Angry Desu !jVJAZ.LN/Q 2008/10/06 (Mon) 00:57 No. 9682 ▼ File 12232546578.jpg - (331.06KB, 607x700 , Kaguyaaaaa.jpg)
“Don'!” The black-haired girl wails, “Shtop it Keine! Stop!” The green persona, apparently named Keine, makes no reaction to her users orders to cease it's actions. It looks like you were right with your first guess, this persona was berserk and totally out of control. Thankfully it seemed that the user was starting to sober up given how her speech was slowly sounding less and less slurred as time went on. You suspected that her weird regeneration probably had something to do with how fast she was sobering up but, well, it didn't seem to be making any difference in how little she was able to control her persona.
“Reisen!” you yell, “Get the others!” You smile as the girl nods, turns and runs. “Ah...” You breathe, “At least she'll get away.” Grinning to yourself you look up at the monstrous humanoid persona, it's eyes glowing and lightning crackling between it's horns. Frowning you mentally push upwards with your mind, forcing your persona out of your own body and into the air. The black-haired girl gasps as you do this, then shakes her head several times and stares up at your persona.
“No...” She whispers, “No! It can't... She's... Keine! Stop!” her gaze snaps up to her own persona, “Stop! Keine! Please stop! I'm ordering you to stop Keine!”
Almost like a flash of precognition something prompts you to dive to one side as a line of lightning blasts out from the green persona, a wall of azure energy that rips a path along both the floor and the ceiling as it goes. Had it been any faster and you know you would have been toasted for sure... Glancing up you spot the black-haired girl, her face showing her straining hard to control her persona - perhaps it was due to her that the attack had been much slower than you thought it should have been? Whatever the reason you weren't going to let this tiny bit of good fortune go to waste, you raise your hand, pointing at the girl in pink...
Movement behind her catches your eye and you gasp at a group of shadows leaping out of the gloom. “Garu!” Your wind blast lashes out, barely grazing the girl and slamming into one of the leaping shadows, ripping it into pieces on impact. The girl, seemingly unphased, merely ducks and rolls, smashing her bottle on the floor before coming up and ramming the broken glass into the other shadows face.
She looks at you, then frowns. Only then do you hear the dull scratching of claws on marble flooring that clearly indicates a mass of shadows behind you. The girl raises her arm and points at you. “Keine.” She whispers, all traces of her earlier drunkenness entirely gone from her voice. “Maziodyne.” The large persona glares at you... and then your world explodes in a blast of light and darkness, and pain - can't forget the pain - before fading into a soothing feeling of nothingness...
“Wake up.” The voice is the only thing in your sense-deprived darkness. “I didn't use a Bead just to look at you sleep.” Your eyes open, light flooding into the sweet darkness... and along with it comes every other sense - the cold floor beneath you, the slightly singed smell that seems to pervade the air and... oh, yeah, the pain. Lots of pain at that.
Blinking hard several times to get your eyes to focus, you soon find yourself looking up at the black-haired girl from earlier. “Whu...?”
“You're awake, excellent!” The girl claps, then takes a swig from a bottle of... well, it seems to be water this time instead of alcohol. She looks at it in disgust, then sighs. “This stuff tastes like crap... I want a whiskey dammit!” Sighing again she looks down at you. “Well? Enjoy your death?”
You nod numbly. Death? Did you... what the hell just happened?
“Confused huh? Let me make it simple for your little brain. You died, I killed you. Then I brought you back with a Bead of Life.” The girl holds up a little blue bead then, “Useful little thing, a handy Recarm in a package anyone can use...” She frowns, “... You have no idea what a Recarm is, do you? Hell, I bet you have no idea about anything at all - this little trial has only been going on a few weeks now after all, it's hardly even got out of the beginning stages yet I suspect.”
“Who are...?” You begin, only to be cut off when the girl kicks you in the side.
“Shush. No talking. Your friends will be here soon, and I suppose I should give you something in apology for killing you...” She hums for a few moments in thought, “Now what could I possibly... Ah... I know, if I remember the last time rightly I just bet you're here to find out what the shadows are interested in, aren't you?” You nod dumbly, not having any idea what the hell this girl is up to at all or even what she means to do. “Then let me give you a hint... It's sleeping in a comfortable place. Oh, and do be ready for a fight.”
She stands up then and stares at you for several long seconds. “It's uncanny,” she says at last, “Just how much that it resembles...” she trails off, then shakes her head. “Well, your friends are almost here - and I have a severe thirst for something more substantial than water... and I could really do with getting laid too, so here is where we'll part. I do wish not to see you ever again, but given how things went last time, I'm pretty sure that's too much to ask.” Turning she moves to leave, then pauses, “... If you ever get asked to...” she begins, then pauses, “... no. Nevermind.”
She stalks off and you're only able to follow her so far before your eyes close again, when they next open the girl is gone.
The world seems to dim around you.
“ ThOU Who ADVAnceS To tHe JUDGemENt aT THe End OF The HiSToRY of ManY CHoicEs, KnOw NOw ThaT ThIs FiGURe of tHE DEVIL iS FavoRAble To Thee.” The voice is distorted, angry, broken... but you can sense a feeling of despair and sorry underneath all this, sorrow for itself and sorrow for another...
The world brightens...
“Dia.” You sit up as a cool sensation washes over you, looking around you see your three - no, four, Letty is there too - companions surrounding you.
“What the hell happened!?” Marisa yells, “This place is a slaughter zone!” Glancing around you have no choice but to agree as, everywhere you look, the place is simply bathed in the black gunk of a good, large, number of dead shadows.
“Are you alright?” Letty asks, kneeling down to look you in the eye. “Something big must have happened here, and someone powerful must have kept you safe - the shadows have gotten in and the place is infested now... thats why we took so long getting here.” She looks away guiltily, “I'm sorry, we... should have been faster.”
[ ] Respond + Plan of action.