>>29611 YES! YES! Got one!
>>29619 The only reason Nari was never taught or tested was because nobody voted for it. It's nice to see someone finally consider that point since it's a good one.
>>29620 Did Naomi really come off as Tsundere? That certainly wasn't what I was trying to accomplish...
Though I have to assume the meta-reason Naomi was never picked was because anon went 'Ohsi- Yukari route!' and jumped on it.
>>29621 Maybe. I still have that Shinki scene to redo (Which I keep getting reminded about every so often) before I do any more side-H. Not sure how well I'd do high-detail anyways. ...Fuck, now I'm thinking about it. Thanks alot. Huh boy... How do I call this one? Two votes that are close to one another in writing make a point of adressing some matters that have been on the back burner for far too long (Nariko's danmaku ability, ect.), but the majority vote is the simpler one and may allow those topics to slide right under the radar again.
Well, I'm no Eggan (Am I? Or am I not? Mumble Mumble...) so I'm just going with what's currently the majority vote. Now there's enough active topics in the minds of anon to book the next couple story days...
[X]Go help Aya, and introduce her.
-[X]Make a mental note to ask Yukari about gapping the contents of your room to Mayohiga.
"You were right about it being gross." Marine certainly gets the mental image. Now I've spread that image even further! Muahahahaaaa! ...*cough*
"I did say that already. Try not to think about why she exploded, it's not worth the headache." I made that mistake early on and got a migrane. Oh yeah, there's an Aya on the floor isn't there? All bound and gagged too... "Hey Suika, is Aya going to be an offering of some sort?"
The tallest of the mini-Suikas faced me and pounded a fist on her chest before answering. "This will be an offering to the beer god! First we must fill the tengu with booze before placing her on the altar!"
I turn to look at the original Suika, who is in turn snickering to herself. "It's only fitting since she's tryin' to sneak more pictures for her paper. Could just wreck her camera instead..." Which prompts Aya to start struggling harder as her precious camera is taken away by mini-Suikas. "But I think just swipin' the film and the battery oughta be good enough."
"Are we stoned or something?" Naomi's currently looking at the mini-Suikas carrying the camera to me, as well as the ones doing some kind of ceremonial dance around her, then the ones bouncing on the tengu's bust, and finally the ones bringing out the booze.
"Sadly enough, no. Suika's ability is to manipulate density, and somehow that also means she can split miniatures of herself off to do her bidding. And Suika, we're not making Aya into some kind of offering." The tengu looks to me with some kind of shimmering hope in her eyes... "Wait until we move on. I'm betting what you have in mind isn't appropriate for mixed company." ...And renews her struggling while shouting muffled curses. It's a simple matter to yank the film and battery even if it's foolish to think she didn't bring spares.
"Nyahahahaha! Did you see the look on her face? She seriously thought you were gonna bail her out!" That got the oni laughing hard enough to fall off the sofa backwards. Not like that stopped her.
"I never said I wouldn't. I want to introduce her while she's here before tossing her back to you. I'm still bailing her out, just temporarily." I do get to work undoing the gag and the binds after getting Tenshi off somehow.
"You're a real jerk sometimes, you know that?" Aya sits up and knocks the few clinging Mini-Suikas off her, especially those that have decided to cling to her... "Perverted oni!" Those ones cause small craters when they land. Reimu's not going to be happy about that one, no sir.
"You say that like Oni are supposed to be anything else!" Suika resumes her previous position on the sofa as she speaks. "Of course, there's also the saying 'pot calling the kettle black.'"
"I haven't done anything like you were going to do!" Aya snatches her camera out of my hand, though the battery and film are suspiciously absent.
"Not in recent history ya old hag!" Suika's having fun annoying the hell out of Aya. Come to think of it the crow tengu's older than Gensokyo isn't she"...
"Anyway, the girl here is Aya. She's the writer for that tabloid I was worried about earlier." I jab my thumb in Aya's direction without the slightest care in the world. Big mistake.
"What're you calling a tabloid?!" Aya's quick to knock me off my feet and to plant her geta on my stomach. I notice she's completely ignored Suika at this point. "Heh, I know you can't fight back right now. Too bad there's company or I'd make you regret insulting my paper in ways you never thought possible!"
This was cut short by Nari, who in turn jumped on Aya's shoulders with enough force to knock the tengu to the floor and give me a facefull of panty. "That's enough of that." She then kept her weight on the tengu in order to stop her from moving. Air please...
"Aya dear~ Why are you trying to violate Wade like that?~" And as though she was summoned by Murphy himself, Yukari happens to step into the room at that exact moment.
Mima then lets off a low whistle from the doorway. "That pervert's in for it now."
The next thing I see is that Nariko is helping me up and that Yukari has Aya by the back of the shirt. "Hey! I wasn't going to do anything to him!" The crow tengu's trying to protest, but is simply dropped in a gap.
"Hey! I was gonna offer her up to the beer god!" Suika reforms into one oni and protests Yukari's sudden action.
"Oh don't worry, we can play that later once we're done for the day~" Yukari then closes the gap in question before turning to me. "Ready to move on?"
"Just about." I silently let Nari know that I'm fine, at which point she stopped supporting me. All I did was get knocked to the ground after all. I then made a point of whispering to her when we were going to move the contents of my room to Mayohiga.
"Soon enough~" Yukari seems strangely cheerful now.
[X]To Hakugyokuro then...
[X]Eientei next.
[X]Just what did Mima do to Yukari?
A little short...