With a bit of hesitation, you oblige the doctor, silently entering the office. It feels awkward.... For some reason, it feels like your face is just arranged wrong, as Tenyuushi's unease grows with your every step; and with every step, Heiseimi's expression comes closer to her previous coldness, which just makes the doctor feel worse. And this feeling of burnout...
You try to force a slight smile, but all it does is make the poor doctor squirm more. The cathartic feeling you get from her increasing nervousness - no, bewilderment - is reassuring for you, though. Rather than think it over more, you merely sigh, finally taking a seat by
your lieutenant.
Heiseimi moves to leave, beginning to get up from her seat hastily; you motion for her to stay.
This feeling is frustration, then. For some reason, you really want to smack the doctor in her face - whether that's Heiseimi's desire or yours is hard to tell. But you keep silent, only glaring at her cooly. To give her a chance to explain herself, you think.
Tenyuushi closes her eyes for a few seconds, to try and calm down. If it worked, you can't tell. She begins, first with a quiet cough, then a stammer:
"You? you would like to know about the syndrome, milady?"
For some reason, you're not surprised. Of course she'd pick now to try and hide things from you... at this point, it should be expected. Doctors.
The only sign you allow her of your anger is a slight, cruel curve to your smile. Not so forced, now...
But that she'd do this to you, too... you drop the thought. Just get the answer out of her, already.
"Yes, that
is what I came for, Doctor?.", you try to answer. "At least, at first. But you've caught my ear, though."
You want to go easy, but at the same time...
"Tell me, Tenyuushi... what am I, to you?"
She looks at you with confusion, before answering nervously, but quickly.
"You are my lady, the o-one I pledge my fealty to?"
"And what are you, to me?"
"I... I am your vassal, milady."
"Do I not trust you?"
"Milady, I can't-"
"Answer me.
Do I not trust you?"
A pause.
"?You trust me with your life, my Lady.", Tenyuushi answers, quietly.
"And yet, you use my trust, to hide things behind my back?"
"M-milady, that's not what I was doing! I..."
"You were what, Doctor? 'asking for a second opinion'? What? Just tell me. After all, you know I've been through worse.
Much worse."
You think of Eirin, the day she installed your neurals... the nausea, the dizziness... the fear. How you couldn't move... and then it felt like you were slowly dying, as it began interfacing.
"You wouldn't feel a thing", she said. And then that... it felt like a violation. Somehow, so terribly, horribly wrong. Eirin killed you, more or less.
You didn't blame her, of course. But even so... it felt like betrayal. She never did anything like that to you again.
And now, this one wants to dick around in your head, apparently... you sigh, letting the stress go.
"I trust you, Tenna.", you answer without even thinking. "And it's bad enough you don't seem to trust me. Even Lady Yagokoro offered me that little bit of dignity. So, instead of making me just seize your files and shove you in confinement for a few days, why don't you tell me what you were suggesting to my lieutenant?"
Silence. Heiseimi seems... entertained, if somewhat worried. The doctor merely looks away from you, fearful.
"Go on,
tell me.", you start to goad. "It's not like you could do worse."
She continues to look away, looking oddly at the foot of her desk; her eyes are wet with confused tears...
Blinking the tears away, she tries to answer.
>>10670 >>10698 >>10704 Oh god, I'm becoming YAF...