[x] Check up on how Kaguya is doing
You slip away from the clinic and into the more intimate areas of Eientei. You needn't knock on Kaguya's door as it's wide open. Inside, instead of the usual mess of magazines and junk food, there's a completely bare and clean example of a room. In the middle of it all is Kaguya, sipping tea at her table. She welcomes you and tells you to sit down.
"Hey there. What have you been up to?"
"I was helping Eirin out, I'm on a break now."
"Ah, you're still being nice and useful to her? How kind of you."
"I guess I would have to be kind to put up with the things she makes me do." You mutter under your breath. "So, how's it going? Sleep well?"
"Slept like a log after that. You?"
"I also slept well after that. Even though it wasn't much."
"Well, better than nothing." Kaguya shrugs. "I'm going to have to consider kidnapping you if I can't sleep. You're like a lucky rabbit's foot, but for sleep instead of luck."
"That's a weird thing to be." You disregard the fact that she's already kidnapped you once.
"Well, I'll be counting on you if it comes to that."
princess." You roll your eyes.
"Don't call me that. Coming from you, it sounds creepy." She wags her finger at you. "Just call me by my name."
"A weak point?!" You say loudly to yourself. "I reserve the right to use this new weapon as I deem fit."
"Sure, and I reserve the right to kick you out whenever I feel like it."
"Ouch. Don't be like that. Friends don't treat friends like that."
"Friend? You're just a miserably little worm." She smirks and narrows her eyes. "You don't deserve any better."
"That's right." You play along. "I'm an unworthy companion to the great and wonderful Kaguya, whose brilliance is only matched by her peerless beauty. I ought to kill myself. I've come so close to the perfection that is my splendorous lady, that life has no further meaning."
"You are to be spared from death." She commands in a mock-regal tone. "I have use of your flesh for a while more. You shall die when I wish you to and in my service."
"As you command." You bow your head.
About ten seconds pass before the both of you simultaneously burst into laughter.
"What the hell was that all about?" You ask.
"I have no idea." She laughs hard. "Seriously. It's one of those things that just happens for no reason."
"Yeah, well, it feels like a good omen to me. We should celebrate."
"How so?"
"I dunno."
"You're a genius." Kaguya says sarcastically.
"Hey, you know me, I don't work so well on short notice."
"I'm surprised you work at all." She takes a jab at you. "But let's not get into that. I say that you may be on to something. Today does seem like a perfect day for merriment and diversion."
"A gallon of ice cream and really bad movies?"
"Nah, I don't think they've made any new SEED movies."
"Wait, then what's 00?"
"Good point." She smiles. "But let's think bigger for now."
"What else can we do? Surely there's something fun we can come up with?"
"Well, there's always other people." You suggest.
"Oh yeah, they exist."
"Not only do they exist but, believe it or not, they can also be interacted with."
"Get out. Next thing you'll be telling me that you can actually communicate with other people."
"Nothing ever so ludicrous,
my princess." You watch her cringe with your words. Haha, she really doesn't like you calling her that. "I'm just saying that they can be a source of amusement."
"That's true. I've used certain prissy unfeminine tomboys as entertainment plenty of times before."
"Ah." You get a feeling that you know who she's talking about. "So you follow me?"
"Depends. Are you following yourself?"
"No. Not really." You admit. This whole conversation is surreal to begin with.
"Perfect." She finishes the rest of her tea in one gulp. "I guess that I'll leave the navigation up to you."
"You can count on me."
"Hardly. But do suggest something."
[] "How about going wild with junk food and not giving a damn about the consequences? Recklessness, debauchery, the works."
[] "I happen to know that a certain outsider just happens to be taking a break here, how about we play a nice trick on her?"
[] "I think Eirin could use a bit of an eye opener. Let's mess with her."
[] "I would,
dear princess, but I don't have that much time left for my break... maybe later."
Really shouldn't have taken me this long. But eh.
>>14603 Sorry about that, but I can't help living several timezones ahead of, well, everyone ever.