Post 2 - The Colonel's mistake !u.ddykRmDU 2012/07/16 (Mon) 07:44 No. 34790 ▼ File 134242466533.jpg - (113.91KB, 850x763 , She looked like that.jpg)
[x] “Hang on, tell me a bit more about the village.”
-[x] “Tell me more about the different Lunar War.”
You want to know about that? I must admit I'm a bit surprised, considering the rumours I heard, I thought you would know. I guess that's the trauma, right?
So, about the village, what can I say that would be relevant? Well, first, you probably already know about it, but it's more like a town than a village. In other words, it's bigger than when you visited. And I'm also proud to say that when I left, we were living on our own resources. I mean, at first, when Miss Kamishirasawa brought the first outsiders, we were a bit short on food and clothes, but the situation improved very quickly.
By now, it's more like a town than a village. Granted, we were still a bit short on metals when I left, but since we had an agreement with the kappas, I guess the situation improved. No, wait. I'm a bit too far, the alliance with the tengus arrived after.
But yeah, we still had our own troubles. Petty troubles, I admit, but it was kind of important. For example, for several months, we had a very hot debate about our identity. Most villagers wanted to wear masks, to symbolize some kind of “attack one of us and everyone will strike back” shit, but I made them stop when I realized that it was mostly used to ostracize outsiders. Besides, we had a shortage of them, so we stopped using them.
What? You're saying I'm giving too much details? Fine, fine, I'll keep it short.
The main trouble with the village wasn't the lack of supplies. No, for a long time, it has been the frictions between the 'outsiders' and the 'natives'. You probably know about that, but let me explain again.
Before the calamity, there was Gensokyo. It was an enclave for youkais and other supernaturals beings. There was humans in Gensokyo, of course. But when the calamity happened, the humans living in Gensokyo were forced to greet humans from the Outside world. At first, it went perfectly, but after a few weeks, it degenerated.
I wasn't here back then, but I heard it started because an outsider called a native a 'brainless brute'. The thing you need to understand is that most 'natives' can fight back against most youkais, but they cannot comprehend high technology, and they're still mostly relying on plants to heal themselves. On the other hand, outsiders are cultured, can produce and use medicines and clothes, but they lack in common sense, and they usually get killed very easily.
When I came back to the village with the other veterans, we quickly fixed that. Of course, we had to break a few bones, but nobody died, and that's the only important thing. I mean, our situation wasn't that bright. And even now, mankind is still on the brink of extinction, so we did what we had to do. We created order and discipline. It was difficult, we had to breaks bones, but we did it, and we unified outsiders and natives.
I think that's all for the village. You can imagine it now, right? You've been here, or so I heard? Back then, when they were all wearing masks? How was it?
Mmmm? You want to hear more about the Lunar War? Ha, my bad, I kind of forgot. I guess you were right about me getting sidetracked easily. So, the Lunar Wars. Where do I start with that?
From the beginning? Ha, I missed your sense of humour. No, I mean it. I really missed it.
So, there are exactly four Lunar Wars. The first one and the second one are related to the Queen in Purple, and I don't know much about them. That's not something I want to know about, sorry. The Third Lunar War is the bloodiest one, albeit it wasn't really a war, but rather a following of several skirmishes between the Earth and the Moon. I heard it ended up when one of the men sent to exterminate the moon population contacted Cap Canaveral to warn them that the Lunarians released his virus in the air, making the Moon inhabitable for everyone.
I think Cap Canaveral was really desperate if they sent a biologist to wipe out the Moon. No offense.
The Fourth Lunar War is a hot topic, and I hoped I could just ignore it and tell you about my very interesting life back in the village, but I guess you're not going to let me dodge it, right?
I hate you sometimes, I want you to know that fact.
So, about the Fourth Lunar War. It started several years after the calamity. One day, that tiger youkai came to the village, and claimed that the lunarians were responsible for the calamity and Hijiri Byakuren's death.
What, you don't know Byakuren? Oh boy, I'll keep it extremely short, otherwise it'll take me years: she was one of the many who protected the village when the youkai became crazy. And she died quickly after that. I heard she was wounded in a fight, that part's unclear, but point is that she allowed herself to die, leaving her followers behind. She came back to life later, but I wasn't here back then, and it happened after, so let's stop here.
So, back to the topic, that tiger youkai comes to the village, and she claims that she's Bishamonten incarnated and that the lunarians will pay. After that, she told us:
“You're by my side or in my way!” and she left. Immediately after that, we held a council, to decide what to do, and I told them that I was going to join Bishamonten's army. Of course, nobody gave a damn at first, so I grabbed the nearest rifle laying around, I aimed, and I broke the eldest guy's pipe right in front of him, while he was holding it. They all began staring at me, with fear in their eyes, so I quietly reloaded, and I said: “I'm joining Bishamonten. That way, she won't attack the village. Am I going alone?”
Of course, it was a fiasco. The whole war quickly turned into a bloodbath. Bishamonten was grateful for the troops the village provided him, so he never retaliated or tried anything funny against it, but, at the same time, he never really trusted us. He had a whole army of youkais, and they were all considering humans like us as either food, or game at best. We weren't taken seriously, but I was fine with that. My main goal was to protect my troops and make sure that they would all go back home on their feet instead of being in a wooden box.
Not that it really mattered, as I said, the whole war was a fiasco. Bishamonten is a god of war, yes, but he's mainly a god, and he cannot adapt. When he appeared, people where still fighting with swords and bows, so the strategy was simple: charge and cut.
At first, it worked, and after a few victories, we cornered the lunarians in their Capital. But then, the commander changed, and the strategy used by the lunarians changed too. Before that, one lunarian would just stand against Bishamonten's whole army, eventually supported by moon rabbits. But when the commander changed, the strategy changed too. Bishamonten charged with his youkais thinking that victory was already here, but instead of being challenged in a duel, his troops were facing a wall of fire and lead.
This is the part where I go all melodramatic and start crying that war is hell, but if I do that, when I'm lying.
In fact, when I saw Bishamonten and his youkais minions being butchered by those firearms he scorned so much, I actually laughed my ass off. Everyone in my group was looking at me funny while I was laughing at the youkais being cut in pieces by a vastly superior firepower.
Hell, I said that Bishamonten cannot adapt, but the lunarians are the same. At first, those moonfolks tried to challenge him into a duel, but they brought their own support to help them in battle. It took a brand new commander to totally rethink the strategy and change the war.
I swear to God, I laughed hard that day. Bishamonten and those youkais, so proud of their strength, scorning us for using those 'lame boomstick', and sometimes even threatening us, they all got humiliated or killed that day. Bishamonten himself was badly injured, and we, the pathetic humans, had to carry him all the way back to the base, with the moon rabbits being on our heels. Now, I said that those lunarians can't adapt, but same can't be said about their weapons. They definitely had better weapons than us back then. One of my guy was beheaded by a bullet shot by a rabbit, despite the fact that he was hidden behind a wall. It's been years since that day, and I still don't understand how a single bullet could penetrate a wall, and still be powerful enough to rip the guy's neck in pieces.
After that, I think Bishamonten was broken. He completely lost all his self-confidence, and since most of his officers and best warriors died in that futile charge, the rest of us were quite defenseless. I've been careful, training my men hard, and constantly trying to engage into skirmishes with the moon bunny to loot their weapons, but the moment they started shooting at Bishamonten, the war was already lost. We were cornered, trying to fight until the end, but knowing that it was hopeless.
What? You're saying that's enough for now?
Fine by me. I don't really to talk about that anyway. Bad memories.
So anyway, where was I? Ha right, just after visiting that guy. That's funny, I remember his name now. He was called Shiraishi, but we all called him “B.F.”. It means Bunny Fucker, because each time he saw one of those moon bunnies, he started drooling and panting. Needless to say, he never caught any. I made sure of that. After all, we joined to war just to make Bishamonten happy, but I wanted to avoid getting on the Lunarians' nerves.
Sorry, I'm rambling again. Let's try one more time.
So, several days after B.F.'s died, as I was having a lazy morning for once, there was that girl knocking at my window. Needless to say, I was quite pissed off after her, so I opened the window and started screaming at the girl, but then I remembered that my room was on the second floor.
So I stopped screaming, and I silently stared at the girl, my mouth wide opened like some kind of moron, and I realized that, little one, she was flying and that, little two, there was a very small probability of her being human. A very small one.
So, yeah, long story short, I was like “wheuouat?” and she was like “aren't you letting me in?”, and I was like “I don't know. Are you going to kill me?” and she was like “I don't eat humans. Not enough meat.”
So I let her in. After that, it's a bit complicated, and as I said, it was my day off, so I don't remember everything that happened, but to make it short, her name was Aya, she was a tengu, and she wanted the tengus to trade with the village, so they send her here. I remember asking her “you're not a merchant, so why you instead of one of those white wolf? I heard they're pretty sharp!” and she answered something unusually smart. She said exactly “because I'm pretty, and I know how you humans are thinking, therefore I'm a better negotiator”, and it made complete sense.
Sorry, I'm giving too much details, but long story short, I put on my pants and a shirt, and I declared a special council, only to repeat exactly what that tengu girl told me. Basically, the tengus were ready to give us tools in exchange for raw aluminium and other rare metals. My opinion is that we were being ripped off, since it was basically giving them the basic materials in exchange for the finished products, but someone in the council said that if we agreed, then that would free some hands to help with the village, and everyone agreed to say that he was right. After all, we can create energy, we can recycle , but we were always in need for more manpower, so trusting the tengus to do the job for us was kind of interesting.
So when that tengu girl came back to my house, I told them that the whole village was fine with that deal. I didn't say that I agreed, I just said that the village agreed.
And, oh boy, I was wrong. Because the way that Aya girl worded it, it sounded like the tengus were going to give us basic tools in exchange for the aluminium. You know, like hammers, scythes, nails and stuff. And, DAMN, I was totally wrong. Instead of getting tools, they gave us several dynamos, many coils, and enough cable to supply the whole village in energy.
But I'm getting sidetracked. Just before that, in order to make the trade official, we had to send a representative from the Village to meet the representative from the Tengus in a neutral place. Of course, I've been chosen, because I was respected and stuff, but also because in case of a youkai attack, I would be able to defend myself.
So I packed my things, took my rifle, and just as I was going, the eldest arrives with a girl following him, and tells me “oh, by the way, you're not going alone. We need someone to write down what's happening, I hope you don't mind”. And with that, he leaves, while the girl just stares at me and tries to introduce herself.
I hated both of them that day, and I was really wrong again. Hey, you'll probably think that I'm wrong very often. And you're probably right.
[] “Can you tell me more about that girl?”
[] “And what happened then?”
Once the introduction is over, you'll have real votes.