Sufficiently Advanced Science - Thread 1 Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 07:06 No. 30972 ▼ File 129490240252.jpg - (369.06KB, 424x600 , 363001855cd6aeeb1aa148e4d8927161.jpg)
Today is the big day. A fairly young student working on a degree in the field of Science, you where approached several days ago by a rather... pretty woman with long purple hair and glasses wearing a lab coat just outside the on campus library. You and a couple friends Would usually hang around the large gothic-style building which could easily be mistaken for a cathedral. With a bow she introduced her-self.
"Good afternoon. I am Rikako Asakura of Sigma research and I would like to hire you as an assistant. In return you will receive full on-site living quarters and will be provided with all the necessities for a comfortable living. At the termination of this contract You may choose to receive a scholarship for 75'000$ or opt to work with us as a full time employee. You may also recommend anyone else you think may enjoy working for us." The offer is enough to make you double take... But it's too good to turn down so you take it. "Very good. We will come to pick you and any of your associates who are interested up in a week. Please do try to pack fairly light." A week has since come and gone and you have only a few belongings on hand.
Before we start... Tell us a bit about yourself.
[X]What did you pack? (Remember. You packed light.)
[X]Additional info. (Optional)
[X]If you suggested anyone else to her tell us about them.
Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 08:28 No. 30975 [x] Hana Clifford
[x] F
[x] What did you pack? (Remember. You packed light.)
-[x] Travelling luggage: usual clothes (honestly I have no idea), hygienic items, snacks
-[x] Backpack: D-SLR camera with a wide lens and a telephoto lens, laptop, blank notebooks, pencil case with writing utensils and a calculator, and portable battery/AC powered instrument amp.
-[x] Guitar case: Les Paul Studio, picks and a capo.
[x] Born in Okinawa from a Japanese mother and an American father. Dark brown hair and blue eyes.
For me, that's packing "light", but perhaps our definitions of light differ. Feel free to ignore the music related things if that makes writing easier for you.
Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 09:14 No. 30977 I'm tempted to create another Bill Nye but he's already been done/
Unless someone else wants him to be reincarnated into this story.
Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 09:58 No. 30978 Considering the title I am a bit more inclinded to name the MC Arthur C. Clarke. So curious where this plot might go.
Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 15:56 No. 30981 [X] Isaac Clarke
[X] Male
[X] Fusion arc.
-[x] Clothes, weapons, usual stuff...
[X] Most interested in engines than in women.
Let's try this out.
Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 18:58 No. 30984 [x] Hana Clifford
[x] F
[x] What did you pack? (Remember. You packed light.)
-[x] Travelling luggage: usual clothes (honestly I have no idea), hygienic items, snacks
-[x] Backpack: D-SLR camera with a wide lens and a telephoto lens, laptop, blank notebooks, pencil case with writing utensils and a calculator, and portable battery/AC powered instrument amp.
-[x] Guitar case: Les Paul Studio, picks and a capo.
[x] Born in Okinawa from a Japanese mother and an American father. Dark brown hair and blue eyes.
Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 22:10 No. 30986 [x] Hana Clifford
[x] F
[x] What did you pack? (Remember. You packed light.)
-[x] Traveling luggage: usual clothes (honestly I have no idea), hygienic items, snacks
-[x] Backpack: D-SLR camera with a wide lens and a telephoto lens, laptop, blank notebooks, pencil case with writing utensils and a calculator, and portable battery/AC powered instrument amp.
-[x] Guitar case: Les Paul Studio, picks and a capo.
[x] Born in Okinawa from a Japanese mother and an American father. Dark brown hair and blue eyes.
Your Name is Hana Clifford. A female student born to a Japanese mother and American father.
Packing to what you believe is light you wait patiently at the curb near the library. You really didn't think any of your friends would be interested in joining. They are really too busy with other stuff Anyways. A light breeze rustles the leaves of the trees around you...
You always can't help but wonder why it feels like a youkai or something is spying on you when you are alone. Not that you believe in that sort of nonsense...right?
After waiting for a good half-hour and taking a moment to chat with a friend you hear a faint whirring noise and it seems to be getting closer.
A short time later what you can only assume is a DeLorean pulls up to the curb. It runs rather quiet and you would be fairly confident to say that the engine has been swapped for an electric motor. Rather curious modification. The distinct side door opens to reveal Rikako behind the wheel. It seems the interior has been modified as well. She smiles brightly and has a bit of a twinkle in her eyes. She also seems very hopeful about something. "Well Hana. Welcome aboard. Please do get in. There should be room in the back for your stuff. I should warn you...this is going to be a bit of a long trip." She regards you for a moment as you get into the car and put your things in the back. Taking extra care with the guitar case. She pushes a big green button and the engine revs up again. "So Ms.Clifford. I'm a bit curious. Do you perchance believe the the occult and the supernatural? I promise I won't think worse of you one way or another. Just curious."
She smiles again. It's a rather pleasant smile.
As she pulls out you mull over what to answer...
[X] Yes I believe in the occult.
[X] In a word no.
[X] Until there is sufficient evidence I can't say either way.
[X] Mystery option!
Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 23:42 No. 30987 [X] Until there is sufficient evidence I can't say either way.
Everything is bullshit until proven otherwise
Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 23:47 No. 30988 [X] Until there is sufficient evidence I can't say either way.
DeLorean... I see what u did.
Anonymous 2011/01/14 (Fri) 00:44 No. 30989 [x] I've never seen any evidence suggesting the occult might be real... but I'll believe it when I see it. After testing for tricks, of course.
Anonymous 2011/01/14 (Fri) 01:47 No. 30990 [X] In a word no. Do you have something to change my mind?
Anonymous 2011/01/14 (Fri) 03:56 No. 30991 [X] Until there is sufficient evidence I can't say either way.
Anonymous 2011/01/14 (Fri) 04:03 No. 30992 [ø] In a word no. Do you have something to change my mind?
Anonymous 2011/01/14 (Fri) 04:42 No. 30994 [X] Mystery option!
It could be anything! It could even be [Insert the vote you want to win here]!
Anonymous 2011/01/14 (Fri) 05:02 No. 30998 [X] In a word no.
This is terrible. I pray this "story" magically gets better.
Anonymous 2011/01/14 (Fri) 05:36 No. 31000 Calling vote.
[X] Until there is sufficient evidence I can't say either way.
I'll have the next part ready later.
Anonymous 2011/01/14 (Fri) 15:29 No. 31010 Update.
You mull over what she has asked. It's a rather simple question but you never really have considered it before. The car interior starts to get a little stuffy so you decide to look out the window. Well it seems she is driving well over 88 miles per hour and if she isn't careful you both are going to see some serious shit. Like a police ticket or a hospital bill. As you think she turns on the radio. Not that you are paying attention. A small but very bothersome headache is nagging at you, and you know it is going to grow worse. You have been having these over the past month but no doctor seems to think anything is really wrong with you. Eventually you decide to give her an agnostic view on the matter. She takes a moment to blink stare at you mildly interested and perhaps surprise.
"I must say...spoken like a true scientist. A bit indecisive but Perhaps it was a good idea to come see you. " She finally slows a bit much to your relief. What will you do to pass the time? There is still quite a ways to go.
[X] Break out the laptop and start playing one of your games.
-[X] Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
-[X] Mystic square (Remake)
-[X] Yume Nikki
-[X] Cave Story
[X] What is on the radio?
-[X] Classical music
-[X] Techno rave
-[X] Punk rock
-[X] Traditional Japanese music
Anonymous 2011/01/14 (Fri) 18:55 No. 31015 [X] Break out the laptop and start playing one of your games.
-[X] Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
Something amiss about this choice here, but I can't quite put a finger on it.
[X] What is on the radio?
-[X] Fire Bomber
you can delete your post by selecting the checkbox at the top left corner of it and then hitting delete button on the bottom right corner of the page.
Anonymous 2011/01/15 (Sat) 00:08 No. 31022 [X] Break out the laptop and start playing one of your games.
-[X] Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
[X] What is on the radio?
-[X] Fire Bomber
Anonymous 2011/01/15 (Sat) 00:08 No. 31023 [X] Break out the laptop and start playing one of your games.
[x] Call of Cthulhu: The Dark Corners of the Earth.
[X] What is on the radio?
-[X] Classical music
Anonymous 2011/01/15 (Sat) 05:29 No. 31025 [X] Break out the laptop and start playing one of your games.
-[X] Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
[X] What is on the radio?
-[X] Classical music
Anonymous 2011/01/15 (Sat) 05:40 No. 31026 [X] Break out the laptop and start playing one of your games.
-[X] Yume Nikki
[X] What is on the radio?
-[X] Traditional Japanese music
Anonymous 2011/01/15 (Sat) 06:17 No. 31027 [X] Break out the laptop and start playing one of your games.
-[X] Cave Story
A classic, and screw you guys who think otherwise.
[X] What is on the radio?
-[X] Mario Bros. Theme.
It's Japan, it may very well be on there. They're weird like that.
!eJ61/B76dM 2011/01/15 (Sat) 06:46 No. 31028 Well I'll be calling the vote and writeing shortly. I've also decided to gain a name and trip code. This one will be a test. If it is successful I will be useing it in the future.
Anonymous 2011/01/15 (Sat) 11:29 No. 31030 [X] You still have a game to play. Your questions can wait a little. It's not like she is going anywhere.
Anonymous 2011/01/15 (Sat) 16:08 No. 31032 [x] SAN check failed! SAN Loss! Roll 1d100 for Mental Illness.
but later, because :
[X] You still have a game to play. Your questions can wait a little. It's not like she is going anywhere.
Anonymous 2011/01/15 (Sat) 18:52 No. 31035 [X] You still have a game to play. Your questions can wait a little. It's not like she is going anywhere.
[x] SAN check failed! SAN Loss! Roll 1d100 for Mental Illness.
Anonymous 2011/01/16 (Sun) 14:03 No. 31047 [X] You still have a game to play. Your questions can wait a little. It's not like she is going anywhere.
[x] SAN check failed! SAN Loss! Roll 1d100 for Mental Illness.
Anonymous 2011/01/16 (Sun) 17:01 No. 31051 [X] You still have a game to play. Your questions can wait a little. It's not like she is going anywhere.
[x] SAN check failed! SAN Loss! Roll 1d100 for Mental Illness.
Anonymous 2011/01/16 (Sun) 22:25 No. 31059 ITT: Touhou meets Call of Cthulhu. Let the SAN losses roll.
Anonymous 2011/01/18 (Tue) 06:39 No. 31099 [X] Why were you in that video game?
Lets start with that.
Anonymous 2011/01/18 (Tue) 06:42 No. 31100 Also, I checked up on that mental illness.
Schizophrenia (pronounced /ˌskɪtsɵˈfrɛniə/ or /ˌskɪtsɵˈfriːniə/) is a mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of thought processes and of emotional responsiveness. It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. The onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with a global lifetime prevalence of about 0.3–0.7%. Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the patient's reported experiences.
Anonymous 2011/01/18 (Tue) 17:39 No. 31103 [X] Why were you in that video game?
Anonymous 2011/01/18 (Tue) 18:16 No. 31105 [X] Why were you in that video game?
Madgapper !eJ61/B76dM 2011/01/18 (Tue) 22:31 No. 31109 [X] Why were you in that video game?
Her eyes become a bit distant. "What if I told you everything in those games was real? What if I told you ZUN's wonderland exists?" She pauses for a moment to let the words sink in. " I suppose it's time for a bit of a history lesson. First off most every game there has happened before. Perhaps not exactly but it's pretty accurate. Second there has been 3 Reimu Hakurei in the history of Gensokyo. A hero, a tyrant, and a slacker. The hero you only ever really see in Highly responsive to prayer. She was victorious against Sariel. A terrible angel of death who would have killed us all. Thankfully Sariel is still sealed away. Unfortunately not long after she was replaced."
Her expression darkens. "This Reimu was very different. A total monster. I don't need to really explain anything. Just look at Mystic Square. ZUN was always one to lighten the mood of the games and I suppose I should commend him for that. The reality was much darker. Since the end of the PC-98 series though things have been improving. I'm not sure I'll ever go back though. What use is a scientist in a world where all anyone ever needs is magic? I used to be 'the scientist that looks for dreams'. After having won that tournament I had thought I would be able to use my science and help those people in need." She places her head on the car wheel. Her face hidden by her hair. "But even in times like that they still could not accept me. They preferred to suffer under a tyrant with magic then be saved by a person with science. I finally realized my dreams...they where all lies. I finally left Gensokyo. Me and a few others. Wonder why we haven't come back in the games? That is why. Sometimes I still have dreams about Gensokyo. My old home. The friends I used to have..." She pauses for a moment. "I think you should hurry before you end up late." She lays there for a moment...You think you can hear her sobbing faintly. It's a bit hard to find words to say. All of what she told's a bit hard to take it all in one go. Your bloody headache is makeing a resurgance as well.
[X] Leave her for now. Your not sure what to think about what you heard but she seems like she needs some time to her-self.
-[X] Go straight to finding someone to help you.
-[X] Find it your-self.
[X]Try to comfort her. She really doesn't seem ok. What words would help her though?
-[X] write in
Anonymous 2011/01/20 (Thu) 00:17 No. 31113 This is the least of your problems, to be honest, but have you ever heard of paragraphs? I am told they are quite in season.
And by "quite in season" I mean "Jesus Christ, what the fuck, seriously".
Anonymous 2011/01/20 (Thu) 00:33 No. 31114 ▼ File 129548363510.jpg - (430.23KB, 600x3300 , 128772092034.jpg)
Image related.
You also keep Randomly capitalising the first Letters of words in Your sentences. Your writing feels extremely mechanical and lacks description, coherency, and a non-retarded plot.
Are you ESL? If so, take some more english classes. If not, take some more english classes.
Also the dollar sign goes before the numbers. Jesus Christ.
Anonymous 2011/01/20 (Thu) 05:02 No. 31115 [X]Try to comfort her. She really doesn't seem ok. What words would help her though?
Anonymous 2011/01/20 (Thu) 17:04 No. 31124 [X]Try to comfort her. She really doesn't seem ok. What words would help her though?