[x] What? *looks up at above choice*, no, just GOD no. No, she’s just your daughter and you really need to go to Eientei to cure yourself of this horrible growing desire inside of you. In fact, you believe that the horrible desire was the cause of that above choice and time’s growing short.
[x] Apologize to Alice for not being there on time to meet her.
[x] Ask Alice why she would think Joe is a polygamist.
Yes, why
does she think you’re a polygamist anyways? You inquire her as to what she’s talking about and she states that you’re holding hands with another woman and Yuuka’s okay with that, as if its obvious. A fully grown woman, she points out.
Oh, that. Well you explain to her about Tenshi and how you spontaneously adopted her as your daughter. Both Marisa and Alice look at you incredulously, but the look from Yuuka tells them to stop asking questions and just accept that fact. They just simply nod in agreement, but make a mental note of your “paternal tendencies”.
Oh, and before you forget, you apologize to Alice for making her go all the way to Aya’s house and not being there to meet up with her. She coughs, looks away and mumbles, “Don’t worry about it, Marisa told me all about what happened.”
Oh SHIT, Marisa told her about the mushroom incident?!
“Mushroom incident?” Alice looks at you curiously, “Marisa told me all about Rumia and Aya, but she never told me anything about a mushroom incident…”
Oh, well, in that case, you tell her that its really nothing and that she shouldn’t worry about it. After all,
if she doesn’t know about what happened between you and Marisa, then there’s no need to explain it, right? She decides to leave the subject of the “mushroom incident” alone and you move on to the next predicament, what to do about that horrible urge that continues to build inside of you. You vaguely remember Aya telling your about an amazing doctor who lives in the bamboo forest, so you tell Aya to lead you over to the mystical House of Eternity.
“Why~?” Aya asks in a teasing voice, almost as if she knows what the problem is and wants to expose your secret. Well, seeing as how its Aya, she already knows damn well what it is, so you threaten crush her camera if she doesn’t shut the hell up and she reluctantly agrees.
“Alright alright, I can take you to Eientei, but we’ll have to go through the human village, so expect some delays there.”
HAH, delays. How bad could it possibly be? You dealt with so much shit, already, delays are just nothing more than a nuisance. You brush off her warning and tell her to take you straight through the village.
“Alright…” Aya says ominously, as if to scare you or something. Bah! What does she know? She’s mostly been with you this whole time, so how can she know if something’s gonna delay you or not? She just shrugs at you and starts walking towards, presumably, the human village. Well, you weren’t gonna stay here for too long anyways, so you invite anyone willing to follow you into your party, and everyone, except Alice joins your party. Well, Yuuka wants to be by your side regardless of where you go, Tenshi doesn’t want to be left alone, Aya shouldn’t be left on her own or bad things will happen to you, and Marisa wants to help you with your “illness” because it was her fault that you ate the mushroom in the first place, how noble of her.
Hmm, you figure Alice’s still mad at how you didn’t meet her at Aya’s house and you remain completely oblivious to the her situation. Oh well, nothing you can do about that. Aya leads the way as usual and the rest of your party follows.
The journey is slow and arduous as the party can only go as fast as the slowest person, which is you, and they all have to walk along side you too because you can’t fly either (other than Marisa, she‘s always on her broom). After a long while of traveling like this, you see several houses in the distance and the closer you get, the more houses you see. You hear the excited buzz of people chattering in the street and foreboding music wafts through the air to fully complete this scene (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CHR1rtiDWI). You get the feeling that the village isn’t usually like this and some sort of celebration is being held. The streets quickly become crowded and you and your entourage manage to somehow get separated in the confusion. DAMN, for a
village there’s a lot of people here! Despite how your friends and family dress, you can’t seem to find them anywhere! You pass by street vendors selling various items and food, but the only person you manage to find is Aya who, in all honestly, found
“Having fun yet?” Aya asks you after dragging you off to the side. You ask her if this is what she meant by “delays”.
“Well, sort of. It’s a market day for the human village and sometimes it gets to the point where its almost like a celebration. Everyone will try anything to sell their wares; music, performers, and sometimes even pyrotechnics will appear if the kappa come by. Youkai from all over even come by just to enjoy the sights and sounds too. Its weird though, there‘s seems to be more people here then normal…almost as if they were forced to gather here…”
Well that’s fan-fuckin-tastic. Not only did everyone get separated from you, but the music seems so ominous… You tell Aya to gather everyone up and meet you…somewhere. It doesn’t matter, she’s good at finding people and if she found you once, she can find you again. She nods, and springs into the air and begins her search while you’re left on the ground alone again.
You still get the horrible feeling that you should seriously leave this place as fast as you can before something bad happens…
[x] Gather all of your party members and leave this place as fast as you can.
[x] Go to the schoolhouse! You LOVE learning!
[x] Dance with everyone!
[x] Challenge everyone here to a test of MANLINESS and earn money so you can piss it all away on random shit. Might as well enjoy yourself, huh?
[x] Wander aimlessly through village.
(Yeah, I know not a lot happened in the last couple updates, but now almost every choice leads to something interesting. Hooray!) Bonus points if you know what that pic is from. And by bonus points, I mean Joe will magically get about 3 bottles of whiskey in each hand...And yes those farmers are laughing by the way.