Cthulu !yoG5rdg1PU 2011/04/15 (Fri) 04:42 No. 33505 ▼ File 130284254226.png - (435.09KB, 865x1080 , 67542f29e9ef57d5e2afe66cd7d46c5d[1].png)
In exchange for your patience, I provide you with THIS!
Taking stock of your options, it is immediately apparent that the only person left in this...any dimension that you can actually trust, is this child. Clergy excepted. Basic traveler's rule, you can trust the church, provided they don't know you aren't interested in their religion.
Another crash in the front room. You make a mental note to ask Rumia some questions later, but for now, better go assist your new business partner. As you somewhat expected, you didn't expect what you see.
Just as you enter the room, the man smashes a toy robot to pieces with a hammer, and throws the parts onto a newly formed pile of destroyed electronics.
“What in god's name are you doing?”
He jumps up and turns around rather quickly, a lopsided grin on his face. “I had an idea!” He gestures to a table fan to your left, which is actually on despite your doubts that this place has electricity. “You see, it occurred to me that if I made a bigger fan, it would be more effective, right? So I'm going to take those pieces of wood over there and make one, then attach it to the ceiling!”
“I know, it IS a great idea isn't it!”
“...So why are you breaking toys?”
He looks confused for a second, then bounces right back to how he was. “Well how else can I get the stuff to wire it? It doesn't work if I don't connect it to the generator!”
“You have a generator?”
“Yup, it's around back.”
Now this was just too good to pass up. How could he possibly get his hands on electricity like that? Walking out the back door, you hear an odd humming emanating from a small shed. No visible wires going to the house. You open the door to find...
...things your mortal mind cannot even begin to process.
All you can see through the five square feet of duct tape is an old military ammunition box ejecting sparks and a couple of hamster wheels. It makes a sound equivalent to a cat being raped on the other side of a wall. Once again, there are NO WIRES leading from this device to the house.
Slowly backing out and closing the door, you vow to never try to figure out what you have just seen.
You return to find Rinnosuke calmly eating breakfast. Above him is a fully functional ceiling fan.
“Hello there! I got you something to eat, so we can get started right away.”
You eye the plate he hands to you. Looks normal enough. Shrugging, you go to share with your little companion. You guess she could smell it, because by the time you enter the room, she is sitting there looking at you expectantly. Unable to resist a small smile, you put the food down next to her and sit. She immediately assaults the first piece of meat she can get her hands on. Must be pretty hungry.
“So...you're a youkai?”
Momentarily stopping, she nods silently.
“What kind of youkai are you?”
She takes another moment to think of a good response. Deciding not to bother with words, she settles for a display. In an instant, all of the light just falls out of the room, sucking the two of you into utter blackness. Oddly enough, you can still see her clearly.
While incredibly impressive in execution, this isn't really much different than what you've seen before. Taking this as a good chance to learn a little something about youkai first hand, you close your eyes and focus. It takes a good few seconds, but you can still feel that thread of pressure plugging your senses. You take a strong metaphorical grip on it and pull hard.
It feels even weirder than the first time. It's like an air current sucks your mind into what is outside of yourself. You start to feel light, almost like you're going to float away. Then it all comes crashing down. Energy, raw and pure, suffusing every part of your body. Damn does it feel great.
When you open your eyes, the amount of information coming in is practically blinding. Normal magic would be like a wave, with the only strong energy being on the outside of the effect, but this is different. It's like the space there just said no to any and all light. Of course the energy to cause that must be enormous, but now that you are paying attention, it is rather obvious that the air in general is practically saturated with such energy. A natural draw..."
The darkness quickly shrinks away, causing you to blink rather hard, your eyes having readjusted. You turn to look at Rumia, and see her staring at you with wide eyes. Regardless of the red flags that brings up, you cannot help but notice that the energy around Rumia is behaving in ways usually considered extremely alarming. Little inside-out sparks are silently cracking like lightning in an ion storm. Their color can only be described as purple under a blacklight.
Eyes? Huh? You stand up to find a mirror, spotting one conveniently stored among some other crap in the room. Brushing off some dust, you do indeed find something wrong. Your eyes are purple.
“Wait...that can't be right!”
Blinking repeatedly and rubbing your eyes some, you find that they are indeed purple. In fact, even the pupils are a shade of purple. And here you thought your quota for weird shit was long achieved. As you had abandoned your magic related efforts, the feeling of the energy was starting to fade, leaving an odd tingling in your limbs. Even more strange, the unwelcome color in your retinas left with it, returning to their usual color.
“What the fuck is happening to me?”
Oh right, Rumia was worried. Walking back over to her, you kneel down and ruffle her hair a little, showing that everything was normal. “Don't worry kid. And call me Ian.”
“...I'm not a kid.”
You raise an eyebrow, but opt to say nothing as you know la zilcho about her species in general. You plop back onto a cushion and heave a sigh.
“So tell me about yourself then.”
She gives you a confused look.
“You know; where you live, what you do, that kind of thing.”
A look of recognition flicks across her face. “Oh, well I-”
“Yo guy, I need you in here!” Rinnosuke announces, poking his head through the doorway. Rumia looks positively trampled by the interruption. If he did not own the building, he would likely have a table in his face at this point in time.
“...Sure. Sorry ki-Rumia,” you quickly correct. “we'll have to continue this later.”
Oh hell no. You lean over and give her a quick hug, catching her off guard.
“I'm not going anywhere kiddo, you just relax.”
She looks down to hide her blush, but you can see it well enough. Victory. You get up to follow your “benefactor”, making a point to flash a smile on the way out. This guy has managed to be both disturbing and annoying in just the time since you woke up; he had better make up for it fast.
“I'm telling you, this is a BAD idea.”
“Oh come on, how bad could this end up? It's just a bag.”
“I'm going to watch from the safety of another room.”
Rinnosuke Morichika is one crazy motherfucker. Having decided a vacuum cleaner wasn't convenient enough, he had rigged parts of it to his new ceiling fan via insane contraptions, along with a number of things he thought would help create a wind tunnel. The upper half of the room was an industrial Frankenstein. Worse still, he intended to stand directly under it to prove it would only pick up dust.
“Here we go!”
He flicked a switch.
The fan started to move.
Everything kicks on, making a jumble of metallic noises.
And then, all hell broke loose. From what you can tell, it started with the bag getting caught in the fan mechanisms, then shit just started falling apart. Within seconds, pieces of steel and duct tape just start flying everywhere, causing you to back up into the doorway, which narrowly avoids a painful death as a jagged object flings like a throwing knife in your direction.
After all the commotion stops, you take a tentative peak around the corner, to see metal disturbance number eighty-seven of the day. First of all, everything has fallen into more or less the same piles as it was originally. Second, he is standing right where he was, totally untouched, and smiling at number three. And three, the damn machine was working.
Pretty much everything had fallen off, but there were a few parts left that did in fact make the fan go faster, and were causing the dust to rise off the objects in the room.
“Is the entire universe on drugs right now?”
He pushed his glasses up his nose, making his amusement as noticeable as possible. “Perhaps, but such philosophical quandaries are not especially my talent.”
“Heh, very well. You have been very helpful, feel free to go do whatever.”
“Thank you...so very much.”
[ ] - Rumia Time!
- [ ] - Ask more about Rumia.
- [ ] - Ask about area.
- [ ] - Offer to take home.
[ ] - Serious mode.
- [ ] - Seek alternative shelter, this man is fucking NUTS.
- [ ] - Experiment more with local magic weirdness.
- [ ] - Explore town.
Pick any two. I will combine the two most voted for.