IRC Story Time Mystia !zkD5V186A2 2009/02/26 (Thu) 07:13 No. 14373 ▼ File 123563599126.jpg - (108.00KB, 800x600 , Yukari1.jpg)
Sometimes I write stories, on the spot, in #MiG. This is one of them...
One day. The last day I remember clearly anymore. We kissed on top of the hill. Our hill.
And then you left.
I knew you had to. I knew it had to be this way. But I wanted to follow.
I wanted to break the rules of this crazy world.
To destroy the border.
But nothing could change my status. Born with it, I was doomed to die with it.
But you my faithful love. You weren't bound by anything.
You were a person opposed to borders and laws and anything and everything the world put in your way.
And for the life of me you made me feel more free than I had ever felt before.
My heart was a bird singing your praises. My life a shadow before your sunlight came.
And now on my deathbed, my only wish is that I could break the border between me and you...
WheReEveR YOu aRE