Touhou: Taste the Rainbow (05/03/2012 thread 2) Angry Desu !jVJAZ.LN/Q 2008/06/20 (Fri) 13:23 No. 43042 ▼ File 121399342410.jpg - (49.02KB, 450x563 , Busty-Letty.jpg)
“Um... Ah...” Mentally you curse the two uncaring girls, Marisa and Reimu. Although you don't have a very good understanding of everyone yet you feel pretty confidant that Marisa is going to be trouble throughout this whole program. That said you're not exactly impressed with Reimu right now either... but then as an authority figure you can give her the benefit of the doubt, she might be required to distance herself emotionally from others or something after all.
Whatever your feelings on the matter, those two aren't going to help and while the other three seem likely to do so you want to give it one last shot before asking for assistance here. If you were going to be looking after these girls... well... looking after these women... then you had to show yourself as being capable right? Besides, aside from Meiling and Marisa you were pretty sure your guests were older than you were, it definitely wouldn't look good to give up in front of them.
“Miss Meiling!” You cry, putting your hands on her shoulders, hopefully in a reassuring way. “I'm sorry, are you alright?” Meiling sniffs, her bawling growing to a halt, for a moment you think she's going to calm down completely when she suddenly starts wailing again - this time about having someone actually care if she was alright or not. Lost you look over to the three remaining girls, “Could, ah,” you begin, glancing at the redhead, “could you maybe, uhm, take her outside to calm down a bit?”
Over in her seat 'Miss Keine' nods encouragingly to the redhead, who sighs and pulls herself to her feet. “Yah, yah,” she grumbles, “I've done this crap enough times to know the drill.” Reaching down she hooks one arm under Meiling's own and grabs the girl by the waist. Much to your surprise she then lifts Meiling to her feet with no apparent effort whatsoever... Either the chinese-looking girl weighs next to nothing, which you doubt, or this redhead is a lot stronger than she appears.
“There's a back exit in the kitchen,” you point when the girl looks at you for directions. Nodding to herself she half drags, half leads, Meiling through the door into the kitchen pausing only to glance back at you for a moment.
“Th' Name's Komachi,” She stated, grinning, “We'll talk later 'kay?” With that she left, a sobbing Meiling in tow, shutting the kitchen door behind her.
“Geez...” began Marisa, “If China hates working with Remilia that much, why doesn't she just quit?” The girl shrugged and sighed, “So, how long until we wrap this up? I have exploring to do!”
“Marisa...” murmurs Reimu, “Just be patient. It's impolite to interrupt while adults are talking.” Needless to say that comment of Reimu's set off another squabble between the two. Thankfully you were able to drown them out by shuffling over to the other end of the sofa you were on so that you were closer to 'Miss Keine' and the sleepy girl. For a moment you consider finding out about 'Miss Keine', but then you see the other girl's head droop and realize that if you don't ask her for an introduction now, she'll probably be fast asleep by the time you get to her again.
“So, Miss...?” You begin, turning to the lavender-haired girl just in time to see her yawn... and boy does she yawn, stretching her arms up and over her head before bringing them down in wide arcs to either side of her. Not that you were concentrating on her arms, when her stretching was making her chest do much more interesting things. You were lucky though that Miss Keine didn't notice your staring or, if she did, she had chosen to keep silent about it. “uh...” You gulp as the girl finishes her yawn and looks you in the eye... giving you the distinct feeling she knew exactly where your eyes had been a few moments ago.
“Whiterock.” She states, her voice soft, “Letty Whiterock, Herald of Winter.” She yawns again then, but this time without the theatrical stretching instead just holding one hand up to cover her mouth. “I... haaaah... think you can guess the rest.”
Although you're a little confused by what she meant when she said 'Herald of Winter' you simply don't get a chance to ask as she promptly fell to one side and began snoring lightly. Looking around in confusion you're surprised by the sudden appearance of Marisa's face over your shoulder. “Eh? She sleeping again-ze?” the witch asks, “Must be way too hot for her around here-ze. She normally sleeps through until winter, but if it gets cooler she'll wake up some more-ze.”
Nearby Miss Keine nods in agreement, “Yes, the colder it gets the more active Miss Whiterock becomes. That's why we usually only see her in winter... but I hear you have devices to turn spring and summer into winter in the outside world, am I correct?”
[ ] “Oh, you seem to know your stuff!”
[ ] “Hm? Where did you hear that?”
[ ] “I'm not sure what you mean...”
Protip: A lot of the choices you get may look pretty inconsequential, but T:TtR is more about relationships than saving teh world 'n shit, so in this setting they're pretty important.
Also, expect walls to decrease once we're past all the introductions.