Anonymous 2012/09/02 (Sun) 14:42 No. 34894 ▼ File 134659693626.png - (923.71KB, 800x600 , 8d3b027f44e582a4c5136bf0fa4cc3ad.png)
Novaya Braslavika precinct, Gensokyo-
Two members of the controversial punk band "Kitten Protest", identified as Mystia Lorelayeva and Kyouko Kasodanskaya, were placed under arrest by State Police after an unauthorized concert at the Myouren Temple. No further details have yet been released.
Anonymous 2012/09/02 (Sun) 14:50 No. 34895 Location: Lubyanka Prison, Women's section, cell 2183
Exit: Cell DOOR to the north, Locked
Health: Slightly battered
Inventory: Plain JUMPSUIT, loose MANACLES, ANGER
Companions: KYOUKO
Other: Occupants of other cells unknown. GUARD patrols the cell block once per hour.
Input action.
Anonymous 2012/09/02 (Sun) 17:15 No. 34903 > search mattresses for hidden items
Anonymous 2012/09/02 (Sun) 17:46 No. 34906 > scribble on the wall a short poem about freedom, hope, and the inevitable downfall of the corrupt state
Anonymous 2012/09/03 (Mon) 00:16 No. 34910 >combine WIRE and NEEDLE to create LOCKPICK
Anonymous 2012/09/03 (Mon) 08:42 No. 34911 > impart some of your anger on Kyouko to help her survive the upcoming interrogation
Anonymous 2012/09/03 (Mon) 22:29 No. 34914 >combine WIRE and NEEDLE to create LOCKPICK
After about twenty minutes of fiddling around with the WIRE and NEEDLE, you get the manacles off of yourself and KYOUKO. Each of you now has the MANACLES free - a length of chain with arm and leg cuffs. In a pinch, they might be useable as garottes.
> impart some of your anger on Kyouko to help her survive the upcoming interrogation
KYOUKO jumps up and fistbumps you. She's looking a lot more lively now and less depressed.
> Examine ANGER
The two of you feel ready to rock.
>drop BASS
KYOUKO doesn't have her BASS with her! You'll need to get it back eventually, but there's more urgent problems. You hear the guard approaching...
Anonymous 2012/09/04 (Tue) 03:54 No. 34915 >equip ANGER and MANACLES
Anonymous 2012/09/04 (Tue) 08:16 No. 34917 > hide LOCKPICK in your hair
Anonymous 2012/09/04 (Tue) 09:15 No. 34918 > hide LOCKPICK in your hair
Your hair isn't long enough, so you toss LOCKPICK under your blanket instead.
Clack. Clack.
The footfalls are getting louder, and the looming shadow of the guard approaches.
KYOUKO whispers in your ear: "Listen, tovarishchina, maybe we can lure him into our cell and jump him..?"
> Equip KYOUKO
You clench KYOUKO's hand tightly with your own.
Clack, clack.
You and KYOUKO are ready with your MANACLES and ANGER to act.
The polished tip of a boot appears at the edge of your cell.
Anonymous 2012/09/04 (Tue) 10:04 No. 34919 > moan loudly and collapse on the floor
The proper female version of tovarisch is tovarka.
Anonymous 2012/09/04 (Tue) 11:17 No. 34920 > moan loudly and collapse on the floor
"Owww, my trochanter!" you wail, collapsing to your knees and clutching your chest. "It hurts, it hurts!"
GUARD appears, staring at you suspiciously. A PPSh-41 SMG is draped over his shoulder.
"The reactionaries poisoned me to keep me from talking!" you continue, and attempt to gag.
The GUARD sighs, equips a BATON, and opens the DOOR with a KEY RING and steps inside in preparation to club you into silence.
Attack screen open.
Anonymous 2012/09/05 (Wed) 14:10 No. 34926 ▼ File 134685422547.jpg - (591.93KB, 1012x1099 , b2a798c20105fbcb4ceba828b2c3cb37.jpg)
> examine attack screen
The attack screen reveals that GUARD has a moderate subdual melee attack, deadly ranged attack, and average toughness and defense.
You bide your time until GUARD diverts his attention to KYOUKO, then spring on him! You wrap the chains of the MANACLES around his throat and leap onto his back! KYOUKO lands a solid punch to the GUARD's hotbox, knocking the wind out of him, and the two of you dogpile him so he is unable to attack! As you tighten the chain with all your strength, the GUARD slumps unconscious on the floor. KYOUKO and you then chain him to the beds with both sets of MANACLES.
Items obtained:
PPSh SMG (ammo 35/35)
Tokarev TT PISTOL (ammo 8/8)
Handheld RADIO
[P] Item x4
The DOOR is open.
You sling your arm around KYOUKO's waist and steal a quick smooch on her lips. She blushes and stammers, "What are you doing, MYSTIA? You're my friend and all, but, but... I'm not into you like that...!"
You feel embarassed and hurriedly apologise, realizing that your band isn't Tatu and your story isn't taking place on /at/. ANGER decreases somewhat.
Anonymous 2012/09/06 (Thu) 00:19 No. 34928 > Peek down the hall and at surrounding cells from cell doorway.
Anonymous 2012/09/06 (Thu) 01:49 No. 34929 >give SMG to Kyouko
>examine KEYRING
Anonymous 2012/09/10 (Mon) 20:38 No. 34936 >examine surrounding cells