Noner !!HmAzZkMJDj 2012/07/05 (Thu) 06:51 No. 45902 ▼ File 134147106644.jpg - (495.98KB, 626x885 , Its so hard to find fitting pictures for this.jpg)
"Oh, I have a question for you!" Mary waves one hand in Youmu's direction as she speaks. "What is that floating puffball that follows you around? I thought it might be a small kite at first, but it stayed up and floating around even indoors!"
"Ah, well, that's my... How should I put this?" Youmu walks back into the room and sits down next to you. She puts one elbow on the table and props her head against her hand as she speaks. "Do you know what it means to be half of one species and half of another?"
Mary brings one hand to her mouth and looks down, her eyes staring intensely at the table. Personally, you don't know what Youmu's on about. What does a species have to do with that odd toy?
"I suppose not. I'm half human, and at the same time half ghost. The wisp you see following me around is my ghost."
"So, you are..." Mary cocks her head to one side. "Are you dead?"
Your vision gets fuzzy for a moment, and there's a sharp sting that travels along the bridge of your nose and into your brain. You pinch your nose and try to focus on the conversation at hand, but find it difficult.
✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻
While Mary rambles on about Youmu and her apparent condition of being partially dead, you take the opportunity to move a little closer to Ran.
As you do, you look to your right once more to see what's going on. Mary and Youmu are examining that floating blob and yammering on, while Aoi is clenching their nose with their eyes shut. If you want to do this unnoticed, now is probably a good time.
"Pssst, Ran. Mind if I ask you a question?"
"It goes without saying that you already have. Why are we whispering, then? Is it about one of your friends?"
It kind of pisses you off, the whole 'you already asked a question' routine. It's also a little annoying how she has the general idea of what you're going to ask before you even ask it.
"Yeah. You gave Aoi a weird look earlier when you said you felt like not everything was right. What's up with that?"
"You noticed it too, I take it. Your friend is acting a little strange, and their presence isn't the same as it was when we met before. If you look closely enough, their feet never touch the ground when they walk. They hover just slightly above it."
"What's that mean? Is it some side effect of eating a weird plant from this place? Or did you do something to them?"
Ran grabs one of the tails that comes from the back of her dress and strokes it, looking across the table. You look over to where Aoi is and notice the pained expression on their face.
"I don't think that's the same person you introduced me to before. Despite looking the same, there's something about them that doesn't sit right with me. Something that's wrong."
"So, if that's not Aoi then who is it?"
"I didn't say that's not 'Watako'. They are, I just don't think that's the same person I met before."
Ran turns her head from you to look out at the garden. You try to get her attention again, until you notice Aoi blinking their eyes. You move to look as if you're focusing on Mary and Youmu's conversation instead.
✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻
You breathe in once, deeply. Letting that breath out, you turn to observer the others. Miss Yakumo is staring out at the garden, obviously not interested in the conversation. Meanwhile, Mary, Renko, and Youmu are all taking part in the back-and-forth you stopped listening to a minute ago.
"So that's how it is. My father was in the same line of work as me, instructed me, and is the same half-ghost half-human sort of being that I am."
"So, you said that you live longer than normal humans because of this? Just how old are you, Miss Konpaku?"
"That, Miss Hearn, is a secret!"
Renko pats Mary's shoulder, grinning in a slightly strange way.
"Yeah, it's rude to ask questions like that! What'll you ask her next, her weight?"
"Oh, no! I would not, I was just curious!" Mary waves her hands dismissively and turns back to Youmu. "I'm sorry, Miss Konpaku, if I've offended you."
"Oh, it's fine."
Youmu stands up and walks back into the other room. You hear her lifting something up and setting it back down, and a moment later she's returned with a tray and all the necessities for tea.
You can't help but admire her skill as she serves the tea. While holding a cup in one hand, she holds the tea pot a few inches over it and lets the tea fall, making a bit of a show from the whole thing. You could swear you heard Renko say something under her breath while watching, though you aren't sure what. The only words you could make out were 'such a height'.
"Miss Ran, Miss Usami, Miss Hearn..." While passing teacups to everyone, Youmu says their names. "For me, and then one for Aoi."
You take the cup from her and look at its contents. It smells like a black tea, much to your dismay. Not wanting to be rude, you take a heavy sip and swallow before setting the cup down.
Youmu looks out at the garden, frowning. She sets her tea down and gets to her feet, adjusting the straps that hold her swords as she does.
"You'll have to excuse me, but I'm getting more than a little concerned over Lady Yuyuko. I'll be taking my leave to find her."
"That is unlike her, I must admit. She's usually all over any guests this mansion gets, is she not?"
"Yes, and that's what scares me."
Making her way to the hall, Youmu doesn't let the worry appear on her face. She looks as collected as she did pouring the tea, though the tone of her voice makes it obvious just how concerned she is.
"I think I'll take my tea to the gardens, then."
Miss Yakumo gets up, brushing her tails off at the same time. Renko and Mary move to follow her, while you're left watching as the four others get ready to go their separate ways.
[ ] Follow Youmu.
- [ ] With your friends.
- [ ] Without your friends.
[ ] Follow Miss Yakumo.
[ ] Wait for everyone else to leave before going to explore on your own.