Continuation from
>>1268, took me awhile to write up a suitable intro, could have gone down a little better, but quality will pick up once the ball really gets rolling.
Winning vote was:
[X] Lancer (Much like Fighter, but is a bit more magically inclined and can use Summons. Light uses buffs as spells while Dark uses debuffs)
-[X] Sanae (Light Cleric)
-[X] Remilia (Dark Lancer)
-[X] Meira (Dark Fighter)
for those who didn't catch it at first.
Also, while I'm at it, class change for the other party memebers IS possible, since the ones selected are essentially just Nuetral Dark or Nuetral Light, when the time comes to class change you can select if they go Dark-Dark, Light-Dark or whatever. I wasnt thinking straight when I said they couldn't...
In anycase, let's get started.
Once, when the world was yet trapped in darkness, there existed a powerful preistess who felled 8 abominations of disaster that led the world to destruction, the God-Beasts, with the Sword of Boundaries, the beasts were sealed in 8 keystones scattered across the most remote parts of a the world. And, as the darkness left, Gensokyo was created.
The priestess, with her work finished, mysteriously disappeared leaving behind the tasks of monitering these things to her daughter. Many years passed and the wheels of peace continued to turn...
However, due to the actions of some who to plot to release the god-beasts from their bindings, obtain powers far greater than the gods themselves and make the world their own, conflicts break out heralding the end of the long peace that used to be known in these lands...
In the midst of it all, Mana is also rapidly disappearing from the earth, even the seal on the keystones are beginning to weaken. If things continue as they are, those vile beasts will once again roam free and all life will inevitably perish...
There is still hope for the world...hope that will be born in the most humble of beginnings... - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Human Village ~ Yasaka's Day -
Your eyes slowly begin to open as your biological clock tells you it's time to rise from your sleep and begin the tasks for the day. The light from the morning sun is annoyingly bright at first, evoking you to screw them shut as a way to retreat back into the darkness your eyes were used to, but eventually, your sights get used to the sunlight flooding your room in it's morning ambience. You rise up from your bed and glance out the window to see that there were others roaming the streets of the village as well, most were probably up before you were, but that doesn't nessicarily concearn you that much. Seeing that your already awake you swing your legs from out of bed and scratch your head as you try to remember what it is you were to do today.
You recall Keine, the village schoolmarm, telling you about a need for village sentries and soldiers. This was due to the increasing number of conflicts that were suddenly flaring up in other nations, and thus this heightened the chance that the village could be attacked by outside forces. So far, security was lax with only about 2 sentires, likewise for combat ready soldiers so the decision to fortify the village and train it's citizens in the art of combat and war was pretty much a given due to the current circumstances. Today was the time for any able bodied men (or women) to apply for either of the two, and you decided on doing that yesterday. You had experience in the matter, having worked as a gaurd to the Heida house in the past, so now you feel that it's time to expand on this and protect the entire village rather than just a single mansion. With your thoughts in place and your mind made up, you pull yourself out of bed and go about doing the usual morning activities to prepare for the day ahead...
At the pace you were going, finishing up your morning routine doesn't take that long to complete, the only thing taking more than several minutes to finish is the good sized breakfast of eggs, bacon, fried sausage and a side of milk you prepared to build up your strength for the day. When you throughly devour your breakfast, you then go about finding what armor you had from your former job by rummaging through the closet located near the stairs. As you toss out various junk that should have been in the attic, a faint knocking taps on your door. "It's open!" You call out and come to hear the hinges creek as whomever was behind your front door enters.
"Ah, I see you're awake." Came a familiar voice, you look up from your crouched position and saw the visage of Keine standing in your open doorway. The school teacher was the sole educator in the village, teaching a group of children of different ages in the schoolhouse just down the street from where you lived. The kids find her...rather boring at best, but everyone else knows that she is far from it. Keine not only teaches school, but also works on matters involving the secruity of the village and has repelled a good number of threats on her own. Because of her acts of protection, Keine is seen as something of a savior to the humans who live here and most decisions on what happens with the village, be they security related or no, usually goes through Keine first.
"Oh it's you," You say as you continue to rummage through the closet, now pulling out a trunk that held your equipment for the coming occasion. "So what do you need, I was just about ready to get going."
"Hm, well I came by to see if you were ready to go, but I guess you've already remembered on what you need to do today." Keine says.
"Of course, I wouldn't forget something as important as that." Well, you almost forgot, but Keine doesn't have to know that. You pop open the wooden trunk, peerng inside to find a single breastplate, some chain mail, and gauntlets. Your spear was located in back corner of the closet, still looking as it did from the time your father first gave it to you. "So, you have any idea as to what they might make us do?" You ask the school teacher as you pull out your armor and place them on the table, but not before putting on your chain mail first.
"I think it's going to be the same as before, a simple toruney to decide which 5 are best suited for the duty of gaurding village." Keine says, her arms folding underneath her ample bosom, as she starts to stare off into space for several moments, before she continued on a crestfallen note. "But that usually depends on how many will actually sign up to participate..." Judging by her tone, she wasn't really looking forward to knowing how many humans enlisted to be sentries. This was justified solely by the fact that very few people actually go through with such a thing and the number of people avalible as gaurds, sentries or soldiers are usually disappointingly low...with the Heida family located here, one would think there would be a far larger assortment of defenses...
"Still think people are ducking out on this?" You ask Keine now slipping on your standard breastplate. This was actually given to you from your last job, the chain mail underneath was something you found in the attic. Either way, both have served you well during the times in the past, despite being simple and basically low grade gear as opposed to what true warriors come to lug around with them. After this, provided you actually land the job as sentry, you may want to invest in buying higher grade equipment. A single breast plate and chain mail may not be enough to protect you against all the dangers that threaten the village. "You have to realize that there is the glaring aspect of
dieing in the line of duty, and you know alot of people don't really like the fact of throwing their life on the line for just about anyone."
"That is true," Keine replied, with a sigh chasing after her words. "But even so, they know I'll be assisting those on sentry duty if anything happens, so there's no need to worry..."
"Speaking of that, are you going to oversee this?" You ask to the teacher as you pull your trusted polearm from the closet.
Keine shakes her head in response. "I have several classes to teach this morning and I promised the children I would take them on a 'field trip' later today. However, I will be informed on the progress of things."
"Ah, that's a shame, I'd feel more at ease if you were watching." Even with the , it's still a good idea to find time for a joke now and then.
"You'll do fine." The school teacher tells you, an amused smile spreading across her face. "Remember, you were a gaurd to the Heida house before this, so this should be easy for you." She actually has a point there. You're well versed in combat despite your tender age, and you're known among the other gaurds as being a talented in the usage of your spear. Still, you can't stop yourself from being nervous about this whole thing, after all you had no idea as to what was in store for you.
"Well, I guess I should be off," You told Keine now pulling your spear from the closet and giving it one last look down before turning to the teacher and saying your goodbyes. "I guess I'll see you whenever I get back." You say as you walk past Keine and head out the door, the sound of the active village filling your ears the moment you step outside.
"It's possible." Keine replied, following behind you and shutting the door as she came. "You just focus on doing your best."
"I plan on doing nothing else." You tell Keine with a confident smirk on your face.
After you and Keine part ways for the day, you find that the walk to the gates isn't as uneventful as you thought it would be. You find yourself meeting up with several of the other people who enlisted as well, but if what Keine says is true, you can tell that the few surrounding you are pretty much the only ones that will be going through with this. Most of them were about the same age as yourself, each with varying weapons and armor, but you could tell that only a few of them were really ready for the job. Either way, you socialize with the lot of them to pass the time and come to learn a good deal about them in the process. Like how most of the enlistees only signed up for this because of nothing better to do, while only about 4 or so did this for something more than just a way to kill of boredom. Respectively, the latter would most likely be the ones to make it in.
Eventually, the lot of you arrive at building that sat near the gates of the village, two other men were standing in front of, what looks to be, a desk of some kind. "This must be the place." A sword weilder commented as he continued forward, with the rest following close behind to join the line, leaving you to be the last one, which doesn't really concearn you. It will be your turn eventually, and this sort of thing usually only last several minutes as all you have to do is give the person at the desk your name. Time passes as it's prone to doing, and the line quickly shrinks with each name that was given to the one who sat at the desk. It doesn't take long before you're next in line, you look up from your thoughtful state and see a white haired woman sitting at the desk, you don't really know her as a person but she's seen with Keine alot so you can assume that she's involved with this village at least.
"Same goes for you." She says in an impatient tone. "State your name and we'll get right with pairing you up with your opponent."
[ ] (You know what goes here)
Decided to go with a variation of how Duran's story starts out, only adding on to it for sake of it not being 'flat'. If any of you have started with Duran, you'll know what comes next (or at least can make a valid guess).
you may commence with the 'Ku-chan' votes