>>18986 Okay then.
As troubled as you may seem, you haven't the heart to throw him out unconscious. You tap him a few times on the shoulder, but all the youkai does is groan.
Aya moves around in the room, examining the wreckage. All but a chair, your bed, and a cupboard is left in place. Everything else has been demolished by either you or the intruder. Such a sad life...
“Hm...what are you going to do with this guy?”
“I'm honestly not all that sure...I guess I can take him in until he wakes up. But after he's done listening to my questions, he's outta here.” You honestly didn't have the heart to take him in after all he's done to you. But you'll spare him the misery of facing your wrath.
Aya looks around, finding something to do. You continue to sit on the only chair that's left. So she hops on the bed, sprawled out on the sheets. “...So you're just going to wait for him to wake up?”
“Yep. But I wish he'd wake up sooner.” You enunciated that last part loud in front of the youkai. He mumbles, and moves around for a bit. You sigh. You move yourself up to the sink, and twist the faucet back to its original posture. The metal creaks a little, but you force it to stay right side down. Water pours into your hands, as you cup it to hold it in. Slowly, you walk back towards him, and splash it right on his face. Immediately, he jolts upright and trips over a nearby leg of a chair.
“....Now that you're awake, why'd you attack me again? That's not really nice.” You cross your arms. You felt like you were a parent scolding his child.
“Mrf...ergh...” He looks a little delirious, but shakes himself out of it. Quite literally, too. “Um...I'm not really sure why I engaged you. Nor am I sure what had happened after the door unlocked either, but I understood we fought...?”
“Right, but you don't know why?”
“Not even a clue. I don't even remember anything right now. My mind's all a blank when I try to recall anything up to a few days back.”
“...So you have a total amnesia? That's odd, what did you do when you forgot everything, and where were you?”
“I was in...” He pauses for a long time. He flinches, as if something had suddenly lashed out at him. “Don't remember. I...think I walked across towards this village, I guess...?”
You sighed. You weren't getting answers from this guy. Not that he didn't comply. He was being unquestionably obedient, but he was just unable to answer any of your questions, let alone open up new questions.
You said nothing, but stood up and dragged him out of the house. Aya comes bounding along in no time.
“A-ah....where are we going?”
“To a well-disposed shrine maiden. Now, let's go.” However, you didn't really give him a choice, pulling him along the ground.
“Hey Somao, ain't that a little harsh?” Aya floats above you, hovering close by.
“Huh? Oh, yeah...I guess.” You immediately let him go. He falls to the ground with a yelp. You weren't sure why you were being like this. Maybe because he dismantled most of your house. But you stopped, and resolved not to do that again. The amnesiac picked himself up and still followed you towards the shrine regardless.
You climb up the stairs with relative ease. The youkai however, isn't faring so well. He wheezes a little, and hacks for a breath of air. “One...one moment...hah, please.”
As you enter the shrine, Reimu comes out leisurely, looking for who entered. She spots the three of you, and wave halfheartedly.
“...Hello, Somao.”
You motion for her to come over. She comes at a slow pace.
“No greetings for me, Miss Hakurei?”
“None at all, Aya.”
“You should be more amiable as a shrine maiden, Reimu.”
Not wanting to hear more of the constant bickering, you cut right to the point. “Reimu, I have an incident to report.” Her eyes focus a little bit more, and become more sharp. “It seems that the youkai before us has developed amnesia and directed an assault at me for no reason. I'm thinking it wasn't intentional.” You point over to him.
“Ah, I see.” Reimu examines him from an angle. “I can't detect any charms or manipulation on him....but whatever it is, it's out of my jurisdiction in power. I can, however, go search for any other incidents relating to this. I'll let you know once I finish. I'll start on it tomorrow.” She returns to her relaxed posture. “But in the meantime, let's go get some tea.” She offers everybody, including the youkai, something to drink.
...You sometimes wonder how she manages to get all of her enemies to drink tea with her. But you go in anyways.
“Heyyy~” A voice calls out to you. A small girl with horns bumps into you. Shackles are chained to her wrists. “I'm bored...let's do a contest.” The smell of alcohol is clearly evident on her breath. You take a small step back to breathe.
“Um, sure, but if it's drinking, no thanks. I'm going to drink some tea with Reimu and some others.”
“No, I mean an arm wrestling contest!” Suika points out. “Recently, I heard you were really strooong.”
Did she hear that from Reimu..."Or Aya?
[ ] Accept. You have some time to kill anyways.
-[ ] Let's raise the stakes! Let's bet on it!
--[ ] What should you bet for? What should you get in return?
[ ] Decline. Let's just take it easy.
-[ ] Invite Suika to drink some non-alcoholic tea anyways. The more the merrier.