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Your cute face is something I will never forget. It's because of what you did that I'm able to look back and be the most thankful that I chose you...

The same cars. The same buildings. The same people. For a while now, it's all felt rather boring to you. Deep inside, something inside you makes you want to forget you ever socialized with humanity. That's not to say it's effected your general mood though, you haven't noticed any changes about in yourself...yet. But it just seems like lately, the world has been disappointing to a deep part of you somewhere inside. Somewhere inside you, is something that wants to be free, to get out and reject the standards of today's world. Everyone bustling back and forth, waking up, eating their meals, going to work, coming back and sleeping again. It's a distasteful routine that the 'something' inside you is not ready to accept. Something about the whole world just seems so...ordinary.

As you're dealing with that though, you notice you've finally arrived home, a small, modest apartment in a rather quiet neighborhood. No incidents ever happen, nothing exciting ever comes around. Just the apartments and the people that go about their mundane lives everyday. It never changes. Inside your little abode are just as modest living quarters. Nothing exciting, in fact, it's a little bland, and almost poor. You have no bed to sleep on, just a comfy little futon. Your TV is barely 11 inches large. And is still analog, despite the recent coming of digital broadcasting going about. Your bathroom is just barely large enough to house a small sink, a toilet, and a stand in shower. Your kitchen is roughly the same size, as you have but a miniature refridgerator and stove to keep your food edible. The only thing that really sort of stands out is the large desk on one side of the room.

Anytime you had paperwork, needing to draw something, or anything that involved some sort of writing material, you would do it here. It was a very important part of the room, and thusly, your lifestyle. It's on this desk that you find a little envelope neatly placed on top. Did you even get the mail today? You quickly just blame it on your absent-mindedness and get to studying the envelope. Interestingly, it has no return address. Addressed to only you, no sender. Very odd, to say the least. It's a wonder how it even got to you. The best way to find out however, is to open it up and see the contents. It is addressed to you after all, so there should be no problem in opening it. You clip it open and let the letter inside fall out. Upon opening it, you almost immediately throw it away; it's a public survey. No wonder it looked so unimportant.

The only thing that keeps you reading is the fact that there's no way to return it to whoever gave it to you. You almost figure it must've been an amaturish mistake on the part of the creator. How can one conduct a survey if the people you send the survey to have no way of sending their results back? You skim through it for the most part, starting from the top. Something about a wide wonderous world awaiting you, most likely a faux gesture indicating that you really should take anything inside this letter with a grain of salt. It then tells you that you're the lucky number 9767251, thus making you the luckiest person in Japan. Somehow you doubt this. Just filling out the survey and putting it into the second drawer of your desk will grant you freedom of a hectic, boring lifestyle and give you the kind of career you've always dreamed of, in the letter's own words. It's curious how the letter knows that everyone who recieves it has a desk with at least two drawers in it.

You just sort of skip the rest, not having too much confidence after that, and get out to the forms you apparently need to fill out. It starts out standardly, name, occupation, then going into hobbies...level of housework? Experience with magic and the paranormal? And what's this...allergic to fox and/or cat hair? It gets weirder and weirder the further down you look it, but finally seems to end with a simple thank you note and some fine print you're really not interested in reading. Lots of legal bull you're sure you've heard of time and time again. You just sigh and toss the letter back onto the desk, determined to ignore it for the duriation of the day. You have other, more important things to take care of, like getting some food into your gullet.
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Time passes, night falls, and it's become late. It's due for your bedtime, as you need to wake up late tomorrow, but you really don't feel like it. You're wide awake. It probably would've done you some good not to drink that soda so late. Even after flipping through the channels on your TV, there's really nothing on that interests you, though due to your poor state of affairs, it's not like you have many channels to begin with anyways. It's at this point you sit at your desk, tapping away with your finger, trying to think of something to do. You then divert your attention to the letter you tossed aside earlier today. You're tempted to for a while, then finally give in. If nothing else, filling it out might put you to sleep finally. And besides, if it rots in the second drawer of your desk, which you never really touch at all, then it's like out of sight, out of mind. You'll be done with this before you know it.

You grab a pen and lay out the letter, it's crafted quite finely, different from the standard kind of paper you work with everyday. Ink seems to flow gently onto it, almost as if the letter was absorbing all the pieces of information you wrote on it, and storing it, locked away inside it for centuries to come. The text on the letter was also peculiar, most of of it was of course, typed out and seemed preprocessed, except for the number, which was written in such an elegant handwriting, it's impossible that this type of thing could be mass produced. It just looked so...neat. You toss that thought aside for now though, since there's really no point in wondering about it now. You need to put this out of both it's and your own misery, so it no longer bothers you by thinking about it. So, you get to work. What kind of information do you write down?

Your full name:
[ ] Keikou Sousha
[ ] Yoshifuma Mikami
[ ] Mikito Kochi
[ ] Shuntarou Makoto
[ ] Kotoko Satoya
[ ] Other (specify)

Your occupation:
[ ] Simple bag boy at a grocery store
[ ] Hard labor at a factory
[ ] College/University student
[ ] A hard working ronin
[ ] Tech support for a local computer company
[ ] Other (specify)

[ ] June 28th, 19 years old
[ ] July 2nd, 20 years old
[ ] December 3rd, 18 years old
[ ] Febuary 14th, 21 years old
[ ] Other (specify)

Typical Hobby:
[ ] Going to the arcade, playing some shmups
[ ] Board games, crossword puzzles, things like that
[ ] Vegging in front of the TV
[ ] Going out for walks and generally exploring
[ ] Writing, studying, anything that involves words
[ ] Other (specify)

Ability to do housework:
[ ] My room is tidy and clean, thank you
[ ] I can do it, just not fond of it
[ ] It's okay
[ ] I'm a huge neat freak, things must be clean
[ ] I don't like doing house work
[ ] That's something I want a spouse for

Your stance and experience with the supernatural:
[ ] I love it! Always studying for it
[ ] I don't believe in those kinds of things
[ ] I'm indifferent about it
[ ] Always disliked it, had bad experiences
[ ] It sounds interesting, but never thought much about it

Your natural physical ability:
[ ] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[ ] I have a decent metabolism, so it's easy
[ ] I walk around and do a lot of hard work, so I'm rather strong
[ ] Thanks for reminding me I need to work out more...
[ ] Not obese, but not very flexible or athletic

How do you feel about members of the opposite sex:
[ ] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[ ] Nothing much
[ ] The more I can have in my harem, the happier I'll be
[ ] I love them, but I can't get near one
[ ] Hateful fleshbags that always abused me
[ ] I need a wife ASAP...

Your preferred living conditions:
[ ] I require lots of modern day equipment
[ ] A nice, peaceful, serene outlook on the world
[ ] Very traditional and old style; tatami mats are a must
[ ] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[ ] Large, spacious, and wide open
[ ] It'd be nice to live with other people I suppose

Are you allergic to fox hair? Cat hair?:
[ ] No, I love animals
[ ] Very much so, though I don't hate them
[ ] Not really allergic, but cripes, they piss me off
[ ] Not allergic, and just indifferent to animals in general
[ ] Allergic to foxes, but not cats
[ ] Allergic to cats, but not foxes
[ ] Why are you asking?

Finally, do you believe in spirit:
[ ] Yes, spirit is something very important to people as a person
[ ] Spirit is something human bodies cannot live without
[ ] Spirits? Do you mean ghosts? We covered that already.
[ ] Why yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life
[ ] I'm very indifferent about this subject
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[x] July 29, 27 years old
[x] Martial Arts, the mind and the body both need constant sharpening.
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] I'm very indifferent about this subject
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[X] Kotoko Satoya
[X] A hard working ronin
[X] July 2nd, 20 years old
[X] Going out for walks and generally exploring
[X] My room is tidy and clean, thank you
[X] I'm indifferent about it
[X] I walk around and do a lot of hard work, so I'm rather strong
[X] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[X] A nice, peaceful, serene outlook on the world
[X] No, I love animals
[X] Spirit is something human bodies cannot live without

Phew, tough choices but someone has to make a decision.
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[x] July 29, 27 years old
[x] Martial Arts, the mind and the body both need constant sharpening.
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] I'm very indifferent about this subject
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[x] July 29, 27 years old
[x] Martial Arts, the mind and the body both need constant sharpening.
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] I'm very indifferent about this subject
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[x] Keikou Sousha
[x] College/University student
[x] Febuary 14th, 21 years old
[x] Writing, studying, anything that involves words
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I have a decent metabolism, so it's easy
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] Spirits? Do you mean ghosts? We covered that already.
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[ ] Kotoko Satoya
[ ] College/University student
[ ] July 2nd, 20 years old
[ ] Going out for walks and generally exploring
[ ] It's okay
[ ] I don't believe in those kinds of things
[ ] I have a decent metabolism, so it's easy
[ ] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[ ] Large, spacious, and wide open
[ ] No, I love animals
[ ] Spirits? Do you mean ghosts? We covered that already.
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[x] July 29, 27 years old
[x] Martial Arts, the mind and the body both need constant sharpening.
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] I'm very indifferent about this subject

Teaching others is fine too.
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Sousha is dead, long live Satoya
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He died as he lived. A bundle of tsundere nerves.
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[x] Kotoko Satoya

[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)

[x] July 2nd, 20 years old

[x] Going out for walks and generally exploring

[x] My room is tidy and clean, thank you

[x] It sounds interesting, but never thought much about it

[x] Not obese, but not very flexible or athletic

[x] I love them, but I can't get near one

[x] It'd be nice to live with other people I suppose

[x] No, I love animals
[x] Why are you asking?

[x] Why yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life

The mundane, day after day routine of teaching morons a language no one alive ever uses and living in such a tiny apartment makes us crave alcolhol with which to drown our sorrows and angst
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[-] Kotoko Satoya
[-] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[-] July 29, 27 years old
[-] Martial Arts, the mind and the body both need constant sharpening.
[-] I can do it, just not fond of it
[-] I'm indifferent about it
[-] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[-] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[-] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[-] No, I love animals
[-] I'm very indifferent about this subject
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Funny, I was almost 100% certain people would name this person Sousha, so I wanted him to look generally the same from my past story. Alternate realities anyone?

Either way, I was intending on including something in the first post, but ended up forgetting; updates will not follow any type of schedule at all, I'll just basically write whenever I want. This is so I don't let what happened to the last story happen to this one. There likely won't be month long periods where I won't write (hopefully) but don't expect daily updates either.

That said, nice to see so many replies in such a little amount of time.
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] A hard working ronin
[x] July 2nd, 20 years old
[x] Going out for walks and generally exploring
[x] My room is tidy and clean, thank you
[x] It sounds interesting, but never thought much about it
[x] Not obese, but not very flexible or athletic
[x] I love them, but I can't get near one
[x] It'd be nice to live with other people I suppose
[x] No, I love animals
[x] Why are you asking?
[x] Why yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life

why is this anon so god damn boring jesus fuck.
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[O] Keikou Sousha
[O] A hard working ronin
[O] December 3rd, 18 years old
[O] Going to the arcade, playing some shmups
[O] I don't like doing house work
[O] I'm indifferent about it
[O] Not obese, but not very flexible or athletic
[O] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[O] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[O] No, I love animals
[O] Why yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life
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[ ] Keikou Sousha
[ ] Tech support for a local computer company
[ ] June 18th, 19 years old
[ ] Board games, crossword puzzles, things like that
[ ] I can do it, just not fond of it
[ ] It sounds interesting, but never thought much about it
[ ] I have a decent metabolism, so it's easy
[ ] I love them, but I can't get near one
[ ] Very traditional and old style; tatami mats are a must
[ ] Not really allergic, but cripes, they piss me off
[ ] Spirits? Do you mean ghosts? We covered that already.

Sousha ;_;

I will mourn your death more than I mourned the King of Pop's death (I'm still depressed).

>updates will not follow any type of schedule at all, I'll just basically write whenever I want.

This won't end well. But at least you are back; you have no idea how I missed you and your story.
>Kotoko Satoya

By the way, what's the meaning of this name?
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[x] July 29, 27 years old
[x] Martial Arts, the mind and the body both need constant sharpening.
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] I'm very indifferent about this subject
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[X] Kotoko Satoya
[X] Job: Weatherman
[X] Febuary 14th, 21 years old
[X] Hobby: Thunderstorm photographer
[X] House work is okay
[X] I don't believe in those kinds of things
[X] I walk around and do a lot of hard work, so I'm rather strong
[X] I need a wife ASAP...
[X] A nice, peaceful, serene outlook on the world
[X] Allergic to cats, but not foxes
[X] Why yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life
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[↑]Kotoko Satoya
[↑]A hard working ronin
[↓]July 2, 20 years old
[↓]Going out for walks and generally exploring
[←]My room is tidy and clean, thank you.
[→]It sounds interesting, but I never thought much about it
[←]I have a decent metabolism, so it's easy
[→]They're human, just like me. Equal
[A]A nice, serene, peaceful outlook on the world
[B]No, I love animals
[Start]Why yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life

Nice to see a good shikigami story. Don't see too many of those.
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[x] July 29, 27 years old
[x] Martial Arts, the mind and the body both need constant sharpening.
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] I'm very indifferent about this subject
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[x] July 29, 27 years old
[x] Martial Arts, the mind and the body both need constant sharpening.
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] I'm very indifferent about this subject
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[X] Kotoko Satoya
[X] Job: Weatherman
[X] Febuary 14th, 21 years old
[X] Hobby: Thunderstorm photographer
[X] House work is okay
[X] I don't believe in those kinds of things
[X] I walk around and do a lot of hard work, so I'm rather strong
[X] I need a wife ASAP...
[X] A nice, peaceful, serene outlook on the world
[X] Allergic to cats, but not foxes
[X] Why yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life

I like this way of voting, I think I'll copy it.
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...are we a girl? I ask because Kotoko's a girl's name, and...so.
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I think Kotoko is the family name, or surname, not the given name.
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[x] July 29, 27 years old
[x] Martial Arts, the mind and the body both need constant sharpening.
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] Why yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] A hard working ronin
[x] June 28th, 19 years old
[x] Going to the arcade, playing some shmups
[x] It's okay
[x] I love it! Always studying for it
[x] Not obese, but not very flexible or athletic
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] A nice, peaceful, serene outlook on the world
[x] No, I love animals
[x] Spirit is something human bodies cannot live without
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[x] Kotoko Satoya
[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[x] July 29, 27 years old
[x] Martial Arts, the mind and the body both need constant sharpening.
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] Why yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life

This guy sounds somewhat like Hongo Takeshi.
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...are we a girl? I ask because Satoya's a girl's name, and...so.
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He is obviously a guy with a girl's name.
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...What the hell? No Sousha? Seriously?
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What can I say? Anon wants a new protagonist. I don't really have any control over it, otherwise it wouldn't really be a CYOA.


Satoya is a guy's name. I'm using the traditional japanese convention of Surname first, Given name last. Unless you guys want me to do Given name first instead, what do you think?

Also, I'm gonna tally votes now. (there's a lot of them!)
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賢哉 (more commonly pronounced Ken'ya) according to http://babyname.ojaru.jp/man/otoko-sa.htm

the real problem is Kotoko, which turns up 23 different female given names and nothing else in ENAMDICT.
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Let's chalk up the Kotoko arguement to sheer laziness and ADHD, as I was going to use something else originally but got distracted, ended up forgetting, and just used the first thing that popped into my head thinking it wasn't going to matter much.

We'll just use "Kotono" instead, since KC offered so much help on the subject of names. (and proved that Satoya is in fact a given name, if not common)

Anyways, votes tallied, will start writing soon.
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File 124666560761.jpg - (90.31KB, 424x600, 69705cdf50fc686572e312b82399ccfd.jpg)
(Note: Any tied votes were coin-flipped)
[x] Kotono Satoya
[x] Other (College Professor, Subject - Dead Languages)
[x] July 29, 27 years old
[x] Going out for walks and generally exploring
[x] I can do it, just not fond of it
[x] I'm indifferent about it
[x] I go to the gym weekly. I try to stay fit.
[x] They're human, just like me. Equal.
[x] Any place that's very secluded and away from noise
[x] No, I love animals
[x] Why yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life

You write the last bit of information you can muster on it with passion. You're quite satisfied with how it came out. Even if it's a survey no one else will see, it's come out quite neat looking, much like the letter itself. The fact that you were able to express yourself has made you feel a little bit better on the inside. Still though, it's not like anyone else will see it, so it doesn't matter too much, and in fact, seems a bit disappointing too, which offsets the good feeling you had about being able to get this stuff off your chest. In the end, it really has no bearing on anything and thus, you simply toss it into the second drawer of your desk to forget about it. Out of sight, out of mind, just like you intended it to be.

You get out of your chair and stretch, the feeling of fatigue hitting you like a soft pillow you wish to sleep on. Seems like the survey certainly did it's job. You walk over to your closet and get out your pajamas, changing into them. You then shut everything off before heading over to your soft futon and laying down in it, getting under the covers. A yawn escapes your mouth before you cuddle up to your only pillow and close your eyes. Sleep comes rather easy to your tired body, awaiting the next fresh day for you to wake up to. You softly and soundly drift into peaceful slumber, letting the day that went by become nothing but a fleeting memory...or, well, so you thought, anyways. Whatever you did today however, was determined to stick to you like glue, and ultimately change everything about you and your life as you knew it, forever.

You end up getting this clue when you wake up prematurely, you're about to expect yourself in bed when you quickly realize, you're standing. Not only that, but you're also outside. In your pajamasa no less. You quickly wrap your arms around yourself in a cold shiver before looking before you and seeing a large, rundown shrine in front of you. You take a look around, it's still nighttime. No one's around. You're about to just see about heading back home when you notice that one of the lights inside the shrine seem to be on. At least, it appears this way, due to light escaping through the crack of the doors. It's a very eerie and odd light, and even stranger, it doesn't seem to be leaking through the windows or anywhere else either. Just the door. Curiosity starts overcoming you, and you start walking towards the shrine.

No, it's more then curiosity, some higher being is forcing your legs to walk over to the shrine, because you find yourself completely unable to resist this maginificent pull. You get closer and closer to the strange light, emanating from nothing but the cracks of the doors. Thoughts of how you got here or what's happening don't seem to cross your mind in the least, because the light has hypnotized you into wanting to know what it is. Your steps toward it are ever the more robotic as you climb up the stairs, your face fixated on the mysterious light. You finally come up to the door and stop before it, gulping to yourself and finally wondering what you're about to get yourself into. But you realize that you can't turn back now, you've come this far. You just have to see what's behind it, at all costs now. You slowly reach over to the door, and then slide it open, letting the light engulf you.



It feels as if you are dead...

And yet...still alive...

The passage of time feels like a mere breeze to you, as if everything suddenly passed you by.

It's because...

You try to move, but you can't.

...of what you did...

You try to breathe, but you can't.

...that I'm able to look back...

You try to feel, see and smell...but you can't.

...and be the most thankful...

Suddenly, the word 'thankful' starts ringing in your head. You can't explain it, it just does. And for some reason, it makes you feel at ease. A calming moment bringing you peace, knowing that you were accepted.

This is all it takes to finally awaken you. You get up and look around drowsily, eventually realizing that you appear to be in a large, massive, purple abyss. Everything is extremely cloudy. In fact, you'd wager that you're just inside a massive, purple cloud. It's very unnerving, but you look down and find yourself dressed in a new garb as well. It appears to be a long, white robe, buttoned at the collar and with a long, red sash-like cloth running straight down the middle. The patterns on it are elaborate; various greek and latin characters adorn it vertically on both sides, as well as what appears to be two spirits curling into each other to form a sort of yin yang symbol, with what appears to be diamonds in middle of both. It's a very pretty pattern, to say the least.

Looking at your sleeves, they're long and extend outward the closer they get to your hands. The end of the sleeves being red in color as well, similar to the middle of your robing. Speaking of which though, you quickly lift it up to see that you are wearing white pants underneath, which is a good thing. It'd be awkward wearing the robe otherwise, attempting to get used to the draft you're feel anytime you had to walk. You can't find anything resembling what you were just wearing earlier before however, none of the clothes you were wearing before you went to bed, or your pajamas at that. Really makes you wonder how you got into these clothes, but it seems they're staying on you for the most part, as the button at the collar proves to be a total bitch to undo, and you eventually give up.

Just as you're about to sigh in frustration, you hear an odd voice. Something of a laugh or a giggle. It sounded very womanly. You blink a few times before looking around, about to shout out for the person, until you stop very suddenly, a look of fear entering your face. You're suddenly staring at a truly massive disembodied eye, to your surprise. You have a short staring contest with it while attempting to get over the initial shock before finally falling backwards on your rump and screaming out. Soon after you hear the womanly voice again, but this time, it speaks to you rather then just giggling this time.

Don't be afraid. You're in good hands. I wouldn't harm someone I wanted to take in, after all~

The voice echoes through the abyss, and actually sounds rather soothing. You get over your initial fear and attempt speaking back to this disembodied voice.

"W-W-Who are you? What did you do to me?"

Your scared voice is nothing to scoff at, you attempted yelling loudly but it just came off as arrogant at best. But you hear the voice giggle some more.

I just brought you over into my personal space, is all~ You have nothing to be afraid of. I'll take real good care of you~

You hear more giggling as more disembodied eyes start popping up around you. Your fear starts taking over again as you feel that this apparition is really out to get you, in the most gleeful way possible. What a strange and awful demise to meet to. You just hope it's some cruel nightmare that soda you drank is giving you. You quickly curl up, covering your head, trying to make all the bad thoughts leave your mind.

"No! Go away! I don't want to die!"
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You quiver for a bit more before you stop suddenly, upon feeling a soft warm hand placed on your head. Your eyes shoot open before you slowly look up. What stands before you is a true vision of beauty indeed. Long purple dress, white elbow gloves, a rather silly hat with a cute ribbon on it, and most of all, the most beautiful blonde hair you've ever laid eyes upon, with red ribbons tied at the ends. The woman's mature looking face gives you a sense of security, and in fact, makes you feel a bit young yourself, despite your own age. The woman's gentle smile removes all the fear in your hear, despite the numerous disembodied eyes still floating about in the space. Your face has quite the astonished look for a moment before you finally get your senses back together and quickly jump back on your feet, stepping back from the woman.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Who are you?"

Your aggression doesn't seem to phase her one bit as she just crosses her arms calmly and smiles back at you with a seemingly mischievious look, flashing that aura of maturity at you at the same time.

"Is that any way to treat your new master~? Well, I suppose since you introduced yourself to me quite nicely, I suppose I should do the same, hmm~?" Her very womanly voice doesn't throw you off much, but it still comes off as charming to you, somehow. "My name is Yukari Yakumo, head and mistress of the Yakumo household. How do you do~?"

"Hrm. Well met." You say this with a bit of a stern tone. "What's this about you being my new master? And what do you mean introducing myself to you already? I have no clue who you are."

"Oh, you don't know? That letter you filled out and put into the second drawer of your desk...I thought you knew. Your handwriting is very nice, by the way~" You have to sit there and think about it for a while, just how did she know? How did she get a hold of it? You doubt the possibility of being drugged, even though you kinda feel like that's what happened.

"Wait...what? What's going on...I do-" Yukari ends up interrupting you before you let your insanity slowly start taking over, this is a whole lot for you to absorb.

"Satoya, you're not who you think you are. You may not realize it, but you're not even human. Then again, neither am I~" The look of surprise on your face continues to grow, you can't really take in anything she's saying.

"W-What? Excuse me? I don't understand. I..." You put your hand on your forehead for a moment. "Have I been drinking too much again? This is some sort of karma, isn't it..." Yukari lets a laugh loose before restraining herself again.

"No, no~ Don't worry, I love to drink too~ It's nice we have something in common though." You look at her in a bit of disbelief for a moment. How can she be so carefree and calm about this? Well, she is the one that kidnapped you, it's not like she herself has anything to worry about, unlike you.

"No, wait, I didn-I mean, I uhh...what? I didn't know that survey was going to do this!"

"No, of course not, I chose you. And since you filled it out, I know all I need to know to make you mine~"

"But if I knew this was gonna happen, I wou-" You stop yourself suddenly upon realizing her words. "M-M-Make me yours? You're serious about this..."

"Of course I am. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have taken you~" She walks towards you as she's saying that, and puts a finger gently on your nose, smiling at you, your faces within inches of each other. "From here on out today, you are my new shikigami. Congratulations~" You blink a bit, wrapping your head around this. You know one thing, what shikigami means.

"Wait, shikigami? You think you can just summon me out of..." You growl a bit, knowing that if someone had the power, they really could do that to you. But you needed a reason more then anything. "Okay, fine, why? Why am I your new shikigami all of a sudden?"

"I told you, Satoya. You are not a human. You are a youkai, much like a large population of Gensokyo. You were always unaware of it because circumstances in the outside world never gave you the chance to realize it, and your powers are still locked away, dormant inside you. It makes me...excited to find out what's laying deep down inside you~"

You can't help but tremble, just a bit. That sounded more dirty then you'd like it to be.

"What does this all mean? Do you honestly expect me to believe all that?"

"Yes~" She answers you plain and simply, a cheerful smile on her face. It makes you feel disgusted, honestly.

"...do I really have any choice in the matter?" Yukari then turns around, walking away from you a bit.

"Not really. I'm not someone who changes their mind easily, you know~" You can't help but feel like that's a boldfaced lie, even though you don't know this woman. "I'm going to stick with you to the end and see what happens. If I like what I see, then..." She looks over her shoulder at you, with a look that could definitely be taken the wrong way. "We'll be together...forever~ What do you say?"

It's not really an offer you can refuse, you just stand there staring at her rather unamused by all this. But this causes her to just start giggling again almost uncontrollably and it makes you even less amused.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just, your face~ I'd think you'd enjoy this kind of decision."

"Being slave to another person isn't my idea of fun."

"It's alright, like I said, I'll take really good care of you~" You suddenly feel her gloved hands gently stroke the sides of your face from behind and you quickly turn around, and find Yukari hanging out of a strange looking gap in space, halfway through, her arms wrapped around your shoulders. "I thought you were bored of your life. Bored of the same old thing happening time and time again. Wouldn't you want to change that~?" You have to look away, you want to deny it, but ultimately, you can't.

"...so what? It's my choice isn't it?" You have to direct your face back to her when you realize she's leaning in closer, her arms wrapped further around you and her face so close, her nose is practically touching yours.

"It's my choice if I want to save you from that or not too~ And when I decide on something, it will happen...trust me~" You close your eyes for a brief second, thinking the worst is about to happen, only to see that she's suddenly gone. You turn around and find her standing with her back turned to you again. "So, Satoya. Do tell me a bit more about yourself~" She turns around over to you. You wonder just what that's supposed to mean.

"Tell you what? Didn't you get enough information from that survey I filled out?" She flashes you a devious smile now.

"I want to know more, is it so bad to wish more knowledge of my new shikigami? Let's start out with this...what is it that you desire most out of life?"

You think about the question for a moment. It doesn't sound like an easy question to answer, but you figure that since you're here, you may as well answer honestly.

[ ] More excitement, more thrills, something better then mundane old life
[ ] Settling down in a decent lifestyle away from it all
[ ] To meet new people, make new friends
[ ] My old life was all that I really desired
[ ] That really isn't any of your business
[ ] What I want...is this woman to marry me.
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[X] To meet new people, make new friends
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[X] To meet new people, make new friends
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[X] To meet new people, make new friends
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>[ ] What I want...is this woman to marry me.
[x] Settling down in a decent lifestyle away from it all
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[x] To meet new people, make new friends
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[X] What I want... is this woman to marry me.

A solid plan.
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[X] What I want... is this woman to marry me.
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[X] To meet new people, make new friends
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[X]To meet new people, make new friends.
[X]Marrying this beauty before me would be nice too...

Curse you, indesiciveness. I'll conquer you someday.
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[x] What I want...is this woman to marry me.

[x] To meet new people, make new friends
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[x] To meet new people, make new friends
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[x] What I want... is this woman to marry me.
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[X] What I want... is this woman to marry me.
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[X] What I want...is this woman to marry me.

>To meet new people, make new friends

Boring. Too common, not fun at all
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[O] What I want...is this woman to marry me.
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>What I want...is this woman to marry me.

Retarded. Too idiotic.

[x] To meet new people, make new friends
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[x] Effective immortality. Also, vast wealth and power.

As an academe of dead languages and an alcoholic, this is a perfectly appropriate, absurdist response. It's also true, the protagonist just doesn't realize it could actually happen.

Kotono can be read as 古都乃 which approximates "(one) from the ancient capital", and Satoya can be 賢哉, which can be a number of ironic things (among them: "Clever, and yet..." ) that a professor of ancient languages would find darkly humorous, in a very et in arcadia ego sense.

I noticed "Satoya" is a distinctly neuter given name. Was this intentional?
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[X] To meet new people, make new friends
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[X] What I want... is this woman to marry me.
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[!] What I want... is this woman to marry me.
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[X] What I want... is this woman to marry me.
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[X] To meet new people, make new friends
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[x] To meet new people, make new friends
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[X] What I want... is this woman to marry me.

I'd rathe have Sousha Kotoko instead of Kotono. Just imagine how he would be teased for it.
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[X] What I want is to live according to my own choice.

It's not going to win, but Yukari just pisses me off, with her "I know better than you, so I get to make your decision for you".
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Deleted my previous vote and going for this one.

[X] What I want is to live according to my own choice.

Bitch will have to learn the hard way Satoya is the director of his own fate.
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[x] Effective immortality. Also, vast wealth, power and most importantly, booze, lots of it
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An entirely understandable desire, but unfortunately, a fruitless one, given the very nature of shikigami-ness. You're her bitch.

Do keep in mind that Yukari is nothing at all like Belldandy. Such admittedly intriguing ideas will not end well.
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[X] Effective immortality. Also, vast wealth and power.
[X] To meet new people, make new friends
[X] What I want... is this woman to marry me.
[X] What I want is to live according to my own choice.

All of the above. The entire world, on our own terms. To have our cake and eat it too.
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u mad?
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Something must have happened...

poor anon...
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[X] What I want... is this woman to marry me.
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Sukima, if you don't mind me asking this, why did you restart the story? Was there really any need for this? The introduction may have had too many threads, but what's the point of redoing it all?
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What is wrong with all of you
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No, what wrong with YOU?
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He stated at the end of his last thread that he wasn't happy with where the story was going, how he was writing, etc.
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[x] Effective immortality. Also, vast wealth, power and most importantly, booze, lots of it
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There's a tie between meeting new people and marrying Yukari, but instead of invoking the whole sudden death thing like I did last time, I'll just come back in a few hours and count the votes after this post. If it's still tied when I come back, I'll just flip a coin, or, maybe even just do both.

Start your engines.
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[X] What I want... is this woman to marry me.

Sudden death is the best kind of death.
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Heavily recommending you get a mod to check for votespam.
[x] To meet new people, make new friends
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[X] What I want... is this woman to marry me.
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[Q] To meet new people, make new friends
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[x] Effective immortality. Also, vast wealth, power and booze, lots of it
[X] But most importantly, what I want... is this woman to marry me

Everything we all wished for.
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You know, Anons, instead of acquiescing to Yukari's expectations. How about we do something In-Character with a write-in like this?

[X]"Everything I have ever wished for."

It's an impossible request in the short term and ought to boggle the Master with a conundrum, since I am pretty certain the Gap Youkai hasn't sunk her claws that deep into the protagonist yet. She knows some things about us, but not everything, yeah?

Two can play God.
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[X]"Everything I have ever wished for."

Well, in light of this new insight, I think this could work.
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X]"Everything I have ever wished for."
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Two coins were flipped. First one determined whether or not "everything I ever wished for" would win. It lost. Second one determined which vote won. This is the result.

[x] What I want... is this woman to marry me.

You feel a burning desire welling up in you when you take another look at her. It's something you certainly can't mistake. The odd feeling in your gut that you've been harboring ever since you first laid eyes upon this beauty just has to be it. You clench your fists tightly as you ready yourself for it. Yukari seems curious as to what you've got in store for her. You swallow your pride and end up taking an elegant dive to the floor, performing quite possibly the most epic genuflect you've done throughout the entirety of your life. Upon ducking your head, you masterfully shout the words she's ever so waiting to hear.

"Wha-...What I want...is for you to marry me!!"

There's a long silence afterwards. A long, awkward silence. Your head ducked to the ground, you can't really help your nervous expression. You have to wonder to yourself, why the hell did you just say that? So randomly? Out of nowhere? And most of all...so very suddenly too. You had only just met the damn woman. As you're sitting there looking like a silly fool though, you suddenly hear laughter, bursts of laughter. You look up to find Yukari, even so womanly trying to hold back more laughs. She has to look away in fact, it's so bad. You almost feel incredibly retarded, the way she's laughing at you. Still though, you just continue to sit there and take it, not like you'd be able to do much, even if part of you kinda wants to punch her. After a while more of taking laughs to the face, she finally faces you, still almost unable to contain her laughter.

"My, and here you came off as all serious too. I thought I might've had something difficult on my shoulders but I can see that even you can be unpredictable, Satoya~" You blink for a moment before sitting up on your knees.

"Hey! I was being serious! Give me a bre-" You're not able to finish that, as Yukari has walked up over to you and bent down softly, You can feel how delicately soft her hand is as she uses it to lift your chin up a bit, looking you square in the eye.

"You really can't be serious, since it's a rather unrealistic choice to try and marry someone you just met. But if you try hard enough, I justm ight let you have that chance~" She lets go of your chin and promptly drops you to the floor as she turns around and starts walking again. You quickly pick yourself up while she stops, appearing to think for a moment. "Hmm, I have several errands to run, but I know Ran might not be able to do all of them..."

Ran? You think to yourself about who this person might be. Possibly another poor shikigami. You feel sorry for them already. Suddenly, Yukari turns around over to you.

"So, how about a test then~ To see if you're really worthy of becoming my cute little shikigami~" You stare at her for a moment before you're finally able to react to that absurd statment.

"What?! But you just got done choosing me! Wh-" Yukari holds up a finger and you take that as your cue to shut up. You don't like it, but you do as she says anyway. There's definitely a logical explaination for this.

"Yes, you're right. Which is why I need to test you. I'm confident in your abilities, Satoya, but that doesn't mean I need to make sure of them~" It feels incredibly arrogant of her, but you still want to give her a chance. Not like you have any choice though really.

"Alright...so which of these errands would you have me run then?" Yukari thinks to herself a bit before smiling and propping herself up on a gap that she made, sitting on it.

"Hmm...I think I'll let you choose~ There's a few things I need delivered, and a few things I need back. And some things that I need to confirm with people."

"You sure get around a lot, don't you?"

"Hmm~ You could say that~" Somehow, you get this feeling that what you said was to be taken more literally then you had intended it to be.

"Alright, so how do I go about choosing anyways?"

"Hmm, good question. Deserves a good answer~" You look at her rather unamused as she turns around on the spot, still sitting on her little gap.

"Get to the point already..." Yukari shrugs her shoulders a bit moves her legs into the border, allowing half of herself to fall into the gap. She's now facing you with her arms being the only thing keeping her from falling through. Yet still, she looks rather elegant in doing so.

"Alright, alright~ You're no fun, Satoya. I'll just ask you a serious of questions then and once you've answered them all, just hop right in and I'll give you instructions once you've reached your destination~"

"...once I've reached my destination? How ar-"

"Alright, ready~? Let's move onto the questions then!"

You don't have much time to talk back, she just insists on asking the questions right away, not giving you much time to provide your own feedback. You just go ahead and answer the questions regardless, may as well get it over with.

"How social are you?"
[ ] "I'd say I'm rather social."
[ ] "I feel most comfortable in a group, that's for sure."
[ ] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[ ] "Doesn't really matter."
[ ] "I'm rather anti-social...I like to be alone."

"How do you feel about people different from you?"
[ ] "They're human, right? Still the same as me."
[ ] "They can all bugger off, I like people I can relate to."
[ ] "It shows off their individuality and I like that."
[ ] "I can't stand people like me, so it's a good thing."
[ ] "There are people different from me?"

"How well do you deal with danger~?"
[ ] "Uhm...what?"
[ ] "Stop scaring me. I don't like it."
[ ] "It's my middle name, what're you talking about?"
[ ] "If it's for you, I suppose I have no choice."
[ ] "I'd definitely rather avoid it, if I can."

"Finally, what's your kind of atmosphere?"
[ ] "Well I'd prefer things to be calm and quiet."
[ ] "It doesn't matter, I just want to get this over with."
[ ] "Beautiful, wide open scenery...I guess."
[ ] "Dark and enclosed, I'd rather people not see me like this."
[ ] "Any nice atmosphere is bound to have nice people in it."

Blah, sorry if this update seems weak, I just didn't want it to be overly bland.
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[ ] "I'd say I'm rather social."
[ ] "It shows off their individuality and I like that."
[ ] "If it's for you, I suppose I have no choice."
[ ] "Beautiful, wide open scenery...I guess."
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[O] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[O] "They can all bugger off, I like people I can relate to."
[O] "I'd definitely rather avoid it, if I can."
[O] "Well I'd prefer things to be calm and quiet."
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[ ] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[ ] "They can all bugger off, I like people I can relate to."
[ ] "If it's for you, I suppose I can face anything."
[ ] "Any nice atmosphere is bound to have nice people in it."

Write-in for Yukarin~
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Hm, we didn't have this questionare before...
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[x] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[x] "There are people different from me?"
[x] "Uhm...what?"
[x] "Well I'd prefer things to be calm and quiet."
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[ ] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[ ] "It shows off their individuality and I like that."
[ ] "I'd definitely rather avoid it, if I can."
[ ] "Beautiful, wide open scenery...I guess."

I think this fits our professor the best.
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Huh, I definetly liked the first two updates of ASL more than SotH's.

And Satoya seemed a bit...artificial.
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[ ] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[ ] "It shows off their individuality and I like that."
[ ] "I'd definitely rather avoid it, if I can."
[ ] "Beautiful, wide open scenery...I guess."
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[X] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[X] "I can't stand people like me, so it's a good thing."
[X] "Uhm...what?"
[X] "Beautiful, wide open scenery...I guess."
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[x] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[x] "It shows off their individuality and I like that."
[x] "Uhm...what?"
[x] "Well I'd prefer things to be calm and quiet."
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[ ] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[ ] "It shows off their individuality and I like that."
[ ] "I'd definitely rather avoid it, if I can."
[ ] "Beautiful, wide open scenery...I guess."
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[x] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[x] "It shows off their individuality and I like that."
[x] "I'd definitely rather avoid it, if I can."
[x] "Beautiful, wide open scenery...I guess."
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[ ] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[ ] "They can all bugger off, I like people I can relate to."
[ ] "If it's for you, I suppose I have no choice."
[ ] "Any nice atmosphere is bound to have nice people in it."
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I should've let the choice be a lot more simple looking back on it, just didn't want to give it away so blatently at first. Oh well, next time.

[x] "I'd prefer to stick to just one or two people, that's it."
[x] "It shows off their individuality and I like that."
[x] "I'd definitely rather avoid it, if I can."
[x] "Beautiful, wide open scenery...I guess."

You answer the questions rather plainly. Hardly feeling like putting up with more of this silly crap from this woman.

"How social are you?" she asks, sitting back on her little gap a bit.

"I'd prefer to stick to just one of two people, that's it." No sense in having a huge group of friends and aquiantances you can't keep track of after all.

"How do you feel about people different from you?"

"It shows off their individuality and I like that." You certainly wouldn't like a group of friends who were all the same. That's boring.

"How well do you deal with danger~?" A question straight from left field, to be sure, but as she's asking you can notice that she seems to be getting...shorter?

"I'd definitely rather avoid it, if I can..." You'd rather not know where this crazy bitch will send you next. This place alone is creepy enough.

"Finally, what's your kind of atmosphere?"

As she asks this, an image pops into your mind. Something akin to the cherry blossom garden you'd visit during lunch at school many years ago. It's a fond memory that makes you feel at ease, and you want to have it back.

"Beautiful, wide open scenery...I guess." You look away after getting the last bit out, it's not like you really want her to know that much about you. You're determined to make her work for your trust, like any other person. It's not like opening up to someone you hardly know is easy, right?

You open your eyes after a while, there's been no responce from Yukari this whole time. You look over and see that she's been replaced by this massive gap, and it oozes of death. You're definitely hesitant on going in, but you eventually realize it's getting bigger and bigger...

"...oh god. Yukari!! What's the meaning of this?!" You turn around and start running, but it appears rather pointless, as it seems to keep up with you easily, continuing to grow in size before you trip and cover your head. You can't imagine what would happen to you as the massive maw swallows you whole.

When you open your eyes and look around however, it's quite different from what you expected. In fact, it's rather mesmerizing. You get up and find yourself surrounded in every direction by beautiful cherry blossom trees. So beautiful, it's almost supernatural, they're unlike anything you've ever seen before. Glowing softly with the soothing color of sakura, the petals gently floating down to the ground. It's incredibly breath taking...on second thought, maybe that's the air. You realize that the air is indeed heavy and stagnant, as if you were near death, but you're quite sure you aren't. You then look up for a mysterious sight. The sky is a deep purple, with black swirling clouds all around. That's definitely not normal.

You walk around and try to find your way through this forest of cherry blossoms, trying not to pay attention to the sky and the air. The less you think about it, the better. The garden is massive however, trees as far as the eye can see. It's a sight to behold, that's for sure, but you want to make sure you haven't died and went to heaven or something. Then again, if this really were heaven, the sky would be golden, not the weird color it is. Maybe the cherry blossoms will grow fangs and- no! Bad thoughts! You weren't going to think about that!

Anyways, after stumbling a bit through the garden, you quickly give up and sit down against a tree. You sigh to yourself, which is a weak sigh indeed, due to the funny air hovering around you. Maybe you are dead. Well, it figures an insane woman like that would send you to your death, but so quickly at that. As you're pondering what just transpired, you jump up suddenly at the voice you hear.

"Hello? Is someone here?"

You quickly take cover in a bush. You don't really know why. You just do. You nearly start wondering to yourself why as you peek through it in an attempt to find whoever was trying to speak to you. After a while, they eventually show up. They appear to be nothing more then a short, silver haired girl wearing a somewhat elaborate green dress. The swords she's carrying appear dangerous, but seem to be mostly for show, considering the decorations on the sheaths, indicating they're likely not to be used too much. However, what catches your attention is the spirit like apparition following behind her. It definitely looks like a ghost of some sort, and even weirder, she seems to be totally oblivious to the fact that it's there. Does she know she's being followed?

"Hmm...I know I heard something. Maybe it was simply my imagination."

As she turns around, you can see the ghost behind her moving to continue straying out of her view, even as she looks around. It almost scares you, and makes you worried about what it might be planning on doing to her. You resist every urge to jump out and attack though, because you're certain you'd stand no chance against a ghost...especially considering that you wouldn't know how to deal with one anyways. So you're left with a few other choices that run by you instead. You have a few plans up your sleeve, you just have to make use of what you have and decide on the best one now.

[ ] Casually go out and greet the girl
[ ] Shout out from the bushes to warn her of the impending danger
[ ] Heroic leap out from the bushes and whisk her away, hoping you can outrun the ghost
[ ] Just sit tight and keep watching her, following if necessary
[ ] Faint from exhaustion, this air is too much

Bleh, a bit of a weak update but I'm satisfied I'm getting this far at the least.
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[ ] Casually go out and greet the girl
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[X] Casually go out and greet the girl
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[x] Casually go out and greet the girl, mentioning that certain gap demon kidnapped and teleported you to this place.
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[x] Casually go out and greet the girl, mentioning that certain gap demon kidnapped and teleported you to this place.
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[X] "Hullo."
[X] "I'm very sorry to bother you, but I appear to have been kidnapped. Could you please direct me towards the authorities?"
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[x] Casually go out and greet the girl, mentioning that certain gap demon kidnapped and teleported you to this place.
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[ ] Faint from exhaustion, this air is too much.
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[x] Casually go out and greet the girl, mentioning that certain gap demon kidnapped and teleported you to this place.
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[x] Just sit tight and keep watching her, following if necessary
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[O] Casually go out and greet the girl, mentioning that certain gap demon kidnapped and teleported you to this place.
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[x] Casually go out and greet the girl, mentioning that certain gap demon kidnapped and teleported you to this place.

They say ignorance is bliss and there's probably no other better situation to say so then now. After all, stranger things have happened thus far...

You take the chance while the girl is turned away to comes out of the bushes nondescriptly. You make sure not to make much noise as you emerge from the bushes and walk over to the girl. You manage to catch her attention either way however, as she turns to you as you're walking over. For some reason, you can't help but feel as if you were just scanned the moment before she turned around. As if the way she was looking around earlier, she was incredibly aware for danger and mishap but then noticed you and found that you weren't really capable of presenting a danger to her at all. As if she could just cut you into many tiny pieces if you so much as showed the slightest bit of killing intent.

...well, that's what it felt like anyways. It might've been your imagination.

"Hey.." You greet her with a bit of a low tone, trying not to sound too aggressive. The girl seems to catch this, her stance looks a bit relaxed as she looks at you. One thing's for sure, this girl's short. Barely three quarters your height, she definitely has to look up to you in order to make eye contact. Speaking of which though, her eyes emanate this serious aura about them. Full of honor, loyalty and strength. Almost as if her eyes speak to you. Every other part of her seems somewhat frilly. A cute hairband on top of her seemingly bowlcut silvery hair, and that dress...her dress not only carries a sense of authority, but at the same time, somehow speaks of elegance and beauty to you. It has to be the elaborate designs on it. You almost want one...the designs, not the dress. You don't swing that way.

"Oh. Are you a new spirit?" That question almost drops you to your knees in despair. You really are dead!

"I-...I guess I am..." You were gonna tell the girl that you were kidnapped by the demon of the gaps sometime, but having confirmed your death, it kinda discourages you and now all you want to do is mope around and eat ice cream all day(???). So you save that banter for later after you've recovered from the initial shock.

"I see. A strange one you are then. Well then, have a nice day." Just like that, the girl turns and starts walking away. No! You're not ready to be alone in death! Not yet anyways.

"W-Wait! At least tell me where I am...and your name. That would be nice too." The closing feeling of lonliness has started to make you clingy, you can feel that for sure.

"Hm? Well, this would be the Hakugyokurou, a ghost shrine in the netherworld. I am it's gardener, Youmu Konpaku." Gardener, eh? Thoughts of her trying to keep this entire forest in line fill your mind. It's a silly thought, to say the least. "I take care of most of the plants and flora here...including the Saigyou Ayakashi." You blink for a moment, curiosity getting the best of you.

"Saigyou...Ayakashi? What would that be?" Youmu raises an arm and points a bit behind you. You turn around and look up, and almost immediately, your eyes open up wide and you fall right onto your rear end. Holy COW that thing is huge! You have to wonder how the hell you missed it on your way in. The utterly massive tree towers above the rest like some demonic shadow waiting to encompass the whole land.

"Don't worry, that tree won't threaten you. The seal on it has been there for ages and no attempt to unseal it has been successful."

"Y-You say it like it's so easy..." You pick yourself up off the ground as you say that. Your slightly trembling voice accompanying you on that trip. You still can't help but stare at the massive fixture you somehow missed before now.

"Well then, if you were done with questioning, I have some work to get to." She turns once more and starts walking again, but you're really determined not to be alone for this trip. Not yet.

"W-Wait!" She stops and looks back at you, you can tell she's a bit annoyed now.

"Yes? I wish to get back to my work sometime soon." You look down for a moment trying to think of something to stall her with.

"Uhm...that thing." You point to the mysterious entity behind her. "What's that?" Youmu blinks and looks back at the ghost like apparition behind her, however she doesn't seem very scared of it. In fact, she proves she's rather affectionate of it by petting it a bit as she explains.

"This would be my ghost half. Many people call it myon. I suppose I should explain to you. I am no ordinary human. I am a human-ghost hybrid." You blink a bit, that professor side of you is rather interested in how the heck that works, but to be quite honest, the other parts of you can't quite believe it at all.

"Human...ghost...hybrid? Is that even possible?"

"You would be surprised...there are many strange things down here in the netherworld. It's strange though, those clothing imply you would be knowledgable of the supernatural..." You look down at your robing then back at Youmu.

"How so...?" Youmu closes her eyes.

"No...it's nothing. Forget I ever said anything. You just looked familiar is all." She turns again and starts walking away, for what's likely the last time now. "I have gardening to attend to. Please head back to the netherworld." You just simply stand there and watch as she gets away from you. You really don't want to be alone but you're not about to anger someone with two very sharp swords either. Even if you are dead, you'd imagine that stuff would still hurt.

It's strange though, you don't necessarily feel any different. Your sense of feeling is still here, as you can most certainly tell once you pinch your cheek and feel the sharp pain hit you. You wonder if this is really what death is like. You sigh deeply and look around. She told you to go back to the netherworld, but to be quite frank, you haven't a clue where that is. Youmu must've figured that you came here through there, but really, you started here without an idea where you were, or where you were going. And now you're back to square one. To top it off, you neglected to tell her that the gap demon was the one that sent you here, to your death.

So, what does a dead person do around here for entertainment anyways? Nothing but cherry blossom trees for miles...sounds nice, but in practice, it's actually rather boring. You need to figure out your next plan of action. Or just sit there. That works too you know.

[ ] Follow Youmu in hopes that she'll lead you to someplace with a karaoke machine
[ ] Explore the forest mindlessly for a few hours, hoping to find something else
[ ] Go see that massive tree Youmu brought to your attention
[ ] Just sit here and ponder the recent events
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[X] Follow Youmu in hopes that she'll lead you to someplace where I can get a damn drink

Being dead makes me thristy
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Suddenly, lack of consistent perspective
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[X] Follow Youmu in hopes that she'll lead you to some decent explanations.
[X] Attempt to convey the fact that some crazy woman swallowed you with some weird sort of...gap-thing, and you're wondering what exactly that was and if that killed you.
[X] After all, a man wants to know his C.O.D.
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[ ] Go see that massive tree Youmu brought to your attention
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[X] Just sit here and ponder the recent events

A lot has happened in a short time. It might do us some good think things through. Plus it might not be a good idea to bother Youmu too much..
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[x] Go see that massive tree Youmu brought to your attention
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[x] Follow Youmu and tell her about the gap demon who either kidnapped you and played a very bad joke to you or outright killed you, with an angry tone of voice.

THIS ANON. He acted as spineless as Sousha and that needs to be fixed now that he's sorta calm.
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[x] Just sit here and ponder the recent events

Wrapping our head around the situation is the most important thing first of all. Maybe we'll realize something we haven't yet.
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[X] Follow Youmu and tell her about the gap demon who either kidnapped you and played a very bad joke to you or outright killed you.

>with an angry tone of voice.
Like he's tsundere right?
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[X]Follow Youmu and tell her about the gap demon who either kidnapped you and played a very bad joke, or outright killed you.

Being polite to others to a fault isn't spineless.
Venting our rage at someone who didn't do us any harm is a dick move and makes us look like a jerk.
Save the rage for those who deserve it. Namely Yukari for not telling us jack before she gapped us.
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I'd think trying to bother an annoyed Konpaku would earn you a world of pain, but if anon wants pain..
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[ ] Go see that massive tree Youmu brought to your attention
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[x] Go see that massive tree Youmu brought to your attention
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Sorry for not posting in a while. Been waiting for my creative juices to flow better. Didn't want to mess this up.

[x] Go see that massive tree Youmu brought to your attention

Tree? What tree? You are quite sure there is no tree, never was a tree, and never will be a tree in that direction.

Now the Saigyou Ayakashi on the other hand, that's a different matter. It certainly looks like a tree, but with it being so massive, it reminds you of those huge trees in those occasional jRPGs you played where the massive heffer was eating up tons of space and either giving life or sucking life out of the planet. In other words, you're quite sure a tree that huge is anything but a tree. Either way however, you intend on going out there and checking it out. You can't believe you missed it when you first landed here. Quite a mystery. The tank of a tree sits there proudly standing above all else, like some enormous tower in a field of residential buildings. It's scary, to say the least. The eerie sky certainly doesn't help either.

You start walking over to the huge tree...thing in the distance. It's quite impossible for any sort of plant to have grown so incredibly large. To top it off, just looking at it gives you this empty feeling of death and lonliness, as if you were never meant to exist on the same plane as it. It's quite the sigh to behold, but you press on anyways, regardless of the fact that the tree thing looks incredibly and awfully dangerous. But when you're dead, who cares? What's the worst that can happen to you past death now, being wiped from existance? Phht, please, like that has ever stopped you from approaching a terribly huge, mysterious and totally dark entity before.

As you walk through the cherry blossom fields, you can certainly feel the air getting to you. A tight grasp at your lungs, a deathly feel if you will. Which is rather ironic given your current state. The air not only feels stuff, stale and static, but it's as if it's air not really meant to be breathed in my humankind. As you walk, you decide to give holding your breath a try, but it's really no use. You can barely hold your breath for even 55 seconds. A master swimmer you are not. Sure, you could do it, but it's not a favourite activity of yours to say the least. Your breathing is much better spent smelling the intruiging scent of cherry blossom petals...which, despite all the trees around, appears to be absent.

That is when you notice something. All the trees feel incredibly still. It's not just the lack of movement in the air either, all the trees themselves feel...dead on the inside. They may be blooming and they may be grown, but their movement has completely stopped. The trees around you are very much like the air, static and stiff. As if they never budged, cannot budge, and never will budge. Eternally standing still as time forever passes them by. It's very unnatural, even for the underworld. It gives the entire area a creepy feeling, especially considering how green the grass is, how pink the cherry blossom trees are, and then you look up to where they and the sky converge and it's just a boiling vat of darkness and despair. You almost have to wonder if this is nothing more then your own personal hell. If it is, it's being generous to you, that girl was kinda cute.

You start climbing a very lax set of stairs. It's hardly steep, not at all in fact. The more you pay attention though, the more it looks like you found yourself on a good path. Looking back down the stairs, it appears there's a stone walkway leading out and possibly into civilization once more. Not that it matters, it seems as if the woman from before has killed you, but anywhere's better then this weird place, that's for sure. It's not like you have anywhere else to go after admiring the monsterous tree before you anyways. So you continue to climb, and climb...and climb some more. There must be a million stairs leading up the abomination and you can't for the life of you figure out why. It's like the stairs were made just ensure they wouldn't have to dig out too much land because of their unending laziness. It's not like it's a stair every second, more like every minute or walking.

Eventually, you can feel yourself getting closer to the tree from hell. And really, that's no joke. The closer you get to it, the deeper the feeling of death and lifelessness you start feeling. It's as if the tree is trying to kill you with it's demonic aura. No, that's impossible, you're already dead. But it's as if this tree is capable of killing you a second time. And that's rather bad. You're quite partial to the idea of turning back and heading out and away from this hellish creature but you have nowhere else to go. You may as well press on, there's nothing truly bad that could happen, right? As you continue to get closer and closer, it's as if the aura has totally engulfed you, and fatigue is starting to set in. You need to pant a bit to catch your breath as you walk. It's incredibly heavy. You grasp at your chest wondering out loud. "What the hell is this thing...?"
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You could swear you were hearing voices now. Those eerie, creepy, ghostly voices you hear when you're about to either go insane, and become soul food for some wandering spirit. You try to ignore it though, not that it did you any good in the first place anyways. You couldn't make out much of what it was. You can almost feel as if the air around you is not only getting thicker, heavier and staler, but it's even starting to appear darker now. Maybe you really are about to die a second time. But you don't necessarily care. You claw forward in any case. You can't afford to turn back now, it'd be a sign of weakness, and you can't show that just yet. Even if no one's really around to see it. It's a matter of manhood, and regardless of who's around, you can't upset your own manliness. Unless it involves girls. Then it's a completely different matter.

You can really feel your mind wandering in really weird places as you continue to approach the towering demonic inferno. Your mind constantly shifts back and forth between different topics, all trying to distract you from the fact that you really feel like utter shit right now. It isn't even funny anymore, this tree's aura has really done it in for you, you feel terrible. Downright sick to your stomach. Your illness has completely settled in and you feel as if it's not going to leave you anytime soon. You're not sure, but you can kinda feel like you wanna throw up all your innards, and then some. It's like a massive dark cloud is not just hovering over your head, it's sat it's fat ass atop your shoulders and is weighing you down with it's McDonald's sized gut. Truly, the feeling of death is not a pleasent one indeed.

You're just about ready to collapse. But you discover that you've made it nonetheless. You're at the base of the Devil's garden right now. You look up at the tree, but anytime you do, you find yourself completely unable to focus and nearly fall over dead. You can't get a grasp at all on what the tree looks like from here. All you're capable of doing is looking down and around the base a bit. The most it tells you though is that the roots are roughly twice as big as benches and you could probably have a family picnic on one. That is, if the deathly aura didn't make sure that you wouldn't want food again for the next fifty years. However, you do notice that a girl is right at the base, apparently doing...something. You're not sure. You're too nearsighted now to tell. Where the hell's your glasses?

The girl is wearing very dark colors however, and you see a hint of red, but can't tell from where on the girl it's coming from. In fact, how do you even know it's a girl at all? Some sixth sense just tells you that the majority of people you're going to meet will be female from here on out. Either way, you're not quite sure you wanna go up and meet the girl face to face, at least, not in this condition. Besides, in this world, who knows what she could be like? But your options otherwise are quite limited anyhow. There doesn't appear to be much to do here at this tree other then submit your soul to the devil...if you haven't already.

[ ] Go up and greet the girl as stable as you can
[ ] Wait for the girl to leave, then approach the tree
[ ] Get out of here, this shit is whack
[ ] Beg the girl for help
[ ] Anemia option
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[x] Go up and greet the girl as stable as you can
Yay suicide options!
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[ ] Go up and greet the girl as stable as you can
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[X] Beg the girl for help
[X] Anemia option
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[x] Beg the girl for help
[x] Anemia option

I can only see this option ending with us being bathed in the flames of hell.

And that's a good thing.
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[ ] Go up and greet the girl as stable as you can
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[x] Go up and greet the girl as stable as you can
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Sorry for not updating in a while. I'm leaving for vacation soon though so I may as well update.

[x] Go up and greet the girl as stable as you can

You pant, cough and wheeze as you attempt to drag yourself closer to this humongous tree-like adversary. It's not doing you a world of good. You feel like collapsing and spitting your very soul straight out your mouth. They say sneezing is your spirit attempting to escape your body. You wonder why you haven't had a fit of them by now, it sure feels like your essence is in too much pain to really wanna stay in your body for too long right now. Still though. however, despite all this, you try and pick yourself up and look as presentable as possible, you don't want to hint to this girl that you're about to die a second time, oh no. Not at all.


Your stammering gets the girl's attention at least. You think she turns around to face you, but you can't be sure anymore, as your eyesight has rather degraded and deteriorated. Everything is blurry and dark. The girl goes over to you and you notice that you're having to be held up in the current condition you're in. The most you can make out of her speech is as follows.

"H-y! Wha- -re y-- -oing? Ar- --- -kay?" You think she's asking for your well being, which you attempt to confirm.

"I'm fi-fine! I...ugghhh..." Your attempt has quite obviously failed. You think you're about to vomit but you're afraid that if you do so, not only is it going to upset the girl, but you're likely to throw up more then just your lunch. Quite possibly your kidneys too.

"-- --u r---ly a---- --ry f---. Ehh...w--- -- --as- - --- - --w co---...wa--, ----re no- - -----, --- ---? -----? ----- -- --!"

At this point, your consciousness has finally went and failed you. Your sense of sight and hearing both completely numb, and your sense of feeling is pretty close behind. It's not long now. Just before you feel that your final moments are upon you, a tingling sensation hits your mouth, and something enters it, gently flowing down your throat.

Along the way, you have a weird dream. At least, you think it's a weird dream. It's hard to tell if you're dreaming or in some sort of personal hell, again. You're still a shikigami. But not to Yukari. To some girl who's somehow even more lethargic, and somehow, even more cunning and spiteful. They know everything about you, much like Yukari seems to like to think, but it exceeds that and she even tells you your thoughts and predicts every move you make. It's completely impossible to upset her tight grasp on understanding you, it's like she's psychic. It's quite an experience that a small part of you comes to thinking that maybe Yukari wasn't so bad.

Thankfully, it is a dream. You're not sure how long you're been out for, but your senses are finally getting their bearings back together. As you open your eyes and let them adjust, you find yourself staring up at a peculiar girl with red hair, and two braids sitting to the sides of her head. But, the most powerful feature, would have to be the cat ears she's apparently wearing on her head.

"Hey, you finally woke up." She says. Her smile is calming, yet at the same time, full of energy. A single fang pokes out of it.

You really have no idea how to take this.

"I almost carried you away, thinking you were about to die. But thankfully I knew what was going on." You blink for a moment and, as you finally start wrapping your head around this, you finally get to mutter some words.

"Ugh...who...who are you? And aren't I already dead...?" Your voice is weak at the moment, but you do definitely feel your strength coming back to you. Faster then usual in fact, you wonder what the girl did.

"My name isn't important right now. I need to know if you still feel possessed, or sick, or anything that feels like it's trying to force you out of your own body."

"Huh? Well...no, now that you mention it, not anymore..." It's weird. You can see the massive girth or the tree monster behind the girl, but it's influence on your body seems to have vanished for the time being.

"Ah, that's good. Youkai like you shouldn't wander too close to the tree without proper protection you know."

"But...it isn't a tree..." You just felt it had to be said. Out of all the important things you could've said, you felt that needed clearance. The girl just sighs.

"Maybe I really should have carried you away..." As she's saying this, you realize you're laying down in front of the large demon of a tree, your head gently resting in the girl's lap. It's quite soft and warm actually, a pretty nice fe-

"Wait, carry me away?!" You immediately panic and hop right to your feet, backing away a bit. You didn't want to show any weakness to some weird kidnapper. But more then that, she definitely appears to be more then human as she stands up. Dark green dress, black shoes, glowing red eyes, and the sharpest nails you've ever seen.

"Yeah, I'm a kasha. I carry off the corpses of the dead to burn them down in the hell of blazing fire. But you aren't dead, despite your delirious behaviour...you were just being possessed by the tree, is all."

"Oh...so I guess that happens to a lot of youka-wait, I'm human!" You aren't about to accept Yukari's words for truth just yet.

"Huh? Of course you are. I'd think you yourself would know better then anyone else. Granted though, I almost mistook you as a human myself. You really could fool anyone but yourself." The girl is giving you a bit of a puzzled look.

"Ehh...well either way, I'm not dead then? How am I here then?" The girl just gives you an even more confused look.

"Wha? How else? didn't you wander here on your own accord? You were the one that approached me." You almost want to sigh, but you keep it in.

"N-No, no. I mean...in this place...that's for the dead. The underworld. I shouldn't be here unless I'm dead, right?" The girl crosses her arms, she looks like she's not having fun tutoring you.

"Take a look at me. Do I look dead to you?" Well, she almost does to be honest, but you keep that to yourself. "You don't exactly have to be dead to set foot here, especially if you have great spiritual powers." You wonder if you should take what this girl has to say at face value. If this is the netherworld, what other explanation could there be for your presence here, when you're quite clearly living?

"I...well, I suppose that is logical. But...there's still a lot of things I don't get."

"Jeez, it sounds like you were just randomly dumped here without knowing what's going on." Well...that IS kinda what happened. "Well, moving on to more important things, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Rin. What's your name?"

"Ah, Satoya. Satoya Kotono. Sorry for not introducing myself before asking you your name." You're finally feeling much more pieced together, and can finally act according to your senses again. The most important one being common sense, which you hope doesn't leave you in the midst of all this insanity.

"Nice to meet ya! Really though, when I came here to visit the youkai tree, I really wasn't expecting to find a lost youkai down here." Youkai tree, youkai you, you're ready to give up on correcting people of these mistakes. It's like teaching a class full of kids without ears. And this girl has two sets of them!


"Well, I think I've over stayed my welcome Master is probably worried about me staying so long." Master? Is she a shikigami too, you wonder? "Maybe sometime in the future we'll meet again. See ya!"

You bid farewell to the weird girl with a cosplay fetish as she starts off in another direction totally off the course of where you came from. You wager that if you wanted to clear something up with the girl, now would be the only time. You don't know when you'll meet her again. And, sad as it is to say, she probably knows more about the world around you then you do yourself.

[ ] Stop Rin and ask her a few things
[ ] Stalk the cat girl
[ ] Stay here for a while and ponder recent events
[ ] Get the hell out of here
[ ] Slay the monster that looks like a tree
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[ ] Get the hell out of here.
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[X] Get the hell out of here
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[X] Get the hell out of here

S-stupid tree.
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[x] Get the hell out of here
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I laughed.
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[x] Get the hell out of here

You look up at the tree with one final glare, knowing that this time, you have won...for now. You turn your back in the most epic manner you can muster and start walking back down the stone path away from the massive demonic tree thing quite assertive of your victory over it's strong, possessive pull. Though you wonder why it's no longer trying to make you sick to your stomach. You remember something being passed into your mouth while you were about to fall unconscious in Rin's arms...maybe sh-no. That's not a healthy way of thinking. Not right now. Your first priority is getting the hell out of here. And finding out why Yukari dumped you so miserably in this god forsaken place. The netherworld, of all places. Though at least the scenery is beautiful, and there's plenty of solace. Not a person or soul to be found here.

So far, all you've met are Youmu and Rin, and you suspect Rin isn't really even from around here, though judging from her profession, she probably visits often enough. That just leaves Youmu, who's supposedly the gardener of this massive forest...which you find hard to believe. How can one person manage this whole giant area alone? You're willing to give a lot of thought into it, but your mind is scattered about with other thoughts, like those of Yukari and her intentions. As you walk down the long stone road, you try and get an eyeful of how long it really is. It seems to stretch on for miles. You can't see the end of it, it just drifts off into nothingness. The awkward sky certainly isn't helping either, distracting your fine point of view. It really looks like you're in for one very long walk.

So you walk.

And walk.

And continue walking.

It feels tiresome, but you don't give up. You press forward with your might, trying both not to tire out and not to become so unpleasantly bored of this menial march. No matter how long you walk, it doesn't appear to end. You could swear that after what feels like hours, it just does not end. You stop for a moment and breathe out. This is really frustrating. After a while more of really dreadful walking, you put your hands behind your head, leaning back a bit and staring up at the (rather weird) sky, deciding that in order to keep yourself entertained and ultimately awake on this eternal walk, you'll have a short conversation with yourself to pass the time. It's not like you haven't done it before, talking to oneself is a common thing among people when they're alone.

"I really wish I could go home already...this has all been too weird for me. My life was really boring but come on...this isn't what I wanted. Near death experiences are something I wanted to go through my life not seeing as many as I could. And what's with all this business about me being a youkai or something? I've been tested by doctors everywhere, I'm a perfectly normal, ordinary human. I wish people would just settle on that fact already instead of telling me I'm someone I'm not. It's damn annoying...and all these weird people around me? Yeah, Yukari, I meant what I said about meeting new friends, I didn't mean to meet people who are well and beyond my own understanding and are just general freaks! Next thing you know I'll meet the queen of all ghosts!"

You stop suddenly, feeling a chill run up your spine. And when you get your bearings back together, you realize you're standing right in front of a large, old japanese style mansion. Tatami mats, sliding doors, the works. It's a sight you haven't beheld in a long while, especially in the world you came from. You almost have the urge to study and examine it when you realize just how funny this all seems. And not the Ha Ha type funny either. It reeks of suspiciousness. You could've swore that the road ahead of you was still leading into nothingness as far as the eye could see. Where did this massive building come from? You would've seen it from miles away, to be sure, thanks to the blandness of the scenery around otherwise, what with it all being (pretty) cherry blossom trees everywhere.

Still though, you don't really have anything else to do. You look back and forth for a moment, checking to see if anyone's around. It really seems like this mansion might be deserted after all. But you wonder what it's doing here. No better way to find out however then to step right in and invite yourself. You climb onto the porch of the mansion and slowly slide open a door, peering inside. You call out, a bit quietly mind you, for anyone that might be inside. However, there's no answer. You call out a bit louder this as your invite yourself in. The room is dark, and consists of not much other then a short table with cushions to each side. In the middle of the table is a cloth with a glass in the middle.

You explore the mansion more, making sure to be as quiet as possible, not to disturb anything. You're not even sure if people are in this mansion, and if so, if you're even allowed in here. The mansion all looks very old style, and rather neat looking, you feel, that is, until you walk into the kitchen. Where you find, of all things, a refrigerator, in such an feudal style mansion. It makes you really wonder who the owner of this place is. You look around in the kitchen, there doesn't really appear to be any sort of outlet for the refrigerator. In fact, upon inspection, you find that it isn't even working. It's unplugged. It figures, this mansion has no electricity. It boggles the mind how one could get electricity down here in the netherworld. Quite otherwise, the kitchen is rather bare. Hardly any food at all. Not that it matters, it wouldn't be prudent of you to help yourself to a snack while unaware of who owns this place.

That's when you hear it. A loud growling noise as you exit the kitchen. A very threatening one at that. You nearly panic and almost destroy a few things in the process, but thankfully you somehow manage to keep Mr. Vaaahhs from meeting with Ms. Hardwood Floor and causing a rather tragic break up. After setting things back together, you can't help but notice that the growling sound is rather persisting, and almost...rhythmic. It's eerie, haunting, and almost hypnotizing. After you get yourself back together, you decide to follow the growling sound. You figure if someone saw you and was offended, they would've attacked by now. It has to be something else. As you get closer, the sound gets louder, and starts sounding a bit less like growling and more like...a clogged nasal passage? It's close, you can feel it now. You open the next sliding door with anticipation of knowing what's behind it.

What you see is quite the sight. In a sprawled out and rather tossed around futon is sleeping woman of pink, short hair, and in quite possibly the loosest bed robe you have ever seen. So loose, you're shocked you can't see the woman's nipples, it's riding down so low. It definitely does not leave much to the imagination however, as you can clearly see almost the entirety of both her breasts, and her spread out legs quite uncovered, long and smooth. You're quite sure she isn't wearing any underwear either. You have to close your nose pretty tightly to keep the gushing rage of your blood from bursting through the dam and leaving quite the mess. Still though, that isn't going to keep the OTHER dam from bursting, and if you were to keep looking at this attractive woman's luscious, large, and perfectly round breasts and her long, silky, and perfectly shaped legs any longer, you know it's going to be a royal disaster.

"Nngh...Youmu...is breakfast ready...?"

Her lethargic but mature sounding voice seeps through her tired state as she moves a bit in her period of waking. You better hurry, not only is she about to get up, but you could swear her next movement is going to reveal pink sight you'll never forget, if all for the worst reasons.

[ ] Leave post haste, you don't need to be here!
[ ] Imitate Youmu to the best of your ability
[ ] Just stand there gawking like an idjit; this show is worth a million lifetimes
[ ] It's dark, find a place to hide ASAP
[ ] Give into your desires and ravage this lovely woman
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[X] Leave post haste, you don't need to be here!
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[X] Leave post haste, you don't need to be here!

So many things can go wrong here, and if word of it gets back to Yukari (and it will for sure) even her teasing would be fierce (especially after we said we wanted to marry her at the start of the story), let alone if she got angry.

Yuyuko wouldn't react that badly to most options other than the ravage her one.

Youmu would react badly... as in "Slice you like onions" badly.
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[X] Leave post haste, you don't need to be here!
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[X] Leave post haste, you don't need to be here!
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[X] Leave post haste, you don't need to be here!
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Calling vote spam on these three and not counting them.
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[x] Leave post haste, you don't need to be here!
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[ ] Just stand there gawking like an idjit; this show is worth a million lifetimes
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Wow, were they all me? That's amazing, didn't know I could do that!
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Hey you. Quit being me.
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[X]Just stand there gawking like an idjit; this show is worth a million lifetimes.
-[x]Snap out of your self hypnotism and bolt.

Obligitory stupid vote.
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[x] Just stand there gawking like an idjit; this show is worth a million lifetimes
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[x] Leave post haste, you don't need to be here!
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[x] Leave post haste, you don't need to be here!

You decide that idling here is not the best idea and that fleeing with your tail between your legs would have the highest chances of you getting out of this with your head still on your shoulders. You step back a bit, gauging the woman's next action before quickly turning around and attempting to open the sliding door...wait, was it always closed? Either way, it's not working. The door refuses to budge. Just wonderful. Try as you might, the sliding door appears to be stuck. You can't wager it's locked, it's pretty difficult to lock a sliding door, especially when considering the layout, most logical place to lock it from is from where you're standing right now. Who'd put a lock on the OUTSIDE of a freakin' bedroom? Either way, you're quite ready to regret ever having stumbled inside.

"Youmu...what are you doing...?"

You can't help but feel lots of pressure coming onto you as you continue to frantically attempt opening the door. You don't think imitating Youmu would be the best idea, and it's probably far too late to attempt hiding now. Nervousness creeps up on you like a stalking monster. Oh wait, that's just the woman behind you. You suddenly feel weight put onto your back as you freeze up, the woman is very clearly leaning on top of your back now, and you feel like it's all over. At least, you would, if you weren't copping the most wonderful feel of the woman's mammaries on your back. Holy shit they're soft. It suddenly feels all worth it. NO! No, you try to continue freeing the door from it's period of stillness, but no matter how hard you try, your body won't comply. You're completely frozen up. At this point you can feel a couple hands lethargically wandering about your body.

"Is breakfast ready or nooot...~"

This woman's sweet tone of voice sounds terribly innocent, it's hard to believe she has such a rockin' body. The hands wandering about your torso makes you feel tingly wherever their soft touch lands, and only serves to freeze you up even further. You couldn't possibly move in this situation, it'd break the mood. But that thought quickly disappears when you notice that one of her hands has apparently fallen asleep and starts gently falling down, and down...and towards an area you had neglected until now, an area you really wish you hadn't. You're almost verbally cursing the fact that your robing is really loose, like a pair of sweat pants, your growth sticks out like a sore thumb. The only reason why you aren't verbally cursing it is because your body has frozen up too much for you to really help it anyways. Of course, it was inevitable; the woman's hand softly rests atop your lord's pillar.

"Uh? Ara...? You're not Youmu..."

You're almost about to make a crack about why she couldn't realize that from the difference in height alone. Your current state disallows this however, and besides, it'd probably be the least helpful thing to do right now considering that you were the one trespassing. You can really feel the sweat roll down your forehead now as the woman cops a feel on you, trying to discover what it is that she just grabbed hold of. It's not like you're any stranger to it, after all, what guy hasn't had their phallus gratuitously groped by a hot chick?

"Ahh...this thing, you must be a man then~"

She says this in a rather tired, yet noticably accepting tone. She continues fondling your package, but with the way she's studying it, you can't tell if it's really pleasurable or creepy. It's starting to weight towards the latter at the moment. At the least though, she seems happy to have a guest over. (Not in that way though, pervert) You most certainly know you can't run now. All you can do is brace yourself across the door and hope this woman stops feeling you up, because the conflict between your mind and body is nearing it's limit. Thankfully, she soon recedes and places her head on your shoulder, her innocent, yet sultry voice piercing the hearing recepticles in your ear.

"So, what brings you here..."

The way she says it, you have to figure she's still sleepy...too tired to use her common sense, hence her strange actions towards you this whole encounter. You have to think for a moment and get your bearings together. It might be possible to pull off an elaborate lie and BS your way out of this somehow. You open your mouth and attempt to let loose the charisma, but it's of no hope. The weight of the woman's body and your nervousness has both gotten to you, and you feel rather weak in the knees. You can't even let out a squeak. It's incredibly humiliating, you feel like crying right now but even your god damn tears are too nervous to come out.

"Ghnn...hurry up, I wanna have breakfast soon..." You quickly swallow your pride and everything floating around in your stomach right now and finally get out some words, mustering up as much courage as possible.

"...I-I-I'm....S-Satoya Kotono...and...I...I'm..."

[ ] "...here on an errand for Yukari."
[ ] "...here to clean your pipes."
[ ] "...here as your new apprentice gardener."
[ ] "...really uncomfortable with the way you're touching me..."
[ ] Anemia Option

Sorry if the post seems a little short. Also, write-ins are always encouraged, and who knows, maybe it'll serve to better shape Satoya into someone actually memorable.
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[ ] "...here to clean your pipes."

You really shouldn't turn down beautiful ghost princesses, nor should you neglect your manhood.
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[X] "...really uncomfortable with the way you're touching me..."
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[ ] "...here on an errand for Yukari."
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[x] "...here on an errand for Yukari."
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[ ] "...here on an errand for Yukari. And I must say, you are the most lovely woman I've seen just woken up"

A bit of charm won't hurt and it's rather neutral.

And I doubt Yukari would send someone to 'clean' her friend's pipes without testing them out first. (In contrast she would send him over to Reimu's to say that just to prank her)
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[X] "... here for Yukari... a-and I can't c-concentrate like this..."
-{X} If she asks for clarification: "I mean... y-you touched me... like that... and I... it's hard..."
[X] "W-why did Yukari send me here without telling me anything? I don't even know what I'm supposed to do..."

And then Yuyuko decides that he's cute enough to help him relax. By finishing that handjob. Or ravishing him. Or both. I wish.

Anyway, I like a slightly pathetic Satoya. We don't have a lot of pathetic protagonists.
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Just because I want to see where that option goes.
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[X] "... here for Yukari... a-and I can't c-concentrate like this..."
- {x} If she asks for clarification: "I mean... y-you touched me... like that... and I... it's hard..."
[X] "W-why did Yukari send me here without telling me anything? I don't even know what I'm supposed to do..."
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This write-in is stupid and you are stupid. Changing vote to make sure it doesn't win.
[x] "...here on an errand for Yukari."
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[x] "...here on an errand for Yukari."
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You know what I meant by my vote is that many women aren't very pretty when they wake up in the morning (no offense; the same goes for guys); Yuyuko is an exception.
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then they are not naturally pretty, they're just good at dressing up.

There's a few rare ones that look pretty no matter what.
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[x] "...here on an errand for Yukari."
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[x]Take a deep breath, stop stuttering, put on a winning grin and look in her eyes with a confident expression
[x]...here to rescue you.
[x]Offer to cook for her
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As much as I like >>18944 majority rules wins.

...I might still write it later though depending on how I feel when I get back. The outcome I have in mind is just awesome.

[x] "...here on an errand for Yukari."

You gasp out those last words to the woman while under the pressure of her soft, gentle touch. Really, you feel like you're about to burst at any moment now, though you really hope you don't, it's not like you have a clean change of clothes or any tissue for that matter. It'd be an extremely awkward situation at best. Still though, when you manage to finish saying what you have to say, it stops her. She seems a bit surprised.

"Yukari...? She sent you here?" You give out a few pants to catch your breath first to recoup yourself.

"Y-Yes. She did. She told I had an errand to run and dumped me here..."

"Ah, why didn't you say so in the first place? Please forgive my rudeness~" She finally lets go of you and puts her own weight on herself, relieving you of your stress. It's a god send to say the least. "If you'll excuse me, you can wait in the living room while I change." Well, she seems innocent, but proper at least.

"A-A-Alright...thanks..." You kind of exasperate that thank you, as you're really not sure what you're thankful for, or if you should even be thankful at all. You take a deep breath and exit the room after that. (How'd the door unstuck itself?) But the moment you close the door behind you, you're confronted with a scary sight.

"What were you doing in Lady Yuyuko's bedroom?" You nearly shriek, a rather pissed off Youmu is standing right before you, and worst yet, she's got a hand one the handle of one of her swords. If she's as good as her posture indicates, you'd wager that blade could probably cut your head off your shoulders rather neatly.

"I-I-I-I-I-It's n-n-not what you think, honest!" You can see Youmu's thumb flick her sword out of the locking position in it's sheath.

"I despise cowards..." Again, you feel like crying, but your womanly tears are too scared to show themselves.

"I-I'm on an errand for Yukari! Please don't kill me!" Your shaking and shivering eventually come to a stop when after a while, you notice that Youmu hadn't sliced and diced you. Upon looking, it appears she thankfully, had a change of heart to your reused excuse.

"...Lady Yukari, huh? My apologies then." Your frozen state is mostly due to the fact that if you moved, you'd probably unleash a torrent of bodily fluid out of your pants. This causes you to fail to realize that Youmu has walked down the hall and started waiting for you. "Please, come in here."

After a while, you finally get your bearings back together and follow Youmu out into the living room, which just so happens to be the first room you stepped in. The doors are wide open now and let inside a large amount of light. The table appears to be in a bit of better order, probably for the breakfast this Lady Yuyuko ever so humbly requested. Youmu sits down neatly at one side and you, a bit nervously, sit down at the other. She then corrects you and tells you to sit to the side of the table to her right, as Yuyuko will be sitting opposite of you, and it wouldn't be very productive to sit opposite of Youmu as well. Boy, you feel like a retard already.

"So, may I ask what your errand from Lady Yukari is?" Youmu starts. The look in her eyes feels rather solemn, and serious, yet you can't mistake the energy of youthfulness in them.

"Uhm, well, to be honest...I'm really not quite sure. Yukari just...up and kidnapped me one day and told me I was her new shikigami, and then sent me here on some errand without really telling me what it is..." You find yourself in a pickle, Youmu calls her 'lady' which certainly implies a large level of respect. You doubt she'd believe you, until she sighs and says the next few words.

"That sounds exactly like her..."

Just like that, more hopes for your future master were just shot down out of the sky, twirling down and rocketing towards the earth in a fiery blaze one could only describe as 'depressing.'

"...a-ah, well, what is she like anyways? I really haven't gotten to talk to her much, but she seems to know a lot about me, and seems pretty powerful too." You figure anyone with the power to conjure up a space like the one you woke up in has to have some level of freaky magic, though you're not quite ready to believe that just yet; you're just playing along for now.

"Well, Lady Yukari has control over gaps, or boundaries. She can manipulate a large deal of different things via this power. But...as for Lady Yukari herself...she is...rather eccentric." From the looks of it, it sounds like she really doesn't want to talk about it. You were right about one thing, she does seem to have a good deal of respect for Yukari...otherwise, you're quite certain she'd have plenty bad to say about her right now, which worries you, to say the least.

"...I...I see." That's the most you can get out. You feel incredibly awkward now. You almost wish you hadn't brought it up.

"Oh, that's right, if you're a new servant of Lady Yukari, then you must not be a new spirit here. Please forgive me for my earlier confusion, I haven't fully toned all my senses as of yet." It sounds like Youmu is still in training. No surprise, she looks rather young. Then again, you have heard of people becoming PhD college professors at age 21...yikes.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I was really confused myself...I wasn't sure what had happened after she tossed me down here."

"Well, by summoning you and forming a pact with you as master and shikigami, your life force is now tied with her's. As long as Lady Yukari lives, you will not permanently die. All she has to do is resummon you." You blink for a moment, this actually sounds really nice. Though you aren't quite ready to test it out just yet, you imagine that doesn't really save you from feeling pain.

"Oh...I see. So I guess all I have to do in return then is to just simply follow her orders?" Youmu nods after you say this. It's quite the change, to say the least. Semi-immortality in exchange for being slave to someone...sounds like a rather bad trade though.

Soon, the air falls silent. Nothing moves. Youmu is sitting beside you, appearing to be resting her eyes. Shouldn't she be making breakfast? Or did she already do that and was in fact, about to tell Yuyuko before you unexpectedly came out of her bedroom not appearing to be in the most dressed condition. That was really embarrassing. Either way, the awkward silence falls flat on your ears and begins irking you a bit. You need to say something to break it. God knows you've already done one stupid thing in front of Youmu, who's probably much more dangerous then she looks, no need to hammer yet another nail in the coffin.


Well that was a bust. You failed to think properly about something to talk about before actually saying something. Smooth move, point dexter. You quickly think of something.

"That woman in there...her name is Yuyuko, right? What's taking her...?"

"Hm...she normally takes a long time to get ready. Sometimes it's because she ended up falling back asleep before actually getting ready." You almost feel sorry for this girl. Both women she respects both sound like lazy ass dead beats. "There is nothing I can do about it, unfortunately. If she wishes to sleep in then it's out of my control. Please forgive her."

"A-Ah, no need to, really. I was just wondering..."

Once again, the tension builds up and the atmosphere becomes stagnant. Nothing is said. Youmu sure is quiet. You still feel the need to discuss something. Maybe you could find something out, or maybe just have idle chit chat with her. Whatever improves your friendship with her is bound to decrease your chances of being on the business end of her swords, it's quite obvious by now those blades are not for show.

[ ] Write-in what to talk about with Youmu

Well, that's it. That's the last update. I'll be heading out the door in about an hour to leave on my trip. I'll be gone until September 1st so no updates until then. Stay frosty.
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[X] Teasingly note that her master is her polar opposite in virtually every respect.
[X] Ask her how she came to be Yuyuko's retainer

Then after she finishes her story, with a pensive expression on your face:

[X] Philosophical monologue on the nature of servitude:

You've made me consider something about what you said earlier, Youmu. You seem to think that it would be improper for you to correct your master's lifestyle choices. ... But is this really the case?

This may not be my place to say, as I've never been a servant, but I was under the impression that the sacred bond between master and servant was of a reciprocal character - the servant pledges his steadfast and unerring loyalty and in exchange, the master guides the servant with his virtue; simultaneously protecting and providing an example by which the servant can grow as a person. You could say it's like a contract of sorts; if one party should renege on his duties, then the obligations of the other party are voided.

Now, how does this factor into your relationship with your mistress? Simply put, you're a servant, not a slave, Youmu. If your mistress behaves in a manner troubling to you, then it's well within your rights to (gently) remonstrate with her or to correct her actions; doubly so if your suggestions also serve to increase the dignity appropriate to her station.

... That said, I'm not saying that your master is a bad person or that she's derelicted her duties in any way. I'm not a particularly astute judge of others, but when she accidentally mistook me for you and caught me in a sleepy embrace, I was immediately able to discern that the innocent, pure-hearted nobility I sensed in your character had its origins in her. She's definitely a wonderful person, but so are you, Youmu. That's why you should give voice to your concerns, however slight they may be.

What do you think?

(note: if this seems overly philosophical or out of character for Satoya, chalk it up to a boost in his insight he's begun to receive as a side effect of becoming Yukari's shikigami or something of the sort)
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Since I can't think of anything less silly now, might as well.
[x] >>18949
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[x] She must be glad to have a diligent servant. It's no wonder she can feel so at ease.
[X] Ask what she knows about your new master, as to best serve her.
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x] She must be glad to have a diligent servant. It's no wonder she can feel so at ease.
[X] Ask what she knows about your new master, as to best serve her.
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[x] She must be glad to have a diligent servant. It's no wonder she can feel so at ease.
[X] Ask what she knows about your new master, as to best serve her.
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[x] >>18949
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I think Sukima doesn't know of the new site yet. Or he is just being one lazy bastard.
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Well yeah.

[x] >>18949

But might as well break up the tie now.
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The latter. Trust me on this one. But to be fair, he was away until just recently.
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I have known of the new site and was intending on writing soon, but a few things came up, one of which is the dreaded jury duty I've been summoned for...that's put me in a less then happy mood the past couple days. Once that's done and over with though (which hopefully, will only be a couple days) I will most definitely write something here.

As a note, >18949 wins regardless of the amount of votes, because I love it so damn much. Cheers, anon. You have delivered.
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[X] Teasingly note that her master is her polar opposite in virtually every respect.
[X] Ask her how she came to be Yuyuko's retainer
[X] Philosophical monologue on the nature of servitude

"You know, your master is quite the character, a complete mirror of how you are, Youmu." You say this with a bit of a smile, a smirk if you will, towards Youmu. She doesn't seem to lighten up to your teasing though, taking it rather seriously.

"Well she grew up a lot differently then I did. I was raised primarily by my former teacher and lived a life of strict discipline. Lady Yuyuko on the other hand, led her life as a human in great dismay...I am not at liberty to say however, since that is her own personal life, and I have no right to say what happened. But I believe she lives life this way because she wishes to forget her past and attempt to be happier with herself." You blink for a moment, was quite a bit of information to suck in there. You briefly wonder if Yukari is like that too.

"Huh...so, what is Yuyuko really like? And how did you come to serve her?" You thought you might as well ask how she got herself into this mess, maybe get some insight on how this kind of thing happens, since you feel a sort of connection with her via this.

"Hmm...well, despite her easygoing nature, I would have to say that Lady Yuyuko is in fact, very mature, and extremely wise. She is almost always teaching me more and more things about life and the way things are, and it is certain she has much more experience then I do." You pause for a moment, wondering if all mature women are like this. "Compared to her, I am still but a naive child. Much like my teacher before me."

"Who's this...teacher you keep mentioning?" Youmu looks over at you.

"He is pretty much how I became a servant under Lady Yuyuko. My teacher was also the gardener here at the Hakugyokurou and I followed his teachings very dilligently until he left, when Lady Yuyuko arrived soon before."

"So, was he also a servant of Yuyuko before he left?"

"Lady Yuyuko is the ghost princess of this netherworld, so all those who work here work under her command." It's no wonder Yuyuko has someone like Youmu working for her. Being royalty in a place like the netherworld is quite the achievement.

"Hmm...you know, I've been thinking about what you said earlier, Youmu." You go on, what she's said has made you think, something you normally only do at school, teaching. "It seems to me that you think it wouldn't be prudent of you to attempt correcting the properness of your master's behaviour, but in reality, this isn't actually the case, is it?" You look at Youmu as you're about to continue onto the next part of your lecture, and already she seems a bit surprised...well, as surprised as her stagnant face can get anyways.

"I've only been a servant for but a day, if even that, however, I was under the impression that the sacred bond between servant and master was of a reciprocal character. That is to say, the servant pledges his steadfast and unerring loyalty to his master, for the exchange of him guiding his servant with his trustful virtue. In a way, the master both protects and provides an example that the servant follows, so that they may grow more as a person. I'm certain you know what I'm talking about. You have felt such a thing with your former teacher, am I correct? It's like a contract, should one party ignore his or her duties, then the obligations of the other party are left to moot."

You can tell Youmu is listening very closely to what you're saying, but you can't be sure yet as to whether or not this is because of what you're saying, or if she's just very well trained like that. She's been like this the whole time you've talked with her.

"So, what I want to ask, is how does this factor into your relationship with your current master, who is now Yuyuko? I mean, she may be nothing at all like your teacher, but you're not a slave, Youmu. You're a servant. They're both completely different things, when you look at them closely enough. If your Lady's behaviour is troubling you, then I believe it's well within your own right to remonstrate with her, or to try and correct her actions. Especially if your suggestions would also increase the dignity more appropriate to her position as a princess."

You give a bit of a sigh and look out the sliding doors into the area outside. You don't think you could say this next part to her looking straight at her, it's too embarassing. "I mean, I'm not saying your master is not of virtuous blood, or that she's neglecting her duties in a way. I'm not one to judge other people so quickly, but when she mistook me for you and embraced me in a sleepy manner, I was quick to realize that the innocent, pure-hearted nobility I sensed in you had it's origins in her. I think she's a wonderful person...but, I think you are too Youmu. That's why I believe you should be able to voice your concerns to her, as a rightful servant would. Because I believe that however small they may be, any concerns you have with Yuyuko would not fall on deaf ears."

It's pretty silent for a while. After a few moments, you get curious as to what Youmu is thinking. You look back at her to see her looking down with a bit of a solemn and serious look on her face. You hope you didn't say anything too hard to swallow for her.

"A-Ah...are you okay?" Youmu nods softly and looks over at you.

"Yes...I'm fine. What you said has made me think more carefully...you might be right. But in a way, I think that the way Lady Yuyuko acts is best for her and in the end, her well being is more important then the dignity of the shrine. I believe that Lady Yuyuko acts this way because she believes herself that it is right, that being this way is what keeps her happier and healthier. If she were to change that, then she might lose herself and the shrine would be in danger. In short, Hakugyokurou would not be the same without the Lady Yuyuko I know and love." You look down a bit, feeling that she's not going to change that no matter what. At least you made her think about it though. However, she brings your attention back to her and, this comes as a bit of a shock to you, she appears to be giving you a slight, warm smile.

"But thank you. It has been a very long time since another person had expressed such caring concern for both me and Lady Yuyuko. I can see very clearly why Lady Yukari chose you." After getting over that cute smile of her's, you realize that she yet again, complimented your new master. It's the complete opposite of what you see in her, you can't tell who's the one pulling a fast one on you. Still though, after that, you make another stunning revelation; Youmu had complimented you too. This ends in you feeling flushed as you scratch the back of your head nervously.

"A-A-Ah, thanks! I was just thinking though for the most part, no need to thank me." It's at this moment that Yuyuko herself finally walks in, dressed much more properly in a very beautiful kimono, with a cute hat to boot. Her pink hair is still in disarray though, for whatever reason.

"Hm~ Bonding already? Well I'm happy Youmu has found a new friend." Her cheerful, yet soothing voice already hits you like a ton of bricks. You wish you were serving under her instead of Yukari. "Well then, if you wouldn't mind Youmu, how about fixing us and our guest some breakfast?" Youmu bows her head and gets up.

"Right away, Lady Yuyuko." Youmu goes ahead and excuses herself for the time being, as Yuyuko herself sits down opposite of you. She gives you a cheerful, warm smile from the other side of the table.

"So, you're Satoya? Satoya Kotono. Pleased to meet you~" You blink for a moment before bowing your head.

"It's an honor, Lady Yuyuko." Ever since you found out she was a princess, you felt you should be a bit more proper with her. Though she quickly excuses your behaviour.
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"There's no need for the formalities, Satoya. Yukari sent you here, right? Consider ourselves well known~ Besides, your friendliness with Youmu tells me I can trust you." She does seem wise at least. A bit anyways. She's more proper now then what she was earlier, that's for sure.

"Ah, w-well, thank you then. I was just simply giving her advice, even though I haven't actually been a servant for very long."

"Mmm~ But that's what makes it all the better. Showing so much wisdom despite your lack of experience...Yukari chose you for a good reason. I can see a lot of potential in you~" Her cheerful voice makes it sound much better then it really is, and considering how flattering that is to begin with, that's saying something.

"Uhh...th-th-thank you? Y-You're flattering me, I'm su-" Yuyuko cuts you off suddenly, calling out to Youmu.

"Youmu~ When will breakfast be done?" You can hear Youmu's distant voice calling back to Yuyuko.

"It will be ready in a few minutes, Lady Yuyuko!" You just sit there, sighing a bit to yourself. That was quite rude.

"So," Yuyuko says to you, catching your attention. "How did you meet Yukari anyways? She already has one shikigami so I wanna know why she got another." You breathe another sigh, that you wish you knew yourself.

"Eh, I'm really not sure, to be honest with you. I was at home one day with a mysterious survey and I filled it out, and when I woke up I was there with Yukari in some weird...space. And she told me I was her servant now and wanted to test me by sending me on an errand, to see how well I'd do I suppose." You close your eyes, crossing your arms. "Although really...she didn't even tell me what the errand was, how am I supposed to know what to do?" Yuyuko blinks and looks up for a bit, thinking to herself.

"Well, I don't owe her anything right now I don't think...uhm...oh, how about checking your pockets?" You look at her puzzled for a moment.

"Huh? Pockets?"

"You know. In your robe~" Now that's just absurd. The robe is rather thin, you'd think if it had anything in it's pockets, you'd kno-oh hey there's something in your inner breast pocket.

"Y-You mean this?" To your complete surprise, you pull out what looks to be a can opener. You're seriously confuzzled at how this thing could've been in your pocket the whole time and you hadn't noticed. It didn't feel like anything was in there until you actually reached in and grabbed it.

"Oh! Yes! Yes, yes, yes~ Giiive~" You pry your eyes off the can opener and your pocket long enough to see Yuyuko childishly reaching over the table with both arms stretched outward to you, flailing about softly. You hestiantly hand the can open over, not sure if this is the safest thing to do. After taking it she gleefully plays around with it for a few moments while you stare on in utter awe as Youmu walks in with a tray of three modest breakfast servings.

"Lady Yuyuko, what is that odd contraption?" Yuyuko smiles over at Youmu.

"This is the tin can opener Yukari told us about! Now you don't have to open cans with your sword anymore!" Youmu sighs as she puts the tray down and hands out the servings, putting the tea in the center.

"That's good. My swords were not meant for that purpose..." You honestly feel kind of awkward now. You have no clue where technology went here. Did you travel backwards in time or something? Well, then again, this is the netherworld...besides, there's the whole kitchen that looks more then 19th century there.

"I guess then that was my errand for Yukari...?" Yuyuko smiles at you, playing with her can opener as Youmu sits down.

"Yes, this was something Yukari had promised me for a while now that she would get out of the outside world or from Kourindou. I'm so happy to finally recieve it~" You're suddenly intrigued, you want to ask something that might answer a lot of your questions thus far.

"The...outside world? I've always wanted to ask...where is this? Where did Yukari take me? And what's this outside world?" Yuyuko looks at you a bit surprised suddenly, and that's when Youmu looks over to you.

"Lady Yukari did not tell you about Gensokyo?" You shake your head.

"No, although she did mention the name once or twice. What is this Gensokyo? I know it has to be seperate from the world I come from...that's the outside world, isn't it?"

"So Yukari did get you from the outside world..." Yuyuko says, appearing interested now. "Youkai normally don't inhabit the outside world anymore. They all have fled in here. You must be a very special youkai to be able to live in the outside world without fear..." You almost want to growl. You're getting a bit ticked off.

"Youkai this, youkai that...why do all of you assume I'm some demon, spirit or whatever? I'm a human being!" Just as you finish saying that, you stop breathing suddenly. Your heart is suddenly in grave danger, as it's completely grasped by the hand of death. You can very clearly tell. Youmu looks over at you worriedly, but Yuyuko has this smug look on her face...you can tell she's the one doing it. As your life force steadily surrenders itself to the cold grip of the reaper, you can see small blue flames exiting your body like pyreflies. You can only help but look at Yuyuko in sheer fear of what's happening. Youmu finally notices what's going on at this point.

"L-Lady Yuyuko! What are you doing?!" Yuyuko shushes her, and continues about on her parade of bringing you to a never ending world of pain.

"It's alright. He won't die. He couldn't, he is a youkai now. Do you see those flames, Satoya? Those are your represenative of your power as a youkai, coming out to save you from an untimely death. It's a unique power I can sense within you and it's not the only thing it can do~" You try to gasp out a few words but you completely fail to even draw a single breath. "You may not realize it Satoya, but you are anything but human. Much like Yukari herself. You'll find that out in due time~" After that, she finally lets her hand of death go of you, and you gasp out for air, feeling quite a bit under the weather suddenly. You pant quite feverishly as Youmu tries to calm you down. "Besides, I don't think Yukari would be silly enough to make a human, or any old youkai for that matter, her shikigami! With that said, let's eat~" How can she eat at a time like this? She's a lot more cunning then you anticipated, despite her innocent demeanor, that's for sure.

After a while though, things are seemingly back to normal, despite the attempted murder. Yuyuko urges you to eat together with them while Youmu continuously apologizes for her mistress' behaviour. The breakfast is rather simple, some rice, a bit of seasoned meat and what appears to be toast. You go ahead and start on the meat before going onto the rice. It's in middle of this feeding session that the awkward silence gets to you again. You're not sure what the others are thinking. It's like Youmu to stay quiet though, it's Yuyuko you're worried about. After that near death experience you're not sure if you should trust her or not. However, you take this time to think. You need answers, and both these girls seem knowledgable about the situation at hand. A few questions never hurt anyways, besides you're the one left in the dark. It's time to educate yourself on this subject.

[ ] Ask about Gensokyo in whole
[ ] Ask about Yukari
[ ] Ask about the Hakurgyokurou and themselves
[ ] Ask about how Yuyuko got such a large bust size
[ ] Ask something else... (write-in time!)

Sorry about the terribly late post...I ended up writing about half of this, and then I received some rather tragic news, and felt crappy the next few days after. Still do, but I can write now finally. Silly thing though, the Jury Duty? I was called out to juror for god damn DUIs. This really IS hick country.
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[x] Ask about Gensokyo in whole
[x] Ask about Yukari in whole
[x] Ask about the Hakugyokuro and themselves
[x] Ask if a person can become a youkai, and what it might entail.
[x] Ask politely if everyone in Gensokyo is as cute and/or lovely in a humble tone.
[x] Keep focused, and keep thoughts of earlier out of your head.

"[ ] Ask about how Yuyuko got such a large bust size"

This is just like the run in with a near naked Yuyuko earlier; the risk of Youmu makes some things impractical.

Never let it be said that being Yukari's shikigami is a boring task.
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[x] Ask about Yukari
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[ ] Ask about Gensokyo in whole
[ ] Ask about Yukari
[ ] Ask about the Hakurgyokurou and themselves
[ ] Ask if she knows anything about "why" you're a youkai now.
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[x] Ask about Gensokyo in whole
[x] Ask about Yukari
[x] Ask about the Hakurgyokurou and themselves
[x] Ask about youkai in general.
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[ ] Ask about Gensokyo in whole
[ ] Ask about Yukari
[ ] Ask about the Hakurgyokurou and themselves
[ ] Ask if she knows anything about "why" you're a youkai now.
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Sorry for not writing in a while, decided to not be lazy and just put up with the weak amount of votes I got this time around. Well, with that said, away we go.

[x] Ask about Gensokyo in whole
[x] Ask about Yukari
[x] Ask about the Hakurgyokurou and themselves
[x] Ask if she knows anything about "why" you're a youkai now.

"So," you begin, looking at Yuyuko as you pick your cup of tea up, like a true gentleman no less. "What's this Gensokyo like anyways? You keep saying I come from the outside world or something like that...is Gensokyo really that sheltered?" You already assume it is, since it's certainly not on any japanese map you've come across.

"Yes...you could certainly say that." Yuyuko starts off. "Gensokyo is protected by what is known as the Hakurei barrier. It shields it from the outside world and puts Gensokyo into a whole different dimensional space altogether." You have to take a moment to wrap your head around that one, it sounds like something out of science fiction. "At least, that's what Yukari told me. She says Gensokyo exists on a different plane then that of the outside world and she's one of the few people who can manipulate the boundary between these two planes." You blink for a moment, thinking more carefully about this.

"So...wait, is she the one that made it then?"

"Originally it was the Hakurei clan that made it but she helped build it's foundation and manages it even today from time to time together with Reimu."

"Reimu?" You have to ask. Youmu is the one that satisfies your answer this time.

"Gensokyo's shrine maiden. She's very powerful, like Yukari, but only a human being, so her spiritual powers have a limit on themselves." Yuyuko smiles a bit.

"She's pretty interesting~ I can see why Yukari is so interested in her."

"Interested in her? In...what way?" Again, you just had to ask. Cause well, you never know...

"She visits her rather frequently. The two occasionally have battles though." Youmu sighs.

"When those two get in a fight, it is usually better for anyone nearby to evacuate..." Well, they both sound very powerful at this point. Gensokyo sounds rather dangerous so far.

"So uhh...anything more you can tell me about Yukari then...?" Yuyuko puts her hands together in a happy gesture.

"She's very kind~ She has a unique way of showing it but she's always looked out for me and I feel a strong bond with her. She's almost like the older sister I've never had~" You look over at Youmu after a while, who eventually realizes she's expected an answer from too, as she coughs a bit.

"Ah, well, she certainly has her ways about her...it's hard to tell if she is ever on the side of virtue or shadow. One could say she keeps the balance."

"So...Yukari is never good nor evil? Like the representation of yin and yang then." You say, hoping to find more answers about Yukari's stance on things. You know she's going to influence you with them, so it's best to know what's coming.

"The way I see it, she just doesn't mind taking either side to get at what she wants, or what she needs to say. I'm sure you'll understand what this means eventually." One of the few times Yuyuko had been cryptic thus far, you wish she hadn't. Yukari kind of scares you, but that's mainly because you don't know much about her, and you're not sure if you want to find out the hard way just yet.

"Well...what about this place then? Is it even a part of Gensokyo? What about you two?" You move on to different subjects. Yuyuko obliges this one.

"Well, this isn't technically a part of Gensokyo, though there's a door in Gensokyo that leads here. This is the netherworld, where all the spirits of the dead come to view the beautiful cherry blossoms that bloom in the spring."

"As the maintainers of the Hakugyokurou, it is our job to see fit that the netherworld recieves a bountiful viewing every year for the cherry blossoms."

"Yes, there isn't much more to say about it then that. Otherwise we simply enjoy our time here and live life rather peacefully~" Yuyuko gives you a bit of a sly look. "Or, well, live death rather peacefully if you'd prefer to be technical~" That last bit certainly makes you feel uneasy. You wonder if it's even alright for you to be here, being, you know, living and all.

"Uhm...uh, well, I do have one last question for you." You say, knowing full well Yuyuko is capable of answering, but whether or not she does purely relies on your execution. "You seem to know enough about it, so please, answer me this...why am I a youkai now, when I was a perfectly normal human being to begin with? What happened during my journey to Gensokyo tha-" Yuyuko holds up a hand and you stop instinctively. She then goes on.

"Satoya, life is never certain. Being as old as you are, I thought you'd know this by now. But in this world, anything can truly be possible as long as you put your mind to it. Who's to say you really started out to be human? What if being 'human' wasn't all that you thought it was to be? I don't remember much of my own life before I died, so I can understand your feelings. But that just means you still have a road to go down, a path to walk so long as you don't know."

"That's why I'm asking you though! If you know anything about why..."

"Why you're a youkai now here in Gensokyo is something you can answer yourself. If you can't find any clues as to why you're a youkai then you have to think back and look harder. Do you honestly remember your birth? Do you really think you know absolutely everything about your body, more then what a doctor could tell you? There's more to being a youkai then just not being human, sometimes you are human, but not."

You just sit there and blink for a moment. "...that means you don't know, right?" Yuyuko returns to you an innocent smile, confirming it. You felt she didn't have to be so vague throughout that whole thing. "R-Right. Well, I think I'm done eating then."

"Are you leaving so soon? You're welcome to stay as long as you like. After all, a friend of Yukari's is a friend of ours~" Yuyuko says to you with a brimming smile. She certainly likes your 'master' so to speak. At this point Youmu gets up.

"Well I must attend to the garden some more then. I had actually come in only for a short break so I must catch up on lost time." Youmu bows and begins leaving the premises. At this point you just sigh and look back at Yuyuko.

"Well? Would you like to continue gracing us with your presence or do you feel you must go?"

[ ] Stay here with Yuyuko a little longer
[ ] Follow Youmu out and spend some time with her instead
[ ] Take your leave and explore the area some more
[ ] Ask if there's a way back to Yukari
[ ] Offer to cook for the lady of the mansion
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[x] Stay here with Yuyuko a little longer
[x] Ask if there's a way back to Yukari

I'd try to hang around Youmu, but she's busy with work (and I don't think she likes being distracted)
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[x] Stay here with Yuyuko a little longer
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[x] Ask if there's a way back to Yukari.
[x]"It's my first errand, I'd like to leave a good impression."
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[x] Ask if there's a way back to Yukari.
[x]"It's my first errand, I'd like to leave a good impression."
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Well I don't think there's that big of a rush, since this is a small task, and such. Yukari's rather laid back, and if she really needed us back, she'd go and gap us.

But if we do hang out with Yuyuko some, Yukari might tease us about it, combined with all the Yuyuko we did see, well Yukari would get a few good laughs.

Just saying my thoughts on the votes.

I wonder if we'd end up seeing Yukari in a similar state.
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[x] Stay here with Yuyuko a little longer
[x] Ask if there's a way back to Yukari
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[x] Ask if there's a way back to Yukari.
[x]"It's my first errand, I'd like to leave a good impression."
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[x] Ask if there's a way back to Yukari.
[x]"It's my first errand, I'd like to leave a good impression."
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[x] Ask if there's a way back to Yukari.
[x]"It's my first errand, I'd like to leave a good impression."
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[x] Ask if there's a way back to Yukari.
[x]"It's my first errand, I'd like to leave a good impression."
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[x] Ask if there's a way back to Yukari.
[x] "It's my first errand, I'd like to leave a good impression."

"I think I'm ready to go back now, I have a few things to ask Yukari anyways. It's my first errand, I'd like to leave a good impression, after all." Yuyuko nods in agreement.

"Yes, and I think you've done a nice job at it. You're very nice to have around and I think you get along with Youmu quite well~" Her innocent smile charms you, it's like of a higher innocence then you'd find on a seven year old girl who knows nothing of the bad things in the world.

"A-Ah, thanks then. I'm glad I was of service then. So uh..." You feel like avoiding the question for some reason, since you don't wanna seem like in a hurry to vamoose, but you don't want to idle here too much longer. "How would I get back to Yukari anyways?" Yuyuko appears to think for a moment.

"Hm, I'm not sure...normally when I see her, she's the one visiting me. I haven't an idea where she lives...supposedly it's somewhere within the barrier but otherwise it's location is completely shrouded in mystery." This makes you sigh. You can't believe your luck.

"Ah...well, thanks...I'm sure I'll find my way back somehow." You're definitely lying out your ass. You can't find a place you have no idea where it is. Especially when you're in the god damn NETHERWORLD.

"Well I'm sure that when Yukari wants you to come back, she'll freely resummon you again to her. It shouldn't be too long." You get up, breathing out. Her words are kind and sweet, but you're not sure if that will come true.

"Well, thanks. I guess I'll just wander about then until that happens." Yuyuko smiles at you warmly and bows her head in a gesture of farewell from her seat at the table.

"Well I look forward to seeing you again, and I'm sure Youmu will be too. Please, come by anytime you wish, Satoya~" You smile a bit back at her and bid your goodbye to her. After walking out of the mansion into the open air of the garden though, you feel very...lost.

You walk your way through the trees and blossoms, thinking about the things that had transpired. Stepping over the occasional root and flower as you go through into the thicker parts of the cherry colored forest. The sky still an eerie purple as it ever was before. Petals fallins from the tree branches. It's a very serene, peaceful place, that's for sure. So peaceful, so serene, you feel like falling asleep. In fact, that's exactly what you do. You end up succumbing to sudden urges to pass out as you gently lay yourself against a tree and feel fatigue completely envelope you. It's not like when you were approaching the Saigyou Ayakashi. No, rather it's a very peaceful slumber. You feel completely calm and soothed when you end up falling to sleep. Not like you were about to die three times over.

...Satoya? Satoya, wake up...

It feels like a dream. You hear a familiar voice that eases your soul for some reason. You feel more relaxed, which only helps your induced sleepiness even more.

Satoya...wake up. You're home now~

You suddenly recognize the voice a bit more. Further more, the thought of home intrigues you. You attempt waking up but the most you can do right now is grunt and groan, and move around a bit. Your senses are, however, coming back to you. You're laying on what feels like wood, maybe a porch of some sort. The air is warm and comfortable, but has a very weird feeling to it. Like it's stagnant, yet moving at the same time. But most of all, you can really smell the most arousing fragrence wafting into your nose. It's very invigorating, but you're still getting over your intense fatigue.

Come on, if you wake up, I might give you...a treat~

You're certainly interested now. You mutter a short word of treat in responce as you try to open your eyes, above you is a bright orange sky, it reminds you of a sunset, but the more you look at it, the less it looks like a sunset and the more it looks like the sky of the Hakugyokurou, but much more creepy. Sort of like...the general surroundings of where you first met Yukari. Speaking of whom, a short look to your right reveals two large mammaries...er, that is, Yukari's face looming over them, or you, that is. Wow, those things get in the way. Wait...

"...Y-Yukari?!" You quickly sit up in shock and turn around, revealing that your head was ever so gently laying in Yukari's lap. The sultry woman gives you a warm smile, almost like she's trying to imitate Yuyuko's innocence, but it horribly fails because there's just no way this wench could pull it off with a face like that.

"Good morning, Sa-to-ya~" Her charming words pierce that very ends of your heart, every syllable completely twisting it around like a cold dagger in your back.

You're not sure if you like this yet.

"Wh-Wh-What happened...? I was-"

"Taking an uninvited stroll through my friend's garden, yes~" You feel irked again as she finishes your sentence for you, but in a way you really didn't intend on ending it with. "You're lucky I got a hold of you so quickly, you were about to run into a rather nasty wraith."

"Well thanks, bu-...wr-wraith?" You stop yourself as your fears suddenly overcome you. You don't really feel like paying another trip back there now. That sounds highly unpleasant.

"Yes but you're okay now~ What's imortant is that you did your job well and I'm ready to accept you as my other hand shikigami now." Yukari stands up as she says this, and you feel like you should too. Kneeling before her isn't something you're quite ready to do just yet. Maybe later.

"So, I'm actually going to be your servant now? Why do you need another anyways?" You remember before when you were told you wouldn't be the first shikigami Yukari's had.

"Things have been getting a little hectic lately, especially with Gensokyo's expansion. Besides, I thought it would be fun~" She tells you this in the most mischeivious voice you could possibly imagine. "Oh, speaking of whom though, I suppose I should introduce you..."

After she says this, she holds up a hand and snaps her fingers. And just like that, a mysterious gap in space appears and opens up next to her, and decending from it is a tall, mature looking woman, none more then Yukari herself, but wise looking to say the least. It might be the nine fox tails behind her though. Short blonde hair, much like Yukari, and a hat which you assume keeps her fox ears warm and well hidden. Her eyes have a deep knowledge in them, potentially indicating that she's even wiser and smarter then Yukari herself. Most of all, she seems very proper. Her hands are together under her large, fanning sleeves and she bows politely in your presence once she's finished making her entrance.

"Satoya, this is Ran. Please treat her well as you will be working with her a lot~" Ran is too busy looking serious for you to think about anything other then how much these two look completely like polar opposites. You wonder how Ran puts up with Yukari's...unique personality so far. You haven't seen much of Yukari yet, but you kinda think that she's the type of person who doesn't hide much.

"Pleased to meet you, Satoya. Let this be the start of a good partnership." Her voice is very motherly, very mature, wheras Yukari sounds very sultry and seductive. Yeah, complete opposites. Still though, you try and get your mind off such a comparision.

"Ah...so...a kitsune then? Popular in folklore in the outside world." Yukari brims with a pleasant smile.

"Oh, yes! Very wonderful, just the kind of knowledge I'd expect from such a good shikigami~" You almost fall over. Just what is that supposed to mean? "Well then, I'll have Ran explain the rest of the basics to you. I'm quite tired."

"You're going to bed already? What time is it?" Ran goes ahead and answers you for Yukari.

"Time has no bearings here inside the barrier like this. Regardless of time, the state of the area never changes."

Oh yeah, that's right...Yuyuko did say that Yukari's place of living is inside the very barrier that holds Gensokyo up...but wouldn't that mean it'd just be inside Gensokyo?
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It's odd though. Apart from the sky and maybe the lighting, the area surrounding looks like some ordinary forest in middle of japan. You guess when Yuyuko said that, she meant it quite literally. That this place isn't just inside it, it's a part of it. No wonder the air feels different. Even more different then in the netherworld, but at least there you'd understand it.

"Uhh...well, alright, but still, what about Gensokyo? Doesn't that place have a normal, you know, morning and night?" Yukari yawns as she starts walking inside.

"Yes, but it doesn't really matter since time is different in here. Goodnight~" You're about to follow Yukari in trying to get more explaination then just something vague like that, when Ran stops you from continuing on.

"Please don't disturb Lady Yukari while she attempts to sleep.." You blink softly and just sigh as you back off. You're under Ran for now, despite being on the same level. She's clearly more experienced then you.

"...so then, does time flow differently in here?" You decide to ask, while turning around to the eerie orange sky up above.

"Yes, it does indeed. Lady Yukari has a lot of control over the space inside the barrier, so she's often able to bend it in ways most people consider impossible. This is one such way...time is stagnant inside this bubble." You look at Ran, who had stepped to your side during this. You're rather shocked.

"Stagnant...you mean Yukari has stopped time in here?" Ran closes her eyes, nodding.

"Yes...and it can get much worse then that. She can expand the space, warp it to her will, open portals to anywhere in Gensokyo and control absolutely everything...even your dreams." You just felt your fear escalate. Just a little. Your shocked expression doesn't seem to faze Ran none as she looks over at you. "I tell you this for your own good, if you ever have any thoughts of going against Lady Yukari, please, dispel them now." And with that, she turns and makes her leave, heading back inside the mansion. You're left there in an awkward state for a while as you eventually fall onto the porch, looking up at the eerie orange sky. It seems that indeed, Yukari is the creator of all this, with the abilities to warp time and space...

Just what the hell have you gotten yourself into.

After a while, you end up getting over your initial shock, though only slightly. But during this time, you confront Ran one more time and get her to teach you the layout of the mansion. There's several bedrooms, one of which is Yukari's and is always marked with a massive DO NOT DISTURB sign whenever she's sleeping, which is apparently 20 out of the 24 hours in the day. Not that it matters anyway, time stands still here. Down the hall Yukari's bedroom is situated is Ran's room, which she shares with her own shikigami called Chen. Somewhere in between is your bedroom, which is rather bare for the moment. An empty dresser and a futon is all you get. Oh well. Your bedroom is noticably closer to Ran's then Yukari's. In fact, it's practically right next door to Ran's bedroom. There's also another 5 bedrooms across the same hallway, but they're all empty, apart from different kinds of beds. Ran informs you that sometimes Yukari will sleep on them whenever she doesn't feel like sleeping on the kind of bed she has in her bedroom, which strikes you as...odd. Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be a use for any of the other bedrooms.

Apart from that, there's a dozen other rooms in the large mansion Yukari keeps inside the great Hakurei barrier. There's two living rooms, or so you think they are. The mansion is very much in old style a ton lot like Yuyuko's mansion was. The living rooms are mostly a table in the middle with the ocassional shelves here and there. Then you're introduced to a large dining room probably meant for at least 20 people. Supposedly the ocassional drinking parties Yukari holds are held here. Doesn't fill you with confidence but Ran assures you that they're very rare indeed, though that's not to say Yukari doesn't go to other drinking parties often. Aside from the dining room you're brought into the kitchen, where Ran begins to make sure you're made to be very intimate with this particular part of the mansion.

Yukari seems to have a large generator for power in the deep corner of the kitchen, which fuels everything else here that of course, looks completely out of place with everything else in the mansion. A very hi tech refridgerator (that apparently scares Chen sometimes), a large stove with several ovens, a few microwave ovens strewn across the walls, and a large number of cupboards for a lot of storage space. In the middle is a long counter with two sinks on each end, the middle presumably to be used for preparing food. Under the counter are various places to put cleaning supplies and the like. It's like a big resturant kitchen in here. So of course, this causes you to pose an immortal question to Ran.

"Is there...seriously a need for all this? It's just three people living here, right?" Ran sighs, though it might've been because you interrupted her oh so enthusiastic explaination of all the different cleaning utensils.

"Lady Yukari eats a lot, and her taste for food changes very, very often. So because of this, many different methods are usually implied..." Ran opens two of the ovens, one appears to be electric the other runs on gas. "Even the way it is cooked has to be changed occasionally...the amount is for the times Yukari has guests over, and she usually invites a lot of people, as you've seen in the dining room."

"That sounds...very chaotic. I feel sorry for you." Ran shakes her head.

"It's okay, after a few hundred years, I've grown very accustomed to it." A few...hundred years? You nearly faint at the thought of how long you might be doing this for. "Let's continue though. As long as you know how to cook, you can help me with this and you won't have to feel sorry anymore." You're not so sure about that, you might have to feel sorry for both her and yourself if that ends up being the case.

After finally getting enough about the kitchen, you observe many of the other rooms Yukari has. There's a couple bathrooms, one is in fact, very fancy while the others look more in place with the olden style of the mansion. That is to say, not very good. Ran tells you that since you're a member of the household, you're allowed to use the fancy bathroom but always make sure it's of the most absolutely cleanliness when you're done. You're just happy you down have to squat down in a bucket to take a number two. Another room apparently is a game room, with a couple of old pachinko machines as well as a slot machine, as well as what looks like a billiards table, but they all seem out of place. Ran says Yukari hasn't been able to get them to work, but that might be because they seem broken and of course...without any power.

After a few more rooms, including a cellar with tons and tons of wine in it, Ran finishes her tour of the mansion.

"That should cover it. Do you have any questions?" Ran looks at you a bit expectantly. As if she knows you have questions. You're not sure what you wanna ask though. Plenty of things you could go about this situation.

[ ] Are there any other basics of being a shikigami?
[ ] Who's Chen? Where can I meet her?
[ ] Why does Yukari eat and sleep so much?
[ ] How about a stroll outside?
[ ] Do we both have to have almost the same exact robe?
[ ] No questions, ma'am.

Oh god I took four hours to write this oh god. x_x Oh and as usual, write-ins are encouraged. Don't be afraid to ask Ran anything. (within the bounds of common sense of course)

Also, new thread for the next write post.
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[X] Why does Yukari eat and sleep so much?
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[X] Are there any other basics of being a shikigami?
[X] Do we both have to have almost the same exact robe?
[X] Who's Chen? Where can I meet her?
Inb4 hundreds of votes for everything.
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[ ] No questions, ma'am.
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[x] Are there any other basics of being a shikigami?
[x] Who's Chen? Where can I meet her?
[x] Why does Yukari eat and sleep so much?
[x] Do we both have to have almost the same exact robe?
[x] How about a stroll outside?
[x] Could you tell me more about Gensokyo, at least as far as basic knowledge goes?
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[x] Are there any other basics of being a shikigami?
[x] Who's Chen? Where can I meet her?
[x] Why does Yukari eat and sleep so much?
[x] Do we both have to have almost the same exact robe?
[x] How about a stroll outside?
[x] Could you tell me more about Gensokyo, at least as far as basic knowledge goes?
[x] Do you know why I am suddenly a youkai?

Might as well ask Ran too.
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Be selective, jeez. Who's to say you'll even get time to ask all those? More over, don't you think Ran might get just a little tired of you asking everything ever?

Maybe I'm just nitpicking or something at this point but seriously, so many questions all at once can't be healthy for either the story or me. Two to three questions at once please.
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Then set limitations then, since if you don't we will assume that there's no limit. I'll change my vote now.

[x] Are there any other basics of being a shikigami?
[x] How about a stroll outside?
[x] Could you tell me more about Gensokyo, at least as far as basic knowledge goes?

The most important questions.
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[x] Are there any other basics of being a shikigami?
[x] How about a stroll outside?
[x] Could you tell me more about Gensokyo, at least as far as basic knowledge goes?
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The way I see it, the MC is completely out of his depth, so asking questions is just about the only way he can come to grips with his surroundings. But perhaps you have a point there, a mite shortened questioning:

[x] Are there any other basics of being a shikigami?
[x] How about a stroll outside?
[x] Could you tell me more about Gensokyo, at least as far as basic knowledge goes?

But next time, seriously, at least hint on what the limit might be if you give one of these question choices.
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[0] Are there any other basics of being a shikigami?
[1] How about a stroll outside?
[2] Could you tell me more about Gensokyo, at least as far as basic knowledge goes?
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What the actual fuck?
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