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I'm about to run off too work, and should've done this earlier but here's some little things that's been nagging me.

1. Right now the system I'll be using to do stat checks is based upon dice, of course. The idea is each level in the stat will equal a single die. Checks will have a Difficulty, the number you have to meet at least for it to count, and Success, the amount of dice you need to pass.

i.e. A D3/S1 means you need at least 1 die to be 3 or higher to pass.

While in battle I think this system works wonderfully, each successful attack on an enemy is damage (no required successes) I find the more difficult is for mundane things such as a Charm check.

After all, what justifies a Charm check? I don't want relationships to be based up on dice rolls, but at the same time I don't really want you able to do things you couldn't do in the relationship yet (i.e. try to well, you know. have sex or something)

I also don't want to prevent you from having write-in questions, so I don't want to put stat checks on questions or stuff. What do you think?

I have more i want to say but uh, ack. I have to be going to work. After work then.
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Interesting. The combat system seems to be duel oriented. How with armor nullifying an attack regardless of damage, than vanishing, instead of simply reducing the received damage.
Somewhat. Not all fights will be done 1 on 1. Some will involve you against many enemies. Usually the individual enemy is weak, but the danger lies in numbers. For instance, a single Fairy isn't scary. Now if there was ten of them, that's another story. Compared to a single Fairy, which likely only has 1 Attack, ten fairies with 1 attack each means ten attacks against you in a round.

I thought of at first armor just being 'extra' HP but felt it wasn't as important then. It was just fluffing out your HP, and most enemy attacks only deal 1 damage. Excluding boss-types or Touhous of course.

Now I'm curious how perks/traits/feats? will come into play and will there be more than one type of damage (such as holy/dark/elemental, etc.)
Traits will be picked at creation. You are allowed to pick one without penalty, but picking two will require a negative trait. Even if you pick one, you still get a negative but it's not very bad. However, negative traits get progressively worse and if you actually don't do anything about it, you will end up reaching a Bad End that would require a significant rewind.

Fixing the negative isn't very difficult though, it will require some work, but there's a rather large timeframe.

I haven't thought of doing elemental damage types, I want to try to keep things as simple as possible.

Also, how do stats work? (or what are the stats).
The number of the stat is how many dice you get for it. The stats being used are Might, Charm, and Spirit. They're rather broad and general, but I again wanted to keep things as simple as possible. So if you had 5 Might/2 Charm/4 Spirit, it means in a Might check you have 5 d6's, in a Charm 2 d6 and in Spirit 4 d6.

Seen how its all dice check oriented (instead of scaling numbers). Will increasing one stat past certain rank add a benefit?
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Well I Assumed we first need to roll to see if we hit, than roll for the damage. But it looks like that's not the case?
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Well I Assumed we first need to roll to see if we hit, than roll for the damage. But it looks like that's not the case?
Nope. For combat an enemy will have a Difficulty. You will use all your rolls and you just have to pass this Difficulty. Each passed is, by default 1 point of damage. So you just roll to hit, and damage is automatic.

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This is the thread for discussion about the stories I write.

Please be sure to specify which story you are talking about so you do not confuse others.

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Well let's start with the basics: if our MC isn't human... then what is he?
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You can tell me that I'm a stupid person because I would say he's a youkai.

Which makes him not a human.
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It's new! It's fangled! Everyone doesn't like it when I do this!

It's the Helioflora Cafe wiki! Stores all stories I've written since then.


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Hello again, Generous Anon here~!

In this thread, Silent Hill music...

I've decided to just post each sound track in its entirety, including extras I may deem worth adding. This is not to say anything I leave out will be far from anon's reach, just simply request for them and chances are I will share the omitted tracks in the next update.

I'll be starting with the titular game that launched anon to a horrify yet tragic world of Silent Hill

Silent Hill Original Sound Track- http://www.mediafire.com/?ztzqcwymldy
Total Tracks - 42

The first track aptly named "Silent Hill" just evokes a feeling of being told a story by a wise elderly person; knowing fully well the possibility of the listeners experiencing some strange set of events to come but never truly comprehending what they would be. Perhaps that's a poor description, but when I've heard the song for the very first time, I did get that feeling of being pulled into another world by force; into a world I'm compelled to not only try to understand but to go through upon which nearly no distraction would ever set me free from its grasp.

A good majority of the tracks are of the ambient variety, some eliciting very powerful emotions of absolute terror; the fear of simply loitering in the hall way hoping for a reprieve of the horror that awaits anyone daring to venture further on. Some of the tracks would bring about pure dread, like the low rumbling of one's heart as attempts to hide its haunting beat only spirals the listener into deeper territories of horror. Sometimes creating monsters, and frightening imagery that may not necessarily exist despite the compounding negative emotions growing greater and larger as time goes on.

Then there are certain tracks that provide a sense of safety. A sort of sanctuary that would mock the shadows that chase and pursue. At the same time however they do nothing more than merely provide blissful rest for the coming challenges of the heart, body and soul. They merely serve as omens of the upcoming obstacles that would threaten to break one's will and courage regar
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Interesting. Silent Hill 1 along with FFVIII made me discover Video Game soundtracks so...
Also? Esperandote is the best SH song ever. Specially when heard after winning the game on the Good plus ending.
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The first track aptly named "Silent Hill" just evokes a feeling of being told a story by a wise elderly person Funny, I heard "Hometown" from the SH3 soundtrack before I heard "Silent Hill" and my first thought was "Wow, the vocals don't fit this track at all".
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No kidding, though I heard the original "Silent Hill" before "hometown" and I truly did wonder who the hell wrote up the lyrics? Alas I'll always have the original theme in my mind over SH3's version.

I also agree Esperandote is a great song but I never saw its significance other than simply being a bonus. Perhaps that's just fine too...

So yeah sorry for the delay, Dante's Inferno been robbing my time but I should have Sh2 up later by tonight with all the audio tracks. Same for my Castlevania Thread

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Autosage reached. Starting new thread.

[x] Hand her the food , don't take initiative yourself. If she wants to come out, she will. If she doesn't, she won't. At least she knows you're here and waiting for her, now; Won.
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status update please?
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Random idea.

Zone centred around the Chireiden NPP. Satori & Koishi are the C-consciousness. Okuu is the reactor core. Orin is the leader of Monolith.

All Stalkers are female because only females can survive the emissions.

is this awesome y/n?
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obviously touhous would have no powers in the Zone. just your average female soldiers, bandits, scientists, etc.

maybe some rare artefacts can grant very, very weak versions of touhou powers, idunno.
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I remember someone trying to start a story like that once, in old THP. Two or three updates, then the guy disappeared.

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1. hair ruffling is a dick move. the intricately arranged hair touhous have probably takes ages to put together just right. with one ruffle it's ruined. dick move.

2. the humans aside, how the hell do the wilderness-dwelling youkai maintain those fancy dresses? Ribbons and lace don't grow on trees.

3. the incident/resolution system is utter shit when you consider it from a long-term (for Yukari, i.e. over centuries) perspective. at the rate incidents happen and with the sort of power incident-causers generally wield, eventually a Miko is going to fuck up with catastrophic consequences. Especially true since Mikos are human and powers and predispositions waxes and wanes with age.
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hair ruffling is a dick move
HERETIC. May you burn at the stake.

Touhous come with clothes in varied forms when they are born. The clothing regenerate when they are dirty/ripped/destroyed.

That's why there are so many Youkai, can't really kill them all and soon there will be enough again.
Yukari probably made most of the humans sterile so that they won't overpopulate Gensokyo.
And Reimu is not human anyway. More like a monster in human form.

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So... uh..

Hi. Talk about GH here. Two threads with four updates sucks, so let's just use this god-forsaken text board.
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It's not supposed to be. If it were, the options to take her hand and kiss it would not have been logical. The entire vote is a show of caring, even if the last part doesn't sound like it. Voice it to yourself again with this in mind.
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The dialogue contrasts with the rest of the vote. Even with the emotional part, the write-in sounds too sudden and mechanical.
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Bump. Even if I guess this thread is in autosage.

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WoRdS? :J
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That's his grandson.
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Comrades, it is time.
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No more faggotry!
Voter and writer unite!
Manly tear only!
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