Well here's a big update (bigger than I thought); but here it is!
>>31470 Thanks; knowing that I have at least one fan makes this worthwhile!
[x] The library; since it’s a chance to meet a lot of people.
“The library sounds good today, if you do not mind.” I say. I’m feeling a bit guilty over the matter since I keep on imagining a sad look on her face. Damn my human heart!
She smirks as she replies, “Don’t worry, I can wait; I will just have to bother Reimu perhaps. One warning though; you should control yourself around Koakuma. She has a way of attracting trouble, and I’m not sure if Patchy’d get around to telling you.” She must be talking about Patchouli’s familiar. From the sounds of it she’s a succubus type like those guys were talking about. I’m not worried, I have a exceptional focus born from working in retail!
I reply, “Thanks for the warning” As I head towards those big doors that I’ve seen during the tour. It also helps when there’s a big sign saying “Library; no rats allowed without appointment” I knock on the door, and in a few seconds, someone answers.
The red hair and head wings give it away. “Oh you must be here to see the library; I’ll lead you to the main room. But please don’t touch me, bad things happen” She says in a voice both innocent yet seductive. I can handle this. This changes when I come in and see her in full. Her face is teenage cute while her body is very womanly. Her outfit something an intern would wear, highlighting every curve. Her walking as a sort of unwitting seduction in itself! Time to call upon my focus, at such a time too!
Eventfully after a few minutes we reach the main room where I see three people reading and talking. “Miss Knowledge, the guest is here” Koakuma says before running off. I sighed in relief, she wasn’t bad, but that effect does make trouble with guys.
“So you managed to resist putting your hands on my familiar, perhaps I didn’t give you enough credit. Patchouli Knowledge, seven day wizard, and you are?” Patchouli says in a snarky tone. Never has that sounded so attractive... no wonder those geeks like that... ah yeah Kyonko.
“Johnny Smith, American in Gensokyo, at your possible service” I reply with a smirk. Looking at Patchy, she is pretty cute, though true to from, I have no idea what her figure is like.
Marisa, who looks very much as I expected her to look; tomboyish, slight figured, spoke up next. “I’m Marisa, glad to meet ya, and welcome to Gensokyo, world of wonder, adventure, and things to borrow!” as she extends a hand to shake. Her voice sounds teenage tomboyish as well.
I laughed as I replied, “I wonder how you can be here considering what you do here half the time” as I shook her hand. It’s a bit rough, but still girlish.
Alice then got up and did a bow as she did a bow. “My name is Alice Marigold, John. The reason is that we worked out a deal where a couple days a week, Marisa can visit here after having her stuff held in storage. I regret to know that she hasn’t quite given up. But she has grown fond of the younger sister.”
I decided to return the gesture with a gentlemanly bow. “Same to you, Alice,” I reply. I do have some manners after all.
After that we sat down and talked about a few things, all the while I noticed a particular tension between the three, a love triangle. But I decide not to butt in at this point. I guess I should keep my eyes open for any other problems. “So it seems your country hasn’t given up its attempt at repeating Europe’s mistakes. But your country is an interesting one, and I can tell you’re much like it, Young, reckless, and heedless to anything than your own ideals.” Patchy remarked after I told her about what I knew of history.
“So there’s no real sign of a moon war in your world?” Alice asks. I’ve heard some things about the lunar kingdom. No way could any country I know of try to take them on. Perhaps the US if it wasn’t trying to make an empire in everything but name.
“Nope, countries are way too busy fighting on earth, misuse funds for any kind of real progress, but I know terrible things would happen if some country discovered the moon capital or Gensokyo. The world outside might be a far more savage place than Gensokyo.” I decided to talk about what the outside world is like.
“Really now? Since it seems the other shrine maiden has positive things to say about it.” Patchy responds. Some places are nice like that, some places are not.
I answer, “Most people are basically good at heart if ignorant, but there’s a minority that does crimes so terrible, it would put most youkai to shame. People like that are the true monsters in this world” shocking Marisa and Alice.
“What you mean there’s people that are that terrible?! You sounded like a youkai right now!” Marisa said as Alice glared at her.
Patchy remarks, “You’re not a normal human at all in personality. I cannot tell you more without taking a closer look. And that club... it’s an unusual tool that would require closer study. Don’t get any ideas, Marisa”
Marisa responds, “Nah I got enough unknown weapons lying around the shop. And some great weapons would help you out. That or you’d find something around here, since if both the sisters are packing weapons used by gods of a strange country, then there has to be more around here!”
“Strange only to you, I find many of these Japanese gods far more unusual, including those two on the mountain. I’m no stranger to Norse mythology... and since I discovered what weapons the sisters were using, I’ve been spending time looking into where other such weapons went,” Patchy responds indignantly.
“Like those Viking guys? Somehow I can imagine one of those song-warriors getting along great with Alice.” Marisa remarks, causing me to choke a bit on the tea I was drinking. Hell if I know why, just that I did.
Alice blushes as she yells, “DON’T JOKE LIKE THAT! With your luck, you’d end up with a guy with lacking people skills!” as her and Marisa start arguing.
Patchy remarks, “This is nothing out of the ordinary for these two. I must say it’s almost as if they’re married. But did Remilia tell you what your role here will be?”
“Nope, just that I was going to be a servant. I think if I decided to take up her offer sooner, I’d have found out.” I answer, curious about what she’s saying.
“Simply put you’ll be put under one of the residents as to assist them with their task as well as being another errand runner. Since as of now, Sakuya’s the only one. I thought about using Koakuma for my tasks, but she draws too much of the wrong attention. She sees potential in you, and most likely plans on bragging about how she has an outsider in her power. Regardless of the path you take, I would like for you to come by as to see what Remilia saw.” Patchy speaks.
I just simply answer, “Well, I have no problems with being a trophy... especially when it becomes popular and everyone wants an outsider.” Since it is true, I basically made a deal and do not intend on go back on it.
Patchy simply remarks, “There are not too many outsiders if anything that could do so well. Perhaps you might be a success story.” As the other two finish their little argument. “I guess you want to meet the younger sister then? Marisa will take you to meet her” She adds.
“Yeah I’m always dropping by and playing with her. She’s pretty strong, and I can’t wait to see how big her master spark is.” Marisa says.
“I think we’ll be coming with today, since another familiar face might help,” Patchy remarks.
Alice adds, “I wonder how Hourai’s doing, since I did let Flandre borrow her for a bit, since I thought a change of pace would cheer her up.” as a small winged being landed on her shoulder. “Oh, I forgot to introduce Shanghai, a semi-independent doll. Only problem is that she needs to be by me for her to function.” She adds as the doll gets up and does a little bow.
I go over to take a close look, and it is hard to tell that Shanghai was a mere doll. Before I know, it I’m gently poking her face; I realize what I was doing. “Sorry about that, Alice, I don’t know what came over me. I’m not even a normally a doll nut even,” I say. It’s normally not something a guy normally does; oh hell, she’s smiling at me.
Alice looks at me with an understanding face as she says, “Shanghai gets that reaction from most guys, even the big macho youkai hunters. But tell me, what are you really like? Since it feels you’re holding something back.”
“I’m not used to being nice or polite really.” I say simply keeping it short. No need to go blabbing about things.
Alice responds, “Perhaps here in Gensokyo, you might rediscover something about yourself,” as we went down the stairs. Patchy just floats down them; just as well, since the physical effort of actually going down them might be too much.
Eventfully we reached the basement, and it’s pretty big, almost like its own place. Soon we found a big set of steel doors open as we went in.
And found a somewhat unexpected sight. There was the ever famed Flandre Scarlet sitting down playing video games. “NAPLAM DEATH! DESTROYED!” I hear from the TV. So she likes Guilty Gear, I imagine her as Sol Badguy, damn... that was a mix of moe and awesome that I nearly jazzed my pants. Good thing I have more control than that.
“Wow, lots of company today! And it’s the human sister was talking about! I’m Flan, nice to meet you! I hope you like it here!” Flandre says in a voice as cute as anyone could expect.
“I’m Johnny, and I’m very glad to meet you. I take it you like Guilty Gear?” I respond. I decide to take a look at the screen... and it’s on survival at lv990. Whoa, that’s pretty good.
Flan smiles as she answers, “I like games like this, lots of things to master and work on. I’m trying to beat my old time in the game. I also like beating games like Final fantasy at low levels, and other challenges! Just the other day, I managed to figure out all the false roman cancels for Faust! Could you help me test out how good I am with Potemkin, Please?” whoa... she sure does like to ramble, and frankly with the face she’s making, I can’t refuse.
“Sure thing, hope you three don’t mind” I say to the magicians.
Marisa shrugs her shoulders, “Not at all, she seems happy about it, and I’m not that good at these things anyways. Good luck!” as they took seats behind us.
As I sat down, I decided to stick to a good default choice, Ky; I know well enough that if she gets in close, I lose. I wonder how she is compared to her sister. We start to play and I soon discover...
She is VERY good, if she was allowed in tournaments, she’d demolish them. I decide to give it my all, but she seems to have seen through any possible tactic. “Silly Johnny, everyone knows how to play against Sol and Ky! But you might actually beat my sister in this.” She says as she ends the round with an instant kill. Despite this there is no rage in my heart, no disappointment even, but awe.
I ask, “Is this how you kill time? Becoming so good at things?” stunned.
She smiles as she answers, “Yeah, since I already learned from various books in the library, beating Patchy in various brain games. I don’t want to impose on anyone, so I keep down there and do various things to kill time. And seen in a magazine Sister left down here that there’s this cool new game coming out soon by the Guilty Gear guys. That means even more stuff to master! Marisa, let’s play danmaku now, better yet, how about Alice joining in! I heard so much about that moon incident!” She rambles on.
Marisa replies, “Hey Alice, want to? Since it’d be good practice, and it’d help liven things up.” This is going to be great.
“Isn’t that unfair to Flandre with it being two against one?” Alice asks. That’s actually a decent handicap.
Flan cheerfully responds, “It’s okay, I like challenges. Everyone says I’m really strong. But could I try out what you taught me, Marisa?” I wonder what she- No way... A Flandre spark? I wonder how it’d compare to the twilight spark in that touhou soccer.
“Sorry Flan, I think we’d have to talk your sister into letting you outside, since if you tried that here, you might blow a hole in the mansion. Even with the magicproofed walls in the battle room and the spell card duel made barrier, you’d still wreck the mansion.” Marisa replies.
I decide to ask Flandre something, “I wonder why you don’t try asking Patchouli to join in, and I hope that isn’t going too far.” I’m reminded at how this cute little clever bundle of awesome could easily kill me in infinite ways.
Flan replies, “I would, but she’s always sick. I don’t want to hurt her playing around. But if she got better, it’d be so much fun, since her magic’s cool!” I’m starting to gain a new insight on things already. Flan despite her seeming insanity and cuteness is very insightful on to things. “Oh Johnny, could you go with Patchy to the watching room, since it’s dangerous to be in the battle room, especially for an outsider.” She asks me as I noticed Patchy going somewhere. I nod and follow.
It’s a room that has a window that sees the room. It’s a big room, but the room has a good view. “Sometimes Remilia watches Flandre’s battles. She will want you to play with her more in the future; you do know that, right?” Patchy says to me. That’s not a bad thing; I don’t think that mega-asshole Simon could maintain his attitude around Flan. Either her sad face would get to him, or she’d blow him up.
The battle on the other hand was pretty intense, since at first the two worked separately against Flan as she used her first few spell cards. This is different than in the games since it was more along the lines of trading blows, though I can see it wasn’t easy for those two blocking Flan’s attacks. And by the time it got to “Maze of Love”, they’ve teamed up IN style. I wonder if the MAlice cannon actually exists and not just a bug.
Soon I noticed during... aw fuck I forgot the name of it, the one where she bounces things off the walls, Alice had her dolls surround Flan and start shooting at her. I wondered what the point of that was, and it was Marisa taking advantage of it to fire a master spark. Now this is more like how it should have been in Imperishable night. The battle ends there; I guess due to the fact that no one wanted such an intense battle without good reason. “I wonder what’s the idea behind some of the gameplay of imperishable night?” I ask to no one in particular.
Patchy responds, “A mix of an especially drunk ZUN and Yukari, that’s all that needs to be said. I also consider myself a chronicler of the various incidents, at least better than that Tengu, but considering what’s happened, I cannot be that hard on her.” Wait, something that’s happened to Aya? Well I have yet to get to know the real Gensokyo, so I know I’ll be in for some major surprises one way or another.
We head over to the room where the maid fairies are getting the three some food and drink. “So Johnny, how was seeing your first REAL danmaku battle? I bet it beats anything in the games!” Marisa asks.
“It was awesome, especially with that team up spell card. And it true that everyone knows about the games? It seems unusual” I ask. Since I’d think it’d be unnerving to think I was a character in some game or story.
Alice answers this time. “Most of us do, perhaps save for that Ice Fairy’s group of friends. At first our feelings were mixed, but we got used to it. The fans? Depends on the person and the type of fan they’re dealing with.”
Flan then speaks up “That was fun, you two should do that more often; maybe next time I’ll try something like that!” She then says to me, “Have you met Meiling yet? You really should sometime; she’s really nice unlike stuffy Sakuya. And she’s really strong and likes games too!”
“Can’t say I have yet, but I’m planning on it one of these days.” I answer. Stuffy she says? Then again I suspect Sakuya is a bit TOO perfect in regards to Flan. I definitely have my work cut out for me. I decide to ask about the basement, “Does this have nearly everything down here?”
“Oh yeah there’s all kinds of things, a bathroom with a big tub like Sister’s, a kitchen. I wish it had a pool like the library.” Flan answers. Wait a POOL IN THE LIBRARY!"
Patchy must have noticed the look on my face since she answers, “Yes it’s unusual, but I do use it for exercise. It’s not a commonly known fact since the last time a party had it, a certain Tengu went about taking pictures. I alone managed to escape having photos taken of me.” Damn... but I wonder if Aya put that in that magazine Yukari gave me. Sounds like a good idea tonight.
“Flandre, we must be going now; I still have to show him the most commonly used sections of the library. I hope you do not mind.” Patchy says. I hope she won’t be too upset.
Flan just smiles and says, “It’s okay, there’ll be other days. I think I’ll try survival with Potemkin now. Thanks for the fun, Johnny, Marisa, and Alice! Bye!” I guess she managed to learn Alice’s name. I decide to wave back as we leave. This warm feeling it’s been a while since I felt it. Never fucking mind, I should keep my head focused on the tour, since seeing how Patchy’s rather snarky, asking her would result in her looking at me as if I was dumber than Cirno!
We arrive back at the library as the magicians sit at the table again. “Koakuma, please show him the common sections that he would most likely look at.” Patchy says as the familiar appears to lead me around.
As she shows me some of the sections I focus more on the area than her. It really doesn’t help that her skirt is short and tight. I see a few surprising things, like a strategy guide section. “This was added due to Miss Scarlet’s hobby. And down the hall is the... mature materials section” Koakuma says with a blush. I think it’s better if I resist since for all I know if I tried something I’d end up getting my soul sucked out. I wonder how innocent she is- NO! Stop that!
“I’ll lead you back to the table now. I didn’t think there were outsiders with such strong willpower.” She says as she gets me back to that table. I think she could tell how much I was struggling.
Sakuya was waiting when we got back. “The mistress and her sister request your appearance, Mr. Smith. I am also here to escort the two guests to the gate.” Sakuya says in her very formal voice.
I answer, “Alright, I’ll be there in a few moments; gotta wash my hands,” As I went to the bathroom in my room and did just that. I also splashed some cold water on my face just to get the lingering thoughts out of my head.
I went down to the dinner table to find the two sisters chatting about things. Remy; I figured I’d keep things short in my head, though I wouldn’t say it outloud so soon. She notices me as she says “Bravo, you’ve proven yourself to have exceptional restrain, Johnny. I think it would be best if you stayed away from the library for a few days so you can recover.”
“Yeah... I wonder what tonight’s course is” I say. Poor girl... I figured Patchy would know best about her familiar. Sakuya brought dinner in, and it was Sushi as she left again.
Remy speaks up, “Figured you’d try some Japanese food, since it’s the most common kind of food. But aren’t you disturbed at all knowing that you’re eating with vampires?” Good question... but I have an answer for that.
“It’s not my blood, so it’s not my problem” I answer; true American thinking. She starts laughing a lot.
She replies, “That has to be the most sociopathic answer I’ve heard. I think you’ll fit in quite nicely. So how is it?” I noticed she’s eating her slightly red tinted Sushi while Flan eats rather red Sushi.
I tried some, and while it was a bit unusual, it was good. “Very good! Guess it pays to try new things,” I answer as I continued eating.
I told the girls all about baseball, which they knew of some. And it felt great reliving the glory days. I even mention some of the fights I had, “This guy was getting in my face, talking about how this was wrong and such blah blah blah and didn’t know who I was, so I hit him in the face with Louie. Yeah that shut him up real quick”
“Sounds rather barbaric; we must teach you a more civilized form of combat sometime. Smashing in someone’s head is a perfectly acceptable coupe do grace for a particularly hated enemy. There are a few swords out there with weight balance akin to a club, perhaps that’d be well suited for you.” Remy replies looking mockingly dismayed.
Flan decides to speak up, “Has anyone ever hit the ball to the moon?” The question makes me laugh since I can imagine the ball hitting some moon royal’s window, pissing them off.
I controlled my laughing as I answer, “No... But a few windows have been broken. But I’m sure if you tried you could do it.” I only slightly realize how those Moonies would think it was an act of war, then again so do the people whose windows are broken.
We talked some, but my general exhaustion caught up with me. “Pardon me, would there be a problem if I excused myself?” I asked trying to be polite. Sure it’s not my nature, but frankly it’s a good idea in a place where if you piss someone off, you WILL die.
Remy just responds, “If you want to go, go ahead. I can’t blame you, the couple of outsiders that visited here in the past ended up caving in within minutes. And you should loosen up, you’ll have enough time to be a good boy when you officially start.”
I get up as I say “Good night you two. Flandre, try not to- Oh who am I kidding? I’m in no place to tell anyone not to stay up too late!” getting laughs from the girls as I went on my way.
I decided to take a shower, not really dwelling too much on what happened. That and too tired to really... relieve myself tonight. When I finished I found a plate of cookies and a glass of tea with a note. It read, “Here’s tonight’s dessert; The Mistress figured it’d help you relax. Please don’t make messes that I wouldn’t want to clean up. - Sakuya. P.S. Locking the door would be advised in the case Koakuma got excited by your visit, for you sake” I guess I’ll do that then.
I lock the door then get out that magazine with the swimsuit pics. Let’s see... first is Reimu. She’s wearing a conservative red one piece that doesn’t fail to highlight her natural charms. Next is Marisa in a simple two piece, rather skinny but still very cute. Lets see... I notice some of Cirno’s group in cute little numbers... cute as in a little sister way; not a goddamn pedo. I see the sisters in rather cute numbers, though Remi’s is more something a teenager would wear. Ah now I’m nice and relaxed as I put it away and go to sleep.
I wake up the next morning feeling rather refreshed, as I recall my dream. I was a warrior fighting an army with a long sword that seemed wooden yet strong. Weird dream... but I never though there’s be a weapon that strong yet made of wood. It must be a type of legendary weapon.
I get dressed as I go downstairs, I see Flan and Remy sitting down eating something. “What are those things?” I ask, most likely coming off as an ignorant buffoon.
Remy answers with, “Crepes, strawberry to be exact, it originated in France. Guess you’ll have to be taught culture as well, I’ll just have to make a list of books for you to study in the meanwhile.” Ah well... comes with the territory.
Everyone finished eating when Remy asked, “What is everyone going to do today?”
Flan speaks up first, “Well... I think I’ll replay Odin Sphere on heroic difficulty. Then I’m not sure about next,” the last part with a cute pensive face.
Remy then looks at me and asks “So I guess it’ll be me or Meiling then”
[] Guess it’s time to take up the little lady on her special tour.
[] I’d like to meet Meiling and get some fresh air.