Illusion of Free choice Abd 2010/10/26 (Tue) 15:48 No. 126378 [x] Variety
In the moment the dwarf leader finished speaking, a loud crescendo sounds came from all over, seemingly reverberating the mountain.
It was confusing as it was coming all over, but soon the noise became recognizable as drum beats and bleats coming from crude horns.
There was a moment of hesitation from the entire group before panic started to set in.
"Goblins!" Cried one emotionally weak dwarf. "It must be Goblins!"
"Shut up, we don't know who it might be!" The dwarf leader tried to maintain control over his group.
Some of them tried to escape to the opening. The dwarf leader promptly knocked them unconscious with several well-thrown rocks.
He bellowed "Stay calm you fools! We show them where we are and we will surely die!"
Then a dwarf cried out as a lurching figure came into the chamber. It was unrecognizable at first due to all the blood and wounds but it turned out to be one of the messengers they have sent to the camp.
He fell and soon the other dwarves gathered around him, "The... main camp... gone... Over run, goblins... 10 divisions... they know we are here." after delivering his message he passed on.
As soon as the words finished coming out, the group delved into chaos, running and screaming around like chickens without heads. It didn't help that the sounds of marching, grunting, and smashing of metals from the tunnel were coming closer either.
As you saw it was a painful situation. Your group has nothing but rudimentary mining equipment that does no damage to refined metal that the goblins possess, and even if you block the entrance your supplies are limited, lasting maybe a few days for the entire group.
It was a hopeless situation.
However somehow the dwarf leader managed to make the group semi-organized to prepare for the upcoming goblin onslaught and handed you a pick-hammer "Use it well" he says.
"I will"
The group was in a horrible position, so they made the entrance as small as possible, with the few dwarfs who don't have any weapons stationed above the opening to throw rocks down on the attackers.
The group silently waited, and waited as the drum beats and marching became louder and louder, making the walls of the tunnel slightly shake with dust falling down from the ceiling.
Then they appeared. Hideous bulky masses with arms and legs, all covered with various bits of metal and animal hide for armor and camouflage in the wild.
One held a crudely shaped piece of metal as a shield with a long jagged metal piece as a sword.
A few others held 2.5 meter long poles, its bit still covered red with fresh blood.
As soon as the goblins saw us, they beckoned and sent their spearmen first.
The first few were easily crushed and killed by the rocks the small group overhead had thrown down, but remaining surviving group continued to charge toward the defense line.
A spearman(Goblin) thrusted his spear at me, but I managed to side step and deliver a surgical blow to his head with the pointed part of my pickhammer.
But a few of my group weren't as lucky.. or fast. The grumpy dwarf was pierced in the stomach by a spear. He knew his moments were numbered but not before he reached over and tore the offending goblin's head and spine off and used it as a flail to knock down several of goblins in the next wave, just long enough for the overhead group to crush several of them, before finally getting accidentally crushed himself.
The next wave came, composed of the goblins' most largest and heavy hitting units, trained against sieges and battles against fortified positions and nearly impenetrable fortress, most veterans and warriors held at awe by their peers or whatever it is to them.
They charged at my group, now composed of just 6 dwarfs, similar (and not entire far off) to a 200 kg bulls going 34 mph. We never had the chance to fight them. They clashed against us, and from merely their speed and mass either threw us down near the door, or smashed us against the walls into a pulp.
I was thrown near the door, and although I was slightly bleeding, with a broken leg, I was still in better shape than my compatriots nearby, with ribs ripping out of their chest to just a mass of blood and flesh sliding down the walls.
Ah I can see the goblins coming out of the opening like a wave, the overhead group is slowly being grabbed off the top and repeatably hit, smashed and crushed as their pleas for mercy and cry of pain became slow and silent.
... must.... s..
My mind was in a haze
... bast...
I cannot think
What was it saying? My body became to drift off.
...the door...
Ah yes the door, that nicely made door with the handles, I am pretty curious as to what is behind it.
There is no black or white, only gray
I don't hear sounds of tearing flesh, and the gobbling of meat anymore, the goblins must be finishing their meal of the overhead dwarfs. gobbling... goblins... is that why they are named that?
I slowly stood and crawled to the door, barely registrating the fact that I am leaving a trail of blood.
The goblin hoard notices me.
Good and evil is an illusion, images created to stabilize the mind and justify ones actions
With my hands I reach over to the handle
The goblins starts after me, roaring, pushing and running over each other to get me What is happening? Doesn't matter. Open door.
I hold the handle.
They approach: 100 m
I pull slowly: 60 m
It opens: 20 m
Within the door was darkness and a small voice within softly, ever so gently spoke, next to my ear as if to say thank you.
"Thank you mister for freeing me, I think I like you. As a reward I will save you." said the voice before disappearing.
The goblins were 10 m away when everything turned dark, soon filled with horrible screams and yells. The chamber, to the brim shook as thousands of voices cried in pain and soon the sound of ripping flesh and chomping replaced it.
Although I am unable to see I felt a wash of warm liquid splash over me, its taste of iron and copper. Kneeling from the pain and sustained injuries, I lie on the floor, falling into the deep abyss.
That was fun.
Well that is the end of the dream sequence.
Next update will be you waking up from your sleep, but I need to think first.
In the meantime you can ask me questions, and I will answer them as much as possible confined to the story. This means that if your character doesn't know, I won't tell you. This also means I will lie to you. Stay smart and make sense and you will live. Don't and I will be your worst nightmare.