Anonymous 2009/12/11 (Fri) 01:24 No. 428 ▼
This board needs more life.
Here, have a pretty flower youkai.
Petas!/fl8BZLL1k 2009/12/12 (Sat) 06:16 No. 429 ▼
In return for your efforts, I present to you some 3D pig disgusting youkai moe~
Anonymous 2009/12/14 (Mon) 05:11 No. 431 ▼ >>429 I love that first one especially.
Kirin!BX9zGDO0G. 2009/12/18 (Fri) 07:48 No. 432 ▼ >>429 it reminds me of Aoko somehow.
Anonymous 2009/12/19 (Sat) 16:44 No. 434 ▼ >>429 Sameface is disgusting and samefaceish
Anonymous 2009/12/27 (Sun) 01:20 No. 440 ▼ >>438 for some reason, though, it's not fully loading, perhaps the upload got disrupted before it was done?
Petas!/fl8BZLL1k 2009/12/27 (Sun) 07:13 No. 442 ▼
>>440 Full resolution. And it was probably a connection problem, loaded fine for me in IE and Firefox.
Anonymous 2009/12/27 (Sun) 17:12 No. 443 ▼ >>442 Thank you, Yuka looks beautiful.