Blazing Vangogh !pxywJVH8T2 2008/12/20 (Sat) 05:52 No. 13481 ▼ File 122975596331.jpg - (15.76KB, 343x275 , Well its kinda related.jpg)
[x] Play a prank on her. Have Luize and yourself talk about eating her
This was the perfect time to let your inner demon have a little fun for once, so you hatch a plan to play a little prank on that eavesdropping devil, at least then it'll teach her to not spy on others. You turn to Luize and get er attention to let her in on your little scheme, you're going to need her for this in order to really sell it after all.
"Hey Luize" You whisper leaning close to her ears to which she perks up and looks over now having your full attention. "I think we should play a little trick on Elis, you know to teach her a little lesson." This might take a while, being you're aware of Luize's polite demeanor, that being said she may not really want to be an accomplice in a prank such as the one your cooking up.
"Sure, why not, Elis does need to be taught a bit of a lesson about eavesdropping~" Luize mused with a smile, which you were a bit surprised at. But, it seems that although Luize may be polite she does retain her demonic instinct to be a little naughty at times. "So, what did you have in mind, Mr. Ghost?"
"Oh, nothin' much just a little mind game is all" You answer as you lean a bit closer to Luize in order to keep your plan secret "It goes a little something like this: We're just walking along and we start talking, but we're not talking in normal conversation, instead we're talking about eating Elis"
So with your plans laid out, you set them in motion by continuing on as you have been, not making any sudden real sudden movements that could arouse Elis' suspicions. Both you and Luize remain quite for about 5 minutes, when you feel a prescense following behind you, you're sure this is Elis so now is the time to set it off. You glance to Luize and she nods discreetly as she starts off the prank "You know Mr. Ghost, I don't really know what you're favorite food is, do you think you can tell me?"
"Sure, I don't see why not" You reply with a smile "I do like snack foods and stuff like that, but I'm more of a MEAT eater if you catch my drift"
"Oh, I see you're a carnivorous demon~" "Well, what types of meat do you prefer?"
"Oh the usual; beef, pork, dragon meat..." You pause for a few seconds "Devil"
"Devil you say?" Luize perks up in false curiosity, she's proving to be really good at this sort of thing.
"Yeah, I love me some devil meat, it has a taste that I can't quite describe, but that maks it all the more better"
"I see, that's quite the interesting taste you have, Mr. Ghost" "In fact, I know of someone who might can help you get a hold of some quality Devil Meat"
"Do you now? Do tell"
"Her name's Elis and she herself is a Devil" "If you wish to dine on quality Devil Meat then Elis should prove to be a fine meal indeed"
"Thanks I'll keep that in mind, by the way do you like Devil Meat, I know it's a little awkward asking you..."
"Oh not all, I myself am a bit of a closet fan of Devil Meat, but I've never been able to go through with eating one being I always thought I was the only demon who favored it" "Maybe we could perhaps, catch Elis together? I'm aware of her weaknesses so we could easily catch her for dinner"
"A-HAH!" A voice rang out from behind you, turning around you come to see Elis standing behind you, her finger pointing to you accusingly and a look of utter shock and terror glued onto her face. "I KNEW you were no good, talking about eating an Innocent Devil like me, AND trying to drag Luize down to your level, what the hell's wrong with you!" Before you can even start gloating to her, Elis turns face and spreads her demonic wings as she prepares to take off "That's it, I WAS going to give you the benefit of the doubt but you blew it, I'm telling Miss Shinki on you!"
"Relax, Elis" Luize spoke surpressing a giggle "We were just playing a harmless prank on you, nothing more"
Elis halts mid jump and blinks as these words pass her ears "Wha?" She settles back to the ground below her and turns to reveal her expression of disbelief "You mean just now...when you both were talking..."
"Yep, all a trick." You add in, crossing your arms as you smirk to her, knowing you've pretty much won this one. "I may not approve of how you've been following us up til now but I don't think I'd eat you for it" "Besides, I like Beef more than any of that stuff I mentioned"
Elis remains completely still, the bottom of her left eye twitching slightly as her features give way from astonishment to a mixture of anger and embarassment in only a few seconds time "Well you didn't have to scare me like that!" Elis shouted her face tinged red from the fact that she had been duped by someone she thought wasn't capable of fooling her at first. "And I can't believe you ent along with it, Luize, I thought you were polite?"
"I am, but eavesdropping, however, is not" Luize replied matter of factly, while she shook her head "I'm sure Miss Shinki sent you to keep an eye on Mr. Ghost for obvious reasons, but you could have at least told him you were going to be following him, invading one's privacy is a bad thing to do, Elis"
"Fine, fine I shouldn't have spied on you, and I won't do it again, happy?" That was a really crude apology, so obviously you get ready to speak up about this that is before Luize cuts in and looks to you as if saying 'That's her way of apologizing, let it be'. "Yes, thank you Elis" She says giving Elis a kind smile "Now, we were just on our way to Shinki's palace would you like to come with us?"
"Yeah, I was heading in the direction anyways" Elis spoke as she walked toward Luize "It's good to see you back by the way"
The remainder of the journey is filled with the chatters of Luize and Elis, as the both of them wasted no breathe in catching up with one another. Most of their conversations were on the subject of lady-like things that you weren't too concearned of to be honest, but, that's not saying you weren't paying attention to what was being said. You made sure to keep your hearing sharp for any extra info on Makai and Shinki that you didn't know of. So far very little came up, but you did find out that the individual Elis went to visit went by the name of Sariel who was a resident in Makai and was currently tasked with watching over Pandemonium - 1 for anything that proved hostile, but otherwise she didn't appear to interact with the other denizens of Makai being Luize appeared to know a little less about her then Elis did. In fact it as stated that Sariel rarely ventures to Shinki's palace, the only time she does is a signal of a looming crisis.