Klaymen !i/OHE/sPZ6 2008/11/13 (Thu) 01:03 No. 7411 [X] Kiss her on the cheek.
[x] Get up, prepare some breakfast so that Nitori has something to eat when she wakes up.
You’ve got a brilliant idea. It never was in your nature to be a lazy bum, so as long as you’re awake, you might as well do something productive. Nitori... you wonder if she’s ever had someone bring her breakfast in bed before.
Before rolling out of bed, you lean over and plant a kiss on Nitori’s cheek. She mumbles in her sleep, donning a smile in the process. You, too, can’t help but smile. Not every morning will be like this, but... many of them will. This is the right decision. You’ll spend the rest of your life here, if at all possible.
Gathering up your shoes and throwing on your pants, you make your way to your room and put on some less formal clothing. Your watch, too. Takiko said she’d be getting back later in the day, and you told her you’d let her in; you hope you haven’t overslept.
It seems to be a little past 8, so your fears are instantly quashed. You wonder how you managed to sleep so little after last night.
In the kitchen, you don’t really find much breakfast worthy. Some instant oatmeal and some more of that coffee are all you can fine. You’ll need to go shopping soon. Perhaps you can have Hina show you where she gets here ingredients. Or maybe Nitori knows. And, with that party coming up soon, you’ll feel terrible if you don’t help out. Perhaps a casserole...
The next few days pass by so normally, so perfectly, that you hardly remember them in retrospect. The festival went off as you’d expect; Reimu wasn’t exactly pleased, but she didn’t object too much (at least on the day of the party) more than you’d guess would be natural for her. The shrine that you had managed to crush on accident had already been rebuilt by Suika, a feat you wish you could have witnessed on your own. The girl that came from the black hole managed to, by good fortune, find her way to the house of a local witch known as Marisa, and from there to the shrine. She was already there by the time you arrived early to help with preparations.
The crowd of people at the celebration consisted mainly of people you’d never seen before, which wasn’t that surprising. According to Nitori, a large portion of the people who lived in Gensokyo were present. Using your best social skills, you managed to make it on the good side of almost everyone there. A few of them didn’t take kindly to you, but they didn’t seem to take kindly to many people in general. Meeting a goddess, finding out she was your neighbor, and then proceeding to make her genuinely laugh more than made up for this, however, and everyone had a great time. Even those that started off somewhat reserved loosened up with the vast array of alcohol that Yukari and Suika had managed to... acquire, and combined with the food everyone had a wonderful time.
After the festival, the issue of where the girl should stay was decided without much say on your part. Yukari decreed that you should raise your daughter like a man and gapped away, and although you had no objections, the way she did it was sort of irritating. Nitori didn’t seem to mind however, and all four of you went back to the cave that night as some sort of strange family.
Years passed, and many things happened. Ruukoto managed to get fixed after a few months, along with many other gadgets in Nitori’s workshop. Gensokyo is a strange place, and, as you soon found out, events like your little “incedent” occurred on an almost yearly basis. They where almost always a bit more subtle, but every once in a while...
As for you, you grew old while almost everyone around you seemed to remain perpetually young. Only the few humans you knew ever showed any hint of aging. It seemed that the leg granted you some of its former owner’s vitality; although you still aged, it was at a rate perhaps about half as fast as a normal man. Although you tried, it was impossible for a Kappa to give birth to a child of yours; the genetics were too different.
In the end, though, you had one wonderful daughter. The name Lumiere got used as a nickname, at one point, and it stuck. She proved as intelligent and as whimsical as her “father”, becoming a welcome presence in the lab and in the home. Between you, Nitori, and Lumiere (and perhaps Takiko at times), there was nothing you three couldn’t accomplish if you put your mind to it.
During the course of your life, you managed to write many books on scientific subjects in Gensokyo. A few of them dealt with local flora and fauna, with your first being a book on fairies, while many others dealt with outside world knowledge or theories on the inner workings of Gensokyo itself. There were only a handful of people around who were actually interested in the books, but if the border were to collapse some day, you’d hope that someone on the outside would find your work.
And, after a long life, you finally passed away with only one regret; leaving your family behind. But, even in Gensokyo, losing your mortality meant losing your humanity, at least in some way. You’d already lost enough of your mind; anything else would have made you downright kooky. Mad scientist was a fine level for you, as opposed to gibbering immortal. And, besides; if you had not been able to explain the practicality of wearing a lab coat, who would have?
...and that’s that. 100,000 words in, it’s finished. This is why I feel bad about skipping the h-scene; it was originally planned to be part of the ending, Anyway, I’ve got two options, as discussed in the prior thread. We can either continue this story, a year or so forward in time (implying no character routes, as you already have Nitori. Just another adventure), or you can start over from the beginning. Either way, I’m going to break until at least thanksgiving break on this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it, and I’ll answer any questions you guys may have.
[ ] Chapter 2 after break.
[ ] SCIENCE V2 after a break.