Misadventures of a Reploid Frostbyte99 2012/10/03 (Wed) 05:37 No. 161940 ▼ File 134924265410.png - (306.84KB, 960x540 , Prism.png)
DATE...............................................NOVEMBER 20, 20XX
MAIN BODY ENERGY LEVEL.............................100%
MAIN BODY ENERGY LEVEL.............................30%
EMERGENCY SUBROUTINE A.............................ONLINE
DATA BACKUP........................................0%
DATA BACKUP........................................100%
MAIN BODY ENERGY LEVEL.............................0%
EMERGENCY SUBROUTINE B.............................ONLINE
WOLF SIGMA ENERGY LEVEL............................100%
WOLF SIGMA ENERGY LEVEL............................0%
EMERGENCY SUBROUTINE C.............................ONLINE
EMERGENCY SUBROUTINE D.............................ONLINE
Deep in the desert, under hundreds of feet of stone, a secret base, devoid of life sits. Completely sealed from the outside, this place was originally meant to be a bomb shelter, but it has been converted to a lab of sorts. In it sits a lone capsule. Inside lay the body of a tall, bald reploid with two purple slashes across his eyes, and a red gem in the middle of his forehead.The red orb in his chest flickered, before glowing brightly. His eyes snapped open, his fist sending glass and filling the room with decompression gas as the capsule depressurized. Stepping out of the capsule, he looks at his new body, and laughs. Sigma lives.
April 25, 20XX
It's been almost five months since X had defeated Sigma. With his defeat, people and reploids alike were able to breath a sigh of relief. Even so, the battles never stopped, just dwindled. There are always rogue robots and reploids, and there are always new ruins to discover. Recovering from the war will take a long time, and every little bit counts. Due to this, Scouting and Hunting missions are a constant thing for all Hunters. Unfortunately for you, you are stationed in Sector T, an isolated section of forest where many enemy bases were located. Were being the major point here. There hasn't been any signs of life there since before X and Zero infiltrated Sigma's main base. The only jobs that ever come your way are Scouting missions filled with nothing but empty energy reserves, and little to no opposition. Frankly, it was boring you out of your mind. You were on one such mission now, in some caves that were discovered recently with your buddy Prism acting as your backup. Nothing ever happens that would require you to need backup, but Command requires you never to enter a mission alone. Besides, it's nice to have someone to talk to during the longer missions.
"Are we done yet?" you whine, kicking an empty soda can down the hallway as you leave yet another empty room. "We've been in about a billion rooms, and all we've come across is 100 crystals and an old issue of Playboy. Let's just call it a day and go home.
Prism sighs and updates the scanner. "We only have one room left, and it's at the end of the hall. It happens to be the R & D room, so we can still luck out. Afterwards, we can go back and deliver the mission report. I'm pretty sure though, that the magazine won't be in it."
"Why not?" you ask, starting down the hallway to salvation, I mean, the last room and the end of the mission. "It was a good issue. That was the one with Harmony as the centerfold. I still think she looks like y-"
Prism takes that moment to interrupt you with her blaster, and an innocent smile. The innocence didn't reach her eyes, however. "Looks like who?"
She pulls her gun out of your mouth. "I'm sorry, I couldn't understand you"
You swallow. Geez, can't you take a compliment? "Uhh... I said she looks a little like Alia" ...if she had blue hair, green eyes, and a B cup. Ass isn't bad, either. You would never say any of this to her face, though. Or, at least never with a serious tone. The thought of changing your relationship has crossed your mind once or twice, but you are fine with how things are now.
"Hmm, I don't see it." After a second of trying to kill you with her eyes, she turns and starts heading for the door. "Regardless, you should probably find better reading material"
"Like what, all those history books you read? No thank you. I'm pretty bored enough living in the present."
"It doesn't have to be history, but at least have something to stimulate your mind"
"My magazines stimulate me, alright" Wow, that was lame.
"That was gross, and lame. Honestly I expected better. You didn't even try with that one"
"You're right, I didn't. That's how bored I am. Let's finish this so I can get back to my normal, witty self"
"Witty? Witty?" she pauses, finger on her chin for dramatic affect. "...No, witty isn't what I would use to describe you"
"Well, what would you use then?"
"My momma said if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all" You could practically hear her smirking.
"You know you love me"
"Love? Love? ...No, that isn't the word I'd use. Tolerate is close, though"
"You have an odd definition of 'tolerate', then. Adoration aside, we're here"
The Research and Development room was pretty straight forward. Giant computer screen on the back wall, experimental weapons and armors on one side, chemicals and designs on the other. There were also a couple of replicas of enemy reploids here and there. On a quick glance, there isn't really anything you haven't seen before, but it's always good to take a second look.
"Run of the mill R&D, huh? Maybe we can find a diamond in the rough" Splitting up, you head for the weapons, while Prism makes a beeline to the main computer. You will get there in a minute, but you always had a thing for weapons. A couple of the swords look really nice, and a couple of guns caught your eyes as well. There was even an energy scythe there that you felt would make you look cool. Too bad you suck ass with them. A basic Mettool can take you down (It happened, too. At the start of one of your training sims. Prism laughed at you for weeks, and even when Master X heard about it, you were told he couldn't hold back a smirk). Shaking your head, you walk over to the main computer, where Prism seems to be reading over the data files. "Found anything yet?"
"Just the same old, same old. Data on the various Robot Masters, designs for Sigma's castle, work nearly complete on... a soul projection device?
"Yup, just as I thought, noth... Wait, what was that last part? Soul projection?"
"That's what it says. There is another file here, but its password protected."
"Can you crack it?"
"The scanner is supposed to have a hacking program in it, so we can try that" Prism says, plugging in the scanner. "If this doesn't work, we will most likely have to come back later with better equipment." The scanner beeps and buzzes for a couple of seconds, and then eight lines appear with flickering letters, numbers, and symbols.
Suddenly, a klaxon goes off, and a robotic voice speaks
"Hacking attempt detected in Research and Development! Hacking attempt detected in Research and Development! Deploying countermeasures!"
You instantly go back to back with Prism, readying yourself for battle. "Looks like things just got interesting. You ready?"
"Hmm", you feel her nod.
The sound of a sliding panel draws your attention to... a Met. A single Met is their countermeasure? This is going to be a joke. You relax. "Hey Prism, check out their big bad countermeasure. I'm pretty sure were screwed here."
"Uhh, you might want to turn around" Prism says, with a little urgency in her voice "We definitely have a problem here"
"What, do we have to deal with two M...Fuck"
Standing in front of Prism are two of the 'replica' reploids which were standing at the sides of the entrance. Both robots slowly walking closer, spinning their claw hands, both of them have their single eye trained on one of you. This doesn't look good. You never liked fighting one RT-55J in the simulators, and now you have to deal with two.
Weapon style
[ ] Blaster Pistol
-[ ] One
-[ ] Two
[ ] Beam Sword
-[ ] One
-[ ] Two
[ ] Arm Cannon
[ ] Divide and conquer
- Specify who attacks whom
[ ] Two on one
- Specify order
[ ] Y/N
- If Y, ____________
Hey guys, this is my second attempt at a CYOA. I feel like I didn't put too much effort into the first one, and at the time I was also dealing with work related issues. Hopefully this one turns out better.