"I don't have any idea what's going on, but I'll do what I can. At the very least, I'm worried about Patchouli. What if this were to trigger an episode."
Remilia's expression turns very grim.
"...Yes, you're right. that would be absolutely terrible. Thank you, John. You have no idea how much this means to me."
Youmu also speaks up. "I as well can lend-"
And gets cut off by Mokou. "You weren't planning on leaving me out of this, were you?"
Remilia nods. "Thank both of you as well. Now, let us hurry. I hate to think about what's going on inside."
The scene in front of you is unbelievable.
You can tell that they had cleaned up and repaired all of the damage to this entryway area already. You can clearly remember there being a dent at the top of the stairs where Reimu nearly clocked you with one of her orbs, a dent which is now missing.
Instead, there are dozens of new scars on the walls, some of them deeper.
Everyone, Remilia, stares on at the scene dumbstruck.
The girl you recognize from the fight with Remilia as Meiling engages a girl even younger-looking that remilia with full force.
The martial artist is truly a master of her art. In fights where all that matters is the beauty and skill of one's technique, you get the feeling that Meiling would win out over most anyone else in Gensokyo City. She launches at the girl with a dizzying flurry of jabs, carefully and artfully thrown by both her feet and her arms, mixing techniques from many styles together. Additionally, your own training tells you that the pure force behind each attack isn't nothing to sneeze at either; each blow is at least as powerful as your carefully trained smash attack, if not more. The blows fly at a speed so fast that it's hard for your eyes to keep up from a distance.
And yet, the young girl evades or blocks them as if they were nothing. Not even putting up a sweat, or wearing an expression of difficulty.
After an incredible sweeping kick which was simply hopped over as if it were nothing, Meiling throws a feint. Her attack seems to fly exactly the same way as some of the others she was using before did, but it jerks at the last minute, flying to the exact spot where the young girl would dodge to.
The girl raises her hand and stops the blow, which would have certainly broken through cinderblocks.
She doesn't catch it, or block it, she simply stops it. With an open hand stretched out.
With a flick of her wrist, Meiling is sent flying into the far wall.
Your body goes numb. What you've just witnessed is clearly impossible.
The girl turns to look at your group.
"Oh, beloved sister, you're back. And you've brought guests." She speaks emotionlessly with a blank expression while walking towards you.
Remilia glances at you and whispers. "Go help Patchy. I'll take care of my sister."
You nod. Looking off in the distance, you find the librarian lying still on the ground and rush over to help.
"Oh, sister dearest, you shouldn't worry about her. She's just been put to bed for a while." You hear the younger sister state as you rush over.
"Flandre," Remilia responds, "If you don't calm down, I'm going to have to put you into time out again. You don't want that, do you?"
"Time out?" The younger sister laughs emotionlessly. "You say that as if my entire life hasn't just been one big time out."
From what you can tell, Patchouli is more or less fine. At the very least, she seems to be breathing properly, but she's been knocked out cold. She should still certainly see a doctor, but at least it isn't as urgent anymore.
"I'm calling Eirin." Mokou states, pulling a cellphone from her pocket and dialing a number.
"Yeah. For now, we should ask her what the next step should be.
"Come, Flandre. Everything I do is for your own good." Remilia speaks as if talking to a child.
"Yes, my wise older sister, it was for my own good." Now that you've at least ensure that Patchouli isn't liable to die any second, you've returned your focus to the confrontation near the doorway. Remilia appears to be deeply pained, and Sakuya just looks plain terrified, but she's standing strong.
"But not anymore. I have changed. Have you not as well?" She asks, pointing at her sister. "In the past, you wouldn't have been willing to negotate with anyone, even if your dear personal maid's life were at stake. Why, older sister, I wonder what might have caused such a change." Remilia's expression darkens.
"What do you-" Remilia tries to respond, but gets cut off as her sister appears next to her in a flash.
"wha-" Remilia looks gives an astonished expresion at the ridiculous speed with which her sister appeared in front of her, but it quickly gets wiped away as she is effortlessly sent flying. Remilia catches herself and lands gracefully, but she still looks shocked.
"Why are you doing this, Flandre?" She asks.
"Why indeed." Flandre responds. "Perhaps to show you that I need no longer be caged up and hidden from the world like a criminal? Or perhaps to put an end to my own suffering? To be honest, sister, I cannot be sure. All I know is that it was either this, or once again go insane."
"What are you talking about?"
"I wonder. But for now, what I must do is clear."
Remilia's reaction is to launch an offensive of her own. With the same blinding speed she used when fighting Reimu, she closes the distance to her sister.
But it isn't enough. She blocks her sister's attack with one hand.
And then grabs Remilia's wrist.
Her sister's expression falls to pure shock as Flandre pulls back her arm and throws a devastating blow at her sister, sending Remilia flying clear into the wall with enough force to make a loud noise.
Remilia lets out a groan in pain.
"Now, sister dearest, don't try to tell me that you can't simply shrug off so light an attack as that. You do remember that you are the Young Descendent of Tepes, do you not? Or was that a lie, a convenient excuse for a more sinister motive?"
Remilia looks horrified at the implication.
"There's no way-"
"Then prove it to me." Flandre takes a step forward towards her sister.
Remilia struggles to regain her footing.
"I suppose that you can't." She turns.
And begins walking towards you.
"Now, I just have one more thing to take care of."
Her eyes start to glow.
Not the faint glow that seemed that Yukari's eyes gave off, a glow faint enough to make you think it was a hallucination.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8ACd6GarPg] A bright, crimson red glow.
In an instant, she crosses the entire distance of the room to where you're standing.
"..." She doesn't say anything, just stares at you coldly.
Your blood feels like ice.
She takes a step closer.
Youmu's hand immediately shoots to the sword at her side.
Flandre flashes her an irritated expression. Before the girl can react, Flandre's closed the distance between them and sent her flying.
Youmu struggles to feet, drawn sword in hand.
With an uninterested look, Flandre returns her attention to you.
"Because of you, I can now think clearly. So, I must thank you." She flashes a smile filled with malice.
"But, at the same time, you're also responsible for making me remember who I once was. The younger sister of an aristocrat with a history of throwing fits. Before they locked me in the basement, I had already hospitalized several workers and nearly killed a few more. My thoughts were chaotic and disordered. The only thing I could do was to lash out. These are terrible, painful memories which haunt me and will likely continue to do so for the rest of my life."
She pauses and frowns.
"But those memories are nothing compared to what you caused me to remember."
You can't move. Her deep, red crimson eyes staring into your own causes you to freeze.
"I remembered myself from a different world. I remembered being locked up, not in a containment cell, but a bunker. A great, thick steel prison that held me for hundreds of years. I can only remember bits and pieces, but what I do remember is terrible enough to make a person suffer."
Mokou appears uneasy, as if remembering something
The crystals on her wings begin to glow, filling the room with an eerie light.
"I remember screams of anguish from people who were unlucky enough to be sent to my room. Some of them slowly broken until they simply stopped moving. Some of them being reduced to a fine red mist, and some whose fate would be too terrible to mention."
She starts slowly moving towards you.j
"I remember being a monster. And it's all because of you." Her expression turns to one of pure hatred.
You don't have enough time to react before she's reached you.
Youmu prepares to attack with her sword. She is not fast enough.
Mokou move to block her. She is not fast enough.
Even your own body moves in a reflex of self preservation. Your adrenaline-charged reactions are almost frozen compared to the girl's speed.
Her nails, now glowing red, fly straight towards your neck.
You're going to die. This is the only thought that your brain can produce.
Just as your throat is about to be shredded, a bright red spear of light slams into Flandre from the side, throwing her into and through the wall.
[BGM: none]
A furious Remilia stands, her arm extended.
She looks back across the room, where she was barely struggling to stay upright a fraction of a second ago, with shock.
Then she looks to her hands.
The ambulance arrives shortly. Apparently Eirin had caught on to how dangerous the situation was, because Reimu has also shown up.
You're still shaking by the time that they get both Patchouli, who Remilia said was in stable condition, and Flandre, who despite being unconscious somehow looked unscathed after being launched through a solid stone wall, into an ambulance. Thankfully, everyone else, including Meiling, appear to be uninjured, and are treated on location by the nurses who came to help.
After everything that happened, no one had anything to say. Remilia offered to arrange for you a ride home, which you gladly accepted. Both yourself, Youmu, and Mokou wanted nothing else but to go home and sleep.
[ ] The clear, beautiful moon.
[ ] Vivid purple.
[ ] Soft rouge.