>>27850 Don't mind me, I'm just a typo...
[X]Eientei, I've held on to this book long enough.
With a somewhat early lunch out of the way I decide it's high time I give Eirin her book back.
"Thank you Alice, for making us lunch." I stood up after finishing up, and gave a polite bow. "And I thank the both of you for helping me recover more of myself."
"Certainly. It's what friends do." Alice had her dolls carry away the plates so she could stay here.
"Anytime-ze! Gotta admit though, I was a little suprised you didn't just turn into some kind of really powerful monster and tear through the opposition yourself." Marisa had gotten up and grabbed her broom. She seemed to be in a hurry to wrap this up and leave...
"If you had waited for us to explain things that battle might not needed to have happened." Alice also got up. I didn't like the look on her face...
"Well, it was nice speaking to the both of you, but I have other places to visit. If you'll excuse me..." I walked over to Nari, grabbed her, then half-jumped half-flew out the nearest open window.
"Why'd we leave like that? Seems rude." Nari adjusted herself to fit in my grip more snugly, something I could hardly complain about.
A laser shot out of the window we exited moments before, obviously for the black-white forest witch since I could hear her yelling at Alice. "That's why."
"Oh." Nari looked behind me for a moment. "Where are we going next? Lots of places we haven't looked."
"The house of eternity. I need to return something I found in that occult store." Of course, actually finding Eientei without Yukari gapping me directly there is going to be a problem. Heck, I'd probably get lost enough to end up at Mayohiga before I ever found Eientei.
That'd actually be kind of funny.
Still the human village is in sight, but more importantly a certain sleeping tiger youkai is lying on the roof of a certain temple. I can't help but stop just out of her reach.
"Sleeping tiger, so still and so flat, a question arises when glancing therat.
Is she alseep? To be perfectly frank, it looks more like she's been creamed by a tank!"
"Snrk... wha? Ugh, you and your poetry. Shoo, I'm tired." Shou was wearing something that looked closer to what I would say is her normal wear.
"Fine, shoo the poor guy away..." I used a tone of mock depression as I flew off. I still chuckled over it as I made my way to the entrance of the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. I should ask Byakuren if she's actually seen any of my fragments if I ever decide to head back.
"Don't get why you poke fun at her like that." Nari had decided to stare at me, something I couldn't really reciprocate unless I wanted to run into a bamboo stalk.
"It's just a bit of harmless fun." There is a path, though wether or not it actually leads where I wanted to go was another matter entirely. Especially when there's this nifty fork in the road where either path could be a dead end. Or a rabbit built trap.
"Smell rabbit." Okay, Nari's irises just opened up to let more light in. Not really needed during the day mind you, but maybe she can spot one of Eientei's many rabbits.
[X]Trust Nari's instinct.
[X]Left path.
[X]Right path.
[X]Is something burning?