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File 151165070594.jpg - (722.65KB, 1600x446, spectrum_of_dragons_by_the_sixthleafclover-d8gxbik.jpg)
Hello people of the threads and possibly beyond... I am new here...

Alright, introductions out of the way let's skip straight to the point, what are we doing here, in this thread right now.

Other then just typing, you guys are a dragon now, more specifically, taninim, if any of you are familiar with the In the Company Of Dragons by Rite Publishing. Yes, that, you guys are 'those.'

If it isn't obvious enough, first time doing this, hope I don't fuck up, you know, that'd be bad.

But I like options, so I'm giving you options... and lots of them, hopefully easy enough for me at this current point in time.

Let's run through the check list. First thing; difficulty.

[X] I'm just here for the story.
[X] Easy
[X] Medium
[X] Hard
[X] Lunatic

Or... [X] I'll carve my own path, thank you very much.

Now these options aren't as much as how hard or easy it will be, but a predetermined set of options will be picked if you choose one of the first 5, 6th option is custom.

Still, you have more options that don't just rely on those 6.

What kind of taninim are you?
Mind you, before we start this, each taninim has a compulsion, that gets harder based on your Charisma modifier... yes that means attaining a harem with your Casa-fucking-nova smoothness ain't going to be easy if you pick a red dragon who just wants to kill everything... or close to it.

Back to options:

[X] Adventurous (Cloud (Primal))
[X] Balanced (Sovereign(Imperial))
[X] Brave (Bronze(Metallic))
[X] Creative (Brass(Metallic))
[X] Curious (Lunar(Outer))
[X] Deceptive (Custom)
[X] Destructive (Red(Chromatic))
[X] Devious (Black(Chromatic))
[X] Diplomatic (Mithral(Custom)
[X] Gluttonous (Gare(Linnorm))
[X] Greedy (Underworld(Imperial))
[X] Heroic (Custom)
[X] Honorable (Silver(Metallic))
[X] Imperious (Green(Chromatic))
[X] Inquisitive (Dungeon(Custom)
[X] Insular (Ice(Linnorm))
[X] Intolerant (Custom)
[X] Just (Sky(Imperial))
[X] Militant (Blue(Chromatic))
[X] Narcissistic (Tor(Linnorm)
[X] Paranoid (White(Chromatic))
[X] Power-hungry (Brine(Primal))
[X] Primeval (Crag(Linnorm))
[X] Protective (Custom)
[X] Proud (Solar(Outer))
[X] Regal (Gold(Metallic))
[X] Sadistic (Umbral(Primal))
[X] Slothful (Tarn(Linnorm))
[X] Spiteful (Taiga(Linnorm))
[X] Superstitious (Cairn(Linnorm))
[X] Temperamental (Magma(Primal))
[X] Territorial (Sea(Primal))
[X] Trifling (Custom)
[X] Tyrannical (Custom)
[X] Vain (Crystal(Primal))
[X] Watchful (Time(Outer))
[X] Witty (Copper(Metallic))
[X] Wrathful (Forest(Imperial))
[X] Xenophobic (Fjord(Linnorm))
[X] Zealous (Wrath(Custom))

Upon choosing a taninim type, more in-depth knowledge will be gleaned and a chance to back out is a option. Alright? Cool, let's see what happens.
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By the way, we're doing this by first to five... or until I get bored.
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[X] Curious (Lunar(Outer))

Um, sure, I guess.
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And difficulty?
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[X] Easy

It's a slow site, by the way. Writers generally take days (optimistically) between updates. I'm afraid if you're looking for rapid interaction with readers, this hasn't been the place for it in years.
I only say this because you responded so promptly.
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[X] Easy
[X] Curious (Lunar(Outer))

This is too many options..and not enough info. But hey chargen is weird.
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Guess I should reveal options.

Curious: Upon sighting any creature for the first time or since a long while, they must resist the compulsion or talk to it, no matter how dangerous looking they are.
Energy Type: Cold
Breath Type: Cone (Shorter then line, wider and allows for more targets.)
General Appearance: https://tinyurl.com/y7ceubzb

Creative: They must attempt to resist this compulsion or they can't destroy a object or creature with unique value or to take actions that would stifle or ruin another creature's artistic expression.
Energy Type: Fire
Breath Shape: Line
General Appearance: https://tinyurl.com/ycq3mded

Narcissistic: this dragon loves adoration and fear. Whenever she is being adored or worshiped by lesser creatures, if she fails to resist the compulsion, she refuses to harm them, allow harm to come to them, or allow anyone to stop the adoration/worship. In addition, if a creature is subject to fear, she will also refuse to harm it or allow harm to come to it so long as it is subject to the effect.
Energy Type: Fire
Breath Type: Cone
General Appearance: https://tinyurl.com/y97y9g9k

Note, these options aren't set in stone, you people just picked them and then I revealed them, though... don't you dare pick all of them just to reveal everything and make me slightly dislike the whole of you all.
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[X] Protective (Custom)
[X] I'm just here for the story.
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Reveal more Durgons. Currently attempting to resist the urge to change my vote to Maid Dragon.
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I shall reveal five more, mainly because copy and pasting the entire section would be a absolute nightmare to decode.

Protective: the dragon must resist this compulsion or be forced to assist any creature that she has not identified as evil and are in a helpless situation. If the creature is perceived to be a child, the compulsion is more harder to resist.
Energy Type: Fire
Breath Type: Cone
General Appearance: Covered in lusterless green scales, this dragon’s face bears several horns and insect-like wings, as well as a matching spine sail along her back.

Proud: If ordered or directed by any creature that is not visually more powerful then the dragon, they must attempt to resist the compulsion or humble this creature.
Energy Type: Fire
Breath Type: Line
General Appearance: https://i.imgur.com/ZXjCPJ1.png

Witty: This taninim cannot be silent or be serious in any situation, the taninim must resist the compulsion to attempt to remain silent or not crack a joke at every possible turn.
Energy Type: Acid
Breath Type: Line
General Appearance: https://tinyurl.com/y9ojho37

Zealous: Upon encountering what the taninim consider: sinners, infidels, or heretics, she must resist the compulsion or hand down her 'divine' judgement upon them.
Energy Type: Fire
Breath Type: Cone
General Appearance: Glinting in a golden light, otherwise colorless yellow scales adorn this beast, wings of utter unseeable whiteness spray out from the dragon's back.

Watchful: Whenever a combat encounter of any kind starts, they must attempt to resist the compulsion or do not partake in said encounter, if they are attacked or truly wish to partake in it they can resist this compulsion and if they succeed, do not have to for the rest of the encounter. If a watchful taninim spots a creature disrupt the timeline in any way, via magic or artifact, they must attempt to resist the compulsion to attack and kill the creature. Successfully resisting the compulsion stalls it until they use the ability again and if the taninim truly wishes to not kill the creature they may resist it again and again if they fail the first time. (This excludes themselves or other time dragons.)
Energy Type: Electricity
Breath Type: Cone
General Appearance: http://i39.tinypic.com/v2wbio.png
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[X] Temperamental (Magma(Primal))
[X] Medium
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[X] Temperamental (Magma(Primal))
[X] Medium
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Temperamental: the dragon must resist the compulsion or overreact to tense social situations or perceived threats.
Energy Type: Fire
Breath Type: Cone
General Appearance: https://tinyurl.com/ya6poq66
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Whelp, doesn't look like Narcissistic is gunna win. I'll switch to this since it sounds fun.

[X] Temperamental (Magma(Primal))
[X] Medium
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[X] I'll carve my own path, thank you very much.
[X] Temperamental (Magma(Primal))

So, what's our age? What level are we? Can we choose an alternate racial trait? It seems we start with Breath Weapon, but do we get to choose the rest or not?
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The difficulty determines much of that, with easier it getting the higher your level and therefore, age is. Reversed for it getting harder.

There will be a option to see how much we will progress as that actual dragon type, if we attempt to follow it as much as we can to the letter or is anon-dragon only that type in name and energy-type?

I'll Carve My Own Path is custom options, you determine everything at your whims instead of my predetermined ones.
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Thanks for the answer, I'm looking forward to seeing what options we can get. (Totally picking Feykin if we can.)
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Oh please, Feykin will pretty much lock all other 'routes' except for other faeries. That story might take a drastically different turn.
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Considering dragons are pretty well-known for breeding with other races (using magic to change your shape helps a lot), I really don't see the problem with routes.
And that's only if we want a route that ends with a descendant, anyway.
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Now we just have to wait and see if you actually do try that.
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[X] I'm just here for the story.
[X] Regal (Gold(Metallic))
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Regal: They must resist the compulsion or be unable to do anything they would consider embarrassing or demeaning in any way.
Energy Type: Fire
Breath Type: Cone
General Appearance: https://tinyurl.com/ybc73l4d
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[X] Medium
[X] Temperamental (Magma(Primal))
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File 151190048772.jpg - (350.35KB, 1008x1071, magma_dragon_unleashed_by_jasonengle-d6rkdy8.jpg)
[X] Medium
[X] Temperamental.
Options chosen; moving along.

Further customization required, some are locked due to difficulty.

Level, size, and age:
[X] Wyrmling (Level 1-3, Age: 10-120, Small (2-3 ft))
[X] Young (Level 4-7, Age: 121-670, Medium (5-7 ft))
[X] Adolescent (Level 8-11, Age: 671-1,200, Large (13-17 ft))
[X] Adult (Level 12-15, Age: 1,201-1,950, Huge (23-26 ft))
[X] Ancient (Level 16-19, Age: 1,951-3,250, Gargantuan (34-39 ft))
[X] Great Wyrm (Level 20+, Age: 3,251+, Colossal (65+ ft)

(Wyrmling, Young, Ancient, and Great Wyrm are locked because of difficulty)

How does this universe's rules affect you?
[X] Assimilated (You are for all intents and purposes, considered a youkai, you will start out a taninim, but belief will quickly start to change your soul and mind.)
[X] Half-and-half (You are considered both a regular taninim and eventually, youkai, but you will not lose yourself to the beliefs of others in the end.)
[X] Alien (You are completely unaffected by Touhou's rules and while most will think so, you are not considered a youkai and as such, abilities that would affect youkai don't affect you... you are to be considered an intellectual curiosity, drawing those that would experiment.)

Mythic Ranks: Power of those that attempt to go beyond mortal boundaries, legendary heroes and villains are made with these powers.
[X] No thanks, but maybe down the road.
[X] No thanks, I don’t intend to call upon this power.
[X] Sure, throw me one. (Start off at Mythic Rank 1)
[X] Sure, give me a few. (Start off at a rank between 2-8)
[X] Sure, give me all of em (Start off at max rank 10)

(Few and ‘all of em’ have been locked due to difficulty.)
(If you chose ‘Assimilated’ you cannot gain Mythic Ranks.)

Attitude: Those that would perceive you, how would you like them to initially act?
[X] Friendly
[X] Neutral
[X] Hostile

(Friendly and Hostile are locked due to difficulty)

Starting Points: The location where you will begin your adventure, some are locked due to difficulty.

[X] Eientei
[X] Scarlet Devil Mansion
[X] Forest of Magic
[X] Human Village
[X] Garden of the Sun
[X] Makai
[X] Youkai Mountain
[X] Netherworld
[X] Hell
[X] Old Hell
[X] Heaven
[X] Free-fall
[X] Road of Reconsideration

(Heaven, Hell, Netherworld, Makai, Garden of the Sun, and the Human Village are locked due to difficulty)

Human Form: Do you take the Draconic Gift, humanoid form?
[X] Nope, but maybe later.
[X] No, and I don’t intend too.
[X] Yes

Complex Essence: Taking this feat allows you to mis-match the form of another dragon-type to you, gaining all of the benefits and downsides to such a thing. If chosen, initiate another vote on which dragon-type you’d like taken.
[X] Nope, I am a pure magma dragon and I’ll always be one.
[X] Nah, but maybe… sometime down the road.
[X] Yes.

Draconic Progression: How much do you want to take on the aspect of your dragon-type?
[X] Only in name and energy type will I be like a magma dragon.
[X] I shall progress as much as I can to be like a magma dragon but will have other options available.
[X] Only magma dragon options; this is who we are.

Wealth: Were you an hoarder, or were you a smart dragon with your investments?
Hoarder: Stereotypical dragon, most of your wealth is gold and shiny trinkets.
Investor: You spent your money well, what with your custom-sized magical gear with you and all.
Indifferent: What came your way, stayed like that, whether it be magical items or regular wealth.

Special Option: This will replace your starting point for the worst, but in the end you’ll be better off for it.
[X] No special option
[X] Split-second decision.

Name: Taninim names are weird, you may do a write-in, but pay attention to the wording convention please.

[X] Volcano In Transfixation.
[X] Heated Anonymity
[X] Ripples of Lava
[X] Darkened and Bloodied
[X] Write-in
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[X] Adult
[X] Alien
[X] Sure, throw me one.
[X] Neutral
[X] Old Hell
[X] Nope, but maybe later.
[X] I shall progress as much as I can to be like a magma dragon but will have other options available.
[X] Indifferent: What came your way, stayed like that, whether it be magical items or regular wealth.
[X] Split-second decision.
[X] Write-in
-[X] Erupting Menace
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[X] Adolescent
[X] Alien
[X] No thanks, but maybe down the road.
[X] Neutral
[X] Free-fall
[X] Yes
[X] Nah, but maybe… sometime down the road.
[X] I shall progress as much as I can to be like a magma dragon but will have other options available.
[X] Investor
[X] No special option
[X] Heated Anonymity
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[X] Adult, Level 15, Age 1950

We get more stuff just from age.

[X] Alien

It's not like anyone in Gensokyo would think we're anything other than either a very weird dragon or some related species.
They may think we're evil just from our appearance though.

[X] Sure, throw me one.

Hard to Kill, Mythic Power and Surge we get from being tier 1.
Again as a tier 1, we have to choose a path. I propose Trickster, so we would get Trickster Attack, which I propose we get the Fleet Charge version. After that, we still have one, so we could get Mythic Sustenance.

[X] Old Hell

We're a magma dragon. We're from the Plane of Fire, a place of fire and heat and fire, and prefer mountains and underground places, so a cave in a mountain seems like the best place for us to start with.
Also if we get old enough we get permanent warm fire on us (yes, there is cold fire in D&D), so there's less to burn here I'm guessing, if it comes to that.
We're weak to the cold so the entrance won't be good since it's damp, but inside should be good, and if we can get on good terms with Okuu (or her friends/master), we'd have a nice place to be in, what with being immune to fire (as well as paralysis and forced sleep).

[X] No, and I don’t intend too.

We have limited gifts and many other options.

[X] Nope, I am a pure magma dragon and I’ll always be one.

I think it's good enough like that.

[X] I shall progress as much as I can to be like a magma dragon but will have other options available.

I guess?

[X] Indifferent: What came your way, stayed like that, whether it be magical items or regular wealth.

As a taninim, not only do we need custom-made armor, but we always have problems just wearing it, including with proficiencies. No need to spit on every magical item, though.

[X] No special option

Good enough as it is.

[X] Mountain Flame, Burning Flow

Taninims' names are both important and more like a title or collection of titles that represent something about them, be it appearance, rank, past crime, boast, ... so, yeah, I tried.

[X] Feykin
I propose that we take feykin as an alternate racial trait.
It makes us small instead of growing bigger and bigger.
We don't get more powerful and tougher, but we also don't become clumsy and in fact gain in dexterity, as well as charisma and dodging abilities.
Also, we don't become shit at flying, fit in more places and still get spell-like abilities and sorcerer spells as normal, so there's that.

As level 15 we have 3 draconic weaponries, 5 draconic defenses and 5 draconic gifts.

Draconic Weaponry:

We start with Breath Weapon. I propose we also get Fey Breath and Elemental Aura.

Draconic Defense:

I'd say we take Aerial Evasion, Spatial Sense, Spatial Sense, Improved and Thickened Scales x2.

Draconic Gift:

I'd go with Concentrated Breath, Breath-charged Bite, Stupefying Breath, Shielding Aura and Trickster's Vanishing.

I'm guessing we don't have a class level.

Sorry if I took too much liberty with the options, just trying to see what we can get with the character creation.
So much possibilities after all.
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[X] [X] Adolescent
[X] Half & Half
[X] Sure, throw me one.
[X] Neutral
[X] Free-fall
[X] Nope, but maybe later.
Complex Essence:[X] Yes, and the other type will be Witty
[X] Hoarder
[X] Split-Second
[X] Volatile Nuisance
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Well I hope you do realize that we are taninim not a actual, actual dragon. So you guys don't get immunity to fire from the get-go, nor are you guys weak to cold, amazingly.

Also I have the expanded version, so mythic dragon stuff is available. As for the leveling itself, I'm taking care of that, though I do appreciate your suggestions.

And as for Feykin? That's New Game+ I've decided.
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"Well I hope you do realize that we are taninim not a actual, actual dragon. So you guys don't get immunity to fire from the get-go, nor are you guys weak to cold, amazingly."

Woops. Kind of forgot we don't actually imitate everything.

My vote for the place of start won't change, as a taninim still remains close to the original dragon in personality and all that.
Also, we do count as an actual dragon for effects.

"And as for Feykin? That's New Game+ I've decided."

Well, going for [X] 23 ft then.
We'll need to do something about moving around with our size though ...

Also ...

Draconic Weaponry:

Breath Weapon, Destructive Might and Elemental Aura.

Draconic Defense:

Spatial Sense, Spatial Sense, Improved, Enchanted Scales and Thickened Scales x2.

Draconic Gift:

Concentrated Breath, Breath-charged Bite, Elemental Affinity, Fire, Shielding Aura and Elemental Affinity, Air.

... I propose that instead, then.
Note that fire affinity does make us immune to fire and weak to cold, something that isn't said in the description.
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Elemental Affinity doesn't give you that subtype, nor does mastery. They give you new nifty things instead.
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Elemental Affinity, Fire
"The draconic exemplar gains the fire subtype. He can see through flames, smoke and similar effects, ignoring any concealment provided by them. He deals extra damage equal to his Charisma modifier whenever casting a spell or using a class ability that deals fire damage."

Fire Subtype
"A creature with the fire subtype has immunity to fire. It has vulnerability to cold, which means it takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from cold, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure."
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In the Company of Dragons Expanded has removed that.

Now it's just.

Fire – The draconic exemplar can see through
flames, smoke and similar effects, ignoring
any concealment provided by them. He deals
extra damage equal to his Charisma modifier
whenever casting a spell or using a class ability that deals fire damage.

Likewise with Fire Mastery.

Fire (Su) – The draconic exemplar can take a
standard action to move any fire effect within
10 feet, plus an additional 10 feet for every four
class levels, as if he were the caster. A stationary fire effect can also be moved by this spell, but the placement must be one allowed by the spell and must remain within range of this ability.

As you might guess I take precedent over the shiny new version then the older one.
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Well shit.
Okay then. Seeing through all the fire and smoke we (and others) can make would still be pretty useful.
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[X] Adult (Level 15)
[X] Alien
[X] Sure, throw me one
[X] Netural
[X] Old Hell
[X] Yes
[X] Nah, but maybe... sometime down the road.
[X] I shall progress as much as I can to be like a magma dragon but will have other options available.
[X] Investor
[X] No special option
[X] Heated Anonymity
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[X] I wanna be a dragon
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O...kay? Are you... going to chose any of the options available?
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Nah. Way to many choices. I'm just expressing my support for whatever wins.
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[X] Adolescent (Level 8-11, Age: 671-1,200, Large (13-17 ft))
[X] Assimilated (You are for all intents and purposes, considered a youkai, you will start out a taninim, but belief will quickly start to change your soul and mind.)
[X] No thanks, but maybe down the road.
[X] Neutral
[X] Old Hell
[X] Nope, but maybe later.
[X] Nah, but maybe… sometime down the road.
[X] I shall progress as much as I can to be like a magma dragon but will have other options available.
[X] Investor: You spent your money well, what with your custom-sized magical gear with you and all.
[X] No special option
[X] Brimestone Terror
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[X] Adult (Level 15)
[X] Alien
[X] Sure, throw me one
[X] Netural
[X] Old Hell
[X] Yes
[X] Nah, but maybe... sometime down the road.
[X] I shall progress as much as I can to be like a magma dragon but will have other options available.
[X] Investor
[X] No special option
[X] Heated Anonymity
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[X] Adult (Level 15)
[X] Alien
[X] Sure, throw me one
[X] Netural
[X] Old Hell
[X] Yes
[X] Nah, but maybe... sometime down the road.
[X] I shall progress as much as I can to be like a magma dragon but will have other options available.
[X] Investor
[X] No special option
[X] Heated Anonymity
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Whats a taninim and how is it any different from a plain old ordinary dragon?
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Taninim are cousins to dragons from a shielded dimension very similar to Gensokyo actually in a way, called the Lost Isles. they are able to change their species with rites that are quite painful and grow in size with power, not in age.

That's about it.
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File 151204514724.jpg - (117.22KB, 1187x800, dragon+hoard.jpg)
Fuck it, I'm getting bored and it seems like these options are going just as well as I've expected them, moooooving on!~

[X] Adult (Level 15)
[X] Alien
[X] Sure, throw me one
[X] Netural
[X] Old Hell
[X] Yes
[X] Nah, but maybe... sometime down the road.
[X] I shall progress as much as I can to be like a magma dragon but will have other options available.
[X] Investor
[X] No special option
[X] Heated Anonymity

Options Chosen: Initiating Simulation
Character Stats Produced: http://charactersheet.co.uk/pathfinder/#/statblock/5a1f6b6871292a000407b8dd
(Hovering over the Feats and SQ abilities will tell you what they do.)

Your draconic senses flair with sudden new sensations and you roar yourself awake, not literally mind you. Whatever the case you have been disturbed from your sleep and whatever other taninim or mortal that would dare shall suffer your wrath... mainly by being encased in molten magma.

But you find no intruder stepping on your treasure pile, nor anyone mistaking you for some comfy pillow, instead... you find yourself... and as you look around, your hoard... in a cavern, a cavern that is not your lair.

Growling with all of the ferocity of a fire-elemental bear with steroids and rabies you barely look around in your incomprehensible fury of being displaced from home, wings stretching out and ready to buffet any living or dead thing that you would see first in your sight... Alas, the only thing stopping you from bursting out from this cavern and turning to ash you sight first is simply because your hoard is with you. So too, your magical items still worn.

You manage to calm yourself down some, but you still find yourself wanting so desperately to give-in and destroy whoever might be unlucky to cross you, but you curb it down, for once.

The cavern itself is quite large, able to support your height and perhaps no doubt further beyond, across to the left is a opening into a much larger cavern and heat, a constant, all-consuming heat... a snarl-like smile creeps its way onto your face for just a second... but, now, you have a decision to make.

[X] Explore outside your new 'lair.'
[X] Go over your hoard, make sure nothing is lost.
[X] Hold on, hold on... what the fuck did we do last night?
[X] Write-in
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[X] Go over your hoard, make sure nothing is lost.

We can explore after we make sure we have everything, and that no one is currently sneaking up on us.
Knowing what's in our hoard would be good, too.

[X] Hold on, hold on... what the fuck did we do last night?

Did we drink with a dwarf and get in a fight with a wizard?
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[X] Go over your hoard, make sure nothing is lost.

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(And bored, so, moving on.)
[X] Go over your hoard, make sure nothing is lost.
[X] Hold on, hold on... what the fuck did we do last night?

Managing your treasure trove seems the best bet, you look over it extensively, meticulously counting every coin and trinket there is, 425,000 gold/items translated to gold currently in your hoard, a 100,000 or so in the bag of holding that you carry with you.

As for magical items you currently have at your hoard are.

- 3 Wizard Spellbooks of varying skill
- Wand of Fireballs (30 Charges)
- Wand of Greater Invisibility (25 Charges)
- Wand of Tongues (40 Charges)
- Staff of Power (10 Charges)
- Scroll of Resurrection *2
- Scroll of Wall of Force *3
- Scroll of Summon Monster VII *2
- Scroll of Lightning Bolt * 5
- Potion of Cure Serious Wounds *6
- Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds *15
- Potion of Cure Lesser Wounds *35
- Potion of Greater Resist Energy (Electricity)
- Potion of Greater Resist Energy (Acid)
- Potion of Cat's Dexterity *3
- Potion of Spider Climb *2

Well, everything 'seems' to be in order alright, nothing gone or lost even with the new set-up... but you do come across one problem.

You sense this place to not be your lair... and that's a problem, any taninim can come in here and take 'fair-share' of your wealth, you need to make it yours. The Rite of the Lair is an interesting rite to say the very least, you need only start the rite which takes an hour and make sure no taninim comes within the vicinity of where you'd wish to make yours for a month. Seeing as how you can no longer sense the connection with your old lair, this seems appropriate.

Speaking of which, what did you do last night? Let's see...

"Ooooh Anonymity!~" Cries a familiar voice from outside your rock-encased home, you growl and shake your sleep from your eyes and quickly rise to the source.

The bubbly lunar dragon, Moonlight in Trance's face is right next to yours, but somehow, your damnable compulsion doesn't freak out at you to snap up at her with your breath. Must finally see her as a non-threat at this point... huh.

"Yes, what is it Trance? I'm very busy at the moment right now."

To which she gives me a queer smile... or how much she can show with that muzzle of hers, though, I'm not any better with that. "Busy sleeping? You're no dream dragon, upyaget!" To which she forces me off of my comfortable sleeping position on my gold... oh what a bother. Though, I'm not exactly mad at her, we've been long-time allies and friends since I've met her more than a thousand years ago.

"What is it this time? You're drakelings finally staging for a uprising, I knew it would happen after that stunt you pulled at the moot." You can imagine the pout forming on the outer taninim's lips as you stand to your full imposing height... well it would be, if Moonlight wasn't the exact same size as you, well it works on the servants.

"Hey, that's mean! I'll have you know I had Timeless Laughter help me work on BOTH the joke AND the prank." I could just imagine Trance in her human form, head tilted to the side and hands on her hips... she's doing a good job of it right now actually.

"So, your telling me it's unoriginal?" She scoffs in a amused way and seemingly rolls her eyes at me. Oh dear.

"Annnnyways!~ That's not why I came here for, I came here for... I foooound a new island!" Now that mildly piqued my interest, I was running out of territory at the current moment. Infinite of the Elder Voices decided that he wanted a new place to set up shop... dick. [/i}

[i] "Alright... how do you know it's new?" At this point she and I were currently 'walking' to the exit of my lair, which was carved into a imposing volcano near a cliff. Jungles surrounded us from below, but it didn't really matter as we spread our wings and started to take flight amongst the grey morning sky.

"Juuust call it my draconic intuition!~" Now it's my turn to scoff, but really, it's good as reason as any to go out and stretch my wings, maybe find some Order of the Chained Drake members to thoroughly cook and eat, what a irony it would be. [/i}

[i] "Good as reason as any, let's go!" To which Moonlight smiles and nods vigorously to my reply, "thaaat's the spirit!~ To the southeast!" With that we went, nothing impeding us on the journey there.

At this point it gets fuzzy, you can make out flying and not stopping on the flight there, you remember the island... it being... infested by the power of the Oblivion Well... Moonlight seemingly confused... and a fight with a flying humanoid, rather... large for a humanoid, maybe one of those blasted giants... but... it just blacks out and you only than remember startling yourself to stand here.

Glaring down at the floor, you look at the floor, your hoard, and the magical items you've amassed... well.

What do you do?

[X] There must be something more! Search deeper into your memories, try and piece it together.
[X] Start the Rite of the Lair.
[X] Take a magical item
[X] Staff of Power
[X] Wand (Choose)
[X] Scroll (Choose)
[X] Potion (Choose)
[X] Take gold (state amount)
[X] Explore outside of your 'lair.'
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(And fucked up multiple things up, ignore dah last one pls~)
(And bored, so, moving on.)
[X] Go over your hoard, make sure nothing is lost.
[X] Hold on, hold on... what the fuck did we do last night?

Managing your treasure trove seems the best bet, you look over it extensively, meticulously counting every coin and trinket there is, 425,000 gold/items translated to gold currently in your hoard, a 100,000 or so in the bag of holding that you carry with you.

As for magical items you currently have at your hoard are.

- 3 Wizard Spellbooks of varying skill
- Wand of Fireballs (30 Charges)
- Wand of Greater Invisibility (25 Charges)
- Wand of Tongues (40 Charges)
- Staff of Power (10 Charges)
- Scroll of Resurrection *2
- Scroll of Wall of Force *3
- Scroll of Summon Monster VII *2
- Scroll of Lightning Bolt * 5
- Potion of Cure Serious Wounds *6
- Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds *15
- Potion of Cure Lesser Wounds *35
- Potion of Greater Resist Energy (Electricity)
- Potion of Greater Resist Energy (Acid)
- Potion of Cat's Dexterity *3
- Potion of Spider Climb *2

Well, everything 'seems' to be in order alright, nothing gone or lost even with the new set-up... but you do come across one problem.

You sense this place to not be your lair... and that's a problem, any taninim can come in here and take 'fair-share' of your wealth, you need to make it yours. The Rite of the Lair is an interesting rite to say the very least, you need only start the rite which takes an hour and make sure no taninim comes within the vicinity of where you'd wish to make yours for a month. Seeing as how you can no longer sense the connection with your old lair, this seems appropriate.

Speaking of which, what did you do last night? Let's see...

"Ooooh Anonymity!~" Cries a familiar voice from outside your rock-encased home, you growl and shake your sleep from your eyes and quickly rise to the source.

The bubbly lunar dragon, Moonlight in Trance's face is right next to yours, but somehow, your damnable compulsion doesn't freak out at you to snap up at her with your breath. Must finally see her as a non-threat at this point... huh.

"Yes, what is it Trance? I'm very busy at the moment right now."

To which she gives me a queer smile... or how much she can show with that muzzle of hers, though, I'm not any better with that. "Busy sleeping? You're no dream dragon, upyaget!" To which she forces me off of my comfortable sleeping position on my gold... oh what a bother. Though, I'm not exactly mad at her, we've been long-time allies and friends since I've met her more than a thousand years ago.

"What is it this time? You're drakelings finally staging for a uprising, I knew it would happen after that stunt you pulled at the moot." You can imagine the pout forming on the outer taninim's lips as you stand to your full imposing height... well it would be, if Moonlight wasn't the exact same size as you, well it works on the servants.

"Hey, that's mean! I'll have you know I had Timeless Laughter help me work on BOTH the joke AND the prank." I could just imagine Trance in her human form, head tilted to the side and hands on her hips... she's doing a good job of it right now actually.

"So, your telling me it's unoriginal?" She scoffs in a amused way and seemingly rolls her eyes at me. Oh dear.

"Annnnyways!~ That's not why I came here for, I came here for... I foooound a new island!" Now that mildly piqued my interest, I was running out of territory at the current moment. Infinite of the Elder Voices decided that he wanted a new place to set up shop... dick. [/i}

[i] "Alright... how do you know it's new?" At this point she and I were currently 'walking' to the exit of my lair, which was carved into a imposing volcano near a cliff. Jungles surrounded us from below, but it didn't really matter as we spread our wings and started to take flight amongst the grey morning sky.

"Juuust call it my draconic intuition!~" Now it's my turn to scoff, but really, it's good as reason as any to go out and stretch my wings, maybe find some Order of the Chained Drake members to thoroughly cook and eat, what a irony it would be.

"Good as reason as any, let's go!" To which Moonlight smiles and nods vigorously to my reply, "thaaat's the spirit!~ To the southeast!" With that we went, nothing impeding us on the journey there.

At this point it gets fuzzy, you can make out flying and not stopping on the flight there, you remember the island... it being... infested by the power of the Oblivion Well... Moonlight seemingly confused... and a fight with a flying humanoid, rather... large for a humanoid, maybe one of those blasted giants... but... it just blacks out and you only than remember startling yourself to stand here.

Glaring down at the floor, you look at the floor, your hoard, and the magical items you've amassed... well.

What do you do?

[X] There must be something more! Search deeper into your memories, try and piece it together.
[X] Start the Rite of the Lair.
[X] Take a magical item
-- [X] Staff of Power
-- [X] Wand (Choose)
-- [X] Scroll (Choose)
-- [X] Potion (Choose)
[X] Take gold (state amount)
[X] Explore outside of your 'lair.'
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Well... I'm not doing that again...
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[X] Check outside
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[X] There must be something more!
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[X] Start the Rite of the Lair.

Better start right now, since it's going to take time to complete.

[X] Explore inside of your 'lair.'

Before going out, it would be good to see what there is inside, what with the larger cavern and great heat.
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[X] Use Scroll of Summon Monster VII to summon 1d3 Invisible Stalkers
-[X] Direct them to recon the area

[X] Start the Rite of the Lair.
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[X] Start the Rite of the Lair.
[X] Explore inside of your 'lair.'
[X] Use Scroll of Summon Monster VII to summon 1d3 Invisible Stalkers
-[X] Direct them to recon the area

You carefully pick up one of the scrolls of Summon Monster, a plan formulating in your mind as you start to make your way into the opening off to the left of your potential new home. A terrible thought crosses you as you do, you know more than enough that you can still feel your connection to your lair even when not within the barrier of the Lost Isles, the only way you wouldn't is if either another taninim took over it or... hmph, how troubling, if you had to guess it would be Infinite who took over your spot. Even still, your area in that mountain isn't that noteworthy and it is extremely shameful for taninims to take another's lair without fighting for it first... These thoughts are for when you are aware with where you are, not now. Now, for the more immediate worries to attend too.

Exiting through the rather massive entrance to your inner lair, you come across a longer but less wide 'room' a lake of magma constitutes most of the room with two small 'islands' not fully submerged and haphazardly placed. The entrance you are standing on is above the 'lake' and islands and definitely makes it seem like the only way to get to this perch is to be able to climb or have the ability to fly... oh and be resistant to fire. The temperature however is quite to your liking, you would say better than even your old lair.

At the end of this room is another opening that you can barely see drops into an massive ravine and what you think is a small path attempting to lead up to you but it breaks suddenly, unable to support your bulk and probably barely enough for a normal human.

Well, this lake of lava and the inner sanctuary if you will is about as much as you can 'grab' for the Rite of the Lair, you'd have to be more powerful to increase the size of it.

Well, you aren't going to be exploring that ravine and whatever is beyond it, but you know what will... and smile down at the scroll.

Now, what to summon? Well, you have no idea where you are, other than it probably being underground... no-one knows where you are either...


Opening up the scroll, you start to read out-loud the arcane sigils and incantations, your draconic mind honed to a edge focusing on the elemental plane of air as you do so, the sightless floating creatures commonly used as assassins for ephemeral(humanoids) plots, though you don't intend to use them for such a task, no... something much more simpler and yet complex.

The scroll dissolves away after it's purpose has been fulfilled and in the space before you, magical energies shift and make way for three Invisible Stalkers...

As per the name, they can't be seen, but your draconic senses can 'feel' them just as easily... odd... one of the three is 'bigger' than the other two.

The air elementals seem to remain at attention, apparently eyeing you curiously, why would a magma dragon summon them? The one to the left however, appears to be a problem.

This one you can feel from it's movements that it is a 'old' Invisible Stalker and therefore... vindictive, the only thing stopping it from running or attempting to strangle out your life is the magical bindings forcing it to heed your commands... pitiful, so in reality, you've only really summoned two Invisible Stalkers.

Turning your attention to the regular and 'advanced' Stalker you speak in Auran, as this would make them more suspectable to listen to you if you speak in their original tongue.

"You two, I want you to scout outside this cavern and past the ravine. Attempt to remain anonymous from all but me. Do not attack anything living or dead but do take note of it, if you are spotted return to me as soon as possible. However, do try and shake them off the chase if they attempt to follow."

"As you commaaand" [/i} comes the affirmation of the bigger Invisible Stalker, you sense the smaller one nodding, but otherwise in agreement as they float off away from you and their murderous 'brother.'

"Now... what to do with you..." The stalker almost 'tenses' up at your growled words.

"Do not attempt to play dumb, I know what you have suffered and I know what you intend to do if I give you anything less than a simple request... so I hope... this is simple enough." You've no time for games at this point and wording something long and obtuse for this elemental to follow just so it doesn't attempt to kill you or make a potential bad impression with... whoever, isn't good. So a simple fix, for a simple problem.

"Stand still..." Than... you take a deep inhale in, inner power rushing throughout your body in momentous release and than you breath out...

The stalker returns to the elemental plane with naught a scar other than the mental kind, ah, but oh well.

That specific spell scroll was rather powerful... an hour? That spell doesn't last that long at all, oh god, more mysteries coming left and right, thankfully, you've the mind to handle it and than some.

Well, as long as there isn't a draconic being nearby, multi-tasking of listening to potential information and doing the Rite of the Lair shouldn't be a problem.

Heading back into your inner lair you go over in your head the requirements of the rite, nothing more than a silly speech and some binding words at the end, than, staying in the ritual space for the rest of the hour does it.

You clear your throat with a grumble and begin to recite the Ritual of the Lair, in draconic of course.

"O' Lady of Eternal Scales, grant me privilege, grant me host to this otherwise uncouthly barrenness."

"Yet that I may share it in wealth; mine, all who stand with this be given gracious protection as they do in turn."

"None may harbor from me, my own. None may take nor prosper from trinkets of thy own take. Lest they fall under weight from wing, claw, tooth, and breath."

"All who venture here, now, beware, for this is home to those who be subservient to the draconic, wish now to never suffer thy... wrath."

Coming down from your reverie, you feel the words course and twist the location in a mimicry of your own essence. Though it is not yet binned completely, you must now stay here for the rest of the rite for it to complete.

Nothing better to do... you do remember some books in your hoard that you can read to pass the time and you do so...

- 12 minutes later. -

So that's how Studier in Flux figured out how to consistently learn and use the Protean language... interest-


The sound of an explosion rockets throughout the cavern, it sounds distant, no where near close to you as to be worrying, there are... multiple however.

'boom!' 'boom!' 'boom!' It goes on and on really, not the kind of sound you'd be wanting to sleep around.

About 6 minutes later you feel the presence of the Stalkers come in-front of you, you could sense no damage from their forms so perhaps those explosions were unrelated?


The stalkers nod silently; [i] "The ravine is filled with magma. The path leads to a large opening with a human's mansion suspended by a cliff. 'what?' Two wide tunnels connect to this opening, the mansion had lights on so we did not risk it. We went into the left tunnel and found a large underground city after traveling for four or so minutes, the building constructions were unrecognizable to us, my apologies. Though there were humanoids living and moving about the streets, quite a lot of these humanoids however were large, easily over 11ft for most of them with very few being of actual 'normal' height for a human."

I soaked up this information... giants? If so, that would be a problem, with the whole ya know, racial hatred and all that.

I gestured with my claw for the stalker to continue.

[i] "Upon entering the village square we overhead a conversation about a 'cherry blossom-viewing event' that was to be had in a couple days in some place called the 'Netherworld.' And that they needed some Oni sake to spice it up..." [/i}

Onis? Aren't those chaotic evil spirits that possess other races? And... sake... where have you heard that before? It's an alcohol that some ephemerals partake in... but where did you hear about it?

Nevertheless, the air elementals continued. [i] "This conversation appeared to be had by one of these larger onis with yellow hair and a single red horn, the other talker looked human but had a strange outfit on and held what look to be a broom of flying... the one with the outfit, Marisa as the oni called her, noted are magical presence and we fled."

Oh great, it's either a witch or a wizard... neither are going to be easy if they decide they want to make you join in on a 'experiment' you still have those nightmares...

"Did they pursue?"

[i] "Yes, but only this Marisa followed, we were able to evade her however, well enough that she thinks the mansion houses us... as she attacked the inhabitants with rapid amounts of magic."

Rapid amounts of magic? Arcanist?

"And about this inhabitant?"

You sense the two look at each other with worry.

"She... knew we were there immediately, she looked humanoid but there was this tangle of wires and a connected eye in the center of her chest. The eye followed us as we left here, but since she was attacked, I don't believe she will follow for now."

Well, they did their job, shaking off both of their followers, but what now... one of those two have to win and you'd rather not deal with 'rapid amounts of magic.' Whatever that is.

[X] Ask the Invisible Stalkers more specific questions.
[X] Chill, those two will never find you.
[X] Prepare for conflict.
-[X] Use the Scroll of Wall of Force to seal up the outer/inner entrance.
-[X] Command the Stalkers to guard the inner/outer entrance.
-[X] Write-in.
[X] Be amiable, no need for misunderstandings.
-[X] Set up a nice living space, there aught to be a table or two stored up in your hoard.
-[X] Turn into your humanoid form, no need for people to scream "DRAGON!" and attack.
-[X] Write-in.
[X] Dismiss the Invisible Stalkers.
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My shift finger is trigger happy, my bad guys.
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>My shift finger is trigger happy, my bad guys.
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[X] Prepare for conflict.
-[X] Use the Scroll of Wall of Force to seal up the outer/inner entrance.
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Da fuck am I reading? How the heck did these stalker dudes learn Japanese? Also, the intent behind summoning Invisible Stalkers was so we can remain undetected. However, I can see now that was never an option since the Touhous got deus ex machina on their side.
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Yukari's border of language? That happens sometimes in these CYOA, figured I'd do the same with that here.

Marisa's also a powerful magic-user, I would be surprised if she wouldn't be able to sense something like that.

My bad if this CYOA isn't going to how you would want it.
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[X] Prepare for conflict.
-[X] Command the Stalkers to guard the outer entrance.
-[X] If there's a battle and the stalkers are nearly defeated or almost out of time, use the other scroll of Summon Monster VII to get one or more huge air elementals and get them to protect/attack, depending on the situation. Otherwise, wait.
-[X] Prepare a scroll of Lightning Bolt.

As powerful as Marisa is, physically she was said to be around the average for a human and we're not using spell card rules, so it might be overkill ... but then again, we don't know her and her first reaction to our dudes was to attack.

My guess is that in this verse, Japanese and Common are more or less the same. That or Auran.
Still, while Satori would have no problem finding invisible stalkers, I don't know how the fuck Marisa did it.

At least it seems we get more time than we should with the summons, so there's that. Seriously, how much are we given with this?
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You were given a hour that has been turned to 20 minutes left since everything happened.

And technically, her first reaction was to follow you, not attack.

Hey guys, guess what!? New to this, I do things slightly different than the best poster there is here. So... y-ya know? Cutting of the slack?
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Well, I mean, she did attack the people in Satori's mansion after following our stalkers, so we can only guess she didn't have the best of intentions and didn't shoot them because it was crowded.
We also don't know her in-character, have nightmares about possibly human magic users, and are prone to overreact, so preparing for an attack would seem logical.

Also, nothing wrong with not being the best. I think your story is interesting and has good potential, so keep it up.
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Sounds like a good plan.

[X] Prepare for conflict.
-[X] Command the Stalkers to guard the outer entrance.
-[X] If there's a battle and the stalkers are nearly defeated or almost out of time, use the other scroll of Summon Monster VII to get one or more huge air elementals and get them to protect/attack, depending on the situation. Otherwise, wait.
-[X] Prepare a scroll of Lightning Bolt.
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Maybe its just that I'm not familiar with this whole Taninim Company of Dragons thing, but how does a dragon use a magic wand, staff, or scroll? Especially our dragon, who is 23+ feet tall and therefore is about the size of a 2 story building. That's kind of like a human wizard using a toothpick as a wand. I'm also trying to imagine our dragon reading a scroll, and all I can picture is him squinting really hard trying to see the comparatively tiny writing.

[X] Prepare for conflict.
-[X] Use the Scroll of Wall of Force to seal up the outer/inner entrance.
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"how does a dragon use a magic wand, staff, or scroll?"
Very carefully. And with (relatively) Dexterous Claws.
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You have really good perception, reading tiny writing is easy for you guys.
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(Fine, retconning it so that Marisa only got a really high perception roll on the Stalkers.)

[X] Prepare for conflict.
-[X] Command the Stalkers to guard the outer entrance.
-[X] If there's a battle and the stalkers are nearly defeated or almost out of time, use the other scroll of Summon Monster VII to get one or more huge air elementals and get them to protect/attack, depending on the situation. Otherwise, wait.
-[X] Prepare a scroll of Lightning Bolt.
-[X] Use a Scroll of Wall of Force to seal up Outer Entrance.

From the looks of things, this Marisa seems to be the one who’s going to win the fight, which is good for two things in your mind.

1: She’s a wizard or witch of some-kind, and that mean’s she’s squishy in one capacity or another.

2: She’s currently wasting her spell-slots on that other person, you just hope they were strong enough to fend her off for a good while. If they died, well, you don’t intend an advantageous position so graciously provided to be denied.

“You two.” Your voice echoes out to the Invisible Stalkers, not waiting for any reply as you continue. “Guard the outer entrance, retreat once one of you is dispelled.” Your senses shift as the stalkers do as commanded.

Looking over your hoard you pick out two scrolls to help you in this defense, a Scroll of Wall of Force and Scroll of Lightning Bolt, while your breath is more powerful, this one’s range is far greater and you aren’t sure if this wizard is packing Resist Energy or just has some ring that will do the same. Options you found in your travels, are quite nice.

As for the wall, well, the less spell slots she has the better and it will give you a chance to see what she’s actually capable of rather than gathering information from a loyal, yet otherwise second-hand source.

Flying over to the outer entrance you whisper the scroll’s contents as it disintegrates and the wall forms in it’s place. The other scroll placed in your closed fist, thankfully, as with most magical items, they are notoriously hard to destroy with just simple or natural weapons.

A couple minutes pass before you hear… talking, two females, humanoid, if you had to guess and rapidly getting closer and closer… One sounds, bombastic, excited even, while another sounds almost disinterested and you swear this one cuts off the other more times than you can count. So if you had to guess, rude and disinterested? Or very good at reading people, from what you can tell, you’d assume the latter.

You decide to stay out of sight for now, you never were good at stealth what with this massive draconic form, but there’s enough of a slanted wall to hide your position from immediate prying eyes.

“So this is where it is?” Comes the now closer voice of what you presume to be Marisa.

You hear no response so the other one probably nodded to what she asked.

“Alright then ze!~ Here we g- HRK!” You hear her probably smacking up against your Wall of Force.

“OW! Dammit, what the hell?”

“There’s a barrier? This must be recent.” Ah, there’s her companion, showing only a small bit of surprise in her voice.

“That’s fine!” She’s… fiddling with something.

“I’M COOOOMING INNN~” Oh… you hope she doesn’t use Disinterg-

“MAAASTER SPAAARK!” You can’t see it, but you can definitely both hear and feel it, as your Wall of Force after… whatever she just cast has made it go on it’s last legs instantly… that’s not fucking good.

Evidently, Marisa thinks the Wall of Force is destroyed and attempts to go into your lair yet again…


“I see this is a strong barrier Marisa.” Oh, now it holds a tint of amusement as you can imagine.

Clearly Marisa isn’t deterred by your barely functioning force wall as you hear her growl out in frustration.

“MAAASTER SPAAARK!” What, seriously, another one?

Any other thoughts you might have had are interrupted as a massive rainbow-colored beam streams at intense speeds into the magma lake and almost up to the entrance of the inner cavern.

Oh by Our Lady of Rainbow Scales you hope you she doesn’t have another one of those prepared, if so, you just hope your spell resistance kicks in to nullify it.

You finally see her, a blond haired human riding on a broomstick and holding out what looks to be some-sort of wooden octagon with a… what was it? Ying-yang symbol? In the middle of it.

“Alright, finally, this time! I’M COOOMING I- HURK!” Marisa doubles over on her broom as presumably… one of the Invisible Stalkers, punches her in the gut and sends her flying backwards. Out of sight.

You sense the other one beside you to leave and assist the advanced one in aiding against the magically enhanced foe.

“Hmm, guess I’ll just let myself in.” And in floats the humanoid that was described, short purple hair and similarly colored eyes scan the magma lake and it’s islands. As well, this… third eye in the middle of her chest connected with these tangled looking wires…

Eventually, she spies you and stops…

Immediately, you feel something is wrong, a nagging at your head, like something’s looking into your mind.

Faster than the human eye blinking, your mental fortresses are already up, attempting to kick out this intruder from within your mind. No matter what you do however, you can’t kick it out, what you can do… is supposedly deny it from looking any deeper than your surface thoughts. Which is… good enough you suppose.

The humanoid in-front of you is now sporting both a confused and a bit shocked of a expression. Has she never been denied before with Detect Thoughts? Hmm, this actually doesn’t seem like Detect Thoughts, it seems to be more like-

“A racial ability, yes, you are correct on that regard.” Her voice is tense, like she’s expecting harsh rebuttal from you. Can she not turn it off?

“In a way…” Not telling the whole truth you figured.

Her slow nod reassures that fact.

Growling out slowly, you step towards her and leap to the island closest to her, she floats back a couple feet as she feels the aggression within your mind and physical body.

“I’m not here to fight you. That would seem to be in poor taste as you don’t know the rules here. With what you pulled on Marisa, I doubt she’ll care. Undoubtedly you are both confused… and dangerous. I feel like we can work something out, you have questions… and so do I. Do you think, you could make believe that I defeated you and apologize for your summon’s actions towards our ‘dear’ Amazingly Ordinary Magician?”

While this is going on, the sounds of fighting is happening. Marisa was struggling at first with dealing with two unseen foes, but you have a feeling that it’s going in the wizard’s favor.

Well, this mind-reader’s suggestion sounds reasonable… and you aren’t of the Gold or Proud essence so this wouldn’t be… demeaning more than it would for say, an uppity humanoid. But you know patience and how to act rationally… most of the time.

[X] Agree to the mind-reader’s suggestion.
-[X] Play it with bravado.
-[X] With hatred.
-[X] Crying
[X] Brush off the mind-reader’s suggestion.
-[X] Your ritual’s almost done in a couple seconds, go after her yourself.
-[X] Wait for her to arrive.
-[X] Try to convince the mind-reader to help you.
[X] Attempt to kill the mind-reader.
-[X] Breath Weapon
-[X] Flurry
-[X] Crush her
[X] Write-in.
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[X] Brush off the mind-reader’s suggestion.
-[X] Try to convince the mind-reader to help you.

It's clear that Satori doesn't carry Marisa in her heart, and might want to get back at her as well as tell us stuff about what's going on.
The fact that we didn't scream bloody murder about the mind reading and are more curious than angry at her ability might convince her we're not that bad.

If that fails, however, then

-[X] Your ritual’s almost done in a couple seconds, go after her yourself.

Marisa still didn't see us, so we get to surprise her, and we seriously can't let her win this one. Not only because we really don't like wizards, but also because of our loot.
If she were to think she won, she'd start exploring, find our stuff and take it. That we can't allow.
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[X] Attempt to kill the mind-reader, and then the witch.
-[X] Breath Weapon

We picked a Temperamental dragon. Its our job to angrily kill anything that trespasses on our hoard.
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I mean, not exactly, your alignment isn't evil and you don't have to follow being that type of dragon to the absolute letter.
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[X] Brush off the mind-reader’s suggestion.
-[X] Try to convince the mind-reader to help you.
-[X] Your ritual’s almost done in a couple seconds, go after her yourself.
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By the way, when exactly should I stop this thread and start a new one?
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[X] Brush off the mind-reader’s suggestion.
-[X] Try to convince the mind-reader to help you.
-[X] Your ritual’s almost done in a couple seconds, go after her yourself.
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Usual practice is to start a new thread once the current thread hits autosage.
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Our job is to have and protect a lair and a hoard of stuff (mostly gold) and overreact to stress (or fight that compulsion). How we do it is up to us.
Blindly flying in a mad rage and killing everything is one way to do both, not the only one.
Mind you, in-character, I don't see a reason not to kill Marisa unless Satori can convince us, but Satori hasn't shown any desire to fight us or to take our stuff, so we can at least not attack her as long as she isn't a problem. Especially if she ends up helping us.
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[X] Brush off the mind-reader’s suggestion.
-[X] Try to convince the mind-reader to help you.
-[X] Your ritual’s almost done in a couple seconds, go after her yourself.
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Mind you I'll tell you when your about to be controlled by your compulsion and if you want to obey or resist your compulsion...

Also, after calculating your Will save and the DC for your compulsion I have found... that you have a EXTREMELY low chance to actually fail it if you do attempt to resist. (If you know how Pathfinder works, well, you have to roll a natural one to fail too resist.)
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File 151278798388.jpg - (1.11MB, 1408x1126, Kirisame_Marisa_full_1512336.jpg)
[X] Brush off the mind-reader’s suggestion.
-[X] Try to convince the mind-reader to help you.
-[X] Your ritual’s almost done in a couple seconds, go after her yourself.

‘Amazingly Ordinary Magician?’ How cute, no, but you have a better idea.

“How about, instead, we-”

“Tag-team her with your Invisible Stalkers making it more of an easier fig… ht…” She lets loose a cough as you glare at her.

“S-sorry, I’m not used to stuff like this.” You perform a draconic-equivalent to a eyeroll with astounding success as you think you see the mind-reader blush in embarrassment.

“By the way, before we do this, Satori.” Her name, obviously, oh, and is that agreement you hear?

“I never did get your name, even with that cursory scan of your mind.” Aiming to take flight out of the magma lake and into the fight you turn your head over.

“Heated Anonymity.” You don’t care to see the raised eyebrow as you burst out of your now formed lair and into the ravine below.

“Oh, shoot! Ah! Don’t kill her!” You make out her voice telling you this… ahhhh, she’s also helping you fight Marisa and wizards do hold a lot of information. As long as she doesn’t steal anything from your hoard she should be ‘good.’

Not that she’ll be in much of a state to do so after you’re done with her. Hopefully.

“-STER SPAAAARK!” AGAIN!? And… for Invisible Stalkers, seriously?

Flapping your great wings you coast downwards as the ledge goes up into the opening described before by your Invisible Stalkers. As you do so, Satori makes herself known by your blindsense. Floating behind the huge bulk that is your body.

A mansion and... This shower of brightly-colored… well, the most apt synonym would be ‘bullets’ greets your view as Marisa sprays even more out this ‘rapid-amounts of magic’ from that octagon-shaped… well, you guess it to be a focus of some-kind, at the Invisible Stalkers. They themselves only have a couple more minutes left to be on this plane and even so, they’re on their last legs.

Thankfully, she hasn’t seen both you or Satori. Making a mental suggestion that if she can do anything to make us unnoticeable, this would be the time. She, thankfully, nods at the suggestion.

“I have to get close however, stay out of sight.” Her voice is back to it’s supposed usual disinterested tone. Though this doesn’t deter your slightly rustled compliance. You proceed to hide yourself beneath the edge of the ravine, peeking your muzzle above the cliff. In hindsight, you realize that to if anyone were to be looking at you, it would be most assuredly comical.

Marisa spots Satori float over to her and quickly beckons her over whilst firing in a random direction presumably where one of the stalkers are… it happens to work as one of the stray ‘bullets’ sends your connection to the weaker one off.

“Did you find anything on what these guys were protecting ze?~” Not particularly paying attention for a second longer she turns back to where she thinks the advanced air elemental is and fires another burst of magic.



Marisa seems to freeze up for a second, eyes getting this glazed over look. Not waiting any longer you bolt up from out of the ravine and come charging at her mid-air. She just so happens to be upon her broom of flying… flying.

Due to your closeness to the ground and the haphazard debris around the cavernous opening a hemispherical cloud of air surrounds your form as your wings flap so hard the draft from it kicks up a cloud extending out 60ft from your form. Thanks to your Elemental Affinity however, seeing through the cloud is easy… not for your enemies though.

Whatever Satori did has Marisa paralyzed or perhaps stunned for a couple seconds. Satori breaks off when she sees the cloud of debris coming through and Marisa only breaks out of the trance at the very last second. Unable to even mouth out a ‘oh fuck’ before she is inside the sphere and your claw is around her comparatively tiny waist and slamming her into the ground.

Reflectively letting out a pained and bloodied cough from the force of the impact. Upon seeing your true form, Marisa’s eyes go wide as dinner-plates and she scrambles for that octagon block… However, she stops when realizing that…

A: Your claw is more or less encapsulating her entire form, making escape more or less impossible.

B: A single talon of yours is raised right above her head and ready to fall down and impale it with extreme prejudice.

Satori floats down to ground level and observes both of you, though, more interestingly in you however.

“Like I said, I’d rather her not dead. Marisa, despite her… ‘tendencies’ has this realm’s well-being in high standing and she has proven it multiple times.”

The aforementioned wizard laughs nervously.

“S-saaay, Satori, when did you meet this guy? O-one of your p-”

Satori, knowing what Marisa was going to say before she says it. Cuts her off… it was for the better really.

“Unless you like being charred alive, be my guest Marisa… Continue that sentence.”

The wizard’s features pale and she turns to you.

“Hey, hehehe, no hard feelings… right? You know, sorry for uhhh… blasting your minions and p-potentially you ze~ Won’t happen again, promise.”

Fearful expression, but otherwise… determined; not lying. Or at the very least, that what she believes.

“Yes…” You begin with a growl. “Just, don’t let it happen again human, or next time I won’t be so kindly or stable enough to listen to someone else’s ‘advice.’”

With that… you release the wizard from your death grasp.

She blinks, seemingly surprised at your ease of just letting you off with a warning… Gets on her broom. Dusting her strange clothes off and proceeds to fuck off into the caverns away from the mansion and your hoard.

Well… that was… a somewhat easy encounter. All for the fact Satori practically incapacitated her to allow you that grapple. The Invisible Stalkers did help in softening the wizard up and that means your scroll was not wasted!

“Alright…” Satori breathes out a sigh she didn’t know she held in as she now takes in your impressive draconic form without potential distraction.

A delicious ego-boost to your mind and which causes her to silently scoff in what you think ‘might’ be amusement. Even you can’t tell with that now stone-cold expression she wears.

“Well, yes, like I said, you have questions and so do I. I don’t suppose we can take this inside my palace perhaps?”

Palace? Looks more like a wooden but otherwise extravagant mansion, but oh well, to each their own.

How do you proceed?

[X] Humanoid Form; follow Satori into ‘palace.’
-[X] Your own description (Picture perhaps if applicable?)
-[X] Leave it to me.
[X] Nah, we’re getting this information right here, right now!
[X] Fuck it, tired, I’ll come back to you… tomorrowish.
[X] Fuck it, tired, can I crash at your place
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[X] No, we can have an exchange of informations here.

A more peaceful version of "Nah, we’re getting this information right here, right now!" since we don't have much of a reason to be aggressive right now, but we also can't totally trust her (at least for now) and we're a lot more vulnerable in human form.
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I agree with this,we just met her so trusting her so easily might be a bad idea.
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[X] No, we can have an exchange of informations here.
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File 151805618872.jpg - (292.58KB, 761x1000, Reiuji_Utsuho_full_125121.jpg)
(I think I see what you mean.)

[X] No, we can have an exchange of information's here.

You don’t trust this mind-reader enough, knowledge may be shared here. None other than her own prying ‘eyes’ are present.

“As you wish, though be warned there are… trigger-happy people inside the palace that care a lot about my well-being. They might not take kindly to your appearance.” And the mind-reader takes it in stride. So do you perhaps.

“We can start with names, mind-reader gets rather boring after a while.” Your tail idly curls upon your lower right leg, a habit which formed when you watched your wizard’s cat familiar do the same motion…

If the mind-reader notes your strange thoughts she doesn’t call out to it. “Satori Komeiji, you are?”

Weather through you just not thinking of your many names or her politeness she asks this question.

“I am commonly called by my kin as Heated Anonymity, but I have amassed other names in my life.”

Satori raises an almost unseen eyebrow at your wording and your name. “I’m afraid I am unfamiliar with your race, Taninim?”

You nod proudly. “Indeed, me and my brethren were created after Our Lady of Rainbow Scales was wounded in battle against other envious gods and from her blood rose the first Taninim. I won’t bore you with the whole story, but each Taninim is a representation of our goddess’s might and all share a similar resplendent reptilian-form. Though like her we may change our essence to ever show our growing nature. The plane I hail from and where my kin too is known as the Lost Isles. A barrier set into place to keep out meddling ephemerals and their divine rogues.”

Satori shows interest, though perhaps there is a small sign that the mind-reader wishes to know more. In due time, you have your own questions to ask.

“This plane, is this the material plane or the Elemental Plane of Earth?”

The mind-reader however shakes her head. “I am afraid I am unaware of what this material plane is, or this ‘Plane of Earth’ you are currently residing in what is known as Old Hell, in the secluded dimension of Gensokyo… Strange, your ‘Lost Isles’ sounds familiar as it too holds a barrier that keeps outsiders out… mostly.”

Old Hell? Did the Nine Hells have a prototype plane of some-kind… You haven’t heard of such a place even in your long life. Though as you think this Satori shakes her head.

“Curious, but no, Old Hell wasn’t a prototype for this ‘Nine Hells’ you speak of. Though there is a more refined Hell it does not go by that name.”

Your tail slaps down in annoyance, great, entirely unrelated plane of existence. No magic that you have on hand that can Plane-shift so that’s going to be even more of a bother.

However Satori hums at your thoughts that come apparent to her and she looks back up to you. Her gaze while analyzing never showed much emotion, not that you’d know much of her personality at this point other than inquisitive.

“I know of a person that perhaps could help you, though we are more… acquaintances and she is a trickster of the worst sort. Also, unbelievably powerful and too whimsical to be found in a reliable area. She’s more likely to find you than you to find her.”

Ah, another thing to draw upon later… she mentioned rules.

“These rules you mentioned earlier, what are they?”
“Gensokyo has entered a relative amount of peace, thanks to a Shrine Maiden’s efforts known as Remiu Hakurei… friend to Marisa. The Shrine Maiden has established new rulings named the Spell-card System to effectively reduce killing lives as… high-stakes games may be done with no harm to each of the participates.”

Interesting… and a bother, you don’t want to think of what-kind of power this Remiu was packing. You may be strong but wizards are crafty and that ‘Master Spark’ didn’t look like fun.

“Indeed” she nods as if she experienced what it felt like. “Now, is there anything else you would like to di-”

“Unyu?~” Perhaps in your discussion you’d begin to forget your surroundings as the situation began to dawn on you.

In the opened doorway of the ‘Earth Palace’ is a humanoid-woman with two pitch-black feathered wings adorning her back. Her legs are each covered differently by objects. One with what looks to be some form of stone and the other has these strange orbs and rings connecting them. Though the strangest thing about her is the cannon like object on her left arm and the massive red eye on her chest. Of course clothed, though not with a type you were familiar with. Her head was tilted, looking straight at Satori, who at this point was also looking at her. Hiding a small grimace upon her features.

“Oh, I was looking for you everywhere mistress!” The avain… raven… crow? Crow-humanoid skips over to the mind-reader, paying you absolutely no mind. As if there wasn’t a massive dragon standing right over your ‘master’s’ shoulder.

“You know when you are done with your duty, you need not come to me to tell me…” Satori responds to her thoughts with a reply so well-planned you’d think she has said this a thousand times.

“Oh… I knew that! I just wanted to see you.” You look between the two in mild interest. Feeling a bit cramped on your wings you stretch them out slightly. Perhaps also getting this girl’s attention.

“Of course, though I am currently… in the middle of something Okuu.” Okuu’s her name huh? Well it appears she hasn’t heard you, as Okuu’s finally taken notice of you and she’s kinda staring at you wide-eyed. Though amazement or fear or a combination you can’t quite tell.

Ah well, introduction time you guess!

[X] Introduce yourself calmly, no need to get worked up
[X] She doesn’t know you… pull out all the stops

[X] While the mind-reader may be a bit… ‘jaded’ this humanoid clearly isn’t… Flirt AND introduce.

[X] Write-in

(I AM ALIVE… and time for another burst of activity.)
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[X] While the mind-reader may be a bit… ‘jaded’ this humanoid clearly isn’t… Flirt AND introduce.
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[X] Introduce yourself calmly, no need to get worked up
-[X] Calmly throw a flirty line at the winged human in Draconic. She won't understand, but she'll think it's something profound.
--[X] Slightly less calmly realise the stalkers had no problem understanding Marisa and the horned creature despite Marisa not speaking Common or Auran when you first heard her, and surely she'd have had no reason to speak something else at that point than what she was speaking before. Also Satori can understand your mind despite not being able to go deeper than surface thoughts, which are in Draconic.
---[X] Less calmly realise Satori understood what you just said and knows it isn't nearly as cool as you wanted it to sound.
----[X] Wait, did Okuu actually understand what you just said?
-----[X] Ask Satori about a potential Permanent Mass Comprehend Languages spell being in effect.
------[X] If no such spell is in effect, test the limits of what's going on by speaking your other languages. If there is such a spell ... well you better remember it.

Thinking about it, wouldn't the Master Spark look like a Prismatic Spray, but as a line rather than a cone? I mean, it's effect is totally different, and that much is clear to us considering it blasted our Wall of Force in two go, but just the look.
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File 151822728566.jpg - (786.86KB, 1800x1800, 1346028403603.jpg)
[X] Introduce yourself calmly, no need to get worked up
-[X] Calmly throw a flirty line at the winged human in Draconic. She won't understand, but she'll think it's something profound.
--[X] Slightly less calmly realise the stalkers had no problem understanding Marisa and the horned creature despite Marisa not speaking Common or Auran when you first heard her, and surely she'd have had no reason to speak something else at that point than what she was speaking before. Also Satori can understand your mind despite not being able to go deeper than surface thoughts, which are in Draconic.
---[X] Less calmly realise Satori understood what you just said and knows it isn't nearly as cool as you wanted it to sound.
----[X] Wait, did Okuu actually understand what you just said?
-----[X] Ask Satori about a potential Permanent Mass Comprehend Languages spell being in effect.
------[X] If no such spell is in effect, test the limits of what's going on by speaking your other languages. If there is such a spell ... well you better remember it.

No need to get worked up, both of you, you suppose. Lowering your wings from their slight release of tightness. The glow in your eyes dims upon looking at Okuu, an act that would make you appear less intense and possibly scary. That’s what Moonlight said a couple times anyways.

“A pleasure to meet you ‘Okuu’ I was just talking with your mistress… I helped her on dealing with a certain pest. Nothing more.” Your suave, but guttural tone due to being a giant fircking-dragon makes this Okuu blink in surprise and the tenseness in her arms suggested that she was going to act to… protect. Satori you’re sure. To which the mind-reader watches the exchange without a word.

“Ah… okay, uh? I haven’t seen you around here, you come from one of the lizards we’ve got?” You raise an curious eyebrow at the question as she embarrassingly hides the arm-cannon behind her back.

“I’ll explain that later.” Satori waves an arm and starts making her way towards the mansion. You smirk a bit as you see this Okuu’s unsureness… hah… when was the last time you thought a euphemeral cute? She sure is mystified by your appearance among other things. Have they never really seen something like you before ever?

Mustering up the smoothest voice, you than speak to her in Draconic. Raising your claw leisurely at her, curling it slowly and then placing it down. “Why so tensed up hatchling? I mean no harm, unless those spread wings purpose another sort of tense?” To which she pouts to you in indignation and a small blush forms on her cheeks.

“I-I’m not tense!” Wait… oh shit… does she know Draconic!? Oh thank the Lady she didn’t get your flirt.

“I did…” Calls out the mind-reader from a couple feet ahead of you, her eyes showing an amused disapproval.

“How do you know… Draconic? Is there something like a Mass Comprehend Languages spell in effect in this realm?” This plane is already giving you a headache, no secret language shenanigans unless you find some way to bypass it.

Satori pauses, and than nods. “More or less, though it is less a magical effect and more like a natural law enforced.”

Okuu is still pouting at her and her wings are down, the blush however is gone. “So, what kind of pest was it? A spider yokai oooo-

““The wizard variety.”” You and Satori speak out at once and then share a expressionless glance before looking back at the perplexed raven-girl.

“Soooo, a spider wizard yokai?”

“The human wizard yokai.” You are the one to clarify her thoughts. “Marisa I believe her name was.”

“Oh… Oooooh… did you beat her!?” She suddenly exclaims, as if such a feat was big news.

“He did…” Mumbles Satori, loud enough though that the wide-eyed Okuu turns to face her. “Not! Under the spell-card rulings… but yes he had her at his mercy more or less.”

And now the crow-humanoid looks at you with either a profound amount of respect… or reverence you can’t tell. This Marisa ‘that’ unbeatable here?

“Not as bad as that Shrine Maiden… no one’s as bad as that Shrine Maiden.” Satori sounds exasperated. And Okuu nods to some far-off memory. Gosh, look at what you have stumbled upon here.

“Is this… g-guy? Allowed to stay at the palace?” It appears that Okuu does not know whether you are girl or boy! Satori snorts, perhaps at your thoughts. “He is, if he wishes to do so. Anyone who can peg down the ego of our Amazingly Ordinary Magician can stay as long as they wish.”

She glances over to you. “I am a bit famished at the moment, fighting and questioning has made me hungry. If you do plan on waiting I shall meet with you in a half-hour or so to continue this session.”

With that she enters the ‘palace’ and the door slowly closes behind her… Leaving you with Okuu. She’s kinda looking back at you and where Satori previously stood.

“Uh, do you have a name?” Her wings sort of flutter about for a second, arms now resting by her side instead of being behind her back.

“Heated Anonymity.” You rumble back to her in what you think to be an amiable tone.

“Ah, interesting… name? I was going to go head back inside after finding mistress, you can… actually I don’t…” She looks back at the door and than your size.

“I think you might be able to fit.” Her eyes are intensely focused on the size of the door and than the size of you. Walking back and forth a couple times to memorize it’s size.

“Yeah… I think.”

You nod to her with what looks to be a snarl-shaped smile. “I think so too.”

[X] Ask Okuu questions!

[X] Turn into humanoid form
-[X] Enter the ‘palace’
-[X] Fli- talk to Okuu some more.

[X] Leave, come back in a half-hour
-[X] Invite Okuu to your newly made lair

-[X] Humanoid form

(Are those last set of options some of what people do?)
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[X] Leave, come back in a half-hour
-[X] Invite Okuu to your newly made lair
[X] Ask Okuu questions!
-[X] About herself.
-[X] About her mistress.
-[X] About this place.
--[X] Is there a good hunting spot for someone huge and hungry/thirsty?

With Moonlight not with us, the closest to an ally we have in this unknown plane is Satori, and we should make what is ours clear. Showing it to Okuu will make sure Satori also knows about it, even if she doesn't go there herself. Also, we get to boast about our hoard.

For the languages thing, if it works like Comprehend Languages we might be able to get away with a few expressions and innuendos, since it would make people understand any language in a literal sense.
Though thinking on it, I don't think they can actually read foreign languages, unlike with the actual spell, so we could probably get away with written stuff. Not sure how much good that could do us.
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[X] Leave, come back in a half-hour
-[X] Invite Okuu to your newly made lair
[X] Ask Okuu questions!
-[X] About herself.
-[X] About her mistress.
-[X] About this place.
--[X] Is there a good hunting spot for someone huge and hungry/thirsty?

While seeing whatever extravagant wealth might lie in this Satori’s ‘palace’ might be interesting you have more pressing matters to attend too… Make sure no-one’s coming to steal your stuff. You gaze over to Okuu who’s kinda still trying to see within her mind if you would fit within the confines of the mansion’s door with that look of intense concentration and you wave it off… though silently berate yourself half-heartedly for thinking it cute.

“That’s fine, I’m not heading in anyways…” A thought strikes you as the raven-haired girl lets out a small ‘aww.’ Satori can read minds and no doubt she can easily process someone like Okuu in-front of you…

“Actually I was heading back to my newly-made lair, perhaps I could give you a tour and not bother your mistress with my questions?” Your soft tone appears to worm its way into her thoughts and she nods with a placated expression.

“Sure! I’m done with my job anyways for today.” You already said that… oh wait… she didn’t think you were here in the first place- nevermind!

Whatever the case, you beckon Okuu to follow into the air, naturally, you kick up a small cloud of debris so close to the ground but it dies off after getting 10ft or so off the ground. The crow-girl coughs a bit as she follows you up into the air. “Wow, y-you must be pretty strong to do that…”

“Not strong,” you correct her, “large.” She doesn’t take heed to the meaning and you two remain silent for just a bit, before you can ask her a question yourself, she does.

“What kind of yokai are you?” Yokai? Can’t say your familiar with the term. They did mention a ‘spider yokai’ however… Sounds to be like some-type of magical beast or monstrous humanoid however.

So you answer honestly. “I can’t say I’m familiar with the term, are they some-kind of magical beast or other entity? I can ensure you I am no such thing, I am of draconic heritage. You might know of our cousins; dragons?” Your blindsense has told you that Okuu has stopped following you, so you turn around of course, somewhat worried.

She has that same wide-eyed look as before. “Your… related to dragons?” Oh-boy, it seems like your cousin species is a big-deal here too.

“Well, we came first, the Taninim I mean, dragons came about when a group of Taninim went to leave the Isles and breeded in the material plane.” This load of information seems to have blown her mind to tiny bits… Strange… Taninims and dragons look more or less the same to each other, maybe she’s familiar with another type of dragon… like a linnorm or perhaps a Organizer? (Organizer = Imperial = Lung Dragons) It couldn’t be a feykin, it just couldn’t. She’s looking at you like some kind of deity that should not be antagonized.

“Oh… aha, mmm, so this lair, what’s in it!?” Oh and she bounces right back! You were afraid she was going to start worshiping the ground you walk on, that’d be bad.

“Patience, hatchling, you will know soon enough.” She pouts at the affectionate nickname you’ve decided on and slowly nods.

“So, tell me a bit about yourself, Okuu.” You’re currently leisurely flying at the ravine, the opening to your new lair in sight.

“For starters, Okuu’s not my actual name, the mistress and Rin just like calling me that. It’s Utsuho Reiuji. You can keep calling me Okuu though, mistress doesn’t mind so I don’t either!” Such interesting names, can’t say you’ve run into such a range of descriptors beforehand in your travels in the material plane.

“Also! I got kinda forced by a lady with blue-hair and winds to consume Yatagarasu; a god of the sun…” Now it’s your turn to pause in flight.

“W-what?” Did you hear that right? She ate a god!?

“W-well.. It was dead and rapidly losing faith… and the lady told me in a dream… so I did, got its powers over Nuclear Fusion and Fission, also I’m like reeeeeeallly smart in that too.” Hold on a moment you just need to process the fact that she ate a god. Okay… sure, it was a dead god, but still! Why the hell was she so afraid of you? Sure you were born from the greatness of the Lady of Eternal Scales but that was but a drop, diluted over a grand many of years. Another god, while never as powerful as ‘mother’, is much more powerful than the likes of you!

For all intents and purposes if such a thing held to its logical conclusion, miss Utsuho Reiuji is a literal in the flesh goddess. Whoever that blue-haired humanoid is with the power of the wind is most definitely not someone you want to mess with. Probably another god if this Yatagarasu was not just living a couple moments before dying and being fed to her… In her dream… dreams and wind? A odd portfolio for a goddess.

(Note that due to your Int score, these thoughts are happening at pretty intense speeds.)

There’s also all the implications of Okuu calling Satori mistress… gah! Deal with it later, too much even for yourself to handle.

By this point you’ve reached the magma isles and the outcropping above that would take you into your inner lair. Okuu hums as she looks at all of this.

“I don’t remember this opening…” The goddess murmurs to herself, almost dumbfounded at its appearance.

Whatever the case, you lead her past the isles and into the inner sanctum!... It’s still not as cool as you’ve hoped but you still got your gold and trinkets and that’s what’s catching the lady’s attention first!

“That’s…!? How did you get all of this?” Okuu appears to have never seen this amount of wealth before in her life. You smile and calmly place yourself to rest on-top the gold hoard while looking upon the sun goddess. Honestly though, you were expecting a bit more verboseness from a god, she’s acting more like a human than anything else… a somewhat ditzy human…

“It’s… like more than a hundred.” You choke back a snort at her observation as she goes to lean down and poke one of the coins, a hard look on her face as she nods slowly to herself.

“Yep that’s gold alright.” She stares back up at you for that answer.

“Well, it’s not all 'mine', before I came here I was something of my group’s treasurer with the wealth and how to distribute it. I have my personal shares on my person.” She sort of just blinks. Taking in the information that there was apparently a group of you.

“Where are they?”

“Not here, though one of my companions was with me when from how recent my thoughts are."

Okuu nods slowly. "You're not from Gensokyo?"

"I appear to have arrived recently through unknown means along with my hoard." You nod downwards to the pile of gold you're currently resting upon. "Speaking of which, this 'Gensokyo' seems like a interesting place. What with gods acting in living flesh, are there any other surprises I should know of?"

The crow-humanoid raises her head up in thought, eyes getting a glazed over look as she thinks really hard on what you should know... "I don't know much about the surface world, just that there's a couple forest, mountain which we are currently under and a village solely for humans... but Yokai go to anyways..."

"Any specific person?" You inquire next, "Ah, you should really avoid Remiu the Shrine Maiden, from what I hear she kinda likes beating up people that even think of causing trouble... Ah, I would know so." You would know so?

"Is she also a god?" You inquire, to which she shakes her head. "No, just a human... very... mean... and powerful human. Sometimes nice... but mostly mean." Okuu shivers a bit, ooookay, so she says she's essentially a god and yet a lousy euphermal beats her? Is she that weak or is this Remiu that strong... You'd think the former.

"Anyone else?"

"Well, wind-lady's also a god, and she has a Shrine Maiden who's also a god working for her." Oh by the Lady! How many gods are here!?

"Than there's also the gap-yokai, I think... she's nice as long as you don't do anything with the barrier or hurt somebody she's having fun with." Gap-yokai? Right, let's ask about that.

"What exactly IS a yokai?" To which she blinks up back at you, she opens her mouth as if to say 'aren't you a yokai?' But than she realizes in-fact you are not and are actually related to dragons... so not a yokai...

"I, uh, they're essentially anything that isn't human... I think? I mean, dragons aren't considered yokai, and gods aren't either... Sorry, I'm one myself but I don't even know what exactly it is." She palms her forehead with a smile on her face... that smile appears to be fake but you don't bring it up.

"And the name of your species?"

"Ah, Satori called me a Hell-crow." Hell-crow... who's also a god. She doesn't appear to look like anything FROM Hell, just a human girl with black bird wings, perhaps she can change form?

"What about Old Hell? Anything to note, a hunting ground where creatures frequent might be nice."

"I don't know anything about a 'hunting' ground but the Oni village sells food and stuff if... you do have money." She blushes as she notes that 'yes! The gold in my hoard is in-fact mine!' Though... oni village, those are those Outsiders that take the form of evil monstrous-humanoids but more powerful.

"Anything I should avoid in this 'Oni village?'" Okuu pauses, before nodding.

"Don't get into a drinking contest with the Onis, mistress says they like kidnapping interesting people..." Alright than, you think your appearance alone warrants you being 'interesting.' Ey, but drinking contest? You're not much of a drinker but you are not a light-weight thanks to your innate constitution.

"Also don't lie to them, Onis HATE liars." Duly noted...

So now you know of a place to... well not really hunt, but you can get something to eat and that's better than nothing!

A small stretch of silence passes, before you see Okuu wander over to a portion of the pile that houses the Staff of Power... She looks at it, attempting to appraise it's worth, before she goes over to grab it. Before you can react to her blatant disregard of your stuff she turns to you quizzically.

"This looks like it should be magical... I have seen Marisa have something similar... but this isn't. What's it do?"

What? You can clearly sense the magical power radiating off of the wondrous item.

[X] Check to see if she's lying.

[X] Confused, take the staff from Okuu and cast a spell from it.
-[X] While doing so, warn Okuu to not take one of your items from the hoard without your word.

[X] Tell Okuu to place it back down, those thirty minutes are coming to a close.
-[X] Actually, you know what? Appease the goddess, let her take the Staff of Power for a little while, show her how's it done first.
-[X] Actually, you know what? Take the staff yourself, show it off to Satori AND Okuu.
-[X] Warn her not to take your stuff next time without explict permission...

[X] Rip the staff from Okuu's grasp and toss it back down into your pile, no-one! NO-ONE touches your hoard without permission!
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[X] Rip the staff from Okuu's grasp and toss it back down into your pile, no-one! NO-ONE touches your hoard without permission!

We picked a temperamental dragon, and by golly we are going to act like a temperamental dragon.
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You, anon who explains the reasoning of your choices are apparently my only friend.
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[X] Rip the staff from Okuu's grasp and toss it back down into your pile, no-one! NO-ONE touches your hoard without permission!
-[X] "OI! Rule one - you don't touch my stuff without asking!" (followed by a guttural growl)

Guttural is such a fun word.
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[X] Rip the staff from Okuu's grasp and toss it back down into your pile, no-one! NO-ONE touches your hoard without permission!
-[X] Explain to her what the staff does.
[X] Ask the new sun goddess how many worshipers she has. An extremely low number could explain her situation, as well as that of the previous sun god of this place.
-[X] She was impressed by you being related to dragons, so maybe there's an actually powerful deity worshiped here that's draconic in nature? Ask her about it.

I'd guess Touhou gods in D&D would most likely be anywhere between rank 1 and 5, but without a godly realm for themselves. Sanae would be rank 0. Okuu might be more of a living shrine/prison than a goddess, or maybe an avatar like Shou.
The Hakurei God is rank 1.
Hecatia would at least be rank 6. I don't know how the hells work in Touhou, so she might have no realm like she might have three.
Shinki made her own realm and probably all the beings she created worship her to some extent, but how powerful that makes her...
The Dragon God is unknown. More powerful than any other god in Gensokyo, at the very least.

Also, since danmaku isn't all about power, it still wouldn't make Reimu more powerful than even a low ranking god, though it's not like we would know how strong she is.
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I'd like to think I ( >>198612 ) would be included, considering I voted in every vote so far, including the one where I was the only one to vote for some reason.
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Mind you guys, this guy is from Pathfinder and not DND. Also, deities in Pathfinder are fundamentally different than the likes of Touhou ones. As such trying to accurately compare the two unless I was also actively trying to make it so that one of these's universe's deities are like the other... which I'm not. Pretty hard.

This is further exemplified by the fact that you guys chose Alien as to how Touhou's rules would affect you... They don't and if they do at any point the impact would be minimal. To make it seem like you aren't the only 'special' one that holds some immunity, guess why Okuu can't sense the magic from the Staff of Power?
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I'm comparing the Touhou gods to D&D because they work similarly, due to the need of worshipers for power. In fact, Gensokyo itself works like Planescape, with the belief thing that shapes reality. Except without a Lady of Pain.
And since it's not like comparing D&D and Pathfinder as never been done, there we go.

Though I only wrote that to sort out my thoughts, it's not like I'm comparing what we would know in-character with meta suppositions on a powerscale to take over the underground or anything.
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File 151840495067.jpg - (159.02KB, 1024x677, angry_red_dragon_by_mabyspaula-d9bf5ji.jpg)
[X] Rip the staff from Okuu's grasp and toss it back down into your pile, no-one! NO-ONE touches your hoard without permission!
-[X] Explain to her what the staff does.
[X] Ask the new sun goddess how many worshipers she has. An extremely low number could explain her situation, as well as that of the previous sun god of this place.
-[X] She was impressed by you being related to dragons, so maybe there's an actually powerful deity worshiped here that's draconic in nature? Ask her about it.

No matter, she's touching your shit! No-one touches your shit without explicit permission!... Never say that aloud.

Without warning you're already upon her as lets out a surprised yelp at your reaction, dropping the staff into your tightened palm you throw it back into your hoard. "Don't. Ever. Touch. Without. Permission." You enunciate each word with a slap of your mighty tail. Careful not to damage your hoard in the process. Okuu numbly nods under your sudden shift of personality and frightful presence.

"Good..." And your tone drops back to that friendly aimbleness, leaving her with bit of mood whiplash "Uh I-I'm sorry..." The hell-crow looks downcast from your position, sounding genuinely guilty for touching you property. Hey, look at me now guys, terrifying a goddess who would have thought this would happen?

"It's fine, just don't do it again." You let out a small growl to insinuate what will happen if she does and the bird-humanoid quickly nods once again.

"As for the staff? It stores magic within it in the form of 10 charges. This specific staff known as the Staff of Power has 9 spells it can cast, some of them require more than one charge however. I don't have the capability to recharge the staff however, so I won't be showing what it can do." Okuu proceeds to process the information, a feat made harder by your previous sudden change of personality, before she looks up at it again.

"It... currently has 10 'charges' right?"

"Yes, I haven't used it since I got it, but I can still sense that it indeed still has the capacity of all 10 charges." She lets out a confused 'hmm' at that.

"I can't sense anything from it." Your wings stretch out after being cramped for a little while, though Okuu doesn't appear to take notice.

"Normally, I would say that you couldn't sense anything because perhaps you aren't refined enough to be able to pick up it's magical signature... However you a god apparently, very magical being... you should be able to sense this." A concerned growl rumbles out from your throat. Something to look into at a later date?

"Nevermind that, so you said you were defeated by this Shrine Maiden? How so?"

"We were using the Spellcard Rulings, so... full power isn't allowed in those types of duels and it is non-lethal. Even still, her power would still be able to beat me even if I threw everything at her." Another hinting at this spell-card system... no full power allowed, that's interesting to note. Though that later part is most disturbing.

"How many worshipers do you have goddess?" She tenses up, not expecting you to call her by that?

"Ah, I don't get out very often to even do such a thing as bestow miracles or the like... I really don't know how to start such a thing either. I mean it's fine, it's not like I'm going to die from that kind of lack of belief." Lack of belief? Gods and goddess's don't need belief to survive... they simply bestow powers to worshipers and the like to do their 'bidding' due to those ancient laws preventing direct divine intervention save for their own planes. This is racking up a disturbing amount of implications. Perhaps you weren't just sent to another plane... no, you'd need more information to come up with that dreaded conclusion. Another question sparks to your mind.

"Dragons here seem to have a lot of reverence here, any reason?"

"Oh, ah, it's because of the Dragon God that along with the three Yokai sages ('for a second you feel as though a woman's voice is shouting from a backdoor "I'M A GODLY SAGE!"') They formed the Great Hakurei Barrier and pledged to it that they would make sure that Gensokyo would go... unharmed. Everyone, including yokai and even the other gods worship it. As it is said to be the most powerful being in all of Gensokyo." You can't help but have a smile on your face at the information, ah, your cousins. How they always somehow... somehow, just get into everywhere.

Well, your not going to complain, if it means people in this realm are less likely to attack you or steal from your hoard, well that's great!

"Where does this Dragon God reside? I'm sure it would be at the top of some mountain or the like..." Okuu looks afraid to disappoint, oh dear.

"People say that after the barrier formed, the Dragon God simply vanished. A lot of, have said that it took a lot of it's power to create the barrier and that such a barrier is actually it's body and that if it needed to form into it's... dragon shape, something reeeeally big must be happening." You do the draconic version of pursing your lips as to how much the creation of this 'grand' barrier is similar to how the barrier of the Lost Isles was created and how that the 'Dragon' God had to give up it's physical body for something. Like how Our Lady of Rainbow Scales had to give up hers to stop the festering corruption of some of her still-born young... The White-worm, and it's source, the Oblivion Well.

You think back to that fight with that humanoid and Moonlight, could it have been a agent of the worm? Thinking back to it, and how the island appeared to have been recently corrupted with it's powers... It could have been, but Oblivion was never known for corrupting euphermals, it wanted to bastardize every inch of draconic-kind, not them. Your eyes regain their hard glow as you begin thinking of all of the possible consequences. Your lair's connection was severed and your hoard brought here. Someone must have destroyed as you know you can feel it even across planes of existence.

Before you can begin to go even deeper down into this train of thought, you feel Okuu tentatively touch your upper right leg. "A-anonm-mity? 'it appears she has trouble saying that word, funny.' I think mistress might be done eating..." Oh right, that!

"Of course, let us not tally any longer than needed." With that both of you are off the floor and into the air, feeling no desire to ask anymore questions you are content to fly in silence... Until the hell-crow speaks up once again.

"Why are you called Heated Ano-nmity?... Anonmity!" Well she learns fast, that's kinda cute you can't lie as well. Man, what is up with you today? This is the longest you've been in the presence of a humanoid that wasn't one of your servants and that was both not with another taninim or part of your adventuring group. Props to you in hindsight.

"It is simply how Taninim are named, by way of more of a title than a birth name like your kind. A Taninim may possess many of one of these titles but only one is their true name. I indeed, in my long life have gained many a noble title or... insult by my brethren." Okuu soaks up the information like a empty sponge, before she asks another one.

"What other titles do you have?" Your blindsense appears to be 'telling' you that she has made a motion indicating a head-tilt.

[X] Raise a amused eyebrow and continue the fly in silence.

[X] Tell her one of your other titles.
-[X] Warden of a Thousand Paces
-[X] Mother of Jetsam Lagoon
-[X] Law-maker of Time
-[X] Boastful Sun
-[X] Write-in

[X] Tell her perhaps another time.
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[X] Tell her one of your other titles.
-[X] Anything eloquent and profound-sounding to impress her.
I thought that's what what we were trying to do until now and it it seemed to work, why did we stop ? its as if our dragon is not completely honest with his feeling.
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By the way, how am I doing so far? I'm not particularly learned on writing canonical characters, or thing of this nature as I've stated up above.
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You also stopped impressing her for that moment because you started acting like... a temperamental dragon. You know in those threads where the writer is saying the anon is being schizophrenic? Well now you kinda, sorta have a excuse for it here.

Ah, lovely mood swings.
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That makes sense.
i thought he was a little tsundere since he "overreact to tense social situations" and i just wanted to poke fun at it.
Im not implying you did anything wrong.

By the way about
Dont worry about it, touhou cannon is unclear and thats probably why there is so mutch fan work in the first place.

There is no better interpretation that your own. It wont be like the canon because there are blanks, and you quite obviously cant accurately follow a set of informations if there are none. Since Touhou canon is unclear therefore your interpretation will differ from other person's, because we all have our own gensyoko and seeing a different perspective and different interpretations of characters is what make touhou fan work interesting.
This is something i personaly look forward to in the stories and i think most pepole do too. so dont worry about it because if its different then thats actually the point. It will also expand or change the view and opinions we have on characters and make us like more or dislike some of them.

I actualy think this migth have been intentional by Lord ZUN as gensyoko is the land of beliefs and ironicaly ZUN listen to the fandom and make sligth change on characters. If you check on the wiki you will find out that ZUN adds quite a lot of characters traits that did not exist in the first place, even if its mosly ascended memes. Its as if in the canon is the result of our beliefs, we are humans who affect the youkai by what we think they are. Seems too ironic to be unintentonal to me.

This is the first time i write something this long and english is not my first language so i apologize if its not up to the high standards of the site
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[X] Tell her one of your other titles.
-[X] Hegemon of Wealth.

That should be both fitting of a treasurer and rather impressive.

I'd say you're doing good so far. Keep it up.

For canon, well it's pretty vague. Outside of some like Reimu and Marisa, who are the most clearly defined, most of the cast is nearly blank. You've got some facts that are said and things that are implied, sure, but a lot of stuff just comes and goes. All in all, you can make your own interpretations, and as long as the story is good it'll be okay.
And since you're already introducing something that doesn't exist in canon anyway, who's to say how a specific character would act? Well, you know, outside of ZUN.
In fact, you can make your own connections between characters, or say that an event didn't happen in your version, or that it did but was different. Just make something compelling and we'll read it even if it goes against some part of the canon.

Don't worry, you write better than quite a few native english speakers I've seen.
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File 151849212237.jpg - (93.48KB, 636x900, 2jctudw.jpg)
[X] Tell her one of your other titles.
-[X] Hegemon of Wealth.

Ah, Hegemon of Wealth. One of your more unusual titles, being gained when your brethren realized you were acting as the treasurer for a group of euphermals and another taninim. The group itself consisting of a Stonewarden (Gargoyle) Paragon, Greater Medusa Cleric, Human Wizard, and Moonlight-in-Trance being a Draconic Hero Bard. Also of course yourself, being a Draconic Exemplar. The title was meant to be some form of insult you presumed for going so 'low' as to become an adventurer and willingly work with lesser beings. Bah, their xenophobic tendencies always did rub you the wrong way. Though you took it in stride and rubbed it in their faces when all it did was accumulate you and your group's fame among the material plane and the Lost Isles.

"Hmm, Hegemon of Wealth; grand authority over my group's gold." You are quick to clarify as you note her begin to ask another question, one with a confused tint.

"How many titles do you have? Ah... which one is your favorite I guess?"

Your mind reaches far back to your beginning something... including your birth named and one of the Elder Rites forcing upon you a 'True' name but which you resisted... got anyways due it being held again with more than one Elder Voice and than being dispelled by the cleric of your group.

"9 titles, though the one you know me as; Heated Anonymity is my favorite and unless I state otherwise I would prefer it if you called me as such... or any shortening of it as long as it isn't demeaning. I've been told how it is for your kind to constantly refer to a title only."

'Your kind' hah, it's really is hard to think of this girl to be a literal goddess. Honestly, you were expecting something much more intimidating and full of power... unless this a front and she can easily obscure her power in-case she doesn't want anyone to notice.

"How aboooout, Anonymity...?" Didn't she have trouble with this word before, oh well, to each their own. You offer no complaints to her choice of shortening your name, it isn't a insult in your eyes. "As you wish, hatchling, Anonymity it shall be!" You exaggerate your speech a bit at the end and she gives a brief chuckle to it. Still with your charm in all of it's numerous forms you see.

You make it back to the point where you can now see the Palace and with your extremely high perception note Satori speaking with a large female humanoid with two-horns. One of the oni? You slow your speed, to which the hell-crow notes and looks over from a bit on-top of the back of you. Flying above essentially.

It sounds like... hmmm... a offer, for a party? Satori refuses and the humanoid respectfully nods and starts to back away from the area. Due to your overly-cautious self, you hid yourself along one of the cavern walls, peaking out your head to look at the exchange. Satori has not given you up to this person from what it appears, so that's extra brownie points for her you guess.

"Why are we hiding?" Okuu is curious!

"I want to meet them on my own terms."

"Ah..." Her curiosity is sated!

A couple minutes pass and than you make your descent back into the main cavern below. Satori noting both you and her 'pet' she nods.

"Hiii mistress!~" A small smile splays on the mind-reader's lips as she begins to take take in the information from the un-guarded source naturally. "Duly noted." She muses upon looking back at you with a slight disapproval, probably at the memory of you freaking the fuck out at Okuu touching your stuff. Widened realization as she double-tracks back to the fact you are essentially part of a group of beings that predates and are the ancestors of the dragons. Though it relaxes after a small while.

"Well... if you pull that card out, Anonymity, I'm sure very few people would want to actually get in a fight with you. Doubly so if a Oni proves those words true."

Okuu ignores the context of that mind-coversation! "What were you two talking about back there mistress?"

"The flower-viewing event in Hakugyokurou that's happening in two weeks. I refused the offer, not exactly feeling up for it to see that many people again." The stoic mind-reader turns her gaze back to you.

"Perhaps you could join that? It would certainly give you a taste of the many personalities Gensokyo has to offer. Get into their good graces and what not to avoid... fights, unwanted ones at the very least. Though I'm not sure how'll most will react to your unique form..." She smiles back at the sun-goddess who you feel is going to ask ab- "Yes you may go to the event~"

Okuu does a small little victory jig in place.

"Now that's settled with, anymore questions?"

[X] No, I'm good.

[X] QUESTIONS (Please choose two)
-[X] Hakugyokurou?
-[X] Spell-card System explanation!
-[X] People that might be able to get me out of Gensokyo?
-[X] Was that a oni back there?
-[X] Write-in

[X] I gave Okuu a 'tour' of my place, may I one of yours?
-[X] Humanoid form
-[X] Dra- how the fuck else are you going to fit in that door?
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-[X] Hakugyokurou?
-[X] Spell-card System explanation!

Could ask about people that could get us out, but Satori already told us she only knows of one, and that said person is highly unreliable at best.
When we get the chance, we should start searching if Moonlight was also moved to Gensokyo, since she was with us when we got here.

[X] I gave Okuu a 'tour' of my place, may I one of yours?
-[X] Stay in your regular form. You might be cramped and not access every room, but you'll be the most glorious being they'll ever see in there. It looks big enough anyway.

Okuu seemed to think we could fit by the entrance door and didn't even question if we could move inside once we were past it, so if it's as big as the games show it, we shouldn't actually have a problem with our size. Some rooms might be too small to get in, though.
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-[X] Hakugyokurou?
-[X] Spell-card System explanation!

[X] I gave Okuu a 'tour' of my place, may I one of yours?
-[X] Dra- how the fuck else are you going to fit in that door?
--[x]by shapeshifting yourself into a smaller dragon, duh.

There's no way changing size is harder than shapeshifting into a completely different species.
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There are no options to turn yourself into a smaller dragon. You do not have the magical options of an actual dragon only a bit of their innate spells you are not a gestalt... yet.

The character sheet given by the link in the post Here be Lava... Oh Wait, is what your are capable of. Save that your actually level 15 and Mythic Rank 1... shhh about that other stuff.

You are a physical juggernaut no doubt that can fly and breath liquid death, but actual magical spells other than your Draconic Flair leaves much to be desired.
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Well it's not realy how that works, actually.
One of our gifts allows us to transform into a human if we want. That's it. We can't even take multiple human forms, just one. Becoming a smaller dragon would require something we don't have.
It's not about how difficult it is to transform, it's about what we can transform into.
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File 151857879985.png - (285.11KB, 800x457, palace_of_earth_spirits_by_graphyteronin-d6qzla3.png)
-[X] Hakugyokurou?
-[X] Spell-card System explanation!

[X] I gave Okuu a 'tour' of my place, may I one of yours?
-[X] Stay in your regular form. You might be cramped and not access every room, but you'll be the most glorious being they'll ever see in there. It looks big enough anyway.

"And what is this Hakugyokuro?" Man that's a mouthful, good thing you can pronounce it!

If Satori shows any surprise at you being able to correctly say it for the first time you can't see it! "Hakugyokuro is part of the Netherworld, one of the the places that a soul can go to when they judged by the Yama. The 'ruler' of the Netherworld is Ghost Princess Yuyuko Saigyouji and her retainer or... servant half-phantom Youmu Konpaku. Hakugyokuro itself is the manor in which they reside most of the time in that realm. A grand garden surrounds the manor and is where the majority of this flower-viewing event will take place, but no doubt the structure will be used as well in some capacity."

That certainly was a bucket-load of information, and more disturbing truth that you are much further away than you initially thought if what controls life-and-death here is not of that of the goddess Pharasma or her Psychopomps. Satori feels like she's going to be asking you more questions now...

You'll decide on whether you or not goi- wait "How do you get into Hakugyokuro without being judged by these 'Yamas?'" Satori nods with a relaxed, almost smug smile... almost. "There's a opening at the top of Gensokyo, a portal opened a while ago that was 'supposed' to be closed but the person who was supposed to close it never got to it. So you can find it if you fly up eventually."

Makes things easier you guess, no dying for you to get to a party! if you know... want too.

Now a more pressing question comes to mind. "All I know about this spell-card system was that it is non-lethal, you cannot use your full power, and was made recently to ensure 'peace' what do these spell-card duels entail exactly?"

Okuu who was silently looking back between the two of you waves at both of you with her arms... huh, where did her arm cannon go? Guess she put it away... somehow. Than proceeds to the palace. "Gonna go talk to Orin, make sure she doesn't freak out..."

"That would be wise." Calls out the mind-reader before turning back to you and than? Pulls out a piece of paper or rather card that has a drawing of different colored bullets ranging from white, to green, to red and a couple others that show out in a ever advancing array of them... with laser beams.

"This is a spell-card, all spell-cards require names usually flowery and eloquent in both name and design. Before using one you must call out their names, usually dramatically would be best. You essentially draw the pattern of these 'bullets' otherwise known as Danmaku to harass your foe. The terms of each duel must be said before-hand, how long can it be, how many cards allowed, how many hits you can take from a 'bullet' or any other obstacle created by the other dueler before you lose. And if 'bombs' are allowed." Satori lets out a large sigh as you acknowledge the information given.

"Physical attacks while you 'may' do them, are heavily frowned upon and you may only use it rarely, unless stated otherwise. Even if you still at full-power at the end of the duel you must stop fighting and you cannot kill the other when the duel is done. Either human, god, or yokai."

"There are also two other types of cards, Skill-cards which are based upon innate abilities like my ability to mind-read or System-cards which can be done and be used by anyone." So you're not completely useless, guess that means your breath weapon is viable, if a bit downgraded.

Satori places the card back in a pouch somewhere on her dress, her 'wired' eye still watching you endlessly as she looks for her pouch for just a second and than turns back to you. "I do have a couple blank cards in the palace's library and my room. Due to my ability I have a extremely high amount of spell-cards."

You look back to the palace door, Okuu is already long gone by this point and you ruffle your wings in a sort of shrug. "I think I'll be taking you up on that offer Satori."

"Oh?" Satori looks back to you with a lazy smile and than beckons you with her as she starts walking to the door of the palace. "Suppose I do owe you a tour of my own for sharing with my dear 'pet.'"

Walking up to the massive twin-entrance you find that yes! You can indeed fit into the palace, glad they are so accommodating for creatures at-least 2 stories tall. A equally large foyer is what step into. When you are in the center of this room you note you can easily spread your wings and also take flight. Fanciful purple and grey are the color scheme of this room and a single chandelier above brings about this room's light though there are candlesticks and the likes at every odd angle or so.

This room appears to be a cross-roads of sort, with south being the door to the underground and the three others being long and imposing hallways that you can fit yourself into. Along the corner of this room however are stairs leading to small outlooks over this room, each with a human-sized door, all closed. Another over-look can be seen high above the rest but with nothing to get up there from here without being smaller sized and be able to fly. Though you do see the faint outline of a slightly larger entrance leading off to another part of the palace. Other than that you've seen, this room is rather plain though it's coldness is a comfort in a rather strange way. Similar to the coolness of your gems and coins when you rest upon them.

"West is where the beds, bathing, and library can be found. North is the kitchen, dining room, second floor stairs, and the downstairs to the Hell of Blazing Flames. East is mostly used for recreational purposes and has a large arena for more 'wilder' Spell-card duels."

"And those other four doors?" You inquire

"One of them leads to another guest room, the other three are... 'holding' cells. They're no longer in use anymore after Old Hell was abandoned." Satori appears to grimace slightly at a bad memory and you don't attend to turn it up... You think you see a smile at that comment in your surface thoughts...

"Which area would you like to go too first? Be warned that going east will probably have the most amount of my 'pets' at a single-given time, so you might get swamped. I apologize if that does happen."

Hmmm... where to go next?

[X] Sou- wait what?

[X] West
-[X] Library!
-[X] Beds!
-[X] Bathing!

[X] North
- [X] Kitchen/Dining Room
- [X] Downstairs to Hell of Blazing Flames
--[X] Ask about the Hell of Blazing Flames
-[X] Upstairs

[X] East
-[X] Recreation Room
-[X] Arena.

[X] Nah... I'll think I'll stay here.
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[X] North
- [X] Downstairs to Hell of Blazing Flames
--[X] Ask about the Hell of Blazing Flames

Let's all go to Hell! Well, another part of it, anyway.
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what does a taninim of our size eat, and how mutch does he need to ? What does he like to eat ?
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File 151866133282.jpg - (14.63KB, 250x292, 250px-Th11RemainsOfBlazingHellSt6.jpg)
[X] North
- [X] Downstairs to Hell of Blazing Flames
--[X] Ask about the Hell of Blazing Flames

"This 'Hell of Blazing Flames' seems interesting, let's go there." The Satori nods and you both begin to make your way to the north hallway. Much, much grander in size and panels across some of the tiles and pillars holding up the architecture are filled with bright purple lights that still only barely scratch the surface of the ceiling. "You certainly like to build big here Satori."

"Mmm, I didn't build this, I found it and refurbished it once the Yamas and their servants left Old Hell. Been mine and... my pet's ever since." She's hiding something, there's someone else who uses the mansion or 'used' the mansion with her beforehand. The hint of longing in her tone suggests the term 'used' would be a correct statement. Much like the memories of those holding 'cells' you aren't going to bring it up yet.

"What exactly IS the Hell of Blazing Flames." Time for more lore-dumps!

Satori let's out a incredulous 'tch!' at your thought. "A lake of magma that had to be constantly heated and cooled in-order to maintain Old Hell's method of eternal torment via hell-fire. It was re-ignited recently and than unigninited by that Shrine Maiden and the 'Ordinary' Magician. It's currently cooling down now and used to be the absolute lowest point of Old Hell. Til two goddesses decided they wanted to invest in Nuclear Power and created a level below the Blazing Fires. Unfortunately save for the goddesses and Okuu, that area is off-limits."

Eternal damnation by hell-fire? Sounds eternally boring and with a lack of variation. "They got better with it in the new Hell they've founded I believe."

"Actually, why DID these Yamas move to this 'new' Hell?" By this point you've past at least two other halls that would have supposedly gone into the second floor or kitchen if you had to guess. The lights being shined had begin to dim and you instinctively know you're going deeper now into the palace.

"Overpopulation, too many humans and the like were being added and Old Hell didn't have enough room to hold them all." Wow, these guys suck compared to the Nine Hells... Though you guess mildly impressive since they stuck a 'hell' in essentially another plane of existence.

"Wherever you come from Anonymity sounds plenty strange in it's own ways." Satori has one-eye closed whilst smirking at you.

"I heavily resent that, 'own' ways? All the ways more likely." There is a raised eyebrow and both of you share a brief chuckle. The walk continues for a while.

"Nuclear Reactor huh? What's that?" To which Satori shrugs.

"Honestly, I'm not completely sure, the goddesses claim it to be a power from the distant 'future.' Intending a industrial revolution of sorts from it, whatever that exactly means I cannot be sure. Though I'm told it heavily benefits the Kappa in particular." Kappa...? You've heard of those creatures, aquatic monstrous humanoids with a taste for mischief. You do know of a few water-based taninim that took some on as servants. You've never seen them in person yourself however.

You have both reached a massive black-iron door, supposedly this will lead to the Blazing Hell. Satori shrugs from your thoughts and knocks on the door twice... it with a grandiose rush of wind, opens up slowly. Instantly the ground before you changes from smooth tiles to haphazard rock, obsidian, and stone. You are led into a cavern with a massive ravine below, a imposing lake of magma can be seen, bubbling up almost angry at the new presence that enters the area. Noting several bright flashing lights in the 'hell' you turn to the mind-reader for clarification.

"Those lights are vengeful spirits that died before the Yama moved to the new Hell, I suggest you don't go down there, they are prone to attack when faced with something new and aren't keen on reason." As per the name vengeful spirit, undead most likely.

Off in the far corner of this cavern is a unusual structure of chiseled smooth white-ish stone with a door of unparalleled make. This structure appears to have been carved out of the walls of the cavern itself, though the color of it makes it appear unnaturally... clean.

"That leads to the Nuclear Reactor, like I said, not allowed down there." Satori narrows a single eye at you... huh, her 'wire' eye does the same thing as well.

"What?" You quirk a eyebrow, amused.


Well those lights do seem pretty, but there's nothing much else down here.

[X] Go down into the Hell of Blazing Fires
-[X] 'Introduce yourself' to the Spirits

[X] Ignore Satori; Into the Nuclear Factory!

[X] Go back
-[X] North
--[X] Into Kitchen/Dining Room
--[X] To the second floor
-[X] East
--[X] Recreation Room
--[X] Arena
--[X] Beds
--[X] Bathing
--[X] Library.

[X] Done with the tour
-[X] Stay to rest
-[X] Leave back to your lair
-[X] To the kitchen for fooood! (This can be done also in the tour.)

[X] Finally facking show your humanoid form.
-[X] In the most nonchalant way possible.
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A bit, but due to your high Con you can go for a while without food. As for things you enjoy, well... you can eat burnt things no problem and your used to rations due to being an adventurer.

Some freshly charred cow with an unhealthy amount of sauce of any kind sounds good right about now, but you've dealt with longer hunger strikes before hand let me tell you.
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[X] Go down into the Hell of Blazing Fires
-[X] 'Introduce yourself' to the Spirits
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[X] Go down into the Hell of Blazing Fires
-[X] 'Introduce yourself' to the Spirits

On one hand, for all we know they've got "incorporeal" and we'll deal shit damage to them because we have nothing effective against that, not even counting that they might come back in a few days anyway. On the other, we're a temperamental dragon presented with a potential threat and they don't seem to be able to leave the area, so either there's something magical keeping them here or they suck.
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[X] Go down into the Hell of Blazing Fires
-[X] 'Introduce yourself' to the Spirits

"What are these spirits capable of?" Satori raises a eyebrow at the question, and your surface thought's intentions.

"Usually basic fire manipulation, flying, and cannot be truly destroyed without a holy weapon. They simply reform a day afterwards if destroyed by other means. They also cannot be hit by mundane weapons. This also doesn't matter but if you were weak-willed they could possess you." Well, good thing your not mundane in the slightest. Let's just hope they're not incorporeal as well, or this is going to just get tedious.

Stretching your wings, you fly up and than go downwards into the ravine. Satori watching you with both a mixture of confusion and amusement splayed upon her otherwise mostly featureless expression. The multitude of lights start to sense your presence and rise out of the 'Hell' some are bigger than the others and you can quite clearly see human skulls in the middle of these lights. Reminding you of Will-o-the-Wisps but undead instead of an aberration. You let out a ear-piercing roar, announcing your presence to whatever lies beneath the magma as well.

Some of the Vengeful Spirits appear to be put off by the show of noisy aggression and float away from you. Others take this act as a sign to commence fire... literally, as dozens of goblets of fire shoot out from each of these blazing fires. A lot more than you were expecting... Oh well, time to dodge! Due to your form and the space given to you, most would think acts of dexterity would be impossible. Though thanks to your numerous trinkets and those 'books' you've read proves them wrong.

You certainly have to do a lot of interesting movements, tucking your wings into yourself, spiraling around the bullets. Thankfully though, they're abilities appear to activate your Spell Resistance and whenever some of the bullets do manage to get uncomfortably close, they fizzle away. You dive towards one of the Vengeful Spirits and go for a rake of the creature's form with your front claws, it feels as though as if you've passed nothing. When you are just about to think 'oh bother, intangibility.' You have to pull your claw away quickly as what is left of the spirit is a massive explosion of those same bullets. Too tight to squeeze through, including everything else that's being thrown at you.

Some of the bullets are now starting to get past your Spell Resistance, than they come into contact with your Bracers of Armor and Ring of Protection as well as your armored hide and that takes more of the bullets getting past. And the rare ones that get into a soft spot on your hide and somehow break past your numerous passive benefits don't even hurt you. As she said, they do fire attacks. So you take your sweet-ass time just shredding these spirits. It's more like a leisurely stroll through the woods at dark with a full moon out. Than fighting undead spirits in the apparently literal pit of Hell.

It has been reduced to a physical fight only thanks to the fact your repertoire is composed of brute strength and FIRE EVERYWHERE AHAHAHAAHHA. Nevertheless, you do get a good practice fight in, learning how to dodge by getting many things thrown at you is apparently good teaching!

It's at this point how the spirits finally realize that they are in-fact never going to damage you and sink back into the magma. Their lights twinkling out, rather wanting to feel the pain of eternal hell-fire than be humulatied by a giant six-limbed reptile with an attitude. Letting out another roar, this time one of triumph. You fly up back into the cavern. Satori gives you a slow clap at the fight shown. Though you can tell she's a bit impressed. "You have a great deal of strength, shame that the Spell-card duels aren't won by it however."

"No bother, that was mainly a stress reliever and to see the power of possible new foes. Do all of the denizens of this plane use rapid amounts of ranged magic?" Your extended wings come back down onto your back as you look at her for a possible response.

"Now I wouldn't say all of it's magic, but you are correct that it is rapid amounts of ranged projectiles." Satori has a small chuckle to herself, you however let out a sigh; bother, don't think you can keep up with all that... maybe. You'll have to see in the future if you can not get better at it.

"If you are done disturbing the punished spirits, we have a tour to get back to, yes?"

[X] Go back
-[X] North
--[X] Into Kitchen/Dining Room
--[X] To the second floor
-[X] East
--[X] Recreation Room
--[X] Arena
--[X] Beds
--[X] Bathing
--[X] Library.

[X] Done with the tour
-[X] Stay to rest
-[X] Leave back to your lair
-[X] To the kitchen for fooood! (This can be done also in the tour.)
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[X] Go back
--[X] Library.

Well that at least confirms that those spirits can't actually do shit to us. It's always good to know you're not gonna die from a swarm of undead while you sleep.
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(How does one know when Autosage has occurred?)

[X] Go back
--[X] Library

"Yes, we shall, the library? I wish to get a couple of these 'spell-cards' for myself." Satori beckons you as the grand doors open themselves back up again and than you find yourself back in the halls of the palace. The walk is uneventful, until you get close enough to the entrance of the foyer that is.

Dashing into view alongside Okuu from what you presume to be from the east corridor, is a humanoid women wearing a blackish-green dress with red hair and... cat ears? Her red eyes were locked onto Satori for just a second, before she spots you. Her face goes through many expressions but it appears to end up looking like a curvy w as her slitted eyes take in your form. Okuu steps into the slight-stare off and points to you and her with each arm. "Anonymity, Orin, Orin, Anonymity."

'Orin's' ears twitch as she does a slight lean back and whispers "He is a taaaall drink of water..."

"More like a drink of magma; pleasure to make your acquaintance Orin." You've been nice to the denizens of this Palace so far, why stop? She does a little blink as she hears your deep echoing voice and nods. "L-likewise! So, you beat Marisa?"

"That he did." Chiming in finally, Satori speaks. "We were just about to head to the library so he could get himself some spell-cards. Though... hmmm." The mind-reader pauses as if trying to remember something. "I've got something too attend to, if that's alright with you Anonymity?" You pause and look over back at her.

"I can send Orin in my stead, she knows the way around the palace."

Orin looks shocked! "Ehhh? You want me to go?" She takes another look at you and mumbles "I don't even think he can fit into the door..."

Okuu however appears to be determined to fit you through each door! "No-way! He can totally fit through there, that door's also super bi-..." They proceed to have an argument about your size and doors that you can fit through... as this is happening Satori gives you a lazy wave with a smirk and starts to float away from the scene. The other two completely ignoring her.

It's been two minutes and they're still arguing, though you get the sense this is merely a faux-act in a way. They are very much smiling almost stupidly, and if you are to pay attention to their words. It would appear like that they are both trying to figure out a plan to make you fit in through the door, though Orin is more... complex about it.

"We could melt the door off its hinges..." Okuu suggests!

"And get Satori to yell at us and clean it up, no way!" Orin denies!

"Aghhh..." Okuu laments you not being able to fit through a door you cannot even see yet!

"Look, I'll think o- Satori's gone..." Orin notices that in-fact, yes, Satori has indeed flown away to do whatever she 'needs' to do. They're now both curiously staring at your form, who may have held an amused expression throughout the exchange.

"Oh..." The hell-crow lazily scratches the back of her head as she also notices now.

You give out a shrug "You didn't notice?" Okuu pouts, but quickly fixes her expression. Orin's twin tails... which YOU'VE just noticed that she had, sway to the side and into view for a second. Two tails... cat ears... hmm, this looks familiar though your not exactly sure why.

"So, guess I'mma be showing you the library, come along than... Anonymity?"

"I'm coming too!" Okuu shouts for no reason and starts to follow you both as you make your way to the hall containing what may or may not lead to the library. This hall looks exactly the same as the one beforehand, with those same bright purple lights. You start to tense slightly as a couple of those Vengeful Spirits float down from the ceiling and get real close to Orin, she says what appears to be a order of some-kind or two and they float away.

"You can control undead? Or are some of these spirits 'tamed?'" Orin looks thoughtfully to you.

"Bit of both accctually, I control em at first and than eventually they start not instantly setting things to fire when I'm not around." Cat that can control undead... cat and undead...

Now that sounds VERY familiar.

[X] Ask Orin a question
-[X] "Are you perhaps by any chance? A humanoid nekomata?"
-[X] "What do you do around here?"

[X] That red eye on Okuu's chest interests you, stare at it and try to decipher it's meaning.
-[X] Or just ask her about it.
--[X] Actually what's the deal with Satori's 'third' eye too?

[X] Blindsense
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[X] Ask Orin a question
-[X] "Are you perhaps a humanoid nekomata?"
[X] Blindsense

Imaginary Friend Time?
I think we can guess the third eye thing is related to what Satori and Okuu are. Not like it's that strange. Relatively.

"How does one know when Autosage has occurred?"
When the thread stops getting bumped even if people still post without saging. That happens when there are over 250 posts.
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[X] Ask Orin a question
-[X] "Are you perhaps a humanoid nekomata?"
[X] Blindsense

Curious, "Are you perhaps a humanoid nekomata?" A strange little thought. Considering you've faced one with your group in the yonder years of your adventuring career. Orin doesn't turn to face you ask you the question, though the tone indicates a bit irritation.

"No, I'm a Kasha, different thing! They reanimate corpses, I carry them with my cart! Completely different thing." Okuu turns to whisper towards you. "She gets really defensive about it, personally though, I can't tell the difference~" Orin suddenly grapples the sun goddess into a hug "Okuuuu~ why you'd have to tell him that! Now I have to punish you!..." She tilts her head as she looks back to your imposing form that you yourself feel out of place in. "Later, perhaps?"

"Perhaps" you smile a one filled-irrevocably with teeth towards her. Okuu on the other hand chuckles and pushes the 'Kasha' away from her sudden embrace. "Silly, these are things he needs to know if he's going to be staying close by to the palace."

It's now Orin's turn to playfully pout and her slitted-eyes become rounded like a human's for a couple seconds before turning back to the same. Coughing into her sleeve of her dress. "Ah, yes, back to the 'tour?'" You nod and beckon her to go forward, though she doesn't see you do this as she's already gone back to walking you and Okuu to the Library.

They talk to each other as you do go about the motions of exploring, gossip really. You can tell they've known each other for a while and are quite good friends. If anything from beforehand was any indication hearing them now in not a pestering mood enforces it. You almost feel bad for intruding, almost, it is quite interesting to hear about the euphemrals and their daily going-on's. Their limited lives forcing them to make the most of it, as you've clearly seen from your mortal companions.

You stop yourself and correct that in-fact Okuu is not mortal, though she once was... so perhaps that goes into fact either-way. Not exactly knowing what would be a correct answer could be that you were never mortal in the first place and thusly were never able to what it truly meant to age and turn to dust all due to the insidious killer this is time.

Funny, you were so caught up in your thoughts that you 'almost' didn't notice your blindsense being set off...

In every-single direction. Your blazing eyes go wide as you instantly try to locate it's source. Orin and Okuu turning to face you in confusion as to why you'd suddenly start looking around everywhere. You see nothing however, though you KNOW something's here other than Okuu and Orin. It's... 'everywhere.' A unforeseen pressure presses into your deeper mind and blood starts to roar in your ears as you begin to feel your compulsion creep in and attempt to take control of your actions...

"Anonymity?" The enclosed desire to 'freak' out within your mind... shatters, as Okuu who to more learned people of your planes would think stupid at this action. Tentatively touches one of your fore-limbs. Whatever she did has shattered the presence that was here. As now your blindsense can only 'feel' Orin and Okuu as well as the surrounding hall and the human-shaped door... huh, when did we get here so quickly? Orin looks stand-offish, getting ready for a fight if you did really lose control over there. Stance aggressive but lessening as you come out of what just occurred to you.

"What happened?" Okuu blinks back to the 'Kasha' who shrugs.

"You just, stopped moving, and than you started shaking... and than you started growling 'really' loudly. You ah, stopped when I said your name." Oh bother, how embarrassing, and you didn't even realize what was happening to you! Couldn't... couldn't have been Satori, she wasn't strong enough to breach your mental defenses.

"Well..." Orin starts slowly, "we're at the library... and I still have no idea how you'll fit." Okuu on the other-hand, quickly gets back into the notion of that you can in-fact, fit through every door ever and starts inwardly comparing sizes in her mind... Sorry crow, not this time.

A bit disturbing that was, let's hope that's not a recurring thing that's going to happen around here.

Looking back at the door you...


[X] 'Sigh' another time. 'Leave'
-[X] Look for whatever caused that 'overlord'
-[X] Ask Okuu and Orin about it.
-[X] Remember to ask Satori about it if you can find her.

(Heh, shame, no appropriate pic for me~)
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[X] 'Sigh' another time. 'Leave'
-[X] Look for whatever caused that 'overload'
-[X] Ask Okuu and Orin about it.
-[X] Remember to ask Satori about it if you can find her.

To bad for the library, but I can't imagine ourself just going "well, time to get weaker to pass a door" when something we can't see just made our blindsense go into overdrive, fucked with our head, had our compulsion nearly take over and could still be there.
Also I want to see how long we can last without transforming.
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[X] 'Sigh' another time. 'Leave'
-[X] Look for whatever caused that 'overload'
-[X] Remember to ask Satori about it if you can find her.

I'm assuming you meant "overload", but whatever.

Anyway, let's talk to Satori about this precense because she's, for lack of a better term, smart enough to understand our situation.
Not that Orin and Okuu are dumb, per se, but there's a reason they're considered pets and not equals.
Also, I'm not sure how much we should be spreading around the information that something made us freak out that badly. We should try to build up, and keep our awe-inspiring reputation as long as possible.
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File 151908906557.png - (771.22KB, 908x1184, Koi.png)
[X] 'Sigh' another time. 'Leave'
-[X] Look for whatever caused that 'overlord'
-[X] Ask Okuu and Orin about it.
-[X] Remember to ask Satori about it if you can find her.

"Another time... Do you two have any idea who could have caused that?" Your long neck angles towards the two.

"I... haven't the faintest idea?" Okuu nods in compliance with Orin's words. Dammit, you quickly look around but find... nothing. Even with your incredibly high perception, invisible? Possible, but highly unlikely. Whatever it was it must produce an aura of some-kind. Either that or it's incorporeal and it just used some-kind of teleportation.

"You two, see if you can find your mistress, warn her of a possible intruder." This is bad, bad, bad. Satori could barely look into your mind without you shutting her down. Whatever this thing is it strolled right past your mental defenses like it wasn't even there.

"Ah, okay, stay safe Anonymity." Okuu waves you away as both of them dash off to where they think the mind-reader is... Huh, Orin can fly, neat. Whelp, you're now alone in the hall with a library door too small for you to fit in. Now, let's see if you can't find this 'intruder.' If whoever it was IS a intruder and those two were just lying to your face. Though their expressions showed genuine surprise from your memory, so perhaps not. You prowl down the hall, steps careful even with your grand form. Eyes focusing for any small sense of movement...

Scanning... for anything. The ceiling, the walls. Prey can be any-where, they can be tricky, but they're always scared, always on the move to hide from the hunter... or judgement. You make it to about when the hall splits off to what you assume to be the bathing and bedding area when you 'see' it. Your focus is rewarded for its intense efforts. A flutter of a yellow-green dress, shimmering away down the left corridor... Chase is had, though when you get to the corridor...

Nothing, or well, you 'see' nothing. But just as you get into an area closer to the wall that cloth was positioned at, that same sensation of something being 'everywhere' occurs. Overwhelming tenseness, the blood roaring... You are however, prepared for this and push through your compulsion being activated. And than? That sensation stops... not because whatever it was has vanished from your 'sense' but because you can see who's causing it. Or rather a more apt term would be 'her.'

The outfit she wears is very much similar to Satori's, albeit with a hat and a new color-scheme. Though that's not what catches your attention first about this humanoid... It's the blank look in her deep green eyes, the tangle of purple wires connecting to a closed eye right above her heart.

Her expression is a vacant smile, staring right at you... right through you? She claps her hands between two frilly sleeves almost too big for her hands to fit through and she does a little jump as she giggles. Though her gaze and expression stay relatively the same.

"Oooo~ do that again! I haven't felt anything since that!" That... choice of words, you blink, the 'everything' once more for how long it lasts. You look down...

She's suddenly right next to you, looking directly up; staring. Her smile has widened a bit, becoming slightly opened mouthed and the look in her eyes isn't 'as' blank anymore.

"Big... very, very biiiig. You're like a maze you know? Big, glowy center, always moving, rearranging. I bet sister had a hard time navigating~~" She sing-songs that last part... it rises, however, many implications as to what she just said now. Does she mean, Satori?

[X] Write-in.
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You know, I've just been winging this so far... Really got to start thinking of possible routes and endings.
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[x] Be the flabbergasted taninim.
-[x] "And who might your sister be?"
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[X] Be ready for any more mental assault.
-[X] "Would this sister be Satori?"

At some point she's going to startle our compulsion and we'll breathe fire on her without even knowing we burned her.
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[X] Be ready for any more mental assault. Though your a bit flabbergasted all-in-all.
-[X] "Would this sister be Satori?"

You certainly weren't expecting 'this' that's for sure. No need to let your guard down however, there's no telling what exactly she'll d-

"Heeeeey~ are you thinking? Stooop, look at me!~" Your attention snaps back to the strange gi- she's ontop of your head... Her own head upside down to your eyes, a quick maneuver backwards causes her to seemingly harmlessly flop off of you to which she springs up with another clap.

"Don't... do that." You punctuate your first word with a growl.

"What 'that?'" Oh god...

For the love of Our Lady of Rainbow Scales! Please! Don't her let her be like the wizard in 'that' phase.

"The 'teleporting!'"

"I'm not teleporting sillly~ your not noticing me is all." What does she...

"What do you mean by 'not noticing?'" She does a little twirl and when she completes the twirl her hand is in a thinking position, holding her chin. Despite the fact you saw no movement in her twirl to indicate that in-fact she indeed did that motion.

"Sister... said something, perception! Has to do with peeerception~ when you look away, I'm not there, but I can be over there or over 'there!' But you wouldn't think of me being over 'there' so your brain doesn't see me over there! But I'm not over 'here' because I would be over there at that point and I'm not 'twoooo' people. Though that would be fuuuun, maybe, possibly, haven't tried it." Your pretty sure you understand, she can affect the nature of your perception, but since you have blindsense that's why you can still 'sense' her even when she's doing that.

"So you can affect one's perception of events?" She breaks her pose and flaps her arms around a bit in faux-excitement.

"No!~ Sister means the subconscious, tucked awaaaaay corner~ Yours isn't! It's in the middle, oh so big and glowy! Diiiiid I mention glowy?~" Actually, now that makes more sense right now, since I have blindsense I can still pick her up because I'm 'seeing' everywhere around me. No-where to hide in the subconscious if the visible brain is still looking at you even if not with your eyes. Though the faultiness of it is probably because it's blindsense, not blindsight. A more pressing matter however, her sister? Does she mean Satori at all?

"Sister? Hmph, does her name happen to be Satori?" This girl does a wide blink, still with blank expression though you do feel as though she can place it somewhere in her memories.

"Satooori~ Satooori?~ Mmm... I don't k- I do know! Yes, most definitely, and with pets right, Orin, Okuuuuu~ and the rest of the cats, bats, dats, and dogs! Maybe a bear or two~" You're not even sure if those other animals Satori has at the moment. A bear underground, wouldn't be the first time that happened... not like cave... but like dee- forget it.

She walks up to you again... and abruptly hugs your left-front leg! "Your waaarm~ like the center is~ pulsating, throoobbing~ screaming! Oh wait, that's me, my baaad~"

"No shame in releasing one's emotions... as long as I'm not in the blast radius." She doesn't seeeem malicious... and it's not like this is the first time something smaller than you has hugged one of your legs like a sturdy cushion...

"Hmm, hmm, blasting happens a lot down here yes, but you! You're the reason why we're talking!" And suddenly switching to third person, alright, I can live with it. Also... she is now stroking your leg, it is a bit... out there.

"And the reason is?" Perhaps a curious tilt of the head to show visually you do care in some capacity or another. She interests you, a bit at the very least.

"You saw us!"


"I... saw you?"

"Yes! When we didn't want to be seen by nobodieees, you saw us still! 'nobody' sees us when we don't want them to and even than..." So she herself is interested in your ability to perceive you when she's affecting your subconscious. Huh.

"Not in your glow either! You saw my dress down the hall, I didn't want, nope, nope, nope! But you did and now we're here talking... conversing! Monitoring my every move! I can't forget that, even if I do!~" You are starting to realize that this individual may or may not be having a few screws loose, though you thought about it beforehand, this conversation itself encourages such a notion to be stated within.

"Well perhaps I'm just special?" A little gloat never hurt no-one, especially not yourself...


She looks you up and down, releasing you from her some-what iron grip. "Maybe, I'd say yes, but others would say no and that you've haven't tried enough to get here!~ But I will say that they're liars and shall be burned at the stake by dawn!" Oh boy.

"By the way, before I forget ephemeral, I am Heated Anonymity, you?" She pauses as you interrupt a part of her internal and external monologue.

"The great eye-less Koishi Komeiji stands before you! Forget me now and remember me later, I will return... or not... I think so-not!~" Before you can do anything she jumps up into the air and flies away... huh, another one. You get the

distinct feeling that will surprise you less and less as time carries on...

By the way, you feel as though you should be getting back to your guides or Satori... it shouldn't take that long to get her, right? Alas, it is up to you to find them. Or any of them for that matter, preferably not that Koishi
ephemeral... not for a little while at the least.

You make it back to the hall with the library door... and you see off in the end both the cat and raven are in a limp kneeling position, breathing but otherwise unmoving. What... how did...? Grunting in thought you cautiously make your way over to them. Like before; stealthily, though with far less malice in-mind.

Well, they appear to be unresponsive and they don't react to you moving in-front of them and peering down into their... uhhh... blank-looking eyes. Hmm, what to do now?

[X] Contemplate the assailant

[X] Get them up and working!
-[X] Light touch
-[X] Moderate push
-[X] Heavy molestation
-[X] Glare

[X] Satori! Satori, Help me Satori!
-[X] Spend a Mythic Power and use Mythic Draconic Gift to switch out a gift for Sound Imitation temporarily. Attempt to bluff to sound like someone else.
--[X] Okuu
--[X] Orin
--[X] Koishi
--[X] Satori (Mind-fuck option.)

[X] Leave em' and go into the library while no-one's watching

(Note I did not exactly plan for this, as I made the DC to perceive her 50... which when I rolled proceeded to get it exactly on the dot so oh well!~)
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[X] Get them up and working!
-[X] Light touch

Considering we are, in fact, very much larger and stronger than most people here, let's be gentle.
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[X] Get them up and working!
-[X] Light touch
--[X] Roar.

It might snap them out of their trance and we might be heard by Satori. Whoever did this could also hear us, of course, but we're a big mass of flying fire-lizard: they'll learn to fear our wrath.

I've noticed you sometimes switch from third to first person during the narration, as well as a few errors with the lines. Don't worry about taking your time to read what you wrote again if you need.
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[X] Get them up and working!
-[X] Light touch
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[X] Get them up and working!
-[X] Light touch

They appear to be in a trance of some-sort, hopefully as you reach a talon out. That they aren’t permanently like that. Touching their shoulders you shake their bodies… and when they flop over accidently your ears glean a gasp as both of them suddenly start up and start rubbing their eyes as if they were asleep.

“Ahhh… oh!” Okuu starts up upon seeing you and gets up, Orin shakes her head as she looks at the hell-raven and slowly gets to her feet. Twin tails wagging in an aggravated way. The sun goddess looks extremely confused as she points behind her as she looks at you. You are… possibly sporting an amused expression.

“Were we… doing something?” Orin tilts her head as Okuu nods in agreeance rapidly. Your expression falters as they weren’t just stunned and laid prone, their memories have been altered.

“Yeah, the library… something about those spell-cards In their that mistress had extras of…” Okuu goes to open said rather large but not big enough for you door, while Orin has a hand to her forehead that releases as she blinks rapidly.

[X] Ask if the cat is okay
[X] Go inside the library, get those friggin’ spellcards
[X] How aboooout… later.
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[X] Go inside the library, get those friggin’ spellcards

More rare and unique treasure for our hoard? Hell yes.
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(I was going to make you guys turn into humans, but than I thought of something reasonable)

[X] Go inside the library, get those friggin’ spellcards

Orin appears to catch hold of herself as she walks up to the door with a more focused look and smiles back at you with a somewhat incredlous one. "Ah... do you have something for the door? Like... a teleport... or...?"

Ah, yes, that one major problem that has plagued you for... well, actually, since last 2 years or so. As that was the time when you went actively adventuring and gaining levels. But you have just the solution, the VERY reason you took upon that ability... and a couple others. But this was a HUGE one, the sole reason... you took it.

To cross doors that aren't big enough for you... and sometimes not because of that one time with giants and diplomacy, but still! Your like a wizard that knows the enemy he's face and all the gold in the world for material components for spells and magic items... because hell, that enemy's a demon lord of somekind and even if you can control reality. You never know if the demon lord is also capable of casting 9th level spell-likes... But they probably can.

They're demon lords.

"Unyu?" The raven breaks you out of your thoughts with worry!

"We can probably just get the spellcards ourselves, gotta be a couple of my guys floating around back there at the moment. Help us out." Orin does a noteworthy suggestion! Which, in the long-term will make it so you don't have to do that 'thing' because most of the time, you feel very weak going through small doors.


"Very well." You rumble outwards. "I do hope this won't take much time at all." You set yourself on your hunches, tail idly curling into your hindlegs.

"Don't move, we'll be right back!" Okuu exits into the library and follows Orin after, who has a somewhat curious expression to as to why Okuu wanted to leave all of a sudden.

Hmm... well... that leaves you alone at the moment. Nothing much to look at either, I mean... it's fancy for an underground mansion, but you gathered that already. Looking up, the celing does appear to go quite the distance, so much so that even your darkvision is leaving some space that you can't quite see clearly. Though with your eagle-like eyes you can indeed make out a actual physical barrier for the roof of the building.

There appears... well, you can make out the outlines of outcroppings someone of medium height could possibly stand on and make use of. It would be odd to think about why would somebody wants those, they can't get to i- but they can get to it. Everybody somehow knows how to fly in one capacity or another. From what you've seen anyways.

You feel like something is watching you... again, and as you turn around to the source. You can see... a white and brown colored bunny at the end of the hallway of which you came from. Just... sort of there, looking at you. You do know that Satori had more 'pets' to speak of, but you didn't know that there were more 'normal' ones.

Though, this definitely doesn't look normal, it's not running away for one, and that your years of adventuring have told you nothing is 'normal.'

But still, it's just watching you seemingly, your not a professor at animal handling so you can't quite tell the expression it wears. But it's ears are up and attentively moving around, and it is breathing. So it isn't undead, or a construct.

You turn your head back to the door, they still haven't come back.

Your head leans back to the rabbit... It's closer...

You also, didn't hear a thing.

[X] Stare more intently, try to discern if it was really that sneaky... or it used magic.
[X] Get up and roar in it's face.
[X] It's just a rabbit, what's the worst it can do?
[X] Approach and attempt to humor it.
[X] Call out to the other two
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[X] Approach and attempt to humor it.
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[X] Approach and attempt to humor it.

Well isn't this most unusual? Suppose you'll match it's unusualness with your own. Standing up back to all fours you step mockingly careful closer to the rabbit.

You are within 30ft and it does not appear to be an illusion to your blindsense. It does, however, react to you getting closer, just a small twitch of acknowledgment. You let a huff of hot air, beginning to circle the definitely normal rabbit. More than enough room in the hall to allow you to do such a task.

The rabbit does indeed turn to face you, ears angling towards the sound of your relatively heavy foot... clawfalls? Anyways, it's noting your movements when it isn't turning to face you.

What to say... something... dramatic? You can most certainly do dramatic, but would it like it is the question? Ah... no, wait, you got something.

Circling back, you let out a heavy-handed sigh. As your already guttural, thick voice becomes laden with emotions of finality and the like. "So... it's come to this has it?" There's another twitch, as if the rabbit is shocked to hear you speak or something.

"I've spent the past six centuries, perfecting my craft, delving into arcane secrets beyond your comprehensions, made pacts with the most hideous of archdevils, delved into undeath, forsaken the natural order of this world so much that even daemons and divs would be envious of my destruction of the most profound."

This rabbit which you summarize to be very much intelligent is intently listening now to what you have to say. Nevertheless you carry on with your recounting of a villain.

"Yet, here you are, before me, thinking that you can stop what I have done, what I have created! But... you must understand, what I have done for you, for this world and the countless planes beyond it is life-changing, what I can do when I have your souls... oh so much more. But do not worry, do not fret, the world will be a better place without you all anyways." You stand still for a couple seconds...

Than instantly you mock being thrown down onto the ground and gurgling a death choke as your recounted villain has apparently died. Hoisting yourself back up, you look to the rabbit to find yourself looking at a women clad in a simple white and blue dress with brown and white rabbit ears on her head. With red eyes gleam with amusement. She looks like she was about to clap but stopped when she saw you.

So, Okuu does it beside you, along with Orin who's just has a tilt of her head. Three blank cards underneath her hand.

"How long have you been here...?" You question uneasily, they were beyond your 30ft, so it made sense in an aspect.

"I've spend the past six centuries?" Orin parrots back to you, before handing you the cards... which you take and put in your bag of holding.


[X] Question the rabbit... girl?
[X] Think of spellcards to make.
[X] Something else?
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Anyways, you hear about the Yorigami sisters?

Came of a little amusing surprise to me when I first made this and than I thought to myself.

'Hmm, I wonder if there are any Touhous directly related to money.' (save for Remiu)

Started looking for characters on the wiki and be like, 'oh, Antinomy of Common Flowers has released, I wonder if there's any new characters!'

And really... it worked out... so perfectly. I mean, what better antagonist to a hoarding dragon. The coincidence is just sheerly blinding.

Not that I'm saying the Yorigami sisters are going to be Heated Anonmity's big bad. That's all up to you my friends. But still, it's pretty damn amazing.
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Okay, that was just silly, Heated Anonymity.

[X] Think of spellcards to make.
How about... Untouchable Wealth 「Dragon's Hoard」; Earth's Mantle 「Magmatic Convection」; Magma Sign 「Subterranean Sea」
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[X] Bow. You did put on a show after all.
-[X] Then think of spellcards to make.

I like this story. This is a good story.
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[X] Think of spellcards to make. (Untouchable Wealth 「Dragon's Hoard」; Earth's Mantle 「Magmatic Convection」; Magma Sign 「Subterranean Sea」)

You look back at the Orin and Okuu. Bowing your head slightly in what you think to be a respectful way "Thank you for your time you two. And for these cards."

Okuu shrugs and has a small smirk on her face. "No problem for us Anonymity. Mistress has loads of these, first I ever heard of her running low." Orin on the other hand has walked up to the bunny-eared girl and is talking to her. Asking the whereabouts of Satori.

"Ah! Mistress is having dinner right now, sent me to come get you... and Anonymity?" The bunny girl looks to you curiously, her voice is high-pitched as if she was a human girl of 10 years rather than what she looks to be of 14. Not the oddest thing, but definitely something you can note about her.

"Thank you Shiru." Okuu looks up suddenly, as if remembering something.

"I didn't eat dinner! Of course, that's why my stomach was rumbling." A fist into a open palm is her gestured movement. Wait... she was remembering that? Odd.

Orin restrains a snicker building up and shakes her head. "Anyways, Shiru, you can tell mistress we'll be there." The rabbit nods and runs along, quite fast you have to say. Makes sense considering.

As all three of you come back to the main foyer area, you strike up a question that's been on your mind. "Say, how does one 'draw' these patterns on a spellcard? Do you mentally think of the attack and it appears on the card, or do you say it aloud?"

"I had to draw mine, using... special, pens or something. I don't remember where mistress got them from though." Okuu is the first to answer, shame, they are a bit small, so your going to have to use humanoid form to draw it... and than there's the matter of special materials...

"I know if you can concentrate really hard on it, the image and name should appear on the card. Though I'm sure only mistress can do something like that." Or perhaps not, as the cat-humanoid gives a helpful detail, turning her head to face you. Though there is something quite not adding up here.

Those cards, you didn't feel anything 'magical' about them, you could sense nothing at all. They did, however, look definitely made out of something sturdier than paper and the like. Perhaps if used with these special materials, it creates some sort of magic that lets you make a spell-card. Very particular.

Hmm, Satori said that they needed a name, and needed to sound dramatic. You have a few ideas floating through your head, but not what they should do. Perhaps seeing a formal duel will allow you to get a better idea of how this 'danmaku' works.

Eventually, three names stick out to you at first.

Untouchable Wealth 「Dragon's Hoard」
Earth's Mantle 「Magmatic Convection」
Magma Sign 「Subterranean Sea」

But maybe at a later date, more will come. Hopefully you'll have figured out this whole spellcard business and gotten more spellcards. Or a way to reliably reproduce the cards and 'special' materials.

"Unyu?~" You feel a small poke at your left forelimb, Okuu staring up at you. "Will you be joining us for dinner Anonymity?"

"I think he'll eat more than we can put out Okuu." Orin muses.

You are currently in the foyer at the moment, both of the two animal-humanoids in-front, still acting as a sort of guide. Shiru, the bunny girl long gone at this point in time.

Yes, will you be joining them?

[X] Politely decline
-[X] Go back to your hoard, rest.
-[X] Explore the surrounding areas outside the mansion, ones that don't go out to this village they speak of.
-[X] Go to this oni village, see if you can't buy something to eat and figure out local personalities along the way.
--[X] Perhaps ask these two if anyone will freak at the sight of you

[X] Join them...
-[X] Realize that 'oh shit, their doors are probably too small!'
--[X] Sigh in defeat... finally turn into humanoid form
---[X] Think of any more questions to ask of Satori
--[X] Sigh in defeat... leav- you motherfucker
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[X] Join them...
-[X] Realize that 'oh shit, their doors are probably too small!'
--[X] Review your character sheet
---[X] Notice you have Lithe Movement
----[X] Fit through the doors despite common sense telling you otherwise
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[X] Politely decline
-[X] Go to this oni village, see if you can't buy something to eat and figure out local personalities along the way.
-[X] Then change your mind and crash the Satori's party, anyway.

Temperamental dragon mode, activate!
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[X] Politely decline
-[X] Go to this oni village, see if you can't buy something to eat and figure out local personalities along the way.

Should at least see what else is around before the day ends. Who knows what those Oni are up to?
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[X] Join them...
-[X] Realize that 'oh shit, their doors are probably too small!'
--[X] Review your character sheet
---[X] Notice you have Lithe Movement
----[X] Fit through the doors despite common sense telling you otherwise
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(Ah, fine)

[X] Join them...
-[X] Realize that 'oh shit, their doors are probably too small!'
--[X] Review your character sheet
---[X] Notice you have Lithe Movement
----[X] Fit through the doors despite common sense telling you otherwise

"I think I will be joining you in this. See how this new plane's food can be..." And you begin to follow them both as they lead you into the otherwise unexplored part of the mansion, for you anyways.

An almost mischevious thought comes to you, of leaving one moment and suddenly crashing in through the dining room door or something along those lines. But you brush it off, many other similar thoughts you have held and many you have easily dismissed... or well, rather, have begun to recently, easily dismiss.

"New plane?" The Kasha didn't get the memo apparently, not that'd you'd blame her.

"Oooh, yeah, apparently Anonmity over here is from another like... dimension? Similar to new Hell I guess you could say. What was it called?" Utusho forgetting the name of the plane is understandable, as you've never explictily stated the name of plane to her. Your bad.

"The Lost Isles, my apologies for forgetting to tell you it's name."

"Uh... huh... eh, not the weirdest thing that's happened to Gensokyo." Rin sounds unphazed apparently. Now that's a semi-interesting development. From what you can gather, your exact case hasn't happened, but this plane, Gensokyo, is supposedly rather strange. You never did get the exact reason why this plane came to be. Though Okuu mentioned something about 'death from lack of faith.'

Hmph, more dinner-topic conversation for the mistress.

"Why is it called the 'Lost Isles?'" Okuu asks.

"That's two parts, but simply put. The Lost Isles is made up of many islands, rather large islands as they have to sustain many of our size and bulk. The 'lost' part coming in as to all other than taninim, the way to it, and how to get into the isles are simply 'lost' unless you are a friend of one and have been granted passage."

"It is impossible to get in with force? Because Gensokyo's barrier can and has been breached, from what I hear anyways." Orin is the one to speak up about this.

"To my knowledge... no, no-one has been able to brute-force their way into the Lost Isles, with actual 'physical' strength, to any sort of magic. And I'm sure if someone were to come in uninvited... they wouldn't live very long." Okuu nods in understanding... lots of dragon-'ancestors' or so it would seem. They would carry a lot of firepower, wouldn't they?

And so after having to talk for a couple more seconds, you finally make it to supposedly where this dining room is. A dark-oak door just a tad larger than the library door. One that you can foreseeably squeeze through, given... enough time. The sound of excited chatter can be easily heard through it from your trained-ears.

The other two can hear it too as you hear Okuu mumble panickedly to herself. "Ack! Hope they didn't eat all of the eggs." And she quickly opens up the door and enters in, you can pick out greetings of a few voices but otherwise, the hell-raven's presence goes unwarrented. Proving true as Orin enters, though she looks back at you with a sort of worried expression upon her face.

Any conversation still at present is halted as you squeeze yourself through the doorframe. Looking upon the rather large dining room and seeing many a humanoid with animalistic parts to them. All seated at an incredibly long table. Made out of somesort of stone. Though that isn't the point of what is being observed today, as you are most definitely being looked at as you finally squeeze into the room fully.

Some with rat tails, some with bear ears, some with parrot's wings. All are female, or at the very least, look to be extremely feminine, you can't quite tell. Satori is at the end of this table, a slightly larger chair also made of stone she sits upon, Utusho sits to her left, an empty chair to her right. No-one looks to be taking it. The food itself is placed almost like an banquet or buffet. Though of course, eating has stopped as everyone is looking at you with either mild surprise, or absolute bewilderment. Even Satori looked shocked as she saw you coming in through the door.

There is a pause, a sense of pressure forms in your brain, as the situation appears tense.

"Ah, so good to see you've arrived Anonymity~" Satori however, quickly takes back control, and goes to defusing the more aggressive looking members of the crowd. Ones that showed little to no reaction, merely shrug and wave you over lazily, like there was no harm done. As if you weren't a fricking dragon.

A couple do look a bit scared, so it's not all lost, and Okuu also waves you over to the seat just in-front of her. The one next to Satori, though the mind-reader already has a sort of disapproving look on her face as she stares at the unknowing hell-raven. Though it quickly fades to compliance as she looks at you.

"I would say to sit down and take a seat Anonymity, but uhhh..." You let out a chuckle as you make your way over, being delicate enough to not shake the table 'that' much.

"My weight will break it? It is not offensive, if it's plainly obvious." So you sit on your hunches behind the chair. A few of the 'pets' flinch at your voice, as if not expecting it. But most pay it no heed other than a eye or ear to what you have to say.

"Just don't make it a habit." You amusedly say more to yourself than anyone else in the room. You note a plate at where you would supposedly sit at. Empty with any sort of food, and strange wooden sticks near it as well as a couple napkins and a glass filled already with water.

Everybody else is using these items, the wooden sticks to hold food to eat or snatch onto their plate. "Their called chopsticks, don't think you'd need much explanation on what they're supposed to do and how to use them." Satori would be correct on that, they're all being held a specfic way. If a little weirdly, you think you can reproduce the movements with your claws... if the sticks were made of metal... and much larger.

Matter-of-fact, your sure you could eat this entire table, chairs and all, and still go for seconds... or perhaps thirds. But the food itself does look quite interesting, stuff you've never seen before. Though even if you did get it into your mouth, you would probably have to make an effort to taste the tiny morsels presented.

Utusho and Rin are digging in quite readily, making sure their favorites aren't eaten first. Satori on the other-hand is as always, methodical and knows exactly what she wants. Or she appears that way, it's hard to tell.

If you let it so, the nervous 'pets' from before calm down and don't appear to be that intimidated at your massive appearance. Though many still glance up at you, and you possibly return the gaze when your blindsense tells you such a thing is happening.

So, your here now.

[X] Ask Satori or co. more questions.

[X] Attempt to indulge in the food here

[X] Look for Shiru, that bunny-girl from earlier.

[X] Leave prematurely, but politely.
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[X] Attempt to indulge in the food here

I can't really think of any questions that can be asked with so many potentially suspicious people around without risking cueing the omnipresent adventurers to our future travelling options, so let's see what the puny mortals saw fit to offer the great dragon like us.
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[X] Attempt to indulge in the food here
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[X] Attempt to indulge in the food here

You lean down to glance at the many different types of foods available. In your travels you think you've seen one of the food items before, well... the chicken and shrimp yes. But they've been made in a specific way, the chicken skewered on sticks and the shrimp breaded oddly enough. There are however, other 'rolls,' Sushi you remember it being called once a upon a time in your travels in the material plane. Though you never ate it, it was quite interesting even if it was a morsel to one such as you.

It is a simple matter to carefully skewer some of the food onto your claws, wary glances to those unfamiliar towards you, though that 'one' rabbit looks altogether unconcerned. As does Satori, Okuu, and Orin. There is however, something that your bright glowing eyes notice being served in a large wooden bowl.

Inside the bowl are deep blue transluscent orbs. A decadent scent of death accompanies it, but not nearly enough to ruin the other food's taste. Some of the Sushi have raw ingrediants, interesting. You are familiar with the scent, fighting an Astradaemon will let you note that scent.

Those are souls, like the Wrathful Spirits you've faced down below. Despite the revelation that these denizens of 'Old' Hell feast on souls, you aren't exactly revolted, perhaps annoyed because of your general company. However, this appears to be a different plane, maybe souls work differently here? Probably not, though whenever an Astradaemon ate at a soul, it left just enough for resurrection. Messy eaters, these girls don't appear to be that... oh well.

"Don't worry, those 'souls' weren't going anywhere, damned by the Yama." You let out a low huff as Satori absentmindingly reads your thoughts and reassures. Okuu and Orin appear to be eating the souls as well, you wonder if they can eat normal things, how 'nutritious' is a soul? What does it even taste like? From what your getting, only a black dragon would appericate such a extension of palate. The food you can eat however, is quite good, chrunchy, that shrimp and some other things. You do like chrunchy foods, if only soley for the feeling of it.

Dinner conversations are had, Orin and Okuu fight over food, before being forced to share by Satori, it looks very... cute, though it is unfamiliar with in a sense. You may have been proud of your companions but you never fought of them as cute, well, perhaps Moonlight In Trance, but she was trying really hard, these girls aren't. Your head is raised and you remain silent, your presence is enough of talking for you right now.

This reminds you of the time while you ate in a giant's hall, in your humanoid form and having to listen to their obnoxious racist jokes just to get their help to defeat a Wyrmwraith and it's undead army. You can safely say this was much better even, if like then, you aren't saying a word.

Eventually, most if not all of the food has been eaten and you've expanded your culinary world, even if it is only a pick-me-up for you in this massive form. It was still, quite delicious. You silently watch the menagerie of animalistic-humans wander their way out of the dining room, but not before cleaning their plates. Directed by Satori's stern voice, she may be small but she packs quite the voice, amusing.

Your tail and wings stretch themselves out a bit as the room is cleared, looking over at the contended Satori who is watching Okuu and Orin talk for a bit. You carefully step on over, making sure not to bash the table over with your tail or other possible appendages. She eyes you approach and you nod slightly.

"Quite an interesting cast of euphermals you've got Satori. And, quite an interesting feast as well you've prepared, is it always like this here?" Head craning down to look at Satori, she nods slowly, small smile on her face.

"Yes, interesting... indeed, and no, not always like this. Though it is always a large amount of food, for as you know, many mouths... many big mouths require lots of plates." Her voice is still presented as soft, a gentle overseer if you will. Letting out an amused 'hmph' you turn and make your way to the door of the dining room, where upon Okuu stops you with a pout.

"Your leaving?" Does she assume your leaving? Hah, perhaps, as you squeeze your way out of the door, much to the amusement of Orin and Satori for a split-second. You look to the direction of the exit is and than back towards the Hell-Raven.

"You've been fun, eitherway!~ Unyu! But... do you want to stay more?"

[X] Yes, going to that oni village

[X] Yes, going back to my lair to rest
-[X] Promise to come back of course

[X] No, just wanted to check around more

[X] Yes, buuuut if you insist
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Quick question, anymore stories like this? Where the MC/Anon's a D&D/Pathfinder character? I know A Wizard Is You, a good one, but what else?
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[X] Yes, buuuut if you insist
“A (dorf) wizard is you” pretty similar
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[X] Yes, going back to my lair to rest
-[X] Promise to come back of course

It's been a busy day.

There was also one with an illusionist sorcerer iirc. Don't remember the name though.
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[X] Yes, going to that oni village

Do we have any problems with Alcohol because I want to find out!


Tainted Bonds. Prepare for words, but the combat is written very well.
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-[X] Yes, going to that oni village.
--[X] Promise to come back of course.

You consider for a moment, before deciding it'd be much better to see as much of your new 'home' as possible before turning in for the night... or... bah, you'll figure out the time later. You have a village to look for.

"Indeed, I am interested in that village you spoke to me about. So I will go there, meet any of the euphermals there if any of them are active at this time." Satori looks to the side as if remembering something.

"It should be around the time... that the bars and taverns are most lively..." Satori comments. Which is good and bad for you, good if you want to sneak in unannounced, bad if you want to start something. You have no idea how monsters work down here... mostly, who knows they might be super smart... or super dumb compared to the ones you faced in Drasilia.

Okuu pouts a little as make your way out to the door. Snorting out smoke you turn to her, "I 'promise' to come back so long as you stop acting like I stole from your hoard." She blinks and than nods happily, "okay!"

She's always easy to appease it seems and as you are led out to the main hall you see a couple more of Satori's pets wandering the halls, most get out of your way upon your approach and generally they don't appear to pay you any mind. Though one of the bear-like humanoids is eyeing your form with a feral grin, she's most likely the guard 'dog' if you had any say. But Okuu is a goddess essentially... so, it doesn't really matter there.

Satori follows you a bit outside while Okuu and Orin stay with each other, she points to the cavern opening a couple hundred feet away. "The village is a mile or so away, just keep going straight till it opens up into another massive cavern. There are other tunnels that lead about into areas where wild yokai live... I would say to not venture there as they don't follow Spell-card rules and you'll be ripped apart... but you'll probably be the one to rip them apart..."

You let out a low chuckle and lower your head to look at Satori more eye-to-eye. "Very well, a pleasure meeting you Satori..." Satori smiles just a bit under that blank expression, "likewise Anonymity, stay safe." You lift up your head and breath out a huff of ashen soot and nod.

And thusly, you make your way forward out of the courtyard of the Palace of Earth Spirits and into the tunnels of Old Hell. Just like Satori said, multiple other tunnels spring up before you, some fit for your size, others are not. And a little wooden sign with unintelligible characters points straight forward. You pay it little mind as you continue on, perhaps it's simply the actual language before the Comprehend Languages spell here took effect?

You, not exactly being in any rush simply enjoys the mood of the cavern, the dripping water on your hide turning to subtle steam, the glossy texture of the cavern walls would reflect you if there was just a bit more light entering through here, though the magma from the cracks of your scales reflects and casts a long shadow into the darkness. It would be pretty cool, but you don't really get to experience that as you, as a dragon, have combined darkvision and low-light vision. Speaking of seeing in this darkness at the current moment.

Within this darkness you sometimes see creatures, small ones, thinking they've hidden themselves from you but not realizing that you can sense them and see perfectly in the dark. To you, however, they remind you of slightly taller faeries or pixies, gnome or halfling-sized girls with insectiod or other strange types of wings. Some of them even have rock shards floating behind them.

They look mighty scared when you start your approach down the tunnels, claws smacking against rock, and you do nothing to dissuade that notion. Though amusingly enough you see a couple attempt to push one from out of their hiding spaces, hushed voices almost yelping and snickering saying for her to go out and confront the beast! And surely enough, one of the fey are pushed out, the one with black hair and rock-shards floating behind her. Well, one of the many with a similar appearance... and she probably has black hair because you can only barely make out color due to the weak light emitting from yourself. For as much perfect darkvision you have, you still cannot see color, only black and white.

She's wearing what appears to be a simple brown dress and no shoes or anything like that. Momentary wonder has you think who makes the clothes for these fey? Eh, they probably stole it if you had to guess. The fey's eyes are like damp stone, a grayish shade, though your not sure if their damp by nature or if she's been crying... could be both. "H-halt!" A minuscule voice peeps out from the fey, you have to give credit where credit is due... she is trying really hard not to soil herself... to amuse her or perhaps yourself you stop and your eyes gleam brightly as you stare at her. More whispers, something along the lines of 'she's so dead!' and 'that's Wetstone for you!'

The named fey, called Wetstone, actually looks surprised that you have yet to bat it away into oblivion and some confidence returns to her shivering wreck of a form. Slightly impressive.

"S-state your business yokai! You are not from around here, a-and this place only belongs to the yokai and faries of the u-underground." You idly slap your tail on the ground and she jerks back in fright. Amusing indeed...

[X] Play along, say that you are from the overworld and was transported down here via strange magics
-[X] Oooor someone just dug a really huge hole and I got dropped here.

[X] Tell them the truth.

[X] Intimidate the others into coming out.
-[X] Make them your servants from now on.

[X] Make a show of charging up your breath
-[X] Stop the breath charging as they probably run away
-[X] Don't care if they run or not, breath it on them.

[X] Turn into a human and 'thank' them for scaring off the 'beast'!
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[X] Play along, say that you are from the overworld and was transported down here via strange magics

Let's really ham it up. Also, glad this isn't dead.
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[X] Play along, say that you are from the overworld and was transported down here via strange magics
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[X] Make a show of charging up your breath
-[X] Don't care if they run or not, breath it on them.

Temperamental! Dragon!
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[x] Intimidate the others into coming out.
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[X] Play along, say that you are from the overworld and was transported down here via strange magics

I agree with >>199400, let's be a ham as huge as, well, as huge as we actually are.
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[X] Play along, say that you are from the overworld and was transported down here via strange magics
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[X] Play along, say that you are from the overworld and was transported down here via strange magics

You let out an internal huff of amusement at the quivering fey before you. She and her 'gang' don't look all that powerful, but looks can be deceiving and you get the feeling that they don't use fire attacks like those spirits from before.

Quickly, a story formulates into your mind and you grin... taking inspiration from Moonlight's class as a Bard, you give a drawn-out dramatic sigh as you look upward, preparing yourself for your maddening story.

Your wit and rhetoric might not be as finely tuned and sharpened as Moonlight's but comparing to most mortals and immortals, you ain't half-bad. Though, what to start off as? Low or high-pitched?

Let's go with low-pitched, You're trying to be dramatic with this after all.

You give Wetstone a wide berth as your tail swings back to your side, she takes a step back, eyes widening... are you going to attack? Your maw opens up.

"Oh? Me? Yeah, that was a WILD ride wasn't it? I mean, long-story short, magical teleportation... there was a wizard, I was with a buddy... have you seen them by any chance? They look like me! Except blue."

The fey looks back between her 'friends' and back to you. "U-uh... no? But uh, you h-have to pay a t-"

You cut her off with a growl, "but anyways, I was waking up ontop of the MOUNTAINS of corpses I made the previous night, you know, destroying villages, slaughtering wayward mercs and tribes in the area, coated them in magma as they burned alive horribly... When my buddy came along and just basically dragged me off to her party, there was giants, a massive volcanic pool. You know, the good stuff."

She and the others are trembling in terror, "O-on... s-second t-thou-"

"So me and this tiefling wizard get into a drinking contest, it takes about... I dunno, like 7 hours to finally bring him low, but in his stupor he accidentally casts a spell that I've never seen before that sends me through a portal here, don't worry! I got the last licks on him for that though! He might have resistance to fire! But ahah, he ain't immune!" You let out a hearty laugh that shakes the caverns around you for a brief moment, puffing yourself up for that one to make a particularly nasty echo.

"U-uh... u-uh..." Wetstone is completely terrified... you weren't trying 'that' hard to be scary now were you? Though, give the benefit of the doubt, you are pretty big... and its totally not because of the content of your story in anyway.

They're fey, why the hell should they care?

Wetstone's 'friends' have since left, scuttling away in the cavern. You now just have this poor earth fairy at your mercy.

"Hmm..." You lean your head down to her level, smirking.

"What to do with you?" You paw the ground absentmindedly, noting her reaction being that of falling on her back and scooting away.

"Oh poor you, come now, I'm not 'that' sc-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Twin female screams come out from the distance of the caverns, beyond your sight... and heavily muffled. You let out another huff of hot air and roll your eyes... always something.

The noises, they're going to the right, but they sounded stationary, unmoving... another scream is heard, but this time... its more of a roar, its indisputable, something like a monster or perhaps a dragon... no, its too different sounding, but it does sound big.

This could prove somewhat problematic, you glance down back at Wetstone who... while she is still quite afraid of you, is somewhat distracted at this moment. Two female... well it sounds humanoid, could be more of those fey, a prank gone wrong? Or something else interesting.

Who knows in this place, well.. until you check it of course.

And here, multiple options are opened.

[X] Ignore the screams, continue onto the Oni village.

[X] In-whatever option you choose, take Wetstone with you, its not like she's powerful enough to stop you.

-[X] Prepare for a fight (write-in potential)
-[X] Claw-shredding, no plan, you have potential damsels to save!
--[X] Who you also totally plan on kidnapping as well in the process.

(In another life, those fairies might have been an actual threat!)
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[X] In-whatever option you choose, take Wetstone with you, its not like she's powerful enough to stop you.
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[X] In-whatever option you choose, take Wetstone with you, its not like she's powerful enough to stop you.

yay for more votes
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[X] In-whatever option you choose, take Wetstone with you, its not like she's powerful enough to stop you.
-[x] No seriously, that thing needs to be told its place.
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[X] In-whatever option you choose, take Wetstone with you, it's not like she's powerful enough to stop you.

Well, if Moonlight finds out about you leaving potential innocents to be eaten, you’ll never hear the end of it.

So you guess you gotta save them.

Eyeing the currently distracted fairy, you wonder if you’re going to need a guide or something in the coming months.

She could prove useful…

Wetstone lets out a panicked yelp as a claw suddenly comes around her and grabs her… gently, but tight enough so that she knows she’s not escaping this one.

“H-hey!” She squeaks out, “l-let go of me!”

“I could.” You mumble and go running into the depths and following the source of the screams.

“But then no-one would see me save people and I need witnesses.” To see your grandeur in-action of course.

Among the previous reasons, she’ll need to learn her place if you’re going to keep this one around for anytime.

She lets out another squeak at your words, but you merely look at her and that silences her.

“Where are those screams coming from?” You figured it’d be coming up soon as you run and see the tunnel widening slightly and then another tunnel to the right.

Before she can squeak out any more you cut her off. “Never mind.” She lets out a yelp as you turn on a dime and continue running.

Another roar echoes throughout the tunnel your running on. Its louder this time and you can now feel the cavern shaking in-response to whatever this thing is.

Your claws skid to a stop as you enter into a much larger cavern with some natural light peeking in from the very top. A small hole can be seen showing a bit of cloudy blue-skies.

Too small for your current form for sure. Another glance around the room and you find the problem.

A massive 35ft tall behemoth standing on two powerful-looking legs and with heaving jagged claws is bashing its many-horned form against an alcove in the corner of this room. It appears to be an albino as well.

Looks to be just simply a monstrous humanoid of some-kind, too monstrous to be a giant and too humanoid-looking to be a magical beast of any kind. Though you get the feeling it isn’t the most intelligent, it wields no weapons and wears no armor or trinkets.

Surprisingly, you’ve never seen its ilk before or anything like it beforehand. It personally looks to be a demon, perhaps mistaken as one by those less intelligent. You know that this beast isn’t a denizen of the Abyss however, they give off a certain smell.

Well it does look interesting, taking its skull as a trophy for your hoard would be neat. Get the wizard to enchant it with magical lights in its eye-sockets. You grin, that would be cool.

You, however, can’t appear to make out what it’s trying to so desperately destroy. Though you do hear the occasional whimpering and yelping that is definitely not the creature. Rather, the noises are coming from the alcove.

It does not appear to have noticed you yet, despite your large size. You let out a sneer and look down at Wetstone who is quivering in fear, from you or it you don’t know.

“Do you know this creature?” You growl out. She shakes her head, “n-never seen it b-before.”


Great, a good for nothing fairy, for now...

You look down at her and release her from your grasp, she looks surprised as she flutters down to the earth.

“Do not leave this area, I will find you if you do.” More of a threat and less of a promise. Her eyes flicker to you and the beast and she nods slowly.

“Good.” You take a couple steps forward and note a set of twin of what look to be finely-made black spectacles on the ground as well as a black hat with grey lines running through it. The hat and spectacles are flattened and crushed respectively.

Ah, shame, whoever’s there could have payed you back with those two or something. Oh dear, guess you’ll have to feel generous or something. Ah, what the hell, they can keep their stuff.

Now that you’re here, how are you going to go about the saving oh dear hero?

{X} Start off with a breath-attack against its back.
-{X} Power it up with magma-coating for continued damage

{X} Jump onto its back. Direct it elsewhere while ripping and tearing.
-{X} Or use a breath-attack instead
--{X} Power it with magma-coating

{X} Charge it and just wail on it.

{X} Use a Wall of Fire between it and the alcove to give whoever’s in it a bit of breathing room. Though that might also cause them to lose breath…

{X} Is there anything environmental we can use? Like a massive stone spike that’s just perfectly waiting for someone to melt it to drop on a equally massive creature?

{X} Roar at it to grab its attention.

{X} ‘Write-in’
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{X} Roar at it to grab its attention.

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{X} Roar at it to grab its attention.
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{X} Roar at it to grab its attention.

Has anyone mentioned that if Heated Anonymity is shortened it turns into Hot Anon? kek
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absolutely amazing
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{X} Roar at it to grab its attention.
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