>>29837 Thanks for the complement, but I'm not that wallsy.
[x] Trace the teleport spell.
-[x] What's the harm in a little self-promotion?
"Snooping sounds like a pretty good idea, actually. I think I will snoop around that... smoking crater, and try to figure out where they were teleporting to. Interested in coming with me?"
"Not really. I don't really care who we are fighting, honestly. I do think it will be great fun to see what people think about it, though."
"That sounds boring. I think I'll go visit Yuugi."
"Oh, it's been a while since you last visited her, right. Tell her I say hi."
Nue removes her costume. You and Kogasa do so also.
That thing is a bit awkward. It feels nice to not have a helmet on again.
"I'm going to go say bye to the others. You two can stay here... unless you want to come, I guess."
"No, go ahead."
"Alright." You head off towards Sanae, who is currently talking to Marisa.
"Heey peepz what is up? Also, sorry about falling onto you back there, Marisa."
"It's okay. I've had worse."
"Do you want to come to the sleepover?"
"Didn't you already ask me about that?"
"I thought you came back to tell me."
"Fair enough." You cough. "Sorry, Sanae, but I don't think I am going to attend your sleepover."
"Aw, why?"
Maybe if you think on her level, you will be able to satisfy her. "See, it's... I have a mission. A
spy mission."
"If you never see me again, it's because I've died."
"That sounds
so cool! Can I come?"
"Sorry, Sanae, but this is a solo mission."
"But I could help you! Spying isn't my specialty, but I like to think that all of that time I spent admiring Solid Snake's ass has prepared me at least a little!"
"No, Sanae. This is something I must do alone." You need a reason. Quick, what's the first cliche that comes to mind? "I am going to infiltrate the base of the
one-eyed man who
killed my father!"
"Oh, I see! It's personal. I'll pray for your success. And that means a lot, because I'm a miracle worker!"
"Thank you, Sanae. I'm not a miracle worker, but I'll pray for the success of your sleepover all the same."
You bow a little. "Now, if you will excuse me..." And then you begin to walk away.
Marisa follows you, however. "That was a bullshit excuse."
"Hey, I'm busy."
"I know you're not very close to Sanae. I'm not either. But isn't it mean to give her the cold shoulder over and over like that?"
"As I said, I'm busy. I guess I can come to the sleepover next time or whatever. You're doing well enough so far keeping her company? I think you came last time."
"Yes, but... me and Sanae alone in her room... every night I do this it's increasing the chance that someone might kill Sanae out of jealousy."
"I'm hot stuff! I've got to use my status responsibly!"
"With a great bod comes great responsibility?" Okay saying that Marisa has a 'great bod' is a biiiit of a stretch, but that won't get in the way of a good quip.
"Basically yes. I've got to use my pimpin'-ness for the force of good." You're pretty sure she is the one bullshitting now.
"It's the power of love!"
"I better leave quickly, then, before someone decides I'm a romantic rival also. I'll try to keep my schedule free next time, okay?" You teleport back to Nue before Marisa can do more then nod.
You take a quick look at the two. Nue is looking amused, while Kogasa is looking a little bored. Maybe you should be quick here, let Kogasa leave. "Okay, said my goodbyes, etc etc."
"Spy mission, huh."
"You know me. I'm a regular James Bond here. I've lost track of the times I've had to escape from ridiculous death traps."
"I see."
"Shark tanks aren't very hard to slip out of if you can teleport, admittedly."
"Well, good luck on your spy mission. I would hate to have to have to disavow you, if you are caught."
"Thank you." You grin. "Well, all joking aside, it shouldn't be too interesting. You'll probably have more fun visiting Yuugi than I will poking at some crater, Kogasa."
Kogasa thinks for a moment. "If it's fun I'll tell you all about it when I get back."
"That sounds like a plan."
Nue blinks, and turns to Kogasa. "Maybe you should ask Yuugi about this giant robot stuff when you visit. Just in case. At the very least I bet an oni would love a chance to wrestle a giant robot."
"Ooh, that does sound like fun! It would surprise the next bad guy a whole lot! But wouldn't it also make them mad?"
"Ugh, probably. You know, that first time, HQ specifically told me not to fight the other giant robot. Supposedly for my own safety... where the hell is my cred, huh? I'm a goddamn shapeshifter. I could turn into one of those big lizards from that one outsider movie."
"Godzilla? I think there is only one Godzilla."
"Then why are there a bunch of different ones who only look a little similar? Is this Godzilla also a shapeshifter?"
"No, I think they just redesigned the costume over time. Er, I think there is only one Godzilla, plot-wise? My Godzilla lore is pretty weak."
"That's besides the point. The point is that I could turn into some huge kick-ass monster and beat the crap out of one of these giant robots. Probably."
"Maybe after this is over we can persuade HQ to let you fight Hisou Tensoku in the world's largest cage match. For now, though, you should probably content yourself with just helping to pilot it."
"Yeah, you're right. It's still a shame, though. I so rarely get real reasons to take a big form. I sometimes feel so cramped in this human body."
"At least you can fit through doorways in it."
"Hmph. Speak for yourself. It took me weeks to get used to doors. Used to keep clipping them with my wings."
"Um, I'll leave you two to your converation. Bye." Kogasa flies off.
"Oh! Have fun! Don't drink unless you really..." She's already out of hearing range. "...want to..." You turn to Nue. "I sure hope she doesn't come back plastered."
Nue sighs. "Knowing what little I know about oni... she probably will. Well, I'll let you stew on that while looking at the crater. I think I'll go infiltrate human society some more." She closes her eyes, and her body shimmers. Her clothes become more rustic, and her wings shrivel up and vanish. When she opens her eyes again, they are brown. "Do you think I look normal enough?"
"Nah. You need blue hair. Also, more frills."
"Oh, shut up." Nue walks off, nonchalantly. She glances back. "Try not to somehow end up in a dress."
"What, do you think that investigating spell residue will transform my pants?"
"Maybe there will be a teleportation accident. I don't know."
"Meh. I'll try not to, I suppose."
She laughs, and then continues on. She is really acting too cool to fit in. If you were her you would act a bit more shaken up. After the events of today, if you were a normal human you would be a bit confused and scared.
But you're not going to tell her how to practice her own hobbies. Instead, you are going to go poke at a crater and pretend that you know how to trace teleports. Hopefully your powers of make-believe will be up for the task.
You blink over to the crater.
So... this thing is a pretty serious scar in the earth.
You wonder what they are going to do about it. It's going to really get in the way of village life, what with it being right next to the village and all. You think it took out some farmland, even. You weren't really paying attention to what this patch of land looked like before the explosion, though.
Hm. This is going to be harder than it would have been last time. Last time, there was just a teleportation spell. But this time, the teleportation spell happened right after a large magical explosion. There's going to be a lot of ambient magic getting in the way of the teleport.
You'll need to really get down to it, then. Investigate hard. You think you're up to it.
The robot used to be in the center of this crater, right? And the teleport was fairly tightly-bound, so any traces of it would be near the robot. So you should go to the center of the crater.
You fly over to it, then. You were already almost there, since if you are going to a big round landmark, somewhere near the center is the most natural place to go anyway.
You plant your hand on the ground. Quite warm. Not nearly as warm as you would have thought given the intensity of the explosion, though. Well, it was a magical explosion, so maybe it was more kinetic force than heat. Or whatever.
You concentrate on your senses. You've always been able to sense magic to some degree. It probably comes with being part magic, now. You think it's a totally new sense, one that humans don't naturally have. However, to you, it is linked to your sight. Maybe you are using the visual center in your brain to process information that isn't really visual? Admittedly, this is a fairly 'natural way' of doing these things. A human magician who wants to sense magic will probably do it via sight too. So your tools are probably up to the job, anyway.
You just need to worry about expertise.
...there is a great deal of magic here, yes. It's quite complex, since it came from two separate items at the same time. The energy from each is somewhat different, and they don't quite blend together. Perhaps that was why the robot exploded in the first place; the two power sources didn't quite work together right, and whatever systems used to make them cooperate were damaged by Hisou Tensoku's finishing blow.
But even given the vast quantity of magic lying around here, it doesn't take you more than a few minutes of puzzling over the ground to begin to notice the residue of the teleport. It looks like a lot of energy went into the teleport, too. It was teleporting a vast object, so that makes sense.
It also looks like the teleport wasn't quite as efficient as your teleports. Again, makes sense; unless some kind of Total Recall shit is going on and you did the teleporting yourself and then wiped your memories, the teleporting definitely wasn't done by the King of Teleportation.
That's you, by the way.
So now you just need to figure out where this teleport
goes to. There's a lot of energy here, and the more you look at the teleport the more you begin to see patterns in it.
It... kind of makes sense, but... actually, you need a reference.
You quickly fly out of the crater, and then teleport a few times, making sure to use more energy than needed. And then look around.
Good, you left some magic residue. It shouldn't take too long for you to figure out what the pattern is. You aren't an expert at this kind of magic detective-ing, but the residue from the big teleport should last an hour, easy. So you should dig in, then.
You poke the ground a few times. So, this teleport went to
"Ayayayayayaya! What are you doing?"
You turn around, being careful to not show your surprise. "Ah... it's you. Uh. Crow lady."
"Aya Shameimaru, reporter for the bunbunmaru. Looking for witnesses for the recent..." She pauses, as if looking for the right word. "...
events here, and guess what I see?"
"What do you see?"
"A witness. You, that is."
"Why did you pick me? Why not one of the villagers?"
"You can teleport, right? You could have gotten to the scene in an instant to watch."
"You still could have asked one of the villagers."
"They were all cowering in their houses."
"Why did you assume I saw the battle? I could have come to investigate after the fact."
"You're a pretty suspicious guy, you know."
You stop poking the ground. "How do you figure?"
"You were doing some kind of teleport thing earlier. Is that a new dance? Maybe some outside-world dance?"
"What, you think normal humans on the outside dance by teleporting?"
"That's besides the point. You're getting me off-track. I need to get the news... pronto. Before anyone else." She raises one finger. "So, did you see the battle, or are you just wasting my time?" Why did she raise that finger? She didn't say anything... finger-raising worthy.
"Well, you are the one wasting
my time, but okay." Actually, maybe this is a good thing. An opportunity to increase your street cred. Or, uh, Moriya Pink's street cred. Or whatever. "I did see it, anyway."
"Good." She takes out her notebook seemingly instantly. "Tell me what you saw."
"Well, there was a pretty short scuffle between the silly rainbow-colored spandex people and the other people. And then they got into two big robots and punched each other for a while, and then one of them blew up right next to the village."
"Can you... go into more detail?" She has yet to write anything. Presumably she already could have guessed that much.
There is a short silence.
"Will you go into more detail?"
"It sounds kind of like a pain, but... fine, if you want." You were intending to go into more detail from the start, of course. But there's no reason to let her know that. Can't come across as too eager, it will be suspicious. Rightfully so, admittedly.
You cough. "Okay, so the rainbrow brite rangers were out here-"
"'Rainbow brite rangers'? Is that a new name for them?" Her pen pauses mid-stroke.
"Yes, in the sense that I just made it up off the top of my head. It's a nickname. I need to refer to them by a nickname because I do not know what they are really called. Well, anyway, they were fighting these two people. This big tough-looking guy with a sword and shield and stuff, and this bitchy-looking woman with an apple. Oh, they also had clothing, they weren't nudists or anything."
Crowlady snaps off a quick question. "What kind of clothing?" It sounds like she is beginning to get into a groove.
"I wasn't quite paying attention. Er, I think Roman-ish stuff. Or maybe Greek-ish."
"And what is a 'Roman-ish or maybe Greek-ish' outfit like?"
"It has, uh, white robes, and, uh... togas, and... look, is this really important?"
"I guess not. Can you describe them better? I owe it to my readers to provide a good description of these dangerous criminals."
"Not sure if they were criminals, but okay. The guy was big and tall and muscular and had freaky magic eyes."
"Freaky magic eyes?"
"You'd know if you looked him in the eye. It makes you very scared or something."
"How do you know this? You were watching from far away, right?"
"Uh. Well, I. It works over a long distance. And I was watching his eyes because... I don't remember anymore."
"And the woman?"
"Right, the woman. She looked like... a... you know, I don't remember at all. She was kind of hot, I guess. I can't remember more. Just ask someone what a hot lady looks like. Do you know any lesbians or any men? No, of course you know some lesbians. Just ask them for a description."
"And that will describe her?"
"Maybe? I don't know. Just throwing out ideas here. Anyway, I can at least tell you that I last saw her leave towards Hakurei Shrine, for what it's worth. Getting a bit ahead of myself with that one though."
"That's enough information about her. Anyway, the two groups fought?"
"Yeah. Mostly punches and kicks and martial arts stuff like that, very little danmaku. The rainbow brite in pink was the most impressive, incapacitating the woman almost singlehandedly. Anyway, it wasn't a very long fight. Both sides summoned their giant robots soon and started duking out as giant robots."
"What were the robots like?"
"One was big and gold and... uh... with a spiky hat and... don't you know what they look like? They were like super visible. As you can tell I don't have the best eye for fine details."
"Very large fine details."
"Yes, even very large ones can sometimes escape my eagle eyes. Now, as I was saying, they were fighting. Hisou Tensoku kept messing up it's attacks just by a smidgeon, and ended up pretty badly damaged. It got a big pillar thing, and then tried some attack where it summoned a-" You realize that if you mention the black cloud, it might become obvious that Nue is on the team. If, uh, the fact that a nue appeared the first battle didn't already give it away. "It summoned a
smokescreen and got into close range, and when the smokescreen cleared it got a clear shot and used some beam attack to badly hurt Horrorlord Timor."
"Horrorlord Timor? You know what the other mech is called?"
"It had a name tag." Okay managed not to stumble over that one, at least. "So yeah, they then punched it and the thing just blew up on the spot. Would have destroyed the village, but a big grilled chicken came up and took the brunt of the explosion."
"Mystia? I'll have to finally publish that obituary I prepared for her. Just replace all mentions of 'Yuyuko' with 'explosion', and..."
"No, Mokou."
"Oh, then there won't be any obituaries." Crowlady looks a bit disappointed.
"Well, maybe the guy who was in the giant robot died."
"He will be missed dearly." She pauses. "Wait, if the robot exploded, how did the lady who was with him leave for Hakurei Shrine?"
"Oh, she didn't get in the robot. She just hung out watching the fight."
"I see. Any other observations?"
"The one in pink was the most manly one of them." You blink. "Uh, by default, I suppose. But still."
"Duly noted."
"Do you need any-" she flies off before you can so much as finish your sentence.
Well, she obviously didn't need any more information. Maybe she saw a juicier scoop pass by or something. Good thing too, you can't let the teleport traces cool too much.
So, you should get back to figuring them out. You should hurry a bit too, probably.
You think you've gotten a pretty good handle on this teleport. Like, you know where it leads to. That general method for evaluating teleport traces works. You think. It's pretty slow, though, and not nearly as exciting as it first sounds like, so maybe if you plan to do this more often you should make a spell to automate the process.
You guess that you don't really know where it leads to in a concrete sense, though. It's more like you know where it leads to in relation to here.
Which should be... underground, you think. It's in the direction of youkai mountain, also. Maybe under the mountain... maybe even in one of those tunnels to the Ancient City? There would be enough open space in the cavern that houses the Ancient City to store a giant robot or two, though you don't think that the destination is quite that far down. You could use some magic to try to pinpoint the specific location, anyway.
Or you could just teleport there. Which is the way easier way that is also much more fun and satisfies your sense of curiosity instantly.
So you do that. You offset yourself a bit so that you don't accidentally end up inside the burned-out husk of the robot or something like that.
You resolve in your new location. It is... probably underground, yes.
It looks like some kind of hangar. It appears to be carved out of solid stone.
Perhaps it was a natural cave that was enlarged and made very regular and rectangular-ish? You can't really tell for certain, but it's not that important really.
The entire place is lit by electric lights hanging from the (quite high) ceiling. They illuminate the vast space of the hangar (albeit a bit dimly), showing various machines strewn around.
In the distance you can see figures moving and working with the machines, but none are near where you teleported in.
So... this is presumably where the giant robots are made? Or repaired? Or maybe they are being captured after their defeat and broken down for reverse-engineering? Some of those machines in the distance definitely could be giant robots, or at least pieces of them. You don't have a very clear view from here, though.
Maybe you should find one of the workers here. Get him or her to talk.
You stride in the direction of the nearest person you can see...
...something feels off.
You look down.
Instead of your pants, you are now wearing a long skirt. Quite a fetching one actually, if you do say so yourself, but not quite your style.
Teleportation accident, huh? Hilarious, Nue, hilarious. You need to remember to prank her back later.
The sad thing is that you almost didn't notice. What does this say about your life?
Oh well, no use dwelling on minor stuff like this. You are
used to this shit. Nue would have to do something much more seriouser to phase you. Maybe if she planted a seed of non-identification on you set to give you bunny ears?
Almost unconsciously, your hand reaches up and pats the top of your head. No irregularities in shape. Well, that's a small blessing.
Oh well. You continue on.
Said nearest person you can see is, now that you are in visual range, wearing a red and pink dress, an odd red hat on red hair, and has a traffic sign slung over her back, held by a padlocked chain. An... odd choice of outfit, given she is working with some machine.
It looks like some kind of motor. It's in very bad condition.
Given the fact that it's next to the smoking lower half of a giant robot, which is broken to the point of unrecognizability, you have to assume that it is part of the giant robot you just beat the shit out of. Well, everyone else beat the shit out of while you played 'moral support'.
There are various other machines on the floor around the thing, and several half-built scaffoldings. It looks like a bunch of people started to prepare to dismantle this, but then left to do other things midway through the preparations. Or maybe this woman is doing it alone, and just got tired of making scaffolding and decided to start picking at one of the leg's actuators or whatever.
She does not look up from her work, but does seem to notice your approach. "Halt." She waves a sign at you. Despite the fact that she is working on an oily machine without wearing gloves, her hands are entirely clean.
You stop in place. "Okay, okay. ...wait, 'Employees must wash their hands.'? Wouldn't a stop sign make more sense?" Also if she can magically keep her hands from getting dirty (what kind of lame power is that?), she doesn't even need to wash her hands after using the bathroom. Poor sign is getting double-dissed.
"I left my stop sign at home. I got this one from the restrooms."
"Oh, okay." You go back to walking.
"W- you can still move?" She finally looks up from the motor. Red eyes. Real original color scheme you have going there, lady.
"Yeah. Haven't you heard of 'not obeying commands'? It's all the rage in the outside world, nowadays."
"I mean... hm." She puts down the wrench and steps up to you. "I see. Spacial restrictions aren't going to work on you."
"They generally don't, no. If by spacial restrictions you mean... things that keep me from moving. Which you probably do."
"I see. Keeping you out sounds like more work than it's worth, then. Don't touch anything, though."
"Yeah, yeah, I promise."
A humming becomes audible, in the distance.
She rolls her eyes. "Now I can rest safely. I guess it'll be safe to take a damn crossdressing human like you at his word, eh?" But you aren't exactly a human. Or a crossdre-... okay, but this point, you probably qualify as a crossdresser, if only by way of repeated 'accidents'.
There's a sudden commotion. A kappa runs up to the red woman, in near-hysterics. You can tell he is a kappa because of his blue and green outfit, full of various pouches and toolbelts and whatever. You haven't met many Kappa, mostly seen them in passing, but from what you have seen you get the impression they all dress like that. "Miss..." he pauses, panting. "Miss Kawashiro, the mana reactor has gone out of control!" That slowly-rising hum suddenly takes on an ominous tone.
"Oh for cucumber's sake... you two stay put, I'll handle it." She tears off in the direction the kappa ran from.
You look down at the kappa. He is pretty short, young-ish-looking, and overall nonthreatening. Looks like an underling. Safe to ignore, you would say, but you suppose you might be able to pump him from info. "So. What kind of stuff do you people do here?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"I... er,
status report, minion! You must not be so rude to your employer's auditor!"
"That's a pretty pathetic act."
You hear the red woman's voice in the distance, yelling authoritatively. "I forbid you from exploding!" The rising hum abruptly stops.
Bah, source of panic removed. This kappa is out of the frying pan. You'll have to lay on the heat and
become the fire, or else he won't be sufficiently grilled for him to spill the beans. "Your superior will hear about this!"
"Seriously, what are you hoping to accomplish?"
"...well, I was hoping that you would say something like 'there's no way you work for XYZcorp'."
"That's sad."
"It's probably Moriya Shrine, anyway."
"Where did you get that idea?"
"This hangar should be somewhere below Youkai Mountain, if my rough estimate is right. You are a kappa, and given the contents of this hangar I bet most of the other workers here are too. There's no way you could do this without Moriya Shrine knowing. ...besides, this kind of stuff is always a Moriya Shrine conspiracy."
"Why would the gods of Moriya Shrine sponsor robots attacking Gensokyo?"
"I don't know. You tell me."
You twirl your cane, and switch to your youkai form (it's been so long since you have had a reason to do that, thinking about it). He seems to realize, for the first time, that you could beat him to a pulp without expending any effort at all. Or at least, the look on his face suggests this.
You are interrupted by an explosion directly behind you.
You spin around, to see another kappa behind you. She has a blue dress on, a bulky backpack, and a green hat. You notice that she is wearing a key on a lanyard around her neck. Maybe locks and keys are considered fashionable by kappa? Like the oni are fond of manacles and chains. She looks vaguely familiar, anyway. Maybe one of those people you met at that party and then forgot about. "Don't pick on my research assistants!"
You hear the other kappa scampering away behind you. You could fight this newcomer, who looks more powerful than the other kappa.
Or, you could just grab the weakling and teleport out.
Yeah, screw having a confrontation.
You teleport to the running kappa, at the same time as returning to human form. You're more comfortable that way.
Or, rather, you try. It ain't working. Well, okay, you do look human again. It would kind of suck if you got mode-locked or something. But the teleport fizzles.
The other kappa smiles. "I see you have noticed my
MK. 2 Dimensional Interference Generator! It's Nitori Quality™, so you better just give up on trying to teleport!"
That sounds like a bluff to you. A false show of confidence, to keep you from just overwhelming her anti-teleportation thingie. "Yeah, well screw you." You try to teleport away again.
You try harder.
Still nope.
Maybe she wasn't bluffingOH GOD MISSILES DODGE DODGE DODGE
Shit. It looks like you might have to actually
fight for once instead of just randomly teleport around.
Eh, sounds like too much work.
You hold up your hands. "Heeey, can't we talk this out?"
"Okay." She stops shooting missiles at you.
That really worked?
"I'm, uh, sorry for trying to beat up one of your employees."
"He's not an employee."
"He's a grad student."
"What's the difference?"
"I don't need to pay him."
"I see." Time to move up the totem pole. The totem pole of... interrogation. Or something. "Hey, what is it you people do here?"
"We make and repair giant robots."
"Thanks, I hadn't noticed."
"I've always wanted to try something like this!" She skips up to the foot of the robot being repaired. "I've never had such resources before, though. Of course, we Kappa often make plans like this, but they rarely get past the design phase. To actually be able to work with such magnificent machines... even repairing one is an honor, let alone getting to design one! The technology is so amazing..."
"So, uh, who do you make the giant robots on behalf of?"
"Oh, you must meet our current weapons consultant!" She grabs you by the arm and drags you off.
Great. Maybe you should have asked someone who didn't care about their job the lowdown. She doesn't even seem to be listening to you anymore.
She drags you past a variety of broken machines. Some of them have a kappa or two watching them, and many are actually smoking. The pieces of the mech you just destroyed?
You come to a large... thing.