Eirin excuse themselves to other occupations.

[ ] Stay here and wait to see if something’s going to happen
[ ] Go to the clinic and continue your conversation with Eirin
[ ] Follow Reisen and talk with her about today and yesterday’s events
[ ] Go search for Tewi and ask her about her leave and the chill you felt.
[ ] Go search for the missing presence.


[b]*[/b ] What the FUCK I wrote fork in my last update, I was even more wasted than I imagined…

Also, sorry for weak update and pic but I guess it's better than stalling.
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>-“You know, that sure is a quite interesting thing you’re bringing up.” Eirin adds in a warm tone but you can’t help but feel cold. “You probably understand this already but you currently live in a world where many magics operate. Also, most creatures have gifts and powers. It is possible that by coming here you unlocked a latent power. I’m not exactly sure what it is but there are quite a few reasons you get this feeling. You’ll have to tell me more about this later sometime.”

How is she going to explain this one after shooting down his question? "Rip, you have a latent power to be wrong."

[x] Go to the clinic and continue your conversation with Eirin
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[ ] Go search for Tewi and ask her about her leave and the chill you felt.

She's 1500+ years old, and basically runs the place. After we get past the dickery, she's bound to be able to offer some serious input.

I wonder if we just erased Kaguya from existence, too, along with Mokou.

This might be a problem.
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[x] Go to the clinic and continue your conversation with Eirin
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Friendly Reminder: Mokou near-killed you -yesterday-
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[x] Go search for Tewi and ask her about her leave and the chill you felt.

We can count on her for being blunt.
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[X] Go to the clinic and continue your conversation with Eirin

>Nobody left recently and we’re not expecting anyone new
The way Eirin emphasizes this makes me think Kaguya became Rip. Or the two switched places, or something like that.
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[x] Go search for Tewi and ask her about her leave and the chill you felt.

Bound to find some interesting answers.
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3 votes for Clinic
3 Votes for Tewi
Next votes win.
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[X] Go search for Tewi and ask her about her leave and the chill you felt.
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[X] Go search for Tewi and ask her about her leave and the chill you felt.

Could never picture Tewi not knowing certain things...
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Despite Eirin’s relatively straightforward answer, you are more than convinced that something is wrong with this whole situation. Although nobody spoke against it, Reisen’s uneasy silence and Tewi’s depart are more than enough proofs to you. More importantly you don’t like this in the least. The sensation that something is “wrong” keeps harassing you in an overwhelming fashion.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, this is not how things are supposed to be, this is not how things are meant to be.
Wrong, why are they wrong? How are they wrong? When where they wronged?

You shake your head and rub your forehead firmly with your index and thumb, almost getting a headache out of those oppressing thoughts. You want answers and you want to get them now.

You pause for a bit to think, realizing how sudden this obsession came. Yes, it’s the second time you had this gut feeling and your instincts are almost never wrong, but damn, aren’t you over-reacting? You take a moment to breathe calmly and compose yourself. Something within you pushes you to over-reacting like this, you don’t really understand what or why. However, in all logic the best choice to get rid of it would be to get answers and it’s not like keeping your own damn self in the dark to fight some pseudo-shit impulse would help you in any way.

Answers need to be found, you currently have three leads.

Firstly you could go discuss with Reisen, her uneasiness makes it glaringly obvious that she’s in about at least a little something of what’s going on. She might know more than expected too and you already have a friendly relationship with her. However, this same uneasiness could also mean she’s afraid to talk about it and in a case along those lines it would be pretty hard to get any word out of her, if any.

Yagokoro Eirin… the doctor… to you it seems like she knows most of what’s going on and has the deepest involvement. The real, concrete answers, she’s probably the one who have them. However, she’s already shushed away your suspicions. Lie or not, she is unwilling to cooperate which makes this option unviable.

Finally, there’s your companion of misfortune who seem quite unhappy with how things are going. Although the two of you have had a quite antagonistic development, she seems annoyed enough to let out some interesting information on what she knows. Besides, everyone likes to have people agree on things they don’t like.

With a small chuckle, you realize the situation put you yet again in another animation cliché of the rival/bad guy being the one who’d inform the hero of what’s going on.

Well, whad’ya’know, looks like fictions hold truer to Real Life as people seem to make of it…

Without delay, you set off in your search for Tewi, she had left from the west entrance of the dining room and although she may have gone just about everywhere since then, it still is your first lead.

You set off from the dining room and cover the corridors at a quick but not overly-odd pace, hurried, but not rushing. The sceneries fly by your steps without effect and the intermittent rabbits either scatter away or make for some parkour obstacles on your path as you search the halls.

Time goes by without much result; the damned bunny is nowhere to be found unless she expressly wants to be. After an hour and half has passed you head outside, annoyed of scouting the insides of the mansion the sort.

After some time out on the porch and gardens, you finally spot your target, off by the edge of the forest, slightly within. You grab the fence of the porch and jump over it, landing smoothly on the grass, then walk up to her.

-“… I knew you were going to come.” She stands her back to you, her face staring up in the sky, at the barely visible moon in the Day Sky.

-“What can I say? First the attack yesterday, then your sudden leave during the meal… Looks like there’s a lot on your mind, it would be rude to just leave you on your own like this.”

-“Bullshit, you’re here because you want me to tell you about what’s happening.” She replies sharply, still her back to you.

You frown a little, although you do want answers, it’s also true she didn’t seem in the best of moods and definitely seemed like she could use someone to talk to.

-“That’s quite insulting, now.” You defend yourself with precarious calm.”I meant what I said earlier, it’s been my fault you’ve been attacked so it’s only the nice thing to do.”

-“Bullshit, you want to make it up to me you say?” her voice is still sharp and merciless.

-“In a sense.”

-“Fine!” she turns back beaming and walks by you. “That’s pretty convenient you know.”

Instantly, your instincts warn you of an imminent trap. Your muscles tense, ready to spring away from the threat of a crushing boulder, sudden falling grounds, hidden nets and other similar things, but you don’t move… no, the trap is something else.

Oh.. shhhh-…

-“I need money! Infos for money” she smirks, dauting, taunting.

-“The worst part is I know you’re not kidding…” you strike your palm at your forehead and sigh. She nods twice happily like a kid then takes her shark-like smirk again. “But you’re so shit out of luck!”

You reply with an honest laugh and she tilts her head in confusion at the sudden outburst. You hastily dive your hand in your pocket and take out your wallet, snatching a few bucks before flaunting them in her face.

-“Those are Dollars, not Yens! ” You laugh a bit more. “Nobody’s going to accept those or change them; you can’t get shit off me.” You look down on her with a victorious smile.

-“…” Tewi frowns in discontent, but quickly a new smirk crawls up. “Well that -also- mean you can’t use it either. You’re Dirt Broke Einstein!”

-“Point granted, but you -still- won’t extort anything from me, so I destroyed your plan regardless of whether I’m broke like a hobo or not.”

-“Kch… you got that right… fine, I’ll tell you some…” she pouts and sit next to you.

You almost sit down with her, but interrupt your motion to first verify the absence of any sort of dangers and/or traps and/or tricks and/or anything note-worthily annoying. Fortunately, the grass is safe and you land on it quietly.

-“Alright, Funny Hobo” she giggles a bit. “Here’s what you need to know goes: There IS someone missing. I’m not going to tell you who that is or why they are away because I’m not completely sure either. What Eirin told you though, was no lie. Nobody left and nobody new will be coming. In fact I’m pretty sure that person is still around somewhere but I can’t find them… for now.”

Tewi frowns, upset, and take a little breather.

-“Also, this person is a rival of the girl who attacked us yesterday, there’s a long story to it but I’m not bored enough to tell you about it so I’ll just say: They hate each other to death and try to kill each other on a daily basis. That’s most likely why she attacked us; she thought we were sent to kill her.”

-“Hmmm” you let this sink in for a while. “I heard from Eirin that people were trying to kill this Mokou girl on a daily basis, could it be the person we’re talking about is… “Sponsoring” those attacks?”

Tewi bits her lips a bit. “That could be, I’m not entirely sure.”

-“Just who -is- that anyway?” you ask with a hint of annoyance. Tewi frowns
-“I told you I wouldn’t tell you that much.”
-“Bah… fine, I already confirmed some of what I wanted to know.”
-“So, you’re off then?”

[Write-in only]
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I planned on adding a part remarking on how Rip favors personality over looks/figure, but couldn't find a way to make it flow.

But thanks for the refinement.
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She sees right through him, he already apologized and thanked her in a sense and she's unlikely to give you a 'you're welcome' by pressing the issue harder. Also Rip should be trading barbs rather than just talking about how good he and she are at trading barbs.

[x] "I wonder if you like holding back information for the purposes of extortion or because it's fun to watch others struggle lacking it? Or maybe you like to maintain the mysterious airs?"
[x] "I think I may have figured something out about you: In spite of your fun setting traps, you expressed a keen sense of danger in regard to that firebrand yesterday, and with your reticence with sensitive information that could be traced back here adds up: You're a survivor. I can be certain with you that in any given situation, you're looking out for number one. In a way, I guess that makes you the most reliable person here."
[x] "Those other two, I greatly appreciate the uncompensated room, board, and medical attention, but give me your brutally honest opinion: How much can I trust them, especially Eirin in regard to this 'latent power' bullshit?"

Rip expresses how he would rather get stabbed in the front than stabbed in the back.
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[x] "Nah. I can stick around, can't I?"
[x] "Besides, it's not every day where I run into someone who could trade jabs with me and manage to keep up."
[x] "Sorry if it came out that way, though. Just kinda figured I'd have more luck asking you than those two."
[x] "I was serious about wanting to apologize for yesterday, though."
[x] "It's weird, getting caught up in something like this, but you're the most reliable person here."

I saw no apology and your choice involves asking even more questions, not an ideal plan.
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[x] "Nah. I can stick around, can't I?"
-[x] "Besides, it's not every day where I meet some one who could trade jabs and keep up with me."
[x]"sorry if it came out that way, figured I'd have more luck asking you than those two."
[x] "I'm serious about wanting to apologize for yesterday."
[x] "It's weird, getting caught up in something like this, but you're the most reliable person here."

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[x] Some combination of >>21150 and >>21151

Deleted and revoting.

I want to say the stuff in the second (which was the edited write-in I made in >>21136 ), but I really do like the feel of >>21150 .
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[x] "I wonder if you like holding back information for the purposes of extortion or because it's fun to watch others struggle lacking it? Or maybe you like to maintain the mysterious airs?"
[x] "I think I may have figured something out about you: In spite of your fun setting traps, you expressed a keen sense of danger in regard to that firebrand yesterday, and with your reticence with sensitive information that could be traced back here adds up: You're a survivor. I can be certain with you that in any given situation, you're looking out for number one. In a way, I guess that makes you the most reliable person here."
[x] "Those other two, I greatly appreciate the uncompensated room, board, and medical attention, but give me your brutally honest opinion: How much can I trust them, especially Eirin in regard to this 'latent power' bullshit?"
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You alright Amethyst?
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Crazy week, out of beer and low on money, can't get a decent job since my last one's contract ended, don't worry though, that's been the usual for all the time I was away, I'll try to update tomorrow or tonight. most likely tomorrow though.
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Oh wait I remember why I didn't update earlier now, it's still a fucking tie... Bah whatever...
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[x] "I wonder if you like holding back information for the purposes of extortion or because it's fun to watch others struggle lacking it? Or maybe you like to maintain the mysterious airs?"
[x] "I think I may have figured something out about you: In spite of your fun setting traps, you expressed a keen sense of danger in regard to that firebrand yesterday, and with your reticence with sensitive information that could be traced back here adds up: You're a survivor. I can be certain with you that in any given situation, you're looking out for number one. In a way, I guess that makes you the most reliable person here."
[x] "Those other two, I greatly appreciate the uncompensated room, board, and medical attention, but give me your brutally honest opinion: How much can I trust them, especially Eirin in regard to this 'latent power' bullshit?"

It's no longer a tie.

Hope that things go better for you soon.
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Why not try to combine the two types of votes? They both have the same basic spirit.
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[x] "Nah. I can stick around, can't I?"
-[x] "Besides, it's not every day where I meet some one who could trade jabs and keep up with me."
[x]"sorry if it came out that way, figured I'd have more luck asking you than those two."
[x] "I'm serious about wanting to apologize for yesterday."
[x] "It's weird, getting caught up in something like this, but you're the most reliable person here."
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[x] >>21283
Come on, Blam.

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[x] >>21200
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File 127630161214.jpg - (256.36KB, 889x908, 9f5f5576316da5b08cc156fd07623175.jpg)
-"Nah. I can stick around, can't I?" you deny her assumption with a calm voice and chuckle. “So you really did mean it when you called Bullshit on me. Sorry to disappoint but I was serious: I’m not using you and I’m sorry about not following your advices yesterday.” Tewi blinks a little in disbelief, her face silently saying: ‘wait, what?’ “Besides I’d like to keep enjoying this company, it’s not every day I run into someone who can talk back to me without getting utterly demolished.” A smirk and emphasis on the last word is enough to stir up challenge… just as planned.

-“Well I guess I should give you some pity, being surrounded daily by such useless and helpless idiots, the human world must be in ruins.”

-“Oh no, I’ll have to decline… besides you, too, got your ploy destroyed a couple minutes ago, there, I’m pretty sure I have some pity to share too in my sleeves.” You move your arms, putting said sleeves into emphasis and reaching a hand.

A pout “please, that was simply an opportunity shot, there was no ploy whatsoever”
-“or was there?”
-“Nu-uh” an energetic shake
-“I’m doubtful.” An overly suspicious stare, albeit a bit comic.
-“Don’t be.”
-“Why so?”
-“Because spontaneity is unpredictable.”
-“How so?”
-“Who knows?”
-“Very well.” You cut the rapid-fire chitchat with a small laugh. You can also see a smile of hers.

-“In all seriousness though, even though it seemed otherwise to you, I just figured I’d have more luck asking you than the other two.” A small giggle at the word luck ”If I really just wanted answers I’d have asked the lion directly but Eirin seems quite held on her positions of not disclosing anything, not worth the effort. As for Reisen, she seems a bit overwhelmed and uneasy by hmm… whatever happened between you people? It might be a bad idea to stir the subject.”

As the two of you speak, a quick glance upward tells you of the movements of the sun, slightly before half-way into the afternoon. The dispersed clouds seem to be fleeing the skies sneakily, leaving up alone the bright blue ceiling of nature. For half a few seconds you see what appears to be two flying dots, grazing the sky rapidly, as if two meteors or planes, quickly dismissing it as your imagination, enjoying the breeze and warmth of the season and place. Only now do you realize how different this is from the life in city. The gentle touch of nature and the pleasantness of the situation are plain sickeningly good. From the back of your college memories spurs out a strong and driving song “Springtime in Paris”, with a sigh you glance back at Tewi.

-“But speaking of informations and not wanting to disclose anything…” you give her an exaggeratedly annoyed look, leaning slightly over her.

-“huh?” she tilts her head slightly, full of suspicions.

-"I wonder if you like holding back information for the purposes of extortion or because it's fun to watch others struggle lacking it? Or maybe you like to maintain the mysterious airs?" you suddenly declare with a beaming and innocent smile.

Tewi giggles a bit then smirk, waving her left index in circles in the air, her eyes falsely evasive “Oh, just a little bit of column A~ … and a little bit of column B~, column C is a big negative though.”

-“You mean?” you press without much weight

-“Well, everything has a value, informations and things can always come handy at some point in life even when they seem completely and utterly useless at first glance.”

-“I guess you also apply the same logic to people.”

“Yah” she tilts her head the other side “you count in that too.”

Well that was at the same time sneaky, uncalled for and cruel… lovely.

“And I’m throwing those words right back at the mini bunny.” You state calmly, raising your hand and inspecting your fingers instead of looking at her eyes, as if it was a completely irrelevant and unimportant statement.”

“Oh?”a tiny hint of aggressively “I thought you would consider it lowly and would be against behaving this way, it’s dirty after all isn’t it? ”

-“Well, whether I do it or not, it shouldn’t cause any problem to you since you act this way in the first place, right?” you raise your shoulders innocently.

-“You have a point.” She replies with a smirk “I don’t mind one tiny bit… that is as long as you don’t try to double-cross me.”

-“Hmm, I’m daring, not masochistic” you answer with a horizontal hand motion.

-“Or, are you?”
-“Am not.”
-“Being after me is like asking for it though.”
-“I have yet to see it happen.”
-“You were following -me-, difference.”
-“But you were looking for me in the first place.”
-“Just taking a stroll~”
-“Or were you?”
-“Do we really have to get at it for a third time?”

-“But anyways.”

You glance off for a moment, time really do goes by, especially much so in pleasant company. The last remnants of the clouds have disappeared and once again a flash of light glares from the far-away skies, as if an explosion had occurred. You want to dismiss it as your imagination but it’s the second time. You bit your lower lip a little and try to guess quickly but in vain. You head lowers and your side view catch a bunch of bunnies running amok to the left, playing wild games.

-“Yes?” the bunny to the right inquires.

-“Oh, sorry, I saw something odd twice in the skies over there” you point the general direction.

-“Probably a battle, happens a lot here, even though the bamboo forest is “relatively” calm.” Tewi states seriously.

-“Ah? Interesting… but what I really wanted to say is…”
-“I’ve noticed, although you’re going around in a kind of silly fashion messing with people and setting up both physical and verbal traps, you’re very resourceful and keen, you sensed the danger a bit earlier on and know just how much to say or do for your own good. I guess it’s a bit weird, but the childish-looking one at first glance is actually the most reliable person in my opinion.” A tiny hint of red of hers follows up to your calm and serene voice. ”which inevitably brings another subject, much less pleasant.” She recovers her seriousness. “I’m really grateful for everything, but honestly, how much can I trust the other two? Especially Eirin’s “latent power” Bullshit”

-”Well, as much as I hate to admit this, you survived an encounter with -that girl- on your first day here, that’s impressive. Most humans would be a smoking pile of ashes scattered by the wind in your position, so yeah… as far as trusting them goes, I don’t think they’ll downright lie to you, Reisen’s nature is against it and doctor just likes to play with words to make things sound differently.” A small pause. “But honestly it’s not my place to tell you who to trust, that’s yours to decide, Funny Hobo” A small giggle.

-“Hey now”
-“What now”
-“what was that?”
-“What was what?”
-“That and you know?”
-“Do I?”
-“Yes you do.”
-“Yes I do.” A smirk
-“Then what?”

Suddenly, without you being able to see anything coming, the bunny springs forward toward you. You close your eyes in reflex, ready for whatever is to come. . .

What comes to your senses is a smooth, soft and slightly humid feeling onto your lips, for a mere two seconds.

You open your eyes and blink in surprise, the turn being yours to silently say “wait, what?” she is back sitting where she was, smiling innocently. With a cheer, she answers your silent question.



[ ] Remain here and keep discussing as if nothing happened, it must be another test of her!
------ [Insert conversation topics if any]
[ ] That was a sign! Push it further!
[ ] Excuse yourself for a short walk.
------ [Insert destination if any.]
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I'm most likely not going to update again or do HR tonight or tomorrow because I have a funeral to attend to and stuff to do very early in the morning
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[x] That was a sign! Push it further!

I think the right answer is either this or keep on talking as if this didn't happen, but my gut tells me to vote this.
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Wait, a Tewikiss?


My mind isn't working well.
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Yeah... so far we're doing good and the last thing we want to do is mess it up.
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Talking like nothing happened may grant more points but making no indication that you return the sentiment might also discourage her.

[x] That was a sign! Push it further!
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[x] That was a sign! Push it further!
-[x] ...but don't push it too far.
[x] If it's decided enough is enough then stick around and talk to her about something else.

I have absolutely no idea what else though, sorry.

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[x] That was a sign! Push it further!

Authors hate indecisive/play-it-safe Anons, right?

Fine then!

...Although Given Tewi being Tewi, I can almost see her pulling something when we try to reciprocate, partly out of shits and giggles, and partly out of wanting to keep the upper hand in the relationship.

At the very least, it lets her know we're interested.
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[x] That was a sign! Push it further!
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File 129324821329.jpg - (114.17KB, 650x507, 6bf61f0e4ca19a5b22f3b9f5aac7361535600dbb.jpg)
[BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIWgTArHFa4&list=QL&playnext=3 ]

Whirlwinds of white, breezing softly, gently under the starlit skyline.

A tender blanket of delicate snow has covered the land as far as one would set their gaze. From the shyly smoking roofs of the human village to the already whitened peeks of the Youkai Mountain, a thin layer of ice glistening coldly upon the lakes and rivers. The branches of trees everywhere are coated in a small wrapping of snow, waving slightly to the wild winds as if greeting the passer-bys. Elsewhere, the timid whiteness rests itself quietly over the two shrines, paving the way forward.

Warmly nested in their homes, the denizens are awaiting cheerfully. Any and all excuses are good to celebrate in the land of fantasy and magic that is Gensokyo, but even amongst faes and rabbits, demons and spirits, there is one that simply radiates its own magic within this world. When nature seem to go to sleep under the cover of its omnipresent white blanket and that the living bonds together between those who are dear to each others; when despite the coldness of the snow and the breeze one can feel the most the warmth coming from loved ones. This would be it, the holiday wrapped in endless elegant white and looking up to the brightly starlit sky.

Inside, whether may it be a mansion or a modest riverside house, things are still the same. From a giant evergreen to a modest pine, wrapped in whatever colors one would deem fit, shining pridefully from whether static magic lights or oneiric items brought back from the human world or the kappas. It does not take or cost much to simply be together and even if the places and decorations differ the core still remains. Such things would include a warm fire, natural or magic, various spirituous and enjoyable company.

Somewhere, however, two individuals differ. Clad in red and white, they are conferring mischievously under the albescent stardust. Despite the weather, it would be silly for them to be feeling cold. The girl, quite shorter than the man, is wearing a sleeveless bright red top lined of white fur around the neck and splitting slightly at the bottom. Below, she wears a semi-short white skirt bordered of a red frilly frame as well as arranged white stockings. Her natural cute rabbit tail and ears of the same white as the fur naught but add to the ensemble. As the breeze gently brushes her short black hair, she smiles slightly with a shine of cheerful and genuine happiness in her red eyes.

The man, standing tall is wearing comfortable red pants lined of soft and puffy red fur on the edges, at the feet and waist. Above, he is wearing a light sleeveless vest of the same bright red and generous fur lining. His vest is left open and a bit small, allowing for the ladies of this land a good gaze upon his well healthy and chiseled chest and abdomen. His flawless blonde hair has grown a bit since he arrived here and is showering on the back of his vest, reaching the middle of the back in an elegant fashion. That man is Rip Van Winkle, you.

-“So, are you sure this thing is going to work?” you ask quietly. You could say you “trust” your companion, but that would be so highly relative.
-“Not at all~” she replies with a beaming smile, tip-toeing a bit.
You shrug “Oh well, if all else fails, I guess I can just carry it all, I got a lot stronger since I came here.”
-“It won’t fail~”
-“Not with my luck~”
-“Oh yeah, that’s true, you got all of it.”

Despite her light-hearted attitude and hints of malice, you can feel the confidence in Tewi’s words. Even though she said otherwise, you just know she’s positive this…thing… will work. She did an amazing job at crafting it out of bamboo and random things from Kourindou and the Kappas. Actually, this is a bit ironic to think you’d be in this position someday, but hey who cares? This is a time of joy and parties and here you are preparing for the one plan all will remember with this girl you really like.

In front of you is what seems like a replica of the fabled sled used by Santa Claus in stories for children to deliver gifts across the world, it has small differences, such as replacing the reindeers by rabb--

-“Waaaait Tewi…” you start smoothly
-“Yeeeeees Rip?~” she replies on the same tone.
-“What did you do to those rabbits?”
She pouts “What do you mean”
-“Their eyes look like they’re rabid and are going to jump and murder something if it touches them”
-“Anti-theft system!” she claims half-jokingly
-“Really now?”
-“Well, they needed to be able to pull the sled…” she swift to an almost apologetic, sad voice and takes on a very sad and tortured expression, looking away.
-“Can I poke one?” you smirk devilishly.
-“I knew it.”

The matter of rabbits asides, the sled has two places and is actually loaded with a bag of “presents” from “Santa”. Of course, both of you and your accomplice know that those are no ordinary presents. They are no ordinary prank either. Every last of those presents represent quite a bit of work and craftiness. While upon opening, various tricks await the unexpecting receiver, they are all of good cheer and none of them are actually problematic. More importantly, they all contain a fairly obvious fake bottom below which rests an actual, well-intended gift.

But more importantly to you than those in themselves is the time you spent with her and are about to. You give another look at her, with a smile. Her stockings and the space between them and her skirt allow you to observe her slender legs. Her smooth, creamy skin however is best seen from her arms and shoulder area as the sleeveless top expose a small part of her sides. The most attractive of all, however, is her adorable face. Framed by her shortly cut but well-filled black hair, they are wild and untidy but of sparkling health, just like herself. Her expression is less malicious than usual and for a moment you could almost catch a bit of red on her cheeks but you dismiss it… until your gaze meets hers and you realize that while you were observing her, she had been setting her own eyes all over your body.

For a short moment, your eyes lock with hers. Without a word, they convey to each other a warm feeling of ease and comfort. There is no need for words when two people can simply understand each other this way. Both of you smile whole-heartedly.

-“I think it’s time to go” she says in a voice much softer than usual.
-“Yes, but before…” you tease her a bit with some suspense.
-“Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Thanks ~” she replies with a small pirouette on the tip of her left feet before taking off.

Yes, before you leave, there is still something to do. Quickly, you follow your accomplice in the sky; the white crystals brush your skin as they are waved around by the winter breeze. Rising up high you can get a close look at the skyline, beautifully displaying the infinite stars of the universe. Before long though, your attention is brought back to the present as very large rings of small light green bullets begin being sent around the two of you as if the ripples of waves were smoothly traveling the sky.

A small smirk draws itself on the left of your mouth as your right hand snatches expertly the beautiful vintage firearm holstered on the right of your waist. The Vermillion shines slightly under the moonlight as you hold it extended before letting yourself “fall” backward before reaching a position as if you were lying on thin air. You align the pistol toward the sky then frontward. With a swift press of the trigger, a red laser blasts forward, rising diagonally. In an instant, you rotate the barrel of about 15 degrees on the right and press the trigger again. So on, you keep doing this until the Vermillion has fired a full circle, then proceed to do it once more in the opposite direction while Tewi continues sending the green ripples horizontally.

Before long, it is time to switch roles. Tewi rises directly above you and unleashes on both sides of your duo the large red lasers used during her Last Word, Ancient Duper. You know those well after all this time, but now is not the time to be worried about them, this is not a battle. The lasers begin spinning, the left one clockwise and the right one counter-clockwise. Not needing any signal, you extend your arm and begin spinning while keeping the trigger crushed. This time, it is large green bullets that spirals around and extend toward the infinite, as if a miniature galaxy with you at its core. Suddenly, you give a high angle upward and continue before doing the same downward.

Elsewhere, the inhabitants of Eientei, the dwellers of the bamboo forest and the random passer-bys all stop to observe the sky. It is a fairly rare occurrence to see Danmaku used elsewhere than in a battle and even when it is the result of fighting; it still unveils an amazing beauty in its colors and patterns. May it be under the cover of old edo Japanese mansion or simply laying against a bamboo tree, this is a show that is completely free for all to appreciate in this night of rejoicing. Eventually, all good things come to an end and with a bang the last choreography stops with its actors returning to the white-clad land after their back to back finale.

-“You know, that was great.” You comment. “It’s really relaxing to be able to enjoy Danmaku without having to worry about dodging anything.”
-“What, you can’t relax while grazing? That’s pathetic Rip” Tewi jokes in a melodramatic tone.
-“Says the girl who has a hard time keeping up with me?” you counter with a devilish smirk.
-“Oh please, you’re the one who’ll never be able to keep up with me” she smiles as well, a mischievous light lit in her eyes.
-“Say what now” you laugh of good cheer. “It’s not li--”

Your words are silenced by a tackle but instead of being pushed backward, the impacting projectile wraps its arms around your back and presses her lips against yours, as well as her small chest. Taken by surprise, you can’t help but reciprocate and support her in your own arms. Yes, that’s one thing you may never be able to keep up with; her spontaneity is unpredictable. You still remember the first time this kind of thing happened and reminiscent it closing your eyes.

The petite girl’s tongue finds its way towards yours and wraps itself around, licking and tickling your tongue with the tip of her own. As she rests against your bare chest in the middle of the open santa vest, you can feel that her arms are tighter around your body than ever and you can feel the warmth of her touch and kiss. This isn’t a joke or a prank, it’s real and warm. In reply, your right arm holds her against you while your left rubs upward, massaging her upper back. You can feel a small gasp against your lips as her own hands begin to brush your back gently but firmly along your muscles.

-“You know…” a soft, hot whisper reaches your ears amidst the cold white stardust. “We should continue this once we come back.”
-“Yeah…” you reply with a short kiss. “This is nice.”
-“I’m glad…”

With this the girl slowly touched the ground again and the pair boarded the sled to go on with their plan for the night… or rather… the first half of their plans……
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sounds like Rip had a Merry Christmas alright
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God bless us, everyone.

We'll need it.
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