Majesty of Indigo servant Anonymous 2010/09/15 (Wed) 20:58 No. 22951 Ok. This is my first CYOA and I finaly got the huevos to atempt it so heres hopeing it all goes well. Write ins are more then welcome.
part 1: Off the rails
Your name is Makenzie Stuart, archeologist by profession and today is definately a bad day for you. Right now you are on the roof of a speeding train locked in a stare down with the man across from you. Austrian in decent ,his name is Wilhelm Heinrich and he has an artifact that belongs to you. This is not the first time this mad nobleman has crossed your path. Infact he is a bit of a nemesis of yours. In his hand is a thick cloth wraped around a very dangerous artifact. The Sessho-seki. "I must thank you once again for bestowing such a wonderful gift upon me herr Mack. I'll be sure to put it to good use." He gives a sickening smirk. It's times like this you wish you could just strangle him. "It's your move now boy. Surely you won't let an old man like me win so easly?"
Indeed it is your turn...but what will you do?
[x] Pick 1 melee weapon.
[x] write in.
Anonymous 2010/09/15 (Wed) 22:13 No. 22960 Might be good to grab a spellchecker.
Anonymous 2010/09/16 (Thu) 02:47 No. 22982 This is pretty uninteresting.
Anonymous 2010/09/16 (Thu) 03:07 No. 22983 [x] Fists of steel
[x] knight to E4
Anonymous 2010/09/16 (Thu) 05:28 No. 22987 [ø] A magically enchanted ornate dagger crafted by a certain alchemist.
[ø] Challenge Herr Heinrich to a duel.
if there aren't enough votes to fom a winning choice,
[ø] Whip
[ø] Knight to E4.
Also, I must agree that this s one kick-ass title.
Anonymous 2010/09/16 (Thu) 12:46 No. 23004 [x] Spellcards
-[x] Challenge him to a danmaku battle.
Heh, you want originality? How about a guy who knows about magic and danmaku BEFORE getting into Gensokyo?
TwittyandStrange !FaMOASNGCk 2010/09/16 (Thu) 12:53 No. 23005 [X] A pickaxe. You're a archeologist and you should have one.
[X] Chase after the Austrian, you must recover the artifact before all hell breaks loose.
Anonymous 2010/09/16 (Thu) 18:10 No. 23019 Glad to see I have some interest here. Calling vote and getting to work. Expect more soon.
Winner: [x] whip
[x] knight to E4
Anonymous 2010/09/16 (Thu) 18:40 No. 23022 Mack's status: HP:50/50
Gear: Whip, archeology kit, 3 bottles of water, 1 bag of beef jerky: Teriyaki, 1 miner's cap,1 spellcard, and 1 survival kit.
Spellcards: Unwavering sword [ Durandal ]
Staring this foe down Mack knew he would have to take him down fast and intelligently. He smiled slightly and took a massive risk but calculated risk and rushed along the very edge of the train to try and flank Heinrich. It had become almost like a routine game of chess for them but Heinrich was a delusional man who had convinced him-self he was a high ranking member of the SS and Mack was at one time just a run of the mill archeologist. This was far from a friendly game of chess and in the end one of them was going to die. Heinrich just stood by as Mack rushed at him and prepared for the battle to come...but then someone else decided to step in. The train shook un-naturally and rapidly started to be consumed by a large purple void Heinrich seemed confused as to why Mack had stopped rushing him and was wearing an expression of shock.
Anonymous 2010/09/16 (Thu) 20:49 No. 23033 [x] could be west
[X] Yes
All choices seem the same, so let's build a consensus quickly.
And music is always good.
Anonymous 2010/09/16 (Thu) 21:26 No. 23039 Ok. Adding BGM and typeing up the next part.
Anonymous 2010/09/16 (Thu) 22:03 No. 23042 Bugger. I just realized I accidently changed perspective. Oh well. seems like as good a direction as any. You can't even be 100% sure it is west but you walk regardless. There are few defining features here. Every once in a while there will be a broken timber or a few shattered bones. After a while you come to what seems to be a makeshift camp. A long burned out fire at it's center and a tattered tent near it several logs are around the fire and there is a small pile of wood. You can just make out what seems to be a foot locker in the tent. There is a small bundle near one of logs you immediately recognize. It's the Sessho-seki! A faint chill is in the air and you cannot sake the feeling someone is watching you. Maybe there is something of use in this camp?
[X] write in.
Anonymous 2010/09/17 (Fri) 03:03 No. 23063 Status and Inventory are go. I'll wait a bit before I call the vote though.
Inventory: Whip, archeology kit, 3 bottles of water, an engraved stone necklace(equip, Effect:???), 1 bag of beef jerky: Teriyaki, 1 miner's cap w/ head lamp (battery:50%), 1 spellcard, and 1 survival kit.
Race: Human
Hunger: Not hungry
Thirst: Mild
Anonymous 2010/09/17 (Fri) 05:13 No. 23064 [x] Look around for useful items and food.
[x] Examine Sessho-seki.
Anonymous 2010/09/17 (Fri) 05:27 No. 23066 Calling vote.
[x] Look around for useful items and food.
[x] Examine Sessho-seki.
Anonymous 2010/09/18 (Sat) 07:17 No. 23108 [x] "Hello."
[x] "Is there something on my face?"
[x] Introduce yourself with a bow.
[x] "And your name is?"
[x] "Where are we? And how did I get here?"
[x] "What was that light?"
[x] "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what exactly are you? I can tell you're not human by your appearance."
Here's my shot on this.
Anonymous 2010/09/19 (Sun) 17:09 No. 23181 [ø] "Hello."
[ø] Introduce yourself with a bow.
[ø] "Who are you and where are we?"
Anonymous 2010/09/24 (Fri) 01:17 No. 23379 I suppose i've waited long enough for votes.
Calling it.
[X] "Hello."
[X] Introduce yourself with a bow.
[X] "Who are you and where are we?"
Since it is a tie I picked at random.
Anonymous 2010/09/26 (Sun) 03:51 No. 23473 You look at her in surprise for a moment before speaking. "Umm...hello." You can't help but feel the need to do a bit of a bow as well. You can't be sure why. It just feels right. She just smiles a little and gives a slight bow as well. She starts to speak. " あなたはそうですか? いいえ。..けれどもあなたは彼の血液ラインであるに違いありません。.. いずれにしてもそれはあなたを友人にします。.." ... It's a good thing you know Japanese pretty well otherwise this could be a lot harder. Translation: "Are you? must be of his blood line though... In any case that makes you a friend..." well that doesn't help you confusion... you need answers though. You hope these will get you some. "Excuse me..but who are you...and where the hell are we? I'm kind of confused right now."
She smiles for a little and sighs. "My name is Tamamo-No-Mae. To be honest...I think your just as lost as I am." she gives a sweet if half-hearted smile but your blood runs she the same one from the tales? Is it possible she might have hostile intent?
As a bit of a mythology and folklore buff the name is definitely familiar. What are you going to do now?
[X] Panic!
[X] Try not to freak out. Lets play it cool and maybe we can get some more answers.
[X] Disbelieve. We clearly have suffered some serious head trauma or something.
[X] write in
Anonymous 2010/09/26 (Sun) 05:48 No. 23477 [X] Try not to freak out. Lets play it cool and maybe we can get some more answers.
Anonymous 2010/10/01 (Fri) 03:32 No. 23642 [X] Inquire about the necklace.
[X] Protect the Sessho-seki.
Anonymous 2010/10/02 (Sat) 00:39 No. 23670 Ok. I think I've given this enough time. Writing the next segment. I will try to get to the main portion of the CYOA soon enough. Remember, I am happy to answer questions and I gladly accept constructive feedback.
Anonymous 2010/10/02 (Sat) 03:02 No. 23675 you stranded in an abandon Russian military camp with a presumably several thousand year old demon fox that supposedly almost killed an emperor and could just as easily kill you. One mistake and your dead. No sweat right? It could be risky but if you play the cards right you might be able to benefit from this. Instinctively you snatch up the cloth wrapped artifact and put it in your satchel. It's death dealing powers could be devastating in the wrong hands. She doesn't seem to mind much. It's time to ask some questions... " let me get this a full blown kitsune that somehow knows one of my ancestors and where apparently on good terms with them. Care to elaborate? " She smiles lightly and seems to be lost in thought. " Just a kindly priest I once knew in a previous life. We where...close. I can't really say much else at the moment." She snaps back into focus. "In any case you are here for an important reason. I can tell just by looking at you... I am sure it will become clear in due time."
You can't help but frown at this. It answers little and makes more questions.
"Well then what about this necklace? Care to share some info on that?"
She stares at it and frowns a little. "I would seem I am in a sort of binding contract. Basically I'm going to be helping you with...something... In return I get full freedom and return of all my powers. Seems fair enough I suppose. He must have been preparing for this day..." It's your turn to frown now. "So wait...Basically you're my servant?" She scoffs at this. "Hardly. I'm just here to assist you. You really can't order me around...I think I can do something for you right now though." She waves a hand and suddenly several spell cards appear in it. She fans them out and holds them towards you. "Take your pick. Chances are you will need it here. If you're feeling up to it we can have a practice match as well."
Which card?:
[ ] left (brown with a gold compass rose)
[ ] middle (white with gold trim)
[ ] right (white with red flame)
[ ] ???(Mystery option)
Practice match?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
Anonymous 2010/10/02 (Sat) 03:25 No. 23676 >your!=you're
please look out for those.
[ø] middle (white with gold trim)
This or the mystery option sound good
Anonymous 2010/10/03 (Sun) 17:31 No. 23715 [x] left (brown with a gold compass rose)
[x] No
Anonymous 2010/10/04 (Mon) 23:15 No. 23746 [x] middle (white with gold trim)
Anonymous 2010/10/07 (Thu) 08:07 No. 23798 [X] Focus on dodging her shots more then hitting her
First card
[X] 1st tail [ Will o' wisp storm]
Anonymous 2010/10/09 (Sat) 11:46 No. 23868 Strategy
[X] Focus on dodging her shots more then hitting her
First card
[X] 1st tail [ Will o' wisp storm]
Anonymous 2010/10/10 (Sun) 05:23 No. 23882 Strategy
[ø] Focus on dodging her shots more then hitting her
First card
[ø] 1st tail [ Will o' wisp storm]
Anonymous 2010/10/14 (Thu) 00:20 No. 23967 calling vote.
[X] Focus on dodging her shots more then hitting her
First card
[X] 1st tail [ Will o' wisp storm]
Anonymous 2011/01/15 (Sat) 04:07 No. 24900 Hi there. Author of Sufficiently Advanced Science here. Since this story has been inactive for so long I think i'll take over it.
Kinda seems a waste to just let it rot.
Hopefuly we can expect an update soon.
TNinja 2011/01/15 (Sat) 06:50 No. 24905 [X] Run into the fog head first heading due east. Better to increase your chances of actually finding someone.