Touhou Persona: Disconsolation of Oneiric Subsistance Angry Desu !jVJAZ.LN/Q 2008/09/02 (Tue) 17:14 No. 6585 ▼ File 122040089898.jpg - (91.72KB, 600x818 , Mei-Saku.jpg)
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Life was, in your opinion, boring.
Every day you walked down along the same gray street, flanked on either side by the same cold gray stone buildings. Bright colors filled their windows, but you didn't care - it wasn't like you could afford any of the crap they had on display. Now and again your daily walk too and from school was broken up by an accident... usually another victim of Reverie Occlusion Syndrome passed out on the floor, or in their car, or... well. Anywhere. RO Syndrome struck people down almost at random without warning and the consequences of it usually tended to be fatal, especially if the victim happened to be driving or doing anything else dangerous at the time. Not that you particularly cared, you were amongst that small percentage of the population who didn't seem to care if it struck them down or not. In some ways this, perhaps, was the best way to be - never having to fear a mysterious killer disease, not having to scurry around in terror like so many others did.
Over the past year your own school class had grown smaller, at first almost forty students, until at last only a handful had remained. One by one the missing students had fallen victim to RO syndrome, had dropped out due to a relative being affected or in many cases had moved away in the hope of avoiding it. RO Syndrome did, after all, affect mainly people in the city - those in the country rarely seemed to suffer it unless they were visiting the city.
Soon enough the gray street came to an end, leaving you instead staring at your school. More specifically it left you staring at a large white and black sign hung up on the closed school gates.
“CLOSED” it read, in bold letters along the top. “Due to RO outbreaks amongst staff this institute can no longer continue running. All students will receive notification within the week of new school placements. We apologize for inconvenience.”
You stare at the sign for several minutes, then past it and up at the school. The windows were dark and from here you could see the front doors chained shut as usual, evidently this was no prank but was indeed the real thing.
“Well, this sucks!” You jump at the voice and turn to see a woman standing there, hands on hips, glaring at the sign in irritation. “How the hell am I supposed to find them now!?” She's tall, taller than you at least, and has a bust the size of two beach balls barely held within her blue shirt. Bright red hair was held in two ponytails by some kind of hairband ornaments, and you noted that she was wearing a dark blue skirt - unusual in this cold weather. Surely a sane person would have worn some trousers?
“Hey!” You blink, suddenly aware the the woman's face is inches from your own. “You go to this place!?” She demands, causing you to flinch back ever so slightly. “... geez, you're a mess aren't you?” Frowning at the your about to give her a scathing retort when she suddenly shoves something into your hands. “Fine, whatever! I ain't gonna haul my ass around looking for the punk I'm supposed to find - so you can have this crap!”
You glance down at the item, a small brown-wrapped package, then look back up to protest this sudden development.
The woman is gone.
You look around, first to the left, then to the right. No-one is there, you're alone in front of the school, still clutching the package the woman gave you. Lifting it up you examine it, there doesn't seem to be an address or anything on the outside - or indeed any other marking for that matter.
With nothing better to do, you head home, back down the gray street with it's gray sidewalk and gray buildings spattered with the occasional burst of color. Eventually you reach home. Pushing the front door open you pause before remembering that no greeting would be forthcoming, not since you were abandoned here by your parents. Sighing to yourself you make your way up to your room, kicking your shoes off and simply dropping your jacket onto the floor as you go. It's not like there was anyone to complain after all. Inside your room you simply flop down onto your bed, the brown package still clutched in your hands.
Curiosity getting the better of you, you shake the package and listen carefully. You hear a dull thump from inside indicating something solid contained within. Staring at the package one last time you carefully make a tear in the brown wrapping and slowly pull it apart, revealing a polished wooden box underneath. At first look it seems so expensive but after a quick examination you find a little 'made in taiwan' stamp on the bottom, indicating that it can't be that expensive at all really. You shake it again, hearing only the dull thump you heard before.
Biting your lower lip you decide that your curiosity won't be satisfied with this. With a little fumbling your fingers find a latch along the side of the lid and, with a sharp 'click', it pops open to let you peer inside.
Inside is... a mirror. A small silver mirror upon which you see reflected...
[ ] A male
[ ] A female
And behind them you can make out...
[ ] A midnight blue sky filled with tiny lights
[ ] A stage, with confetti falling from above
[ ] A dark, broken landscape filled with trees
[ ] A school building, lit up with floodlights
Two choices, both will be counted seperately.