Deeper Underground - Thread 5 Grue !sHcIUaABbw 2009/09/17 (Thu) 21:02 No. 1641 ▼ File 125322136814.jpg - (359.31KB, 935x662 , e29b8313b678c54b2bb0a7dc1feec62e.jpg)
"And I don't trust you either. Yet." You retort. "What's in the jar? What'll happen if I open it?"
Orin's grin does not return, but her eyes narrow dangerously at you.
"Er ... " You gulp, feeling extremely uncomfortable. "Maybe if I could take a look at it?" You stammer your words, wanting to get away from that stare.
"Mmm~?" Orin raises an eyebrow. "Just a look?"
You try to shrug, but her hands are pinning your shoulders down. When did that happen?
"Y-yeah." You can feel cold sweat beading on your forehead. "Maybe it's safe. I don't know." You babble. Stop looking at me like that! Stop it! It's like she's coiling, readying herself to spring into action. The threat of sudden motion and speed is enough to unnerve you on a deep, animal level.
"Mmmm, okay." Orin lets you go, suddenly sitting up and then hopping off. You take a deep breath in relief as she steps over to the jar and picks it up. Her movements are so openly inhuman, too fluid and precise and stylised.
She sits across from you, squatting down so her dress rides up and exposes her shins.
"Here. Take it then." She passes you the jar, eager to get it out of her hands. There's a hint of carefully controlled tension in her face, as if she's expecting something.
Turning the jar over in your hands reveals nothing. The lid is screw-on, sealed with masking tape. Nothing out of the ordinary except the contents. The blue gas inside is very dense, so thick you can't see through the jar.
"So what is it?" You ask.
"Mine." Orin leans forward, putting her face closer to yours. "Open it."
"So ... " You frown with thought. "Farley took this from you, he's been here before?"
"Things can be stolen at a distance." Orin doesn't sound happy. "Or taken when the owner is not looking. Humans with magic ... mmmm, thieves."
Tap tap.
Your gaze flicks back to the jar, eyes wide. Something just knocked. Orin bares her teeth again, grinning with smug satisfaction.
"She wants out too." Orin says.
"She?" You ask, bewildered.
Orin just nods, reaching over and holding your wrist with strong fingers, moving your hand to the lid of the jar.
"Open it." She repeats.
[ ] Open the jar.
[ ] "Only if we get more petting time."
[ ] "Only if you promise not to attack me again."
[ ] "Only if you promise to help me find somebody."
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 21:35 No. 1646 [X] Open the jar.
-[X] No preconditions. At all. Open the jar.
-[X] "Do I get some petting for this?"
--[X] Give her some big ol' begging eyes.
You don't fucking bargain using prisoners/hostages. That's one of the biggest asshole moves you can possibly pull ever, and cruel as hell. If someone's trapped, you let them out.
R.I.M. 2009/09/17 (Thu) 21:40 No. 1647 [X]Open the jar.
It's not the good kind of bottled fairy, Link.
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 21:40 No. 1648 [X] Open the jar.
-[X] No preconditions. At all. Open the jar.
-[X] "Okay. Can I pet you some more now?"
--[X] Give her some big ol' begging eyes.
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 21:45 No. 1649 [X] Open the jar.
Open now, negotiate later. Even if we're in a weaker bargaining position.
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 22:02 No. 1651 [X] Open the jar.
-[X] No preconditions. At all. Open the jar.
-[X] "Promise to help me find someone?"
--[X] Give her some big ol' begging eyes.
This; we can go about petting the cat later, but we have a cute umbrella girl to find and a awesome/moe/atomic crow girl to hang out with.
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 22:10 No. 1652 [X] Open the jar.
-[X] No preconditions. At all. Open the jar.
-[X] "Promise to help me find someone?"
--[X] Give her some big ol' begging eyes.
Sounds good to me.
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 22:14 No. 1653 [X] Open the jar.
-[X] No preconditions. At all. Open the jar.
-[X] "Promise to help me find someone?"
--[X] Give her some big ol' begging eyes.
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 22:34 No. 1654 [X] Open the jar.
-[X] No preconditions. At all. Open the jar.
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 22:44 No. 1655 [X] Open the jar.
[X] Apologize for not realizing importance behind opening it sooner.
Wow this Farley's beginning to remind me of Porky Minch...
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 22:44 No. 1656 [x] Open the jar.
[x] What Happened To The Mouse?
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 22:51 No. 1657 [X] Open the jar.
Open that shit like Commodore Motherfucking Perry.
Anonymous 2009/09/17 (Thu) 23:20 No. 1659 ▼ File 125322960437.jpg - (140.17KB, 827x1102 , THISJAR.jpg)
Anonymous 2009/09/18 (Fri) 00:08 No. 1665 [x] "Only if we get more petting time."
Sometimes I like my choices in one line.
Anonymous 2009/09/18 (Fri) 00:11 No. 1666 [X] Open the jar.
-[X] No preconditions. At all. Open the jar.
-[X] "Do I get some petting for this?"
--[X] Give her some big ol' begging eyes.
Anonymous 2009/09/18 (Fri) 00:17 No. 1667 [x] "Okay."
[x] Stand up, brace yourself. Hand on the lid, now...
[x] Turn and run.
Anonymous 2009/09/18 (Fri) 00:42 No. 1668 [X] Open the jar.
-[X] No preconditions. At all. Open the jar.
-[X] "Promise to help me find someone?"
--[X] Give her some big ol' begging eyes.
I am with you
Anonymous 2009/09/18 (Fri) 03:24 No. 1682 [X] Open the jar.
-[X] No preconditions. At all. Open the jar.
-[X] "Promise to help me find someone?"
--[X] Give her some big ol' begging eyes.
Anonymous 2009/09/18 (Fri) 10:44 No. 1690 [x] "Fuck you, if you had asked nicely instead of ordering me, I might have opened it. Now whatever is stuck in this jar will stay that way forever for all I care."
[x] Leave the room and don't look back.
Anonymous 2009/09/18 (Fri) 12:59 No. 1692 [x] "Fuck you, if you had asked nicely instead of ordering me, I might have opened it. Now whatever is stuck in this jar will stay that way forever for all I care."
[x] Leave the room and don't look back.
Getting scared shitless option
Dr. Qu !4WBwMSuyxE 2009/09/18 (Fri) 15:39 No. 1695 Simply put, I suspect it's one of those blue flame skulls. It was 'stolen at a distance' by Farley, who most likely made an attempt at necromany. It would fit with his shown personality.
Anonymous 2009/09/18 (Fri) 20:48 No. 1697 [X] Open the jar.
-[X] No preconditions. At all. Open the jar.
I'd say petting time is for pussies, but then we'd all get into a big catfight and everyone would be trying to scratch each other's eyes out, so I think I'll just avoid letting that cat out of the bag.
Anonymous 2009/09/18 (Fri) 21:15 No. 1698 ▼ File 125330852532.jpg - (42.18KB, 600x540 , Ultros.jpg)
Anonymous 2009/09/19 (Sat) 16:36 No. 1715 ▼ File 125337816760.jpg - (309.86KB, 800x1200 , 34c8e88ef99ea2599ec734dbfe6bdba7.jpg)
HY, is your steam already running out?
Anonymous 2009/09/19 (Sat) 17:10 No. 1717 ▼ File 125338023374.png - (174.39KB, 695x1100 , 121270005957.png)
>>1713 you're new here, aren't you
Anonymous 2009/09/19 (Sat) 17:59 No. 1720 ▼ File 125338316075.jpg - (30.63KB, 327x305 , 1249019220406.jpg)
>>1715 Chill, let him think up of another ORIGINAL story.
Anonymous 2009/09/19 (Sat) 22:18 No. 1733 ▼ File 125339872830.png - (117.25KB, 229x287 , You are goddamn stupid.png)
>>1732 >HY >the pillar that holds THP together. Anonymous 2009/09/19 (Sat) 22:55 No. 1735 ▼ File 125340095317.png - (101.47KB, 229x287 , You too.png)
Grue !sHcIUaABbw 2009/09/19 (Sat) 23:03 No. 1736 Sigh. I'm not HY, I don't understand why people keep saying that, pretty demoralising actually.
Sorry about the total lack of updates today, just very busy and unable to concentrate on plotting/writing this story correctly right now. If I'm estimating right, then we should see clear sky and updates come Monday morning. Until then, consider things unfortunately stalled.
I will, however, get writing an update in 1~2 hours.
Anonymous 2009/09/19 (Sat) 23:08 No. 1739 Come the fuck off it already. I'm sick of hearing this shit.
Grue is not HY. It's easy to tell
because he's writing.
Anonymous 2009/09/19 (Sat) 23:55 No. 1744 >I'm not HY
I don't think you quite understand. You are HY. I am HY. Everyone on this site is part of his fractured personality.
Grue !sHcIUaABbw 2009/09/20 (Sun) 00:26 No. 1747 ▼ File 125340640891.jpg - (169.57KB, 500x600 , fd1fc563e32366bad71b5c346c4268fc.jpg)
"Okay, right." You stammer. Shit! There's something alive in there? Trapped? You silently curse Farley as you shake your wrist free of Orin's grip and tear the masking tape away from the lid.
Orin watches intently as you unscrew the top of the jar. You lean back, expecting the gas to start seeping out, but it just lies there, inert. Orin leans forward, tense as you remove the lid entirely.
Is it just your imagination or is the jar getting hotter?
"It's just sitting there." You say, peering inside out of curiosity. The gas swirls, but doesn't breach the rim of the jar.
"Murr~" Orin makes a little noise, and suddenly the gas rockets out of the jar like a bouncy ball. You jerk your head back to avoid being hit, the now cohesive and solid lump of blue rebounding off the ceiling, leaving you feeling as if your eyebrows have been singed.
Orin snatches it out of the air before it tries to hit you in the face a second time. She starts purring.
"Back home now." Orin says out loud.
As she holds it, arm outstretched, the ball of gas slowly takes a shape. You blink. For a moment it looks like a skull wreathed in blue fire, but the illusion passes, leaving a miniature, transparent girl in Orin's hand. She's entirely blue and white, a shifting ghostly monotone. Tiny, ragged wings flutter on her back, and a gently glowing halo hovers above her head.
She puts her tiny hands on her tiny hips, and proceeds to scowl at you.
"Different human." Orin says, sitting down cross-legged and placing the ghost fairy in her lap. "Good human."
"What is-" You start, but the tiny fairy shakes her fist at you.
"Sorry. Uh."
"Not what." Orin says. "Who."
"Oh, uh." You try again. "Who is that?"
"This is Zofi." Orin purrs. "Say hello, Zofi."
The fairy crosses her arms and looks pointedly away from you. Orin grins and gently strokes the fairy's hair.
"Zofi ... zombie fairy?" You venture.
"Mmmm." Orin purrs as Zofi hovers up to her shoulder. "There are many, so many I forget. This one has a self."
Zofi smiles happily at Orin's words, sitting down on her shoulder.
"Good to be back?" Orin asks. Zofi nods, swinging her legs.
Zofi can't be any taller than your shin, she's like a moving porcelain doll, including the slightly patched, ghostly dress. She notices you staring at her in fascination, and she frowns, looking away again.
Orin grins, patting the fairy on the head with much more tenderness than she displayed with you.
"Well." You try to compose yourself after that, but the question on your lips keeps getting crowded out by new ones. You'll remember to ask Orin later, your curiosity right now is too great.
[ ] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
[ ] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
[ ] Ask if they want some alone time or something, you don't really understand the dynamic here.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 00:32 No. 1748 [x] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
[x] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 00:36 No. 1749 [x] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 00:43 No. 1752 >[ ] TINY FAIRY SO CUTE
I love these options. They may never win, but they always bring a smile to face.
Oh, right, vote.
[X] Try apologizing to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
We just called her a "thing" Some apology is in order
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 00:45 No. 1754 [X] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 00:49 No. 1756 [x] Try apologizing to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
[x] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 00:52 No. 1757 [x] TINY FAIRY SO CUTE
Why did we assume it was a fairy?
Dr. Q !4WBwMSuyxE 2009/09/20 (Sun) 01:16 No. 1760 [Q] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
[Q] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 01:30 No. 1762 [x] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
[x] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 01:38 No. 1763 [x] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
[x] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 01:46 No. 1764 [X] TINY FAIRY SO CUTE
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 02:02 No. 1765 [x] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
[x] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
[x] Ask if they want some alone time or something, you don't really understand the dynamic here.
Sounds good, and if they want alone time, let them, we're living here for the time being so it won't be the last time.
Though it means we have to go find Kogasa ourselves, but I think we can manage; she's not easy to miss. And there's the matter of hanging out with Okuu; we can tell her the good news.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 02:13 No. 1769 [x] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
[x] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
[x] Ask if they want some alone time or something, you don't really understand the dynamic here.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 02:15 No. 1770 ▼ File 125341294367.jpg - (163.79KB, 600x438 , 2796615.jpg)
[x] Try apologizing to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
>>1752 Actually, something like this won once when mini-Yukari showed up in Magical Rhapsody (
>>/forest/13095 ). Not really what I expected though, he was too rough and oblivious. I don't think this will go the same way.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 02:16 No. 1771 [X] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
[X] Ask if they want some alone time or something, you don't really understand the dynamic here.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 03:15 No. 1778 [X] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
[X] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 03:28 No. 1779 [x] Try apologizing to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 03:28 No. 1780 [x] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
[x] Try apologizing to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
KChasm !QC5jQtRXOo 2009/09/20 (Sun) 04:38 No. 1784 [x] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
[x] Try apologizing to Zofi. She's obviously upset. I the only one wondering why Orin couldn't open the jar?
I mean, uh, "magic", sure, but I want more than a vague explanation.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 04:58 No. 1785 [X] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
Our new mission, should we choose to accept it, is to befriend the little undead fairy.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 07:04 No. 1790 [x] TINY FAIRY SO CUTE
Must take home.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 07:12 No. 1791 [X] TINY FAIRY SO CUTE
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 07:42 No. 1792 [x] TINY FAIRY SO CUTE
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 09:07 No. 1795 [x] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
[x] Try apologizing to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 12:48 No. 1800 [?] Try apologizing to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
[?] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
Kingsonnn 2009/09/20 (Sun) 20:44 No. 1806 [X] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
Anonymous 2009/09/20 (Sun) 21:24 No. 1807 [o] Try apologizing to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
[o] Ask why Farley would have stolen a fairy.
Anonymous 2009/09/21 (Mon) 01:27 No. 1813 [X] Try apologising to Zofi. She's obviously upset.
Anonymous 2009/09/21 (Mon) 23:15 No. 1828 ▼ File 125357491392.png - (158.41KB, 480x600 , 1253572822883.png)
Anonymous 2009/09/22 (Tue) 16:47 No. 1844 ▼ File 125363803968.jpg - (2.55KB, 126x95 , 1253482257068.jpg)
Anonymous 2009/09/22 (Tue) 20:48 No. 1849 ▼ File 125365251213.jpg - (157.12KB, 600x800 , 1253650137311.jpg)
Anonymous 2009/09/23 (Wed) 16:57 No. 1876 Updates? I'm still operating on the assumption that Grue isn't HY until an admission to the contrary is made.
Anonymous 2009/09/23 (Wed) 17:15 No. 1877 ▼ File 12537261141.jpg - (266.50KB, 800x620 , 2a7a88152b2bf6b87ff562ce5545cdbf.jpg)
Anonymous 2009/09/23 (Wed) 20:39 No. 1881 ▼ File 125373835522.jpg - (72.98KB, 528x524 , 1245801299639.jpg)
Anonymous 2009/09/23 (Wed) 22:57 No. 1888 >I'm not HY, I don't understand why people keep saying that, pretty demoralising actually.
this better not be why there's no updates. how is that even a bad thing? you don't get mistaken for one of the best writers on the site unless you're also one of the best writers on the site
Anonymous 2009/09/25 (Fri) 16:01 No. 1912 It seems Grue has truly become HY now.~
Anonymous 2009/09/25 (Fri) 18:37 No. 1915 Grue, Grue, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
Anonymous 2009/09/25 (Fri) 21:19 No. 1918 YOU CAN'T CUT BACK ON UPDATES
Kaenbyou Rin 2009/09/27 (Sun) 17:13 No. 1959 ▼ File 125407161958.jpg - (187.76KB, 800x619 , Be of Good Cheer.jpg)
... hm?
Oh, wow! What a big corpse! This will be great for fueling the fires!
Hey, brothers and sisters! Yeah, you, the ones standing around here! This corpse is pretty big and heavy, so would you help me get it in my wheelbarrow?
Anonymous 2009/09/27 (Sun) 18:20 No. 1960 ▼ File 125407560014.jpg - (251.13KB, 800x816 , 1254059191473.jpg)
Damn. I guess we scared him away with all the Grue = HY talk.
Anonymous 2009/09/27 (Sun) 19:46 No. 1963 ▼ File 125408080697.png - (413.98KB, 1000x1000 , 37ef6d171e05f9e643f0d4e6593f93bc.png)
this is the worst story abandonment since Retrospective and Astronomical Narraration
Anonymous 2009/09/27 (Sun) 19:48 No. 1964 ▼ File 125408092691.png - (362.15KB, 754x559 , 1254059103724.png)
>>1961 Ignore this guy, please come back Grue.
Dr. Q !4WBwMSuyxE 2009/09/27 (Sun) 19:56 No. 1965 Come back, Grue!
There are so many Orins to pet!
So many Kogasas to be adorable with!
So many Parsees to play games with!
So many Farleys to punch with the Nuka-glove!
Dr. Q !4WBwMSuyxE 2009/09/28 (Mon) 16:49 No. 1988 ▼ File 125415654984.gif - (89.45KB, 467x370 , 4e5e71951685e6c0fa3583d215f25109.gif)
Alice Margatroid 2009/09/28 (Mon) 17:03 No. 1990 ▼ File 125415742422.jpg - (304.22KB, 900x892 , alice031.jpg)
Grue !sHcIUaABbw 2009/09/28 (Mon) 17:04 No. 1991 "She is ... uh, I mean, you are, Zofi," you say, stumbling a little over your words. "Very cute."
She is! If this situation was any different, you wouldn't mind having her sitting on your shoulder instead of Orin's.
Zofi turns to look at you again, before huffing and sticking her nose in the air, folding her arms across her chest. There's just a hint of darker colour in her tiny, ghostly-blue cheeks.
Orin grins at you again, showing all her teeth. The cat knows what you're up to, but that look on her face still makes you nervous.
"I didn't realise you were in the bottle." You say, still talking to Zofi. "If I'd know there was a living be- ... uh, dead ... being ... fairy, inside then I would have opened it up when I found it in the bag. Sorry about that." You look down at your feet, feeling awkward. That sentence could have gone better.
"Mmmm." Orin chuckles. "Fairies are quick with their affections. Slow to forgive."
"Yeah." You mutter, trying to ignore the nasty sidelong look Zofi is giving you. "Why do you think Farley stole her anyway?"
Orin cocks her head at you, saying nothing for a long moment. Just as you start to feel pinned by her gaze, she speaks.
"Mmmmm, might be accidental. Playing with the dead doesn't always get you what you call for."
"Playing with ... ? You mean necromancy?" You ask, frowning.
"If he knew." Orin muses, ignoring your question. "Then he would have drunk the bottle already. Or not. Hmmm."
You notice Zofi go very still at Orin's words.
"Drunk the bottle?" You ask. "You can ... drink fairies?" You ask. Orin raises an eyebrow at you, still grinning.
"I wouldn't recommend it~"
[ ] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
[ ] Woah, back up. You're going to freak little Zofi out.
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 17:08 No. 1993 [x] Assure Zofi you're not going to drink her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[x] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 17:10 No. 1994 [X] Woah, back up. You're going to freak little Zofi out.
-[X] You're going to freak yourself out. Drinking faeries? That's just... wrong.
--[X] Great, now you need someone to hold you.
What the fuck, Farley?
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 17:41 No. 1995 [x] Woah, back up. You're going to freak little Zofi out.
-[x] for a change of subject, ask her to help you find Kogasa outside
-[x] Perhaps invite her to hanging out with Okuu later
Let's not forget about these two.
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 17:52 No. 1996 [x] Woah, back up. You're going to freak little Zofi out.
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 17:54 No. 1997 [x] Assure Zofi you're not going to drink her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[x] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 18:01 No. 1999 [X] Woah, back up. You're going to freak little Zofi out.
-[X] You're going to freak yourself out. Drinking faeries? That's just... wrong.
--[X] Great, now you need someone to hold you.
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 18:09 No. 2000 [x] Assure Zofi you're not going to drink her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[x] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
I think we had enough emotional release and hugging with... her.
Dr. Q !4WBwMSuyxE 2009/09/28 (Mon) 18:15 No. 2001 [Q] Assure Zofi you're not going to drink her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[Q] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
Kingsonnn Dededoo 2009/09/28 (Mon) 18:17 No. 2002 [x] Assure Zofi you're not going to drink her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[x] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 18:36 No. 2003 [X] Assure Zofi you're not going to drink her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[X] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 18:37 No. 2004 ▼ File 125416305610.jpg - (0.98MB, 1500x743 , Image0001.jpg)
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 18:51 No. 2005 [x] Assure Zofi you're not going to drink her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[x] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
Where have you been Grue? You just left like this and never bothered to tell us why. Just ignore the people who say Grue = HY.
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 20:49 No. 2009 [x] Assure Zofi you're not going to drink her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[x] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
[x] What Happened To The Mouse?
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 20:54 No. 2011 [X] Assure Zofi you're not going to drink her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[X] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
I guess Farley should have played more Zelda.
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 22:02 No. 2015 >"Mmmmm, might be accidental. Playing with the dead doesn't always get you what you call for."
Is this the first sentence Orin said that sounds...uh, normaly pronunciated? Her previous dialogues made her seem more animal than human, if you manage to understand what I'm talking about.
Anonymous 2009/09/28 (Mon) 22:26 No. 2016 [?] Assure Zofi you're wouldn't even think of drinking her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[?] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
[?] And what happened to that mouse?
Anonymous 2009/09/29 (Tue) 00:06 No. 2019 >What the fuck, Farley?
Seconded. Though, has he developed Ghoul abilities? He ate an Oni child. Is he able to consume yokai to absorb their powers now?
[x] Assure Zofi you're not going to drink her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[x] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
Anonymous 2009/09/29 (Tue) 01:10 No. 2023 >>Remember, we fell asleep somewhere in there, and I don't think it was ever made explicit how long we were out. We could be running out of day here, and even if we aren't, Okuu is my top priority.
Yes, we fell asleep, but that was BEFORE we made that promise to Okuu.
We fell asleep after Orin carted us off to that room due to our passing out while resisting Satori.
Then Orin molested us with evil spirits, stole our jar, we gave chase, met Koishi, got mind-molested by her, got found by Satori, tried to run, fought her in a duel, won, impressed Okuu with our newfound nuke powers, and promised to hang out with her after we tracked down the naughty kitty who took our jar.
Which leads us to where we are now. Like I said, there is no way a lot of time should have passed since we made that promise to Okuu. Considering she herself warned us that Orin was difficult to catch, I think she would expect us to take a little while before we came to see her again.
Besides, I think our present business with Orin is almost concluded. We caught her like we wanted to do, she got us to open the jar like she wanted us to do, and Zofi was released like she almost certainly wanted.
Anonymous 2009/09/29 (Tue) 05:07 No. 2025 [x] Assure Zofi you're wouldn't even think of drinking her. As long as you're around, no one else will, either.
[x] Press the subject. What the hell was Farley doing?
[x] And what happened to that mouse?
you guys remember Okuu has work, right?
Anonymous 2009/09/30 (Wed) 21:14 No. 2048 Can we get a status update Grue? You always told us everything and now you just keep quiet.
It would only be fair to tell us if you are busy or need more time.
Anonymous 2009/10/04 (Sun) 18:52 No. 2160 Someone deleted all the fun stuff, now we will never know the reason why Grue stopped.
Anonymous 2009/10/05 (Mon) 00:21 No. 2162 ▼ File 125470207272.jpg - (45.73KB, 468x551 , Stalin.jpg)
>>2161 You forgot your picture.
Anonymous 2009/10/06 (Tue) 02:50 No. 2178 ▼ File 125479741687.jpg - (291.70KB, 2000x1500 , 1254795178618.jpg)
She waited for you
Anonymous 2009/10/06 (Tue) 07:02 No. 2197 >Do not worry comrade, I too vote my best as to reunite with our dear friend.
I am always glad to see someone who wants to pursue her route. All the other characters are just too likeable written by Grue to not want to go for them, it makes it just hard to concentrate.
>But I hope nothing bad happened to Grue.
Grue what the fuck. 2009/10/06 (Tue) 22:52 No. 2225 I'm still here, just having a few time management problems in real life.
Also, I managed to lose my tripcode, don't suppose a mod could help me out with that in any way? Or shall I just make a new one and carry on?
Anonymous 2009/10/07 (Wed) 19:00 No. 2255 ▼ File 12549420283.jpg - (38.11KB, 538x398 , whut.jpg)
>>Wait for HY's IPF to start up again
Anonymous 2009/10/07 (Wed) 19:08 No. 2257 ▼ File 125494249895.jpg - (20.18KB, 400x458 , db_SIMPLE_FRENCH_PASTRY.jpg)
>>2254 Oh I'm not putting HY down as I know he had been endowed with great responsibilities with THP, but holy crap I think even before that added responsibilities came around he kept starting something then dropping it for a variety of reasons only to never seriously get into them again.
It's almost like seeing the attached image of a very delicious looking dessert only to
never truly taste it in life.
Anonymous 2009/10/07 (Wed) 19:49 No. 2258 Can't you take this somewhere else? Since this isn't going to help the story get updated any faster!
Grue !EsR1xYZuzQ 2009/10/07 (Wed) 21:00 No. 2259 ▼ File 125494925550.jpg - (515.32KB, 1003x803 , 2204d906dc33202d244ea447d43c84df.jpg)
Nearly 24 hours later and countless millions of tripcodes generated, I still can't crack my own, and it's long lost, so here's a new one I've saved in multiple places in case I do something fucking stupid again.
Right, I have the story text files back and my schedule is finally reaching something approaching manageable again. So, sorry for being a fuck-up and leaving you readers hanging for so long.
Writing will resume tomorrow night if I avoid falling into a coma, Friday morning otherwise.
Meanwhile, have some Orin.
Anonymous 2009/10/07 (Wed) 23:08 No. 2264 ▼ File 125495690564.jpg - (534.92KB, 1000x600 , 1b0d9119875a51a7616a5ee6543c5764.jpg)
Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 02:57 No. 2269 ▼ File 125497063132.jpg - (338.98KB, 731x1024 , 1f23a3442.jpg)
>>2266 Suddenly gets tossed into a wild rockstar career under the Sony label.."
She's been taken roughly enough by Sanae, let the poor girl have fun for herself Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 04:56 No. 2276 ▼ File 125497781898.jpg - (257.49KB, 1024x899 , d6a91d33f9b10a1fb46357bb32140e16.jpg)
>>2259 Hooray!
Let's get that Kogasa Route on the road.
Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 05:08 No. 2277 ▼ File 125497853756.jpg - (485.21KB, 1318x996 , EarthPalace001.jpg)
>>2276 >Let's get that polyamory route that happens to include Kogasa on the road. Fixed that for you.
Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 05:08 No. 2278 >>Let's get that Kogasa/Okuu Route on the road.
Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 06:19 No. 2279 Well, then it's decided, Koguu route is on!
Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 14:18 No. 2281 ▼ File 125501151471.png - (169.67KB, 725x555 , Parsee004.png)
Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 15:10 No. 2282 Fuck the lot of you.
I want Zofi route.
Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 17:33 No. 2286 Grue better update soon because we're just under 50 posts before autosage.
Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 18:08 No. 2288 ▼ File 125502531854.jpg - (208.55KB, 834x1000 , 7f43c62432ed0ef983e6ccfef2e9e1b5.jpg)
>>2287 >implying that someone here wants go back and play with Parsee Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 18:41 No. 2290 ▼ File 125502726798.jpg - (517.84KB, 900x2100 , parsee_crying.jpg)
>>2288 >implying that no one here wants to go back and play with Parsee Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 19:01 No. 2291 ▼ File 125502849125.png - (18.49KB, 520x620 , 1222438992565.png)
Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 20:09 No. 2296 ▼ File 125503259350.jpg - (950.55KB, 1000x997 , Parsee002.jpg)
>>2294 >Parsee wasn't particularly excited about our notion Of course she was excited. She's just too tsundere to show it. Don't torment her by ignoring her in favor of other people after making a promise like that with her, she's been disappointed enough times in her life.
Anonymous 2009/10/08 (Thu) 22:35 No. 2300 Grue's underground is just so goddamn cute. How can you NOT go Harem end?
The problem I have with 'focusing' on any particular girl is that we don't know if it locks us out of any of the other routes and thus we need to get the affection bars all equalized to get the 'everyone' end.
And that it'd take some EPIC level heart-warming to get pretty bridge princess to be okay with any sort of harem end.
1. Perform affection on Orin.
2. Kogasa had us vanish. We should go and find her, keep her in the party or at least apologize for disappearing and affection her.
3. We need money for food, and a (fun) board game.
4. Okuu's invitation, go and check out the reactor level.
5. Find and appologize to Nitori while we're there, appologize, socialize, try not to get kicked in the nuts again.
Anonymous 2009/10/09 (Fri) 03:13 No. 2334 ▼ File 125505800656.jpg - (334.44KB, 700x700 , 9d77250de5543712fe05de1822e0f8fa.jpg)
>>2300 Harem is for the WEAK. Focusing on one girl when they all are great is what takes guts.
I really want to help Kogasa and the rest to rescue Youkai Jesus.
Anonymous 2009/10/09 (Fri) 15:07 No. 2362 >causal sex.
If that is the cause... *sunglasses* ... then the effect must really be worth it.
Anonymous 2009/10/09 (Fri) 17:14 No. 2366 ▼ File 12551084872.jpg - (376.26KB, 1200x1200 , 3ad2766656b686c084a1bcdb06b67f07.jpg)
The Thread got kind of off track so let us talk about important things again.
It is time to go outside and find our little lost umbrella. She must be really sad and frightened that we just got taken in with force, we should make sure that we show her that everything is okay.
Grue !EsR1xYZuzQ 2009/10/09 (Fri) 19:25 No. 2370 Or tomorrow, since coma time is now.
Anonymous 2009/10/10 (Sat) 12:43 No. 2406 >I wonder what Grue has to say about our harem route ambitions.
Grue !EsR1xYZuzQ 2009/10/19 (Mon) 19:11 No. 2777 Hurf de durf seven minutes useless lazy bastard writefag etc etc.
I here.
I am make update soontime. Yes yes. Then again tomorrow, and day after.
Yes yes.
Anonymous 2009/10/20 (Tue) 04:13 No. 2788 ▼ File 125601200827.jpg - (23.79KB, 257x257 , alpha_excited.jpg)
come on come on come on
Anonymous 2009/10/20 (Tue) 17:32 No. 2800 ▼ File 125605993753.jpg - (432.30KB, 1284x1026 , work is waiting.jpg)
>>2777 Get back to work Nigger
Anonymous 2009/10/23 (Fri) 04:44 No. 2864 ▼ File 125627309224.jpg - (481.06KB, 1413x2000 , 003_58br.jpg)
I wonder when Grue will let us continue to raise Orin-chan
Anonymous 2009/10/23 (Fri) 17:18 No. 2871 C'mon man, update already.
You're too Gruel
Anonymous 2009/10/23 (Fri) 17:23 No. 2872 ▼ File 12563186369.png - (193.73KB, 250x372 , Atrocitus.png)
Anonymous 2009/10/24 (Sat) 06:55 No. 2891 ▼ File 125636735054.gif - (32.73KB, 280x221 , purplething.gif)
>>2872 It looks like the
spotlight got rid of the Grue.
Good riddance.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:53 No. 2961 ▼ File 125660841488.jpg - (27.66KB, 300x300 , 1248724184745.jpg)
I killed a Grue once.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:55 No. 2962 ▼ File 125660854367.png - (50.72KB, 430x285 , 1238123756757.png)
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 05:15 No. 2972 ▼ File 125670694627.jpg - (30.77KB, 300x300 , 12487241847454.jpg)
>>2962 I didn't say anything about eating it.
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 20:25 No. 2989 ▼ File 125676154240.jpg - (30.05KB, 232x340 , 1229515265998.jpg)
>>2972 But you did anyways right?
Tell me did he taste bitter?
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 08:42 No. 2998 ▼ File 125680572785.jpg - (34.44KB, 506x479 , 1229515025033.jpg)
>>2990 Ah so he was bitter.
Mmmm yes I can just imagine his taste in my mouth right now.
Anonymous 2009/10/30 (Fri) 18:09 No. 3037 May I ask why are you people doing this?
Since I'm sure he must be busy with school. And this doesn't happen to Harker or all the other writefags that take a while (at least) to update.
Anonymous 2009/10/31 (Sat) 16:09 No. 3044 ▼ File 125700537950.jpg - (101.86KB, 583x1000 , d5a6bf88d740fa684b0c31262ed8f936.jpg)
>>3037 It is our way to show love for the writefag. We all want him to write again, slave away on a daily basis to bring us our updates.
He could at least make a new Thread so we can continue there.
Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 04:41 No. 3104 I really wish you'd come back to us, Grue.
Anonymous 2009/11/13 (Fri) 18:16 No. 3424 Obviously we need to plunge the board into darkness, in order to make it likely that somebody is eaten by a Grue.
Anonymous 2009/12/05 (Sat) 11:08 No. 3797 ▼ File 126001129299.png - (9.83KB, 500x500 , 1234088313346.png)
Anonymous 2009/12/14 (Mon) 02:03 No. 3975 Come on... Parsee is waiting for us.
Anonymous 2009/12/18 (Fri) 09:31 No. 4016 ▼ File 126112866218.jpg - (3.31KB, 298x229 , 1230553296615.jpg)
Anonymous 2010/02/05 (Fri) 21:37 No. 4549 ▼ File 126540586985.jpg - (31.24KB, 500x300 , tombstone.jpg)
Anonymous 2010/03/04 (Thu) 16:43 No. 4741 Cue the funeral dirge for dead writefag.