The TRUE shortest story ever told! Sukima!g/OFHYXEWQ 2010/02/06 (Sat) 03:07 No. 514 ▼ File
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You wake up in a flower field.
You see a displeased woman with green hair and a parasol standing in front of you.
She then swings it at you and cuts your throat wide open, killing you.
The End
Anonymous 2010/02/06 (Sat) 03:08 No. 515 ▼ Great story on the site, or GREATEST?
Anonymous 2010/02/06 (Sat) 03:09 No. 516 ▼ I like the main character.
Anonymous 2010/02/06 (Sat) 03:11 No. 517 ▼ [x] Get Alice route done and over with.
Anonymous 2010/02/06 (Sat) 05:41 No. 519 ▼ Not really the shortest story ever told...
"And when you woke up, Yuuka was still there."
The end.
Anonymous 2010/02/06 (Sat) 05:58 No. 520 ▼ >The End
Thank you so much.
S.L.D.T.!u/LtL4dS.6 2010/02/06 (Sat) 05:59 No. 521 ▼ Curse broken folks, time to go home!
Choja Hiragawa!fy.n4oySK6 2010/02/06 (Sat) 08:20 No. 523 ▼
That story sucked, man.
Anonymous 2010/02/06 (Sat) 18:18 No. 524 ▼
I really liked your characterization of Yuuka. A lot of depth and complexities, while still very mindful of the source material. While her introduction was handled rather well, I'm particularly fond of the scene where she cuts the main character's throat open. More than any other scene, that was truly the defining moment.
That said, the beginning of the story was a little lacking compared to the rest. I can't really place my finger on it, but it lacked the same 'impact' of the rest of the story.
Anonymous 2010/02/07 (Sun) 00:42 No. 527 ▼
A story with an end? On my THP?
Anonymous 2010/02/09 (Tue) 22:04 No. 546 ▼ >>543 The oddest thing a man can do, and that is besides wearing a dress and putting his hair in curls
Is writing about little girls
Especially little girls that are not real, and were never ever real in the first place, and even if they were real they would never give you even a single trifle
And then is excusing the fact that if they were real they would be on the other side of a nearly impassible boundary, so that means you would never even manage to get an eyeful
And even if you somehow manage to get past that impassible boundary and catch yourself the fleetingest of the fleetingest of glimpses
There's no way you would be considered among the local himses
So when I see stories about never-rise grey-faced mumblers like you somehow managing to charm the skirt off some powerful and sadistic torturer of a regular human being
I get to laughing so hard for so long that by the time I'm done I have to get up from in front of my computer and go to the toilet to have a quick peeing
Anonymous 2010/02/10 (Wed) 00:30 No. 547 ▼ >>546 Much, much better. Thank you. Nash would be proud.
...Well, once he understood the context.
Jerl !Qj7OhFhEyA 2010/03/02 (Tue) 04:56 No. 734 ▼ I can do better.
Something happens.
The end.
Kirakishou!UdzMmUq0Oc 2010/03/22 (Mon) 04:21 No. 843 ▼ ooh ooh! My turn my turn!
Anonymous 2010/03/23 (Tue) 03:26 No. 862 ▼ >>843 I liked your first version better.
S.L.D.T.!u/LtL4dS.6 2010/04/13 (Tue) 02:11 No. 1027 ▼ What, no erotic story?
Anonymous 2010/04/14 (Wed) 22:31 No. 1047 ▼ Here's one with a cliffhanger:
Anonymous 2010/04/15 (Thu) 21:27 No. 1064 ▼ >>1047 Are you going to continue write a second part?